If Aaron pissed you off in PMs, that -- by nature -- takes away from anything positive he might have said in public, right? Likewise, if someone is posting under a variation of Frank Trollman's name, with multiple links to Frank Trollman's posts or leaked documents, then -- regardless of whether it's "sock puppetry" or not -- it comes off in a certain light, and makes it easy to want to ignore that person as a troll.
Okay, yes, that is quite in your face. I don't defend that person and I don't think it is really helping. Hoewever, it's a bad thing to insinuate I, or really anyone here, is behind this. Odds are they'Re not (it's one person and it's just as probable it's a Gaming Den person, rather than soemone who's majorly active on Dumpshock).
I am not even saying this is not trolling you, and you should heed what that person says.
But not everyone criticising war is that person.
It all goes both ways, and I'm just standing here wishing everyone could keep it a little more civil, so that the respective messages don't get lost in the noise.
Yes, that'd be good. People like Aaron popping in and adding fuel to the fire, apparently because they think that's fun, rather than examine their writing, neither shows them as very insightful people, nor helps anything. Sure, I was very harsh, and at least on the first day way over the line, which got me a very deserved warning for trolling. However, neither was every critic, nor does that make War! in any way a better product (and no matter how much people like Aaron delude themselves, there's not much praise for War! to go around anywhere).
If any one writer comes off as arrogant and dismissive, suddenly all writers are said to be showing an arrogant and dismissive attitude.
All who post about it in the open I know about are (well, David Hill ... maybe he was just incredibly clumsy and ingorant and stupid. Maybe.). If there was, say, Filamena Young or anyone else here and would be responding in a calmer manner - like you are - that would surely help.
When someone accuses you of being a Nazi sympathizer, for instance, it takes away from any honest message they have about liking or disliking your writing.
I do not do this lightly, believe me. It's a damning accusation, where I come from probably far more than in America (maybe like ... being called an atheist socialist?). It's just, Hot Spots is so
full of incredibly bad stuff, it's really hard
not to really, really wonder about the author's intentions.
Maybe this is a case of cultural misunderstanding. Sure, my own cultural background makes me biased. But I do
not call people Nazis lightly. Auschwitz in itself as a setting wouldn't necessarily have sufficed, there even was a very well done concept of an Auschwitz run involving a nazi pen charegd with camp fury here. The way it is treated though is sickening. The 'explanation' and the gypsy massacre, even more so. This reflects on David. In a very, very bad way.
If you, as an author, do think gypsy massacres and Auschwitz the forbidden tomb make for fun, light hearted, good stories for a tabletop game, maybe there
is something wrong with you.