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Eyeless Blond
As I understand it, we just have to leave no trace that *we* were there, so that they assume either she escaped on her own or she had such good help that it wouldn't be a good idea to try and track them. smile.gif
Shanshu Freeman
It's my understanding that aside from the package being absent, which would be noticed eventually, no other pieces of evidence.

Unless some else speaks up, let's do this.

QUOTE (Talia Invierno @ Apr 16 2005, 04:31 PM)
Anyone else, or do I go with what's been said?

Re Angel:

I'm also reminded that Angel had misinterpreted Cordelia's vision at least once before, thereby killing another demon who'd also chosen the path of redemption.  (Remember the medieval court?)  What's coming out, often, is that (from Angel's pov) if he can't deal with something, no one possibly could -- but is this necessarily true?  In his personality, Angel also comes across as intensely jealous, possessive, territorial, and a stalker: any or all of which might cast suspicion on the validity of his judgement as to what he personally "has" to do.

Yeah, I remember the episode... He killed a champion that was protecting that pregnant woman because he thought it was attacking her.
Then he had to represent her in jousting.

Angel takes responsibility for everything... if he leaves something up to someone else, he's concerned they frag it up and it's his fault because he didn't step in. He wants something done right, he does it himself. If he stands by and lets someone else take care of a problem and frag it up, or get hurt themselves, he's committed a sin of omission.

as for his territoriality, you're right. I think he speaks better for himself than I can. here's the quote I was looking for:

From the episode Sanctuary
Buffy: Do you have any idea what it was like for me to see you with her? That you went behind my back...
Angel: Buffy, this wasn't about you. This was about saving somebody's soul. That's what I do here, and you're not a part of it. That was your idea, remember? We stay away from each other.
Buffy: I came here because you were in danger.
Angel: I'm in danger every day. You came here because of Faith. You were looking for vengeance.
Buffy: I have a right to it.
Angel: Not in my city.
Buffy: I have someone in my life now. That I love. It's not what you and I had. It's very new. You know what makes it new? I trust him. I know him.
Angel: That's great. It's nice, you moved on. I can't. You found someone new. I'm not allowed to, remember? I see you again it cuts me up inside and the person I share that with is me! You don't know me anymore. So don't come down here with your great new life and *expect* me to do things your way. Go home!

Ultimately, I'm not sure a person can sign away something that isn't theirs. Not yet anyway, and besides, if the Powers That Be want Angel to Shanshu, he's gonna Shanshu, regardless of any pieces of paper he signs here on Earth with entities that may or may not exist when the dust settles. But I've been wrong regarding Angel before. biggrin.gif
Talia Invierno
I'll give it until Sunday in case anyone wants to question/add/change anything, then (assuming RL cooperates) I'll write up the results of what seems to be the agreed-upon course of action.

Re Angel:

And that episode iirc was followed by Angel's apology to Buffy, on the other show. (She doesn't much seem to care for other people making her choices for her.) But this is particularly interesting:
if the Powers That Be want Angel to Shanshu, he's gonna Shanshu, regardless of any pieces of paper he signs here on Earth with entities that may or may not exist when the dust settles.

Doesn't free will and personal choice get any space? saved or damned completely based on what's been destined?
Eyeless Blond
No, not really. God pretty much knows how everything's gonna turn out in the end; we're the only ones who get to think we have choices simply because we haven't seen what lies beyond them yet.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Talia Invierno @ Apr 22 2005, 03:39 PM)

Doesn't free will and personal choice get any space? saved or damned completely based on what's been destined?

Free will is one thing... but the choices we make might still bring about that which we seek to avoid. Then we get into causality.
Here's something I wrote in an assignment for school:

I believe humanity has an astoundingly limited perspective, considering the meta-cognition we are capable of. Our experiences are limited to what we can touch, see, hear, taste, and smell first hand. Time is to humanity as a maze is to a lab rat. The rat can only see the walls that surround it, while the experimenter, looking down upon this maze from her vantage point, can see the path that lies before the rat, and how that rat got there. I believe if the restriction of time was removed, we would be far less limited in our understanding of metaphysics.

As far as Angel's specific choice and free will is concerned, you raise a good point. On one hand, he works for the PTB, and with all the shit he did when he was bad, he still hasn't balanced it by doing good the past ten years or so, so he's not in any position to demand much. Then again, they've done him favors, letting the Oracles turn back the clock, etc. But the Oracles refused doing it to save Doyle.
Maybe it was in their plan for Angel to sign it away, so it was a benevolent gift when they bestowed it upon him later... after all they couldn't let him have a sense of entitlement, like he'd earned it. Once he'd read the Shanshu prophesy he was bound to expect it. It's like a Christmas bonus at work. When you begin to expect it, it's no longer a bonus. That's something I always hated in Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation.

We're free to make all the choices we want, but the Powers That Be, can still know what we'll choose before we do, and plan for it, arranging things to work out the way they want.

Ultimately, I say, despite all his rage, Angel is still just a rat in a cage.
Crusher Bob
... All the blood, it come out of my ear.

Of course we could argue that that free will is a matter of mathematical perspective... The photo-electric effect proves predestination, the wave interference test proves free-will. But this seems to have little to do with Shadowrun.

Talia Invierno
And yet, oddly enough, the free will/reward for good deeds dichotomy has everything to do with the tone of an individual Shadowrun game ... and a lot to do with the perceived degree of player personal control over a character's destiny. I know we were talking within the context of a television show, but what's being said here seems to suggest that the current views seem to be shifting toward a total lack of control over one's own fate -- in which case what's the point of doing "good" or doing "evil" anyway?
Eyeless Blond
Basically there is none, really either way. Doing "good" doesn't inherently get you anything because if you're doing "good" to get stuff you're not doing "good", you're doing a job. smile.gif At the same level, doing "bad" won't get you anything in the end either, 'cause anything you'd gain in this life can't be taken with you, despite what the Egyptians wanted to try with their giant pyramids. smile.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
And yet, oddly enough, the free will/reward for good deeds dichotomy has everything to do with the tone of an individual Shadowrun game ... and a lot to do with the perceived degree of player personal control over a character's destiny. I know we were talking within the context of a television show, but what's being said here seems to suggest that the current views seem to be shifting toward a total lack of control over one's own fate -- in which case what's the point of doing "good" or doing "evil" anyway?

If there is no great glorious end to all this, if nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. 'cause that's all there is. What we do, now, today.

Angel - Epiphany
Talia Invierno
Solitaire gets her three commands strung together. You didn't specify, but I'd assume (1) they'd take the one elevator straight to the tenth floor; (2) slow the other elevator enough for Ghost and Juliana to get to the bird and get clear; and (3) continue the camera/motion detector looping to end shortly after those two are clear. It raises the security tally by two, activating the next level of defensive IC, which she dodges handily but increases the security tally by one more in the process. Three is still less than her net successes, so the command set stays up.

No unwelcome surprises on the tenth floor. General sighs of relief. Delay getting from tenth floor to roof due to Ghost's and Juliana's physical condition. (Wiggling through a roof vent at serious +'s to TNs isn't fun.) If Solitaire hadn't written in a delay to the other elevator in parallel, there would have been serious problems. As it is, Ghost and Juliana are safely away. Interesting point: it's being rigged, but it seems Juliana knows how to work one of these.

Advent is able to release the tap a bit earlier than he expected he'd be able to, because of the delay in the other guards getting to the roof. The walker drones have to be abandoned in the ventilation ducts: no way can they all be retrieved before the secguards reach the roof. Advent sticks them in an out-of-the-way ventilation corner somewhere, and hopes that they won't be found before the team can get back to retrieve them. Maybe the air elemental helped out, here? Eyeless Blond was suggesting something like that, last page. Er -- I mean "Blondie". I'll try to remember that in future smile.gif

The getaway plan is in operation wrt Solitaire, Advent, Ghost, Juliana, and Trogdor's body.

Diamond has a problem. Multiple potshots and knives when it becomes obvious that he's bolting (being cool about it, of course -- but "cool" comes with difficulty in this area, and comes across as even more suspicious than it might otherwise be). Two knives land for net L damage; three pistol shots which make it through after visibility and movement modifiers work out to M damage each after armored clothing TN reductions. Advent sees Diamond go down. (On the plus side, such as it is, neither gang seems to have had a mage.) His trying to depart becomes the catalyst which brings both gangs into full combat with each other. Now that he's down, they're ignoring him; and he's now in the clear.

Trogdor will still be awol by the time you reach the medicine lodge. Er -- that is, are you going straight there, or are you waiting safely out of range in order to pick up the drones before you take off?
Crusher Bob
QUOTE (Talia Invierno @ Apr 23 2005, 11:08 PM)
... and a lot to do with the perceived degree of player personal control over a character's destiny...

Ah, a discussion of free will in the context of role-playing games, that is a completely different subject and thus, is discussable on this board. grinbig.gif
I'll see what I can come up with after work.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Crusher Bob)
QUOTE (Talia Invierno @ Apr 23 2005, 11:08 PM)
... and a lot to do with the perceived degree of player personal control over a character's destiny...

Ah, a discussion of free will in the context of role-playing games, that is a completely different subject and thus, is discussable on this board. grinbig.gif
I'll see what I can come up with after work.

Well, now that we have *your* permission, thank the PTB, I guess we can continue!

nyahnyah.gif jk

Anyway, *bump* 'cause it sounds like it's SHOWTIME!!!!1one </big O>
Talia Invierno
Was seriously rushed when I wrote that last bit, but I wanted to get it done. A bit of expansion on Diamond's situation:

Two pistol shots (M each)
The first two pistol shots came from the gang leader's gun, which he had been holding concealed on Diamond ever since the situation started getting out of hand and Diamond (and their payoff) started showing signs of suddenly taking off. The first was a clean hit, the second came within one success of being staged down to an L. So that's the first held action.

One knife stab (L)
The second held action came from the gang leader's lieutenants, who were on edge already and who were more focused toward Diamond because of their leader's focus. When their leader acted, so did they. Diamond managed to avoid the cyberspurs entirely -- remember, he'd spotted them earlier? -- but only managed to counter the knife back down to a L. At this point Diamond has no combat pool left.

The shots spur the entire gang into attacking; and with that the other gang surges forward as well ... which counts as another held action. Still in the same round, heck, still in the same phase:

One pistol shot (M)
A bunch of pistols were pulled out at this point and aimed wildly at targets. One of those targets was Diamond. One lucky shot hit -- and he has no combat pool left at this point.

At this point Diamond is down. The guy with a knife sticks it in him a last time -- yes, as he's lying on the ground -- as the gang sweeps by him and past him. And after that, they ignore Diamond, and are in full-pitched battle with the other gang. No one's even stopped to loot him.

One option Diamond does have is to perma-burn a karma pool point for one extra success, which would get that one pistol shot down to an L, and would make the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness. But that's a snap decision ... and at that point Diamond still thought he was getting away. But if you decide he'd have burned it ...?
Eyeless Blond
frown.gif Well, like I said, he shouldn't have been there in the first place. I dunno about you, but if I were on that team I'd be tempted to firebomb the whole damn gang after that little shitstorm there. This ain't even a matter of doublecrossing the Johnson after the run; this is more like geeking the Johnson during the first meet. I certainly hope after that little spectacle that every one of Diamond's 20 contacts and possibly their friends descend on that gang like a plague of locusts; talk about stabbing the hand that feeds you, yeesh.

Anyway, Diamond at *least* wasn't actually carrying any cred on him at the time, was he? Now that would have been *really* stupid.
Talia Invierno
Can I point out that he's not dead yet? that Advent is perfectly aware of what happened; and (once again) that Diamond is currently being ignored by everyone? That last, by itself, should indicate that this isn't really a rational situation ... just in case all the other environmental cues didn't bring it across ...?
Eyeless Blond
Hm, good point, though from Advent and Solitaire's points of view he just got geeked for no good reason (remember they're fairly well out of range of the effect of this place, well we hope anyway.) And my point still stands: he never should've been there in the first place. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, we still ought to get him out of there; surging riots aren't a great place to take a nap; as many people die from being trampled as from actual fighting in those kinds of crowds. At least Solitaire's Biotech skill plus task pool should let us know he's still alive, as she should have fairly easy access to camera feeds from Advent's eye in the sky. The question is, do we break cover and go in now to pick him up, or trust in the luck that seems to be very quickly deserting us that he doesn't get crushed under the heels of the teeming masses and maintail cover? And, if we do decide on the later, how do we later pick up the body?
Shanshu Freeman
Well, what's done is done.

I'm no happier about the gang leaders punking on us than you are, but we can make sure they get theirs later. (after all, there's no percentage in grudges. but I'm definitly with you on the payback. maybe we'll even cut the opposing gang that didn't shank us a bonus in cred or weapons or something. make a point, and some new friends in the process)
I think we should get Diamond out asap, and not leave anything to chance. I'm not sure what the best way to do that is, though.
Eyeless Blond, Crusher Bob, what do you think?
Eyeless Blond
Agreed, we definately need to get him out of there. Should we (potentially) blow our cover with the warwagon though? How large is this gang war?
Is charging in really going to blow the cover? It'll just be a van slamming into a gang war. It could belong to either gang.
Shanshu Freeman
Do we still have some ghosties on call? Can they yank him into the van?
Eyeless Blond
Yeah sure, just get Diamond to call 'em in... biggrin.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Yeah sure, just get Diamond to call 'em in... biggrin.gif

haha, of course. sorry.

ugh... any way to prod diamond concious enough to do it?

I would think, if I had to be in such a bad situation, like I couldn't avoid being in a certain place, and I was being shanked, I'd have the presence of mind to ask Casper to get my ass out of there.
Crusher Bob
Heh, knew I should have shelled out for a trauma damper in the design phase, it would have reduce that meat grinder to serious physical and moderate(4) stun. Of course, I tend to avoid them these days as they are soo cheesy...

Sign, and the forums always seem to be down by the time I get off work, so no writing about free will yet.

Since it sounds like Ghost and the package don't need any more help to get away, so best get the van moving up.

Hmm, how well can you use etiquettea nd negotiations when rigging an anthroform drone? The rigger/face who does his negotiations via a drone might be an interesting idea.
Talia Invierno
Is charging in really going to blow the cover?

I'll say that none of the gangers have a vehicle like that. As to whether or not a secguard might expect a vehicle like that to turn up in such a fight: as always, that's a judgement call, the results of which can't be known for sure until after it's done. (Welcome to the thread, Garland smile.gif )

Are any of the other situation-related questions solid enough even for me to be answering them? So far, you seem to be answering most of them well enough for yourselves ... although maybe I should just remind of the two possibilities for what happens to a non-ally conjured spirit when its conjurer falls unconscious.
Thanks. Lurked long, this is the first time I really had much to add.

Anyway, whether or not anyone watching would connect the van to either gang is really kind of a moot point. The guards watching the fight will probably just see this big melee and then out of nowhere this van crashes the party. If it's done right, it might not even be apparent that the van is pulling someone out. The guards will be watching, getting worried, and then probably saying "what the hell is this about?"

I don't think this is blowing the cover because there's nothing to connect the van to what will inevitably be discovered to have gone wrong on the inside. If they make the connection after that, so what?

I say we go in for Diamond, and fast. Treat the betrayers "preferentially" when choosing targets.

Oh, and what his spirits do is really on him right now. We can't count on any specific result there.
Eyeless Blond
Agreed. Sounds like the best option to me. We should hold off the Lone Star call until after picking up Diamond.

One possible issue though is that we don't know how the gangers will react to the van pulling up and actually opening. Will they attack Solitaire and Advent? Can that be prevented? How do we get Diamond into the van after getting it there?
The van could try to establish itself as being for one gang or the other. This is why I suggested that if anyone has to die, it should be betrayers. While the other gang isn't going to have a clue what's going on, fire from them should be fairly scattered if the damage seems to be falling on their opponents.

What I'm really hoping for is that the whole thing will be fast enough, and surprising and shocking enough, that there won't be an appreciable response quick enough to really cause damage. If Diamond is snatched quickly and the van closed again, the gangers can pummel the war wagon all they want while the group drives away. I admit that this is only a hope (a reasonable one I think) but we're in a situation where we're running out of options that are both certain and palatable.

As for actually grabbing Diamond, someone's going to have to jump out/reach out and grab him. Solitaire, I assume, since Advent is going to be driving.
Eyeless Blond
With what, her Strength of 2? we're gonna need something else to at least help, if not do the work for her. Did Diamond even get the Levitate spell off, or did he manage to get retaliated against before his action? Or he could get one of his air elementals to carry him, maybe. Not that it matters if he's unconscious, I guess. Does any of the rigger's drones have a mechanical arm to use here?

How much are we getting paid for this run again? biggrin.gif
Whoa, somehow overlooked that on the charsheet. Hmmm... she doesn't have to carry him, just drag him aboard.

"Not enough" is the answer, as always. biggrin.gif
Eyeless Blond
Oh, and one more question: does the warwagon have a cowcatcher? biggrin.gif
Shanshu Freeman
I guess I'm most worried about the van and our people getting jacked if they move in to pull out our guy. Could Solitaire control the van and let Advent yank Diamond in? I'm thinking one of those pop the door, holding a gun, grab Diamond one-handed and drag him in kinda things. I don't know what he was wearing for the ganger fight, probably more or less street clothes, nicer then average, but good enough to help him fit in? In our runs, our team usually wears combat vests, the ones with pockets and an "oh shit" handle between the shoulder blades. They come in handy more often than you'd think, but this probably isn't the situation for them.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond)
Oh, and one more question: does the warwagon have a cowcatcher? biggrin.gif

naw, let's just paste those guys that crossed us. like the other poster says "preferential treatment" cool.gif
Anybody have a smoke grenade to provide some concealment while trying to get him out? Or maybe a flash grenade to temporarily blind those nearby?
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Slacker)
Anybody have a smoke grenade to provide some concealment while trying to get him out? Or maybe a flash grenade to temporarily blind those nearby?

good idea. I don't have their gear lists handy. flash bangs should be more or less standard gear, especially if we have a war wagon on hand, it'd be fairly easy to have piddly stuff like that with us. But I don't know if we specifically are carrying any.
Talia Invierno
Things Ghost has are on the second page of this thread smile.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
Things Ghost has are on the second page of this thread smile.gif

Awesome. Can we signal Ghost to light up our lives as we make our move into the crowd?
Crusher Bob
At somewhere between 7-9 boxes of Stun, she is doing good to walk in a straight line.
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Crusher Bob @ Apr 29 2005, 04:36 AM)
At somewhere between 7-9 boxes of Stun, she is doing good to walk in a straight line.

well, she won't need to focus on more than one thing. like walking and chewing gum. she basically just needs to drop it in the crowd right? she's still airborne with the Package in one of those glidey thingies, right?

or if her modifiers are too high to accurately drop something in a crowd, maybe she can ask the Package to do it for her.

edit: CB, I think you're right about the stun being pretty heavy. maybe the Package can do it?
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman @ Apr 29 2005, 12:10 AM)
QUOTE (Crusher Bob @ Apr 29 2005, 04:36 AM)
At somewhere between 7-9 boxes of Stun, she is doing good to walk in a straight line.

well, she won't need to focus on more than one thing. like walking and chewing gum. she basically just needs to drop it in the crowd right? she's still airborne with the Package in one of those glidey thingies, right?

or if her modifiers are too high to accurately drop something in a crowd, maybe she can ask the Package to do it for her.

edit: CB, I think you're right about the stun being pretty heavy. maybe the Package can do it?

I don't know about that idea. I think it is too risky to have him flying over the gangs with the Package, while the sec guards are watching.

That would be a bit obvious wouldn't it?

I'd say have him land and give the grenades to another member to do the tossing. I mean even with 0 successes a standard grenade only scatters 1d6 meters. So it's not like you have to have much skill to use them.

Also, I think somebody flying around on a drone could not possibly be considered part of a standarad gang by any stretch of the imagination. If we were worried about letting the van rush into the gangwar, how could we even consider this?
Eyeless Blond
Well we could just go in there and unload about 200 gel rounds, supressive-style, over the area around Diamond. That would probably get everyone to back away pretty quick, and not be *much* louder than flashbands and smoke grenades.

And that's our next upgrade for those tanks, btw, if we can fit it: a grenade launcher.
Let's not drop, throw, launch or otherwise move grenades into the vicinity of the nearly-dead comrade. Just sayin'.
Flash (not Flashbang) or Smoke grenades wouldn't be a problem. They can't injure him any. That is why I suggest them specifically.

I would say suppressive fire over the whole area would indicate a third party too strongly, but I could be wrong.
I'd say have him land and give the grenades to another member to do the tossing. I mean even with 0 successes a standard grenade only scatters 1d6 meters. So it's not like you have to have much skill to use them.

Where are we going to have them landing? Given that we don't want the guards to see them, so we're probably talking a block or two away. Also, would actually be using the warwagon to pick up the face give away that the runners were involved in the extraction?
Shanshu Freeman
edit: wait, I'm retarded, nevermind.
Crusher Bob
Does the warwagon have the pattern changing paint? We could change it to look like a DocWagon or similar ambulance...
Talia Invierno
Being (meta)human, I'm suddenly very curious as to what you'd written, Shanshu biggrin.gif

The details of Advent's drones are on this page smile.gif The warwagon has just about everything except camouflage paint. What DocWagon ambulances look like, courtesy of Ral Partha (#20-549).

I burst out lol when I read what you'd written, Garland grinbig.gif
Eyeless Blond
Specifically here (gotta love the #entry feature) smile.gif
Talia Invierno
Showoff nyahnyah.gif
Shanshu Freeman
QUOTE (Talia Invierno)
Being (meta)human, I'm suddenly very curious as to what you'd written, Shanshu biggrin.gif

The details of Advent's drones are on this page smile.gif The warwagon has just about everything except camouflage paint. What DocWagon ambulances look like, courtesy of Ral Partha (#20-549).

I burst out lol when I read what you'd written, Garland grinbig.gif

well, I was congratulating everyone for considering subtletly.

then I got to wondering outloud, dropping a flashbang into the crowd would only give away our position to someone looking up at that altitude at that moment, right? and if they were looking up at that altitude at that moment, we were made anyway. Then I remembered something about you saying the elevators gave us time to get airborne and get clear, or something to that effect.
Talia Invierno
About a minute's worth, which should be sufficient for most practical purposes (unless you're staying in the area for some, oh, emergency purposes). And thank you: that summary was more than I had expected smile.gif
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