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Link to IC Blood of the People

For starters, we're looking for five spots, three of which are spoken for by RiggThis,Plan B and SinN. The game is SR4, set in 2070, Peublo Corporate Council/ Ute Territory. The game style is an investigation. Existing characters are an occult investigator and a rigger/hacker/face. Ironically, RiggThis is the mage, and SinN is the tech. Plan B is covering the More Magic Than You Know What To Do With playing a Cat Shaman runner. As this is a more mago-centric game though, that's ok (assuming her shoulder is kosher).

So if you're interested, first come first serve. It;s either that or toss a coin, and I already made a major game decision that way today.

<span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Cast of Shadows</span>
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I'm interested in this game. I'd like to play a scout/outdoorsy type (I have a concept in my head) if possible, though I have not made the character before hand. What else do you need to know?

The team will have been based out of Seattle, and done a couple of runs together. Just enough to not have to go through three IC pages of intros really. wink.gif That character type will work just fine. I prefer characters with strong back grounds, and their skills and such being tied in to it. They should be more than a stat sheet.

Also, 500BP for characters. Little detail there. The existing characters are in various stages of 'already got a few runs under the belt'. You won't all be created equal. That being said, play smart, not by dice, and you'll do just fine. smile.gif

Check out the first post of my In With The Family game for house rules.
I'm thinking Nix, elven mage.
Quick question - since we're at 500 bp, are yall changing the maximums for equipment and/or attributes (with respect to availability and number of bp spent?)
Nope. Everything else is the same. This just gives you space to round out a bit.
So it looks like you guys could use some combat ability. I have an idea former UCAS Marine Recon (ret.) vet, who worked with CID to investigate crimes on the battlefield. He's in his 30's Orky, and very level headed. An excellent leader type with guts and smarts.

To be in the 'first come first serve' what do we need, full character?
Here's Gunny

[ Spoiler ]
Ypu'll have to be our one alternate then Shodow my man. This game was started to bring in RiggThis, SinN, and Plan B all in to one online game, because they were all my old gaming group in Utah. Naturally the more the merrier but I really don't want to juggle six people. Quite honestly I don't know how you and Plan B handle so many characters at once.

Rob and RedJack were the first two up so they're the first two in, which gives me the five I needed. But as always seems to happen on the boards, someone usually drops, so you're our alternate. When I start a new run on the boards you'll be in the first slot though, so keep the character. I like well fleshed out back grounds too. I might be able to get room for you on IWTF (see above link) though in a little while. They'll be looking for some hired guns soon I expect. It's a more cut throat and harsh game though.
No prob. I can adapt him to just about anygame.

Happy Birthday to PlanB biggrin.gif
Since Shadow already has a character up, I'll tip my hat and cede the spot to him. I'd like to stay under consideration for being alternate, though.
Rob, I don't think Fist is in any hurry. You are more than welcome to the spot.
Here's a character sheet for Iskander "Caliph" Colorado, a wilderness scout and former bandit and insurgent in the high plains and the rockies.

I was going for a specific effect with his qualities - Magic Resistance 4, Murky Link, and Astral Chameleon. I want him to be fairly hard to detect or track by any magical means. However, Murky Link and Astral Chameleon seem more geared to Awakened characters; any ruling on the effects of taking them on a mundane?

Complete story to follow, but basically Iskander was born in Denver, moved to Texas for most of his childhood, where he spent a few years as a coyote and smuggler. He was arrested in Texas on the Aztlan border and spent a couple years in prison. When he was released, he moved back through Denver and spent several years with some more heavily armed insurgent and bandit groups, where they trained him as a (quite proficient) sniper.

After a couple years of that, he met a tribal leader guiding one of the more humane insurgent groups, who encouraged him to get in touch with his heritage more. He's been traveling throughout the wilderness for a while, but moves frequently; usually to his adopted home in Seattle (far from CAS jurisdiction, but unfortunately still maintains an extradition treaty).
Man, I am slow on the draw....this game sounded interesting and I was all willing to throw my hat in as well. But ce'la vie.
Trigger..."slow on the draw" .. hehe biggrin.gif Funny on multiple levels.

Geez , am I going to have to write up a whole other game just to cover everbody?

Seriously, how many people are looking to get in to a game? Say if it was open call? Trigger and Shadow would be the first two obviously. How many ,ore are looking to get in on a game (that aren't already in one of mine. RedJack, SinN, this means you biggrin.gif )?

That reminds me, somethign else I've been batting around. I was considering starting a thread here in the Welcome to the Shadows sectino only for posting characters. This would be for all players in all the games, only posting characters and backgrounds under spoiler tags. Think of it as a sort of Cast of Shadows. A full listing of all the runners being played on the boards. It would make it a lot easier for GMs and players to find a back up copy of a char sheet. It can just be copy/pasted from whateer game they're from. Editing characters is easy, and you can include the 'last date edited' tag to keep everything checked and up to date. if its used frequently, I could even Sticky it to the top for easy reach. Thoughts? Anyone?
rob:Murky Link is as good for groggies as it is for the awakened. For Astral Chameleon, I'd acutally bee nbatting around the ide afor a 10 point version that also incurs a -2 to any assensing tests against the target with the quality. I think this may be a good time to give it a test run, if you're willing to pay the BP for it.

Also, char looks good. Only one thing to request, and this is in general to all players: When listing attributes, list the base then the modifiers for race, then for cyber. So for example Strength 4 +2 + 1 say in the case of an ork with one level of muscle aug.
I would be up for a game run by you anytime. Also, the pun was unintentional but funny nonetheless.

On the question of the Cast of Shadows thread, I think it would be cool and I would be willing to throw my characters onto it as well as keeping my own stuff on it updated.
Well I seem to be able to juggle Gming a number of games at a time. I'm having more issues with people posting ATM than getting up my own posts. Shadow, Trigger, what kind of a game are you two looking for? I can throw out standard runs all day, but I like to change things from the norm a bit. Thoughts?
Well I am running one game and in one game. Though I am on hiatus from LitS until Grendel gets bac, so really just running the one game. I like all kinds of games, I can usually post 1 or 2 times a day. Combat is my favorite aspect of the game, however I can appreciate every bit of it.

[ Spoiler ]
I for one would not mind a Cast of Shadows topic here. I have a few characters to post there. smile.gif

I am in one game at the moment, but would not mind playing in other games.

But my mindset does not easily let me have the same character in more than one game.


Clay Moor: Demolitions Expert
Darkke Moon: Elven Moon Shaman
Face(no name yet): Elven Rhomani(Romany) Negotiator
@ Shadow - At the busiest, I was literally running 5 games at the same time. All the people were on line, and all the games were running at the same time. It was a hell of a lot of fun. biggrin.gif

And believe me, it's not because I want to post more. I don't want to leave anyone out of games that wants to play.
Then by all means, saddle up.
Hey Fist. Sorry I havent been posting, real life happened. You understand. Ill try to get my charactor sheet for Ash up, if by some chance I cant get it up myself..
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then Ill call you with an alternitive means of posting. Savvy?
Also, Rob, Trigger, Shadow, WearzManySkinz, pleasure to meet you all.

You seem have alot going on around in New Orleans, have you yet had any Romany ie Gypsies, from what I have googled there are several clan/tribes in or around New Orleans.
There's a lot that I haven't been able to work in there yet. But if you can give me a reference site perhaps, I might be able to do a request. smile.gif
RiggThis, need a confirmation from you man.
OK so far ,we've got:
rob set to go with Colorado
SinN with Ash, not posted, but I've seen the character

RedJack playing as Nix, still need a char sheet
Plan B has a char, but hasn't been able to confirm yet or post the sheet.

RiggThis also has a char, waiting for confirmation

Shadow as our first alternate with his gun bunnie (funny mental image of pshcyo in an easter bunny costume).
@Fist: Changed the character sheet - added a flaw to cope for the increased price of your version of Astral Chameleon, added the race breakdown to the physical attributes, shuffled some money to buy himself a van (which he lives in). I'll admit I picked a cheesy flaw to make up the BP (scorched) - tell me if you have a problem with that. (I'll admit I don't feel that guilty, because he's mundane)

@rob - Apologies, I didn't really get a chance to get back to you on your character Colorado. The one thign that did jump out at me, Logic = 2. I'll not say that you can't take a low logic. I will say however that you had better play it if you're goign to take it. A low Logic can be a big detriment. Remember that and consider before the game starts.

Second point - I have no problem with people making up their own details on their contacts. In fact, I encourage it, because it usually builds their character some more. I would like a paragraph or two on each contact though, especially the tribal leader.

Scorched is fine. Just work it in to a character back ground for me please. smile.gif I'll allow a lot with qualities as long as they're explained. I'll even allow over the 35 limit, as I said, as long as they are well explained.
Onhanzee "Nix" Pejula
20 +/- Questions
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Nice 20Q RJ. Note to other folks playing mages, if you're making a new char, which, I think, is only Plan B,I am alllowing 1 grade if initiation at char gen since you're starting w/ 500BP.

RJ, I like the seasoned character. Looking forward to seeing him played.
@Fist - I'm not married to his current Intuition/Logic breakdown, nor am I entirely sure if we're on the same page as how a low-logic, high intution character to be played. I have a general idea in my head of his personality (that should be explained a bit, below), and if you don't think the character's stats reflect that, I can swap a point from intuition to logic easily.

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Well it looks like Plan B is out unfortunately. At least she can co-GM with me now or some such.

Well Shadow I suppose that means you're in, so saddle up 'pardner.
@rob - a low logic means that you're not goign to be very good at problem solving, and all in all, below average in intelligence. Higher intuition means that you've still got some common sense, and are good at interacting well... intuitively, more on instinct. But then, so does a puma. They're not very good at breaking into facilities. wink.gif
ok it looks like I have been given the green light, more on my character to follow.
Got a confirmation from Riggthis who should be posting his character tonight.

So I've got Shadow and rob's characters, and Nix's (Redjack's) 20 Q. Guess I'd better get my 20Q to Shadow then, and Riggthis.

RedJack, need a char sheet. I have stats from SinN, he's just going to be a while in posting his char.

Once you've got your full stats and background guys, please pose them in the Cast of Shadows. It'll make it a lot easier for me to pull them up. I hate digging for characters.
Here is my current draft... Still tweaking... Once completed and approved, I'll add it to Cast of Shadows

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@Fist: I can't decide on my moderate, common allergy. Can I have a GM recommendation?
Character looks good. When you repost it, remove all the BP tags, but thank you for having them here.

Just a quick reminder, this group will potentially be going on more runs in a similar vein, but in different areas. So don't tailor to the area, or you could end up with fish out of water syndrome.

Redjack - how 'bout Soy.
OK, I need a bit more from the group. First, I'd like to have an idea of who's who in the group. The idea is that you've been together for 3-4 runs now, still getting to know each other a bit and the like.

I need to know who the team leader/face is. not necessarily the guy in charge, but at least the front man. Also, a team name would be great. I'd like a bit of discussion between the players on what roles they see their character filling for the group.

The sort of runs this group would have previosuly had would be things like personel retrieval after an extraction, data mining and investigation, that sort of thing. So talk amongst your selves.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Redjack - how 'bout Soy.

I thought about that or petroleum... But those are both the ubber-common 50 point allergies like pollutants... wobble.gif

I was looking for common allergies to create a challenging flaw, perhaps not a crippling one though.. Sunlight, gold and saltwater seem to me to be overplayed...

Let's go back to petroleum. Would you rule that to be common but in many places replaced by ethonal, methane, bio-based lubricants, etc due to decreasing world supply? If so, I would be game for that one...
'gas' fuels now are multifuels, combingin a number of things. So he'd be mildly irritated by car exhaust asuming a multifuel vehicle. SO he'd be happier in Seattle where the majority of vehicles are electric thanks to GridGuide.
Gunny is up in Cast of Shadows.
@All - Caliph would serve in the group, especially on investigative runs, as close surveillance, tail, and man on the scene. In missions that involve infiltration he's good at point.

He isn't good at face work, but he can occasionally moonlight as bodyguard.

He takes a leadership position any time groups need to do out of town work or overland movement; he's good at that kind of stuff and enjoys it a lot.

Oh, yeah, he's up on Cast of shadows, too.

QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Nope. Everything else is the same. This just gives you space to round out a bit.

Didn't you increase the max points that can be spent on attributes from 200 to like 250..? Or was that just Plan B?
Nix is a part-time investigator for a couple of the local private eyes. He favors being in the moment, using his magic to give him and the team the advantage. For example, he uses levitate and invisibility for infiltration. He also has used mindnet to allow the team to communicate without using wireless signals.

I have a common tactic I like to employ on teams to partner up team members. It of course is optimal on a team of six with diverse skill sets.

Team #1: Recon Team; Light-armed or no visible arms.
Team #2: Perimeter security and first responders; Moderate, concealable arms.
Team #3: Evacuation & extraction; Vehicles & heavy weapons.

We have two mages though and I'm not sure what the skills/spells of {RiggThis} are. Mages usually make great team #1 people. It also sounds like {SINn} can bounce pretty easily between all three teams given his back ground. I think Gunney and Caliph both sound like a team #2 or #3 type of guys.. This would at least give us a basic idea of roles and we can move forward from here designing some team specific strategies...
Hey All, where is the cast of Shadows, Id love to put Ash up there.
Also, as for a front man, Ash is sort of a Face/Hacker/Rigger. He does alot of frontmant work for a certain associate. Of he of which who will not be named. biggrin.gif
Hes an orc, with a charisma of 7, first impression quality, speaks over 9 langauages fluently(above skill rating 3), and overall knows how to talk to people, or just how to talk.
Let me know what you think?
Cast of Shadows is a pinned topic. Go to the Welcome to the Shadows Forum index ( ) and look for the pinned topics above the regular topics.

I'd say Ash is our face!!
QUOTE (Redjack)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ May 21 2007, 01:42 AM)
Nope. Everything else is the same. This just gives you space to round out a bit.

Didn't you increase the max points that can be spent on attributes from 200 to like 250..? Or was that just Plan B?

Yes I did, thank you. Forgot to mention that.
Alright, at this point, we're just waiting on Riggthis's character. He told me he'd have it up last night, but I know he's pretty sick right now, and has a lot going on. So what we'll do is, I'll give ya' 'till tonight buddy. Get your sheet to me ASAP. If I don't have it by tomorrow, well we can get you in to the next one at least.

Anyone else have any issues? Rob, Shadow, Sinn, RJ? Everyone good to go?

Sinn doesn't have his sheet posted but I'm pretty familiar with the character, so that's NP.
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