@Fist - I'm not married to his current Intuition/Logic breakdown, nor am I entirely sure if we're on the same page as how a low-logic, high intution character to be played. I have a general idea in my head of his personality (that should be explained a bit, below), and if you don't think the character's stats reflect that, I can swap a point from intuition to logic easily.
[ Spoiler ]
What is the character's name?
Iskander Colorado is my given name; mom's a Kurdish immigrant to the CAS and dad's a non-practicing Apache (non-practicing, in that he only gives a damn about his indian heritage insofar as it makes funny bar stories. Iskander learned that he's actually an umpteen-great-grandson of Mangus Colorado, the greatest Apache chief of the Indian wars in the 1840s).
I was first given the nickname Caliph by my colleagues in the coyote business, because about 5 times a day I take a break to smell the roses. They joked that I was praying (I'm muslim by birth). Fuck'em.
What is the characters race, nationality, age, sex, height, weight, hair color, eye color, and skin color/tone, and build?
Male Ork, Kurdish/Apache mix. 25 years old, CAS citizen, greyed cybereyes, 115 kgs, 1.86 m, shaved hair, dark skin, muscular build.
Where did your character learn his/her skills?
I was born in Denver, in the CAS turf, but I've always lived out of town. We got some land around Painted Rock when we moved to Texas. Dad taught me how to hunt, how to work, how to grow stuff. I like living out of town, it's easier. More solitary. When the coyotes would come through, they always needed guides, and I knew the area.
With the coyotes, I learned the real way to hide - to hide from people; from sensors. From planes, choppers, remote sensors. They taught me how to find those sensors from the radio waves, and to sneak past them or jam them. They taught me how to run. They gave me my eyes and ears.
Prison was 2 years of my life that disappeared. You can only hide so long, and when la razza caught me smelling the roses they locked me away.
I broke out with some insurgents when they ran a break on the prison. They blooded me. I've always had sharp eyes, and when I got my new ones they got sharper. I've always been able to shoot - it's good to know how to take the head off a rattler at 100 yards. The banditos used that. I learned how to shoot more. When my arm got gangrene after the months hiding after the breakout, they got me a new one. I learned rockets, grenades.
I found Wise Man Colorado while I was hiding, again. We were shattered, lots of us were dead. There's only so much you can do against Banshees and Helicopters when you only have 4 SAMs. But I can hide from Banshees. Wise man Colorado taught me how my ways were the traditional ways of the Apache. How the Apache raid, ride, live, steal, fight. My dad may have known more than he thought he did.
What did your character do before becoming a runner?
People talk about this runner business like it's a career path. I'm not a runner. I'm an Apache.
Does your character have any family?
I don't know - my parents haven't talked to me since I ran away with the Coyotes, and I don't care much to talk to them. My break was clean.
What are your characters dreams/goals/aspirations?
I want to live my life the way my people did. Give me a horse - or, these days, a Lobo. Give me my rifle, give me a dog, and I'll take some land with that. Let me find some people who know and live this life.
What is the characters general appearance?
Sun-scorched tan, from living outside his whole life. Even with his cybereyes, he's still got that narrow-eyed look from someone who's always been outside. Shaved head, loose fitting clothes with lots of pockets, well-broken-in boots.
Why did they choose to be a shadow-runner?
I already told you about that runner business. I joined with the Coyotes to get away from home; but it ain't your business why. This is the life I've always led. When I got older I figured out a bit more of how it fits into the world around, and when I met Wise Man Colorado he showed me how it fits into the lifestyle of my people.
What is the characters personality?
Iskander never seems to have too much to say; it comes of as a bit arrogant or shy. He'll freely admit that he doesn't know that much about modern folks, though he tends to understate how much he understands. He seems to live the way he thinks he should, rather than the way he wants to; though he's figured out pretty well how his way of life relates to the modern world.
What skills does your character bring to this group? What makes them special?
I know the outdoors a lot better than most. I'm really, really patient; it comes from having to stalk deer or set up an observation post. I can find my way around pretty damn well, and I can help others do so. I'm good at hiding, at spotting things. And I can shoot. I can shoot better than you can.
What are some things your character cannot do?
He's not all that good at handling his booze; he'll usually take a glass if one is offered to him. He's pretty careful when he's in town, because he's gotten into some run-ins with police before; but when he's home (in his van) he'll ocasionally hit his little still a bit too hard.
He's even more quiet when he's in town, because he's a bit nervous around so many people all the time. He gets a bit claustrophobic in the tightly packed living conditions of modern sprawls, and he's never sure exactly what's a threat and what's not.
He doesn't understand computers that well; sure, he understands his commlink, he understands how to work it (usually only in AR), but he has no idea how it works inside. He understands radios, and how wireless networks physically communicate, but if you give him a lecture about networking protocols or anything he'll blank out. That's why he avoids the matrix at all costs - he can find wireless nodes; can find radio signals, even listen in on them; he understands frequency hopping and encryption; but let him into that node, try to interact with it, and he's lost. The first time he tried, hacking into a helicopter found hunting him, he ended up leaking cerebrospinal fluid out of his nose and ears and the helicopter alerted to his position.
What does your character hate and why?
I wouldn't say I hate that much. I hate wendigo. I hate strip mines. I hate those T-bird jockeys who will fly too low and set forest fires with their exhaust gasses. I ain't much of a fan of cities. I hate when mages are following me, because they're so hard to hide from. I hate the damn matrix; VR that puts you in some fantasy world, where people will go for days and forget what reality is about. VR that doesn't even exist outside the imagination of machines and man, but can kill you - damn near killed me.
What does your character love?
The Southwest. The plains. The outdoors. The self-sufficient, grow, raid, hunt lifestyle. Arizona, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, those corners of Seattle near the Salsih border where it's close to rural life.
What does your character respect?
People who know the outdoors. People who will fight - I got respect for the border patrols, terrorists, insurgents, bandits; people who know that your lifestyle is your own, and you defend it.
How was your character educated?
Real education came from living on dad's land; exploring, hunting; working with the Coyotes first and later the insurgents. Spent a couple years in a Madrassa in Denver, and a couple years in a public school in San Angelo, but that was a long time ago. Wise Man Colorado has been educating me in the traditions and the Apache ways.
What is your characters moral code?
He's still figuring out that, too... Fits in pretty close with the below.
Does your character have any political beliefs? Religious?
He's still figuring these out. He's in the middle of a lifestlye conversion, and still pretty much on the hysterical enthusiasm stage for it. He hasn't worked through all of the details of it. He takes a harder line on it than he should, because he's still trying to cope for his defeats (the breakup of his bandit group, getting captured)
What item(s) does your character treasure?
His still. His rifle. His truck, which is also his house.
Tell me at least one thing I (as the GM) should know about your character.
Caliph really has no idea what he's talking about on his 'apache lifestyle' kick. He's still working out a way to fit in the world that'll let him do the only things he's good at.