QUOTE (Alex @ Nov 16 2010, 08:24 PM)

Infiltration 0 + Agility 3 = 3
[1,4,2] = 0 hits, GLITCHGood news. 50% or more of your dice must be 1's for glitch. If that glitch is combined with 0 hits, it is a critical glitch. Bad news is you mis-figured your dice pool.
Agility(3) + Defaulting Infiltration(-1) = dp2;
[1,4,2] =
Critical GlitchQUOTE (Alex @ Nov 16 2010, 08:24 PM)

Reroll failures:
[1,6,3] = 1 hitQUOTE (sr4a @ pg74)
If you spent a point of Edge for extra dice and rolled a critical glitch anyway, for example, you cannot use Edge to negate that critical glitch since you have already applied Edge to that test.
Contrary to some discussion on dumpshock, this makes it clear to me that all dice are considered after edge for determining if a glitch still exists.
QUOTE (sr4a @ 74)
You may declare the use of Edge after you have rolled for one test. In this case, you may roll a number of extra dice equal to your full Edge attribute and add their hits to the test’s total. The Rule of Six (p. 62), however, applies only to the additional Edge dice rolled, not the original dice pool.
With the dice pool being the same between re-roll failures and post-roll edge dice roll, I figure you would have either done this instead.
This makes your total dice rolled: [1,4] + [1,6] + [3] You were able to beat the critical glitch and the glitch, ending up with one success.
EDIT: There is one issue. Your dice pools above did not reflect sustained spell(s). So the above example is solely academic.
Assuming you linked one spell and only sustained the other...
Agility(3) + Defaulting Infiltration(-1) + Sustaining spell (-2) = dp0
QUOTE (sr4a @ 74)
You may make a Long Shot Test (p. 61) even if your dice pool was reduced to 0 or less; roll only your Edge dice for this test (the Rule of Six does not apply).
Being the nice GM and taking the
second dice pool as your long shot edge roll, you end up with: [1,6] One success and a