May 8 2005, 11:51 PM
1337 Saturday, January 6, 2063 - at her Puyallup doss
Almost at once the signal comes in that there's a message waiting for Alleycat ... presumably the message. At first, she decides to leave that one, at least, until later -- but she's always been one to face things directly, stare the worst in the face and get it over with. And this wasn't the worst, was it?
A few seconds later she's done the electronic equivalent of folding it up and setting it to one side, and lets herself digest what this means. For an idle moment, she wonders if Grail knows that she can read between the lines at least as well as he. At least, it might tell her whether he's doing this to her on purpose. Belay that -- whether he's doing this to me on purpose because he knows exactly what it means.
At least he's given her a pair of names to go with the useless description (he knows! doesn't he think?), even if he's left the specifics of time and location as a "to be assigned". At the moment, she doesn't know if that's good or bad -- and, really, she doesn't care.
Her hour's almost up. She closes off the extra locks and the window into the alley, finishes setting all the small security alarms she'd set up for this place, shuts down the computer, flicks her cell to "Message" and takes it out of her ear; and settles herself onto the floor to wait out the last few seconds.
May 9 2005, 12:00 AM
15:44:09 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
As he's trying to monitor all three situations -- fleeing drone, downed drone, incoming missile -- Daedalus' cellphone beeps at him. Incongruously, here's another call trying to come through.
May 9 2005, 07:39 AM
15:44:09 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Watching the missile streaking over his head towards the alley, the only thing running through Dragon's mind is You've got to be kidding me...they just don't give up, do they?
Moving out of the way, running up the block away from the alley so as not to be caught in the blast, he screams, "Incoming into the alley!!!" and prays it'll be enough warning for them to get to cover before the missile hits.
May 9 2005, 12:22 PM
15:44:28 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Probably the missile was intended to pursue just that small bit further. Whether because of the grenade's billowing smoke or the spirit's concealment, it's clearly having trouble maintaining that lock, the positive feedback loop pulling it sharply and visibly in a tight spiral of continually re-adjusting swerves.
When the distance narrows abruptly to the width of an alleyway, it doesn't quite make it.
Dragon's ears finally stop ringing as the cyber struggles and finally succeeds in compensating for some serious sound overload. At some point he'd thrown up his arms around his neck and over his head: it saves him from the worst of the raining masonry. It seems very slowly that he picks himself up from where the blast had tossed him (in the direction he was already running, so not really hurt). Then (with a quick, nervous check toward the sky and after an All clear from Daedalus), he's rushing toward the alleyway.
The corner of the building bordering the alleyway no longer exists. Part of the blast was in the open and thus quickly dissipated -- but the scorch marks show clearly how the rest was funnelled inward in that tightly contained space.
It's Father Bremen he finds first, back blistered, part of his clothing burnt right off. The priest is hauling himself to his feet using the still-hot metal of the dumpster for support, seemingly not aware of his injuries. Yet. Burns are a bitch.
He finds Sybersnake in the dumpster. A very white and unmoving Tiffany is sprawled on top of her, and just for a moment Dragon flashes back to all those other times when he survived and those beside him didn't -- until she moves, and he belatedly realises the white is masonry dust.
All clear, Daedalus repeats; the sense of his words oddly echoed out loud by Virgil's parallel clearance of the alley.
Unlike Dragon's, Virgil's ears are still ringing. And he still has that headache from earlier.
The door of the clinic opens and Juliette flies out, crying out as she sees the wrecked car, skids to a stop when she sees the shaman standing there unharmed. "What happened!?"
He tells her quickly the skeleton of the thing, waiting for Dragon to assess the situation in the alleyway before he acts on that. When he starts to move toward Juliette though, she waves him away and he remembers: decontamination.
All four emerge from the alleyway. All four are scorched and white with fallen masonry, but they're all walking, more or less. Tiffany might not like it, but until something's done about that leg of hers, she's not going anywhere.
"Dragon's okay," says Juliette, assessing the situation coolly and quickly. "You'd better leave the others with us -- I know someone who'll cab it in later. But you're running tight. Wait --" Juliette says, and dashes into the clinic for a moment, emerging with something she tosses to him. "My car keys." And then, as Virgil's staring dumbly at them: "You'll need some way to leave this place. You've still got a job to do."
May 9 2005, 03:15 PM
20:55:08 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Touristville
As Erebus approaches the awaiting troll-guard he feels the jarring sensation of his p-sec virbrating with an incoming call.
Cedric Rolfsson
May 9 2005, 03:32 PM
20:55:10 Saturday, January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
Ignoring the interested eyes of the stun baton wielding sec-guard Erebus stopped and leaned against one of the cold wet walls of the building and slid the p-sec off his belt, using his left hand.
He'd chosen a spot against one of the walls were there weren't too many shadows or obstructions, he didn't want the sec guards to get too suspicious of the character lurking up the alley, but he leaned his head towards his left shoulder to make any video images coming from the cameras around the lot less accurate. Nothing to be suspicious, just a guy stopping to take a call.
Erebus checked the caller ID function on his p-sec, unsurprised to see that whomever was calling had their number blocked. He checked his watch as he pressed the Receive button, just in case the call's purpose was to allow him to be traced he'd keep it short.
"Hoi, its your nuyen, don't waste it." He said quietly into the microphone.
May 9 2005, 03:34 PM
15:44:46 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Between the ringing in his ears and the dull headache that is still plaguing his senses Virgil almost reaches out to embrace Juliette, before remembering the warning about contamination. Stunned and feeling un-worthy of her gift of kindness he manages to respond, "Thank you Juliette. I promise that I will make this up to you in any form that you desire."
"Oh I know you will. Just make sure that you take better care of my car than you two did of your previous ride. Now, bring the others to the doorway of the clinic fast and get out of here."
Taking one more moment to bask in the combined glow of Juliette's kindness and smile, he quickly realizes that now is not the time for further words, nor would that impress her. Running over to the alleyway he calls out . . .
"Dragon! We need to get them to the door of the clinic and then get out of here. Juliette will see to their care."
May 9 2005, 03:43 PM
20:55:13 Saturday, January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift"Hoi Erebus it's Max. I got a line on some quick work for you going down tomorrow night. Assisting in the secure delivery of a small package. A few hours work for 4,000 "
May 9 2005, 03:47 PM
15:46 Saturday January 6th, 2063 - Redmond Barrens, Cao Jaan's halfway house
"I am most grateful for you help. Unless you are in a dire rush perhaps you would like a brief tour of this place as we discuss your compensation?"
Cedric Rolfsson
May 9 2005, 04:07 PM
20:55:15 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
Erebus hesitated, just long enough to breath in and out slowly, while his mind tried to work through all of the possibilities. It only took him that long to realize two things.
One that he didn't have enough information to even begin to assess the risks versus the reward. He didn't know any of the things he'd need to know to decide just how dangerous the whole deal could be, much less whether it was something he wanted to undertake.
The second realization was that this was a job that would pay but it would also likely put him in touch with other runners. Of the two the latter ranked higher on his list of priorities. Amanda had already proven to him that no matter how much money he spent on hiding she could still find him. He would need allies when she found him.
"Max, it sounds interesting, but I would need some more information before I can commit. Can I talk to the Johnson directly sometime this evening? Or if not the Johnson then whomever is ram-rodding the run?"
Erebus made sure that Max could tell that he was interested in the job, but only a poser wannabe jumped just because a fixer called and said "Frog." Erebus understood the need for operational security but he trusted Max understood his need for some vague information before he'd commit to a job.
May 9 2005, 04:42 PM
Relieved that the situation seems to have resolved itself, and sensing no other threats nearby, Daedalus warily moniters the fallen drone and answers this curious and random phone call:
May 9 2005, 05:45 PM
15:45:58 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Hey, Joshua, what took you so long? Did I call at a bad time?
It's Precious Phemalley Jones, plantation owner accent and all -- but call her Shifty or JP, she gets rather upset otherwise.
May 9 2005, 06:44 PM
15:46:15 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Quickly moving to help Sybersnake and Tiffany , Dragon feels a lump in his throat at how close he came to losing them. Both of them. Surprising, that they should evoke such emotion in him, even the reporter, who he’s known only a short time.
It’s different, he muses. They are not combatants, nor are they soldiers, or people who are used to living this kind of life. Even Sybersnake , who runs the shadows, didn’t typically engage in this kind of action. They shouldn’t have to be here, shouldn’t have to deal with this. Perhaps, this is what it means to feel normal?
Growing up with claymores in his front yard and SAM air defenses in the back yard, missile strikes were, while not an everyday occurrence, something he was used to. But a small voice in the back of his mind (the voice of common sense) told him that alone set him apart as the abnormal one here in this group.
Filing that contemplation away for a time when there actually was time for such introspection, he gently supported Tiffany and eased her on to the stretcher that a pair of clinic staff had brought up. Grimacing in pain, she still managed a smile and said as she lay on the stretcher, “Don’t worry about me, I’ve been through worse. Just take care of business for now, ok?”
Dragon nodded simply. “I will. We’ll be back for you guys as soon as we can.” Patting her hand gently, he watched as the clinicians carried her off into the clinic. Turning to Sybersnake , he just looked at her, uncertain of what to say. His heart had stopped, he was sure, in the seconds he’d thought she was dead, and the relief he felt in his heart immediately afterwards was as strong as ever.
He wants to say something, anything, but he isn’t sure of the words to use, and even if he was, would this be the time or place to say them? She makes the decision for him, knowing what he’s thinking and wanting to make it easier on them both. “Don’t say anything. Just…don’t. This isn’t good-bye. We’re going to see each other again, and soon.”
Nodding in both response and relief, he replies, “Right. I’ll see you soon.” Reaching out her hand, she hands him back the Guardian. In response to his inquisitive look, she says simply, “You’ll probably be needing it more than we will. And if they come at us like they did the past two times, this wouldn’t be much help to us anyway.”
They both turn for a moment as Father Bremen limps towards them. The pain on his face shows clearly that the burns and the searing pain they bring have begun to register on the troll. Putting a big hand on Dragon’s shoulder, he says, “Don’t worry son, I’ll take care of them. You go do what you have to do to see this through and take care of everyone on your end, ok?”
Looking up into the priest’s kindly eyes, Dragon knows that anyone trying to hurt the girls, or anyone in the clinic, would have to go through the big troll first. Clasping the big troll’s hand, careful to avoid the burns, Dragon gives silent thanks to the troll’s support.
He turns to leave, and makes it down the first few steps of the clinic before he decides the hell with it, and strides quickly back up the stairs towards Sybersnake , who had already turned to walk into the clinic. Taking her gently by the arm, he turns her towards him and clasps her in an embrace filled with the emotion of someone who thought he’d lost someone he loved, and the subsequent relief he felt at knowing that she was still with him.
At first she tensed, surprised, and then she gave into the emotion herself, and softly snuggled into his arms. They stayed like that for what seemed like a very long while, but was probably only a few seconds, until Dragon gently let her go, but ran his hands down her arms to her hands, and clasped them carefully. Walking down the stairs slowly, reluctantly, he never let go of her hands, drawing them out towards him as he descended, eyes locked on hers. When their arms were at last fully extended, and neither of them could move another step, she squeezed his hand tenderly, and they shared one last silent smile.
Then they let go of one another, almost one mind acting in concert, and turned to go their separate ways. Striding swiftly towards Virgil , he ignored the shaman’s mock exasperation, and said, “Ready to roll Virg .”
For the shaman’s benefit, uncertain if he knew yet that their third teammate was now present, he said aloud as he transmitted, “We’re ready to roll Daedalus . You going to ride with us, or you got a way there on your own? We’ll fill you in on the way.”
May 9 2005, 10:30 PM
20:56:11 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
"I realize that this request is very sudden. I have been given a list of details to provide to you, however you would not speak with the Johnson until after the delivery is made. Another specilist has been secured to make the delivery, and a request was made for someone with your skill-set to provide additional security."
"If you choose not to accept the job it is no loss for me Erebus, I just thought that I'd send the option for some easy cred your way."
Cedric Rolfsson
May 9 2005, 10:45 PM
20:56:11 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
Erebus grinned to himself, Max could be grouchy sometimes but it was never personal.
"Relax, Max, yes I'm interested, and I have no need to speak to the Johnson as long as you have the details. I'll need those details but would prefer not to do that over the phone, unless absolutely necessary. Is there a time frame involved here or can you and I sit down and go over this latter tonight?"
May 9 2005, 11:14 PM
20:56:40 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
Erebus could hear a slight chuckle over the line.
"Sorry, you caught me at the end of a very long day chummer, but a cold beer is just the cure. Meet me at Caveman Kate's in about an hour and 15 minutes I'll give you what I got, and if you don't like what you hear your beer is still on me."
May 10 2005, 01:45 AM
15:46 Saturday January 6th, 2063 - Redmond Barrens, Cao Jaan's halfway house
Knight smiled and slowly stood with a nod.
"Of course Mr Jaan, that was the next thing on my small list."
Always good to know the territory afterall, sure i was going to do a few things first but getting the look about done now wil work just as well.
He followed Cao through the rooms, listening to the prescribed purpose of each. Mentally he mapped the building as they went along.
Lots of leaking pipes, prime water elemental possibilities too, always good.
Knight took the tour at a natural, almost leisurely rate, noting faces of those within the shelter and learning a few names, making a note to learn them all before long.
May 10 2005, 02:09 AM
15:47:05 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Daedalus's place in Tahoma
"Whats the destination Dragon ? I don't have wheels now, but I can have Icarus and Talos follow you.. as long as it is not too far out... otherwise... I may need you to pick me up, by the way, hit me up on the radio"
Clicking back over...
"Hey JP, no worries, just cleanin up a little mess. It's good to hear your voice as always, thanks for the tip, I found em just in time. What can I do for you?"
May 10 2005, 02:25 AM
15:47:20 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
"Juliette's car is around the back." Virgil beckoned to Dragon indicating that they should walk while they plot.
"Jonah's address is 102-10th street, Northwest apt. B in Auburn. I assume that is still are priority stop before our next meet. Can you pull up some directions?" The shaman inquired tapping the side of his head.
"Already done." Replied Dragon as he simultaneously relayed the location to Daedalus.
"Given that location, what do you need us to do?"
Rounding the corner Virgil pointed out the lone, well-used four-door, tossing the keys to Dragon as they reached the car.
"You drive since you've got the map. I am going to do some scouting as we travel."
May 10 2005, 04:50 AM
15:47:40 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Switching to a prearranged radio frequency, Dragon mentally answered, "Address is 102-10th street, Northwest Apt. B in Auburn . Let me know if we'll need to pick you up."
Turning back to Virgil, Dragon nods in response as he easily catches the keys out of the air. "OK let's roll. Daedalus will let us know if he needs us to pick him up. In the meantime, I'll take care of the directions."
Pulling up the map of Seattle on his display link, Dragon mentally plots out the fastest route to their destination. Smoothly pulling out away from all the debris that is now littering the street, they begin driving towards Jonah's place, and hopefully, towards answers.
May 10 2005, 05:30 AM
15:48:40 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
Settling back into the cushion of the passanger seat Virgil set to preparing for yet another leg of their journey. Mechanical cover via combat drones was a wonderful blanket to have, but some situations just called for a less mundane approach. Virgil felt his mind explicitly drawn to his encounter with the rouge fire-elemental. That battle could have easily shifted against me, it's best to be prepared from now on and assume that the same dark man could appear at any location we do as we search for Julia.
Beginning his seach for aid among the spirit world the shaman began to take stock of all the summoning that he had performed over the past several days . . .all that he would do . . .all the help that he would ask of the spirit world.
It seems necessecary for a warrior in my position to repay his debts to those that aid him, mundane or spirit. But how does one repay a debt to a spirit . . .
Cedric Rolfsson
May 10 2005, 03:13 PM
20:56:50 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
"Null sheen chummer, I'll see you there at 22:30 then."
Erebus grinned, as Max gave his usual grunt of acknowledgement and then disconnected. The old norm had manners that were as abrasive as 80 grit sandpaper but he made a living in the shadows putting together deals. His style was about 180 degrees opposite of what Erebus knew about fixing, but Max had been making a living at it for years now.
Just goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a devilrat.
Erebus clipped his p-sec back in place on his belt and resumed his approach on the parking lot. He had a meeting to make.
As he approached the checkpoint, he unobtrusively glanced around the parking lot, taking full advantage of the optical abilities of his cybereyes. The parking lot provided all kinds of visual cover for someone to wait in ambush. He tripped the IR circuits in his Zeiss eyes and looked for any unusual heat signatures, any areas that were warmer than their surroundings for no good reason. Ambushers had to remain still to keep from being seen, but if a metahuman remained stationary for more than a couple of minutes in a dark, cold parking lot they tended to warm up the ground and or vehicle they were in, creating unexplained warm spots. It was those kinds of tell-tales that Erebus looked for.
May 10 2005, 04:18 PM
15:59:59 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, near Jonah's place
Virgil hasn't arrived at any better answers by the time Dragon begins slowing down the car. Previously preoccupied, threat-focused, the sudden awareness of difference in the local neighbourhood catches him by surprise. Children play in this area. Although it's a bit cold and damp for it, the swingsets in the small park are filled. While it might be too much to hope that the streets would be clean, at least the litter in these curbs is of a higher class.
"That one," says Dragon, passing by and swinging around the block.
It's an older red brick house on a patch of crabgrass and ancient dandelions (and visible attempts to seed other, more acceptable types of plants), with peeling shingles, peeling paint around the narrow windows, and a loose waterspout emptying into a rain barrel. Water has seeped into the brick itself and seeped out again, leaving long, rust-coloured streaks along the sides. Mostly though, it's superficials -- and a roofer's sign out front indicates that the most immediate serious problem is being actively dealt with. Four tarnished brass mailboxes out front suggest a fourplex, probably two on the bottom floor and two on the top.
A hemp-woven "Welcome" mat sits out in front of the large front door.
May 10 2005, 04:23 PM
15:57:02 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Driving to Jonah's Apt
After driving in silence for a bit as they headed over to Jonah's, Dragon turned to Virgil and said, "OK, so let's debrief our schedule here. First we go try to talk to this guy Jonah before the bad guys do, then we hit up our meeting with your contact. Somewhere in there we have to pick up the gear from Susan still and get you a radio. Also, we have to meet up with Daedalus and fill him in on the situation."
Clearing his throat, he continues a little sarcastically, "Hopefully when we get back, Bob will have the files decrypted and summarized for us if we're lucky, after which we get to figure out how to save Julia while stopping the opposition from nabbing her, get her to safety, and if we're really lucky, collect a nice big reward at the end of the rainbow. Does that sound about right to you, or did I miss some details in there somewhere?"
Before the shaman can answer, Dragon snaps his fingers and adds, "Oh yeah, and we also have to find and rescue Sybersnake's son and get her out of this mess as well, and clear Tiffany's name from whoever set her up earlier in that trid report, not to mention try to get her the story on top of all this. Now I think I've got it all. Or did I miss something else in this wonderful sea of objectives?"
15:59:59 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, near Jonah's place
As luck would have it, they just arrived at Jonah's before Virgil could respond. "Ah screw it, we'll cover all that junk later," Dragon muttered. "May as well concentrate on our immediate objective first since we're here. You want to do some scouting around before we go in?"
Without bothering to wait for a reply, Dragon made sure to reload his weapons, as he checked out the area himself with his own cyber-enchanced senses, just in case.
May 10 2005, 04:44 PM
15:56:27 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Daedalus's place in Tahoma
You told him about the transponder beacon, right?
Daedalus considers for a moment, ages of transducer time. No longer an issue, JP.
Considering it's Dragon we're talking about, it got blown up, huh?
Hell, why hide it. She'd been two steps ahead of him since they were in grade school together. Yeah. Guess that takes care of the dealership issues you'd uncovered.
What's he in now?
A boat. Ancient four-door, 15 years old at least. I think they discontinued the model ten years ago, but she's been taking care of it. At least, no rust that I can see, and the engine's still firing on all cylinders.
Virgil's girl. There was nothing Shifty liked better than finding out about personal stuff -- other people's. She was a lot more private in her own affairs. Don't know a whole lot about her -- and I'm not sure how much I'll tell you when I do, do I really care enough to find out? -- but they're tight enough that she up and tossed him the keys when they needed a ride.
So what did you call me about? Daedalus asks, bringing her back on track. I may be here ahead of schedule, but now that I'm here I'd better keep an eye on them. And besides, it looks like they need me.
Oh, yeah. Did you get hold of Vinnie yet?
Er, no. Was I supposed to? I thought we were meeting tonight --
The plan might have changed. Check out Shadowland, you dork, but there's a grin in her voice as she says it.
Will do. It's good to hear from you, Peejster.
Just as long as I'm not the one waiting for you to call, huh? Don't be a stranger!
And with that she clicks off.
May 10 2005, 04:48 PM
16:01:48 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, near Jonah's place
"Yeah, I am going to check out the interior of the building and the inside of his apartment from the astral. He may not even be home right now, if he is still alive. If I run into trouble inside, I will send out one of my watchers to warn you."
"I scan Virg, I'll get on the radio and see what type of visual cover Daedauls can give us. Be as quick as you can."
With a brief nod to indicate affirmation Virgil sank himself back into the rather lumpy seat and closed his eyes. After feeling his breathing even into a more relaxed rate it was but a moment before he felt the familiar sensation of his astral form leaving his meat body behind. Taking stock of the astral space around him the shaman was soon greeted my two excited balls of light.
Master, master! What do we do now? Huh. . huh?
Glad to see that you both are so excited. I hope that we are out of here soon. Lazarius I would like you to come with me into the building. If I get attacked by any other astral presence I want you to come right back here and tell the man in the car. Danagrath I want you to check the astral space around the exterior of the building, if anything comes close I want you to notify me at once.
Of course! We can handle that, you will be impressed. The two jovial spirits communicated in unison. Before Danagrath zipped off to begin his patrol.
Turning his senses towards the exterior face of the building Virgil scanned the exterior for any suspicious signatures before moving closer.
May 10 2005, 05:58 PM
16:02:33 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
After the unnerving feel of Puyallup, Virgil is surprised to notice that this building feels as astrally "comfortable" as anything he's ever experienced. It's worn, sure: but it's lived in, by people who aren't rich but they aren't desperate either. Through one of the windows he can see the astral shadow memories of visiting grandchildren.
At the last moment he checks, assigns the summoned city spirit to protect the car. Just in case. I can defend myself from an elemental. Dragon can't.
Into the building then, intending to make quick scan through all the apartments, starting with the one on the bottom right. The very first apartment he runs into is Jonah's. Even distorted as the persona memories had been, there is no mistaking what he's sensing now against the sense of Jonah that he'd picked up from Cindy earlier. Although there's plenty of plants around, the place is empty of human life.
It's been trashed.
There's a feel of frustration lingering in the astral, but nothing of personal violence, or injury, or fear. It's not enough even to hint at a background count.
May 10 2005, 10:59 PM
16:04:02 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
Looks like Jonah was not here when the party who ransacked this place was. Did he avoid them by chance, or did he know someone was after him? Did he know who?
Reassured that he had not spied any hostile astral signatures nor been attacked by any awaiting spirits, Virgil headed back to the car to report to Dragon. Snapping back to his meat body he finds the merc eagerly scanning all possible angles from the surrounding buildings.
"Worried about another ambush?" The shaman inquires.
"There are too many windows here, too many places for another sniper, or another fraggin missile to be launched from." Grunts Dragon, his eyes not leaving the building faces.
"I found his apartment, but he is not there, and the place is has been ransacked. Though there are no lingering signatures of violence so I doubt that Jonah was home when company arrived. Do you want to have a look around?"
Still looking out the window Dragon replies, "Right now all we have is your impression of what this guy looks like and maybe a real name. We don't know where else he would go, what he knows . . . frag, I wouldn't even recognize him if we ran into each other on the street. Any recon we get from his doss is pay-data."
"Fine with me Dragon, though I am concerned that the place may be bugged though. The previous visitors may want to know who comes after them . . . and I don't want to give them any more advantages. Let's maintain vocal silence while we're searching, and make it quick"
May 10 2005, 11:32 PM
15:50 Saturday January 6th, 2063 - Redmond Barrens, Cao Jaan's halfway house
Most observers would classify the inhabitants of Cao Jaan's warehouse as the "dregs" of humanity, perhaps on some scales of judgement many of them are not too far from that classification. However there is a glimmer of hope inside of this building that cannot be found amongst the numerous squatter havens and tent citys scattered across the surrounding slums. Within the walls of this house there is no drug use, no chip pushing, no one's body is sold, and no harm is done.
Knight estimates that about 20 people inhabit the warehouse at the moment.
"Everyone who seeks refuge here is responsible for the welfare of another. Some of us help to bring food, some tend to the what wounds can be cared for, a few of us try to keep this place from falling apart." Explains Jaan as they walk. The sound of fear in his voice is gone, replaced by a solemn pride and admiration.
"I am sure that you will meet everyone in time, but since you likely have other things that need your attention, I just want to introduce you to one person before you go."
Leading Knight through a battered and very squeaky fire-door he finds himself inside a small room with bare concrete walls and a pale green tile floor with many chipped areas. Several cots line the far wall of the chamber, and three are currently holding the sleeping forms of one elderly human male, and two ork children. Sitting on a small stool between the cots of the children sits a thin, brunette women whom is quietly humming.
Hearing the door start to close the women quickly rises and pushes the two men back into the hallway. "Shhhh. . . the children are finally asleep and they need their rest."
Feigning the shame of a scolded child Jaan turns to Knight. "Mr. Knightington I'd like you to meet Jennifer. She works harder to make this place a home than anyone else." Stifling a slight blush at the compliment, she reaches out to shake Knight's hand. "Pleased to meet you sir."
"Mr. Knightington will be staying with us for a bit and will be helping to keep this place safe."
May 10 2005, 11:32 PM
16:05:02 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Sounds good to me. Let's do this." Getting out of the car carefully, Dragon hits up Daedalus on the radio. "We're going in. The place was trashed, someone beat us here. But we need more info than we've got, so we're going to have a look around. Can you give us air cover and make sure we're not still being watched or followed?"
Without waiting for a reply, knowing the rigger would be there. Even if he did have a tendency to be habitually late, he always managed to come through in the end. Usually.
Concealing the Spas under his coat, stock folded back up for greater concealability, he took one last look around, then headed up the sidewalk towards the house, Virgil trailing a few meters back.
May 10 2005, 11:55 PM
16:07:51 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
Four concrete steps up to the large front door. Just as Dragon discovers it's locked, it opens -- "I meant now!" -- as what seems like it should be more than three kids stream past him and into the house.
"Oh, I'm sorry," says the ork woman who'd almost hit Dragon with the door in opening it. "Are you all right? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention. My goodness, what on earth happened to your clothes?"
May 11 2005, 12:23 AM
16:07:59 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
Dragon freezes dead in his tracks. Drek! I forgot I've been drenched with sprinklers, engulfed by an elemental, blocked bullets from an SMG with my body, and had not one, but two, missiles come flying at me and explode in my fairly close proximity. I must look like a fragging mess! Damn it to hell, this is what happens when you spend all your time in a war zone. You forget that normal people don't fragging live like this! Argh! We are so busted! Come on, think think think!!!
Dragon clears his throat and then looks around suspiciously at the surrounding neighborhood before turning his attention back to the woman. "I'm sorry ma'am, I realize that my appearance must come as quite a shock. I work with a private security firm, and I was hired to escort the man behind me," he gestures to Virgil, who's trailing him by a few seconds, "to a friend of his in the building. We've had some people try to kill him twice already, so we're really trying to get him some help, and apparently he has a friend here who can do that. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to get him inside as quickly as possible before anything else happens today."
Thinking as fast as he can on his feet, Dragon gives the woman the tired smile of someone who's had a really long, really hard day, and is nearing the end of a job and just wants to go home. Oh man, please let this work, please...argh! How come this is the X time today I've been stuck having to talk my way out of something? I really need to brush up on my talking skills if I'm going to be a runner it seems...
May 11 2005, 12:44 AM
16:09:30 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
The woman's staring at Virgil like he's about to drop dead in front of her, looking really scared: "Oh my goodness, I don't know ..." She's already shooed the kids inside, and now she's working on getting the door closed as well --
May 11 2005, 12:48 AM
16:09:32 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
So much for plan A. May as well go with Plan B...
Quickly shoving himself in the doorway to prevent her from closing the door, Dragon uses his best 'offical and grave' sounding voice. "Ma'am, it's really not up to you. A man's life is at stake here, and it is illegal for you to prevent him from seeing assistance when the prevention of said assistance may result in serious bodily harm or death to that individual."
Looking in her eye with a stone cold glare, he asks as firmly as he can, "Are you familiar with the Good Samaritan Act of 2002, passed by the 108th Congress, Public Law 108-317?"
Motioning with his back hand for Virgil to hurry his sorry hoop up, Dragon remains firmly in the doorway, using his body and jacket to conceal the shotgun from her view while keeping his gaze locked firmly on her, but his senses tuned for any ambush that might be waiting to be sprung.
May 11 2005, 12:52 AM
16:10:32 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"You sure don't look like no cop," she says, still trying ineffectually to slam shut the door. "Where's your badge?"
May 11 2005, 12:53 AM
16:09:40 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Ma'am please. I am a social worker with a network of relief shelters in Redmond. Part of my work involves lobbying to increase the police pressure on local gang activity and because of this there have been several attempts on my life and the lives of my co-workers."
Virgil does his best to make his voice tremble with a bit of fear. You are just a civilian, your scared and want to get off the street. Your life is in danger because you strive to help familes who are worse off than hers.
"The man living in apt. B is a co-worker and friend of mine and he did not show up for work today . . .nor has be picked up his phone all day. I just want to make sure that he is ok. Please ma'am . . . "
May 11 2005, 12:54 AM
16:10:58 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Show me some ID," she demands, still not letting up on the door.
May 11 2005, 12:56 AM
16:10:19 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
Leaning back slightly so the woman could see Virgil, but not so much that he didn't have plenty of leverage on the door, Dragon grunts in the annoyed voice of a public servant who's already said his piece once, "I told you ma'am, I'm not a cop. I work with a private security firm and have been contracted for this man's safekeeping. If you do not step aside and allow me to fulfill my contractual obligations, he may decide to press charges. He's already had his life placed in jeopardy twice, I don't think he'll be too happy if your reluctance raises that count to three."
May 11 2005, 12:58 AM
16:09:39 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Security guards have ID too. I know. We hire one." Her eyes drift past Dragon's shoulder, and he realises she's scanning the neighbourhood for help.
May 11 2005, 01:02 AM
16:11:04 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Of course ma'am." Slowly reaching into his inside jacket pocket Virgil reaches for his wallet and is careful to let the rosary around his neck fall into plain view."
Opening up the card-holder in his wallet Virgil shows the women his driver's license . . his fake ID . . . .
Oh please Tyr. If I ever needed your help it is now . . .not in combat
May 11 2005, 01:33 AM
15:50:40 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Daedalus's Apartment and outside the Puyallup Street Clinic
After confirming that he would be just fine sitting safely at home, Daedalus continues to guide Talos to the clinic to finish off the drone that Icarus had taken down... but reconsiders, and diverts Talos to follow Dragon's car, flying Icarus away from the clinic and doubling back over the rooftops accross the street just in range to continue monitering the downed drone.
Lets see who still cares for you little one...
Shifting his perceptions out of Icarus and into Talos he braces himself for the sudden shift from gently floating blimp to the speedily pursuing rotordrone.
16:06:00 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
To Dragon's request Daedalus replies:
"Roger that."
and he watches his friend climb the stairs to the door.
May 11 2005, 04:03 AM
21:05:59 Sunday 07 January 2063 – Near Underground 93
John had spent the trip over from Redmond reflecting on the plight of the SINless kids he was riding with, and how fragged he had allowed his niece's life to become if she preferred the danger and uncertainty of the mean streets of the Barrens to relative safety of their home. Maybe if he hadn't spent all those years drowning his sorrows with cheap synthahol, or maybe if he'd come to his senses sooner... hell, maybe if his sister had never heard of the Brotherhood things would be different now. But they weren't. He and Etta had effectively left Nora to fend for herself, and this is where it had led. Now these kids were his best link to her.
When the boxy electric van had squeaked to a halt, and after the boys had piled out, John had slowly extracted himself from his cramped seat. His knees, pulled nearly to his chest for the entire ride, protested as he pulled himself to his feet. He walked around, stretching, as he lit a cigarette. The trid-kid, Tyler turned to the group from where he had walked to the corner, "Wait here, I’m going to find Twiggy’s cousin."
As he waited on Tyler's return, John smoked, paced, and watched the inevitable testosterone-fueled show that the male gangers put on to impress Megan. Shoving, bragging, and posturing, all for her benefit. Typical teenage boys. I wonder if they act that way around Nora? I wonder if she likes the attention? For Megan's part, she appeared too distracted to pay much attention to their antics. Is she as anxious as I am? Why would she be?
As John spun on his heel to continue pacing through the snow, he spotted Tyler returning with a big guy dressed all in black. After introductions were made, and while he was obviously and boldly sized-up, John took a pull off of his cigarette and cooly regarded the imposing bouncer. He was stalling, trying to decide which angle to pursue. Is this guy going to buy that I want to help his cousin, or do I just tell him the chip-truth and say that I don't give a flyin' frag about Twiggy as long as he leads me to Nora? A glance at Megan revealed undisguised worry on her face. Is she worried for me, or because of me? Is she playing an angle, or am I just too suspicious? Frag it. Not like I have much of a choice.
Finally, he exhaled smoke through his nostrils and replied, "What's my deal? Let's not go down that road, chummer. We can stand here all night: posture, talk the talk, beat our chests, all that drek. Won't get us nowhere and we both know it." He took another drag, and waited for that to sink in before continuing. "Tyler here probably told you a little on the way over, but maybe nothing you didn't already know. Twiggy's in trouble, and you know it, am I right? You know he's in trouble, but you don't know how to help. Chummer, that's where I come in."
John took a final pull off the cigarette and flicked the smoking butt into the night. He glanced around at the small group, noticing that the gangers had stopped rough-housing and were paying attention to what he had to say. Tyler was looking past the big guy to where Megan was standing, but her eyes were still on John. She was looking at him with a strange expression. Surprise? Respect? He wasn't sure.
As for the bouncer, he stood flexing his meaty hands, still trying to look mean. But John could tell that he had the guy thinking, and maybe, just maybe he wasn't as dumb as he looked. Maybe he was on the right track.
"See, Twiggy isn't the only one in trouble. My niece, Nora has been missing for over a week. She left me a note, and the way it was left makes me think that the leaving wasn't her idea. In the note she told me to look for your cousin because he knew what was going on. I've got it right here if you want to read it." Pulling the note from his pocket, John uses it to motion to the gangers. "These kids, they're good friends to your cousin. They made a deal with me: I promise to help Twiggy, and they promise to help me find him. I agreed because I need him to find my niece. Now it seems that we need you to find Twiggy."
Still holding the note, John takes a step closer to the bouncer in black. "That's the deal, chum, the whole deal. So, will you help us?"
May 11 2005, 04:00 PM
20:57:20 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
Nothing strikes Erebus as being out of place for this environment. He can tell that the valet service must have gotten a rush of cars to park merely 10 minutes ago. The row of parking slots nearest the gate has several cars with heat still radiating from the engine compartments, which doesn't make IR scans in those areas very easy.
Erebus does see two valets smoking outside of a small fire-door at the back of the lot. The door likely leads back to a break room where valets who are not on active duty can get a bit of relief from the cold.
This place seems pretty secure, and Elan is about as trusted as one in the shadows can get. Null persp.
Cedric Rolfsson
May 11 2005, 04:39 PM
20:58:25 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
The closer Erebus got to the troll sec-guard the larger the guy seemed. Elves were usually tall, but Erebus had always been considered short for an Elf and the troll stood easily head and shoulders taller. The guy stood firm, an easy grip on the Defiance stun baton in his right hand, and watched Erebus approach.
"Hoi chummer," Erebus said in a bright and friendly voice, "I'm here to pick up my take out order. I understand that you're the man to see."
He stayed about an arm's length away, his arm's length, from the troll but from the look of the bulging muscles beneath the barely concealed armor in his uniform if the sec-guard turned hostile Erebus could be in trouble.
Huh, guess that's why God invented guns. God created man, and Sam Colt made them equal.
He gave a conscious thought to the heavy weight of the Predator under his left arm and the lighter weight of the Berretta at his hip and let his confidence show in his bearing and demeanor.
May 11 2005, 05:01 PM
21:17:36 Tuesday 02 January 2063 - Trade Winds Hotel, Los Angeles, CFS
Cosmo nods absently, pausing to check her manicure with a critical eye.
"Understandable. What can we do with two?"
May 11 2005, 06:04 PM
16:11:04 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Uh ... okay ..." she says reluctantly, "you're okay I guess. And I guess Jonah'll vouch for you, since you're his friend."
Except that he can't, realises Virgil, because he doesn't know me and he's not in the apartment in any case, and the fragging door's probably locked to boot. I've got to make all that work for me, quickly. Oh well, on the plus side at least she isn't quoting lines from Sapphire: Shadowrunner for Hire. She still doesn't completely trust the situation, but at least she's giving us the chance to try to make it work.
"But just you," she says quickly, stepping back in the way to block Dragon from following Virgil in. She's big enough that she can make it count. "You can guard him from gang stuff out here just as easily. And I still haven't seen any official security ID from you."
May 11 2005, 07:31 PM
21:10:19 Sunday 07 January 2063 – Near Underground 93
The bouncer takes a good, long hard look at John , then carefully takes the note from his hands and opens it. He scans it, frowns, and then scans it again, apparently slower this time. After a while, he closes his eyes, sighs, and looks up at John . "All right, you seem legit. And the kids are vouching for you, so that's gotta mean something."
He looks at the sky and exhales a deep breath before looking back at John . "And hell, it's not like I'd be able to help anyway, so that puts me in over a barrel in your favor I guess. I don't like it, but since when do we get to do everything the way we like, huh?"
John remains silent, knowing the man is trying to convince himself more than anything. Taking another drag on the cigarette, he thinks to himself Hell, I'd do the same thing in his shoes. But these people seem all right. Nora could certainly have worse friends than these, and if Twiggy is anything like them, well I hope he'll do right by Nora too.
"Here's what I know." The bouncer's voice shakes John from his thoughts, and he immediately refocuses so as to not miss anything. “Some bad junk went down about a week ago. I don’t know what, he wouldn’t tell me. I let him hide out here for a while in the storage area, but some real hard cases came by looking for him maybe three, four days ago, and we knew he couldn’t stay here. He told me he was going to hide out at The Respite Soup Kitchen in Redmond, and get in touch with him there when the heat died down.”
“Wait a second.” John held up a hand to stop him. “He was hiding out at a fragging soup kitchen? Anyone could have seen him there!”
Before the bouncer can respond, Megan chimes in, “That’s not really crazy. A lot of us have volunteered there from time to time. Keira , the lady who runs the place, made us a deal that whenever we help out there for the day, she’ll give us a free meal. She’s really nice to us and doesn’t treat us like dirt, and when you ain’t got money for food and nothing else to do for the day, it’s really not that bad of a deal. We basically just stand around and hang out, and if she needs us to do something, we do it. There’s worse people to turn to for help than her.”
Civic minded gangers? What the hell is the world coming to? This is getting weirder and weirder. I’d almost rather trust a scum-of-the-earth gang, at least I know what they’re all about. Then it hit him. These weren’t gangers, at least not hardcore ones by any stretch of the imagination. This gang, if they could even be called that was third-tier, tops. Hell, they probably wouldn’t qualify as much more than a neighborhood group of kids in some places. Like Nora , they were all just looking for a place to belong, and someone to care. They found belonging with each other, and someone who cared and looked past their circumstances to see the people underneath in Keira , or so it sounded like.
“ Twiggy always had good things to say about her, and that’s all I know, so if you’re gonna look for him, I’d say talking to this Keira lady is a good start.” Checking his watch, the bouncer mutters under his breath, “Drek.” Looking back up at John , he says, “Listen, I gotta get back to work, if you hear anything about Twiggy or your niece, or if I can do anything to help, let me know, ok? Just tell the guys upfront you’re looking for Twiggy’s cousin, they’ll know you’re cool, since only chummers know that fact, ok?”
Nodding, John shakes the man’s hand. He’s been helpful, that’s for sure. Now I got a name and a place to look, and that’s more than I had not too long ago. That’s a good thing, means the trail hasn’t gone totally cold yet. With luck, I can get a lot from this Keira , it sounds like she’d know a lot, and she could be the break I need. “Thanks chummer, I’ll be in touch.”
As the bouncer turned to leave, he turned to Megan , who read his mind, and said, “Can’t go there now. It’ll be closed by the time we get there. Open 0800-2000. We can take you there tomorrow morning if you want. Unless you got something else you think we can do now?”
May 11 2005, 09:47 PM
20:58:45 Saturday January 6, 2063 - Behind the Paradigm Shift
With a brief grunt as he finishes staring down Erebus, the guard speaks into the small microphone that is now noticeable on his neck.
"I have a VIP here coming back for a word with the parking manager."
Erebus notes that his words did not carry that traditional slangs and improvisations that were endemic to the speech of those with a street upbringing.
"Walk straight back towards the back of the lot. A car will flash it's headlights. Go to that car."
Not waiting for a reply the troll steps back as the gate slides open across its rails . . .
May 11 2005, 10:05 PM
16:11:21 Saturday, January 6th, 2063 - Auburn, Jonah's building
"Thank you for you help ma'am. This will only take a moment."
Turning to Dragon the shaman keeps his calm tone, trying his best to diffuse an edgy situation. "It will be ok, I will only be inside for a few minutes, just long enough to see if he's home. There is no need for this women to put up with any more flustered words."
Taking a step down the stairs Dragon continued to grumble. Whether he was playing the part, or really just fed up with the situation was anyone's guess. "Fine, fine. Get back out here quick though. If something happens to you my career is over and I only have two more hours on the clock today."
Turning back to the women Virgil rolls his eyes and gives an amused smile. "Thank you again. God willing this is just a false alarm. I hope that Jonah has just been busy all day . . . .and nothing worse." Virgil speaks as he crosses himself.
Ok, I know that he's not going to come to the door. I'll knock and upon receiving no response I will just state that I need to have my bodyguard call into his command center. Recon be damned at this point, now we just need to diffuse this situation.
May 11 2005, 10:49 PM
21:18:22 Tuesday 02 January 2063 - Trade Winds Hotel, Los Angeles, CFS
The sounds of the restaurant are accompanied by the plastic clicking of the keyboard and muttered curses in Italian.
"Perhaps, I don't know, eight k each? Maybe as much as nine, but I'd have to shop it around pretty heavily. Maybe you don't want to announce that you've got that merchandise since you just stole it?"