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Sorry...mind blanked out on itself.
sheh, my mind is always blank. No need to apologize smile.gif
Edana going astral while Herne takes off with her body. Fun. I guess that means you're up Buddha\Gellawyn.
Ok 2 arrows to Crisis's, one in the head to ensure his silence about us and the old one. Don't worry I checked with the thread master and all is well.

Quick Draw Test TN 6
06 06 05 05 05 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 01 (2 successes)

Centering (to reduce penalties) TN 6
05 05 05 03 03 01 (none!)

06 06 03 03 03 02 (2successes/-1 to the penalties)

1st shot - Called to bypass armor TN 11
16 13 11 07 05 05 05 04 04 02 02 01 (3 successes)

2nd shot TN 11
17 16 10 09 08 05 05 04 02 02 01 01 (2 successes)

3 Combat Pool left

Base damage is 15M from each shot.
26-Kraxus--You're Up
Why did Crisis just get murdered?
The thought is two fold.

Above board--Nightcrawler is out of the game. He hasn't responded to the thread or my PMs.

IC--A beat down was coming, Gellawyn simply decided that the most expeditious way of ensuring that her, Kraxus, and Doren could not be endangered from information slipping out of Crisis about their activities was to silence him.

I rolled, he was unable to soak the damage.
There's some back story and we all work for someone who demands our silence about him and his activities. Crisis was tied into that storyline but I have no idea why he hasn't responded to PMs and the like.
He did say his connection was Fubar. But whatever, just don't decide to cap DT like that smile.gif
I'd suggest staying in constant communication with the GM wink.gif
Shadow--I saw your post about running before Fenris posted his action. Was that all DT planned on or was there going to be a skill test or perception coming down the pipe?

Sparky--Herne is up...anything specific or just getting clear with your body? Because he is materialized to carry you, he moves at normal speeds not the break neck speed of thought.

Fenris--Out of curiosity, has Kraxus ever ridden a motorcyle or only in the backseat?

As a reminder there is a large truck outside which people can pile in if they don't feel like defaulting to reaction and rolling handling tests...Crash is going to drive... smile.gif
Oh yeah, like I want to put my life in the hands of that troll...I'd rather default to reaction on the bike.

And to answer your question McQ, Kraxus rides backseat on the bike. Gell drives. wink.gif
Herne will put Edana into the Brumby after that... we'll see.
QUOTE (McQuillan)
Shadow--I saw your post about running before Fenris posted his action. Was that all DT planned on or was there going to be a skill test or perception coming down the pipe?

Well he would be on the look out for a trap so perception, yeah. And he will pile into Crashes truck.


09 05 05 05 04 04
Who's up now? I think it's Edana but not sure. Just bumping the thread so it stays on the list. smile.gif
Edana is up.
Attack with Whip TN 2 (base 4 - 2 for whip reach + 1 (at least) for spirit reach - 1 for friends in melee)

Skill 4: 14 05 03 02 (4 successes)

Astral Combat Pool 4: 05 05 04 02 (4 successes)

Focus 9: 07 05 03 03 03 03 03 02 01 (8 successes)

Astral Pool 3: 07 04 03 (3 successes)

19 successes

(Gadzooks... is that right?) Edit: Buddha helped me get this straightened out. Is the 'friends in melee' part right?

Edit: Astral combat pool still can add 4, no change there.
You cannot use Combat pool in astral combat--only Astral Pool and those special Initiation dice equal to your grade for AStral based activities.
If you just mislabeled it that's fine, otherwise deduct the appropriate amount of dice from your pools and I'll move forward...

Yes Team, she has a Force 9, reach 2 weapon focus...that's the level of threat you're playing with. smile.gif
He's talking about your astral combat pool. It is Int + Cha + Will divided by 2 and rounded down. Hope that helps.
I edited the above (no changes to the dice or successes). Wrote this as a *bump*
Can you post the damage code for me please...or anyone who can tell me the damage code of a whip...I remember Edana's Cha score...
Oh sorry, it's (STR)L.
Do you realize what 16 net successes turns that into?

Cha+4 D rolling down the pipe...

Sparky, You have succeeded at making an effective Astral combatant...
Drop out of initiative.

--Biotech (First Aid) to assess Bishop's condition, you are currently in bad conditions (+4) and a -2 for Bishop, which makes a TN 6 with medkit, TN 10 w/o and TN 5 with Savior.
Is Bishop Awakened?

I will swap over to the Astral and do an assensing to determine the extent of the damage.

Assensing (w/astral pool): 11 10 05 05 05 04 03 03 02 02 02 01 (6 successes, assuming he's at normal TNs. Astral Chamelon would reduce it to 2 successes)

He is not awakened, he is currently unhealthy due to several external wounds and internal hemorraghing. Unconscious, there is an emptiness of emotion that speaks volumes of despair and loss. There are various implants throughout his body.
Just bumping to keep us up on the list. Does anyone have biotech so we can try to bandage Bishop up?
I don't see much being tossed out in the way of Biotech, so I'm going to roll forward with the healing:

I'm assuming a Drain Code of D, but feel free to adjust things later if I'm wrong wink.gif My target numbers are all -1 for Aptitude, but I'm still looking for 10's.

Sorcery[6]+Spell Pool[6]+Ally[4]: 13 05 05 05 04 04 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 02 01 (1 success)

Centering for additional successes: 16 11 10 05 03 02 (1 success)

Assuming the 13's a success and the 5 isn't, karma: 13 09 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 03 02 02 02 02 (1 success)

And 2 more karma for a total of 3 on this roll: 11 09 05 04 04 04 04 04 03 02 02 02 (1 success)

That's the max I can do with the spell. If 3 boxes isn't a significant difference, there's nothing else I can do for him.

Willpower[6]+ Spell Pool[2]: 10 09 08 07 04 04 02 02 (8 successes, no drain)
Fenris--TN should be 10-0 for Essence-1 from Aptitude for a 9...That will give you 5 successes.

You are correct about the drain.
+2 for bioware wink.gif
Fenris--Forgot about that one...good catch.

Team--Above board, Bishop is in a coma right now. If Ecc's life calms back down and he wants to join us, the door will be open.

And there are Shedim, Vaudun, and a whole host of other evil possibilities....<Insert Maniacal Laughter>
Ward him! Ward him now! That'll at least slow 'em down a little...

Bumped the thread to keep this baby moving along. I was bad and let it drop on my list of things to do. Sorry. frown.gif
Going to take Bishop to a private hospital and then head home.
I'm bad too. I've just finished up a big project and am taking off for a week. After that though - I'm totally free. For a few weeks. smile.gif

For now, Edana will nudge the storm that's gathering to cover their tracks.

Conjuring (6d +2d spirit affinity):
08 05 05 03 03 02 02 01
Happy Monday!

Just bumping the thread and keeping it current. What's the nexty step? Maybe bumping forward to the new meet location to start planning our assault on the Templars?
Sounds like the best step, actually. Preferrably somewhere that the Templars aren't currently aware of, and that's been warded.
Now's probably the best time to state that if you want to do something that isn't exactly covered in the rules--let me know, I'll tell you the appropriate test to make and we can go from there.

You are currently at Downtown's safe house.

Shadow--Can you post a description?
On it.
Is it warded? I'll slip into Astral Perception for a moment to check. also be checking for eavesdroppers and spirits.
There are no spirits currently present with the excpetion of both allies.
And the location isn't warded?
To my knowledge, no...But Shadow needs to confirm.
SHADOW!! Is this place warded??
We'll just assume that it's not wink.gif
Hey All!!

I think McQuillan is waiting on us player types to move the ball along so can we get some bump love from the people with the info on the Templars current doings/scheming? Thanks!
As Buddha said, I was waiting on your there something you need from me specifically?
Nope, not really.

Whoever it is that has the info on the Templar we were supposed to track down should be speaking up about now? -=crosses fingers and hopes it wasn't just Bishop=-

I'll have my ally spirit pulling astral recon while we talk, checking around for spirits and the like.
Setting up a F10 ward, polarized so that we can see out of the windows and the doors, but you can't see in. Fuer'yon will be assisting. I assume with my magic rating + ally spirit dice I can do the whole apartment? I can do about 2400 cubic feet, which is the size of a small house, I believe.

Warding roll (Magic + Ally): 13 10 05 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 02 02 02 02 01 01

TN 10, 2 successes, ward will be up for two weeks.
And only takes five hours to

Sparky--I think they're waiting on you...
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