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Wow. Nice post, y'all.
I second that, gave me shivers.
Thanks much. smile.gif

Dialing the number for Edana.
Presume that everyone is temporally synched up, so when Gellawyn calls the phone rings at the same time for Edana.
Thanks and awesome post Sparky. Just bumping to keep us up on the lists.
Hey Sparks--Were the crows your watcher batallion? If so I need some summoning tests.
Right-o. Forgot to roll.

Straight up Conjuring? What's the TN for watchers? (apologies for ignorance)
Conjuring TN=Force. Each success gives 1 hour of life. Force is capped at half your magic rating. Drain is (Force)L.
Force 4 Hearth Spirit:
Summon: -- rolled above --
Drain: 11 10 04 04 03 03 03 02 01 (4 successes, no drain, no karma)

Watcher 1 Force 4
Summon: 04 03 02 02 02 01 (1 success)
Drain: 11 05 05 04 03 02 01 01 (4 successes, no drain, no karma)

Watcher 2: Force 4
Summon: 04 02 02 01 01 01 (1 success)
Drain: 15 10 10 04 04 03 02 02 01 (5 successes, no drain, no karma)

Watcher 3: Force 4
Summon: 15 05 05 03 02 01 (3 successes)
Drain: 21 05 05 04 04 04 03 03 (6 successes, no drain, no karma)

Watcher 4: Force 4
Summon: 05 04 02 01 01 01 (2 successes)
Drain: 10 09 04 03 03 03 02 02 01 (3 successes, no drain, no karma

Herne Assenses Ward TN 4
Assensing: 05 05 03 02 02 01
The ward is healthy, there are no implants or diseases. It is a force equal to Herne and the astral signature matches that of the individuals who just passed through.
Mindlink (Force 3): 11 09 05 03 01 01

Drain (2S): 05 04 04 04 03 02 02 01

No drain.

Allocating spell pool as follows: 3 dice of shielding to each of myself, and the 2 gangers, 5 dice of shielding on Gellawyn.

Calling up Fuer'yon, sending him on ahead.

McQuillan, just checking. My updated character sheet isn't up on the website yet. Just wanted to make sure you recieved it?
I received it, just haven't posted it yet.

Anyone else who wants to use the 43 karma that you have earned up to this point, please send me an updated character sheet.
Shadow--Was that flavor text or are you actually speeding? If the latter, I'm going to need a basic control test (TN 6) because you're not a troll. If no driving skills, there's always the default to Reaction (TN 10)
It was flavor smile.gif
So are we actually there now? Let me know so I can start posting actions and kicking butt. biggrin.gif

My only comment was going to be to have some combat but it looks like that's being addressed. I am enjoying the thread thus far, lots of great posting from the players and GM alike.
Not there yet. (It will take several minutes for the team to arrive.)

Sparky--I need to know a final course of action. Wait for the goons, jump out a window and flee, or proactively hunt them?

At the end of Sparky's next post, Fueryon will arrive on the scene. Depending on the course of action, the rest of the team's arrival could be within a few posts, or several...
Oh, I thought it was clear.

She's waiting. Astrally. The call came in and interrupted her. Will resume Astral.
Fuer'yon will be looking for Herne or Edana outside first for information.
I will be unable to post Wednesday and Thursday, I might get a chance, but I doubt it.
Attacking the ward.

Rolls forthcoming.
McQuillan - Just to check, I referenced MiTS the other day, and it says that ally spirits have access to a metaplane that is their home.

Is there any reason the ally spirits couldn't just hop out to the metaplanes and then hop back inside the ward?
Not to answer for Mcq, but my understanding is they can do exactly that.
Elementals can do it by passing through "Metaplanar shortcuts" so I don't see a reason why not...
Well, I'll smash it anyway. biggrin.gif
Just need those attack rolls....
Attack with Whip TN 4/2 ( TN2 is -2 for whip reach... does that apply to wards? )

Skill 4: 08 04 02 01 (2/3 successes)
Astral Combat Pool 4: 10 05 03 02 (2/4 successes)
Focus 9: 10 05 04 03 03 02 01 01 01 (3/6 successes)

7/12 successes
Pushing on...Fueryon has arrived at the scene. The ward is broken and the thugs are somewhere unknown within the clinic.

Sparks--Since you are full astral, would you like to meet the goons on a middle ground or wait until they are in the same room as you are where they can pummel your physical body without remorse?

Vehicle team--you will be arriving shortly.
Thanks for the update!
Edited post to have her move into the hall. She will rush to meet the men if they appear all together, otherwise she's staying just outside the door.
Just saying hi and waiting for the arrival post. smile.gif
OY Sparks!! You're up...

*presses face to the screen, looking left and right*

Just waiting for one of your wicked cool posts my dear and interested to see this new whip'o'death in action. wink.gif
I told McQ... I'm cryin'. I wrote out what would be my next post and made a big-stupid-fat-fingered-consignment-to-the-ether. Still regenerating the wherewithal to rewrite. biggrin.gif Should be soon now.
Assensing (INT + 1 Initiate Grade) 7 dice

Eeny, 05 04 04 04 03 02 01
Meeny, 05 04 03 03 03 03 01
Miney, 11 05 05 05 02 02 01
Moe, 15 13 04 04 01 01 01

Glad there aren't glitches in SR3. smile.gif
From the flavor of your IC post, I'm guessing that you were assensing their weapons...none of them are weapon foci.

I do need Initiative rolls from everyone please.

Folks on vehicles will be pulling up to the hospital after we sub 10 the first time.

Shadow-- if Downtown makes a handling test at +4 he can pull in with a nice screeching stop and act on his forst initiative pass.

Buddha/Fenris--You could both jump from the backs of the bikes if you'd like...I'd treat it as a crash test...
Well, she's assensing them for foci generally, with the assumption that they would have weapons, but, as she's carrying non-weapon foci herself, she's looking for those too. If possible.

Initiative 4d6+5:
06 06 05 04 +5 = 26
Sparky--don't forget the +20 for being astral.
Holy smokes! I thought that was only for spirits!

46 then.

Baddies better batten down hatches.
Through the wonderful control that I have over time and space, as well as the dramatic...everyone is now on scene.

Buddha, Fenris and Shadow--I need initiative rolls please as well as the decision of whether you want to risk it and act in the first pass or lose your pass to the parking of vehicles.
Gellawyn 32

Ok I looked over the Crash test rules and i am a little confused. Are we rolling our Driving test or are we just using the chart to determine what kind of damage we are soaking? If so what speed are the bikes moving at so I can do the formula?

McQ - Is there some way to resolve it besides rolling a crash test? I have levitate. Can I just split my casting and lift us both off the bikes and set us down just outside the front door?

Initiative! 13 ;(

Buddha--It'd be the damage resistance. I'll go over speeds tonight.

Fenris--Yes, you could instead use levitate to lift your bodies up while the bikes keep driving, and then set yourselves down.
McQ Since I should know what floor my ally spirit is on, I'll use the levitate and just lift us up there.

Spell pool (8) + Sorcery (6) = 14 dice.
Allocating 2 for Drain tests.

First cast (Gellawyn):
Centering against Drain: 05 05 05 04 03 03 (6 successes)
Casting levitate F2 (TN 4): 10 05 04 01 (3 successes)
Drain (TN 3): 08 04 04 03 01 01 (4 successes) + 3 successes from centering = 7 successes, no drain.

Second cast (Kraxus):
Centering against Drain: 05 05 04 04 02 02 (2 successes)
Casting Levitate F2 (TN 5): 05 05 04 04 03 02 02 01 (2 successes)
Drain: (TN 4): 15 05 05 03 02 01 (3 successes) + 1 success from centering = 4 successes, no drain.

Moving both of us at 28 meters per turn, I'll take us up to a window on the 3rd or 4th floor, whichever floor Fuer'yon is on.
I will be delaying my action till we get to the window.
So far we have:

Edana 46
Gellawyn 32 (delaying)
Kraxus 13 (Prepping to cast Levitate)
Downtown ??

Looks like we just need initiative from Shadow.
Sorry about that, I was busy packing all weekend. Here's my init...

4D6 +12 = 25
Initiative is as follows:
Edana 46
Gellawyn 32 (Delaying to the window)
Badguys 31
Downtown 25
Kraxus 13 (Will Cast Levitate)

Sparks--You're up.

Shadow--were you going to sacrifice your first pass to park or make the handling test?
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