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I switch to the astral and check and see. If someone cast mindlink within the last hour, there should be a residue.
Usually I'd demand dice rolling and that stuff, but no there is not a signature of spellcasting.
McQ - the call into Uncle Jimmy is to line up a new place to take Michael and to get general advice. This is the guy that got Edana's assets untied and back into her hands and in no small part is responsible for her relatively light treatment at the hands of Interpol and Seattle's authorities. He didn't expect her to actually CARRY the foci AROUND.

She's got to be mental.

Anyway. That's what the call is for.
Understood. Arrangements will take time, so I need people to start making actions IC so that such time can progress.
uhm I checked and no biotech so I have no idea if we can move him so anyone help with that?
The nurse will know.
Hey all!

Just bumping to keep us current. Looking back over all of this I think we should switch gears. I say we take this to Ulrik (sp?) and get what we need. No more James Bond stuff, let's sneak in and grab him up. That a problem for anyone? biggrin.gif
Works for me!
Due to a lack of response, I'm pushing people around.
Alright, just to clarify:

Sparky - What spells did you cast that I need to cleanse? As in, what force, and what's the drain?

McQuillan - Cleansing says I can use it to clear background count, and any astral signatures, etc associated with that background count. Did our actions here at the hospital leave a temporary background count? If so, and I cleanse it, will it erase Sparky's spell sigantures as well, since that's associated with the source of the background count?
I was here. With my force 10 focus.
The force of the focus and the violence caused a very short lived background count (think less than a few minutes). You can cleanse it if you'd like to.

By my recollection, Sparky never actively cast spells. She shattered the ward through astral combat and focussed her anger and rage upon Bishop. The spell signatures from the various levitate spells will remain upon the individuals moved and the cleanse would clean up any residual traces that could hint that "magic happened here" without leaving enough details for what and who.
My apologies, there was some summoning...
1- F4 Spirit
4- F4 Watchers
Ok some Perception tests when we reach the bottom floor. I have Hearing Amp, Select Sound Filter, Olfactory Booster, and Dampener. Just checking for problems to our exit.

01 02 02 04 04 11

Select Sound Filter
01 04 04 05 07

Olfactory Booster
01 02 02 05 08 08

Ok scoping out the alarm system on the door. Trying to figure out what I am facing.

Security Systems
03 03 03 09 10 15


There are several people nearby moving around, but none of them seem to be imposing themselves between your group and the exit.

The alarm system is a rating 3 system. Similar to a maglock in reverse, when the seal is broken the alarm triggers. There is a local alarm on the door which lets out a high pitched squeal as well as components which return to the central security system.
Electronics B/R Sp: Security Systems (to remove the covering)
02 03 04 05 05 05 11

Electronics Sp: Security Systems (disable the alarm)
02 03 03 04 04 05 08

Electronics B/R Sp: Security Ssystems (to replace the covering)
01 01 01 03 09 10 13

Will karma if needed on any on these rolls, just let me know.
Sorcery test for Cleansing (unsure as the background count, if it's fairly high I may karma) (Sorcery + 4 Spell pool + 2 Ally spirit dice): 05 05 04 04 04 02 02 02 01 01 01 01

Pretty sure that's not going to do it, so karma: 08 07 05 05 05 05 04 04 03 02 02 01

Well, there's the roll.

And the drain (again, don't know TN): 16 10 08 05 05 05 05 05 04 03 02 01

Fenris--You've wiped the background, but the signatures are still there.
Is it possible to clean astral signatures from summoning with a sorcery roll, the same way you can clean signatures from spellcasting?
[ Spoiler ]
For my own edification who is who?

I'm guessing the two men are the elves and the woman is Edana?
Edana and Kraxus are the men, Gellawyn is the woman wink.gif
Bumped and just waiting for the get away car as it were.
I think Shadow is still MIA so maybe bump him or have Herne pull up so we can keep going?
I was waiting on Sparky to bump Herne's actions, but I will post and push things along this afternoon during my lunch break if nothing happens before then.
For reference, the apartment belongs to Downtown the orc, not Crash the Crazy Troll.
Alright, if nobody's got any info on a street clinic in the next couple of hours, I'm going to go ahead and take Bishop to a regular hospital. I know I don't have the right knowledge skills.
I think we're going with your plan Fenris. Can people sound off so we know you're still out there?
Still here!
I know Sparky is still around and I sent Shadow a PM today asking him if he was still in the thread or not so we will see. I say at some point we just push on with the three of us at this point. It would be nice to have nore more but we need someone who can post with a little more regularity. We'll see.
I need etiquette checks for the drug availability please. List out Contact archtype, rating, and modifiers please.
Going to skip it, sorry about the false start.
Hey all finally got word from Shadow and he's dropping from the DS boards in general so it's just us three for now so let's snatch up the baddie so we can move forward. More importantly, we can get new members for the thread. biggrin.gif
Bumping to keep us current, loving the interaction bewteen the characters and awesome post Sparky.
biggrin.gif Thanks... right back atcha.

Good stuff. This is actually a turning point I've seen coming for a long long time, but I didn't expect it to unfold this way. Edana has always to this point (and me with her) thought her parents were mostly good - maybe dismissive or emotionally neglectful - but mostly good.

The really cool (to me) thing is that this version of the enchanter/shaman (the one here at DSF) is the only one who has ever seen real play time. But I've been spinning out pieces of her for years and years. And at the core of the very first iteration of her had her with parents that were Not Nice People. It's cool to see that piece float back up. Assuming the Templars are on the up and up. Which, of course they are. Right? They're not all bad, right?

The templars are like the Nazis--some are decent people, others are fuck heads...your opinion of them is directly proportional to which side you have seen in greater proportion...
Just bumping to keep us current. biggrin.gif
Psyhometry TN
10 years or more 14
Each additional 10 years +2
Subject is metal object +1
Subject has a strong connection (wedding ring) -2
Impression of violence or strong emotions -2
Impression of violent death -3
Subject carries more than one significant impression +1 for each
(I'm going to assume 3 more but I have no idea.)

Final TN around 13 or so but again I have no idea so let me know if I need to karma the roll. It will take me a number of minutes equal to the highest TN (in the case of mutiple impressions) for the reading. All this info can be found in SOTA 2063 starting on page 49, if that helps.

Aura Reading Sp: Psychometry
01 01 02 03 04 04 05 31 (Fenris witnessed)

The timeline is more recent... it was within the last 5 years.
Can we all see the images?
Yep, from the point where I said All. Only Gellawyn gets the very first part...
I edited the post very slightly, to ensure it was clear that Dorian's voice came through Gell's throat.
Resist roll to see if Gellawyn experiences anyone psychic backlash.

Willpower TN 13
01 01 01 02 09 15

Ok I am all good then. biggrin.gif
It's that season again for me. I will be at a family friend's costume shop for the next 5 days slinging costumes so I will be afk until after Halloween is over, sorry but everyone have a great Halloween! devil.gif
Assensing Edana. Main focus is emotional state. (She has masking, Initiate grade 3, Magic stat 9. My initiate grade is 8, magic is 14. I will karma as necessary to succeed, GM is supposed to roll.)

Int (6) + Initiate (cool.gif = 21 09 07 05 05 04 03 03 02 02 01 01 01 01 (6 successes)

Karma (#1) = 05 04 04 02 02 01 01 01 (3 successes)

Total of 9 successes. That should be everything.
Sparky--Can you put up a little post about how Edana is feeling?

Fenris--No karma needed to pierce the masking.
WOOT! I have returned from Halloween hellland!

I think I put the readings together now with the visiosn, feel free to poke holes in my theory. biggrin.gif
There are still a few loose threads that haven't been tidied up in the new theory...
McQ - were you intending that the sword-rose was the Brotherhood?
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