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Intimidating/bribing my way past the desk clerk if need be. Edana will dish out :nuyen:100 to get past the woman if she needs to and will force her way through if that becomes necessary.
That's what I love about you Sparky...always pushing for what you want. smile.gif

Throw me some dice to back everything up. Your choice of social skill, intimidation seems best given the post, but throw it out there. I'll add the appropriate modifiers from the social table.
Intimidation (Defaulting to Charisma) = 6 dice TN unknown
17 09 05 02 01 01
Why? Why McQ? Why do I tempt you?
Why do the winds blow? Why do the stars and planets move the way they do? All things have a reason and root cause, we simply may not see enough of the picture to understand.

Why did Bishop befriend you? Was it to make up for some dark sin in his own past, or merely to lure you into another circle of terror in which the Templars can finish what they began so long ago?
So what skill would be needed to figure out what's going on on the smaller screen?
My apologies, flashed completely over this request and then forgot when I was reminded.

Perception (Int): 13 11 05 04 03 02
Buddha--Anything related to Computers, LTGs, or Telecommunication systems would help. Otherwise a default to Int.

Fenris--Kraxus will notice the same oddity on the screen as posted for Gellawyn.
I was hoping you'd say something like Edged Weapons. *SIGH*

11 10 05 03 02 01

Will karma if needed just let me know.
Buddha--You have 2 successes. More will yield more information...karma if you'd like to.
Karma Roll
17 02 02 01 (got to love the die roller)
McQuillan - Do I know if the Templars have a standard matrix icon, like a knight on a horse or anything?

And can I tie Crash's time (around Christmas) back to known or suspected Templar activity?

Knowledge - Templars: 05 04 03 03 01
Knowledge - Current Catholic Church (Templars): 05 03 03 03 02 02 02
Knowledge - Elven Society: 08 07 05 02 01

If it's not an open test and I didn't get at least one success, I'll use karma.
Hit some karma on the first 2 tests. (TN 6)

Elven Society--there were a few minor infractions at the Yule ball (attempted assassination of a Tir Noble that resulted in the wounding of 3 bodyguards and the death of the Templar.)
Karma'ing: (1 point): 17 04 01 01 01
Karma'ing (2 more): 04 03 02 01

Current Catholic(Templars):
Karma'ing (1 point): 09 07 03 03 03 01 01

Total of 4 points spent.
The Society is a group that focusses on dealing with rogue Templars and in their spare time works as a high stakes bounty hunting group which deals with paranormal threats. It appears that more than half their number was decimated in actions against Shadowrunners approximately six months ago.

Current Catholic (Templars):
The Templars have recently censured a few members of the church who spoke out of turn. Mosignur Mennon was found dead in his bed of a supposed heart attack, though his health would not suggest any predilection for heart conditions.

Also a Templar known as Rasial, a member of The Society, was spotted in the Pacific Northwest recently. Previously his area of influence was Western Europe (Continental).
Ok the mystery of Crash will have to be solved by someone else for the moment. My skill set is sadly lacking to unravel it. Going to post to move along, sorry was trying to figure the decker out.
Has Crash picked up Edana or the Templar yet?
Crash has surveillance surrounding the hotel, but none inside the Templar's room. Last footage of Ulick saw him arrive and head inside the hotel.

He does not have any surveillance on Edana.
Ok going to be heading back the the Ancients to check in with the boss man unless I get a lead on Edana so flavor text as needed. biggrin.gif
Sparky--I know you were in LA last week, (It was good to see you!!) but have you made a decision as to what Edana's next step is with Bishop? If you are hesitant, I can simply move time forward... vegm.gif

Fenris--Are you staying at the apartment or heading back to the Ancients with Gell?
Sorry... I'm not sure what to do there. I've started several times but keep ditching the posts.

If you want to move on, please do, I don't want to hang us up.
I'm staying for the moment, until she's contacted HIM and we've got things arranged for the initation.

Just to clarify things in my mind, it's my understanding that watchers don't carry the astral signature of the summoner and can't be tracked back to the summoner because they don't have that link or connection that allows communication and control at a distance. So, if I sent watchers to track someone, anyone seeing or assensing them wouldn't automatically get my astral signature, and wouldn't be able to track them back to me. Is that correct?
Hey guys!

Mac has very kindly let me come back after my extended absence (we had a boy!). I really am eager to jump back in. I am all caught up on the story, I am just trying to think of a way to ease Downtown in without causing any storyline shifts. So I was thinking I would just have him be at at the apartment watching over Crash, sound good?
Fenris--My understanding is that they will still carry your astral signature because you crafted them, but they do not have a link back to you. That is said purely from memory as my copy of MitS is stilled packed away. Read through the section if you get a chance, and post the answer. I trust you.
Shadow - Sounds fine to me.

McQ - Having reviewed the text, I would agree.
Congrats Shadow!

And welcome back.
Many happy returns!! And welcome back!
Thank you, thank you.
McQuillan - Summoning up some watcher spirits.

Force 4 watchers:
I conjured a few more, but basically dropped anything I didn't have at least 3 hours on.
All drain is L, so the trauma dampner automatically removes it.

Basically, my idea is to send all four to find him, and once they find him, follow him. Anytime he stops more then 10 minutes or so, the watchers should take note of the locale, and one of them should report back to me. I'll then conjure a new watcher and have the old one guide the new one back to the locale with the same instructions.

That should give me a constant eye on Ulik, and with minimal effort, since I never need to worry about taking drain from conjuring watchers.

Conjuring(Summoning): 7 dice
17 05 05 02 02 02 01
05 04 04 02 02 02 01
08 05 05 05 03 02 01
13 13 05 03 02 02 02

Shadow- I think there's an extra http in the link to Manapunk in your sig, it's dumping people on a default MS page wink.gif

Fixed, thanks. I am such a dork.

Danny will finish up his shower and get suited up. Armor, guns etc.
Fenris--Noted. If you get a minute, throw the post IC. Are you summoning them from the apartment and telling them to go find him or are you going to lead them to the hotel?
Carp, my apologies. Totally meant to throw up an IC post. According to MiTS, I can give them directions, so I'll be giving them understandable directions to the hotel to start their search since I've been their astrally.

BTW, I'll be giving them instructions to hide themselves to the best of their abilities while they're watching. They have 1 karma point, and they'll use it if necessary.
Hey McQuillan is it ok if I throw up the Dorian post in the next day or so? I don't want to step on GM toes in case you had something coming up. Let me know.
It's fine with me, right now I'm just waiting on a few replies and time to tick by.

Sparky--What's the plan?

Fenris--Watchers are away, is the plan still to wait for them to report back in and wait for Gellawyn's call? Or is there something else up your sleeve?

Shadow--After the shower, you're gearing up. Where are you headed?
I was going to check with the troll and see if there was any new developments, then give Sparky a call and see how things were.
I thought I'd yell at Sparky a little cause she didn't mention this guy was permenantly dual natured, and my little fleet of watchers is about to get obliterated wink.gif

In the meantime, I'm just waiting on notice back from Gellawyn so we can dual the initiation thing.
What? Who's permanently dual-natured?
I think that's Sparky's way fo saying that she doesn't remember that Ulick is dual natured.

Sparky--Edana learned that little tidbit, back in Chasing when Herne followed Ulick to the hotel. Ulick dropped the mask and was dual-natured. I tried to remind people of the fact that he was a little different by the fact that despite having lost the use of one of his eyes, he does not seem to have any problems with depth perception and can still use a gun and ride a motorcycle.

Oh well, at least the watchers are cheap...
I am taking off for the weekend today and will be back late Monday, puppet me if needed. Have a great weekend all!
Errr, Shadow? I'm (player) a little unclear as to exactly what you're asking about. Which front? The following Edana front, or the following Ulik front, or what?
Yeah I am a master at being unclear smile.gif

I meant, hows it going, what are you up to, what can I do to help.
Summoning a F4 Hearth Spirit (Conjuring 6)
05 05 03 02 02 01

(What's the drain on that?)

Activating Foci
Ok threw up the post trying to get the ball rolling again for my part of it.

As an aside, speaking as a an action junkie I say TEAR THEM UP Sparky. I envy your chance to kick ass and take names. biggrin.gif
Heading back to Dorian's to complete the initiation ritual.

It should be a couple of hours before I realize that the watchers aren't coming back wink.gif
Sparky--You are soaking 4M with charisma plus any totem modifiers. And just as a gentle reminder, for the goons to see Herne they must be astrally present (either perceiving or dual natured).
Yes, I know Edana's in for a world of pain.

But she's just that way. I can't talk her out of it. Poor, poor Edana.
true, but astral forms have a much higher initiative in general than people in the meat...better initiative, more actions...
Force 10 weapon focus with reach while they fight back with bare hands, or better yet, just their Cha!

Hint hint, I think we're just suggesting Edana face them in the field of battle she's designed to fight on wink.gif
Oh I hear ya, loud and clear. As long as they make the first move...
Fenris and I are throwing up the ritual post in about 15 minutes, thanks for your patience McQuillan. biggrin.gif
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