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Here is seconttempt at the 'warrior'.
That's really much better. Still not quite as big and hefty as I was thinking, though.

The shield kicks ass, but unfortunately I have to say the symbolism on it is really inappropriate for what I'm thinking of. Could you maybe remove the symbol altogether? Maybe replace it with bands of riveted steel to give the shield texture?
Kyoto Kid
...agreed, much better. The weapon raised behind him ready to strike conveys a more menacing nature.

BTW, Leela looks absolutely fantastic. notworthy.gif notworthy.gif notworthy.gif When (& if) you find some time will there be a colour version? If so she has light red hair & light blue eyes, fair complexion (no freckles). The bag & helmet should be "Army Olive Drab". Clothing colours: whatever looks good.
QUOTE (holychampion)
Here is seconttempt at the 'warrior'.

Very nice!
This one maybe ready for ink. I'm toying with putting arrows in the shield and around him or would you prefer a clean image?

Thanks I'm really glad u like it Kyoto Kid biggrin.gif

Next is another real challenge, Eidolon's "Doc"
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
This one maybe ready for ink. I'm toying with putting arrows in the shield and around him or would you prefer a clean image?

Thanks I'm really glad u like it Kyoto Kid biggrin.gif

Next is another real challenge, Eidolon's "Doc" If I were the guy facing "Warrior" on the field of battle I would be looking to shout the old Monty Python Arthurian command Run Away...!. eek.gif
That's... Pretty damn good. I didn't think of making the riveted plates like that - I was thinking more of a shell-like bands of overlapping plates running side-to-side down the shield. But that's not bad.

Actually, instead of putting arrows in it, could you put This Symbol on him?
yes I can biggrin.gif
Reminds me vaguely of the Black Knight from Monty Python, only badass

"I've got yer flesh wound right here!"

You only keep getting better, good sir.
sorry for not posting, been busy. With any luck will post a inked version of the 'warrior' and a sketch of 'Doc' by tommorrow.
As promised inked version of the 'warrior'.
Will have to postpone sketch of 'Doc' for 1 more day, sorry frown.gif frown.gif
Kyoto Kid
...again, very nice. The shield emblem adds a lot more interest. This also would be a neat one to see in colour.
That is AWESOME... The emblem's head is facing the wrong way, but... Hey, who cares. nyahnyah.gif
oh...sorry about that. Glad you like it though. Here is the sketch of 'Doc'. I orginally intended to go with a coming home look, but this just spoke to me.
Darkened version of 'Doc'.
QUOTE (holychampion)
Darkened version of 'Doc'.

Nice... But why the heck dosen't he have a weapon in that hand? smile.gif

Heheh. Just kidding. Anyway, it's good.

Hmmmmmm..... Nah, I'll wait a bit before bugging you with more drawings. smile.gif
Awesome! The hanging from the ladder thing is great. Thanks!
Kyoto Kid
...I get the feeling he has just dropped a little surprise (of the explosive kind) on someone below.
Nah, he's bollocks with grenades. wink.gif

More like reaching out to help the adept up after the adept managed to get shot...again.
Excellent smile.gif ! And yes, he's supposed to be reaching out to help someone. I should have the inked version done by tonight. Any other takers?
If no-one else speaks up, I'd be glad to provide some more characters. I just don't want to be accused of bogarting the talent. nyahnyah.gif
first come, first serve! biggrin.gif
Kyoto Kid
...I'll post another interesting challenge tomorrow evening.
Inked version of "Doc".
Looks bad ass. Thanks for doing it. smile.gif
Okay, I'll step up to the plate again. This one should be more or less fun (I hope).

I want what you could term a generic, female "Space Marine." Think Halo, think Starship Troopers, think any sort of Space Marine that's wearing semirealistic personal armor, not some kind of Warhammer crazy stuff.

She should have some kind of primary weapon - the type I'll leave up to you. Rifle, submachine gun, flamethrower, rocket launcher, tactical laser cannon, crew-served machine gun, whatever - and some kind of sidearm. And a helmet - preferably the kind that encloses your face in clear plexiglass, though you could also do an open-atmo helmet.

As far as making it some sembalance of Shadowrun, put the Ares logo on her gear. smile.gif Consider it looking ahead to 2170... smile.gif

Action pose or pin-up, your call. You seem to do better with actions.

Re: Doc Inked. I like it now. Now that I looked at the ladder again, it looks like he's hanging off a helicoptor's ladder, about to catch someone who's about to do a high-flying leap off the side of a building.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (eidolon @ Feb 19 2007, 09:31 PM)
Looks bad ass.  Thanks for doing it.  smile.gif


QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
I like it now. Now that I looked at the ladder again, it looks like he's hanging off a helicoptor's ladder, about to catch someone who's about to do a high-flying leap off the side of a building.

Yeah, I could see him lending the "helping hand" to someone like KK4.3 who would do something as dumb like that.
Well hell, if it ain't dumb, it ain't worth Karma! smile.gif
Kyoto Kid
...good point.
HC? You there?
yes I am. sorry I haven't posted in awhile.
Been working on the female space marine. Should have a draft up by tommorrow.
Didn't even get to start until today.
KK, I got your messages and will begin sometime this weekend.
I was just wondering if you'd pulled a Squinky on us and been extracted by some hostile team. smile.gif
Kyoto Kid problem here. There have been times I dropped off the radar for while, but sometimes you just need a break.

Now Squinky's been very very busy with SR missions as well as honouring our requests, I have no issue with him taking a bit of a "sabbatical".


...and as I hammer on my keyboard, I saw he has just posted another sketch.
Here's a first sketch of the 'space marine', which when I started I felt like I needed to draw her as a Aries shocktrooper or FRT member, so I went with a Medium military armor and weaponry. At least this is what I had them look like in my campaigns.
I'm also kinda curious about the 'Missions" gig. What's that about?
Mmmm, niiice. I see you put the Swan on her. smile.gif

Still, maybe... Enclose her full face? Remember, she's gonna have to operate in environments that may or may not have breathable atmosphere, or may not even have any atmo at all. smile.gif

Likewise, maybe you could make the weapon in her right hand look more sci-fi? Not that the M-16's a bad rifle, but I don't think we'll be carrying it into space.
Maybe make it into an energy weapon of some sort?

As for the rest... It looks like a damned fine start. I'll just make a list of suggestions, feel free to ignore/implement/use as inspiration as you like:

Space Marines past 2070 will be competing directly with drones for their jobs. Consequently, they'll need to be mobile - air mobile. Maybe a jump-jetpack and thrusters on her legs would be an addition? Nothing ultra-huge or capable of sustained flight in a full gravity, but good for EV manouvering and in-grav jump-jetting?

Also, for that good sci-fi look, maybe make the sensor array on her faceplate asymetrical instead of symetrical?

Finally, some sensors she'd need would probably extend past the range of light emissions - maybe add a few more detail pieces like antennas and a probe to her helmet for things like radiation and EM scanning and such?
Second attempt. Changed the guns to a energy type, added some antenna and short range type boosters. Let me know. nyahnyah.gif
inked but not finished. still have to do the major black areas. I got blasted by snow in my hometown and I'm taking my daughter sliding biggrin.gif
will work out the black areas tonight, then post. I'll check here for more change suggestions first so....
Kyoto Kid
...I actually kind of liked the slug throwers. Maybe it's just me & the way I view space marines. Simple, basic tried & true, but very effective weaponry. It worked well in Aliens II, The Fifth Element, & even in that cheesy adaptation of Heinlein's Starship Troopers. Something about the sound of high velocity, high calibre weapons that just seems so right for the genre.

As energy weapons go the two coolest in my book were the Wierding Modules in Dune and the PPG in Babylon 5.

In afterthought, portraying her in more of a "battle crouch" position as opposed to her standing upright would have been more dynamic. Also not as much tailored "skin tight" definition in the armour. In the Services, armour would be rather universal, having the fitting adjustments underneath the outer shell. There may be a male and female version (for proportion reasons), but from the outside they would still look pretty much the same. After all, you are a Marine first, and individual last. Again check out Starship Troopers [and Aliens II as well as Babylon 5 and Farscape (the Peacekeepers)

One way that the character could have been shown to be a woman would be in "repose", such as after a combat where she's resting with her helmet off. Guns by her side (maybe one still in hand since she is a Marine). Of course this would mean a complete redrawing (as would the battle crouch) & seeing how far along you already are not really something you may be into doing.

Would have responded earlier, but was setting up & running an SR scenario all afternoon & evening yesterday & pretty much crashed right after I got home.
Kyoto Kid

...just keeping this thread from descending into the depths.

Heh, sorry. I zoned out on replying.

Anyway, KK...

I only suggested one of the weapons be remade as an energy gun - I liked the SMG that was in her left hand. Ah well, I like energy weapons, too.

And for my part, I like the tailored, skin-tight definition of the armor. Realistic? Maybe not. When has Shadowrun (or any sci-fi, or fantasy for that matter), been realistic?

To hell with realism, I want some tits! nyahnyah.gif
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Heh, sorry. I zoned out on replying.

Anyway, KK...

I only suggested one of the weapons be remade as an energy gun - I liked the SMG that was in her left hand. Ah well, I like energy weapons, too.

And for my part, I like the tailored, skin-tight definition of the armor. Realistic? Maybe not. When has Shadowrun (or any sci-fi, or fantasy for that matter), been realistic?

To hell with realism, I want some tits! nyahnyah.gif

...good point. er... nah won't step into that one...

Speaking of suspending reality...

I remember ol' Doc Asimov's discussion of Star Wars where the heroes, as he so eloquently put it, "with their faces hanging out in plain view" never got so much as a scratch while the supposedly well armoured Imperials were falling like flies with a single shot.

Then there was Uhura's line to the greenhorn transporter tech in ST III (after Kirk & Sulu broke Bones out of the Federation looney bin). "This isn't reality, This is Fantasy" true.
Hehehe. nyahnyah.gif

Hmmmm... Tits... Wonder if HC has any problems with drawing nudity? nyahnyah.gif
Hmmmm... Tits... Wonder if HC has any problems with drawing nudity?

No I don't...but I wouldn't post them here. eek.gif

And for my part, I like the tailored, skin-tight definition of the armor. Realistic? Maybe not. When has Shadowrun (or any sci-fi, or fantasy for that matter), been realistic?

Good. Here is the final inked version. What came to mind when doing this was a Aries FRT member in Med. Milspec armor (customized for the Corp.)
However, I am working on a realistic Milspec armor version of this one. However, I have a billard league tonight. So it won't be done 'till tommorrow.
And I've started the first draft for KK, soo...a couple of days, maybe before the weekend.
Kyoto Kid
...pretty durn sleek. The armour looks much better in the inked version.

QUOTE (holychampion)
However, I have a billard league tonight. So it won't be done 'till tommorrow.

...That's cool, Used to be in a dart league a while back. Lots of fun actually. Don't worry about when you can finish KK. I'd rather wait a bit longer to see another stunning pic of my other all time fave & namesake.
I like the inking in this one a good deal in some spots. Keep up the good work man.
Thanks all. smile.gif
I like it, I like it! smile.gif

So, if you don't have any problems drawing nudity, would you accept a request over PM? nyahnyah.gif

Hehehe. JK - I'll just wait awhile before I ask again - for nudity or otherwise. Let someone else have a go at the fountain.
You know, upon further consideration, the power-suiter reminds me more and more of a T'au Fire Warrior from WH40K. I think I like it.

I especially need to go show this to the folk at the Iron Kingdoms RPG forum, since the symbol you used without prompting (I don't mind at all) is Cygnus the Swan, the symbol of Cygnar, one of the nations of Western Immoren, and likewise one of the factions in the tabletop war-game based off the Iron Kingdoms setting, Warmachine.

Heh. Never thought I'd find something to tie Shadowrun, Warmachine and WH40K together, but HC, you did it. Congratulations. smile.gif
I especially need to go show this to the folk at the Iron Kingdoms RPG forum, since the symbol you used without prompting (I don't mind at all) is Cygnus the Swan, the symbol of Cygnar, one of the nations of Western Immoren, and likewise one of the factions in the tabletop war-game based off the Iron Kingdoms setting, Warmachine.

Great! I am glad that you like it. Please do show your friends. Another version of this drawing will be posted, really trying to tackle the feel of 'realistic' armor for that one and I'm trying a technique by my favorite artist Shirow Masume.

Pretty soon I will have to stop and start finishing all of these drawings with backgrounds and possibly color.
Should have the first draft of KK tonight.
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