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Kyoto Kid
...nice really nice. The finished background is great. Love the Monorail and old Renraku arcology in the background.
thanks smile.gif
Scope does look good, I agree. The background is very "Seattle".

Just, uh... Why is there a strange void 'round where her crotch ought to be?
Kyleigh Wester
Very beautiful, can't wait to see the next drawing.
first draft of Ikasu.
Kyleigh Wester
Damn! That's actually really....awesome. Frikkin sweetly awesome. If you don't mind however, could you make the tail a little thicker? The balance tail from man and machine was actually a little bit bigger.

Very good first draft, and I love that you're working in a background.
Thank you.
If you don't mind however, could you make the tail a little thicker? The balance tail from man and machine was actually a little bit bigger.

I absolutely will change the size of the tail, null persperation. That's why I like posting drafts, for the feedback. wink.gif
should have a darkened image (with changes) by tommorrow.
2nd draft.
awaiting comments before inking.
Kyoto Kid those were the days, when Real Deckers Jacked in. None of that sissy wireless crap.grinbig.gif

Small compositional detail. Maybe some signage, a picture, plant, or furniture on/by the wall next to the door to add a little visual balance. Otherwise, he looks great.

Noticing his forearm blade, I always wanted to design a decker with a retractable spur that was also her matrix interface, ala Robocop.
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (holychampion)
2nd draft.
awaiting comments before inking.

It's actually really great. The forearm snap blade looks a bit different then I pictured it, but at the same time I like how you did it. Like the large retractable bowie knife of detah. Ha. I really can't think of anything that would need changing, other then something on the opposite wall for sort of a balance in the picture. Oh, and I like how you made him actually jacking in. Can't wait to see it finished!
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) those were the days, when Real Deckers Jacked in. None of that sissy wireless crap.grinbig.gif

Small compositional detail. Maybe some signage, a picture, plant, or furniture on/by the wall next to the door to add a little visual balance. Otherwise, he looks great.

Noticing his forearm blade, I always wanted to design a decker with a retractable spur that was also her matrix interface, ala Robocop.

Lets see. Cyber arm with a built in deck and retractable spur. I bet with a high enough cybertechnology and electronics skill you could rig yourself up a robocop arm. That'd be sweet. Might take a chunk of essence though, essence I couldn't spare. my current character has so much headware....but his hacking pool is out the wazoo.
Thank you. I'll get the inking done and add something to the wall area.
The forearm snap blade looks a bit different then I pictured it, but at the same time I like how you did it.

I'm glad u like it. I kept thinking to myself that u wanted the blade to be cool but it had to have practicality, I tryed several styles including a double-edged blade. Being a collector of knives I went to my room and looked at the swords and daggers I have then started looking at my assorted pocket-knives and got inspired by a Kershaw snap blade I have. It's black, the blade is black with a silver edge and a serrated end. wink.gif Drew it as the Forearm blade and thought that it fit the build and the concept is simple but unique (compared to most drawings I've seen).
Very nice, in my opinion. But why would you want a snap-blade out while you're about to go VR?
Kyoto Kid
...boyscout motto: Be Prepared?
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Very nice, in my opinion. But why would you want a snap-blade out while you're about to go VR?

Well, he could always have his RAS Over-ride off. if I was in the middle of a facility without team near like that I might keep my RAS off and watch for enemies too. Unless I got in Matrix Combat.
Welll I'm glad this topic came up. Originally the empty space had outlines of two other people and the floor containing the body of a security guard. I didn't know if u wanted any other persons in the drawing and I wasn't certain what they should be... I didn't want to take too many liberties. So...what do u think? give me a brief description of one or two runners u associate with and I'll draw them in. Otherwise a tree in a pot is what is outlined in right now.
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (holychampion)
Welll I'm glad this topic came up. Originally the empty space had outlines of two other people and the floor containing the body of a security guard. I didn't know if u wanted any other persons in the drawing and I wasn't certain what they should be... I didn't want to take too many liberties. So...what do u think? give me a brief description of one or two runners u associate with and I'll draw them in. Otherwise a tree in a pot is what is outlined in right now.

Well, when you brought this up I tried to get in contact with the rest of my team, but sort of failed miserably to get their descriptions.....except for one. If you wouldn't mind drawing my room mates character into the picture. Here's the description I got out of him:

"Elf dude" with white hair that goes into a long pony tail (all the way down to mid back). Build is semi masculine. Not buffed out or skinny, like what you'd see in a swordsman. A no-dachi (basically, a large two-handed katana) strapped to his back and two handguns (non-descriptive, whatever you so choose to draw), one to each side. He wears camo armor and a large black trench coat that goes down to his feet. He tends to carry a shotgun if you wouldn't mind drawing that into the picture as well. Thats what I got out of him description wise. If you can't get a draft out of that i'll try to include more information. His character name is Atma, street name Death. No cyberware.

If it's too much of a hassle, of course, draw the tree instead. The fact you're doing this for free is enough really, I wont ask you to spend more time on the pic if it's a hassle.
K, that will do. He will not be the focus of the pic but he will be there, the decription is fine just about all I need. Thanks.
Getting started. maybe, have something by tonight. wink.gif
sorry, seems to be alot going on DA tonight. I'll try later or tommorrow otherwise, I believe it's done just want to present it before I ink.
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (holychampion)
sorry, seems to be alot going on DA tonight. I'll try later or tommorrow otherwise, I believe it's done just want to present it before I ink.

Heh, yeah, Deviant art is kind of gay. Can't wait to see the pic though!
last draft.
Kyoto Kid
...yeah, very nice.

The other character watching the door works well.

It just wasn't DA last night. DS was also reacting pretty slow. When I clicked on your reply on the main menu, I ended up waiting forever for it to come up. It never did & I had to close out without logging off.
Kyleigh Wester
That's awesome! In all seriousness it's a very well drawn picture and it's come out great so far! I can't wait to see it ink, and I like how you drew my room-mate's character. Very nice indeed.
well here it is...
hope u enjoy. smile.gif

Now on to the next.
Very nice, HC! Very, very sweet.
Kyoto Kid
Jame J
I would like to request one (well, two really, of different characters). Keep in mind that these characters are both SR4.

First character: Shadow Gamer, a female elf mage. She's a fairly tall (5'11") woman with waist-length dark hair, and dressed in middle-class clothing which, while not actively provocative, does show her off - and with a Charisma of 5 that's enough; she is wearing a pair of glasses which, while not prescription, do have several improvements. Shadow's favorite spell is Shadow (duh!); she's probably casting it.
She came from Tir Tairngire, and left because of some noble who had some sort of ... problem with her. Her goal around here is to get enough money to disappear.
(I'm basing her on a drawing in Earthdawn, but I can't remember the page reference.)

Second character: Blade's Edge, a female human adept who is about average height, athletic, blonde and light-skinned. Her favorite weapon is a monofilament sword which is styled after a European model, although she has a crossbow which she carries whenever she can (that's in addition to the Fichetti concealed in her armor jacket!). Normally, Edge is wearing her low-lifestyle clothes, though she does wear them well, and is trying to blend in, unless someone forces her to reveal her adept side.
Edge comes from Norway, and left to make money - and to be able to stay out of the hellhole the Euro Wars made her homeland...
(If you've ever seen the cover for Jennifer Roberson's Sword Dancer, you've found my inspiration...)
Kyoto Kid
...came up with a wild concept after looking through Augmentation:

"Rosie the CyberRiviter" Modular cyberarms & tool attachments. Haven't finished working her up totally but will post her details when I'm done.
ok. Working on "Phoenix", should have draft by tommorrow morn. Then "hamburger spirit dude", then "Shadow gamer & Blade" ( any preference? Would u like them together or seperate?) Then "Rosie" (Once the details r up ( can't wait KK)).
smile.gif Thanks guys/gals!!
Have you made any progress on the equipment pictures?
first draft of Phoenix.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion)
"Shadow gamer & Blade" ( any preference? Would u like them together or seperate?)

Would you do them separately, please? I think that these are as much for character visualization as anything else.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
first draft of Phoenix.

...wasn't able to open the image earlier (bad connectivity on my end). Looks pretty good so far. waiting to see the darkened version.
second draft. Thinking of a underground parking ramp with (of course) cars, for the background.
Kyoto Kid
...oooh, now that is very nice.

The car park background sounds good. Maybe even have one of them already a smoking hulk.
background draft. Going to use existing bodylines of the cars to make them more 'futuristic'.
Kyoto Kid
..Check out the Vehicle listings in Rigger III - Revised. Lots of pics to go on for ideas. Also check out some of Syd Mead's stuff.
Awesome. Cant wait to see the final.
..Check out the Vehicle listings in Rigger III - Revised. Lots of pics to go on for ideas. Also check out some of Syd Mead's stuff.

Thanks smile.gif , should have something better by Tues. I have a mui thai class tommorrow and don't for see getting anything accomplished then.
Kyoto Kid
...I think it's contagious...

Sorry I was trying to post on another thread and posted here instead. Since I couldn't think of anything clever at the moment I posted

Here is the darkened version and ready for ink.
Yes the vehicle on the right has three wheels. wink.gif
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
Yes the vehicle on the right has three wheels. wink.gif

...Long Live the Dymaxion...! cool.gif


[edit- was pressed for time]

BTW, she looks marvelous. I like the bullet holes in the car ("...Hah!! you missed! too bad for you I won't!")
finished version.
Kyoto Kid
....nice, very nice. Good balance to the composition. Her pose is very strong.

One small thing that would help are a few shadows, particularly under the cars to "ground" them. This can be done with the toning like you used on Phoenix. Also the buildings in the background could be "greyed just a bit" to show distance. Shading with pencil can actually enhance inked drawings rather well. Also if you have Photoshop (or similar) you can get the same effect without altering the actual drawing.

I'm getting better with using The Gimp and have been experimenting with filters and layers to add shading and depth to hand drawn line images.
Updated last link with a semi-shaded finished piece, just an advisory.
Thanks guys!
Kyoto Kid
...yeah, that's more like it. Now it appears she is lighting up the place.

Excellent job.
Jame J
So what's up with these?
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