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Kyoto Kid
...The spray look to the graffiti is a nice touch.

Wondering what the blood on his hands is from.
Shagu: Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! Pulp Fiction is one of my top 5 movies, and the scene you're speaking of one of my 3 favs in the movie, so your words mean a great deal. Thank you.

KK: Blood from the bodies of the officers that had to bring him in.
Are you still taking on characters?

If so I have Phoenix
[ Spoiler ]
yes I am, a little bit behind as I've doing projects outside of SR, but know I'm caught up on those and will begin to work on DS commissions. So stay tuned.
Hooray biggrin.gif
Bubba the Love Troll looks appropriately... Scary.

Good job! smile.gif
first sketch of Raven.

FYI the bike will be 'futurized' before inking is done ( I had to start somewhere), and there will be other subtle changes I'm sure. Let me know if I'm missing anything.
Looks good man, bikes are hard.
Second draft. The emblem on the bike I'm still working on...any suggestions?
QUOTE (holychampion)
first sketch of Raven.

FYI the bike will be 'futurized' before inking is done ( I had to start somewhere), and there will be other subtle changes I'm sure. Let me know if I'm missing anything.

That's Marvelous start, thanks. I can't wait to see this one finished wink.gif

Edit. This bike, alltough its great, how I could say it.
In this gastank there is etched raven (this bird) spreadin its wings (its body and head is over gastank and its wings are on the both sides of gastank). There is this bird etched allmost everything nowadays (her new cars, her new guns etc. wink.gif ) But yes, I'm very pleased wiht this picture like it is now.
no thaat is perfect. I purposly left the the raven in .5mm pencil because I wanted your take on the emblem. I will make changes tonight and then ink.
Thank you for your commission and your response.
Kyleigh Wester
I hope you wouldn't mind doing a picture of Ikasu Here's a physical description of him if you're up to it.

Ikasu stands at about six foot but only weighs a little over 170 pounds. He's lithe, and has a light build. He wears and open aviation jacket with a white undershirt under it and a pair of blue jeans. The most distinctive feature is the cybernetic balance tail extending from the base of his spine, Man and Machine has a reference in it somewhere. He has brown thick, messy hair that travels down the back of his neck to about his shoulders and brown eyes, though if it's black and white the color wont matter now will it? Heh nyahnyah.gif. He always has his cyber deck with him and his signature weapon is a custom made forarm snap blade, which I would like visible in the picture if at all possible. It's a single blade that extends out from his sleeve over the back of his hand. The broad of the weapon is black and the blade is silver-ish and reflective. The only noticeable cyberware other then the tail is the datajack on the side of his forehead and the chip jack directly under it. He's around nineteen years old if that helps picture him at all.
almost finished, just need a ok on the emblem.

Kyleigh Wester: Absolutely, currently working on 'raven', 'scope','phoenix' then yours, with 'raven' almost done and I have a good start with 'scope' it shouldn't be long.
QUOTE (holychampion)
almost finished, just need a ok on the emblem.

Oh noes! A deviantART error has occured! frown.gif

edit. and again the same error...So I can't tell you anything...
well it looks like the 'scraps' section took a dive for the moment. So I posted it into my finished stuff. Hopefully that works.
QUOTE (holychampion)
well it looks like the 'scraps' section took a dive for the moment. So I posted it into my finished stuff. Hopefully that works.

Oh, yeah. Now I see it and I can say to you that this picture is beautiful, really it's beautiful pearl. Harley looks so great like the whole picture. This looks so great, thanks!
Kyoto Kid
...bad babe on a chopper. Looks great in the inked version.

The only two things I see is the focus of her eyes should be a bit more to where the gun is aimed than "at the camera" and her expression should maybe be a bit "meaner".
She's probably using a smartgunlink, KK. smile.gif

As for the expression, I like it. Kind of "Yeeee-haaw!"
Kyoto Kid
...ok ya got me there, especially on the Yeeee Haaw. That would be something KK would do.biggrin.gif

Funny thing is I almost gave her a Harley as well.
+giggles+ KK, now you have me thinking about Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man - great movie BTW, its like a 1970s Shadowrun.

Great work HolyChampion - I really like the bike.
Thanks alot guys! smile.gif Sometimes the praise is too much embarrassed.gif
anyway I truly appreciate the comments. I worked really hard on the bike, and maybe that took a bit away from her, in the end I was happy with it, however, when I use PS the ink comes out sort of grey so I hit it with a paint bucket black. The draw back is that as one goes along touching up the lines they intersect making the rest of the image darker everytime they intersect. Soo the eyes got messed up because I caught a intersecting line a couple of times making the eyes waaay darker then they should have been. Since I was really looking for verification of the emblem on the bike I let it fly. The finished version should be better and cleaner.
Again thank you for all the suppport and comments. You guys are the greatest.

P.S. Scope: I loved that movie!
Raven finished
Very nice bro.
Very nice, very nice. The form is excelent, the gun magnificant, and the bike is a work of art.

As usual, the face is your weakest point, but you're getting better. They eyes look simply... Well, it's the eyes, most of all, that give it an unreal, disturbing quality, somehow. I'm not sure how to describe it better than that.
Kyoto Kid

I think the slight change to the eyes helps a lot. A difficult pose to do and done very well smokin.gif
@Holychampion: I'm so pleased (thanks again and again...) with this first picture that I was thinkin' is it possible to have another picture of Raven, maybe other situation when she is performing or when shes the team's face?
marghos: Yes, I hae done more than one drawing for others so why not. However, I usually get get thru the fresh commissions first... so hang tight and keep watching.
here's the first sketch of 'Scope'
It didn't come out but I have the beginnings of here sniper rifle on her back. So I need help with the hair, the eyes I'm working on ( trying to make them larger than I normally do as I think that contributes to the imperfection I seem to be having.) and the idea for the suit is to have the background reflect halfway thru her body.

BTW loved the short story.
Ol' Scratch
Ah ha! I always suspected she had a cyber-penis, now I have proof!
It looks good so far, I'm really looking forward to seeing it finished smile.gif

For hair, here is a picture of a nice style: Linky

That website has a lot of hairstyle pictures you can use for reference - from a lot of different angles - I hope it helps with this and future projects smile.gif.

The hammerli looks really good - very close to the one in the book smile.gif

I'm really looking forward to seeing more - though sadly starting at about three tomorrow I'll be without internet until monday frown.gif

BTW, since you liked the short-story, here are two others... story one makes more sense after reading story 2, but is chronologically before story two (and after the original story I posted <EDIT: I mean, it is after the events depicted in the story, but before the story itself since the story itself is a dream/memory of the past>) If its confusing...
[ Spoiler ]

Story 1

Story 2

BTW, both those are rough drafts, so I know that there are typos in them smile.gif

- Scope_47
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Ah ha! I always suspected she had a cyber-penis, now I have proof!

And what's wrong with that?
Ol' Scratch
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
And what's wrong with that?

I don't believe I said there was. Stop looking for a fight or I will be forced to hug you.
'Scope": Thanks for the link that will be a great help! I will try to get this done by tonight and inked by Mon.

Ah ha! I always suspected she had a cyber-penis, now I have proof!

Dr. F: I wanna respond but...., so working to fix what I think u're refering to.
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (Doctor Funkenstein)
Ah ha! I always suspected she had a cyber-penis, now I have proof!

Is it hydrolic?
QUOTE (holychampion)
'Scope": Thanks for the link that will be a great help! I will try to get this done by tonight and inked by Mon.

Ah ha! I always suspected she had a cyber-penis, now I have proof!

Dr. F: I wanna respond but...., so working to fix what I think u're refering to.

Naaah, leave it, it's shiny!

Possibly literally.
2nd draft of 'Scope'
Just need to make an adjustment to the eyes, then I think it's ready for ink.
What do u think?
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
2nd draft of 'Scope'
Just need to make an adjustment to the eyes, then I think it's ready for ink.
What do u think?

...nice dynamic pose. She looks as if she want's to shoot something, bad. Very nice work indeed.

Good that you put in a background as well. Even a simple background helps to bring a composition together and give it some balance.
o.k. she's ready for ink I think and the background will go from free-hand to futuristic during that process so this is the last draft before finished product.
Kyoto Kid
...indeed, her eyes look a lot better & show more concentration.
Mostly good, but I say put back the defined pubic mound.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Mostly good, but I say put back the defined pubic mound.

How do you post a sentence like that and still sleep at night?
The "Futa" folder in my porn (image) directory exceeds the file size of the rest of the porn directory's image subfolders combined.

That's how I sleep at night. smile.gif
Wow! It looks great! (yay for free WiFi at sportsbars smile.gif) I really, really like it smile.gif

- Scope_47
couldn't resist. just need to finish inking the background.
The BG looks good. Just fix her crotch!
Oh my goodness, it looks amazing after inking! +hugs Holy Champion+ Thank you!
I am currently writing a tale called Loving the Burger, which I will probably release on DSF as a serial, concerning the romance between an orphaned teenage Ork who escaped the Chicago CZ and a rather unique Free Spirit who was created in a Texas-style restaurant in Thailand.

The Free Spirit in question is an Anima Inhabitation Ally hybridized with a the giant hamburger in the link above.

This spirit's physical body is a bizarre juxtaposition of classic all-American pin-up idealized feminine beauty as represented in this picture, the strong and potentially devious film noir sultriness of Lauren Bacall, and the giant hamburger in the above link.

She is a fully functional highly attractive female and a fully edible cooked hamburger, simultaneously, and she is obviously a giant sentient hamburger with arms, legs, and girl-parts yet she is also strikingly beautiful and attractive, sultry, and sensuous, and in come ways totally innocent with a little bit of fun-loving flapper mixed in.

I don't know if you could draw her or how she would turn out, but it is worth making the request because I'm not exactly sure what she looks like, myself.
I don't know if you could draw her or how she would turn out, but it is worth making the request because I'm not exactly sure what she looks like, myself.

Edit: Fixed Links
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
I am currently writing a tale called Loving the Burger, which I will probably release on DSF as a serial, concerning the romance between an orphaned teenage Ork who escaped the Chicago CZ and a rather unique Free Spirit who was created in a Texas-style restaurant in Thailand.

The Free Spirit in question is an Anima Inhabitation Ally hybridized with a the giant hamburger in the link above.

This spirit's physical body is a bizarre juxtaposition of classic all-American pin-up idealized feminine beauty as represented in this picture, the strong and potentially devious film noir sultriness of Lauren Bacall, and the giant hamburger in the above link.

She is a fully functional highly attractive female and a fully edible cooked hamburger, simultaneously, and she is obviously a giant sentient hamburger with arms, legs, and girl-parts yet she is also strikingly beautiful and attractive, sultry, and sensuous, and in come ways totally innocent with a little bit of fun-loving flapper mixed in.

I don't know if you could draw her or how she would turn out, but it is worth making the request because I'm not exactly sure what she looks like, myself.

Oh crap, you just broke my brain.
Burger.......? I need to print this and show Frank. See! not the weirdest guy around.
QUOTE (Draconis @ Aug 13 2007, 02:02 AM)
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Aug 13 2007, 06:44 AM)
I am currently writing a tale called Loving the Burger, which I will probably release on DSF as a serial, concerning the romance between an orphaned teenage Ork who escaped the Chicago CZ and a rather unique Free Spirit who was created in a Texas-style restaurant in Thailand.

The Free Spirit in question is an Anima Inhabitation Ally hybridized with a the giant hamburger in the link above.

This spirit's physical body is a bizarre juxtaposition of classic all-American pin-up idealized feminine beauty as represented in this picture, the strong and potentially devious film noir sultriness of Lauren Bacall, and the giant hamburger in the above link.

She is a fully functional highly attractive female and a fully edible cooked hamburger, simultaneously, and she is obviously a giant sentient hamburger with arms, legs, and girl-parts yet she is also strikingly beautiful and attractive, sultry, and sensuous, and in come ways totally innocent with a little bit of fun-loving flapper mixed in.

I don't know if you could draw her or how she would turn out, but it is worth making the request because I'm not exactly sure what she looks like, myself.

Oh crap, you just broke my brain.
Burger.......? I need to print this and show Frank. See! not the weirdest guy around.

If she can be sexy then so can a hamburger.
The Free Spirit in question is an Anima Inhabitation Ally hybridized with a the giant hamburger in the link above.

I will give it a try.

scope finished
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