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Kyoto Kid
...this is definitely one of your best.

BTW, I love the image of the swimsuit model on the wall.
o.k. here is the final ink. I hope u enjoy. smile.gif
Here's a female combat mage done for a friend.
another commission for a friend.
Kyoto Kid
...links not pulling up image on my end. Could DeviantArt be expereincing issues?
looks like no thumbnails. . . large versions came up for me.
Another sketch for SD.
"MATURE CONTENT" can only be viewed by Deviantartist of age (sorry).
This is a personal drawing one that I will not continue to post on this site. If u wish to see more like this keep tabs of my webpage.

Kyoto Kid
...embarrassed.gif looks like i'll have to open the linky when I get home...



PM forthcoming.
Could you PM whatever it is you PMed to HC to me, KK, since it's my character? smile.gif
first draft of shev.
Kyoto Kid
...very nice. I like the fact he uses Northern European styled swords instead of the all too ubiquitous Katana/Wakasashi combo most runners carry (OK, KK uses them but she actually trained under a bushido master).

a few small points...

Looking at the hilt I would say that is at least a hand & a half (if not full two handed) blade he is pulling. The angle is a bit tricky but a blade of that class would be rather long. I actually knew a smithie back in my SCA days and handled a number of blades he forged [Yes, forged, with a real edge, not just stamped out. These were very expensive and required commissioning several months in advance with 50% paid up front]. Placing the tip of a hand & a half on the ground and my hands on the pommel, my forearms were nearly parallel with the ground (and unlike my namesake, I am not short). If this is a "longsword" class weapon, then the hilt would be about half as long.

Also for such a long blade, the sheath would be more vertical so as not to stick out to the side and catch on things.

Customarily worn, the short sword he has would hang off a belt (rather than at his back) on the side opposite to the hand he would hold it in.

Otherwise looking very good.
just as an explaination, I didn't have a whole lot to go on for Shev. I took a gamble on the two swords. The sword on his back is a Bastard sword, or hand and a half sword, there again another gamble. I have a friend that used to work for arms & armor (u sometimes see these guys at the REn Fests) in our years as friends we've had debates as to how these should appear in drawings. Here I went with a mid-back sheath, for a bastard sword this is a hard sheath to draw from unless the sheath has a pivot mechanism so that the blade clears the sheath when drawn. I also placed the short sword on his back instead of the hip because he is supposed to be a Stealth adept. I took this to mean that any weaponry he carried would have to reflct that, in my opinion it would be harder to be quiet with a weapon that hanged outside the bodies profile, true that this not a traditional way to carry a western style short sword but I surmised that this guy is not about tradition he is about stealth.
The armor is leather and is suppossed to be Form-fit with style, probably the only thing that would set this guy apart from Joe-Blow. Aside from the swords.

I agree with all of your points, just thought I'd offer insight into what I was thinking when I started this drawing.
Thanks for the comments.
Hopefully Shev will grace me with a comment so that I may continue or make changes.
Kyoto Kid
...that's cool, Didn't know if he gave you additionl detais via PM.

That makes sense for the Short Sword since yes, it would make more sound when worn at the hip.
Awesome job! About the only nitpick I really have is with the hair. I think Shev (unless he's trying to look like someone in particular) usually wears his hair just straight down, in a total lack of style. It's sad that this is the best example I can think of, but think Peter Parker in his "I'm a jerk" phase of the new Spiderman movie, when he starts wearing his hair down. Just without the emo biggrin.gif

But yes, awesome job!
Thank u.
The hair thing is noted, I will make changes.
Should see something by tommorrow.
hair change and ink. I will clean up and post the finish version by tommorrow.
Kyoto Kid
...ohh nice. I like the look of his hair better than the earlier version.
thanks KK.
cleaned up version.
And first sketch for Squinky.
I'm calling this one "...gotta a little in you?" biggrin.gif
Holy, I love it!

You've captured his personality perfectly!

Beyond the pose, and general feel, I totally dig the cyber arms, and his hair and mustache are exactly how I envisioned him!

A+ all the way man! Thanks for cheering up my day!
darkened image almost ready for ink.

Thanks for the comments, and Squink just so u know I totally believe your art rocks! The commish u did for me was spot on, it was soo perfect, u have no idea. So I'm working a little harder on this one.
Kyoto Kid, I love it. The pose, the expression is exquisite. This has to be one of your best. yet. I can't wait to see the finished version.
Agreed, its looking awesomely awesome.

Here is the inked version.
Thank you all for the generous comments. smile.gif
"<i>Captain</i> Monty Frye!"

Love it.
Awesome bro, thanks again. I'm printing up this puppy and hanging it over my drafting table.

Kyoto Kid
...oh yeah! Very fine indeed.
It's awesome! Holy, you're a great artist! I hope they take you on for some artwork in the books!

Can't wait to se the final stuff smile.gif
Thanks Shev! I truly appreciate that. smile.gif
I'm currently developing some personal art for submission to Wizkids and that is what has changed the time in which I post art. It a small shot but one I'm gonna take.
fist draft of Number One.
I've got another one for the queue...

Oh, by the way - are y'ever gonna get 'round to those equipment sketches? Not that I mind, y'know, I'd really rather see more of skate with less clothes, but whatever. Another one for the queue:

Bubba the Love Troll.

Yes, that's right. I went there. The running gag of dumpshock, lurker of every possible prison cell the player's male elf could get thrown into, from a Lone Star drunk tank to Hollywood to a Tir (Na nOg) quintiple-black max slam.

I'll give no specifications on this one, other than the name. Have fun with it.
Here we go again...


Elf (adept) female, age 20. Charismatic (kinesics and first impression), athletic, thief, face.
Background; former company kid who was left alone in the streets when her parents were killed. So young charismatic girl in the street of Seattle and she had to eat something... there was jobs like stripping, dancing, escort, joygirl...

But nowadays she is face/spec. op type runner...

Appearance: Long black hair (free or ponytail), littlebit native americanindian look, about 5' 9 and 122lbs (athletic dancer build), makeup maybe but NO tattoos, no visible scars (doesn't hide scars)
Wears usually urban jumpsuit when on run (but the clothing can be anything, showoff miniskirt, highheel shoes, boots, t-shirts etc. etc....) but when she negotiate deals she wears appropriate/convenient clothing.

Drives H-D Scorpion, uses Colt manhunter. Hmm ok she uses now also smg but semiautopistol is her mainweapons if we don't count her looks.

second draft of Number One.
change of position of 'enemy'.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
I've got another one for the queue...

Bubba the Love Troll.

Yes, that's right. I went there. The running gag of dumpshock, lurker of every possible prison cell the player's male elf could get thrown into, from a Lone Star drunk tank to Hollywood to a Tir (Na nOg) quintiple-black max slam.

I'll give no specifications on this one, other than the name. Have fun with it.

...hey, I thought he was my NPC... wink.gif

Good call.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
second draft of Number One.
change of position of 'enemy'.

...much better visual composition. More balanced and gives a dynamic feel to the scene.
inked w/ a little color. Let me know if u would rather have a BW instead.
this file is in my scraps for now... there's much I want to do with the lightning before I call it done.

SD I'm inking u're personal now. Should be a matter of a day or so.
Sorry. I was just waiting for the notice that mine had been inked.

As for the lightning dude, it looks good. Maybe a bit uncontrolled - hey, maybe that's what a major overcasting looks like? smile.gif
first draft of Troll boy.

SD its inked... but my PC took a shock from a lightning bolt that hit the neihbors yard, so I got to re-scan it.
I had to re-read that a few times, I thought you said your PC took a shock from a lightning bolt that hit the neighbor's dog.

Everything's okay, I hope?
yes and no. I had to buuy a new computer, all in one scanner,printer, modem ect. All my info is gone ( I'm still holding out hope that I can retrieve all that from the HD later next week.)
But now that I'm up and running and not responding from work I should have your pic up on deviantart tonight. I'll PM u when it is.
Kyoto Kid
...yeah we had a lightning storm here too last night. I immediately unplugged & went to battery power. The one benefit of having a notebook.

At least a lot of your stuff is on DA so in a sense you have something of a backup.

BTW, Love Troll Boy. Looks like he's waiting for the 6:15 Metro (& it's late of course).

QUOTE (holychampion)
first draft of Troll boy.

SD its inked... but my PC took a shock from a lightning bolt that hit the neihbors yard, so I got to re-scan it.

Just got around to looking at it.


That's horrible! I love it!

Now we have a visual representation of the bane of all PCs. We can just put a copy on the table and say "Do you want to meet him?" when the players are doing something stupid and liable to get them arrested.
Kyoto Kid
...HC, check out the swimsuit thread, finally got the pic of Leela scanned & uploded.
Troll boy w/ a little ink, next background fill.

after that I'll start on Marghos' commission.
after that a new KK
then if no new requests come thru I'm gonna start background and color for those that are finished.
And if there are no new-newcomers with commissions I'll be packing it up.
Thanks for all the support, comments and praise. You guys have made this experience very enlightening and fun.
QUOTE (holychampion)
after that I'll start on Marghos' commission.

That sounds great! I can't help it but I'm waiting eager (thrilled etc.) to see it or could I say picture of her ...
Hiya Holychampion,

If you don't mind adding another to the list, I'd really like a picture of the character I'm playing in Thomas' play by post game (Planitronics Penetration).

Description and name in the spoiler tag
[ Spoiler ]

Thank you very much in advance smile.gif
Thank you, officially added to the list. smile.gif
YAY! +Does the Happy Dance+
One trollboy for u.
Not really menacing, but hopefully just scary enough.
QUOTE (holychampion)
inked version of Spirit & Speed.

I'm sorry, but this has to be said...that looks like a 2070's version of Vincent Vega and Juels Winnefield. I'm half-expecting the one on the left to lean down and point that gun in someone's face while shouting "English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?!?"


...Please don't tell me you've never seen Pulp Fiction...easily one of the greatest movies ever made. I'm sure the trideo remake would be just as good as the original.
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