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Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Not bad, not bad...

Still the Fat Samurai looks like his weapon is a jam waiting to happen, but the soda at least looks bigger. smile.gif

...I think it should be Buzz Cola (hehhehheh) grinbig.gif

[Jean] Nice crowd scene. For some reason however, the angle on his face doesn't look right. Maybe not defining his jawbone all the way up to the ear might help and/or a bit more tilt to his head. I notice when I look over my shoulder in the same pose my head tilts down and slightly to the left (from my vantage point).
updated 'Lana Lane'.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
updated 'Lana Lane'.

...I totally love it. Very nice touch. Lana was quite the "roving reporter" when I played her. Even was sent to London once.

Nice to have one of my former hometown hangouts immortalised. Alas, I found out the RL Milwaukee Press Club is no more. However it's "older sister" establishment, the Safehouse (founded back in the 60s during the old Secret Agent days and owned by the same people) is still going strong.

...and you still need a password to get in.

In my Milwaukee SR setting, both joints are still around.
2nd draft of 'jean'.

I've played around with the idea of the angle of the face, still have plans to change, however I'm thinking of having him look over his other shoulder therefore displaying his Tatto, so the next draft maybe different. Also the magic visual may change, I'm toying with the idea of having the same symbol he traces for his 'Mob Mind' spell above the crowd.
uploaded 'Lana Lane color' to first page.
Not bad, not bad... Her eyes look like obvious cyber, though...

Also, the Troll looks like he's a member of the Haloweeners or something. Maybe you should try to make him more mud-leather colored instead of green?
Kyoto Kid
...not sure which I like better, the colour or the B & W (actually didn't expect to see a colour version). Sometimes when there is a fair amount of ink detailing/shading, colour tends to wash and flatten things out a bit. Because of the bright contrast, Mel's jeans seem to have no definition and the colour of Lana's irises tends to make her eyes look somewhat metallic lending to SD8685's observation.

In the description I sent, Lana actually has light brown hair and brown eyes and all her vision enhancements are retinal/corneal/cortical mods instead of replacements.

I would tend to agree with SD8685 that Mel's colouration would be more on the ruddy side. Question, is the colouration done though software after the scan is made?
QUOTE (holychampion @ Apr 7 2007, 09:57 AM)
2nd draft of 'jean'.

I've played around with the idea of the angle of the face, still have plans to change, however I'm thinking of having him look over his other shoulder therefore displaying his Tatto, so the next draft maybe different. Also the magic visual may change, I'm toying with the idea of having the same symbol he traces for his 'Mob Mind' spell above the crowd.

Very nice. Only small thing is he's an elf, not human. I like the way you showed him casting mob mind on the crowd. Thanks a ton.
Well the B&W should look better than the color one all the time, my medium isn't color, sorry about the mix-up in hair color wasn't following the description at all as much as trying to conquer boredom and giving color a try. As far as the coloring itself is concerned it's only the first stage of 'base' colors that I posted, and 'yes' the image is being colored digitally i.e. scanned in B&W then colored in PS. Now I managed to get some shading in before I posted, that type of shading happens throughout the art work not just the primary character, which should bring out more detail as you go. Then by using layers u modify the 'base' colors to your liking, but enough of that anyway. I leave the B&W image of Lana Lane up, and reserve the color version 'till I've mastered the art of color.

imperialus: Thanks, the image posted is a first draft so elven he will be in the final, so please any other suggestions send in so that I may acommidate them before the heavier pencils go down.
Kyoto Kid
...yeah, outside of Oil & Watercolour painting, BW (Pencil in Particular) is more my chosen medium. Unfortunately Oils require space (which I do not have much of where I live), good ventilation, and a lot of patience.

The technique you mention with PS is actually fairly similar to what I used to use with oils of laying down the base colour than adding successive layers to do toning, highlighting & shading (similar to how it was done in the Renaissance). The benefit with PS is you don't have to wait upwards of a week sometimes for the base and previous layers to dry. This was especially critical with the lighter colours which have the longer drying times.

The other thing is with PS you can go back and change the base colours a lot easier that I could on canvas.

Since this sounds like a work still in progress I'll keep checking from time to time.
just a FYI for those who might not understand. Any item I post to the thread is a work in progress, if it shows up on the first page then it is a complete piece of artwork. I will adhere to these rules myself and ask for forgiveness for not following this guideline smile.gif .

Although I'm not a Colorist I still enjoy seeing what a colored piece of art looks like and I do plan on coloring and placing background on all previous submission.

Thanks again for all your support. biggrin.gif
Kyoto Kid
...considering this is being done "gratis" really no issue. Mostly the teacher in me again coming to the surface.
...not a problem I always enjoy reading your input.
Here's a darker sketh of 'Jean'.
Kyoto Kid
...though you can't see as much of his face, his head turned in the opposite direction works better with the entire composition. It makes it look like he is ready to command the people under his spell.

I especially like the guy in the baseball cap. Kind of a "Hank Hill" type.
any chance you could do a hacker/gamer with gremlins 4? his icon is a neon blue lightning bolt with two 'eyes' and a 'mouth'(really just lines). he also has "gameing" cyberware that lets him live in the matrix (see, hear, smell, touch and taste) as well as a head commlink and hot sim module. basicly what i would imagin the gamer of 2070 to look like. thanks if you decide to take it up

Protector152: love to.
should have a inked version of 'Jean' up this weekend, then 'Spirit & Speed' then yours but if could can I have a name for this character? I have an image of a "gamer" and a view of the 'matrix' in the same drawing, what u think?
Have you abandoned the Skate picture?
Absolutley not! wink.gif
I'll have something for u by weeks end.
His real name is Wally. His handle is Zapper on account of his icon. He is known as Neon to the corps due to a hide program glitching. (It turned everything in the host neon colors so he blended right in) oh and he doesn't really stand out in any way, at least not in the meat. thanks again.
Inked version of 'Jean'.
For those of u who have submitted to me I would like to know if u would like to have your character (my drawing of..) submitted to the new post for the SR MMO.
I will not submitt any work that I have done here without u'r consent, so please respond. smile.gif
As long as it's fully understood by the people running the SR MMO and you that the creative liscence to the character remains fully in control of the originator (IE: the person who requested the character), and that they will not use the art in any material that must be paid to get to (IE: putting it in the game, instruction manuals for the game, promotional materials that you must pay to gain access to, et cetera), then that's fine.

Alternatively, if they're willing to negotiate a fee or kickback from said paid uses of the material that pays to both me and you, that's fine with me, too. smile.gif
thats fine so long as i get input into what wally would do in the MMO and i don't get sued for making him in it
I have plans for Gabriel and Anubis, but submitting Alex and Speed is fine under the terms SD put out.
Kyoto Kid
...Well. by far, the best would be my namesake, KK. I will have to think about it since she is still (at least in a new SR4 version) an active PC.
Kyoto Kid
...bumpity bump bump...
Sorry for the delay guys, just got back in town... so be expecting... Spirit & Speed, 'Various supplies' then Zapper.
SD I haven't forgot u. wink.gif
When you get a chance, I'd love to see your take on my first Shadowrun character, Shev.

I suspect he'll be something of a challange to draw. His most distinguishing feature was his Blandness(bit of a contradiction there, I know biggrin.gif ). He's your typical stealthy adept who favors swords, western style ones. Shev is introverted and tends to brood if he's not keeping himself busy. Which he usually does.

Since his face is pretty much standard for any guy you'd see on the street, his "soul" will be all in his expression and body stance. If you get around to it, I'd love to see what you can come up with. smile.gif
QUOTE (holychampion)
Sorry for the delay guys, just got back in town... so be expecting... Spirit & Speed, 'Various supplies' then Zapper.
SD I haven't forgot u. wink.gif

Okay. nyahnyah.gif

I like the draft picture, BTW. I'm just waiting on more of... nyahnyah.gif
no rush, i am not planning on introducing Zapper to the campain for a while yet.(the group has to gell and get used to playing shadowrun first.)
QUOTE (holychampion)
Inked version of 'Jean'.

That's fantastic. I just printed it out to bring to my next session. It's great when you get a chance to see a character "take form" for lack of a better word.
Sorry for the long delay here is a first sketch of Spirit & Speed.

Had to spend some time doing some artwork for my daughter, she is an inspiring young artist and she needed me to teach her some new things. I love her artwork and when she asks for a drawing...I oblige.
So let the artwork begin!
This image is really light, it's a first sketch working with Spirit's left hand and the propotion of Speed.
Should have a 2nd in a day or two.
QUOTE (holychampion)
Sorry for the long delay here is a first sketch of Spirit & Speed.

Had to spend some time doing some artwork for my daughter, she is an inspiring young artist and she needed me to teach her some new things. I love her artwork and when she asks for a drawing...I oblige.
So let the artwork begin!
This image is really light, it's a first sketch working with Spirit's left hand and the propotion of Speed.
Should have a 2nd in a day or two.

Not bad, for a start.

I saw that image you were talking about, BTW - very nice.
Nice. The body styles are pretty much exactly what I had in mind.

They should turn out excellent.
inked version of Spirit & Speed.
You never cease to impress. They look great.
Making up for what I feel was a half-hearted attempt.
And this one makes it to the finished links. wink.gif
Kyoto Kid
...much better.

The second version is far more dynamic. The characters fill the frame of the picture better giving them more of a visual relationship to each other. In the first one it appears as if they are almost oblivious to each other.

I like Speed's facial expression. makes him look like he's spotted his target. He also is really taking aim whereas in the first version he appears to be holding the gun rather awkwardly. Even without the motion lines I get the feeling he is leveling his gun to fire.

Having Spirit with his weapon drawn makes him appear as if he's he's covering Speed's back, ready to open fire if need be rather than pulling a pack of smokes from his shirt pocket. He appears much more focused on the situation at hand making me feel this is not a duo to trifle with.
Keep them coming man, you get better and better all the time.

Can I ask for a picture? I would love to see your take on my favorite of all characters.

Heres the info if you are interested:

Pirate Monty Fry:

He is a samuari about 6 feet tall, heavily muscled. He has brown hair, the kind that is just long enough to hang over his eyes, and touch the back of his collar. He wears a red face mask similar to a ninja turtle or the ham burglar smile.gif . White Cyber-eyes, Two prominently displayed Golden cyber-arms, and golden teeth. He typically wielded the laser pistol from SR3, the redline (?) and a vibroblade. He has a sash he wears across his hips and wears his scabbard for his sword there also. If you draw this part, his boots are old style pirate boots. Oh, and he also has a "frenchy" styled pointy mustache and goatee.

Damn, now I miss the fragger. Too bad he got killed by an insect spirit.
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid)
...much better.

The second version is far more dynamic. The characters fill the frame of the picture better giving them more of a visual relationship to each other. In the first one it appears as if they are almost oblivious to each other.

I like Speed's facial expression. makes him look like he's spotted his target. He also is really taking aim whereas in the first version he appears to be holding the gun rather awkwardly. Even without the motion lines I get the feeling he is leveling his gun to fire.

Having Spirit with his weapon drawn makes him appear as if he's he's covering Speed's back, ready to open fire if need be rather than pulling a pack of smokes from his shirt pocket. He appears much more focused on the situation at hand making me feel this is not a duo to trifle with.

Wow, I need to pay more attention to what's going on. I've been slacking since my group broke up

I agree, the second one captures their personalities a bit better. Speed always was more shoot first, ask questions later (In the whole two sessions he was alive biggrin.gif) and Spirit was much more reserved.
I will have the first draft of Zapper/Neon by tomorrow
o.k. I was gonna make some changes but I'll show u the original and see what u think.
1st off, the eyes of the icon: I can change it, this just an idea, something that just happend.
2nd the cyber glove: This may seem old school and I can get rid of the whole hand so that he appears intent on his actions.
3rd the desk: same as above, if I get rid of it all together than all the gear (which may have to be more streamlined) would go to a smaller shelf with more of the wall showing for the matrix mural.
4th the matrix mural: The circles are gonna be rectangles to symbolize RTGs. They are only there for placement.
Can I get an important NPC done?

The only name he's known by is 'Number One', as he's currently one of my player's number one target.

He's a Buddhist Adept in his late thirties. He's got a soft face contrasted by dark features and dark stubble on his head. No facial hair. His body is fairly muscular, and he wears a traditional monk's robe with a rope sash on top of a concealed armor vest. He's got abstract tattoos on both forearms designed to evoke thoughts of lighting and thunder.

He's got no cyberware at all, doesn't wear shoes, and can generally be found wandering the back alleys of Seattle, hunting rogue free spirits and destroying them. He's got the Adept Power Elemental Strike (Electricity) and his most common activities include meditating, performing martial arts kata, or fighting free spirits. He's seen his share of battles, so he may or may not have scars. I leave that up to you.d

thanks for doing this for me. now for my opinion.
the eyes look good. i have no problem with them.

the cyber glove/AR glove is fine (he is probably trying to get a program to work)

the desk looks good but his comlink is in his head not in a PC case. he would still need somewhere to set up a holo projectors though so leave the desk in. maybe scatter some game cases or data chips around? oh and he probably uses his satellite uplink most of the time since that is one more place to trace his signal through.

the matix mural look fine to me, i always thought that a RTG looked fairly basic from the outside so that is no problem.

over all it looks good to me. thanks again
2nd draft. I will be adding to the left side of the page, I question whether u want the headgear or not. Let me know.
Kyoto Kid
...that is real nice. One of the more complex layouts I've seen. you do It already shows a sense of 3 dimensional depth even in the draft state. I love his Icon.

Really looking forward to seeing the finished version.

Of course the bottles should have Jolt Cola labels grinbig.gif biggrin.gif grinbig.gif biggrin.gif
Really. Freaking. Sweet!

I love the monoshade instead of eyes. Very awesome. Maybe you could give the lightning-bolt icon little lightningbolts as "hands"?

Would that look cool?
The head gear looks good, leave it in. I really like the way you have drawn him. Keep up the great work.
ok been really busy so I hope to knock this out this weekend and move on to some others.

Like SD's then the rest. smile.gif
It looks SWEET! Thanks so much for doing this for me.
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