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Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Jame J (signature))
*Please note - This user has been accidentaly stepped on by Hestaby*

...same here several times over, once while "dodging" Lofie. Frag, I hate GDs grinbig.gif
Last I saw he was working on a pretty sweet World of Warcraft picture.
well,well... I will pickup just about where i left off. The "hamburger spirit" is not likely to get done anytime soon (Ipersonally think i hemoraged my talent trying to put that one down to paper( I need more time)) So I will begin work on JameJ concept art. Be warned I've been doing work for a online game so the images have begun to get intense (Background). Having said that I should have something up by this weekend, and yes the concept work I'm doing will appear on my deviantart account shortly.

Thanks for the interst. smile.gif
Kyoto Kid
...good to see ya back. Been watching the progress on your latest project (already commented on DA). Again looks very nice.

Yeah been slacking on sending Meg's description. If you read my latest Journal entry on DA, you'll understand why. I'll get those details to you by the weekend.
Jame J
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid)
QUOTE (Jame J (signature))
*Please note - This user has been accidentaly stepped on by Hestaby*

...same here several times over, once while "dodging" Lofie. Frag, I hate GDs grinbig.gif

And she did it when I was just trying to chill out in SeaTac. Man, I go out there for a vacation and wham! she steps on me. scatter.gif

That's why I decided to stay in the East.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion)
well,well... I will pickup just about where i left off. The "hamburger spirit" is not likely to get done anytime soon (Ipersonally think i hemoraged my talent trying to put that one down to paper( I need more time)) So I will begin work on JameJ concept art. Be warned I've been doing work for a online game so the images have begun to get intense (Background). Having said that I should have something up by this weekend, and yes the concept work I'm doing will appear on my deviantart account shortly.

Thanks for the interst. smile.gif

That's cool; just let me know when you're done.
o.k. as promised first attempt at shadow gamer.
It's been a long while... and I'm still healing from a bad brawl.

Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion)
o.k. as promised first attempt at shadow gamer.
It's been a long while... and I'm still healing from a bad brawl.

...ouch. Not the pic but what you mentioned in your post. Hope you're okay.

Nice Elf mage. A bit light on my work monitor but I'll check it out when I get home.

BTW thanks for all the faves on DA. Starting to branch into the digital art scene a bit more. Up to doing another shot at Leela sometime (saw you faved the EB as LG photomanip I did)?
Jame J
I can't really see it.

But if there's a "witch's bag" in there, there probably shouldn't.
O.K. here is the second draft of Shadow gamer, , sorry for the long delay. My hands took some time to heal and life got real busy during that time. I bought a house! My first and I'm going to be moving end of March. I will try hard to complete this commission before that. Having said that...after some darkening and some minor changes I thought it might not be good enough so I found a model from Deviant art and came up with this , please read the description. I found this picture and it screamed SR, I did this completely freehand and it's just a sketch.
For certain I will convert the first sketch with the clothing from the second sketch and that alone will change the dynamic of the first.
Kyoto Kid, been a while.... grinbig.gif
2nd draft of shadow gamer. Changed the clothing, I like this better. Let me know.
Jame J
Yeah, this is good, but the face is a bit too round. I had in mind a more ... triangular? face.
can do. smile.gif I will make the change and post by the morrow. How about the Magic effect from the first post? Or is the second post more to your liking.
BTW I will begin the adept after I'm finished with this one.
Niiiice work. Good to see you back on the grid, Squniky.

BTW, why has this been unstickied?
ummm....SD it's me Holychampion! Squinky's thread is stickied in Community Projects, where someday I dream of being placed. Thanks for the major compliment tho, I am a big fan of Squinks work!
revised, changed face and started on the Shadow effect. Any thoughts on that? Not sure if it should be a smoke like effect or I was thinking of a growing of shadows from here surroundings. Let me know.
I know it's you. I thought yours got stickied, though..... Hm.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion @ Feb 28 2008, 08:20 PM) *
revised, changed face and started on the Shadow effect. Any thoughts on that? Not sure if it should be a smoke like effect or I was thinking of a growing of shadows from here surroundings. Let me know.

More to my liking! (Um, the top part of the shirt should show less...) Go for the shadow effect, I'd like to see it.
Let me know what u think of this. I'm more curious about the effect (magic). I'm moving ( I just bought my first house) and all my SR stuff is packed. So I don't have a diffinition of the spell being cast...having said that this is a artist rendition of a shadow making spell. A light source is created/used to generate the shadow that the mage controls.

My next step is to use a shading technique that will fill in all the shadows created by the spell. I hope that the lines laid down define my description and that u have a understanding of what I'm trying to do.
Let me know. smile.gif
no thoughts? frown.gif
First draft of Blades Edge.
Daier Mune
RE: Shadowmage
depending on where the light source is positioned that could add alot of really cool shadows on the girl herself

RE: Blade's Edge
the perspective on the arm holding the sword seems a little off.

i'm not much of a visual artist, so i can't help much more than that.
Fresno Bob
Would you draw my character, Aziz?

Here's a link to his character sheet, but I'll copy and paste the pertinent info:

Aziz is a tall, Middle Eastern human. Despite his upbringing and ethnicity, he dresses like any respectable gutterpunk, with motorcycle boots, ragged jeans, ripped up t-shirts, and a biker jacket. His coarse black hair is kept cropped short, except for a longer patch on top, kept wrapped up into a topknot. Aziz has several tattoos, an oriental dragon on his left forearm, a chaos star on his right shoulder, a stylized black rose on his left pectoral, a scorpion on his right forearm, and a snake curled around his left bicep and shoulder. He generally carries his katana with him, bringing his submachine gun only on special occasions.
RE: Shadowmage
depending on where the light source is positioned that could add alot of really cool shadows on the girl herself
The source of light is in between her hands. The inked copy will show better I think.
RE: Blade's Edge
the perspective on the arm holding the sword seems a little off.
Will try and fix that, it will be the third time I 've tried and I think your right I think it's too small (just slightly). I'll fix for the 2nd draft.

Would you draw my character, Aziz?
ABSOLUTLEY! smile.gif . And thanks for the great detail in description, the link to a character sheet is awesome as well. Should have a draft up by early next

Thank you for the comments. smile.gif
Onin the Shade
might as well throw mine out there.

Characters name is Ip. Hes a troll. he has an axe. have fun. ^^
second draft of Blades Edge
I have two characters I'd request images of. Both of my characters are white male caucasians, around 6'02" to 6'04", are fairly stocky build. Probably around 210 pounds or so. It'd be awesome if you could draw both of these guys together.

First is Cougar. He's a walking tank of street samurai steel. Kind of got metal pieces showing around his arms, a rough and unshaven face, and long flowing red hair. Always wears a black armored vest on top of a camoflauge jacket with a pair of camo pants. His weapon of choice is the Steyr AUG-CSL (I belive it looks like a bullpup) and he has two hip holsters with Ares Predators. And a knife tucked into his boot. Also, the old school green camo. He usually has that badass jackass smirk.

Second is Reaper. He looks like the second coming of the grim reaper. He has a scythe polearm. He has a metallic plate on the left side of his face and all the teeth on that side are silver-colored. Red cybereyes. Usually wears a grim-reaper style cloak that is tattered with years of use and bullet holes. Underneath his custom cloak is form fitting body armor. The only other weapon he carries is a Ruger Super Warhawk as a back-up. He's in it for the blood and the carnage. Never smiles. Always looks... well, grim or expressionless.

I would dance the magic happy dance if you drew anything near to them. Or if you drew them together, since they usually run as a team, that would be pro. I use them constantly in games I play in, or use them as bad guys in games I run, and could use the picture over and over again. Me love you long time, etc.
Kyleigh Wester
Hey man, remember me? Big art fan of yours and you drew my character Ikasu for me. I was wondering if you'd be willing to try another commission for my new character? I hope you wont mind, I love your art.

Joshua Zelanzy, Street Name DataFlow. Dataflow bears a slight resemblance to Ikasu, but only in the equipment he wears. He's a bit shorter at about 5'11 and has long, brown hair with streaks of a lighter shade of brown. His hair goes down to about his mid neck and is fairly messy. He wears an aviation jacket with a fluffy collar with different kinds of decals on the front of it. Long balance tail and loose blue jeans. Deck wrapped around his neck. That's where the similarities between my old character and my new one end. He carries around a large ultra heavy revolver and has a med pack hanging off the back of his belt. He also has a tool kit strapped to his side. Blue eyes if it matters. When not worried about concealability he keeps a rapier strapped to his side, to help him feel sexy. (
Hey man, remember me? Big art fan of yours and you drew my character Ikasu for me. I was wondering if you'd be willing to try another commission for my new character? I hope you wont mind, I love your art.
Wow! Thanks alot!

i guess I better move on the inking of my current comissions so I can get work on these:
Aziz-Voorhees (a great concept I'm going to have fun doing), Ip (should be intersting to see how I make out without description)-Onin, Cougar&Reaper (looking forward to 'cause I like doing team drawings) and Dataflow-Kyleigh (of which I will take great pleasure in doing for a fan!)

Thanks smile.gif I better get to work!
Thanks holychampion, you rock! smile.gif
final draft of Blades Edge. . Just awaiting approval of both Blades Edge and Shadow Gamer. In the meantime I will be starting on the next character draft. smile.gif
If it helps any... Cougar is a lot more charismatic than Reaper.
Daier Mune
RE: Blade's Edge - looks great man! i think the inking helped her arm look better.
RE: Blade's Edge - looks great man! i think the inking helped her arm look better.
I actually haven't inked anything yet. Still waiting approval. What happened is I saw what you were talking about and set out to fix it. In the end I had to redraw the image 'cause I abused the paper and started wearing holes in it. Thank you for the comment. smile.gif
Kyoto Kid
...Overall, I like the pose and composition.

The foreshortening on her arm and the sword looks good.

Foreshortening is always difficult, particularly on limbs more than items. Actually having delved into digital 3D graphic design and rendering has given me a better sense of proportion as I can rotate around the model to view from different angles.

A couple small things. First the eyes, I would de-emphasise the lashes a bit (particularly on the bottom eyelid) and not make the eyes so almond shaped. Another thing would be to "suggest" the iris outline as well as the pupil (unless she has cybereyes & this is the way they are supposed to appear). Focusing her look more on the sword's tip would also help rid her of that "blank stare" look (this is something I have noticed is very common in digital imagery and have been working hard at to avoid). Even a tiny change in focus can do a lot to improve the facial expression. I would also give her a bit more definition to her cheekbones. Even in a narrow face, there is still always a slight curve to the cheek.

Now, I have not seen the character details so apologies for any suggestions that may be out of place from Blade's description.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 8 2008, 04:48 PM) *
final draft of Blades Edge. . Just awaiting approval of both Blades Edge and Shadow Gamer. In the meantime I will be starting on the next character draft. smile.gif

Love it! love.gif This one has approval for inking (haven't seen the other as of this post). The pose is perfect.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 2 2008, 12:21 PM) *
Let me know what u think of this. I'm more curious about the effect (magic). I'm moving ( I just bought my first house) and all my SR stuff is packed. So I don't have a diffinition of the spell being cast...having said that this is a artist rendition of a shadow making spell. A light source is created/used to generate the shadow that the mage controls.

My next step is to use a shading technique that will fill in all the shadows created by the spell. I hope that the lines laid down define my description and that u have a understanding of what I'm trying to do.
Let me know. smile.gif

My one thing is - the shirt is the right length, but not the right coverage.
Love it! This one has approval for inking (haven't seen the other as of this post). The pose is perfect.

perfect will start tomorrow, should have something done by Fri. latest.

My one thing is - the shirt is the right length, but not the right coverage.

Will work that out. If the mesh shirt covers the cleavage is that ok? Or would you prefer the bra to be covered much like the very first draft?
Hopefully I can get this done by Fri. also. smile.gif
Did a color version. Spreading my wings so to speak. Just a trial, let me know what u think.
Fresno Bob
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 7 2008, 06:25 AM) *
ABSOLUTLEY! smile.gif . And thanks for the great detail in description, the link to a character sheet is awesome as well. Should have a draft up by early next
Sweet, thanks a billion!
Shadowgamer for your approval.
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 14 2008, 08:58 PM) *

... love.gif Perfect! Thank you very much!
Jame J
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 13 2008, 08:05 PM) *
Did a color version. Spreading my wings so to speak. Just a trial, let me know what u think.

Very nice.

Would you consent to doing a color version of Shadow Gamer, when you have a chance?
Yes I would! smile.gif
Jame J
Cool! All I ask it that she have dark, almost-black hair.
Shadow gamer in color as requested. smile.gif
Daier Mune
QUOTE (holychampion @ Mar 17 2008, 06:10 PM) *

very nice!
I wonder what it takes to get 'stickied'? Working on Aziz now. smile.gif
Fresno Bob
Cool, I can't wait to see him.
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