This is the Character i would like to see sketched out the most . . he was the first one i got to play more than once . . sadly under a not too good GM and i decided to quit his games because of that <.< . .
Venice"Vance"(Van) Raging Bear, Male Troll-Samurai with Amerindian Blood in his veins.
almost 3m Tall, Skin that seems to change colour from dark rusty red to blood red when oiled/sweaty(and come on, as a troll that happens often enough eugh) and long black, straight hair down to the middle of his Back often times tied up into one long braid.
His Skin is pretty smooth for a Troll as he had the luck of his dermal plating coming out like PLATES instead of horn-warts and were enhanced by one Level of cyber-dermal-plating . .
Scars across his upper Body and left Arm and his throat is a whole mess of scars.
Deep Brown natural looking cyber-eyes that shimmer black or red depending on light if not hidden behind his retractable protective covers.
As most Trolls he is proud of his size and his body, muscle pure and simple . . not all natural mind you, but all biological . .
A Pair of the most beautyfull('cause implanted made to look natural) horns and Fangs made too look like natural Tusks you will ever see on a Troll.
Most often seen wearing white, blue or black Jeans and a colour matching T-Shirt with his favourite Combat-Biking Team or Urban Brawl Team-Logo on it and above that a Leather-Vest with the Logo of the Urban Tribe he lives with most of the time that consists of an image of a group of Wolves in different positions. The Vest is hung over and over with chains that are actually one long chain-whip which is held together on the front by a License Plate and a REALLY long leather-Belt that seems to look like the whip indiana Jones used.
His Arms are most of the time left free to show of his Scars on one Side and the Tattoo of a spikey/spiked wheel on the other side and his muscles of course. His feet are covered most of the time by his old black army boots or some running shoes. Most of the Time wearing a Pair of Hardliner Gloves with the Fingers Cut off and a Telescoping Staff on his Back and an extendable Baton on his side.
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Living with his Uncle whom he was send to live with because his Human Parents could not Handle an Teenager that suddenly got to be allmost 3m tall and his Uncle agreed to watch over him and teach him the way of wolf. Being a Wolf Shaman he at least had a chance of making the young man understand and accept that he was the one calling the shots most of the time. He got the Name VAN(and most of his Scars) after having more or less just shaken off a collision with a vehicle of that Class better than the driver of the car whom he proceeded to pull out through the shattered windshield and beating him untill he died. After that his Family/Tribe had some trouble fending off attacks from friends of the now deceased driver of the van. To alleviate them of this burden he chose to join the army to get away from there so the attacks would stop. He came back some Years later because his Uncle had called for him, as he was to take on the role of a teacher himself as an ill-tempered girl with no memories and many scars came to live with the tribe to teach HIM a lesson. But of course, life just could not be easy can it? dumb Van had proceeded to "disfigure and destroy his body given by the totems to him with machines" as his uncle put it . . yep, he had gotten himself some cyber/bio to make himself even bigger/stronger and tougher than he was to begin with. . And of course, once he was back, guess who decided he still had to pay for what he had done to the Van-Driver back then. So the attacks started all over, the first few of which he fended off on his own with his new powers and skills. but as they became more frequent and violent he decided that he would have to work on a way to make them stop again. so he joined the spike wheels gang and became a beginner in the shadows through them, building up a network of connections for himself and getting money to help his family at the same time.
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in Game-Terms 15 Body, 15 Strength, 8 Quickness(yes, 3rd ed), 4 Charisma, 4 Intelligence, 6 Willpower, Essence of 3, Bio-index of 4, no obvious cyber aside from the retractable protective covers and the dermal plating maybe