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First draft of Aziz. Keep in mind the tattoes are only sketches for placement. smile.gif

Fresno Bob
Looks good!
Second draft of Aziz, thinking of putting a bike in the background, if so...what kind? Or would rather something else? Let me know. Thanks.
Fresno Bob
Well he drives a Suzuki Mirage, whatever that looks like... probably some sort of futuristic crotch rocket. It looks great so far, the only thing I can think of is that the sword should be curved a little, not just straight up and down. smile.gif
Well he drives a Suzuki Mirage
the only thing I can think of is that the sword should be curved a little, not just straight up and down.
also noted.
Time to get to work. smile.gif
Fresno Bob
Eeeexcellent. [/Mr. Burns]
3rd draft. Aziz is inked, shading a nd the begining of the bike. The front tire is too high that will all get fixed as soon as I can find my portractor! frown.gif
Fresno Bob
Good work! I like the shading over the face, and the tattoos are done well.
Well, i bought my first house and have been spending the entire week working, then coming home and painting the interior of my new place. Today it's time to move. I only post this because it will be 'till early next week that i have internet access. The computer comes down today. Aziz (the background) should be finished by Wed. and hopefully i have internet in my new home by then. ohplease.gif
Aziz in color. Not calling it finished, got to chose a background color or put in more background. Nontheless the character won't change so here you go.
Kyleigh Wester
Since you're getting close to my character, I have a more full discription of him since I have more time. Anyway, here it is:

He stands at about six foot and weighs no more then 180 pounds. He has brown semi-messy hair with sttreaks of a lighter shade of brown going through his hair. He also has a brown goatee on his chin. he wears an aviation jacket with a fluff collar that has several buttons and logos and what not down the side of it and is usually open to reveal a plain looking shirt. He wears blue jeans. He has a med kit strapped to his side and a tool kit next to it. He has a cybernetic balance tail as well as a datajack and a chip jack. Also, he carriers his deck with him. The rapier I showed as a picture in my last post can be found strapoped to his side now and then. He's a mix between a punk and a pretty boy with his high charisma. Third Edition Character.
Aziz finished.
Fresno Bob
Awesome! I dig the shading. This ones going on my character sheet too. smile.gif
Thank you! I'm glad you like it. smile.gif
Working on first draft of Ip the axe wielding Troll.
Then Cougar and REaper (Gonna have some fun there smile.gif )
then Dataflow.
Gonna try less posts. Will post the first, second and final draft then place final image on front page.
Thanks alot for all of your support!
And now that I'm moved the images should come along alittle faster. smile.gif

Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (holychampion @ Apr 1 2008, 06:57 PM) *

...excellent, the background helps a lot. The "glow" effect really makes him stand out well and the shadows lend a more 3 dimensional depth to the picture.

BTW, Had to "back door" in (log on to DA directly) to view as I keep getting Timeout errors using links from DS. Apparently DeviantArt is having some form of server issue for I also have been getting get their "Maintenance" screen periodically while switching galleries or trying to upload an image.
First draft of Ip. I thought of calling this "That's not an axe...."

Oh KK if that maintenance screen comes up I usually just refresh the page and I'm in. smile.gif
Can't wait. So much great art in this topic. twirl.gif
Already working on yours. smile.gif
Will post the first part tomorrow so look for it (should be up by 7-8pm my time CMT), it will be of Reaper. Fear not these will be drawn together, I have a technique when it comes to team-ups. First I draw the characters independently then when I'm satisfied with the pose of each and detail I merge them together to make one image.
First draft.
Kyoto Kid
...this is really nice.
Holy crap Reaper looks awesome! smile.gif
2nd part of first draft...Cougar.
now to wait for a approval,Ink and put the two images together, which should look really good I think.
Awesome man; it looks great. Can't wait to see the next stage!
Reaper & Cougar together. First draft.
Now to work on finishing touches. Was thinking Reapers right foot should be more angled so that it appears that he is "jumping" or in the air more.
Let me know what u think.
Awesome man, I highly approve. I actually like his foot like it is, it looks like he's ready to land and attack.
cool smile.gif.
Then inking and shading shall begin!
Kyleigh Wester
I can't wait to see the finished work.
Been a long delay, apologise. smile.gif
Not quite finished...all I need is a background color. So here you go.
Give me a suggestion and I'll run with it.
Dang, nice.

Background color... Hmmm... I don't know. Blue, Green, Red, or Gray.
With background color
Would do more but I'm pressed for time. Thanks for the comments.
Should be on to the next in a few days. smile.gif
Kyleigh Wester
Yeeeeey, I think i'm next. I'm gonna do a little dance.
This is the Character i would like to see sketched out the most . . he was the first one i got to play more than once . . sadly under a not too good GM and i decided to quit his games because of that <.< . .

Venice"Vance"(Van) Raging Bear, Male Troll-Samurai with Amerindian Blood in his veins.
almost 3m Tall, Skin that seems to change colour from dark rusty red to blood red when oiled/sweaty(and come on, as a troll that happens often enough eugh) and long black, straight hair down to the middle of his Back often times tied up into one long braid.
His Skin is pretty smooth for a Troll as he had the luck of his dermal plating coming out like PLATES instead of horn-warts and were enhanced by one Level of cyber-dermal-plating . .
Scars across his upper Body and left Arm and his throat is a whole mess of scars.
Deep Brown natural looking cyber-eyes that shimmer black or red depending on light if not hidden behind his retractable protective covers.
As most Trolls he is proud of his size and his body, muscle pure and simple . . not all natural mind you, but all biological . .
A Pair of the most beautyfull('cause implanted made to look natural) horns and Fangs made too look like natural Tusks you will ever see on a Troll.
Most often seen wearing white, blue or black Jeans and a colour matching T-Shirt with his favourite Combat-Biking Team or Urban Brawl Team-Logo on it and above that a Leather-Vest with the Logo of the Urban Tribe he lives with most of the time that consists of an image of a group of Wolves in different positions. The Vest is hung over and over with chains that are actually one long chain-whip which is held together on the front by a License Plate and a REALLY long leather-Belt that seems to look like the whip indiana Jones used.
His Arms are most of the time left free to show of his Scars on one Side and the Tattoo of a spikey/spiked wheel on the other side and his muscles of course. His feet are covered most of the time by his old black army boots or some running shoes. Most of the Time wearing a Pair of Hardliner Gloves with the Fingers Cut off and a Telescoping Staff on his Back and an extendable Baton on his side.

[ Spoiler ]

[ Spoiler ]
Kyleigh Wester
Starting work on Dataflow. Got a great sketch down so the first draft should be up in a day or so. smile.gif
Kyleigh Wester
Yeeeeey, can't wait to see it.
first draft.
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (holychampion @ May 13 2008, 08:18 PM) *

Nice, very good work. He comes off a bit to....masculine, but I think if you removed the cheek bone line and goatee that would fix it. With the manly chest and everything the proportions seem off, but it's still awesome work. If it's too late to fix any of this then i'd still be grateful to see the finished work. Most of your work is absolutely beautiful.
For you it is never to late smile.gif
My only regret is that life has thrown me a curve ball and I haven't had time to do the artwork.
But now things have settled and I should have a workable draft by or before the weekend, then I'll get the finished done right away.
FOR THE RECORD> I'm going back to BW images with background. NO color, I suck at it! The last request:Cougar and Reaper was a good drawing that I feel got destroyed by the coloring. I plan on doing traditional shading and posting a inked BW image of that one as well.
Thanks all for your continued interest, apologise for the delays and I'll get back to work on the requested images!
Kyleigh Wester
QUOTE (holychampion @ May 22 2008, 09:19 AM) *
For you it is never to late smile.gif
My only regret is that life has thrown me a curve ball and I haven't had time to do the artwork.
But now things have settled and I should have a workable draft by or before the weekend, then I'll get the finished done right away.
FOR THE RECORD> I'm going back to BW images with background. NO color, I suck at it! The last request:Cougar and Reaper was a good drawing that I feel got destroyed by the coloring. I plan on doing traditional shading and posting a inked BW image of that one as well.
Thanks all for your continued interest, apologise for the delays and I'll get back to work on the requested images!

If you're having trouble picturing Dataflow keep in mind he has the same general build as Ikasu did ^^ and it's alright. Everyone has those weeks, or months. I know i've been there.
Well that curve ball has lasted quite awhile but I'm back!
Here is a second draft. Removed the cheek bone and i will change the goatee if necessary before inking. Gonna darken it up a bit. I hope it is noticable that I paired his "girth" down also, I think his posture is what is making him come off 'manly' and i f necessary I will do a complete re-draw. Let me know. smile.gif
QUOTE (holychampion @ Jun 11 2008, 01:32 PM) *
Well that curve ball has lasted quite awhile but I'm back!
Here is a second draft. Removed the cheek bone and i will change the goatee if necessary before inking. Gonna darken it up a bit. I hope it is noticable that I paired his "girth" down also, I think his posture is what is making him come off 'manly' and i f necessary I will do a complete re-draw. Let me know. smile.gif

I like this one a lot more. The goatee can probably be removed, but if it would be a hassle (meaning if it makes it more difficult for you or takes up to much of your time) it's fine to stay. I love the picture, thanks for drawing it! The second draft came out great.
Goatee can be removed not a problem. Will start 3rd draft right away... but just for the record
He stands at about six foot and weighs no more then 180 pounds. He has brown semi-messy hair with sttreaks of a lighter shade of brown going through his hair. He also has a brown goatee on his chin. he wears an aviation jacket with a fluff collar that has several buttons and logos and what not down the side of it and is usually open to reveal a plain looking shirt.
The 3rd draft will show the logos and what not on the jacket (almost forgot those:) ) and a start or good shot of the background.
BTW did u change your tag?
QUOTE (holychampion @ Jun 12 2008, 04:53 AM) *
Goatee can be removed not a problem. Will start 3rd draft right away... but just for the record The 3rd draft will show the logos and what not on the jacket (almost forgot those:) ) and a start or good shot of the background.
BTW did u change your tag?

Yeah, new account. Sorry for the confusion.
frown.gif I totally apologize for the long delay, but I'm posting this so that u have something. I only feel terrible because you have been a loyal fan and for all the praise u have given me u deserve more. That being said I'm still working on this picture when I can find the time...I haven't forgotten...and i will not give up!
Lastly, Thanks to all of you!
hey,you're back, that's all that matters ^^
where did you disappear to? o.O
further more: you're doing this because you want to, don't appologize for giving people something for free
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