QUOTE (augmentin @ Jun 15 2010, 03:30 AM)
I just don't know. Jason says that he's not changing shadowrun, just adding noir. Ancient History and some others say he doesn't understand the setting. Rather than continue to debate and speculate on things we have no control over and are frankly already decided, I'd really like this thread to focus on two things:
Why should I continue to purchase Shadowrun products?
If you like what you see, if you enjoy it enough that you feel you want to own it, then you should continue to buy SR products.
Why should I stop buying Shadowrun products?
If you don't like the material being produced, or if it isn't useful to you, then you should not.
What are the ethical pros/cons?
You get what you pay for. If you buy a bad product, you're rewarding the people that write and produce that product. If you buy a good product, same same.
In the grand scheme of things, yes, continuing to buy products from CGL is rewarding people like Randall Bills and Loren Coleman - because these are the people that directly profit when CGL profits, and when you buy their products they profit. However, it is not your job or social responsibility to punish them. Your purpose as a consumer is to reward good actions by buying shit and bad actions by not buying shit. Your vote is the almighty dollar, and how you spend it is entirely up to you - and don't let anyone tell you different.
What are the game mechanics pros/cons?
I'm gonna speak just from experience here, but Jason doesn't know the rules, and doesn't have a lot of perspective on them that I can see. We never really got around to talking about rules design philosophy, but I know he was never involved in any of the planning or discussions about the rules that came out, good or bad. I could go farther on that particular topic, but let's be honest: Jason probably won't be writing any rules. He wasn't when I left, anyway. Other people will write the rules, and that could be a good thing or a bad thing. Obviously, all Shadowrun mechanics aren't winners. I've made my fair share of mistakes (cough, hack,
Runner's Companion, please forgive me), so I've got limited room to talk here - except, well, I tried. You have no idea how I tried. I honestly don't think the FAQ would be posted if I hadn't threatened Jason I would post it myself if he didn't.
Sort of drifted off-topic there, let me recap: there's no way to tell whether it would be good or bad. Probably some of both in any event.
What are the fluff/fiction pros/cons?
Much of what I said above applies. Leaving aside my opinion on Jason's writing, we haven't really had an example of a book he's solely produced or an entire book by people that haven't left. People like Brandie Tahlvin, Ken' Horner, David A. Hill Jr., they're decent writers. Do they know Shadowrun? Some more than others. Does Jason know enough about Shadowrun to successfully edit their work? Well, he didn't do it in
Corp Guide. It could get better. That was a shaky product, lot of last-minute work.
What are you going to do? Why?
I'm gonna wait. I'm going to finish a few things I've started, and I'm going to see if IMR implodes or not. I hope it does. I hope Jason goes and finds a great job that never involves Shadowrun. I hope to work on Shadowrun again. Honestly though? If CGL keeps the game, if Jason Hardy stays on the line, I'm done with the game. Finis. I'll probably sell my books and stare at my empty shelves and feel very empty for long time, and that will be it.