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Swims will move towards the troll, and when he gets line of sight he'll try to cast Levitate and pick the troll up (how high is the ceiling?)
I can tell Flowers is going to die before he goes. smile.gif
Don't be such a pansy Flowers!

QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 6 2013, 08:30 PM) *
No. Once the door is secure I will move toward the register/office to help the employees get to cover, thus giving myself access to the front.

I'm not sure I'd call the door "secure" unless somebody is planning to stand there and keep it that way. But you don't see anybody else in the employee only section besides the armed family that you'r directing to hide behind the freezer section for what it's worth.
Currently, I am still waiting on Redjack to post actions for Takako. I'd post him backing away from the troll to try to draw him out the front door, but wasn't sure if he was still trying to do that after taking such a big hit.
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 6 2013, 11:17 PM) *
Swims will move towards the troll, and when he gets line of sight he'll try to cast Levitate and pick the troll up (how high is the ceiling?)

Sorry, forgot to post a response. Once we get to your turn, it would take you running at and angle to behind the cash register to get good LOS. Is that ok?
The ceilings are 5m up with the troll being a little over 3m tall.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 8 2013, 10:15 AM) *
Currently, I am still waiting on Redjack to post actions for Takako. I'd post him backing away from the troll to try to draw him out the front door, but wasn't sure if he was still trying to do that after taking such a big hit.
Sorry. I missed that.

Takako is getting up and getting the hell out of the way. He suddenly feels horribly outclassed. His goal is still to lead the troll out the door if possible, but not get himself boxed into a corner. Options?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 8 2013, 10:42 AM) *
Sorry. I missed that.

Takako is getting up and getting the hell out of the way. He suddenly feels horribly outclassed. His goal is still to lead the troll out the door if possible, but not get himself boxed into a corner. Options?

Well, it's a straight run for you to the door if that's what you want to do. If you made a running test as a Sprint Action for this pass, you would likely make it out the front door.
Just be aware that the troll could use an interrupt action (taking a -5 to his init) to try to intercept you with a melee attack.
Running out of edge. Must try.

Running(1) + Strength(5) + Wounds(-2) = [4,5,1,2,5,1] = 1 hit
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 8 2013, 12:38 PM) *
Running out of edge. Must try.

Running(1) + Strength(5) + Wounds(-2) = [4,5,1,2,5,1] = 1 hit

I'm not sure if Invisible Castle likes the troll overly much or just really doesn't like you, but the troll again managed to get 7 hits as he tries to smack you to the side with a meaty fist. Same base damage.

You can choose to go on full defense to add in your Willpower to your defense test if you choose to.

The good news at least is that, the trolls initiative immediate drops by 5 and now Swims-With-Sharks will go before the troll does anything else.
I'd like block instead.

Reaction(8) + Intuition(4) + Unarmed(6) + Edge-PushTheLimit(4) + Wounds(-2) [1,2,4,3,2,[6, 2],5,3,[6, 2],5,2,[6, 1],3,[6, 5],4,2,5,[6, 3],5,[6, 4],2,5] = 12 11 hits
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 8 2013, 01:02 PM) *
I'd like block instead.

Reaction(8) + Intuition(4) + Unarmed(6) + Edge-PushTheLimit(4) [1,2,4,3,2,[6, 2],5,3,[6, 2],5,2,[6, 1],3,[6, 5],4,2,5,[6, 3],5,[6, 4],2,5] = 12 hits

Only 11 hits because you're still suffering the -2 wound modifier, but still a great roll. You manage to block it with ease, redirecting his blow to smash into the goods on aisle 1 instead of your face, which turns out to be the lesser of two evils as your face (and the trolls) get splashed with enough debris from damaged product on the shelves that you are now sufferring a -2 to all actions due to visibility impairment (FoodFightTable Roll). You were splashed with a soft white powder that is used to clean up environmental spills and pollutants. It's stinging your eyes something fierce.

Your initiative is also dropped by -5 for the use of block.

Following that, half-blind, you scramble away and make it to the front doors, but not quite through them as the sound of rain becomes distinctly louder with the doors opening.
Swims-With-Sharks can now move into position behind the cash register to get LOS and cast his levitate spell. Make your rolls.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 8 2013, 01:22 PM) *
You were splashed with a soft white powder that is used to clean up environmental spills and pollutants. It's stinging your eyes something fierce. {...} the sound of rain becomes distinctly louder with the doors opening.
And does the rain quickly wash away the powder?

Side thought: Would my awesome defense roll also reduce the splash effect?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 8 2013, 01:27 PM) *
And does the rain quickly wash away the powder?

Side thought: Would my awesome defense roll also reduce the splash effect?

You're not out in the rain yet, there is an overhang. But really this stuff is designed to cleanup spills by absorption. It expands and becomes more bothersome when it gets wet. It takes a Complex action to clean it out of your eyes.

And no, the defense roll didn't reduce the effects. Think of it like a gas grenade going off. Everybody within the eradius of effect (in this case both you and the troll) have to deal with the consequences.
Gotcha... Ok. Tag team match. I'm out for a moment. -4dp isn't pretty.
Let me know when I need to IC my movement.
Well, I was going to wait for Swims-With-Sharks to make the rolls for casting levitate and for drain, but I guess I will go ahead and do that for him to keep us moving.
Swims dashes behind the cashiers counter (causing Shelly hiding underneath the register to scream) to get LOS on the troll. Then casts levitate (Force 5 to avoid physical drain) on the trolll. Rolling Spellcasting 6 + Magic 5 he gets 7 hits but can only count 5 of them since the force of the spell was his limit.
Let's go ahead and resist the drain of 3 stun. I believe Swimsp is of the shamanic tradition so he rolls Willpower 5 + Charisma 5 to resist drain. And he gets 5 hits. So he takes no damage.

Now lets roll the troll's Willpower + Logic to resist the spell. He only manages to get 1 hit and so the spell succeeds. He can levitate the troll 5 meters per combat turn (which translates into a bit less than 2 meters per initiative pass. The troll is well over a meter off the ground though.
Mako the troll, fails his perception test to notice Swims gesturing at him. So when the troll grabs a random container off the nearby shelf to throw, he throws it at his previous attacker and not the spellcaster. He gets 3 hits. I'll say this improvised weapon is damage STR-1. So base damage is 10 Stun.
Next up is Angel who's going VR I believe. What exactly are you wanting to do in VR.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 10 2013, 08:24 AM) *
Mako the troll, fails his perception test to notice Swims gesturing at him. So when the troll grabs a random container off the nearby shelf to throw, he throws it at his previous attacker and not the spellcaster. He gets 3 hits. I'll say this improvised weapon is damage STR-1. So base damage is 10 Stun.
Previous attacker being Takako? Does Takako get "Good Cover" (or better) since he went out the door?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 10 2013, 12:01 PM) *
Previous attacker being Takako? Does Takako get "Good Cover" (or better) since he went out the door?

Yes. The troll is throwing something at Takako. No on cover. You didn't make it out the door because you only got 1 hit on your sprint check. Currently you are standing in the doorway.
Reaction(8) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) +Irritant(-2) [2,1,3,3,2,2,1,1,5,3,3,2] = 1 hit
- Holy crap Invisible Castle hates this character...
Edge [2,6,4,1,6,4,1,3,3,5,3] = +2 hits
- And with his last edge so goes Takako's luck.
Better lucky than good! wink.gif

QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 10 2013, 01:14 PM) *
Reaction(cool.gif + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) [2,1,3,3,2,2,1,1,5,3,3,2] = 1 hit
- Holy crap Invisible Castle hates this character...
Edge [2,6,4,1,6,4,1,3,3,5,3] = +3 hits
- And with his last edge so goes Takako's luck.

You forgot that you are still suffering the -2 to all actions from the goop in your eyes. But even with taking another - 2 you got the 3 total hits you needed to avoid the attack. smile.gif

It is really unfortunate that you blew through your Edge so quickly. Especially as you hear something out in the rain of the parking lot..... Was that the sound of a gun being readied?
Apologies for being gone for awhile - I'm back now. Slacker, thanks for rolling for me - those are great rolls! Maybe you should roll for Swims more often biggrin.gif

Posted up an IC for Swims and the levitation act.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 10 2013, 04:24 PM) *
Next up is Angel who's going VR I believe. What exactly are you wanting to do in VR.

Well... figure out what is going on there. Is there anything immediately visible?

Otherwise, she will slowly head towards the direction from where she thinks the "noise" came, and take a look.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 11 2013, 04:17 PM) *
Well... figure out what is going on there. Is there anything immediately visible?

Otherwise, she will slowly head towards the direction from where she thinks the "noise" came, and take a look.


Hmm.....I'm not sure that you'd be able to identify the exact source of the noise. From experience, you would guess it is from some sort of jammer and it was marginally less of a problem the further you went towards the back of the store. Eh...we'll treat it as a device running silent. So give me a Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] test that will be opposed by Logic + Sleaze of the device owner.
The supervisor, Bob, has return to the fray with his trusty shotgun. Not giving it enough thought, he sees a stranger behind the registers and his cashier scream and makes the logical conclusion.

It's a real shame that he forgot the shotgun is on Medium spread and Shelly will be caught in the blast too. He got 2 hits and you are at -3 from the spread on the shotgun. Base damage is 8P

Shelly fails to get even 1 hit. She does manage to get 2 hits on her damage resistance test though. So she manages to stay alive despite the stupidity of her boss.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 12 2013, 10:27 PM) *
So give me a Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] test

Computer + Intuition -> 6 hits

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 12 2013, 03:42 PM) *
Computer + Intuition -> 6 hits


You forgot to subtract the Noise level from your dice pool. You've moved enough that it's only Noise 4 now, but that still means three of your hits didn't count.
And that does not beat the defenders 5 hits. So, you are uncertain where the jamming is coming from. Logic tells you it would have to be from somebody in the parking lot though.
Well, too bad. smile.gif

Guess I will have to take a look around outside then...

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 04:37 AM) *
He got 2 hits and you are at -3 from the spread on the shotgun. Base damage is 8P

2 hits (hope Swims doesn't count as behind cover smile.gif)
Swims uses his luck to have the shot barely graze him as he twitches slightly to avoid the bulk of the blast.
(I used exploding edge on the roll, and also accidentally had -2 instead of -3. So I took the last hit off the end of the roll, leaving Swims with 2 hits)
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 12 2013, 06:04 PM) *
2 hits (hope Swims doesn't count as behind cover smile.gif)
Swims uses his luck to have the shot barely graze him as he twitches slightly to avoid the bulk of the blast.
(I used exploding edge on the roll, and also accidentally had -2 instead of -3. So I took the last hit off the end of the roll, leaving Swims with 2 hits)

Good use of Edge.
Yeah, it was Edge or full defense, but I wanted to save Swim's actions to try to deal with the troll threat. Hopefully the supervisor sees the awful, awful thing he's done to Shelly and puts the gun down smile.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 12 2013, 09:22 PM) *
Yeah, it was Edge or full defense, but I wanted to save Swim's actions to try to deal with the troll threat. Hopefully the supervisor sees the awful, awful thing he's done to Shelly and puts the gun down smile.gif

Somebody might be able to convince him to put the shotgun down. But right now the miserable situation has him blaming you for making him shoot her.
It's time for Flowers to take his actions.

Following that, Takako can just make out some movement in the parking lot to alert him to a new attacker. A human in dark clothing is braced against the front bumper of a van parked just outside the StufferShack. He fires a short burst from his Colt Cobra. Despite the moderate rain causing a -3 penalty, he manages to get 3 hits. Base damage 7P no AP.
Oooh, actions!
Man, Takako is really taking some punishment! Sometimes it just doesn't pay to go to the Stuffer Shack for a Schmoozie..
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 13 2013, 08:28 AM) *
Man, Takako is really taking some punishment! Sometimes it just doesn't pay to go to the Stuffer Shack for a Schmoozie..

Yeah...I kind of feel bad for Takako but obviously somebody had to be out in the parking lot to turn on the jammer Angel has been feeling.
Complex Action
Leadership - Command - Convince Manager that Flowers is in Charge. smile.gif Cha 9 (11) + Leadership (3) + First Impression 2 + Modifiers.... + Edge 4 (20d6.hitsopen(5,6)=7)

Flowers also has Corporate Security 5 so hopefully he knows what to say.

Free Action message to team
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 09:41 PM) *
Somebody might be able to convince him to put the shotgun down. But right now the miserable situation has him blaming you for making him shoot her.

great...oh well, guy can get to be the first test subject for Swims offensive spells...

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 10:33 PM) *
Yeah...I kind of feel bad for Takako but obviously somebody had to be out in the parking lot to turn on the jammer Angel has been feeling.

better him than offense Redjack biggrin.gif

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 13 2013, 11:01 PM) *
Whoah! </keanu>
Will Flowers be able to move from where he was to the front registers during this combat turn without needing to roll?

I am also thinking since Angel is in VR, Flowers may need to grab the medkit from her as he goes by. Or drag her along.

Intention is to get to the manager, convince him to take cover and tend to Shelley, and take his nice shotgun away and use it himself.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 13 2013, 09:01 AM) *
Complex Action
Leadership - Command - Convince Manager that Flowers is in Charge. smile.gif Cha 9 (11) + Leadership (3) + First Impression 2 + Modifiers.... + Edge 4 (20d6.hitsopen(5,6)=7)

Flowers also has Corporate Security 5 so hopefully he knows what to say.

Free Action message to team

Well, you are suffering various penalties from being at the other end of the store from the supervisor and the supervisor being quite hostile currently, but even with that and his lone hit defense, he has accepted you as his leader for the next 5 combat turns.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 13 2013, 09:19 AM) *
Will Flowers be able to move from where he was to the front registers during this combat turn without needing to roll?

I am also thinking since Angel is in VR, Flowers may need to grab the medkit from her as he goes by. Or drag her along.

Intention is to get to the manager, convince him to take cover and tend to Shelley, and take his nice shotgun away and use it himself.

With Agility 7, you could walk to the front of the store in a single combat turn without roll, though you wouldn't get there until the third initiative pass. If you ran (still no roll needed), you could make it to the manager in pass 2 and still have some movement left over.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 09:11 AM) *
Following that, Takako can just make out some movement in the parking lot to alert him to a new attacker. A human in dark clothing is braced against the front bumper of a van parked just outside the StufferShack. He fires a short burst from his Colt Cobra. Despite the moderate rain causing a -3 penalty, he manages to get 3 hits. Base damage 7P no AP.

Reaction(8) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Powder(-2) + Second Defense(-1) [4,2,5,2,5,5,2] = 3 hits
Yea! Invisible Castle doesn't hate me anymore!!
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 13 2013, 01:09 PM) *

Reaction(cool.gif + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Powder(-2) + Second Defense(-1) [4,2,5,2,5,5,2] = 3 hits
Yea! Invisible Castle doesn't hate me anymore!!

I was about to congratulate you, but then I remembered that he fired a short burst. In SR5 all bursts reduce the target's defense dice instead of giving the shooter the option to increase the damage. So you were suffering another -2 on top of your wounds, powder, and previous defense.

That means the agent got 1 net hit and you need to resist 8 stun damage (stun damage because the DV did not exceed your total armor rating).
Following Flowers' booming voice taking charge of the situation. He can hear the running feet of the two NPC's moving along the back wall of the shopping area.

Even the drunkard stealing Tir wine has decided the gunfire is too much a risk and seems to be heading towards the back.

Meanwhile, Sledge was moving towards the front in the employee's section of the store. Is he just continuing that movement? He can see the the old supervisor at the opening between the office area and the cash registers, but he'll only be making it about halfway to the front this pass. Any other actions for him?

After Sledge goes its just the last of NPC movement. Shelly will be crying in agony for the shotgun blast. And the remaining punk that started this whole thing is just frozen in fear by the massive troll floating in air before him.

And then it will be time for the second initiative pass.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 13 2013, 01:35 PM) *
I was about to congratulate you, but then I remembered that he fired a short burst. In SR5 all bursts reduce the target's defense dice instead of giving the shooter the option to increase the damage. So you were suffering another -2 on top of your wounds, powder, and previous defense.

That means the agent got 1 net hit and you need to resist 8 stun damage (stun damage because the DV did not exceed your total armor rating).

I'm in the doorway. What about my 2 dice of partial cover... or given the full attack from inside, full cover?
Because of wounds and blocks on both Takako and Mako's part, the order has changed a little.

Initiative Pass 2 of Combat Turn 2:

Off camera NPC
Takako and Mako going on the same initiative
Bob the supervisor
Agent1 (almost gave away too much when i started typing his name as the group he's a member of)
Agent2- off camera NPC
Doctor NPC
Dax the Drunkard

So, Swims, Takako, and Angel can post of what they plan to do this pass.

For Angel I will say that she notices the active signal she had been feeling/seeing from the security cameras just stopped suddenly at the beginning of this pass. It's definitely not just the jammer. She thinks they've probably been shut down by somebody on the StufferShack host.
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