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QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 12 2013, 08:59 AM) *
If I understand this right....

Flowers will run back across the counter, through the doorway into the manager area where Sledge is.

Perception check Perception 5 Int + 3 Perception - 1 Stun, + modifiers and - modifiers as needed (7d6.hits(5)=3)

I am assuming that Sledge wants the troll lured from the back to come down this hallway, so not back through the area with aisles.

Don't forget that somebody outside just shot out the front doors and to run to the managers area you'll be running out in the open in view of whoever is outside.

It will also take you pretty much the entire combat turn to reach the managers area that is currently 10m away from you (your run speed is only 12m per combat turn)

Given all of that, what are you trying to see with your Perception check?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 12 2013, 03:25 PM) *
Despite the heavy noise level in front of the store (the noise is at level 6 out there), Angel can spot the icon of a cyberdeck currently running in normal mode (not silent) 6m in front of the store.

Hmm... with the Noise around it seems rather foolish to try to hack into that, so Angel will spend her action checking further on the source of the Noise and looking for a way to shut it off (if possible, from the Matrix).

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 12 2013, 12:03 PM) *
Hmm... with the Noise around it seems rather foolish to try to hack into that, so Angel will spend her action checking further on the source of the Noise and looking for a way to shut it off (if possible, from the Matrix).


Hmmm....You know what? I'll say the jammer was slaved to the Lieutenant's cyberdeck, which makes sense. So, it would have been rebooted when his commlink rebooted with him jacking out. Moreover, the default setting is off and he hasn't taken any action to turn it back on. In other words, forget the noise, it's gone.

Let the hacking commence.
In that case, Angel will spend her first action to give the sprite new orders (to protect her, in case she gets attacked).

Next action will be getting in...

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 12 2013, 10:34 AM) *
Don't forget that somebody outside just shot out the front doors and to run to the managers area you'll be running out in the open in view of whoever is outside.

It will also take you pretty much the entire combat turn to reach the managers area that is currently 10m away from you (your run speed is only 12m per combat turn)

Given all of that, what are you trying to see with your Perception check?

Stop giving me opportunities to change my mind!

Change of route. Run between aisles to aisle 7, then along aisle 7 towards Swims body. That should give Flowers cover from most things and i end up in a position where I can possibly check on Angel (Probably hidden around a corner though), look out front, and check on how far into the back the monster troll has gone before I dash across the exposed line of fire between the troll and the front doors.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 12 2013, 12:47 PM) *
In that case, Angel will spend her first action to give the sprite new orders (to protect her, in case she gets attacked).

Next action will be getting in...


I'lll let you go ahead and start hacking this pass. So just give me the roll to mark his cyberdeck with Brute Force or Hack on the Fly.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 12 2013, 02:12 PM) *
Stop giving me opportunities to change my mind!

Change of route. Run between aisles to aisle 7, then along aisle 7 towards Swims body. That should give Flowers cover from most things and i end up in a position where I can possibly check on Angel (Probably hidden around a corner though), look out front, and check on how far into the back the monster troll has gone before I dash across the exposed line of fire between the troll and the front doors.

I was about to say that Angel is still invisible, but then I remembered that spell would have ended when Swims died. You're right though, the viewing angle isn't too good. I'll say you can at least see that she is still over there and not in the clutches of the troll.

Looking out the front you spot a guy standing by a van who is apparently trying to throw something into the building, though he got 0 hits on his throw check....

Let's see how bad the scatter is on that....Oh i was seriously going to laugh if the grenade scattered right back to where the Lieutenant is standing. The direction is back towards him, but the distance was only 3m instead of the 12 it would have needed.

So, a small round shaped metal object hits where the register used to be and then bounces, skitters, and rolls back 3m towards the door before it comes to a stop. It is currently 5m from Flowers and 4m from Sledge. I'll give you two guesses what it is, though I'm pretty sure you only need one.

I am still waiting on actions from Takako for this pass.

Angel isn't very good at Cybercombat, so Hacking on the Fly, of course. smile.gif

Hacking:6 + Logic:6 + VR:2 - Wounds:1 [Sleaze:5] -> 2 hits + Edge 3 hits = 5 hits

That was not so great. wink.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 13 2013, 09:29 AM) *
Angel isn't very good at Cybercombat, so Hacking on the Fly, of course. smile.gif

Hacking:6 + Logic:6 + VR:2 - Wounds:1 [Sleaze:5] -> 2 hits + Edge 3 hits = 5 hits

That was not so great. wink.gif


Well, it was enough to get a mark on his cyberdeck.
Then the Edge was spent well at least. smile.gif

Well, then... that's it for my action... next pass... logging on.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 13 2013, 09:21 AM) *
So, a small round shaped metal object hits where the register used to be and then bounces, skitters, and rolls back 3m towards the door before it comes to a stop. It is currently 5m from Flowers and 4m from Sledge. I'll give you two guesses what it is, though I'm pretty sure you only need one.

I don't think there is much Flowers can do except drop prone, no more movement this turn and it will go off before he acts again. I think.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 16 2013, 09:55 AM) *
I don't think there is much Flowers can do except drop prone, no more movement this turn and it will go off before he acts again. I think.

The way i handle movement is that it is spread out over the multiple passes. You can't just use it all up in your first pass. So you actually only used 4m of your 12m of running during pass 1. You still have 8m of movement left, 4 that you can use on this pass along with actions, and 4 that would finish out your movement in pass 3 when you don't have any other actions left (unless you were to delay).
So would Flowers have seen the mysterious little metal object tossed during that first 4 meters while he was running between all the aisles? From the description it seemed like he observed that after he had arrived his final spot. This implies Flowers could change his movement to continue away from the front of the store, not entering aisle 7 but continuing to aisle 11 for example.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 16 2013, 10:44 AM) *
So would Flowers have seen the mysterious little metal object tossed during that first 4 meters while he was running between all the aisles? From the description it seemed like he observed that after he had arrived his final spot. This implies Flowers could change his movement to continue away from the front of the store, not entering aisle 7 but continuing to aisle 11 for example.

The throw was happening at the exact same time as your movement. The only point that you would have had line of sight to see the grenade was when you finished out that first 4m to reach the corner of aisle 7, just as the grenade hit ground by the register and scittered back 3m.

When characters are moving simultaneously their actions are happening in the same split second and they don't have time to really react to what somebody else is doing right then too.
I am still waiting on clarification from Sledge on if he is moving anywhere to place that second charge or placing it in the same position as the first charge?

Also, please verify that you are in fact using 2kg of explosive on each charge. I explained the specifics about the explosives and their effect on the building itself. But basically it boils down to if you think StufferShack was built with flimsier building material like wooden beams and such, you'd expect two 2kg explosives to bring the house down. On the other end of the spectrum, if you think the Stuffershack was built with reinforced materials like a bomb shelter would be, you expect the explosives to hardly scratch the walls.... All things considered, the StufferShack is probably somewhere in between... So I leave up to you to decide how much you are setting up.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 12 2013, 09:34 AM) *
Don't forget that somebody outside just shot out the front doors and to run to the managers area you'll be running out in the open in view of whoever is outside.
Was that since I cleared the from and announced it to the team?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 26 2013, 09:07 AM) *
<<@Team [Takako] Gunner in front down. Is everyone up?>>

Giving the information provided, I have the following perceptions:
1. Someone was shot just out the back door. He looks dead or dying.
2. Someone just inside the back door is freaking out.
3. Someone is running away from the back door. They may (or may not) be holding a weapon, obscured, in front of them.

If this is the case, Takako is holding action.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 16 2013, 12:24 PM) *
Was that since I cleared the from and announced it to the team?

The sound of automatic gun fire in front of the building happened just moments ago, ip2 of the previous combat turn. To recap the last combat turn:
IP 1, you started running towards the innocent woman you just brutally shot, and there was the sound of somebody sliding opening a van door and getting out of said van in front of the store, some cursing from that person and some commlink response coming from the alley in the back of the StufferShack. Oh and at the end of that pass, the injured woman flees from you in the dark alley as best she can, climbing a fire escape to get away.
IP 2, you decided the woman was well enough and that you should continue on towards the back alley to find the "turd" that drew you bak this way. A split second later, there was gunfire at the front of the store and the sound of shattering glass.
IP 3, you reached the back corner of the StufferShack and cautiously looked around the corner where you found a man laying dead just outside the back entrance to the StufferShack. You also spotted another man running away from the back door who is currently about 20m away. The man seems to be clutching something in front of him, but you can't tell what. And yes, I'm sure the troll and screaming mother just inside the back door are loud enough that you can hear them through the closed door.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 16 2013, 01:19 PM) *
IP 2, you decided the woman was well enough and that you should continue on towards the back alley to find the "turd" that drew you bak this way. A split second later, there was gunfire at the front of the store and the sound of shattering glass.
Ok, thanks. I now understand. To hell with the back. Time to re-secure the front... (I should have just stayed there) Running back to the front...

QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 16 2013, 01:21 PM) *
Ok, thanks. I now understand. To hell with the back. Time to re-secure the front... (I should have just stayed there) Running back to the front...

I was at least a little bit surprised that you didn't at least look inside of the van that first guy you took out was crouching by, hehe.

Anyway, it will take you at least a couple pass to run back up to the front. You can roll Running if you'd like to increase your speed as you run back down the dark alley.
Face-palm moment.
Running(1) + Strength(5) + Wounds(-2) [6,2,2,4] = 1 hit
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 16 2013, 02:19 PM) *
Running(1) + Strength(5) + Wounds(-2) [6,2,2,4] = 1 hit

Ok, You'll get to the front corner of the building at the very end of your movement for pass 3 of this combat turn.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 16 2013, 02:23 PM) *
Ok, You'll get to the front corner of the building at the very end of your movement for pass 3 of this combat turn.
As a note: Not wanting to get shot again, Takako will stop at the edge and peer around.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 16 2013, 02:31 PM) *
As a note: Not wanting to get shot again, Takako will stop at the edge and peer around.

I figured as much. You can go ahead and roll Perception if you'd like for when you do get there. I don't forsee you needing to roll anything else before then.
Perception(4) + Visual(2) + Mentor(2) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Active Looking(3) [3,3,5,2,4,5,2,1,3,1,4,5,3] = 3 hits
Well, I was trying to wait on Bastard to post clarification on Sledge's actions, but it's been a week since he last posted. So. We'll just move forward for now with the assumption that he placed two 2kg charges in the employee section basically to cover everything in that hallway north of the managers office.

init 12 - 7: So, we'll move on to the NPCs movement. Back in the stockroom a gun goes off with a masculine scream of "LET GO OF MY WIFE YOU FREAK!" and seems to miss as the bullet bounces off some metallic. If anybody was close enough, they could hear the quiet start of a child's giggle and the whispered "Mommy's a rag doll. Mommy's a rag doll!" It can't really be heard over the screaming of the woman in the trolls grasp anyway.
There's more movement behind the store in the alley way, but nobody is around to see what's going on.
In the alley Takako is running back up towards the front of the store he notices the woman he shot making her way through a shattered window to some for of safety within the building opposite the StufferShack (I'm going to remove her from the turn sequence now as I don't forsee her coming up again).
And there's some quiet sobbing under the desk in the manager's office.


And that concludes Pass 1.


Pass 2
init 16 Angel's Sprite
15 Takako
14 Angel
8 Mako
5 Sledge, Flowers, and the Lieutenant all go together.
2 Shi-Thead, the little girl alone with the big bad troll
1 Agent 2


init 16: Angel's Sprite is protecting Angel

init 15: Takako running towards the from of the building. He stops at the corner to look at what's going on up front. He sees a man armed with an AK-97 pulling open the driver's door of the van parked out in front of the building.

init 14: Angel was I believe going to log onto the host that is the Lieutenant's cyberdeck, correct?

8: Mako throws the woman he has in his grasp at her husband that just tried to shoot him. The trolls 6 hits vs the unarmed man's 2 hits, means that the couple have now died in each others arms in the most horrible way possible as the 15P damage is more than either of their bodies can handle. The troll is now alone with the small child that is complete oblivious to the fact that she just became an orphan in the terrible world of Shadowrun.

init 5: Sledge needs to post actions now that he has placed his two commercial explosive charges. He did notice the grenade thrown from outside into the building land only 4m away from him.
Flowers can also post what he's doing for this pass.

Can Flowers now drop prone or move away from the grenade?
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 18 2013, 08:34 AM) *
Can Flowers now drop prone or move away from the grenade?

You can do either one of those. Since the grenade hasn't gone off yet, it's likely safe to assume it is using the built-in timer and so you have until the next Combat Turn before it goes off.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 18 2013, 09:11 AM) *
init 15: Takako running towards the from of the building. He stops at the corner to look at what's going on up front. He sees a man armed with an AK-97 pulling open the driver's door of the van parked out in front of the building.
So the man is distracted and not really looking my direction? How far is he from me?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 18 2013, 09:28 AM) *
So the man is distracted and not really looking my direction? How far is he from me?

I wouldn't say he's distracted, he seems very aware that there are gun toting people around, including the possibility of somebody in the alley you are in. He's actually not paying that much attention to his movement. He's more focused on the entrance to the StufferShack with the occasional glance towards the alley, though he hasn't noticed you yet. He's maybe 7m away from you.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 18 2013, 10:33 AM) *
He's more focused on the entrance to the StufferShack with the occasional glance towards the alley, though he hasn't noticed you yet. He's maybe 7m away from you.
Well, that is 1/3 my movement so I should be able to charge him on the 3rd pass, correct? If so, with my chameleon suit, I'll make a stealth roll and see if I can go Predator on his happy ass.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 18 2013, 09:44 AM) *
Well, that is 1/3 my movement so I should be able to charge him on the 3rd pass, correct? If so, with my chameleon suit, I'll make a stealth roll and see if I can go Predator on his happy ass.

Does your Chameleon Suit have wireless active, which gives you +2 dice? Or are you operating it in non-wireless mode which only gives you +2 to your limit on Sneaking? (In case you hadn't noticed the specific SR5 rules, the chameleon suit really is nowhere near as effective as it used to be)

But, yes, you would be able to run up and attack him in the next pass if he remains in the same position.
Base benefits stack with wireless benefits, so when wireless is active I should get both.
QUOTE (SR5@437)
Chameleon suit: This full-body suit has a smart ruthenium polymer coating supported by a sensor suite; the technology allows it to scan its surroundings and replicate the images at the proper perspectives. Add 2 to your limit when you make Sneaking tests to hide. A chameleon suit is also armored for the wearer’s protection.
Wireless: The suit uses the extra information about your surroundings and also gives you a +2 dice pool bonus to Sneaking Tests for hiding
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 18 2013, 09:53 AM) *
Base benefits stack with wireless benefits, so when wireless is active I should get both.

True, but a +2 limit and +2 dice doesn't really compare to the straight up -4 Perception Penalty that the chameleon suit had in the last edition of the game.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 18 2013, 11:06 AM) *
True, but a +2 limit and +2 dice doesn't really compare to the straight up -4 Perception Penalty that the chameleon suit had in the last edition of the game.
Absolutely agreed. It has had one of its testicles neutered.
Stealth[8+2]: Sneaking(2) + Specialization:Urban(2) + Agility(7) + Chameleon Suit(2) + Wounds(-2) [4,5,2,4,5,5,5,3,3,3,5,6,5] = 7 hits
Charging Attack[8]: Unarmed(6) + Specialization:MA(2) + Agility(7) + Charging(2) + Wounds(-2) [2,1,4,2,1,5,6,6,4,4,4,6,5,6,2] = 6 hits

Edit: Invisible Castle loves me again... Love/hate, love/hate...
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 18 2013, 09:46 AM) *
You can do either one of those. Since the grenade hasn't gone off yet, it's likely safe to assume it is using the built-in timer and so you have until the next Combat Turn before it goes off.

Metagaming. Since I know running away is more effective than dropping prone, unless I missed something in the rules, Flowers will run away from the grenade.
Well of course Sledge runs away from the grenade. It sounds like it landed behind him, if I am correct. That means he runs up the hallway.
Ready for the 3rd pass?
Sorry for the delay folks. Went on a 30+ mile backpacking trip over the weekend only to come back with a migraine that started as soon as i got home Sunday and didn't end until late last night.

Let's see. To answer DireRadiant's metagaming question, running would be a better idea than dropping prone. Dropping prone would help if the structure you were hiding behind was strong enough to hold up to the blasts, but it's safe to say that store shelving is not known for structural stability. I take it Flowers is simply running away down the easiest path available to him?

Bastard, yes the grenade landed behind Sledge by the ruins of the checkout counter. So, yes, running down the hallway works.

Redjack before we start the third pass, Takako hears the armed man at the van talking into his commlink. "Forget this drek. The test obviously failed. We'll have to send a proper team to clean up the tolkeins. We're not equipped for them." with the shake of his head he finishes getting into the van. As he shuts the door behind him, you hear one last sentence clipped short, "Coming to ge..."
You further hear the sound of the doors locking automatically as he starts up the van and shifts it into gear.

And yes, now it is time for us to start pass 3. which consists of Angel's Sprite (init 6); Takako (init 5); and Angel herself (init 4).


The Sprite is just protecting Angel. So we are at Takako's actions. Is he still planning to charge the man that is now locked inside the van and preparing to drive somewhere?


On init 4, what is Angel planning to do now that she has connected to the Lieutenant's cyberdeck?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 24 2013, 01:37 PM) *
Let's see. To answer DireRadiant's metagaming question, running would be a better idea than dropping prone. Dropping prone would help if the structure you were hiding behind was strong enough to hold up to the blasts, but it's safe to say that store shelving is not known for structural stability. I take it Flowers is simply running away down the easiest path available to him?

Yep, even though that path leads to a world of hurt.
So far Sledge is the worst teammate ever. He has done nothing but run back and forth and flash bang himself and his friends.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 25 2013, 02:37 AM) *
Sorry for the delay folks. Went on a 30+ mile backpacking trip over the weekend
color me jealous! (except for the migraine part...)

QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 25 2013, 07:34 AM) *
So far Sledge is the worst teammate ever. He has done nothing but run back and forth and flash bang himself and his friends.

Hey, hey now, the first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 24 2013, 08:37 PM) *
On init 4, what is Angel planning to do now that she has connected to the Lieutenant's cyberdeck?

That is a very good question... spin.gif

Angel went there to disable the jammer mostly.

Other than that, maybe try to figure out what is going on... he might have some information on it stored. So Angel will begin to search around for that.


QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 24 2013, 03:13 PM) *
Yep, even though that path leads to a world of hurt.

Well, really the best path for you would be directly East on the map back the way you just came. There isn't any danger in that direction, you just need to get out of as much of the blast radius as possible.
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 24 2013, 09:58 PM) *
color me jealous! (except for the migraine part...)

The hike was pretty nice. I enjoy getting out an away from everything every once in a while. smile.gif
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 24 2013, 05:34 PM) *
So far Sledge is the worst teammate ever. He has done nothing but run back and forth and flash bang himself and his friends.

You're not the worst teammate ever. I once had a player that decided he didn't like the team's rigger. So, in the middle of driving up to a stakeout, he put his sniper rifle to the back of the player characters head and killed him with a point blank shot. Trust me, that did not end well for anybody.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 25 2013, 06:07 AM) *
That is a very good question... spin.gif

Angel went there to disable the jammer mostly.

Other than that, maybe try to figure out what is going on... he might have some information on it stored. So Angel will begin to search around for that.


You just randomly trying to open files? Or are you trying to search for something in particular? Or are you trying to intercept his communications? You do notice that he has 3 commlinks, a jammer, and am AK-97 slaved to his cyberdeck. And there has been some activity between 2 of the commlinks (i'm not really sure how the iconography would work, but I'll say you can tell one commlink is located with the Lieutenant, another is only a meter or two away from the location of the cyberdeck, and the last one is a bit further, but not too far, maybe behind the StufferShack).
We did hear them call the name of that goblinizing troll, right? Maybe search for that... seeing whether that is related to them being here.

Listening in on their communication would, of course, make a lot of sense. As would copying the files on his deck to check them later, as that likely takes too much time, anyways, reading them now, I mean.

Aaaand... if there is the weapon slaved to his deck, keeping an eye on that one, so that Angel can interfere with him using it, if needed.

Let's focus on the communication for now, though... it's a bit much to do all of that. smile.gif

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