If I understand this right....
Flowers will run back across the counter, through the doorway into the manager area where Sledge is.
Perception check Perception 5 Int + 3 Perception - 1 Stun, + modifiers and - modifiers as needed (7d6.hits(5)=3)
I am assuming that Sledge wants the troll lured from the back to come down this hallway, so not back through the area with aisles.
Flowers will run back across the counter, through the doorway into the manager area where Sledge is.
Perception check Perception 5 Int + 3 Perception - 1 Stun, + modifiers and - modifiers as needed (7d6.hits(5)=3)
I am assuming that Sledge wants the troll lured from the back to come down this hallway, so not back through the area with aisles.
Don't forget that somebody outside just shot out the front doors and to run to the managers area you'll be running out in the open in view of whoever is outside.
It will also take you pretty much the entire combat turn to reach the managers area that is currently 10m away from you (your run speed is only 12m per combat turn)
Given all of that, what are you trying to see with your Perception check?