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How close is Bastard to having a character? Are we about ready for an IC thread?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 15 2013, 02:15 PM) *
How close is Bastard to having a character? Are we about ready for an IC thread?

Currently, getting a final character from Bastard is all we are waiting for. I'll likely start up the IC thread by Wednesday even if he hasn't quite finished his character yet.
I still need to write down my background... I will see that I have it done by then. smile.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 15 2013, 03:46 PM) *
I still need to write down my background... I will see that I have it done by then. smile.gif


That's cool.I'm less concerned about the background right now since the first scene is going to be combat test in the stuffer shack, though it's all connected to the actual run I'll be running you guys through once we are familiar with the mechanics (and it's all connected to the bits of past missions you guys have work on together if you can figure out the hints).
Just downloaded SR5 and am creating Sledge. Sorry for the delay. At least I know the skills... I mostly got to spend my nuyen.gif nuyen.gif nuyen.gif


Ugh... still working on it.

Availability limits? The book says standard is 6 rating, 12 availability, and +4 on augments. Does this mean APDS (12F availability) okay?

Also, I forgot what to do with my 3 points I got from being Human as D option. That rolls over to Edge, and starting Edge is 4?
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 16 2013, 05:41 AM) *
Also, I forgot what to do with my 3 points I got from being Human as D option. That rolls over to Edge, and starting Edge is 4?
Humans start with 2 Edge, so you'd have Edge 5

Redjack, I was reading a thread where they mentioned that Critical Strike doesn't have levels, you can only buy it once for each combat skill. I just confirmed that in the book a moment ago. The good news is your character has 1.5 PP to spend now ! smile.gif
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 15 2013, 03:41 PM) *
Just downloaded SR5 and am creating Sledge. Sorry for the delay. At least I know the skills... I mostly got to spend my nuyen.gif nuyen.gif nuyen.gif


Ugh... still working on it.

Availability limits? The book says standard is 6 rating, 12 availability, and +4 on augments. Does this mean APDS (12F availability) okay?

Also, I forgot what to do with my 3 points I got from being Human as D option. That rolls over to Edge, and starting Edge is 4?

phplapjack is right about the Edge. Humans have a base 2 Edge, so you will have 5 Edge as a mundane with that Priority choice.

And yes, APDS ammo is legal at chargen.
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 16 2013, 07:41 AM) *
Redjack, I was reading a thread where they mentioned that Critical Strike doesn't have levels, you can only buy it once for each combat skill. I just confirmed that in the book a moment ago. The good news is your character has 1.5 PP to spend now ! smile.gif
This is another case where the example contradicts the rule as written. The example shows a user buying levels of it.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 15 2013, 04:41 PM) *
Availability limits? The book says standard is 6 rating, 12 availability, and +4 on augments. Does this mean APDS (12F availability) okay?

Yep. APDS is available at Chargen.

Note that it isn't as directly powerful compared to SR4 APDS. However, coupled with a Desert Striker, which is also available at Chargen, it gets nasty.
The character examples were not given a final pass through check after all the final rules changes. So the specific rules should take precedence over the example characters.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 16 2013, 07:53 AM) *
The character examples were not given a final pass through check after all the final rules changes. So the specific rules should take precedence over the example characters.
Two thoughts come to mind here:
1) Either the examples clarify the rules or they don't; in all cases. (This is not from an example character, rather from an example of character creation)
2) In regards to this specific rule: Did they really gimp physical adepts this badly?
Everyone got gimped.
QUOTE (SR5 @ pg308)
If your Magic Rating is 4, you get 4 Power Points, but could (for example) only buy 4 levels of Critical Strike (at a cost of 2 Power Points).
As you can see, this explicitely states that Critical Strike does have levels.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 16 2013, 10:09 PM) *
As you can see, this explicitely states that Critical Strike does have levels.

It's possible to buy Critical Strike more than once, just only once per skill. Having said that, the word "levels" does imply that it can be bought multiple times for the same skill.

But really, I agree with you that this would gimp unarmed adepts hard. With the "only once per skill" interpretation, it seems the best option would either to be a troll or get cyber/bio (or both). Neither seems fair to the pure unarmed adept concept though.

I can only think that this change was put in place to try to tone done cyber-adepts who had str 12 + 6 levels of crit strike or something. Baby with the bathwater...
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 16 2013, 07:59 AM) *
Two thoughts come to mind here:
1) Either the examples clarify the rules or they don't; in all cases. (This is not from an example character, rather from an example of character creation)
2) In regards to this specific rule: Did they really gimp physical adepts this badly?

Considering Critical Strike was per level and half the cost in SR4. I'm willing to go with how it shows up in the archetype where you can take multiple levels of Critical Strike in a single skill. If this gets clarified in errata, we might address it again, but for now. I don't have any issue with Redjack's character.
Are you keeping an eye on the errata thread? If so, will you incorporate any of that in this game?

Just curious...
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 16 2013, 08:30 AM) *
Are you keeping an eye on the errata thread? If so, will you incorporate any of that in this game?

Just curious...

I'm waiting for the official errata to come out before considering incorporating anything. For the most part, I'd prefer to run this strictly by the printed book to see how well it works for people.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 16 2013, 08:19 AM) *
I don't have any issue with Redjack's character.
Much appreciated.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 16 2013, 10:35 PM) *
I'm waiting for the official errata to come out before considering incorporating anything. For the most part, I'd prefer to run this strictly by the printed book to see how well it works for people.

<looks around carefully>I was just worried about perhaps certain...costs...being updated. Not that they would affect my character, a mystic adept with power points costing 2 karma per and siree...<whistles innocently>
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 16 2013, 12:01 PM) *
<looks around carefully>I was just worried about perhaps certain...costs...being updated. Not that they would affect my character, a mystic adept with power points costing 2 karma per and siree...<whistles innocently>

lol. Yeah, I know about that one. But I'm planning to run this as written and likely will keep it that way unless i see something that comes across as grossly overpowered that also gets errattaed.
You mean, Mystic Adepts are not obviously grossly overpowered as written? biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 16 2013, 03:59 PM) *
Did they really gimp physical adepts this badly?

I think they just missed the "per level" behind the cost. smile.gif

It doesn't make much sense for this power to not have levels, esp. with the raised cost (which was the prime reason, why it was so good in SR4).

QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 16 2013, 01:05 PM) *
You mean, Mystic Adepts are not obviously grossly overpowered as written? biggrin.gif


Lol. Maybe, but I haven't run any through the paces yet to truly know. We'll find out when you get crushed to death playing through the first scene.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 16 2013, 01:08 PM) *
I think they just missed the "per level" behind the cost. smile.gif

It doesn't make much sense for this power to not have levels, esp. with the raised cost (which was the prime reason, why it was so good in SR4).
Actually no. The SR4->SR5 conversion guide just came out and it explicitly states that critical strike does not have levels. I strongly disagree with this rule change. Grrrr...
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 16 2013, 01:08 PM) *
I think they just missed the "per level" behind the cost. smile.gif

It doesn't make much sense for this power to not have levels, esp. with the raised cost (which was the prime reason, why it was so good in SR4).


That's what I'm thinking. And really, with the increase to damage codes on firearms I don't see much of an issue with giving something to increase the damage on unarmed attacks.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 16 2013, 01:23 PM) *
That's what I'm thinking. And really, with the increase to damage codes on firearms I don't see much of an issue with giving something to increase the damage on unarmed attacks.
This begs the question: With the clarification in the Conversion Guide, do I go with no levels or a house-rule of levels?
I figured we could go ahead and get some IC roleplaying done while we wait for Bastard to get his character put together. So. I've started the IC thread with your arrival at the Stuffer shack.

Everybody needs to tell me OoC what part of the Stuffer Shack they will be going to first.

Aisle 1: Air filters, radon testers, water purifiers, Detoxy products ("Clean Your Oxy ... Use Detoxy!") and other environmental/antipollution products for the home.
Aisle 2: Automotive bike supplies
Aisle 3: Soaps, detergents, bug sprays, roach condos, rat traps, big rat traps, devil rat traps, and so on.
Aisle 4 Small hardware, household goods, paints and sprays.
Aisle 5: Personal hygiene soaps, spreays, pads, strips and spritzes, in regular or industrial strength
Aisle 6: First aid supplies, along with a big ARO reading "Don't Wait to Get Hit.... Stock your Mdkit!" with the animation of some pour cartoon character being shot up/pummeled/exploded/blasted/etc. by shadowy figures. There are also patent medicines, vitamins, and so forth
Aisle 7: Pet foods and supplies
Aisle 8: Small applieances, such as Zap-O-Nuke microwaves, Toast_R-Ovens, coffee makers and so on.
Aisle 9: On the left is a locked display of simchips and simdisks, both audio and video, for purchase or rental. Hovering over this section is an ARO promoting the latest "Beauty and Her Beasts" simsense chip. On the right are snacks to go with the vids - sodas, soynuts, Slurpee-doos, Zap-corn, and a host of individually wrapped treats.
Aisle 10: Use'N'Lose disposable plastic products, such as clothing, tablecloths, containers, utensils and umbrellas
Aisle 11: Baked goodies, such as cakes, doughnuts, twisters, Sweeteez and Krak-L-Snaps.
Aisle 12: Breakfast foods, such as AlmostEgg, BacoSoy and ready-to-eat cereals (including Maxiblast Sugar Bombs in three popular flavors: Red, Green and Purple!).
Aisle 13: Soykafs, teas and herbal teas, Koko chocolate substitute and beverage mixes.
Aisle 14: On the left, Aztex-mex cuisine, ranging from mile ("Wussy") to very spicy ("Chernobyl"). Most products feature the stepped-pyramid logo of Axtechnology on the label. On the right, guaranteed organic health foods (at quite the premium) imported directly from various Native American Nations and Elven Wines from Tir Tairngire. Perishables in refrigerated sections along the North and East walls of the shopping area.
Aisle 15: On the right, chips, dips, crackers, cookies, twitters, choco-sluprs, and berry-bombers. On the left are candies and other mega-carbohydrate-death stuffers like Boostergum, SucroZoom, and Womp-Snappers.
Aisle 16 On the left are soypasta, sauces. ramen noodles, and Cup-O-Soup products. On the right are soups and stews, both freeze-dried mixes and prepackaged heat-and-serves.
Aisle 17: On the right are plasti-packed fruit dishes and vegetables that are gamma-ray treated to retard spoilage. There are small radiation wrappers on the packaging.
Aisle 18: Flour, raw nutrisoy and flavor additives, krill-filler, textured vegetable protein, dextro- and levo-sugars and sugar substitute.
There's also a simsense arcade located in the front left corner. There are four different games: "Little Mutant Vik Ninja Fukushima! 2", "Orbital Death Commando 7"(they've really gone downhill ever since the Novatech bought out the franchise back with ODC5), "The All-New Ultimate Bike Race Ninja Street Duel," and "Ghost Croc Hunter: Tunnels of Doom." Each only 1 nuyen.gif per minute to play - just slot your credstick and slip on the 'trodes.
Next to the checkout counter, there is a locked display of cheap personal electronics, low-end commlinks, cheap chip players, data readers and simsense rigs.
Oh and towards the back left side there are the dispenser bars for liquid and viscous products such as Shmoozies, Snorkels, Shakeups, Soykaf, Fizzygoo and so on. Along with Ludivenko Lovely Soya-Sloppies with the DoubleThick option.
And of course the Cook-It-Yourself microwave, rotating pizza display machine, Synthmeat "Hot Dog" dispenser and Soy Patty Yummy Burger Grill-O-Matic are located against the back wall.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 16 2013, 02:59 PM) *
This begs the question: With the clarification in the Conversion Guide, do I go with no levels or a house-rule of levels?

Eh...leave it as you have it. I'm fine with that.
Flowers will start in Aisle 15.
Angel will be in Aisle 3, as she has spotted some nasty rats in the neighborhood lately... wink.gif

Takako will be in isle 11 getting chocolate snack donuts.
Swims-With-Sharks will be meandering between aisles 16 and 17, trying to stock up on freeze-dried and non-perishable foodstuffs.
I've updated the map of the Stuffershack with tokens in place for the various NPCs scattered throughout. Haven't yet made tokens for you players, but I'll get to it when I can. Also labelled the aisles so you can understand where everything is in relationship to each other:
Bastard, any luck getting Sledge finished?
Aisle 18 - getting some hot dogs! You need to get some protein after burning calories on a successful run, and so far it sounds like we have only recharged with sugars and carbohydrates!
Ok, the StufferShack Map has been updated with everybody's position. In case it isn't obvious, NPCs are highlighted in yellow and PCs are highlighted in Blue. Should an NPC become hostile, the will switch to red.

Moving around the store, you will notice various people along the way.

Already mention in the first IC post, there is a bored woman at the cash register, an tired old supervisor stocking an endcap by Aisle 9, and 2 young punks in the front right corner by the dusty print materials and 3d printer.

On Aisle 6 there is a man dressed in a tweed coat and bow tie perusing the medical supplies and occasionally exchanging excited words with a redhead woman that is currently over by the refridgerated section he calls Amy. (I believe most of you would have seen these two on your way to your current locations.)

On Aisle 14 there is a drunken looking man eyeing the Tir Wines though he doesn't look like he can actually afford any of it (Everybody but Takako and Angel has seen him)

On Aisle 15 (currently annoying the hell out of Flowers) is a family of shoppers. A young black ork woman is constantly berating her older human husband at he pushes the cart with a crying toddler in it. The toddler is moving around so much that the cart keeps wobbling on its rickety wheels and slamming into things. The man has a completely dejected look on his face, just trudging along behind her ignoring both her words and the babies cries. About the only thing he is paying attention to is the expensive stuffers his wife is randomly tossing into the cart. Wordlessly he is grabbing many of them out of the cart to put them back on the shelf while she is looking away, paying him just as little attention. (Flowers, Swims-with-Sharks and Sledge have all seen this family, oh and if any of you pay much attention to them, the woman will stiffen up and angrily address you with "What the frag you looking at, chum-scum?")

Feel free to post up a Perception roll if you want any more details on any of the various people in the store.

Takako looking towards the south east: Perception(4) + Visual(2) + Intuition(4) [2,5,5,3,6,4,1,4,5,4] + Specifically Looking(3) [6,1,5] = 6 hits
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 18 2013, 11:56 AM) *
Takako looking towards the south east: Perception(4) + Visual(2) + Intuition(4) [2,5,5,3,6,4,1,4,5,4] + Specifically Looking(3) [6,1,5] = 6 hits

The shelves of each aisle are tall enough that you can't see over them, but I'll say that if you move to the opening down the middle of all the shelves you can see the disfigured man stumbling across from aisle 1 to aisle 2. He appears to be a pretty scrawny man. It's hard tell what the tattoos are supposed to be with the disformities and the seems to sag in odd ways as well. It's pretty clear he's unarmed and he doesn't even have shoes on.
From what you can remember of the punks when you first walked in, the looked to be around the 12 or 14 age. No obvious weapons, though a bulge or two made you think they could have a club or brass knuckles or the like. You don't think they had any firearms on them. And they weren't wearing any particular gangs colors.
I Promise an IC Post Very Soon....
Okay... I think my character is legal now. Sorry everyone for the delays. This is very different from 3rd Ed.

I am off to work the graveyard shift, but I will have time to catch up on reading the IC. I will have post up in the am if I cannot post from my phone tonight.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 18 2013, 11:57 PM) *
Feel free to post up a Perception roll if you want any more details on any of the various people in the store.
Swims will glance at the family, get insulted by the ork wife, and look away.

Perception: any sense, 1 hit - seven 4's on the roll though, that's gotta count for something right?

He's distracted by all the food choices it seems...
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 18 2013, 04:41 PM) *
Okay... I think my character is legal now. Sorry everyone for the delays. This is very different from 3rd Ed.

I am off to work the graveyard shift, but I will have time to catch up on reading the IC. I will have post up in the am if I cannot post from my phone tonight.

Yep. Your character looks good now. smile.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 18 2013, 10:36 PM) *
Swims will glance at the family, get insulted by the ork wife, and look away.

Perception: any sense, 1 hit - seven 4's on the roll though, that's gotta count for something right?

He's distracted by all the food choices it seems...

Yeah. You don't notice anything more than I've already mentioned.
Cool - I'll post a little IC saying as much
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 19 2013, 05:06 PM) *

About the most interesting thing you notice about him is the piss poor way he's trying hide a bottle of Tir wine under his coat.
What do I roll for Perception? I see others rolling Perception + Intuition. Is Perception a skill now?

Slacker can roll for me and I will base my IC on the results. I assume Sledge is oblivious to the situation on the other side of the store and will continue to dress his hot dogs.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 21 2013, 09:12 AM) *
What do I roll for Perception? I see others rolling Perception + Intuition. Is Perception a skill now?
Yeah, it's a skill, was also in SR4. It probably should be considered a "must-have" for a shadowrunner.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 20 2013, 07:12 PM) *
What do I roll for Perception? I see others rolling Perception + Intuition. Is Perception a skill now?

Slacker can roll for me and I will base my IC on the results. I assume Sledge is oblivious to the situation on the other side of the store and will continue to dress his hot dogs.

Yes. Perception is a skill and without it you roll intuition -1. When I rolled it for you you got 1 hit
You haven't particularly seen or heard anything of note.
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 20 2013, 06:20 PM) *
Yeah, it's a skill, was also in SR4. It probably should be considered a "must-have" for a shadowrunner.

Looks like know where my Karma is going to be spent.
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