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QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 07:22 AM) *
So everybody can go ahead and roll initiative again for the new combat turn. smile.gif
Takako: Initiative(12) + Wounds(-2) + 4d6 = [5,2,4,4,10] = 25

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 27 2013, 10:33 AM) *
Maybe it would be helpful to edit the turn overview with a couple words whenever an action is done? Bit of bookkeeping, but might help keeping track of everything.


I can start doing that if you guys think we need it. Largely i think we've been doing well, it's just that on this combat turn we had to back track a little when I was letting people move ahead while we waited for Sledge to do his flashbang that changed a lot of things.
Angel's Initiative -> 20
Sprite's Initiative -> 29

New Combat Turn Initiative so far:

Angel's Sprite: 29
NPC-Lietenant (Hacker): 28
Takako: 25
Swims-with-Sharks: 22
Angel: 20
Mako: 17 (damn did he roll for crap, on 4 dice he got a total of 9 points)
NPC-Jerry (Dad): 12
NPC-Amy: 12
Flowers: 11
NPC-Bob (Supervisor):11
NPC-Dax (Drunkard): 10
NPC-Agent 2: 8
NPC-Fontine (mom): 7
NPC-Shi-Thead (kid): 6
NPC-Doctor: 5

Still waiting on initiative rolls from Sledge
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 06:54 PM) *
(damn did he roll for crap, on 4 dice he got a total of 9 points)

Me too... and a 10 would have been enough for 3 passes. wink.gif

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 10:57 AM) *

With 1 hit on your memory test, you stumble a bit over the wreckage of the cashier's counter, but you seem to be heading in the right direction. You're a little more than halfway to the front door.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 27 2013, 11:05 AM) *
Me too... and a 10 would have been enough for 3 passes. wink.gif


Well.... if you accept Flowers as your (lone) superior, he could roll a Rally Leadership test that would allow all of you (including the supervisor who has accept Flowers as his leader temporarily) to add +1 to your inits for every 2 hits he gets on the roll. That would give you the 3 passes with you being so close.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 12:10 PM) *
Well.... if you accept Flowers as your (lone) superior, he could roll a Rally Leadership test that would allow all of you (including the supervisor who has accept Flowers as his leader temporarily) to add +1 to your inits for every 2 hits he gets on the roll. That would give you the 3 passes with you being so close.

Leadership is awesome.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 12:44 PM) *
Leadership is awesome.

Just remember, that people have to accept you as their sole leader in order to get the benefits of your leadership. Especially a newly established team like this may not have done that yet. nyahnyah.gif

I've got a face in my RL game that loves using leadership, only it irks some of my players to call him their leader. So he's forced to waste a complex action to command them to get temporary leadership if they want his help. It's a great opportunity for roleplaying and creates an interesting dynamic among the team.
Does that even work, when I am immersed in the Matrix? wink.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 27 2013, 01:06 PM) *
Does that even work, when I am immersed in the Matrix? wink.gif


I'll let it work with the understanding that he is broadcasting any Leadership roll across an open channel to your commlink. I'm not sure how the technomancers really interact with their commlink while in VR, but I'm willing to say it works somehow.
Well, they are connected to it, as they need to somehow save files to it (they do not have any internal storage). And they certainly can communicate via commlink.

Ok, so unless Flowers totally screws up and gives her a reason to doubt him, Angel will accept his tactical advice. smile.gif

... does Flowers want to be leader....

Is it a complex action, Use Skill? and when would would he do it?

Just for fun and if it fits in as an action .

Rally = Leadership 3 + Charisma[9] 9 + tailored pheremones 2 - Stun 1 - Notoriety 2 = 11 (11d6.hits(5)=8)
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 09:50 PM) *
edit: Yep, you did get two passes per your 14 init. You may have gotten confused when i reposted the initiative order because a bunch of people's initiative changed due to full defense/flashbang damage for pass 2 of this combat turn.

Got it - sorry for the confusion!

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 11:22 PM) *
Hopefully Flowers plan to lure the thing away will fail. smile.gif


QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 12:40 AM) *
I can start doing that if you guys think we need it. Largely i think we've been doing well, it's just that on this combat turn we had to back track a little when I was letting people move ahead while we waited for Sledge to do his flashbang that changed a lot of things.

Yeah, and I think I'm going to post Swims actions with the init turn included in the post so I don't get confused again smile.gif

Swims init: 7 + 3d6 -1(wound) = 22
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 28 2013, 04:59 AM) *

This is a great accidental smiley. "I roll my dice, and the result is awesomeness!" smile.gif

Also, 8 hits on 11 dice...nice!
Haha! smile.gif

Yeah, looks like Flowers is quite competent as leader (or at least he can make it look like it).

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 03:59 PM) *
... does Flowers want to be leader....

Is it a complex action, Use Skill? and when would would he do it?

Just for fun and if it fits in as an action .

Rally = Leadership 3 + Charisma[9] 9 + tailored pheremones 2 - Stun 1 - Notoriety 2 = 11 (11d6.hits(5)=cool.gif

You can do that as a Complex action on your first past. Note, tailored pheremones would only work with people is in a "comfortable conversation range" which does not apply to anybody on the team since you just ran away from your closest ally (and it definitely doesn't apply to Angel in the Matrix). So that takes away one of your hits and will only be giving a +3 to init once your turn rolls around.
To keep us moving, I rolled for Sledge

New Combat Turn Initiative:

Angel's Sprite: 29
NPC-Lietenant (Hacker): 28
Takako: 25
Swims-with-Sharks: 22
Angel: 20
Mako: 17 (damn did he roll for crap, on 4 dice he got a total of 9 points)
Sledge: 12
NPC-Jerry (Dad): 12
NPC-Amy: 12
Flowers: 11
NPC-Bob (Supervisor):11
NPC-Dax (Drunkard): 10
NPC-Agent 2: 8
NPC-Fontine (mom): 7
NPC-Shi-Thead (kid): 6
NPC-Doctor: 5

Init 29: So, Angel's Sprite goes first, but it hasn't received any commands yet. So I'll have it delay until Angel is able to tell it to attack.

init 28: Meanwhile the enemy Hacker will again try to hit Angel with a data spike. He managed to get 4 hits this time. Angel needs to defend with Intuition + Firewall.
If he manages to hit, the damage is Attack 4 + 2DV from Hammer program + net hits.

init 25: Takako can post up his actions for Pass one

init 22: Swims-with-Sharks can post up his actions for Pass one

init 20: Angel can post up her actions for Pass one
Defense against Data Spike -> 4 hits

Cut from IC:


The angelic Angel commands her sprite to attack, giving the other guy something to occupy him for the time being.

The sprite, also quite angel-like, though somewhat translucent and accompanied by a sparkling of energy, spreads its wings and points a glaive-like weapon at the enemy icon. Lightning erupts and engulfs the hacker.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 08:34 AM) *
You can do that as a Complex action on your first past. Note, tailored pheremones would only work with people is in a "comfortable conversation range" which does not apply to anybody on the team since you just ran away from your closest ally (and it definitely doesn't apply to Angel in the Matrix). So that takes away one of your hits and will only be giving a +3 to init once your turn rolls around.

But Flowers carefully rubbed himself all over everyone's clothes to leave a floral scent!
QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 28 2013, 09:03 AM) *
Defense against Data Spike -> 4 hits

At least he didn't take more damage from his own attack.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 28 2013, 09:03 AM) *
Cut from IC:


The angelic Angel commands her sprite to attack, giving the other guy something to occupy him for the time being.

The sprite, also quite angel-like, though somewhat translucent and accompanied by a sparkling of energy, spreads its wings and uses a glaive-like weapon to swing at the enemy icon.


Commanding the Sprite to attack is a Simple Action. Your own attack would be a Complex Action. So you can't do both. Post up rolls for whichever you are doing this pass.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 28 2013, 09:09 AM) *
But Flowers carefully rubbed himself all over everyone's clothes to leave a floral scent!

Nice try, but no such luck. Pheromones don't have a lingering affect like that even if all the characters did let you do that. nyahnyah.gif
I'm not doing anything apart from commanding the sprite (don't think I need to roll for this)... the attack is the sprite (assuming it can act directly?). smile.gif

Or does the sprite also need to make a Matrix Perception test first?

Actually, I just looked up the Electron Storm power, and it certainly makes sense to use that one instead of just attacking normally.

Electron Storm

Cybercombat:6 + Resonance:6 [Attack:9] -> 4 hits vs. Intuition + Firewall

If successful: DV 6(+net hits?) Matrix Damage, resisted as normal, and 2 Noise.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 28 2013, 09:16 AM) *
I'm not doing anything apart from commanding the sprite (don't think I need to roll for this)... the attack is the sprite (assuming it can act directly?). smile.gif

Or does the sprite also need to make a Matrix Perception test first?


I'm letting you identify the target for the sprite so that it doesn't have to make the Matrix Perception check. You can make the roll for the Sprite's attack.
Already added above. smile.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 28 2013, 09:25 AM) *
Already added above. smile.gif


Apperently this guy doesn't care one lick about your Sprite's weak ass electron storm....He got 8 hits. His icon laughs, the smiley face of his mask opening it's mouth wide to release visible waves of sound that push the Sprites electron storm (which took the form of feathers spreading out on the 'winds' from it's wings) far back from his pristine form.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 09:40 AM) *
Apperently this guy doesn't care one lick about your Sprite's weak ass electron storm....He got 8 hits. His icon laughs, the smiley face of his mask opening it's mouth wide to release visible waves of sound that push the Sprites electron storm (which took the form of feathers spreading out on the 'winds' from it's wings) far back from his pristine form.

And actually because that was an Attack action that the Sprite failed, the Lieutenant's net hits of 4 means the Sprite just took 4 Matrix damage that it can't resist.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 28 2013, 10:09 PM) *
But Flowers carefully rubbed himself all over everyone's clothes to leave a floral scent!

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 07:56 AM) *
init 25: Takako can post up his actions for Pass one
I was running (stealthily) last pass towards the back. Can you give me an IC of what I see beginning of action, or during my action if I need to keep moving to make distance?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 28 2013, 10:45 AM) *
I was running (stealthily) last pass towards the back. Can you give me an IC of what I see beginning of action, or during my action if I need to keep moving to make distance?

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that.

You are still running towards the closest corner of the Stuffer Shack. If you continue to run, you'll make it to that corner this pass. Around the corner you see a dark alley cluttered with random items. What little light the street light was giving you in front of the building doesn't penetrate very far into the alley. Occasional flashes of lightning do show you a fire escape connected to the building next to the StufferShack and you can just make out the opening of a larger alley along the back of the Stuffer Shack 20m down, but not much else. As far as you can tell, there is nobody in this narrow alley between the two buildings.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 09:56 PM) *
init 22: Swims-with-Sharks can post up his actions for Pass one

Simple Action: shift perception to astral
Simple Action: take cover (trying to find a place the troll won't be attacking Swims)
Free Action: hold breath...
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 28 2013, 10:59 AM) *
Simple Action: shift perception to astral
Simple Action: take cover (trying to find a place the troll won't be attacking Swims)
Free Action: hold breath...

You can see the blazing form of the troll's tormented aura within your vision, he is very near to you. But you can tell that Flower's movement away from the area has caught his attention and he doesn't seem to be noticing your movement. You can also see the extremely wounded aura of the supervisor as he crawls back into his office. Looking deeper into the store you notice Sledge's aura 5 or 6 meters from you.
For hiding places, you could either dash into the supervisor's office or into the employees bathroom. Both are close enough for you to reach this pass.
Init 29 Sprite delayed
28 Lieutenant tried another data spike against Angel and failed
25 Takako makes it to the corner of the Stuffer Shack and sees a narrow and very dark alley between the Stuffer Shack and the next building over. The larger alley along the back of the Stuffer Shack is 20m away.
22 Swims-with-Sharks[/i] switched to astral perception and tried to hide from the berserker troll
20 [b]Angel
commanded his Sprite to attack the enemy hacker, but the attacker laughed at the attack pushing the corrupted code back at the Sprite, dealing 4 matrix damage

17 Time for Mako to attack the person that has his attention most.... Look Flowers, your plan to draw him out away from everybody else worked. nyahnyah.gif
Mako charges forward and tries to grab the teams leader. He managed to get 3 hits that Flowers can try to defend against normally (though remember wound modifiers and the -6 from total darkness apply)
init 12 Sledge can post his actions that will occur at the same time as a couple of NPCs.

There is a muffled scream from Amy as she throws herself down on the bleeding doctor she had been shopping with (muffled for Sledge who's inside the store while she's on the other side of the emergency exit door, Takako can hear it fairly well coming from outside).
Inside the building in the employee's only section there is a wild gunshot that causes a scream of terror from the kid, but another bottle of Tir wine shatters on the floor to drunken curses from Dax (from the sound of it, the bullet didn't hit anybody).
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 10:26 AM) *
25 Takako makes it to the corner of the Stuffer Shack and sees a narrow and very dark alley between the Stuffer Shack and the next building over. The larger alley along the back of the Stuffer Shack is 20m away.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 10:33 AM) *
There is a muffled scream from Amy as she throws herself down on the bleeding doctor she had been shopping with (muffled for Sledge who's inside the store while she's on the other side of the emergency exit door, Takako can hear it fairly well coming from outside).
Can you post a graphic giving me a visual of the lay of the land? I'm not visualizing the two alleys well.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 28 2013, 12:27 PM) *
Can you post a graphic giving me a visual of the lay of the land? I'm not visualizing the two alleys well.

I'll see about modifying the StufferShack Map to add in the alleyways if i get some free time today. But basically the narrow alley you are looking down runs along the west wall of the StufferShack. There is another building (an old apartment building that is mostly empty except for some squatters) a few meters from the StufferShack (approx. 3m).

Along the back of the StufferShack is much larger alleyway, one large enough for an automated trash truck to drive along between buildings to pickup the trash. The emergency exit from the StufferShack opens into this larger alley. This is also where you suspect the gun fire had been coming from.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 10:26 AM) *
17 Time for Mako to attack the person that has his attention most.... Look Flowers, your plan to draw him out away from everybody else worked. nyahnyah.gif
Mako charges forward and tries to grab the teams leader. He managed to get 3 hits that Flowers can try to defend against normally (though remember wound modifiers and the -6 from total darkness apply)

Just checking, but I believe that Flowers will not have enough initiative left to do an Interrupt action? Or is this going to be Flowers action on 11?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 05:27 PM) *
And actually because that was an Attack action that the Sprite failed, the Lieutenant's net hits of 4 means the Sprite just took 4 Matrix damage that it can't resist.

The sprite is not happy. eek.gif

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 28 2013, 03:14 PM) *
Just checking, but I believe that Flow. s will not have enough initiative left to do an Interrupt action? Or is this going to be Flowers action on 11?

Flowers could go full defense which drops him down to 1 initiative still giving him one pass this combat turn.
He could also try a block, dodge, or parry which only takes -5 from init, dropping him to 6 init.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 29 2013, 12:05 AM) *
You can see the blazing form of the troll's tormented aura within your vision, he is very near to you. But you can tell that Flower's movement away from the area has caught his attention and he doesn't seem to be noticing your movement. You can also see the extremely wounded aura of the supervisor as he crawls back into his office. Looking deeper into the store you notice Sledge's aura 5 or 6 meters from you.
For hiding places, you could either dash into the supervisor's office or into the employees bathroom. Both are close enough for you to reach this pass.

He'll have shuffled into the supervisor's office.

Btw, would Swims get the benefits of Flowers leadership test? So +3 init after Flowers' turn?
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 28 2013, 06:33 PM) *
He'll have shuffled into the supervisor's office.

Btw, would Swims get the benefits of Flowers leadership test? So +3 init after Flowers' turn?

Wait until he actually spends his turn Rallying. He does have a massive troll trying to grab him at the moment. q
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 28 2013, 05:41 PM) *

Congrats. He didn't immobilize you. Such a shame. I was totally looking forward to him tossing you across the store.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 12:15 PM) *
Along the back of the StufferShack is much larger alleyway, one large enough for an automated trash truck to drive along between buildings to pickup the trash. The emergency exit from the StufferShack opens into this larger alley. This is also where you suspect the gun fire had been coming from.
Ok. Turn on the chameleon suit and try to get to where I can figure out where the gunfire is coming from.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 28 2013, 08:04 PM) *
Congrats. He didn't immobilize you. Such a shame. I was totally looking forward to him tossing you across the store.

It might be fun, and Flowers would be interested, except for the part where Mako probably doesn't respond to the safe word.
How much is Sledge still suffering from flash banging himself?

Does he hear what is going on either in front or back of him?
Perception (0 Skill + 3 Intuition - 2 Defaulting) = Failed [4]

If this is the case he will continue forward to subdue the cashiers area, and bring them to safety. Hopefully I will be able to con them or something.

If Sledge does notice all the action going on, he may have to go chameleon as well.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 29 2013, 12:53 PM) *
How much is Sledge still suffering from flash banging himself?

Does he hear what is going on either in front or back of him?
Perception (0 Skill + 3 Intuition - 2 Defaulting) = Failed [4]

If this is the case he will continue forward to subdue the cashiers area, and bring them to safety. Hopefully I will be able to con them or something.

If Sledge does notice all the action going on, he may have to go chameleon as well.

First, the penalty for defaulting the skill is only -1.

Second, you took 7 boxes of Stun damage from your own flashbang. This is not a temporary effect, but actual damage that will not go away until you are healed or take an extended rest. So you are are suffering a -2 on all actions from that.

With only 3 intuition and -3 from the penalties you can't see or hear anything until you get healed. I was just using some flavor of it being a ringing in your ears from the flashbang to explain why you can't hear anything.

Oh, if you wanted to use a Simple Action, you could try to Observe in detail. That gives you +3 dice for specifically looking/listening for something. You'd be able to roll two more dice.
For now, I'll assume that Sledge isn't going to be attacking the people he can't see or hear (particularly not the closest person which is actually Swims)

So, we will move forward in the meantime.

init 11: Bob the supervisor continues to crawl his way into his office as quietly as possible.
10: Dax the Drunkard stumbles his way through the total darkness, slipping on his spilled wine and not getting very far.
8: Takako sees the flash of gun fire around the corner at the back of the store as Amy screams.
7: More small arms fire in the darkness of the stock room, this time with the wet sound of a bullet entering flesh and more screams.
6: Lots of screaming from the kid
1: And lastly it is Flowers at his new initiative after going on full defense. Is Flowers still planning to use his Complex Action to Rally the troops? Or is he doing something about the berserker troll that's trying to grab him?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 29 2013, 12:48 PM) *
1: And lastly it is Flowers at his new initiative after going on full defense. Is Flowers still planning to use his Complex Action to Rally the troops? Or is he doing something about the berserker troll that's trying to grab him?

Rally the troops!

It might turn out to be the Agent Coulson method, but hey. smile.gif
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