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QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2013, 01:47 PM) *
Ah, I think I could check on that (Overwatch Score) with a Simple Action, right? Then I could use that one instead of just doing nothing. smile.gif

Though, that is a pretty pointless action, since it also adds to it, so I will just leave it at doing nothing. wink.gif

Q: Do the actions of my sprite add to my Overwatch Score or does it have its own?


Very true. Roll Electronic Warfare + Logic [Sleaze].

edit: The resistance dice rolled poorly, so I'll just tell you that at the time you ran the check, you had an overwatch score of 11 (this does not include any points added due to this test, nor does it show you the overwatch score of your Sprite which has it's own score that will immediately be tracked back to you should it reach the limit... though again, I don't see that happening during the remainder of this scene)
Heh. I actually decided not to check on it, but now that you already posted it, it would not be very fair, I guess, so...

Check Overwatch Score -> 5 hits

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 3 2013, 11:02 PM) *
Your Body attribute is 2, right? That means you are right on the verge of true death. True death only occurs if you more overflow damage than your body rating. So, right now, you need to get medical attention within the next 2 minutes or you will take another box of damage from blood loss.

If you wanted to, you could have permanently burned an Edge for Smackdown on your defense. This use of Edge gives you an automatic 4 hits which would have been enough to completely block the attack.

Hmm, I didn't know about that use of Edge. I thought using 2 points in the defense/resist would be enough, but the dice weren't with me in that...

But I think Swims is SOL. He has 13P damage, with only 9 boxes on his condition monitor and 2 Body. This is a good lesson for the new edition - CC can be really, really painful smile.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 3 2013, 06:41 PM) *
Hmm, I didn't know about that use of Edge. I thought using 2 points in the defense/resist would be enough, but the dice weren't with me in that...

But I think Swims is SOL. He has 13P damage, with only 9 boxes on his condition monitor and 2 Body. This is a good lesson for the new edition - CC can be really, really painful smile.gif

Yes indeed, close combat is brutal with damage being based off straight Strength now, especially when fighting a berserker troll.

I guess when you swim with sharks you are eventually going to get bitten by a shark adept.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2013, 04:47 PM) *
Heh. I actually decided not to check on it, but now that you already posted it, it would not be very fair, I guess, so...

Check Overwatch Score -> 5 hits


Just for the record since your overwatch score is by no means going to bring GOD down on you in this scene, you checking only increased your OS by 1.
So...Swims-with-Sharks has just been bitten to death by the shark troll adept.

We are currently waiting on actions from Sledge and Flowers. The lights have come back online thanks to the teams angelic technomancer. So no more penalties for complete darkness. What are you two doing?

Sledge want to throw out another flashbang?

Flowers want to continue running out the front door when he just heard somebody stepping out of a van and cursing loudly?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 4 2013, 06:15 AM) *
Sledge want to throw out another flashbang?

Maybe... What can Sledge see? Does he know what is going on in the front of the store. His plan is to subdue the store manager with the shotgun.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 4 2013, 03:54 PM) *
Maybe... What can Sledge see?

In the hallway that you are currently in? Nothing, but you could make it to the front counter area this pass if you run and see Troll ripping bloody chunks out of Swims-with-Sharks' corpse. He's obvious enough that even with 0 dice for perception you'd be able to notice him when you got that close.
Simple Action Perception test = Int 5 + Perception 3 - stun 1 (7d6.hits(5)=2)

Would it be Logic + WIL for a memory test to know if Swims had a Trauma Patch on him?

Though it seems it may be way too late for that.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 5 2013, 08:33 AM) *
Simple Action Perception test = Int 5 + Perception 3 - stun 1 (7d6.hits(5)=2)

Would it be Logic + WIL for a memory test to know if Swims had a Trauma Patch on him?

Though it seems it may be way too late for that.

Your Perception test suggests to you that even if you had a trauma patch it's not going to do the corpse any good.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 4 2013, 01:58 PM) *
In the hallway that you are currently in? Nothing, but you could make it to the front counter area this pass if you run and see Troll ripping bloody chunks out of Swims-with-Sharks' corpse. He's obvious enough that even with 0 dice for perception you'd be able to notice him when you got that close.

Well, IC, he wouldn't be running yet, unless he noticed something first. So he is going to move to the doorway, in this turn if he can. Secure the area, try to let the staff know he is there to help, and get them to safety.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 6 2013, 07:59 AM) *
Well, IC, he wouldn't be running yet, unless he noticed something first. So he is going to move to the doorway, in this turn if he can. Secure the area, try to let the staff know he is there to help, and get them to safety.

If you are just moving at walking speed, you aren't going to make it to the entryway behind the cashiers counter this pass. IC I could easily see him seeing nobody around (and still unable to hear anything) when the lights come back on being cause for alarm enough to rush towards the best lookout point.

As far as the staff goes, the supervisor is hiding underneath a desk in his office where you're not going to be finding him with your lack of Perception dice (unless you randomly walked in there and tripped over him) and the cashier is unconscious or dead underneath the rubble of the counter that used to hold the registers. And you couldn't even see that unless you ran to the entryway to the salesfloor area.

edit: I've updated the StufferShack Map with your position if you were to just walk this pass.
Flowers will switch to moving around in the store since the lights are back on. Either moving between the sets of aisles towards the back, between aisles 5 and 6 for example, or going all the way to the other side and loop towards the back.

Is Sneaking a possibility at all?
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 6 2013, 09:18 AM) *
Flowers will switch to moving around in the store since the lights are back on. Either moving between the sets of aisles towards the back, between aisles 5 and 6 for example, or going all the way to the other side and loop towards the back.

Is Sneaking a possibility at all?

Sure you could try sneaking. It won't help you much if the troll has LOS on you, but if you get behind a shelf or something else, it would at least let him not be able to find you by sound. Give me a roll for it and tell me which direction you are actually moving.

For the movement, running you'd move 4 squares on the map this pass or walking you'd only move 2 squares.
<engaging lurking mode...activate>
With it looking like neither Sledge nor Flowers any combat actions in pass 1, I guess I will move on.

init 13 Agent 2 is doing something in the back alley, but nobody is there to see what.

init 11 Amy is getting up painfully and running away from Takako who just shot her. She seems to be heading for the fire escape coming down the building opposite the StufferShack. She just makes it to the bottom of the fire escape and jumps up to grab the ladder this pass.
Also, Jerry takes another shot at Dax..... well he would if invisiblecastle wasn't down for me again. Bleh. I'll just say he misses. He's a crap shot anyway.

init 10 Dax stumbles his way back into the shopping area (bleeding a bit from a shot that hit him in the dark earlier)

init 9 Bob the supervisor continues to cower under his desk. And Fontine shouts after Dax "That's right dick, you ain't gettin none of ma family," And fires a round into the door after the fleeing drunk.

init 8Shi-Thead the kid continues to wail.

And that ends pass 1.


Pass 2

Init 18: Angel
16: NPC-Mako
13: Takako
8: Angel's Sprite
5 NPC-Lieutenant
4 Sledge and Flowers going simultaneously
3 NPC-Agent 2
1 NPC-Amy and NPC-Jerry
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 6 2013, 08:28 AM) *
<engaging lurking mode...activate>

Have you thought at all about what you'd like to play in the run that comes up after this scene?
init 18 I believe Angel was just planning to exit the StufferShack Host this pass, correct?

init 16 All the noise at the back of the store and the return of Dax the drunkard to where Mako can see him has attracted the Troll's attention. He charges off leaving the bloody remains of Swims-with-Sharks behind. He's all out sprinting this pass. And gets 6 hits on his Running test. That means he gets a total of 6m this pass (and Dax is absolutely pissing himself as the floor shakes beneath the pounding of the troll's bare feet).

init 13 Hearing his innocent victim is well enough to run about in the dark alley, I'm thinking Takako may instead continue to move towards the back alley. Though, if he wants to do something different, he can post that whenever he gets back online.

init 8 I'm guessing the Sprite is just following Angel around?

init 5 There's some muffled words exchanged over commlink in front of the StufferShack that none of you can hear through the rain. Then a burst of automatic gun fire shatters the doors at the front of the store.

init 4 Sledge and Flowers can post their actions for pass 2. With the troll charging towards the back of the store, I'm guessing Flowers at least is maybe considering not heading in that direction?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 10:44 PM) *
Have you thought at all about what you'd like to play in the run that comes up after this scene?

Well, that depends. If this run was kinda a shake-down of the new rules, I'd rather play the same character. If this was an honest-to-goodness run...haven't thought that far ahead yet smile.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 6 2013, 09:08 AM) *
Well, that depends. If this run was kinda a shake-down of the new rules, I'd rather play the same character. If this was an honest-to-goodness run...haven't thought that far ahead yet smile.gif

It was supposed to be more of a shake-down of the rules, though this is all part of an ongoing story that I started with hints in what little backstory I gave for you guys as working as a group.

So i will allow you to play the same character. We'll just say you only look dead to everybody involved in the scene.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 11:13 PM) *
It was supposed to be more of a shake-down of the rules, though this is all part of an ongoing story that I started with hints in what little backstory I gave for you guys as working as a group.

So i will allow you to play the same character. We'll just say you only look dead to everybody involved in the scene.

no no, now I feel cheesy getting to revive the character. If this was going to be an ongoing story, then I'll roll up a new char. Still magic-based tho...gimme the weekend to mull it over....probably have a little time, this scene seems far from over biggrin.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 6 2013, 09:23 AM) *
no no, now I feel cheesy getting to revive the character. If this was going to be an ongoing story, then I'll roll up a new char. Still magic-based tho...gimme the weekend to mull it over....probably have a little time, this scene seems far from over biggrin.gif

Yeah, I'm sure you'll have some time to mull it over for the simple reason that combat takes so long in a pbp game.

It also doesn't help that currently Takako is stuck outside in a narrow alley with one hostile assumed to be ahead of him and gun fire from another hostile at the front of the StufferShack. Then inside the store, Angel is unconscious while hacking (her body is less than a meter from the troll at this exact moment); Flowers can't really do much to the troll and [b]Sledge is in the employees only area with no targets near him.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 06:08 AM) *
If you are just moving at walking speed, you aren't going to make it to the entryway behind the cashiers counter this pass. IC I could easily see him seeing nobody around (and still unable to hear anything) when the lights come back on being cause for alarm enough to rush towards the best lookout point.

As far as the staff goes, the supervisor is hiding underneath a desk in his office where you're not going to be finding him with your lack of Perception dice (unless you randomly walked in there and tripped over him) and the cashier is unconscious or dead underneath the rubble of the counter that used to hold the registers. And you couldn't even see that unless you ran to the entryway to the salesfloor area.

edit: I've updated the StufferShack Map with your position if you were to just walk this pass.

Okay, he will hustle to the doorway, using it for cover and scan the area. Can you roll for me please? Posting from my phone at work where service is shit at best.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 6 2013, 06:12 PM) *
Okay, he will hustle to the doorway, using it for cover and scan the area. Can you roll for me please? Posting from my phone at work where service is shit at best.

If you did this for pass 1 you spotted the tell standing over the body of your comrade about 3m from your position. Then he booked off toward the back of the store. He's about 8m from you now in pass 2 when it is your turn again.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 05:02 PM) *
init 18 I believe Angel was just planning to exit the StufferShack Host this pass, correct?

Yep, that's correct.

Complex Action: Exit Host

init 8 I'm guessing the Sprite is just following Angel around?

It does not have any other task right now, so yeah.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 09:02 AM) *
init 13 Hearing his innocent victim is well enough to run about in the dark alley, I'm thinking Takako may instead continue to move towards the back alley. Though, if he wants to do something different, he can post that whenever he gets back online.
Crap! Crap! Crap.... I just became one of the bad guys.

Yes. Find that turd who drew me to the back in the first place.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 7 2013, 06:59 AM) *
Crap! Crap! Crap.... I just became one of the bad guys.

Yes. Find that turd who drew me to the back in the first place.

OK. You won't make it to the corner of the back alley until next pass.
Okay. I think Sledge has a plan. It uses more explosives, but I am not going to throw them!
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 7 2013, 02:19 PM) *
Okay. I think Sledge has a plan. It uses more explosives, but I am not going to throw them!

Well its your turn again right now. So what are you going to do for this plan of yours?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 6 2013, 10:02 AM) *
init 4 Sledge and Flowers can post their actions for pass 2. With the troll charging towards the back of the store, I'm guessing Flowers at least is maybe considering not heading in that direction?

Flowers will take cover between aisles 6 and 8 if that's possible.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Sep 8 2013, 06:46 PM) *
Flowers will take cover between aisles 6 and 8 if that's possible.

Sure that's fine. You can move there this pass.
First, he is going to tell anyone he sees in the front area to take cover, he is going to take care of this troll. While doing so, on the hallway side he is going to set explosives. Those will be angled to fire west and northwest, if north is up on your map.

Convince others to take cover, and I am going to kill the troll...
Etiquette 5 + Charisma 4 = 5 Successes [2,5,5,3,5,4,5,6,1]

Plant commercial explosives rating 5 at first location...
Demolitions 6 + Logic 4 = 2 Successes [3,1,2,2,4,6,3,6,2,2]
If I can use a point of Edge, I would like to re-roll failures = +4 Successes [4,6,5,5,5,4,3,1]
6 Successes

Plant commercial explosives rating 5 at second location (next turn if needed)
Demolitions 6 + Logic 4 = 4 Successes [5,4,3,6,1,6,2,3,2,6]
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 10 2013, 03:49 PM) *
First, he is going to tell anyone he sees in the front area to take cover, he is going to take care of this troll. While doing so, on the hallway side he is going to set explosives. Those will be angled to fire west and northwest, if north is up on your map

Besides magic, explosives is the only way to take down a rampaging troll.

If it works like normal c-4, you should be able to angle the blast. I worked with it in the army, so I am semi familiar, and seeing my character has a 6 in Demolitions, he should know how much to use, and which way to angle to make the blast take out everything in the hallway, while doing minimal structural damage.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 10 2013, 02:49 AM) *
First, he is going to tell anyone he sees in the front area to take cover, he is going to take care of this troll. While doing so, on the hallway side he is going to set explosives. Those will be angled to fire west and northwest, if north is up on your map.

Convince others to take cover, and I am going to kill the troll...
Etiquette 5 + Charisma 4 = 5 Successes [2,5,5,3,5,4,5,6,1]

Plant commercial explosives rating 5 at first location...
Demolitions 6 + Logic 4 = 2 Successes [3,1,2,2,4,6,3,6,2,2]
If I can use a point of Edge, I would like to re-roll failures = +4 Successes [4,6,5,5,5,4,3,1]
6 Successes

Plant commercial explosives rating 5 at second location (next turn if needed)
Demolitions 6 + Logic 4 = 4 Successes [5,4,3,6,1,6,2,3,2,6]

First off, I'm a bit confused by where you say you are setting the first explosive charge. Are you setting the explosives to destroy everything in the Employee Only section of the store? Also, where are you planning to set the second set of charges?

Secondly, there is nobody for you to tell to take cover unless you are shouting at the drunk guy that the troll is currently charging. You have the dead body of Swimis-with-Sharks at your feet and an unconscious store clerk unconscious in the rubble of the checkout counter a couple meters from you. And that is all you can see.

Thirdly, how much explosive are you using? Just 1 kg? Or more than that?

Fourthly, how large a spread are you wanting to do? The rules say you can set a blast angle up to 60 degerees with directional explosives.

Lastly, I sure hope Angel has some seriously good luck, because she is currently 1m from the troll, right in the middle of whatever blast you are about to send after the troll...
So, while Sledge sets up explosives, I guess we can move on to the third pass.

Pass 3
init 8: Angel
6: Mako
3: Takako who I believe is reaching the corner of back corner of the StufferShack this pass.


init 8: Angel can post up her actions.

init 6: For Mako's part, he will finish out his charge to smash a shoulder into the drunkard...... Um yeah, with 10 hits on Mako's charging attack, I'm not even going to bother with rolling a defense for Dax. There is an explosion of blood as the shoulder slams into his chest breaking every bone in his body. The corpse is propelled at an extraordinary speed through the swinging Employee Only doors. It flies through the air to land with an absolutely sickening plop sound right at the feet of the now screaming Fontine and her daughter.

init 4: Takako makes it to the corner. He sees a dead body just outside of the emergency exit from the back of the StufferShack. He also sees somebody running down the alley. The figure is about 20m away now. There is enough light in this larger alley from the occasional back door lights of buildings that Takako is not suffering any visibility penalties.


Once, we have posted actions from Angel and Takako it will be time for a new combat turn. So, everybody needs to roll a new initiative.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 06:59 AM) *
First off, I'm a bit confused by where you say you are setting the first explosive charge. Are you setting the explosives to destroy everything in the Employee Only section of the store? Also, where are you planning to set the second set of charges?

The hallway area that Sledge is standing in. The explosives are set to travel north through the hallway toward the back exit.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 06:59 AM) *
Secondly, there is nobody for you to tell to take cover unless you are shouting at the drunk guy that the troll is currently charging. You have the dead body of Swimis-with-Sharks at your feet and an unconscious store clerk unconscious in the rubble of the checkout counter a couple meters from you. And that is all you can see.

I mixed the manager and the clerk up. So I guess I don't need to tell them anything, but I can tell the manager, if he didn't already close and lock his door.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 06:59 AM) *
Thirdly, how much explosive are you using? Just 1 kg? Or more than that?
Enough to do max damage without compromising the side walls too much, as that is where I am going to take cover. If I blow up the back wall, that is fine, though it should just find the weak spot and blow the door open. Sledge has a 6 Demolitions and 4 Intuition, so he should know how much to use.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 06:59 AM) *
Fourthly, how large a spread are you wanting to do? The rules say you can set a blast angle up to 60 degerees with directional explosives.
Probably about a 20-30 degree angle. Enough to cover the whole hallway, and not much more.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 06:59 AM) *
Lastly, I sure hope Angel has some seriously good luck, because she is currently 1m from the troll, right in the middle of whatever blast you are about to send after the troll...
Shouldn't hurt her. I plan to draw the troll to me by insulting his mother! grinbig.gif

QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 10 2013, 02:18 PM) *
The hallway area that Sledge is standing in. The explosives are set to travel north through the hallway toward the back exit.

I mixed the manager and the clerk up. So I guess I don't need to tell them anything, but I can tell the manager, if he didn't already close and lock his door.

Enough to do max damage without compromising the side walls too much, as that is where I am going to take cover. If I blow up the back wall, that is fine, though it should just find the weak spot and blow the door open. Sledge has a 6 Demolitions and 4 Intuition, so he should know how much to use.

Probably about a 20-30 degree angle. Enough to cover the whole hallway, and not much more.

Shouldn't hurt her. I plan to draw the troll to me by insulting his mother! grinbig.gif

The manager is hiding under his desk where you can't see him and your still suffering too large a penalty on perception to be able to hear him. So, you wouldn't be saying anything to him unless you are just calling out a warning to what you perceive as an empty room on the off chance that somebody is hiding there.

For the amount of charge, you need to tell me how much Sledge would judge he needs. I will say that you definitely know that anything strong enough to blow out the back wall would also be strong enough to blow out the wall dividing the employee section from the shopping area. The explosives' damage value is the rating modified by your demolitions test times the square root of the number of kilograms you used. If you are wanting to even reach the back wall with the explosion, you'd need a minimum of 2 kg. If you are wanting it to reach the back wall with more than 1 or 2 DV, you would need 3kg or more.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 08:23 AM) *
init 4: Takako makes it to the corner. He sees a dead body just outside of the emergency exit from the back of the StufferShack. He also sees somebody running down the alley. The figure is about 20m away now. There is enough light in this larger alley from the occasional back door lights of buildings that Takako is not suffering any visibility penalties.
Given his previous issue and the fact that he does reach the end of alley during this turn, can he also make a perception check?
If so, here is his roll: Perception(4) + Specialize:Visual(2) + Mentor Spirit: Eagle(2) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Actively Looking(3) [4,2,2,2,6,1,4,5,6,3,5,3,3] = 4 hits

Initiative(12) + [5,6,2,2] + Wounds(-2) = 25

20m away? That is a challenge. Is the person running a bad guy and are they aware of me?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 10 2013, 09:06 PM) *
Given his previous issue and the fact that he does reach the end of alley during this turn, can he also make a perception check?
If so, here is his roll: Perception(4) + Specialize:Visual(2) + Mentor Spirit: Eagle(2) + Intuition(4) + Wounds(-2) + Actively Looking(3) [4,2,2,2,6,1,4,5,6,3,5,3,3] = 4 hits

Initiative(12) + [5,6,2,2] + Wounds(-2) = 25

20m away? That is a challenge. Is the person running a bad guy and are they aware of me?

The Perception Check is fine. What are you wanting to know about the alley?

How would you identify somebody as a bad guy vs a running innocent? I will say that the figure appears to be wearing some armor clothing and is holding something in front of him, possibly a weapon of some sort, but he's keep enough control of whatever it is as he runs that you're not getting any glimpses of it. Other than that. He appears to be a human male and uninjured.
Flowers init

INIT 5 + 5 - 1 + 1d6 (9 + 1d6=15)
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 11 2013, 07:54 AM) *
The Perception Check is fine. What are you wanting to know about the alley?
What can you tell me about the dead body? Physical description, clothing, any weapons nearby?

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 11 2013, 07:54 AM) *
How would you identify somebody as a bad guy vs a running innocent? I will say that the figure appears to be wearing some armor clothing and is holding something in front of him, possibly a weapon of some sort, but he's keep enough control of whatever it is as he runs that you're not getting any glimpses of it. Other than that. He appears to be a human male and uninjured.
That will do. He is a possible, but not a definite. I'm gun shy after the mistake in the alley.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 11 2013, 12:47 PM) *
What can you tell me about the dead body? Physical description, clothing, any weapons nearby?

That will do. He is a possible, but not a definite. I'm gun shy after the mistake in the alley.

The dead body appears to be a human male with multiple gun shot wounds to the chest and back. From what you can tell the clothes he's wearing are that fairly well-to-do. He's wearing a brown suit with a red bow tie. He does not appear to have any weapons on him nor does he appear to be wearing any armor.
Currently, I am still waiting for Angel's actions in the third pass of the current combat turn.

I'm also waiting on initiative rolls from Angel and Sledge.

Initiative for the next combat (so far):

Init 26: Angel's Sprite
25: Takako
24: Angel
18: NPC-Mako
15: Flowers, Sledge and NPC-Lieutenant
12: NPC-Jerry and NPC-Shi-Thead
11: NPC-Fontine and Agent 2
7: NPC-Bob the supervisor and NPC-Amy

edit: Updated the init order with the rolls for Sledge and Angel
Oh, sorry... one second! smile.gif

Init 8: Angel will move her Persona outside to be able to see what's in front of the store. The sprite follows.

Initiative: Angel 24, Sprite 26

QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 10 2013, 01:08 PM) *
The manager is hiding under his desk where you can't see him and your still suffering too large a penalty on perception to be able to hear him. So, you wouldn't be saying anything to him unless you are just calling out a warning to what you perceive as an empty room on the off chance that somebody is hiding there.

For the amount of charge, you need to tell me how much Sledge would judge he needs. I will say that you definitely know that anything strong enough to blow out the back wall would also be strong enough to blow out the wall dividing the employee section from the shopping area. The explosives' damage value is the rating modified by your demolitions test times the square root of the number of kilograms you used. If you are wanting to even reach the back wall with the explosion, you'd need a minimum of 2 kg. If you are wanting it to reach the back wall with more than 1 or 2 DV, you would need 3kg or more.

Okay, well if he doesnt see anyone, then he is not shouting a warning. He already sent out a team call.

Now. In character, and based on the roll, Sledge would know if he was going to blow down the whole store with his detonation. He also isn't trying to blow the back wall out.

So if he sets two 2kg charges. Square root of 2 is 1.414
Charge 1 > 6 Successes + 5 Rating = 11 x 1.414 = 15.555 -> 15D
Charge 2 > 4 Successes + 5 Rating = 9 x 1.414 = 12.728 -> 12D

Does Sledge think the structure will withstand the blast? I am talking about the actual supports. I don't care if the drywall gets blown to pieces.

What is my modifier now? Subtract that from my roll.

Initiative: 17 - modifiers

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 11 2013, 03:03 PM) *
Oh, sorry... one second! smile.gif

Init 8: Angel will move her Persona outside to be able to see what's in front of the store. The sprite follows.

Initiative: Angel 24, Sprite 26


Despite the heavy noise level in front of the store (the noise is at level 6 out there), Angel can spot the icon of a cyberdeck currently running in normal mode (not silent) 6m in front of the store.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Sep 11 2013, 03:18 PM) *
Okay, well if he doesnt see anyone, then he is not shouting a warning. He already sent out a team call.

Now. In character, and based on the roll, Sledge would know if he was going to blow down the whole store with his detonation. He also isn't trying to blow the back wall out.

So if he sets two 2kg charges. Square root of 2 is 1.414
Charge 1 > 6 Successes + 5 Rating = 11 x 1.414 = 15.555 -> 15D
Charge 2 > 4 Successes + 5 Rating = 9 x 1.414 = 12.728 -> 12D

Does Sledge think the structure will withstand the blast? I am talking about the actual supports. I don't care if the drywall gets blown to pieces.

What is my modifier now? Subtract that from my roll.

Initiative: 17 - modifiers

In the future, you really need to tell me how many kg of explosive you are going to use before you roll, because when you are setting the charge, you don't know how well you are going to do. So, for a 2kg charge you could have only gotten an 9P charge out of it if you'd rolled only 1 hit, but that's kind of a moot point now that you've already rolled your hits.

Anyway, I'd give you a Perception check to take a guess at what kind of material the building is made of, but we already established that you don't have any dice for Perception. So, I'll just tell you that building materials range in Structure Rating and Armor rating. On the low end for building material would be Hardwood with Structure 6 Armor 8. On the high end would be Hardened Material with Structure 16+ and Armor 32+.

Also, if explosives are set off simultaneously, their DV adds up to a single blast rather than being two different destructive forces (So, if you set off the two 2kg charges together, they would actually be 27P damage with your current rolls...and that does not include any increases should structures hold and reflect the damage back)

Oh and your modifier has not changed and will not change until you are healed or take an hour or more rest, as I mentioned before. It is actual stun damage, it was not a temporary effect of the flashbang.
So, we are ready to start the new Combat Turn.

Init 26: Angel's Sprite is following her around and delaying action until it receives other commands.

Init 25: Takako can post up actions.

Init 24: Angel can post up actions as well.

init 18: The screams from the Employee only section have grabbed the troll's attention. He charges through the swinging doors to grab the terrified mother who drops her daughter in panicked terror (surprisingly the kid finally shuts up for once at the massive troll that is playing with her mommy like a rag-doll)

init 15: I believe Sledge is planting the second charge this pass. Is he moving to another position to do that or planting it right next to the first charge?
Flowers can also post up actions.
The Lieutenant outside is doing something too, but I'll wait to say exactly what it is for now.
If I understand this right....

Flowers will run back across the counter, through the doorway into the manager area where Sledge is.

Perception check Perception 5 Int + 3 Perception - 1 Stun, + modifiers and - modifiers as needed (7d6.hits(5)=3)

I am assuming that Sledge wants the troll lured from the back to come down this hallway, so not back through the area with aisles.
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