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Stun damage: Agility(7) + Unarmed(6) + Martial Arts(2) + Wounds(-2) + Irritant(-2) [1,3,3,1,5,5,2,5,1,3,2] = 3 hits
I think I also get "Character has superior position +2". If so, here is that roll: [3,2] = CRAP!
Hopefully between his wound modifiers and {Defender prone –2}, I will be able to succeed with only 3 hits. I also chose an attack with the elbow over a stomping kick to hopefully give Takako some cover if there is another attacker hidden out here.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 20 2013, 01:38 PM) *
Stun damage: Agility(7) + Unarmed(6) + Martial Arts(2) + Wounds(-2) + Irritant(-2) [1,3,3,1,5,5,2,5,1,3,2] = 3 hits
I think I also get "Character has superior position +2". If so, here is that roll: [3,2] = CRAP!
Hopefully between his wound modifiers and {Defender prone –2}, I will be able to succeed with only 3 hits. I also chose an attack with the elbow over a stomping kick to hopefully give Takako some cover if there is another attacker hidden out here.

The negatives bring him down to only 2 dice to roll, but he will take a -5 to init so that he has a chance with a Block action. Even still he only manages to get 1 hit on 5 dice. And he doesn't come anywhere close to getting enough hits on resisting the damage. He is solidly out cold and half dead from that mighty blow.
Guess it's time for Mako. Well, I'm debating having him charge forward with the punk's body as a shield to smash straight through the cashiers counter, because that would just be cool..... but what's the point in giving a berserker troll the Throwing (Metahuman) specialization if you aren't going to use it, right?

He stands up to his full height with a deafening roar that shakes items off nearby shelves and launches the unconcious body of the remaining punk that started this whole mess right at the heat signature of Flowers. He's even frustrated enough to add his Edge to the beginning of this roll.... Only getting 4 hits (not even a single exploding 6, how lame).

Flowers does get to add +2 to his defense for the partial cover of the cashier's counter, but he's still suffering the -6 from the total darkness in store.

Following the throw, Mako begins running forward to leap on top of the cashiers counter, and next pass he will be trying leap down to crush Flowers beneath his massive shoulder.... that is if Flowers is somehow foolish enough to actually still be there next pass.
Hmmm....Now it's time for the off camera NPC to do something....But that will have to wait until after Angel tells me if she did enter the Stuffer Shack host in pass 1.

So, we will move on to Swims-With-Sharks. What are you doing for pass 1. The berserker troll is only a couple meters from you now, though he's actually focused on Flowers at the moment (though I guess you can't really tell where his focus is with it being total darkness in the store. all you know is you just heard a heck of a lot of crashing and the sounds of a very large beast breathing is getting louder very quickly and is almost on top of you). Are you going to step up and get his attention on you instead?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 20 2013, 05:02 PM) *
The host only managed to get 1 hit on it's Intuition + Firewall. So you were able to get 1 mark on it in pass 3 of combat turn 2.

Since I got 2 net hits, I also get one hit on Matrix Perception along with the Mark, right?

So, I will know at least something in advance. smile.gif

I will ask for the Marks on the host, which are not its own (and not mine, of course).

Are you going to enter the host on pass 1 of combat turn 3?

Yep! Let's find out in what kind of trouble I am getting myself. biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 20 2013, 02:31 PM) *
Since I got 2 net hits, I also get one hit on Matrix Perception along with the Mark, right?

So, I will know at least something in advance. smile.gif

I will ask for the Marks on the host, which are not its own (and not mine, of course).

Yep! Let's find out in what kind of trouble I am getting myself. biggrin.gif


You can see "the marks on an icon, but not their owners" with Matrix Perception. So you can see your mark, four marks that appears to be the Atzlan corporate logo, and three more marks that appear as smiley faces that are all white instead of yellow like this one: smile.gif
Dodging Metahumans

Interrupt Action Full Defense -10 Initiative Score
Ranged Defend + Interrupt Action Reaction 5 + Intuition 5 + WIL 4 + Cover 2 - Darkness 6 + Edge 4 = 14 (14d6.hitsopen(5,6)=4)

Damage Resistance(in case needed)
Bod 3 + Cyber Arm Armor 2 + Actioneer Business Clothes Armor 8 = 13 (13d6.hits(5)=4)

Which means I will be there for that follow through shoulder. And that's gonna hurt.... smile.gif
BTW, I'm assuming that you are not "running silent" since you have not mentioned that or been taking the -2 dice pool modifier on all matrix actions for doing so.

So, when you entered the grid, another persona, should it already be on the host, would be able to see you... And try to hit you with a Data Spike from his ban Hammer by rolling Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] (-2 for running silent and -2 for being on a different grid). And he'd get 23 hits on his 6 dice. edit: forgot the different grid penalty does not apply when on a host.

You would then defend using Intuition + Firewall, thankfully Noise does not apply to defense tests.

Should said attack hit, you would instantly be able to spot a humanoid figure dressed all in white with white smiley face mask cover his face. If the attack doesn't succeed, you don't see him yet due to running silent.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 20 2013, 02:47 PM) *
Dodging Metahumans

Interrupt Action Full Defense -10 Initiative Score
Ranged Defend + Interrupt Action Reaction 5 + Intuition 5 + WIL 4 + Cover 2 - Darkness 6 + Edge 4 = 14 (14d6.hitsopen(5,6)=4)

Damage Resistance(in case needed)
Bod 3 + Cyber Arm Armor 2 + Actioneer Business Clothes Armor 8 = 13 (13d6.hits(5)=4)

Which means I will be there for that follow through shoulder. And that's gonna hurt.... smile.gif

Full Defense adds you Willpower of 4, not your reaction to your defense (and lasts for the rest of the combat turn), but that's not enough to change how many hits you got. edit: was rushing at the end of the work day. Sorry about that.

This still means you didn't get hit directly.

However there is the rule that when you have cover, ties mean that the cover gets hit. So, I roll the cheap materials 2 structure and 4 armor to resist the total 13 damage (i think technically it would include the +4 from Mako's hits since barriers can't dodge, but that would just be cruel) actually manages to get 4 hits.

So you are left to resist the remaining 9S damage (stun because it didn't exceed your total armor rating). And you were able to reduce that down to taking only 5 boxes of Stun damage with your roll.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 20 2013, 11:09 PM) *
BTW, I'm assuming that you are not "running silent" since you have not mentioned that or been taking the -2 dice pool modifier on all matrix actions for doing so.

Correct. smile.gif

So, when you entered the grid, another persona, should it already be on the host, would be able to see you... And try to hit you with a Data Spike from his ban Hammer by rolling Cybercombat + Logic [Attack] (-2 for running silent and -2 for being on a different grid). And he'd get 23 hits on his 6 dice. edit: forgot the different grid penalty does not apply when on a host.

You would then defend using Intuition + Firewall, thankfully Noise does not apply to defense tests.

Intuition + Firewall + VR -> 1 hit (great roll, huh?) ... Edge! -> 4 more hits (much better!)

Hmm... Data Spike says Complex Action in the listup and Simple Action in the Action Overview. wink.gif

Trying to figure out, whether there is anything useful to do with a second simple action (first will be to Command the Sprite, once my next turn comes up).

Oh, and here's the Initiative for the Sprite: 31.

Isn't defense test reaction + intuition?
Yeah, I think you rolled your defense correctly. Normal Rea + Int, plus Wil for full defense, plus all those other modifiers...
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 20 2013, 07:05 PM) *
Yeah, I think you rolled your defense correctly. Normal Rea + Int, plus Wil for full defense, plus all those other modifiers...

Doh, must have just been rushing as I was trying to leave work at the time. On second look, Flowers did roll correctly on defense. But the result was the same either way.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 20 2013, 05:27 PM) *
Hmm... Data Spike says Complex Action in the listup and Simple Action in the Action Overview. wink.gif

Trying to figure out, whether there is anything useful to do with a second simple action (first will be to Command the Sprite, once my next turn comes up).

Oh, and here's the Initiative for the Sprite: 31.


I am using Data Spike as a Complex Action for the NPC. So that's what it would be for you too.

Oh interesting I forgot to read the rule on the illegal action of Attacks. Since the NPC failed to hit you, you didn't notice that there was an attack, yet your security software sent th attack back on the sender and he took 2 boxes of matrix damage that he can't resist (1 for each net hit you had on defense).

There really just aren't that many Matrix Actions that can be done with a Simple Action unfortunately.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 21 2013, 03:24 AM) *
So, we will move on to Swims-With-Sharks. What are you doing for pass 1. The berserker troll is only a couple meters from you now, though he's actually focused on Flowers at the moment (though I guess you can't really tell where his focus is with it being total darkness in the store. all you know is you just heard a heck of a lot of crashing and the sounds of a very large beast breathing is getting louder very quickly and is almost on top of you). Are you going to step up and get his attention on you instead?

Seems Swims is pretty SOL in total darkness. Yet another thing to put on the list of things to rectify if he survives smile.gif

He'll cast Phantasm, somewhere next to him (close enough that he can get LOS but far enough that it's not on top of him smile.gif), the illusion will be one of the original tormentors of the troll. He'll be bloody but alive, and yelling the same taunts and curses as what started this whole thing. "What's wrong with you man? How'd ya got so drek shit ugly?"

Meanwhile, Swims will be trying to scrabble out of the way.

Phantasm(F5): Mag(5) + Skill(6) + spec-illusion(2) + wounds(-1) = 5 hits
Drain(4S): Chr(5) + Wil(5) = 5 hits, no drain
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 21 2013, 03:50 AM) *
I am using Data Spike as a Complex Action for the NPC. So that's what it would be for you too.

Yeah, I thought that is the correct one, too.

Oh interesting I forgot to read the rule on the illegal action of Attacks. Since the NPC failed to hit you, you didn't notice that there was an attack, yet your security software sent th attack back on the sender and he took 2 boxes of matrix damage that he can't resist (1 for each net hit you had on defense).

That one is new to me, too... but I am not complaining. smile.gif

There really just aren't that many Matrix Actions that can be done with a Simple Action unfortunately.

Looks like it...

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 21 2013, 01:12 AM) *
That one is new to me, too... but I am not complaining. smile.gif

Yeah, I would say the Matrix chapter is the least organized of the chapters, little tidbits of info are scattered around in different places. This particular rule is on page 231 under the heading ILLEGAL ACTIONS: "IF you fail an Attack action, your target's security software refects your code, corrupting it and sending it back where it came from. If it was normal datea, then your system could check it for errors, but in this case it's some pretty vicious stuff designed to avoid Firewalls. For every net hit the target got on its defense test, you take 1 box of Matrix damage, which you can't resist."
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 20 2013, 11:38 PM) *
Seems Swims is pretty SOL in total darkness. Yet another thing to put on the list of things to rectify if he survives smile.gif

He'll cast Phantasm, somewhere next to him (close enough that he can get LOS but far enough that it's not on top of him smile.gif), the illusion will be one of the original tormentors of the troll. He'll be bloody but alive, and yelling the same taunts and curses as what started this whole thing. "What's wrong with you man? How'd ya got so drek shit ugly?"

Meanwhile, Swims will be trying to scrabble out of the way.

Phantasm(F5): Mag(5) + Skill(6) + spec-illusion(2) + wounds(-1) = 5 hits
Drain(4S): Chr(5) + Wil(5) = 5 hits, no drain

Well, he managed to get 3 hits to resist the illusion. But that's not enough. He totally believes the illusion.
Since none of you can see in the dark it seems, I guess you'll have to wait until the troll gets another pass to know if it successfully distracted him though.....
So now it's time for Sledge and a whole bunch of NPC's to go.

As Sledge is doing whatever he's doing on his turn (I'm assuming) getting up. He can hear the sound of running feet behind him and some NPC has even pulled out a small flashlight or something as the npc makes it to the emergency exit door and pushes it open in his rush to get away from this place....

Instantly, the sound of gun fire comes from outside as the Agent laying in wait gets his surprise attack. The Agent gets 5 hits which can't be resisted because the Doctor was surprised. That's 12P total damage resisted by Body only since the doctor wasn't wearing armor. The doctor manages to get 3 hits out of 4 dice which means he actually survives the ambush only taking 9 boxes of damage.

Other movement/sounds in the dark include more screaming from kid and loud cursing from her parents, a glass bottle falling to the floor and shattering somewhere in the vicinity of the door to the Employees Only section of the store, a woman screaming "DOCTOR" in horror by the emergency exit, and some whimpers and frantic movement from the supervisor who's trying to crawl away in a very big hurry.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 21 2013, 07:31 AM) *
Instantly, the sound of gun fire comes from outside as the Agent laying in wait gets his surprise attack. The Agent gets 5 hits which can't be resisted because the Doctor was surprised. That's 12P total damage resisted by Body only since the doctor wasn't wearing armor. The doctor manages to get 3 hits out of 4 dice which means he actually survives the ambush only taking 9 boxes of damage.
Outside, as in out front (with Takako) or out back?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 22 2013, 11:41 AM) *
Outside, as in out front (with Takako) or out back?

Outside as in the emergency exit into the alley behind the StufferShack.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 22 2013, 10:49 AM) *
Outside as in the emergency exit into the alley behind the StufferShack.
Is it fair that Takako would hear the gunfireoff behind the building?
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 22 2013, 03:38 PM) *
Is it fair that Takako would hear the gunfireoff behind the building?

Hmm.. with all the racket inside with the flashbang going off, the troll roaring away and tossing bodies through walls, not to mention the pouring rain you are in, it's debatable that Takako could here it and identify it as coming from the back of the building.

But I willing to say you heard some loud noise that you suspect came from behind the building.
We are currently still waiting on Bastard/ Sledge to post up his actions for this pass. As soon as we have that we can move forward to the next pass.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 23 2013, 06:20 PM) *
We are currently still waiting on Bastard/ Sledge to post up his actions for this pass. As soon as we have that we can move forward to the next pass.

Sorry for delay... busy week at work and at home... catching up now!


QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 21 2013, 06:31 AM) *
As Sledge is doing whatever he's doing on his turn (I'm assuming) getting up. He can hear the sound of running feet behind him and some NPC has even pulled out a small flashlight or something as the npc makes it to the emergency exit door and pushes it open in his rush to get away from this place....

Instantly, the sound of gun fire comes from outside as the Agent laying in wait gets his surprise attack. The Agent gets 5 hits which can't be resisted because the Doctor was surprised. That's 12P total damage resisted by Body only since the doctor wasn't wearing armor. The doctor manages to get 3 hits out of 4 dice which means he actually survives the ambush only taking 9 boxes of damage.

I thought I told them to stay put! I knew I should have rigged the exit with C4!

Well Sledge is of course going to get up, and then probably fail a Perception Test... [Intuition(3) + Perception(0)] = [3,2,6] = 1 Success ...

Perception test was to notice action in the rear as well as location of troll in front, and the gist of what is going on up there.

He will act upon the result so this.

QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 25 2013, 04:10 PM) *
He will act upon the result so this.

Whatever you do...ix-nay on the ashbangs-flay! smile.gif
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 25 2013, 01:55 AM) *
Whatever you do...ix-nay on the ashbangs-flay! smile.gif

I am sorry... I am not a good linguist. Do you want me to throw more flash bangs? wobble.gif
QUOTE (Bastard @ Aug 25 2013, 02:10 AM) *
Sorry for delay... busy week at work and at home... catching up now!


I thought I told them to stay put! . knew I should have rigged the exit with C4!

Well Sledge is of course going to get up. and then probably fail a Perception Test... [Intuition(3) + Perception(0)] = [3,2,6] = 1 Success ...

Perception test was to notice action in the rear as well as location of troll in front, and the gist of what is going on up there.

He will act upon the result so this.

Well. First off, the NPCs that ran through the exit are ones none of you have spoken to at all. Theywere near the front of the store when the violence broke out and just now reached the back area

Secondly, when you don't have a skill like Perception you are considered defaulting which is a -1 to your dice pool. And since you are in complete darkness you're suffering a -6 on top of that. Not to mention your wound modifiers from the stun damage you took from your own flashbang. Soooo.... You stand up and your ears are ringing to the point you likely didn't even here the gun fire at the back since you don't have any dice at all to roll for Perception.

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 25 2013, 06:24 AM) *
Well. First off, the NPCs that ran through the exit are ones none of you have spoken to at all. Theywere near the front of the store when the violence broke out and just now reached the back area

Secondly, when you don't have a skill like Perception you are considered defaulting which is a -1 to your dice pool. And since you are in complete darkness you're suffering a -6 on top of that. Not to mention your wound modifiers from the stun damage you took from your own flashbang. Soooo.... You stand up and your ears are ringing to the point you likely didn't even here the gun fire at the back since you don't have any dice at all to roll for Perception.

I figured that would be the situation, but I rolled just in case it was needed.

So, Sledge, is going to get into a one knee kneeling position, and stay against the wall. Since he knows nothing of what is going on, he will have his pistol out at the ready, and still be facing the front.
Ok. So we are back up at the top for pass 3.

Starting with Angel, then Takako and Mako going on the same initiative.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 25 2013, 09:19 PM) *
Ok. So we are back up at the top for pass 3.

Starting with Angel, then Takako and Mako going on the same initiative.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 22 2013, 03:00 PM) *
Hmm.. with all the racket inside with the flashbang going off, the troll roaring away and tossing bodies through walls, not to mention the pouring rain you are in, it's debatable that Takako could here it and identify it as coming from the back of the building.

But I willing to say you heard some loud noise that you suspect came from behind the building.
Takako grabs the gun, wipes his eyes and begins to sneak around the building. With the gunfire, he assumes people are covering both exits.

QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 26 2013, 10:36 AM) *
Takako grabs the gun, wipes his eyes and begins to sneak around the building. With the gunfire, he assumes people are covering both exits.

Yep. Takako is able to clear the junk out of his eyes this pass and is no longer suffering the -2 on tests from that. He runs towards the closest corner of the StufferShack, but does not reach it yet.

For Mako's action he launches himself at the phantasmal image of the punk from earlier. But falls right through it to shattered the tiled flooring with his massive fist. As he stands up, he bellows out in absolute rage looking around for the closest target.

Flowers can post up his actions.

And still waiting on actions from Angel
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 26 2013, 05:53 PM) *
And still waiting on actions from Angel

Oh, sorry, missed that it is my turn again. smile.gif

From above...

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 21 2013, 12:27 AM) *
Trying to figure out, whether there is anything useful to do with a second simple action (first will be to Command the Sprite, once my next turn comes up).

Oh, and here's the Initiative for the Sprite: 31.

Angel will command her sprite to attack! (And spend the other simple action pondering what to do next. smile.gif)

QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 20 2013, 11:38 PM) *
Seems Swims is pretty SOL in total darkness. Yet another thing to put on the list of things to rectify if he survives smile.gif

Assensing still works.....
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 26 2013, 10:53 AM) *
Flowers can post up his actions.

Flowers can't see anything and something large and violent landed next to him.

Free Action - Run out of stuffer shack.

Take cover if possible

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 26 2013, 03:45 PM) *
From above...

Angel will command her sprite to attack! (And spend the other simple action pondering what to do next. smile.gif)


Neither you nor your Sprite have spotted any enemy to send it after. Remember the enemy is running silent and only if he had succeeded with his attack would you automatically see him.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 26 2remember, 04:33 PM) *
Flowers can't see anything and something large and violent landed next to him.

Free Action - Run out of stuffer shack.

Take cover if possible

What direction are you running? Also do remember that if you try to run past somebody the can take a -5 to initiative for an interrupt action to attack you.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 01:17 AM) *
Neither you nor your Sprite have spotted any enemy to send it after. Remember the enemy is running silent and only if he had succeeded with his attack would you automatically see him.

Oh... but I do know "something" is there, right? I did notice the attack, that is...

In that case, it looks like it is Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] vs. Logic + Sleaze (it does not say what kind of action it is, though I guess it's just a Matrix Perception roll and therefore complex).

There we go...

Computer:6 + Intuition:5 + Bonuses:6 [Data Processing:6] -> 5 hits (or less, with Noise removing dice from the back probably 3)

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 26 2013, 08:33 PM) *
Oh... but I do know "something" is there, right? I did notice the attack, that is...

In that case, it looks like it is Computer + Intuition [Data Processing] vs. Logic + Sleaze (it does not say what kind of action it is, though I guess it's just a Matrix Perception roll and therefore complex).

There we go...

Computer:6 + Intuition:5 + Bonuses:6 [Data Processing:6] -> 5 hits (or less, with Noise removing dice from the back probably 3)


Your Firewall reflected the attack back without you registering it as an attack. But you did at least know there was somebody else on the system since you had already seen the Stuffer Shack host had marks from an unknown entity.

You are correct about the Noise still affecting you. So you only had 3 hits. And yes, it would be a Matrix Perception test. So a complex Action.

Now let's see what the enemy hacker gets...He only manages to get 2 hits. So you managed to spot the figure dressed in all white with the white smiley mask.
Well... I *am* my Firewall. So to say. wink.gif

Anyways... turn is done... next turn will then see the release of the sprite. smile.gif

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 05:20 AM) *
Assensing still works.....

Good point!

QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 05:33 AM) *
Free Action - Run out of stuffer shack.

I don't know what's worse for Swims, Sledge dropping a flashbang at his feet or Flowers luring the troll over to Swims' hiding place then leaving biggrin.gif
Well, once I know which direction Flowers is running, pass 3 will be over.

So everybody can go ahead and roll initiative again for the new combat turn. smile.gif
QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 27 2013, 01:25 AM) *
Well... I *am* my Firewall. So to say. wink.gif

You do have a point there....I wonder how that is supposed to work in SR5. I don't remember reading anything about how that is handled for technomancers either with rules or with flavor text.

My best guess is that it would be handled the same with flavor being like your firewall fighting back in the same way that anti-bodies fight off disease in your meat body. Unless the disease is strong enough to start affecting your physical condition you don't even realize your body is fighting off something. The anti-bodies just take care of it for you.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 09:22 PM) *
Well, once I know which direction Flowers is running, pass 3 will be over.

So everybody can go ahead and roll initiative again for the new combat turn. smile.gif

Is this right? I think Swims only got to act at 14, and never got his turn at 4. Don't know about other peoples' actions...
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 27 2013, 07:42 AM) *
Is this right? I think Swims only got to act at 14, and never got his turn at 4. Don't know about other peoples' actions...

I'm doublechecking, but I believe pass 1 was when you first ran behind the counter, this was the same pass where the flashbang went off. Pass 2 is where you summoned up the illusion. And you didn't roll high enough for a pass 3.

edit: Yep, you did get two passes per your 14 init. You may have gotten confused when i reposted the initiative order because a bunch of people's initiative changed due to full defense/flashbang damage for pass 2 of this combat turn.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 26 2013, 06:19 PM) *
What direction are you running? Also do remember that if you try to run past somebody the can take a -5 to initiative for an interrupt action to attack you.

Away from the big loud noise. Preferably out front where Flowers can see better. But if it needs to be towards the back, that works too.

Hopefully Flowers plan to lure the thing away will fail. smile.gif
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 27 2013, 09:22 AM) *
Away from the big loud noise. Preferably out front where Flowers can see better. But if it needs to be towards the back, that works too.

Hopefully Flowers plan to lure the thing away will fail. smile.gif

The big loud thing would be roughly in front of you so that you'd guess that to run out the front door would be to run past it. But the front entrance would be the quickest exit (Front entrance is about 6m away from you, back exit is more than double that, about 15m).

Since your kind of blind here in the pitch dark, give me a memory test on how well you can navigate the store from memory.

Oh and, I didn't think about this before, but you are in luck, because Mako the troll doesn't actually have enough initiative left to take another interrupt action. So you actually could run past him...if you're brave enough.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 27 2013, 03:50 PM) *
I'm doublechecking, but I believe pass 1 was when you first ran behind the counter, this was the same pass where the flashbang went off. Pass 2 is where you summoned up the illusion.

Maybe it would be helpful to edit the turn overview with a couple words whenever an action is done? Bit of bookkeeping, but might help keeping track of everything.

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