Ok, I went ahead and rolled Init for
Takako and
So the new init order is:
Init 28: Angel26: Mako
23: Takako18: Angel's Sprite
15: Swims-with-Sharks and Lieutenant (now offline) act simultaneously
14: Sledge and
Flowers simultaneously
13: Agent 2
[i/]11 - 6:[/i] Remaining NPCs.
Angel I suppose I should say what she found in that log file. From the activity it looks like the hacker you chased away connected to the Stuffer Shack host shortly before the vagrant/soon-to-be-troll walked into the building. He took control of the video cameras first, turning off the backup recordings while keeping them live so that he could watch what was going on in the store. At some point (a memory test would suggest to you that it was when the vagrant began to transform) the hacker disabled the panic button located at the cashier's desk, then the one in the manager's office, then the alarm on the emergency exit. Then he decided it was time to clear out. He shut off the cameras completely, followed by turning off the lights. Then the log shows
Angel entering the host. I believe you know what happened from there.
init 28: Angel can post actions for pass 1 in the new Combat Turn now.
init 26: For his part, Mako will be making another attack on
Swims-with-Sharks getting
4 hits. Same 13P + net hits damage if you don't successfully defend.
init 23: For
Takako's turn I'm giving him a roll to see if he realizes that he actually just shot a non-combatant that was trying to run away from the fight...and he got
2 hits on it. So, yes, from the sound of the bullets hitting unarmored flesh and the very unprofessional wail of pain, he figures out that he just shot an innocent woman (NPC-Amy). With great remorse he rushes forward to give her aid while keeping an eye out for whoever she was running from.
init 18: Angel's Sprite can do whatever online.
init 15: If
Swims-with-Sharks is still around after the troll's most recent attack, he can post actions.