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QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 29 2013, 03:47 PM) *
Rally the troops!

It might turn out to be the Agent Coulson method, but hey. smile.gif

Well. You know Agent Coulson is still alive right? That's why he's in the SHIELD TV show.
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Aug 30 2013, 04:47 AM) *
Rally the troops!

It might turn out to be the Agent Coulson method, but hey. smile.gif

I think it's a good idea - maybe we can start fighting as a team (this is a real Avengers moment!)
Ok, everybody on the team (except Flowers himself gets a boost of +3 to their initiative.

And we are back up at the top of initiative for initiative pass 2.

init 19 Angel's Sprite
18 Takako and NPC-LieutenantHacker go simultaneously
15 Swims-with-Sharks
13 Angel
7 NPC-Mako the troll
5 Sledge
4 NPC-Bob the supervisor
2 NPC-Amy & NPC-Jerry


init 19 I assume the Sprite is trying to attack the hacker again, give me the attack roll if that is the case.

init 18 Takako is trying to be stealthy as he heads down the dark alley. Give me a sneaking roll.
I'll hold off on posting the Lieutenant's actions until we see how the Sprite's attack affects him.

init 15 Swims-with-Sharks can post up his actions. Btw, did you try hiding in the supervisor's office or in the employee's bathroom?
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 30 2013, 08:36 AM) *
init 18 Takako is trying to be stealthy as he heads down the dark alley. Give me a sneaking roll.
Sneaking(2) + Specialization: Urban(2) + Agility(7) + Chameleon Suit(2) [6,3,5,3,2,3,1,1,1,2,2][4,1] = 2 hits

For the love of.... All those dice and only two hits... Invisible Castle hates me... again.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 30 2013, 08:53 AM) *
Sneaking(2) + Specialization: Urban(2) + Agility(7) + Chameleon Suit(2) [6,3,5,3,2,3,1,1,1,2,2][4,1] = 2 hits

For the love of.... All those dice and only two hits... Invisible Castle hates me... again.

Hahahahah.... I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but I think you are right. Invisible Castle hates you!

Even still, you're likely safe. I had just been making you roll it as a formality, but with that roll, the agent could get lucky. We'll see once you're closer.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 30 2013, 10:36 PM) *
init 15 Swims-with-Sharks can post up his actions. Btw, did you try hiding in the supervisor's office or in the employee's bathroom?

I had shuffled him into the supervisor's office, all safe and hiding. But after the rousing speech(?) that Flowers gave...


f' that. Swims'll come out swinging.

He'll move to the front of the counter, and cast acid stream on Mako (for some reason, I constantly hear the wicked witch of the west now when I think of this spell (how about a little fire scarecrow!?)). Not sure what vision penalties there are after switching to astral perception, so please subtract as necessary.

Move: move to inside counter
Complex: F6 Acid Stream at Mako

F6 Acid Stream: 10d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,1,6,5,6,1,5,6] = (6) hits
Resist 3P drain: [3,6,3,1,4,1,2,1,1,4] = (1) hits
Drain: 2P

Damage: 6+6 = 12P acid
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 30 2013, 10:03 AM) *
I had shuffled him into the supervisor's office, all safe and hiding. But after the rousing speech(?) that Flowers gave...


f' that. Swims'll come out swinging.

He'll move to the front of the counter, and cast acid stream on Mako (for some reason, I constantly hear the wicked witch of the west now when I think of this spell (how about a little fire scarecrow!?)). Not sure what vision penalties there are after switching to astral perception, so please subtract as necessary.

Move: move to inside counter
Complex: F6 Acid Stream at Mako

F6 Acid Stream: 10d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,1,6,5,6,1,5,6] = (6) hits
Resist 3P drain: [3,6,3,1,4,1,2,1,1,4] = (1) hits
Drain: 2P

Damage: 6+6 = 12P acid

Astrally Perceiving while trying to accomplish mundane tasks (such as casting a physical world spell) is very distracting; you take a -2 dice pool penalty to actions on the physical plane. That means the last two hits don't count and you only got 4 hits.

Mako manages to get 4 hits thanks to using Edge. So, he's able to avoid the stream of acid. But you succeeded in distracting him away from Flowers! smile.gif

As it's his turn next in the physical world, I'll go ahead and post his actions, while we wait for what's happening in the virtual world with the Sprite, Angel, and Lieutenant.

Mako instantly forgets about the slippery bastard in front of him, turns around and charges Swims-with-Sharks. Hopefully this will be lucky for you, he only managed to get 2 hits. You aren't suffering the penalty from total darkness, but you are suffering the -2 for doing a mundane task while astrally perceiving, and you also take a -1 from the troll's reach (which i just realized I've been totally forgetting about in this entire combat). Damage is 13P + net hits should he actually hit you.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 31 2013, 12:38 AM) *
Mako manages to get 4 hits thanks to using Edge. So, he's able to avoid the stream of acid. But you succeeded in distracting him away from Flowers! smile.gif

Mother fragger...

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 31 2013, 12:38 AM) *
Mako instantly forgets about the slippery bastard in front of him, turns around and charges Swims-with-Sharks. Hopefully this will be lucky for you, he only managed to get 2 hits. You aren't suffering the penalty from total darkness, but you are suffering the -2 for doing a mundane task while astrally perceiving, and you also take a -1 from the troll's reach (which i just realized I've been totally forgetting about in this entire combat). Damage is 13P + net hits should he actually hit you.

At init 5:

Full Defense: 8d6.hits(5) → [2,5,1,5,3,3,3,6] = (3) hits
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 30 2013, 11:28 AM) *
Mother fragger...

At init 5:

Full Defense: 8d6.hits(5) → [2,5,1,5,3,3,3,6] = (3) hits

It's a good thing we don't substract the 10 for each pass until everybody has gone. smile.gif
Great job defending yourself.
init 5 I'm assuming Sledge is continuing to inch forward while he is completely unable to hear or see anything?

init 4 Bob the supervisor has made it under his desk and is shaking and absolute terror doing his best to stay quite though he can't hold back the whimpers or the smell of pee coming from his pants.

init 2: Takako glimpses a silhouette of somebody running into the alley from near where the gun fire was coming from. There is also another shot fired in the stock room as a male voice shouts "You bastards aren't taking my family, not again"

So, right now, we are waiting on what's going on in the Matrix between the Sprite, lieutenant, and Angel once we get that, we will move onto the third pass.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 30 2013, 04:36 PM) *
init 19 I assume the Sprite is trying to attack the hacker again, give me the attack roll if that is the case.

Yeah, he cannot possibly let him get away with that, right?

So... once more with feeling (and one less die)! biggrin.gif

Electron Storm

Cybercombat:6 + Resonance:6 - Wounds:1 [Attack:9] -> 4 hits vs. Intuition + Firewall

If successful: DV 6(+net hits?) Matrix Damage, resisted as normal, and 2 Noise.

BTW, do sprites also get +2 dice for being in VR (only to Matrix Actions, though, so it does not count here, anyways)?

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 30 2013, 01:01 PM) *
Yeah, he cannot possibly let him get away with that, right?

So... once more with feeling (and one less die)! biggrin.gif

Electron Storm

Cybercombat:6 + Resonance:6 - Wounds:1 [Attack:9] -> 4 hits vs. Intuition + Firewall

If successful: DV 6(+net hits?) Matrix Damage, resisted as normal, and 2 Noise.


Unlike other forms of damage, Matrix Damage does not give a -1 penalty for every 3points of damage. (of note is that technomancers do not take matrix damage, they take actual stun damage when hit with a matrix attack and thus do suffer penalties). So your Sprite is not actually rolling 1 less die.

And no, Sprites do not gain any benefit from VR.

Let's see.....well damn. InvisibleCastle, likes this dude. He got 5 hits on defense. So your Sprite takes another point of Matrix damage from it's own Electron Storm (unless you can get 1 more hit on that die you had substracted but didn't need to).

The Lieutenant is smart enough to realize that it's only a matter of time before he's overwhelmed by the Sprite and Angel. So he spends 1 Simple Action to shift to AR, and his second Simple Action to Jack Out which reboots his device and erases any marks that he had on the StufferShack Host.

Angel now finds herself complete alone within the Host, except for her angelic Sprite.
I assume that brings us to Takako. If so, he will follow what he perceives as the sniper at the rear who just snuck off and try not to get himself mistaken for being one of them by the father defending his family.
Yep, it's a hit. So no additional damage for the sprite.

Well... now I have to figure out, what to do there... guess I will first try to find out what has been done there (i.e. what the guy who just left was up to).

QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 31 2013, 02:24 AM) *
It's a good thing we don't substract the 10 for each pass until everybody has gone. smile.gif

I'm not sure exactly what's going on with that smile.gif

So Swims acted on 15, then Mako charged him on the full defense was able to happen because Swims still had above 10 on his init, because not everybody had gone? Then at the end of the round everybody loses 10 init, so Swims with his (5-10) has no more actions left?
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 30 2013, 08:35 PM) *
I'm not sure exactly what's going on with that smile.gif

So Swims acted on 15, then Mako charged him on the full defense was able to happen because Swims still had above 10 on his init, because not everybody had gone? Then at the end of the round everybody loses 10 init, so Swims with his (5-10) has no more actions left?

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 30 2013, 04:34 PM) *
Yep, it's a hit. So no additional damage for the sprite.

Well... now I have to figure out, what to do there... guess I will first try to find out what has been done there (i.e. what the guy who just left was up to).


I suppose you could look for an activity log to see what he had been up to. I'll let you find the file for free, but it is a protected file. So you will need to crack the file with a Complex Action before you can read it.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 30 2013, 03:01 PM) *
I assume that brings us to Takako. If so, he will follow what he perceives as the sniper at the rear who just snuck off and try not to get himself mistaken for being one of them by the father defending his family.

The person you spotted a silhouette of is heading down the same alley you are in. Heading towards you. Your best guess is that the person is 12m in front of you.
So on init 13, Angel is cracking the logo file and that catches everybody up on pass 2.

Pass 3 consists of the Sprite going at 9, Takako going at 8, and Angel going at 3.
Cracking the file.

Logic:6 + Hacking:6 + VR:2 -> 2 hits (not too good.)

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 30 2013, 11:44 PM) *
Cracking the file.

Logic:6 + Hacking:6 + VR:2 -> 2 hits (not too good.)


You just aren't having much luck in the Matrix are you? The file protection is only rating 3, but it managed to get 4 hits on its 6 dice. So, you just took 2 stun damage.
You can go ahead and try again if you like for pass 3.
While Angel rolls again to try cracking the activity log file on the host. Everybody needs to roll me a new initiative score.
Let's see, if I can manage to roll somewhat decent for once... biggrin.gif

Cracking the file... again.

Logic:6 + Hacking:6 + VR:2 - Wounds:1 -> 1 hit (Nope! But I did manage to roll even worse. biggrin.gif)

Okay, enough of this... EDGE!

My Edge, however, is working mighty well... -> 8 additional hits


Angel 28
Sprite 18

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 1 2013, 07:02 AM) *
My Edge, however, is working mighty well... -> cool.gif additional hits

Fixed it for you biggrin.gif

Swims-With-Sharks: 7+3d6-1(wound) = 15
Going off the grid for 7 days. Check in, if I can.

If you need to post for Takako to keep the game going, he is sweeping the outside to give the team an escape vector. His current target is the guy who appeared to fire towards the back of the Stuffer Shack... and of course not get mistaken for a bad guy by those inside the stuffer shack.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 1 2013, 08:14 AM) *
Going off the grid for 7 days. Check in, if I can.

If you need to post for Takako to keep the game going, he is sweeping the outside to give the team an escape vector. His current target is the guy who appeared to fire towards the back of the Stuffer Shack... and of course not get mistaken for a bad guy by those inside the stuffer shack.

Currently Takako has an unidentified person coming towards him through the dark alley. The figure is 12m in front of you as you are both currently moving towards each other. You can try to shoot the figure right now before we start the new combat turn if you want to.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 1 2013, 09:36 AM) *
Currently Takako has an unidentified person coming towards him through the dark alley. The figure is 12m in front of you as you are both currently moving towards each other. You can try to shoot the figure right now before we start the new combat turn if you want to.
coming at me? smile.gif Assuming he does not appear to have taken note of me yet, I'm thinking collision in in order.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 1 2013, 09:08 AM) *
coming at me? smile.gif Assuming he does not appear to have taken note of me yet, I'm thinking collision in in order.

Yes, the figure is coming towards you though they appear to not be seeing in the dark any better than you are. So they have not seen you at all. You could totally have the drop of them if you were to shoot now. You won't be in melee range until pass 2 of the combat turn we are about to start.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Aug 30 2013, 11:50 AM) *
init 5 I'm assuming Sledge is continuing to inch forward while he is completely unable to hear or see anything?

Yes sir. APV in right hand, left hand using the wall for guidance and balance.

Next Initiative roll: 14 (including -2 for Flash Bang if still in effect)
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 1 2013, 03:47 PM) *
Yes, the figure is coming towards you though they appear to not be seeing in the dark any better than you are. So they have not seen you at all. You could totally have the drop of them if you were to shoot now. You won't be in melee range until pass 2 of the combat turn we are about to start.
Hmm.. Agility(7) + Defaulting(-1) + Wounds(-2) + Running(-2) + Range(0) + Visibility(0) = dp2; Ok, since he is unaware (surprised) and glitches are now more than half rather than half, I'll let him soak some damage before we clash... [2,5] = 1 hit.
Whew. That was really a gamble.

Edit: I expect it may be Saturday before I have Internet again. Assuming the combat will progress this week, here will be my attack roll:
Unarmed(6) + Specialization:Martial Arts(2) + Agility(7) + Wounds(-2) + Charging(2) [4,2,3,1,6,4,5,4,3,4,2,3,6,4,1] = 3 hits.
OMG! Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh! All those dice and 3 hits. frown.gif
3 hits ... and he is complaining already! biggrin.gif

QUOTE (Thanee @ Aug 31 2013, 07:44 AM) *
Logic:6 + Hacking:6 + VR:2 -> 2 hits

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 1 2013, 01:02 AM) *
Logic:6 + Hacking:6 + VR:2 - Wounds:1 -> 1 hit

I needed 2 rolls to get those 3 hits!

Oh you think THAT'S bad? How about 10 dice, 1 hit?

QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Aug 17 2013, 02:47 AM) *
This shouldn't be too hard, 10 dice to get 2 hits...
10d6.hits(5) → [2,4,4,4,1,1,6,4,2,4] = (1) hit

Let's see... 10 dice - 1 hit ... 13 dice - 1 hit ... Yes, I think that's bad! smile.gif

true, seems I was averaging your hits above smile.gif 27 dice / 3 hits > 10 dice / 1 hit

I was reminded of this
Heh. smile.gif

QUOTE (Redjack @ Sep 2 2013, 05:08 AM) *
Hmm.. Agility(7) + Defaulting(-1) + Wounds(-2) + Running(-2) + Range(0) + Visibility(0) = dp2; Ok, since he is unaware (surprised) and glitches are now more than half rather than half, I'll let him soak some damage before we clash... [2,5] = 1 hit.
Whew. That was really a gamble.

Edit: I expect it may be Saturday before I have Internet again. Assuming the combat will progress this week, here will be my attack roll:
Unarmed(6) + Specialization:Martial Arts(2) + Agility(7) + Wounds(-2) + Charging(2) [4,2,3,1,6,4,5,4,3,4,2,3,6,4,1] = 3 hits.
OMG! Arrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh! All those dice and 3 hits. frown.gif

Since the target couldn't defend against you being unaware, 1 hit was all you needed. She managed to get a whole 2 hits on damage resistance. So she takes 6 boxes of physical damage and is knocked to the ground from the wounds with a thoroughly pained cry.

We'll see if the second shot is needed.
Ok, I went ahead and rolled Init for Takako and Flowers.

So the new init order is:

Init 28: Angel
26: Mako
23: Takako
18: Angel's Sprite
15: Swims-with-Sharks and Lieutenant (now offline) act simultaneously
14: Sledge and Flowers simultaneously
13: Agent 2
[i/]11 - 6:[/i] Remaining NPCs.

For Angel I suppose I should say what she found in that log file. From the activity it looks like the hacker you chased away connected to the Stuffer Shack host shortly before the vagrant/soon-to-be-troll walked into the building. He took control of the video cameras first, turning off the backup recordings while keeping them live so that he could watch what was going on in the store. At some point (a memory test would suggest to you that it was when the vagrant began to transform) the hacker disabled the panic button located at the cashier's desk, then the one in the manager's office, then the alarm on the emergency exit. Then he decided it was time to clear out. He shut off the cameras completely, followed by turning off the lights. Then the log shows Angel entering the host. I believe you know what happened from there.

init 28: Angel can post actions for pass 1 in the new Combat Turn now.

init 26: For his part, Mako will be making another attack on Swims-with-Sharks getting 4 hits. Same 13P + net hits damage if you don't successfully defend.

init 23: For Takako's turn I'm giving him a roll to see if he realizes that he actually just shot a non-combatant that was trying to run away from the fight...and he got 2 hits on it. So, yes, from the sound of the bullets hitting unarmored flesh and the very unprofessional wail of pain, he figures out that he just shot an innocent woman (NPC-Amy). With great remorse he rushes forward to give her aid while keeping an eye out for whoever she was running from.

init 18: Angel's Sprite can do whatever online.

init 15: If Swims-with-Sharks is still around after the troll's most recent attack, he can post actions.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 3 2013, 10:05 PM) *
init 26: For his part, Mako will be making another attack on Swims-with-Sharks getting 4 hits. Same 13P + net hits damage if you don't successfully defend.

Full defense again: 1 hit frown.gif
C'mon edge re-roll: 0 hits! ouch!

Resisting 16P: 1 hit
Welp, I think Swims has one edge left...time to roll the dice...
Resisting 15P: 4 hits
Total damage: 11P

Swims is now at 13P physical, I think that means he dead. 9P condition monitor, 2 overflow...
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 3 2013, 09:05 AM) *
Ok, I went ahead and rolled Init for Takako and Flowers.

QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Sep 3 2013, 08:49 AM) *
Full defense again: 1 hit frown.gif
C'mon edge re-roll: 0 hits! ouch!

Resisting 16P: 1 hit
Welp, I think Swims has one edge left...time to roll the dice...
Resisting 15P: 4 hits
Total damage: 11P

Swims is now at 13P physical, I think that means he dead. 9P condition monitor, 2 overflow...

Your Body attribute is 2, right? That means you are right on the verge of true death. True death only occurs if you more overflow damage than your body rating. So, right now, you need to get medical attention within the next 2 minutes or you will take another box of damage from blood loss.

If you wanted to, you could have permanently burned an Edge for Smackdown on your defense. This use of Edge gives you an automatic 4 hits which would have been enough to completely block the attack.
QUOTE (Slacker @ Sep 3 2013, 04:05 PM) *
init 28: Angel can post actions for pass 1 in the new Combat Turn now.

If only I had a clue what to do ...

Turning the lights back on might make sense... so Angel will do that.

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2013, 10:03 AM) *
If only I had a clue what to do ...

Turning the lights back on might make sense... so Angel will do that.


Ok, the lights are back on. I will mention that when the Lieutenant's deck rebooted it didn't automatically go into run silent. So if you were to leave the host you could see it.
Yeah, heading out is next... depending on how much effort it takes to turn the lights back on, Angel will then (or next action) leave the host and head outside (to look for the jammer mostly).

I guess it's time for the Lieutenant to take his turn since Swims is down.

Out in front of the Stuffer Shack, a van door slides open. A moment later there is a loud curse and some quick words exchanged over commlinks "SAM! Billy's down. Get your ass back here. We need to clear out now!"

Takako can hear and answer curse from around the corner at the back of the Stuffer Shack. He can just make out the harsh response, "Boss, I got a damn keeb coming up the alley at me. The dumb slot just gunned down one of the witnesses, but he's sure to come after me next."
QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2013, 10:23 AM) *
Yeah, heading out is next... depending on how much effort it takes to turn the lights back on, Angel will then (or next action) leave the host and head outside (to look for the jammer mostly).


It would be a control device action, that takes a Simple Action.
Well, since Leave Host is Complex, it will take place next turn, anyways. So nothing else.

Do I need to roll for the Control Device action?

QUOTE (Thanee @ Sep 3 2013, 11:40 AM) *
Well, since Leave Host is Complex, it will take place next turn, anyways. So nothing else.

Do I need to roll for the Control Device action?


No. I'm just letting you do it, because you've already been punished enough with the bad rolls for cracking the log file's protection. Do be aware that the host did roll it's defense though for the purposes of your overwatch score (i doubt it will come up before the end of this scene, but just wanted you to be aware that i have been recording your overwatch score).
Ah, I think I could check on that (Overwatch Score) with a Simple Action, right? Then I could use that one instead of just doing nothing. smile.gif

Though, that is a pretty pointless action, since it also adds to it, so I will just leave it at doing nothing. wink.gif

Q: Do the actions of my sprite add to my Overwatch Score or does it have its own?

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