Jan 22 2017, 10:31 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1057 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Mike nods. "Met Sam already, have you? Nah, she lives in a room at the rear of the doc's place. There are some that would grin and say that she actually sleeps in his bed, but don't believe it. Or, at least, don't repeat it. She apparently knows how to use that hand canon of hers quite well, and is a bit touchy on that point. You can meet her yourself in about thirty, if she is on schedule. And she usually is."
Jan 22 2017, 03:41 PM
Interesting. Annex's eyes narrowed subtly when Mike revealed the identity of the woman he described. It was a thoughtful expression. Now he wondered if part of Willow's insistence that Sam take a look at him had to do with the providing an introduction to the woman because of his proposal last night about needing both martial and civil means of securing the stability of the neighborhood. After thinking about it, he decided to pay attention to how Willow handled the situation. He had be quiet for a while. Just thinking about the things Mike had said to him. Finally he nodded. That was about the only further response he gave the topic for the time being.
Half an hour until the check up. Annex took note of the time in his AR display. They'd leave another half hour until opening. In the meantime, he had time on his hands. Willow was busy and if she wasn't, he was not prepared to speak with her further on any meaningful topic. Grok was occupied. Their talk about security measures did not need to be rushed. But the sooner that was handle the better he'd feel about speaking with Willow on the topic. With free unused time, Annex fell into brooding until Sevras finished helping stock the shelves with liquor and came over to sit with him at the booth he had claimed after talking with Mike. They talked a little. Not much. Annex tended to use words with a purpose most of the time, not casually.
At some point they pulled out their comlinks and began playing a game together. Whatever it was, it appear to be a cooperative endeavor, rather that one with adversarial or competitive roles. He observed what was going on on stage as well. Given that most of his attention had been on the crowd last night, as he was no the job rather then enjoying down time, he allowed himself to watch now. It was the same way someone watched gymnastics or ballet. Not the lewd gawking one might expect from someone looking for entertainment in a brothel.
Jan 22 2017, 05:51 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
The girls on the stage continue their rehearsals and it is very much like watching gymnasts or acrobats as the routines use elements of both. The girls are covered up, but just enough to be decent and certainly your eyes get a good idea of what they would look like with their clothes off.
In the midst of playing your game,Sevras looks at you. "Do you not find the females here to be attractive? I really know nothing of human emotions but available data suggests that some sexual mingling is necessary. Yet you do not seem to seek it out. Why is that?"
Jan 23 2017, 02:01 AM
Annex did not respond to Sevras right away. He finished laying out his turn before moving his eyes from the AR display hovering over his comlink to the his drone partner. If anyone else present had made the same inquiry he likely would have given a brisk response that revealed little. But for the drone he offered some explanation, and perhaps a little insight into the man himself.
"There is a list of reasons. I am here to work; self-indulgence is both a distraction and disrespectful to the employer. Sex risks developing more of an emotional attachment than I want to form with anyone here, and I know that I am prone to being possessive and jealous. The women we had breakfast with were also quite open when it came to talking about their clients."
A moment later Annex's assessment of the poor climate for sex and sexual relationships in the brothel, at least when concerning himself, was broken as he looked back to the comic book style images of cards in front of him in AR.
"Baron Blade's lunar implosion beam is going to pull the moon into the earth if we do not do something about his discard pile or get him to flip to his 'Vengeful Mad Scientist' side soon."
Jan 23 2017, 01:39 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1128 Willow Tree Seattle
The baron is put in his place just as the bell at the front rings. Grok escorts in the young woman you had seen on the street earlier. Several of the girls wave to her and Willow goes up to her. The young woman nods to you as she is led to one of the pleasure rooms, which she will supposedly use for her exams.
Sevras nods at you. "Your answer is technically satisfactory. I would recommend caution with that one, though. She seems very much like you, and we both know that can lead to problems."
Jan 24 2017, 06:04 AM
With the Baron thwarted Annex closed the game application and tucked his comlink away in time to see Grok escorting in the familiar face. In response to the woman's wordless greeting he gave a sort of reverse nod, or up-chin, movement. He waited until Willow had walked the woman into the curtained off area with the sex rooms before looking over to Sevras and commenting on her observations.
"Perhaps. I do not have enough information to form an opinion on her yet. However, given her relationship to the doctor she can help or hinder starting up the community action group."
Jan 24 2017, 02:30 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1129 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
The girls begin lining up as soon as Willow and Sam disappear behind the curtain. Each exam takes about five minutes, which means some of the girls are still in line when Grok lets the first customers in. The girls who are available are more than sufficient for the couple of men who are here early. Mike asks Talia to cover the bar for the few minutes he is gone.
After Mike returns to the bar, Willow motions that it is your turn.
Jan 24 2017, 03:26 PM
When he caught sight of Willow signaling him Annex picked up his glass of juice and brought it to him mouth. Tipping it back he drained the last of it's contents then lowered the container. He pushed his chair back and rose to his feet, taking the glass with him. Briefly he paused at the bar, setting the glass down, then proceeded past the curtains for the fist time. Annex waited long enough to receive an indication as to where Sam was setup, then proceeded to enter that room.
Jan 24 2017, 11:14 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1230 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow shows you to a small room that smells as if it has been recently cleaned then walks away, leaving you with Sam. The woman is sitting on a chair and motions for you to take the other one, which is the only other furniture in the room except for a narrow bed. Up close, she is a bit plain, but not completely unattractive. Her short-cropped hair is a nice dark brown and compliments her hazel eyes. She has removed her jacket, revealing the holster for the large handgun under one arm and several spare clips on the other side.
Her smile shows that she still has all of her teeth. "Please remove your jacket so that I can hook some leads to your arm and chest. By the look of you, you are probably familiar with what I am doing, but feel free to ask any questions you have."
Jan 25 2017, 12:59 AM
When he initially saw Sam up close he gave her a quick visual inspection that was more tactical and less sexual. He noted her lack of armor but the presence of her gun on a shoulder strapped holster, for example, but not her bust size. Annex's training told him to never disarm and not to remove his protection in the presence of someone with a weapon. He complied though. Removing first his jacket, which he laid out over the back of the chair meant for him. In it's absence the Ares Predator holstered under his left arm was revealed. Unstrapping the holster rigging he removed it with a roll of his shoulders and laid it over one of the chair's armrests, with the holster resting in the seat. Now that the black t-shirt he wore was unobstructed he slid it off over his head and set it atop his jacket. That left his arms and chest exposed to the air. His muscles were toned to an athletic degree, not bulky, allowing for both mobility and power. There were no tattoos, but if one looked closely enough they might find signs of fading scars. Long healed or well treated injuries.
"I saw you handle those four boys on the street earlier. Does that happen often around here?"
Jan 25 2017, 02:14 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1232 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Sam pays close attention to you as you strip your shirt off. When you sit down, she begins attaching the leads from a fairly sophisticated medkit. "Seems like you've seen some action in the past. Anything you want to talk about? And those guys? Just some punks that think a person with tits wants the sort of attention that you witnessed. I can pretty much take care of myself, but there are plenty around here that can't. It was better when the last gang was lording it over everyone here, but only barely."
"Hmmm. Pretty solid health, Oliver, got any questions while I disconnect these leads?"
Jan 25 2017, 03:26 AM
"No medical questions."
Annex had responded mildly. Since Sevras gave him regular check ups, those were all taken care of. He quietly observed Sam, allowing to do her work without giving the impression that it was all redundant. As she answered his question he paid attention to her facial expression, tone of voice, and choice of words. Nothing was said in response until she had finished.
"The situation here can get worse. Willow and I plan to talk to doctor Hayes to see if he is interested in helping start a community action group. The neighborhood is going to need some security as well. If you encounter a situation that you cannot handle by yourself, consider calling on me."
He waited for the doctor's assistant to disconnect him from her medical machinery before taking up his shirt. Rather than slid it over his head he slid his arms inside first, in front of him. The shirt was bunched up by the time he finished, leaving the amount of material that would have to go over his face minimized when he did pull it on over his head. The holster and shoulder rig went back on as well. But he held off on pulling his armored jacket on in case access to his arms were needed for any final steps of the check up.
Jan 25 2017, 02:19 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1236 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Sam puts everything away and motions that you can put your jacket on. "I think Doc would get behind that sort of thing. How do you propose to keep the gangers out of the neighborhood?"
Jan 25 2017, 04:29 PM
Turning at the hip he reached an arm back and hooked his fingers into the back collar of his jacket. Drawing it to him he slid one arm in after the other. Once the piece of gear was settled over his frame, and he could give Sam his full attention, he outlined the basics of what he had in mind.
"Begin with prevention. The community action group will help. There need to be good alternatives for people other than being in a gang and they need to be made aware of those options. People also need to get shaken out of their desensitized acceptance of gangs. Encourage them to communicate troubles in the community, not ignore them. They need to be made to feel it is ok to do that, and that something positive will come of it. You need some people willing to act as security as well."
"Whenever a gang is dealt with, even if lethal force is not needed, root out their hideout and take everything from them. Then invest it into the community. The neighborhood needs to become an inhospitable environment to gangs. Do not allow them ways to gain manpower, money, or equipment. That will be a start. External threats have additional obstacles to overcome, but a foundation is needed first."
Jan 25 2017, 05:23 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1237 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Sam watches you carefully as you slip your jacket on. "So are you talking of some sort of utopia here, Oliver? A place where untrained and poorly equipped shop owners and residents are able to keep violent gangs at bay? Your idea has great merit, but who is going to see to its execution? Are you planning on staying here to oversee the training of the people? If so, you might find some support for this, but if you are looking to move on soon, you are going to have a hard sell for your idea. I would help, but I am not going it alone."
Jan 26 2017, 06:12 AM
Annex regarded the woman critically. He did not seem to like the suggestion that me would propose martial action without taking part in it himself. Outlining a plan, without personal investment or taking part in it. At the same time, he could not fully commit himself to the neighborhood and it's residents. When he responded there was no effort made to obfuscate that he would eventually have to move on. But the truth was, there was no certainty how long he would be living here.
"I will be here long enough to help lay ground work and train the first round of volunteers. That is at least twelve weeks. I will protect and fight for the community, if the people who live here can show me that they want what I have proposed and they are willing to contribute in some way."
At that point Annex rose from his seated position. The checkup was over. They had each said their peace. He did not seem inclined to drag out the engagement or brow beat someone with his words until they saw things his way.
"If you are interested in taking part in this, take some time to think about what I have said and consider how it would be best implemented. You know the area and people here better than I do."
Jan 27 2017, 02:09 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1240 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Sam closes up the medkit and stands with you. "I can support you on this if you can get others to back you. I will even throw some weight into trying to convince others that this is a good idea. Just remember that I have only been here three years and am still an outsider of sorts. It might be a very hard sell indeed if you cannot commit to these people for longer than twelve weeks. I do have a question that you have not brought up yet. What do you intend to do with the people here that are addicted to drugs or BTLs or anything else? There are some who would die if you cut off the flow of their supplies and others that could survive a detox of some sort but likely not thank you for it. Please consider the plight of these people in your plan. You have my code; call me if you want to talk. I usually do rounds on Tuesdays and Fridays from 0600 to about 1700, but am usually free after that. The other days I help Doc out at the clinic but, again, am usually off by around 1700. I mention the "about", because there are things that pop up that require my attention that take me past my normal duty time."
She walks out of the room with you and heads for the door to the brothel, waving at the girls that are walking among the four customers already inside. Willow catches your eye and motions for you.
Jan 27 2017, 08:00 AM
Annex did not seem detoured by Sam's repeated warning that it would be difficult to get people on board if he was not going to be around in the long term. He did not loose anything by making the effort. The comments about drugs were considered. He had, in fact, thought about that. But set them aside as a non-issue, thinking addictives were not monopolized by gangs, or at the very least people could leave the neighborhood to collect what they needed. But since it was brought up, he decided to review the subject again and look for options within the community incase that became a requirement. Annex did not respond though. Not verbally. Appearing to have finished saying all that he wanted to right now. He escorted Sam out though, parting ways with her once she reached the door.
On catching sight of Willow's beckoning gesture he paused to look over the main room, to assure himself nothing untoward had happened in his absence. Then he approached the brothel owner and gave her a questioning look. Wordlessly inviting her to speak.
Jan 28 2017, 02:56 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1240 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles as you approach. "I hope that was not too difficult? Thank you for doing it. I have had a couple of the girls talk to me about this plan of yours to wean the neighborhood of gang controls. I might have blown you off before but it seems that you are really interested. We will not be busy here until 1600, so do you think we can sit somewhere and discuss what it is you are trying to do? I promise to pay better attention."
Jan 28 2017, 05:15 AM
Annex's eyes narrowed by a degree when Willow admitted to blowing him off. The expression confirmed that it was true and had not gone unnoticed. He did not interject though, and allowed Willow to finish what she wanted to say before turning at the hip and using his left hand to motion to the boot housing the Willow Tree's security suite he used the previous night.
"I could use input from someone who has lived here and knows the people and area."
Nothing was said on his part as they walked tot he booth. Not until they had both settled into their seats.
"Is there anything specific that you wanted to touch on?"
Jan 28 2017, 07:10 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1241 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow walks with you to the private security booth and takes a seat. When you have joined her, she says, "Again, I am sorry for not giving your idea the the value I should have. Lots of people blow through this neighborhood with ideas on how to make it a better place to live. So far, they have either been gangers looking to control us or have been killed by said gangers. This is not a very civilized place and much of the law about here is based on who has the most guns and is willing to enforce their policies. Most of the people living in the area have been here for generations and the pressure is killing them off about as fast as new children are born. Drugs, chips, and poverty are the main forces any leader has to contend with and it is sometimes easier for the people to get used to the status quo and resist any change that might upset the way things are done."
She pauses and looks closely at you. "When I first saw you, you appeared as mana from heaven. I needed..........still need........someone like you here. However, I can see in you a man that has no real commitment to a PLACE. You have ideals, but you look to me to be a wanderer, a man with no roots; no stake in the ground. What good would it do to talk of these things and get something started and then leave them when it is time for you to move on? Could you agree to remain long enough to see this through or give up when it gets tough and you meet resistance? There are people here that would jump at the chance to be rid of the gangs, but most of them are shop keepers and wage slaves. There are a few ex-military types about, but most of them have taken to drugs or chips to forget what they have seen, so can you train others to fight the gangs that will try to move in here, or can you bring in honest help that is able to do that for us? If you cannot say yes to all of these things, then your ideal will die as soon as you leave here and we will be worse off than we are now."
Jan 29 2017, 05:39 AM
Hearing Willow talk, he suddenly felt like he was in a Western film. Right down to the gunslinger wondering into town and the pretty prostitute acting as a love interest. They were even talking in a saloon while outlaws threatened the township. Some things were timeless. Between what Sam and Willow had said he also felt a sense of abandonment coming through. When Willow had finished saying what she needed to Annex's response was direct. No wasted words. No details about himself.
"There will come a time when I am not needed here. Until then I will see this thing establish itself. That includes training volunteers to defend it."
When he talked about the inevitability of not being needed, it was as though it was the worst thing a person could possibly be. A sad, undeniable truth of the universe. But it was only a part of what Annex said. There was a confidence that what he had only just begun would become something beneficial to the neighborhood, and that it would get built up. Because he was part of it. The way he spoke, even if the words were few, just had that weight.
"Now, are you ready to start helping?"
There was a brief pause given, long enough for Willow to answer. If it was the affirmative, Annex went on.
"Sam also mentioned that addictive agents were a prominent issue in the neighborhood. My inclination is not to wage war on drugs or chips but to heavily tax their dealers, and invest the money into the community. However this becomes an issue if the sole suppliers are gangs. Do you know if that is the case here?"
Jan 29 2017, 09:46 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1243 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow reaches over and places a hand on yours for a moment before withdrawing it back to her side of the table. She has an earnest look to her as she says, "I would not be too sure about not being needed, Oliver, but it is reassuring to hear that you can commit to staying a while. Who knows, the place might grow on you, or one of the girls could catch your eye and your heart" She laughs and her smile is genuine. "Don't look at me like that. Love happens, even in the squalor of this sort of neighborhood. And, yes, I am willing to help but I will need to know what you think I can do. I know the people here, but almost no one outside the neighborhood." She gives you a pained look. "I do know someone of influence outside this area, but I do not want to presume on that knowledge unless there is no other option. Too many strings attached to it, if you know what I mean."
When you talk of the drugs and chips, she nods. "Unfortunately, all the drugs and chips are controlled by gangs."
Jan 30 2017, 12:48 AM
The muscles in Anne's cheeks tightened into a flex and his hand formed into a first when Willow reached for it. His body language and expression saying that the physical contact was not being invited, nor was it welcome. When she withdrew her hand his posture relaxed to a more neutral stance again. While he did not ignore her when Willow talked more romantically of his possibly finding a girl, Annex did not display any sign of interest in the subject. It was the sort of way someone listened, to be polite, rather than investing themselves. But when she came back on topic and responded to his inquiries that changed. Casual banter was not something he wanted. Productive discussion was.
"Do the gangs make these things themselves, or do they have outside suppliers? If they are made here, in the neighborhood, we could take control of their laboratories while ejecting them, and man the facilities with people unaligned to a gang."
Jan 30 2017, 01:04 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1244 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
"No, Oliver. None of that stuff is made here and I am not sure I would trust it if it was. It comes in from outside the neighborhood through some sort of ganger pipeline. Three guys come into the area every Monday to sell. They were here on Tuesday this week because of the fighting on Monday morning. Same three guys, for the past several months but it was a different three before that, so the gang controlling this portion of the route must have changed about, oh, three months ago." She shakes her head. "Besides, don't you need to have people who know what they are doing to make drugs and chips? I don't know of anyone with those skills here in this area."
Jan 30 2017, 02:23 AM
Annex's head rocked downward and back up in a single nod, acknowledging Willow's remark about needing people with the proper skills to make the illicit goods they were talking about. He did not seem disappointed or thwarted. Just thoughtful, as he considered options that were present.
"What do you know about these dealers? Does their only interest here appear to be selling their product? It would make sense that they likely had an arrangement with the gang that previously controlled this neighborhood. In which case, they could expect to be taxed again when someone gains authority here."
As he thought about the void left by the desolation of the neighborhood's previous dominators he considered how difficult it was to wipe out an organization entirely. An aggressor would normally have to actively and persistently target them in order to complete the task. So there was a possibility of a remnant. If that was the case, two things were evident. The first being the potential of a revival and the second being a source of information. Former Annex wanted to prevent while the latter was something to exploit. Annex soberly considered the matter even as he listened for any response Willow gave during his pause.
"To your knowledge did any of local gang members survive Monday's events? The one that came before the two upstarts the neighborhood is now dealing with."
Jan 30 2017, 04:28 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1245 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow shrugs. "I know almost nothing about the dealers. The three guys would just show up and sell what they had to the gangers here and move on. Tuesday was different and the prices were a bit lower; I guess that they lowered them a bit because there was no one left to tax them. I would think that they are realistic enough to know that situation will not last long and that another gang will soon claim this area"
She nods her head. "Absolutely. To my knowledge, four of the old gang survived, perhaps a couple more. At least one just packed up and left, along with anyone I do not know about. Of the other three, they could not agree on who was going to be in charge so they split up. Two of them started up the Smoking Guns and the other is the boss of the Lightning Strikes."
Jan 30 2017, 08:20 AM
"That make sense."
Annex said when it was revealed that the founders of the two new smaller gangs were members of the disbanded older gang. He shifted gears then, his tone becoming more dynamic.
"These three men have prior experience working within a criminal organization. That means we cannot wait for the training of volunteer fighters. Training and recruiting is something they already have a lead on. Which means I need to take action soon. Because as long as they are bleeding this neighborhood the people here will not be able to invest in any community action group, or other programs. The longer they do so the stronger the gangs will get. I have also been told the Smoking Guns have already begun to hire outside help."
"What I need from you right now is to push the idea of ridding the neighborhood of gang controls and look for volunteers; both for martial and civil endeavors. Quietly if you can, but no dragging heels this time. I will not act until I know people here want what I am offering and will support it. In the meantime it would be good to have eyes on the three men you mentioned. It would be advantageous to know where they go and when they are most vulnerable. Do you know people who could handle that?"
Jan 31 2017, 02:38 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1247 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow waves her hand at the main floor. "All sorts of information flows into here, both on the main floor and in the pleasure rooms. Other than that, the biggest source is likely to be the 'Shack down the street or kids out doing their things. I can ask about, but that could raise the danger level for the girls or the customers here. I know where the gangs each call their headquarters, if that helps."
Jan 31 2017, 04:58 PM
When Willow mentioned her or the girls actively looking for information inside the Willow Tree, Annex's response was a shake of the head. If he were inclined to exploit assets at the Tree he could drug drinks or setup ambushes in the backrooms. That would damage Willow in the long term though, and she had to remain his priority over the community she lived in.
"You and the girls should not be directly involved. It is best that you maintain an appearance of neutrality. A person does not go around asking when someone is alone and away from their armed companions anyway. Not without drawing suspicion. You set spies on them. Have them actively monitored. Are there any eyes that could be trusted with that sort of task?"
Willow said that she knew where the two gangs operated out of. It was not bad information to know, but Annex's expression said that she may have misunderstood his intent. He did not want to lay siege where the enemy was secure. He wanted his target exposed. There was a moment of reluctance before he explained. But it was easy to see he wanted to minimize how much he brought Willow into the martial side of things. Even the planning.
"Without the veteran gangers, the others should not be an issue. I would like to minimize the potential lose of life, so isolating these three men and targeting them specifically when they are alone is ideal. That can be accomplished reactionary: monitoring them and waiting for opportunities to arise; or proactively: engineering a situation and luring or forcing them out on their own. While the latter is my preference, it is good to have the former as a backup."
Feb 1 2017, 05:23 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1249 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow gets a look in her eyes like she is thinking of something. "There is a kid over in the next street that tinkers with stuff. I think he is a genius, but his mother thinks he is just wasting his time. He works sweeping up over at the "Shack in the evenings. I have heard that he has scratch built some kind of drone. Maybe he has and maybe he hasn't, but do you want to talk to him? He might have something or can build it for you. Name is Jimmy."
"Perhaps you could wait to see what happens on Monday when the drug courier gets here. He usually comes into the area at about 1300. Maybe the gangers will off themselves trying to compete for the drugs and chips and save you a lot of trouble."
Feb 1 2017, 01:39 PM
"I will speak with him."
Annex at the information about a potential rigger in the making, then went quiet as Willow made her suggestion. He thought about it for a while before responding to her.
"I do not mind waiting and your proposal is worth the allowance of time. However, if you want something to happen, you do not leave it to chance. Do you think there is a way that the two gangs can be set on edge, or made more hostile towards one another than normal by the time the dealer is due, so that they are more inclined to fight with each other? Maybe a rumor or some happenstance."
Feb 2 2017, 02:33 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1251 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Money. Money and authority. Make one think that the other is going to get what they want. So far, I have remained fairly neutral in this new gang stuff, preferring to remain neutral until I see which gang is going to come out on top. If I made a decision to go one gang or the other now, that might make the other one threatened enough to try to wipe out the one I was favoring. What do you think?"
Feb 2 2017, 08:49 PM
Annex though the idea of Willow using herself and her business to in effect chum the waters was reckless. But it was also brave and selfless. Two qualities that he quite liked. The corners of his lips curved upwards every so slightly. It was the closest he had come to a smile since arriving at the brothel. Before he spoke it had faded.
"If things do not go the way we want, that could leave you in a bad position. I suspect even the perception of your siding with one of the gangs may also hinder the effort to strengthen the neighborhood."
His eyes narrowed in a thoughtful fashion as he reflected on the other things she had said might stir them to rash action.
"Money though ... Lets say the Smoking Guns were made to believe that the Lightning Strikes had received a windfall of money somehow and planned to use it to corner the drug market. Do you think this would provide enough fuel to start a fire?"
Feb 3 2017, 06:06 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1251 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow gives you a thoughtful look. "That might work, yes. And then what? You move in and finish off the gangers that survive? And where do they get this windfall?"
Feb 3 2017, 06:48 AM
The man's head rocked down and then back up in a slow, singular nod when Willow asked if he intended to finish off the gangers that survived this theoretical conflict they wanted to create on Monday. Annex already had an potential explanation for the extra money in mind, and was ready for the next question.
"They stole something of value, and sold it for a sizable sum."
He watched Willow's reaction to that. He did not know for a fact that the gangs were thieves on top of everything else, so he waited for confirmation that it seemed reasonable to the brothel owner before he addressed another concern.
"In addition to needing to sound plausible, in order to avoid potential backlash if things do not go as planned, it would be helpful if this rumor were not traced back to you or your people as the originators."
Feb 4 2017, 06:12 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1252 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Makes sense and I can certainly see where that could be a good way to set them off."
At your concern, she smiles and says, "Thank you, Oliver, for thinking about us, but if we are going to do this, we cannot shirk. I would agree that it would be nice to have the rumor attributed to someone else, but how do you propose to do that?"
Feb 5 2017, 09:32 AM
"A few ways come to mind: One means is to simply infer that the information came from someone else. Another is to plant the information in a way that the desired target finds it themselves. There is also the potential of borrowing, or temporarily lifting, someone's comlink and using it to send a text message to the target with some request about not being contacted for fear of reprisal from the opposing gang should they discover the comlink owner sharing the information. Then delete records of the message being sent on the comlink and set the recipient of the message to ignore or blocked status before returning the comlink to it's owner. Perhaps they even 'loose' the comlink until Monday's events. In the latter two cases someone may say 'So And So caught a glimpse of That Person reading this thing' if you need or want to. Or use those means to give the information directly to someone in the Smoking Guns."
Annex stopped talking and thought on what was going on for a short time: using intrigue in a brothel to help bring down Barren's gangs. He was looking at Willow's face as he considered this, as though she were the focal point of it all. The moment passed and he resumed talking as though never having broken stride.
"I want you to know there are options for distancing yourself. Use your best judgement when considering success versus risk. You will have my support whatever route you take."
Feb 6 2017, 06:41 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1254 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles at you. "Thank you, Oliver. You are a kind man. I will think on this, but when do you need an answer? It is already Friday and the drug courier will be here on Monday morning."
Feb 6 2017, 07:38 PM
"An answer to what? The plan to turn gang against gang? Take as much time as you need. Bear in mind that if your part is not done, or is unsuccessful and they do not thin out each other's numbers, the operation is a failure already."
Annex seemed to have more to say, but also appeared to be taking his time to think about it, and study Willow.
"There is also monetary opportunity here, should you want to take advantage of it. From what I can tell it is an unavoidable necessity that someone will need to be the neighborhood's dealer. That could be you, if both gangs are out of the way or too weak to compete, and you have the money for an initial investment. "
Feb 8 2017, 02:59 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1255 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles. "No, I have no problem wishing the gangs gone. You had asked if I was willing to risk the 'Tree and the people here to help and give more than just emotional support. I am. What do you want me to do?"
Feb 8 2017, 08:17 PM
A quizzical, confused, expression crossed Annex's face at hearing Willow's response. Judging by what she said he got the feeling that she did not understand what he had said to her. Perhaps a miscommunication on his part. He decided to try rephrasing what he had said.
"I am suggesting that that you could buy out the dealer's stock on Monday and be the one to sell to the neighborhood."
Feb 10 2017, 07:40 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1255 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Now it is Willow's turn to look confused. "No, I heard that part and will see what sort of cash I can dredge up by then. I was referring to starting the rumors. Do you want me to get that rolling somehow?"
Feb 10 2017, 12:47 PM
With Willow's meaning clarified Annex nodded in the affirmative, just once. Quick to put the miscommunication at their back, and progress their dialog Annex resumed speaking.
"Yes. I am certain you can handle the rumor. The tools are here. Your experience with people will serve you well also. Unless you desire further advice, the specifics are your's to engineer."
Annex's tone was encouraging and his manner supportive. There was an expectation for success but also a reassurance that whether she needed it or not, he would be there. He went quiet for a short time after that, just looking at Willow's face. When he spoke again it was without any additional build up.
"Will you have some free time tomorrow? You and I still need to meet with doctor Hayes, to discuss the community action group."
Feb 11 2017, 03:38 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1255 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles and nods. "Sure, tomorrow will be fine. I will contact Sam and see when the Doc has an opening in his schedule and let you know." She looks around at the few people already in the club. "Well, I should probably get to work."
She stands up then looks back at you. "Thank you, Oliver."
Feb 11 2017, 08:59 AM
Annex was uncertain what Willow was thanking him for. He didn't ask. Instead he watched her walk away until she was a reasonable distance. Then he rose from the table and used a patrol of the main floor to stretch his legs. Knowing a little more of the Willow Tree's rhythms, he'd use the early hours to walk around before it became too crowded and he needed to use the camera's at the security booth more.
Feb 12 2017, 01:25 AM
Friday 14 June 2075 1345 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Friday is much like Thursday, it seems. The crowd is slow to start filtering in, which makes your job easier. A quick check in the dressing room behind the stage shows you that several of the girls are getting ready for the stage to open at 1600, but are otherwise chatting. Two are topless but do not seem to mind your presence, waving at you and one blowing a kiss your way. Two others are busy talking about men. The waitress on the floor is not overly busy yet and has time to smile at you as you walk by.
Feb 12 2017, 11:27 AM
There wasn't any gawking when Annex visited the back stage. He just checked in with the girls, speaking briefly with them to make certain all was well with the group and that they had no concerns he needed to hear out. His response to the blown kiss from the topless woman was a mixed one. On one hand he frowned. On the other he mimicked the act of catching something and then tucking it into an interior jacket pocket. As though he had plucked the kiss from the air and were saving it from later. A bit like accepting the gift of a cigar as something symbolic, and to be polite, but having no intention of using it.
Back on the floor he nodded to the smiling waitress in acknowledge of her nonverbal greeting. He continued to walk about some more, keeping an eye on things going on but not getting involved or socializing unless he actually needed to, or to check in on the Willow Tree's staff. Eventually he came to the bar and got a glass of juice to keep hydrated.
Feb 12 2017, 11:40 PM
Friday 14 June 2075 1355 Willow Tree Redmond Barrens Seattle
Mike greets you with a glass of juice before you ask for it then goes back to the one client sitting at the bar.
>>Oliver [Grok]: Could be trouble, Boss. Hired gun approaching the club. Looking casual, but you never know, right?<<
Feb 13 2017, 12:04 AM
A thank you was given to Mike for the drink. He loitered at the bar long enough to take a swallow of the beverage then received Grok's message.
>>Keep an eye on them while they are in the area. If they want in be thorough in your inspection for dangerous items. Otherwise, unless they give you a reason to be suspicious of their intentions or are known to cause trouble, allow them entry.<<
As he responded to the Orc Annex was moving to the security booth. When he arrived he pulled up footage from the exterior cameras and the room the Grok was stationed about. The absence of visual feedback from the alley reminded him to talk to Willow about setting up a camera their when they had their talk on the Willow Tree's security. For the time being he monitored the situation with Grok and the Hired Gun, while keeping and eye out for any suspicious activity in the area that he could perceive. Whether that included the person Grok was talking about or not.