Jun 11 2017, 04:58 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1046 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
After taking a seat on the offered chair, Willow jumps right in. "Doc, I am very interested in a project right now and I think that the loss of gang organization is extremely convenient. We should make a move before the void is filled by a gang of some sort. Oliver here has an idea that I think is interesting enough to listen to." The man nods and looks at you, as do both Willow and Samantha.
Jun 11 2017, 10:29 AM
Annex did not shrink away when all eyes turned to him. Attention did not put him of. In fact he help himself as though he were accustomed to addressing groups. Willow's opening was taken advantage of as he picked up where she left off.
"As Willow mentioned the lack of gang organization in the area presents this community with a rare opportunity. The opportunity to assert it's independence from gangs. If the people in this neighborhood were to organize, it could be done. People would need to be presented with options other than gang life for survival, a sense of community encouraged, and the gang lifestyle itself discouraged."
As he spoke Annex looked between Samantha and doctor Hays. At the end of his initial comments he paused, letting the doctor absorb what was said. Then he moved on to what was likely to be the more difficult idea to convince others to accept. Annex talked about it as a necessity. Something that the community needed.
"A community action group alone will not survive, however. The neighborhood needs some form of protection against violent crime. Volunteers called upon to protect their community. If such volunteers step forward I am willing to help organize them and teach them the skills they would need."
A moment was taken to gauge the reactions of his audience and, again, give them a brief moment to think on what was said. Then he concluded his initial presentation of the plan to take back the neighborhood.
"None of what I propose is an easy endeavor. Nor would it be bloodless. Going down this road would mean fighting for you community. Socially and martially. But is it a chance for the neighborhood to live again, and without gangs leeching on them it's people would have a chance to start the work towards climbing out of poverty."
Jun 11 2017, 04:03 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1050 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Doc Hays nods his head then looks at you with piercing blue eyes that seem to defy his obvious age. "That is a solid introduction, young man. As such it could work, but without details and planning, that is all it is. This sort of thing will not happen by itself or just because we want it to, so do you have some specifics of how you will make it happen?"
Jun 11 2017, 10:37 PM
Some might think Annex had lost focus. His job was to keep Willow safe. Now he was campaigning a civic movement. Suggesting the formation of a vigilante group as well. But the man remained objective. His goal clear. Annex thought long term though. Strategy, not just passive protection. Not just immediate tactics. A safer neighborhood meant Willow was less likely to be the target of aggression. Another layer of defense against harm. Stability bread security. Security kept you safer. Did he believe in what he was endeavoring to build here? Yes. But it was also part of his assignment to keep one woman from harm in a chaotic and dangerous environment. For his job to be complete the environment needed to change.
Annex was ready for questions. Hay's was very general though. So he answered, touching on many aspects of the overarching objective. Though Hay's had asked the question he continued to look between the members of his audience. As though he were speaking to each of them directly. Even if Willow and Samantha had heard much of what he was saying already.
"We start with action. Within forty-eight hours I intend to lead a group to disperse the Smoking Guns. The veteran gangers with a history of violent crime will be executed, and the rest given the option of performing community service. The gang's assets, if there are any, will be seized and donated to the community. This will both remove the last currently active gang in the area and serve as a demonstration of our seriousness. Perhaps it will also show that the people of this neighborhood can protect themselves."
"Next comes recruitment. Find those interested in helping out the community. It is important to get people talking about this. Thinking about it. Jobs need to be created so people can make a living without having to resort to joining a gang. Even if it is something small like babysitting or rat catching. Youths are especially in danger. Activity groups, such as sports, arts, and simple game functions that can develop a skill and get them off the streets and into a positive environment can help. Mentoring programs are another good option."
"Some degree of fund raising will be necessary. This can be accomplished with something as simple as a bake sale or arranging the showing of uncommon trideos for a small admission. Things like this can also be used as community events. Pulling people together. Festivals could be organized for people to rent public space and sell goods or pieces of art they have crafted, foods they have made, or show off services they can offer. Entertainment can even be present to liven the event. This also has the benefit of giving people a means of earning money for themselves and showing potential employers what they can do."
"People need to feel like they are actually part of a community and given reasons to be proud of it. Not just living in it. Sporting events can be organized, art showings, and musical performances are some examples. Make them something people can congregate around and show that the people living here are talented, intelligent, and have something of value to offer the world."
"None of that will be able to endure without the peacekeeping force. But it in turn needs the support of the community. Note the use of the term 'peacekeeping', not 'law enforcement'. These will be vigilantes operating outside the law. Their mission would be to maintain the safety of their neighbors and ensure the security of this community against violent crime. Not patrolling the streets or tracking down petty criminals. What I am talking about is more in line with a militia or military reserve. They train on the weekends and when a threat arises are called on to combat it. This group would need a place to train and operate out of. They will also need arms and equipment. If they cannot supply their own, asset seizures from gangs may alleviate this. But it is likely donations or gear purchased through community raised funds would be necessary."
Finally Annex raised his left hand and gestured, as if to something beyond them and in the distance.
"This is your neighborhood. These are your people. You do not need to support me. I am a stranger. But I am asking you to get behind them. Help heal the spirit as you do the body. You all deserve better."
Jun 12 2017, 02:24 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1053 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
All three of your audience listen attentively but Samantha has the first question. "I note that you made a distinction between vigilantes and lawmen. KE will never respond to anything petty down here and everyone knows it ans we can't have the neighborhood gunmen going in blazing to solve that sort of crime. Why do you not recommend a sheriff sort with some deputies to keep order. I mean, it would be nice to live in a world where all the kids are polite and never do anything bad and there are no drunks that piss on the streets or sleep things off on corners. But that of world is not going to be here, at least not overnight."
Jun 12 2017, 07:21 AM
Annex gave Samantha a brief pointed look, as though to say with his expression that she better not be trying to volunteer him for neighborhood sheriff. The expression mellowed after a second and he asked questions of his own.
"Can this community fund it's own full time law enforcement officers? What would you do with criminals whose crimes do not justify a death sentence? You could lock them up. Where though and for how long? You could exile them. Then they would be someone else's problem until they came back with friends. Do you know anyone with the investigative skills required for proper policing?"
The question and statement's were not meant to tear holes in Samantha's suggestion. But Annex had thought about a similar approach, and he was ready to explain why it was something he did not bring up yet. He did not rebuke with his words, but guided, and painted a picture of potential and need. A foundation needed to be made, lest one over reach and ruin a work while it was still fledgling with a simple mistake.
"Law enforcement also requires a higher degree of oversight. If you have a law enforcer you need a judge too and an agreed upon set or rules for everyone to follow. As well as both the means and will to enact punishment for crimes. What the government recognizes as laws will not always work here. So community leaders need to figure out what does."
"Do not misunderstand me. It is a good idea, Samantha. Something to work towards. There is also nothing preventing some of the peacekeepers from transitioning into a policing unit. However as I see it, there is work to be done before something like that can happen. Ideally you want both, someone to maintain order on a daily basis as well as a martial force in reserve that can be called upon. A sheriff and a few deputies won't be enough if a real gang takes an interest in the neighborhood."
Jun 12 2017, 01:09 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1055 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha nods. "Yes, I agree that we need two separate groups. And we need judges and a place to put criminals, but I think that we cannot afford to wait too long to do all of that. If all we do is form this militia then we are just forming another gang, albeit one that is hopefully helping the community, not controlling it. And do we need a king/governor,mayor sort of person with a council to advise him?"
Jun 12 2017, 03:06 PM
Annex listened to Samantha's concerns and counter points, interested to hear what she had to say. If only to better understand her. A sort of tolerant listening to another's concern and vision without faltering from his own. The man did not project stubbornness, but rather knowing. It was a kind of knowing that came from experience.
"Historically, it has been shown that people filling the role you suggest can easily become dictators if there is not a community council already established making decisions. That is what I am proposing come first. Otherwise you are literally paying tribute and giving martial law to one individual and their personal cadre. Whereas a militia serves a purpose and is then set aside until it is needed again."
In the end Annex decided to cut the line of discourse short before it distracted from the larger picture that militias and police officers needed to be apart of. A slow motion of his left hand was made through the air, as if physically setting the topic aside for now.
"Regardless, a foundation needs to be laid before either can be assembled. The pace at which things proceed is an unknown and these decisions will not be made by me, but whomever the community chooses to lead and speak for them. Be that a group or individual. If you feel strongly about the matter, I encourage you to speak with others about it. Impress upon them the sense of urgency you mention as well."
Jun 13 2017, 02:52 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1130 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
The discussion does get a bit spirited and eventually Willow raises a hand. "I think that we all realize the importance of doing something. I hope that we can all agree that we have a good base to work from but that we all need to get out and talk this up with those we see. I think that Oliver is right that speed is important, but I think that we can go too fast if we are not careful. One of the things we have yet to discuss is how we are funding all of these proposed changes. But even, so, nothing happens unless the community is behind this or we just end up as small dictators ourselves and I would like to stay away from that. Can we agree to meet in four or five days and discuss the progress we have made?"
The others nod and then all look to you.
Jun 13 2017, 04:50 AM
Annex did not speak with a passion. When they discussed a topic, however spirited the other parties became he maintained a cool, calm, and logical attitude. He did not speak in the moment, but always seemed to have thought about what he said first. In the end, it was good that the others were talking and so involved in the dialog. A positive sign, but it was only a beginning.
"That is a reasonable proposal."
Came the man's response to Willow's suggestion that they take some time to build up their base of supporters. Sensing the gathering was at it's end Annex looked to Samantha and spoke to her directly.
"Samantha, before I leave, I would like to speak with you in private."
Jun 13 2017, 06:01 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1154 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha gives you an odd look but nods and motions with her head to leave the room while Willow and Doc wrapped a couple of things up. Out in the main room, she looks around then back at you. "Not much around here is private, but this is about as good as it gets in the clinic, unless you want to go into the utility closet?"
Jun 13 2017, 10:56 AM
Following Samantha out into the main room Annex looked around. He did not appear satisfied with the level of privacy that absent. But he was not going to press. A brief glance was give to what might well be a closet. Cliché nurse/patient scenarios bled into his line of thought.
"No. That may give the wrong impression."
Turning his gaze back to Samantha he spoke without detail. But he did not waste time on subterfuge and innuendo.
"What I mentioned earlier, that event which is going to take place within the next forty-eight hours, I would like you to take part in it. About noon we will do some planning first. If you wish to participate join us at the Willow Tree."
Jun 13 2017, 02:35 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1154 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha gives you a sort of half smile as she nods. "OK. You can count me in, as long as I am satisfied at the planning session. But when you say meet as the Tree, do you mean noon today, tomorrow or the next day?"
Jun 13 2017, 08:55 PM
Annex had withheld that last minor detail until he had received a confirmation from the woman. He doubted that she would compromise the operation. But operational security was something to be mindful of. With her agreement to come he went on.
"Good. Tomorrow. I would also like you to consider how to adequately detain prisoners. If you come up with an idea that works, it would help validate the acceleration of implementing your police unit proposal."
Jun 14 2017, 03:40 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1154 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha nods then sighs. "But it is not just a way to detain prisoners, is it. If we are isolated from the sprawl's justice system, then we will need a way to implement punishment and carry it out. I can see a whole ball of worms there. I mean, just having a place to keep a couple of miscreants until we can remand them over to the city is one thing, but we would need to coordinate that and get acceptance from the KE, wouldn't we? Anything more and we are looking at having our own prison."
Jun 14 2017, 08:23 AM
It was good that Samantha realized the complexity of what she asked for. He didn't coddle or try to reassure her though. Instead, he reinforced the objective. A lot of what they were going to have to do would be rough and sometimes mean.
"Worry about that later. For now we are operating akin to frontier justice. Get the place to hold convicts and assume we cannot rely on any outside organization. Prisoners can pay for the cost of detaining and feeding them through community service or starve."
There was a pause. He did not want a prolonged discussion. It was nearly opening time at the Willow tree and he still needed to talk to her about the assignment he had in mind for Jameson. So he kept the dialog from expanding too far.
"That is what I wanted to talk with you about. I will not take up any more of your time."
Jun 15 2017, 04:20 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1156 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha looks at you quite closely for a moment then nods. "OK. You have given us lots to think about, Oliver. Where do you come from that you have all of these ideas?"
Jun 15 2017, 05:13 AM
Annex looked about as pleased by Samantha's question as someone who had been called a rude name. Instead of answering it, he chose to take it as a rhetorical airing of her curiosity. Though if she were curious, she might actually start looking into him. That was a danger that would grow the more public his campaigning became. People wanted to know who they were dealing with. What experience and authority they had to speak on. Understandable. But there was going to be no answer from him that shed any light. Annex only frowned.
"I will see you tomorrow. Please tell Willow I will be waiting for her outside."
With that he took a step back, turned on his heel, and made for the exit.
Jun 15 2017, 06:03 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1205 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow joins you in less than ten minutes and gives you a look and a slight smile. "Well? How do you think that went?"
Jun 15 2017, 10:12 AM
While he waited outside the clinic Annex watched the activity on the street. The coming and goings of people. The activities of businesses visible through doorways and unboarded windows. When Willow came outside he turned his eyes to look at her. His expression the man's typical neutral stoicism.
"Well enough. Samantha's expectations for the near future are too high though."
Once she was ready Annex began walking. Moving on to another topic he spoke without raising or lowering his voice.
"She did agree to take part in the operation tomorrow. Until then, I have in mind a task that should keep your new employee out of sight. How do you feel about dispatching him look into your supplier and the missing trucks they mentioned?"
Jun 15 2017, 02:36 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1205 Doc Hay's Office Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods as the two of you walk back towards the Willow Tree. "You think he can find out something? Sure, let's get him occupied."
Jun 16 2017, 07:22 AM
With Willow's permission to proceed having been given, Annex pressed ahead. Intent on finishing up their discussion on the topic before they arrived back at the Willow Tree.
"In that case I need you to gather what information is currently availed to you on the subject. The story you have been told, who runs the supply operation, and the address of where they work out of at the least. When I get the employee's com code I will forward the information to him."
Jun 16 2017, 02:16 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1201 On the Street, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Sure, I can do that. Let me get it all together when we get back. So, what do you think of Doc?"
Jun 17 2017, 07:09 AM
Annex had been thinking about how the meeting at the clinic went. Hays was more reserved than Samantha, revealing little more than a polite disposition. It was possible the old man had used his assistant to probe the stranger in the room while remaining comparatively distant. He had seen the tactic before. The man's response to Willow reflected much less of the consideration he had internalize.
"I have not yet formed an opinion on the man. He was polite and let Samantha do most of the talking. Is that normally the case?"
Jun 18 2017, 08:04 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1201 On the Street, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow chuckles. "I am not sure anything is normal where that girl is concerned. She blew in here a while ago and charmed his socks off. Maybe his pants, too, but if so no one is telling and it is not obvious. She takes no shit from the gangers and has even put a couple in Doc's waiting room with a broken bone or two when they tried to get a bit frisky. That was back when she first got here. It sent a signal and she is usually left pretty much alone, but they will still try it once in a while."
Jun 21 2017, 04:52 AM
Willow's response wasn't an actual answer to the question he had asked. It was commentary on Samantha. He did not bother to press the issue. Instead he remained silent, watching their surroundings as they made their way back to the brothel. Thinking, with a brooding look upon his face.
Jun 21 2017, 05:21 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1204 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
As the two of you enter the club, Willow turns to you. "Thanks for doing all of this, Oliver. But something seems to be bothering you."
Jun 21 2017, 10:50 AM
"Just thinking."
The answer came quick. If something was bothering him, which he did not admit to, it was not something he was going to talk about. Instead, he endeavored to refocus Willow on what needed to be done.
"The sooner I get that information, the sooner your asset can be dispatched, and it would be better done before too many eyes are populating the Willow Tree."
Jun 22 2017, 04:14 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1204 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods and pulls out her 'link and begins looking through it, eventually smiling as she holds it up to you. "Got it. Should I forward it to you?"
Jun 23 2017, 03:13 PM
While Willow worked over her comlink, Annex lifted his eyes from her and panned his gaze over the room. Taking in the activity of customers and staff. Noting the appearance of regulars and new faces. If there were any. Once Willow spoke up again his attention was back on her.
"Yes. I will handle the briefing.."
Jun 24 2017, 06:24 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1204 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods and pushes a key on her phone and your immediately lets you know that you have a text message. She puts her phone away and smiles at you. "Good, I will leave you to it. Let me know if you need anything from me." She waits a second and then leaves to go talk to some of the girls.
Jun 25 2017, 12:14 PM
Before Willow left he asked her which room her new employee was going to be staying in. Beyond that he did not have any more to say and let her depart without further delay. Parting ways with Willow Annex advanced on, then up, the stairway to the second floor. Jameson's room was the first place he looked for the man.
Jun 25 2017, 05:29 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1206 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Jameson calls out to enter when you knock on the door to his room. Opening it, you see him laying on top of the bed. He is fully dressed and swings to a sitting position as you come in. "What you got, boss?"
Jun 26 2017, 02:43 AM
Stepping inside the cramped little room Annex closed the door behind him before speaking with Jameson. His eyes went to the room's occupant before moving around he enclosed space. Searching it, then returned to the man.
"Work. There has been some trouble with the Willow Tree's supplier, which is creating a shortage in food stuffs and beverages for the bar and other businesses in the neighborhood.. The supplier claims that some of their trucks were stolen. I would like you to look into the matter. Check to make certain the supplier's story checks out and, if need be see if you can find any information about who may have stolen the trucks. If you give me your com-code, I will send you the information Willow has gathered including the address of the supplier."
A pause was allowed, giving the cat eyed mercenary the opportunity to share the information with him before the data Willow gave him was sent over to the man.
"Regardless of what you find, make an effort to be back here and ready for a fight tomorrow. We will be moving against the Smoking Guns after a planning session at twelve hundred hours."
Jun 28 2017, 04:08 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1206 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Jameson seems to be a man of few words. He stands up and holds out his 'link to give you the code and nods as you send over the packet of data. "On it, boss. Any rules of engagement from you?"
Jun 28 2017, 06:31 PM
It was refreshing not to hear a paragraph worth of dialog from someone over a simple question. Annex was content in quiet and stillness, but did not shirk in commentary when he needed to express something. As he did when outlining what he suspected Willow would require from her employee. He spoke direct and to the point. At ease with the subject matter, but maintaining a seriousness in his disposition.
"For now, this is a reconnaissance assignment only. No needless violence, and if for some reason it is required try to minimize collateral damage. That extends to interrogation methods. Scare tactics are permissible, if you feel they are warranted, but not torture. Other than that, endeavor to keep your actions from being traced back to Willow. If it is decided more aggressive action needs to be taken later, I do not want to give away the direction it is coming from."
Jun 29 2017, 04:24 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1206 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Jameson nods. "Anything else? If not I will leave as soon as possible."
Jun 29 2017, 06:18 PM
"That will be all. I will see you tomorrow, if not sooner. You have my com now. Feel free to contact me if you need to."
With no further questions to answers, and the information he needed to impart having been shared, Annex reached back behind himself and opened the door leading out of the room. Pulling it open he turned on his heel and slipped outside into the hallway. The door was closed behind him, then he was off. Heading down the hall. Down the stairs. Back to the main floor.
Jul 6 2017, 02:50 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1206 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Downstairs, it looks like the girls are about done with straightening up the main room. Everyone you see gives you a smile and a small wave or some other indication that you are accepted here. Willow is off at the bar, apparently going over the stock of liquor and beer.
Jul 7 2017, 07:14 PM
Annex didn't have any smiles to give, but he offered nods or other forms of acknowledgement when he encountered someone who initiated a similar gesture. There was not much for him to do at the moment, with the customer population thin and not riled up with alcoholic beverages and sex hormones pumping through them. So he made his way to the bar and took a seat there. He positioned himself with his back to the counter so that he could watch the room though. When Willow's accounting seemed to near it's end he went made an inquiry.
"How are supplies looking?"
Jul 8 2017, 03:44 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1220 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow shakes her head. "Well, I am pretty sure that we have enough for tonight. Thank goodness we are not open tomorrow, then Monday might get a bit tight and Tuesday would be looking real skinny. Wednesday would be anorexic. After that we are catching rats in the alleys and brewing moonshine."
Jul 8 2017, 05:48 AM
He has expected ask much. Sevras had already warned them about the diminishing food stuffs. If Jameson came back with useful information the situation could be engineered to change. It might be a busy couple of days outside the Willow Tree.
"Hopefully we will have some actionable information before resources are that strained."
Annex's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as he looked to some distant place beyond the walls of the building. It was an expression that did not last long, as his focus soon returned.
"Do you think that young man you mentioned, Jimmy, would be willing to assist with the operation tomorrow? I was considering approaching him today, if their is time, or early tomorrow."
Jul 8 2017, 06:50 PM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1221 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
"Jimmy? Sure, I think he would be willing to help."
Jul 10 2017, 11:11 PM
The question was a primer for his next. A task that would facilitate two actions he wanted enacted. He waited a beat before asking. Pausing made it look like you hadn't planned out a social interaction ahead of time. That was something he couldn't help doing: trying to plan ahead.
"Then would you be willing to arrange an introduction? Perhaps invite him here to speak with me. Cold approaches do not often go over well. It would also give you the opportunity to talk to him about installing the camera in the alley at a later date."
Jul 11 2017, 06:48 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1221 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Sure, I can do that. I will see if I can get hold of him this afternoon. Is it just the one camera you are looking at adding?"
Jul 12 2017, 08:30 AM
"It would be good to have a full view of the perimeter. Prioritize the alley though. Secondary locations are those with window access. Boarded or not. Other angles are of tertiary importance. Interior cameras appear to be well covered for all non-private business areas, except the cellar and kitchen. Those areas are not high priority if the alley is already covered, but they would be good to have eyes on none the less when funds permit. It would also be acceptable to remove the camera in the dressing room if the ladies desire the privacy. I can see anyone entering or leaving the area from the security booth."
Annex spoke of degrees and levels of importance so Willow could expand the security awareness of the establishment incrementally if she found it financially sound to do so. Rather than all at once. There was no element of rush to the way he spoke, even if he did emphasize the perceived importance of covering the alley with access to an unsecured door leading to the kitchen. Another blind spot. In all, the assessment was given with a calm air.
Jul 13 2017, 05:29 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1222 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods again. "Do you want the feeds routed to the control booth there or somewhere else?"
Jul 14 2017, 06:20 PM
At Willow's query Annex turned his head to look at the booth in question. It was very obvious, once manned. Exposed as well. Neither were good attributes for the central hub of your security network. But for one man working the entire interior of the brothel it was adequate.
"The booth will do for now. Long term, when you have more security personnel, you will want a dedicated observation room so someone cannot just walk by and mess up your entire security system."
Jul 15 2017, 03:31 AM
Saturday 15 June 2075 1222 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Where I got my start, there was this large main room, sort of like this, but there was a gallery of some sort that ran all along the second floor and a room at one end was the main security booth. People there were able to look out over the entire crowd. But that was a large place. Had about forty dancers at a shift and a dozen security guys, including two at the door. You mean something like that?"
Jul 17 2017, 01:38 AM
Annex took a moment to imagine the image that Willow described and made a mental note of the information she shared about his history. His response came with the man's typical mild and neutral tone of voice.
"What I refer to is a simple out of sight closed off room with monitors. Station one person there to act as the eyes for your security team. That person could potentially double as your tech support slash matrix security."