Oct 3 2017, 03:54 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1037 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles. "I saw you take Jimmy up to see Melinda and left him there. He is a smart kid and can do better then sweep floors at the 'Shack. I am glad that you think he can be useful here. Is it worth thinking about offering him a job?"
Oct 3 2017, 04:45 AM
At the mention of leaving Jimmy with Melinda he turned his head towards the booth. Melinda remained obscured by the privacy screen, but if Jimmy was still standing, he was likely to remain visible for observation.
"I think they are about on even footing. The interaction may be good for both of them."
Annex returned the focus of his attention back to Willow after that statement. He had already given some thought to the very question Willow posed concerning offering a job to Jimmy. Be he took a moment to reflect on the topic rather than answer immediately.
"Yes. Going forward, we are looking at more hardware to support our matrix presence and security systems. It would be good to have someone in house who could setup and maintain those things. Having Jimmy on staff would, with a proper shop and materials, also open up further business opportunities down the line."
Oct 3 2017, 06:06 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1039 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods then looks at you. "So, I know it probably should wait until the meeting but I have to ask if we are we going to offer these men a chance to leave town or just gun them down?"
Oct 3 2017, 07:40 AM
"If they are allowed to leave, they can come back and attack us at a time of their choosing. Perhaps with greater numbers and resources."
A slow shake of the head followed, as if to wordlessly indicate that this was something he saw as unsound and could not allow.
"There are two options for them. They fight and die or they surrender and agree to serve the community until they have paid back what they have taken from it. The latter, however, is only viable if we have a place to contain them and someone to monitor them when they work."
Oct 3 2017, 01:43 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1039 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow grimaces but nods. "That makes sense but it sure sounds horrible. We want to be sure we do not turn into what we are getting rid of and I can see that would be so easy."
Oct 4 2017, 01:23 AM
As he watched Willow's grimacing reaction to his statement Annex's lips curved downwards into a slight frown.
"You may wish to be absent from this meeting. Sometimes you have to be cruel to your enemies in order to be kind to your community."
Oct 4 2017, 01:50 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1039 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow looks up at you. "OK, so what will keep you, us, from becoming like them once we have the power and there is no one to stop us?"
Oct 5 2017, 12:35 AM
"We had this discussion yesterday. Are we going to have it every day?"
There was some irritation in his voice. Not much, but enough to express the fact that he did not like repeating himself. For a time he looked at Willow's face, thinking as he silently regarded her. There was an emphasis on him this time she asked the question. She was worried about what he might become, perhaps. Annex's response began off topic.
"Prince Vlad III of Wallachia inherited an impoverished minor province with corrupt nobility who had assassinated or aided in the assassination of his predecessors for generations. The Ottoman empire was at his door step hounding him demanding his submission to their Sultan because his land was the gateway to Christian nations they wanted to invade. Vlad employed murder, fear tactics, and gruesome public execution methods that are better described as torture. However, during his reign the corruption was removed, his people prospered, and the greatest military power of the day was kept at bay. The Christian Orthodox church excommunicated him and he has been painted as a monster in contemporary fiction, but his people loved him because everything he did was for them and to make their lives better. To this day his people view Vlad as a national hero whom they pray for the return of."
Annex paused to allow Willow to consider this example of a historical figure before concluding with a brief explanation.
"I know who I am Willow. I would be a tyrant in the eyes of the world if it meant the wellbeing and happiness of those under my care."
Oct 5 2017, 02:04 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1039 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Yes, every day, if we have to. We gain nothing by becoming what the gangs are. I will not condone becoming that sort of person and will do my best to curb any behavior or actions that might lead us down that path. Despite, and maybe because of, your story, I will never become what that man was. There has to be a better way. I can support clearing the gangs out and making this neighborhood safer, but not in that fashion. Please do not proceed down that path."
Oct 6 2017, 12:36 AM
As Willow spoke her peace he listened. At the end of which it appeared to him that she may have missed the point of his illustration, so he took a moment to explain before going forwards.
"Vlad is an extreme example used to make a point. That point being: it is hard to be generous and kind to your enemies when you lack resources and martial strength. Sometimes good people have to do bad things in order to achieve a long term positive result."
A pause followed before he transitioned to topics.
"You have voiced a distaste for my answer to your question about how the Smoking Guns are to be handled. But you have provided no constructive input. Proposed no alternative that does not endanger the community. Instead you have questioned my intentions, repeatedly. I understand your aim, however that is not how one offers good council and it does not help."
Oct 6 2017, 06:07 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1039 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow smiles grimly. "No, I will not allow you to manipulate me like that. Just because I do not have a good alternative does not mean I do not get to say my piece. I am of the opinion that we should disarm them and send them from here. They are punks. Why do you think that they will be back once we throw them out?"
Oct 6 2017, 07:29 AM
"If someone took your belongings and kicked you out of your home, would you not seek to one day reclaim them? The fighting sort who take up arms usually are of a mind to do so. People hold grudges. Even if that were not the case, even if they did stay away, the problem would not be resolved. You would just be passing it on to another neighborhood. That is irresponsible, shortsighted, and selfish. Selfish, because you are leaving someone else to take care of a problem you should have dealt with in the first place."
Raising his right hand Annex gestured towards the door. As if the streets themselves had some kind of answer for Willow.
"They would continue to steal, assault, and extort because that is what they know gets them money. If lethal force is not warranted, then they should be provided an opportunity to reform and made to contribute to the community they have taken from in a way that allows them to develop skills they can later use to earn money in a socially acceptable fashion. How is sweeping them under a rug an improvement over this?"
Oct 6 2017, 01:52 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1040 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow frowns at you. "Where does that stop, Oliver? Will you soon be advocating severe punishments for shoplifting or spitting on sidewalks? Yes, I know that is an extreme, but no more than bringing up a long-dead madman who impaled his foes by the score to frighten his enemies and his own people. Yes, I have heard of the man and I am sure that your version of how he is loved is not the only version and that another can be found where his own people were terrified. But the point is that we do not need to be like them to beat them. Doesn't it make just as much sense to say that if we set a good example for the near neighborhoods, they will follow suit? Killing these men will solve one issue, perhaps, but will only create new ones. Unfortunately, we do not have a jail, but we could lock them up in a cellar somewhere and turn them over to the KE, right?"
Oct 6 2017, 08:05 PM
"I had considered and rejected the idea of involving Knight Errant already. But it is good that you are looking beyond one approach."
He said that as though he had been waiting for her to look beyond one idea and begin looking at other options. As though he had already considered and set aside many. Then Annex went on to patiently offer an explanation.
"Do you think Knight Errant would respond? If they would, why haven't they dealt with the issue already? In the event they do respond, what evidence do we have that these men have committed a crime and how will we convince a judge and jury that we did not fabricate it? Will the people they victimized speak up, or are they too afraid? Objectively, do you think the gangers would be convicted? Otherwise they will be set free and nothing will have been accomplished. It is also possible that, if Knight Errant even shows, we ourselves may be investigated or prosecuted."
"If Mills were called upon, it may go smoother in the short term but he could use the vigilantism as leverage against us and then we may end up forced to work for him. It is unwise to approach him until we have leverage of our own and can operate on something closer to even footing. The rookie he had with him, the one Dawn has tried to form a connection with, may be an option. But we would be giving the potential of a hidden asset away, and Mills may try to intercede later to take advantage of the situation anyway."
"If the strike team wore masks and used code names, identities could be concealed to an extent. Assuming we have evidence, and could get recorded or signed testimonies from their victims, these things could be left in a cellar along with the gangers. Some place unconnected to any of us. Then Dawn could call her new friend for the cellar owner. This all creates some separation and increases the chance of a response. But unless there is solid evidence and witness testimony, it is pointless and we will have revealed Dawn's connection to the officer to no positive effect."
Oct 7 2017, 06:40 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1040 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "I can get behind something like that. Do you think it is reasonable to try to get that evidence today or will we need to take a couple of days to gather it? I am thinking of the drug courier tomorrow."
Oct 7 2017, 07:06 AM
"I do not know what evidence there is to gather. But the Smoking Guns headquarters can be searched after they have been captured. After the gangers have been detained, people are likely to feel more secure in speaking out. That would be the time to ask for testimonies and to see if anyone is able to steer us towards useful evidence such as camera footage. All of this can take place today. However, neither I or the rest of the strike team can take part in openly in that. We cannot be connected to the act of vigilantism even indirectly and will also need alibies."
Annex raised a hand, as if signaling for Willow not to get ahead of herself. There were conditions to his undertaking this course she found more preferable.
"I am willing to go through with this to a point. If the Smoking Guns kill anyone, be it a bystander or a member of the strike team, I will execute the offender regardless of your support. If Knight Errant or Dawn's friend do not show, we will default to my original plan of action as well."
Oct 7 2017, 02:45 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1040 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow nods. "Then we will have to hope we can find evidence to get KE down here. And, just so you know, I do not like ultimatums from my partner."
Oct 8 2017, 12:56 AM
"It is not an ultimatum. This is a compromise. I intend to do my best to accomplish the primary objective of capturing and handing the gangers over to Knight Errant alive. However, I will not suffer a murderer to live, and if Knight Errant does not come then we must handle the long term management of criminals ourselves."
After his explanation Annex did not linger on the topic. Intent on moving on, he offered Willow something to do that would contribute to the plan and help lay the groundwork for what was to come.
"Can you handle finding volunteers to get the testimony of the Smoking Guns' victims and locate a place for us to hold the gangers where Knight Errant can find them?"
Oct 8 2017, 02:54 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1040 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Willow does nod at that. "Yes, I can do that. But you are right in that it will be hard to get most people to talk unless the gangers are in custody. I also agree that these men should pay for the crimes they have committed. I will go find a place to put them until the KE can come get them."
Oct 9 2017, 12:45 AM
"Good. I have some preparations to make. If I am needed, I will be in my quarters."
Annex then stepped away from Willow and, instead of heading upstairs, went to the kitchen initially. He searched cleaning closets and cupboards, looking for two squirt bottles, then filled them with bleach. After he had those he went up stairs and to the room he shared with Sevras. The bottles of bleach were set aside as he checked his pistol, making sure it was in working order. Then he proceeded to switch up his ammunition load out, making sure the loaded magazine was of gel rounds and that he had a spare of both gel and regular ammunition ready to go for the mission.
With those things out of the way Annex settled down on the bed and decided to do some research. He wanted a better understanding of the area and possible battleground he wound be fighting on. As the most likely place they would find all of the Smoking Guns in one place was their bar, he started by looking over the floor plans that Melinda had found and sent to his comlink. Annex also looked at street maps of the neighborhood. Studying round to and from the bar. He did not yet had the location to store the gangers after the assault, but he wanted to try to get familiar with the area none the less.
Oct 9 2017, 02:39 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1150 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
There is a knock at your door at a bit before noon. You hear a woman's voice through the thin wooden door. "Oliver? Willow asked me to let you know that it is almost noon. Are you awake?"
Oct 9 2017, 09:42 PM
His study of the three dimensional maps hovering in front of him in AR was interrupted by the knock at the door. A couple final notations were made, then the images winked out of existence. Rising from his seated position at the tiny room's table he moved to the door and opened it. Initially he made a visual inspection of the woman who had been sent to warn him of the creep of time, then he looked beyond her to the hallway before stepping out into it and closing the door behind himself.
"Thank you for informing me. Do you know if Grok has returned?"
Oct 10 2017, 04:29 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1150 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
The stripper, you think her name is Cinnamon, nods as she steps back to let you out and past her. "He is, Oliver. He is in the main room." She pulls the decorated robe a bit closer to herself as she heads off down the corridor, her butt moving seductively, almost as if she cannot turn off that part of her job.
Oct 10 2017, 04:51 AM
Annex followed Cinnamon down the corridor. At least to the stairway, before descending to the main floor and the club's open room with tables, bar, and stage. On entering the room he looked over the people in it, marked their locations mentally. When he saw Grok, Annex approached him, and as long as he want not I'm the middle of something, addressed him straight away.
"Were you able to do as I asked?"
Oct 11 2017, 01:41 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1151 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Grok nods. "Sure thing, Boss. Got two of the little homeless bastards on it now."
Oct 12 2017, 02:05 AM
Annex looked past Grok briefly, checking to see how occupied the room was. Were the poker player still at their game? Was Jimmy still at the booth where Melinda would have been concealed at work? If Jimmy was still there, that would draw his attention. He might needed to check on Melinda and see how she was handling the social interaction. Nearly an hour seemed like it might be a bit much for the woman. Grok's answer refocused his attention mainly on the Orc.
"Good. Has there been any noteworthy movements from the gangers since the eyes have been in place?"
Oct 12 2017, 04:53 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1151 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
The room is practically empty. Two girls are at the poker table but one seems to be doing her nails and the other is reading from a tablet. You do not see Jimmy or Willow.
Grok shakes his head. "Not that I know of, Boss. One of them is supposed to come let me know if anything changes."
Oct 13 2017, 03:34 AM
One of the kid would come and inform Grok if something noteworthy happened. Annex thought on that. Didn't they have comlinks? Everyone, even homeless people had comlinks these days. Didn't they? Perhaps it was a security precaution. In either case there would be a time delay that needed to be accounted for.
"The meeting is in about nine minutes. As I said earlier, you are welcome to take part."
Annex took a moment to reflect on his time with Samantha in one of the backrooms, during his examination. How much space did they have? He didn't want to have the meeting out in the openness of the main room. Yes, they could occupy a discrete corner. But it was exposed, and anyone could approach to listen in, observe, or simply enter the main room and see the gathering.
"Do you think five people will fit in one of the backrooms?"
Oct 13 2017, 01:56 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1151 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Grok laughs as she shakes his head. "Once saw one of the girls take three guys back to one of the rooms for a special party. I hear they were very crowded. Not sure you would get five people in there. Only place big enough for that would her office, and even that might make people a bit close."
Oct 17 2017, 04:07 AM
"... and there is a chance Willow may want to be present. Six would be even more confining. We will have to hold it here in the may room them. Out of the way on a corner somewhere."
Annex did not seem pleased by this, but he made no vocal complaint. There wasn't much about what he had to work with on this job that was ideal. After a brief purposeful pause he went on to speak again.
"On another topic, Jimmy is going to be installing some external sensors in the future, to add onto out security system."
Oct 17 2017, 05:41 AM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1151 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Grok snaps his fingers. "Wait, Boss. The dressing room back of the stage would be big enough, wouldn't it? And thanks for the info on Jimmy. Good kid. And we both know we could use the extra security."
Oct 18 2017, 07:42 AM
"It is ..."
Annex began. He hadn't considered it. Largely because of the nature of what the room was used for. A private place for the women that worked at the Willow Tree.. The man even sounded reluctant about using the dressing room when Grok proposed it as an option. After a short span to think on the idea he finally commented on the matter.
"Alright. Make sure the girls know it will be in use at twelve hundred hours. They will have some time to relocate anything they do not want in there at the time. It also gives them the opportunity to voice any complaint about their dressing room being used as a conference room."
Oct 18 2017, 01:56 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1151 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Grok nods. "On it, Boss. Anything else?"
Oct 19 2017, 08:33 AM
"That will be all. Thank you Grok."
Annex waited, giving Grok time to depart and set about his task, before moving away from the location hey had been holding their discussion. From the kitchen he fetched a cup of juice. Once he had that he settled into a table in some dim corner of the club that gave him a good view of the room. Facing the door. There he took some time to hydrate and relax before the meeting while skimming over some notes that he had made via AR.
Oct 19 2017, 02:27 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1153 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
The gunman comes down the stairs with a few minutes to spare, standing near the foot of the steps and looking around and it is like looking in a mirror the way he scans the room. He raises a finger to you in a salute of some sort then walks over to your table. Just as he reaches it, you get a ping from Melinda warning you of someone approaching the front entrance of the club. The feed she transfers to your 'link shows you Sam walking up to the door. She enters the room and stops to look around.
Oct 20 2017, 06:11 AM
A nod was given in response to Jameson's nonverbal greeting. When the mercenary reached the table he raised his free hand with it motioned to a chair. Inviting him to make use of it. On receiving Melinda's alert he brought up the feed in a mini-window in AR, then sent the young spider an acknowledgement message. He watched Sam's approach until she was visible inside, then closed the video feed. When she looked in the direction of himself and Jameson he raised his hand again and raised a hand in silent greeting before beckoning her over. After she came in range of polite conversation he spoke up.
"Hello Samantha. This is Mr. Jameson. Jameson ... Samantha. Would either of you like something to eat or drink? We have a little time before the meeting starts and we relocate backstage. Willow, Grok, and Talia may be joining us as well."
As he mentioned Sevras' possible presence he sent the machine a message, reminding her that we she was invited to take part in the strategy session at noon.
Oct 20 2017, 01:36 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1154 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Jameson pulls out a chair and sits down as Samantha walks over. She stops for a few seconds when she sees who is sitting with you, then nods to herself and continues walking over. She and Jameson exchange head nods and she sits at the table. For some reason, both of them remind you of coiled cobras, waiting and primed to strike.
As you send the note to Sevras, the door to the kitchen opens and you see her entering the main room carrying a tray with some sandwiches and coffee on it. >>Got it. Just coming through now.<<
Both of the people sitting with you look up as she comes into the room.
Oct 21 2017, 03:23 AM
When Sevras reached the table he greeted her with a ...
"Thank you."
... given that she brought with her food a drink. He motioned for her to take a seat before taking a sandwich for himself and speaking to the group. Though more so to Sam, since Talia and Jameson had already had some time to interact since he started working for Willow.
"This is Talia. She will be taking part in the operation. I do not believe you have properly been introduce to Samantha yet."
At the later sentence he shifted his eyes over to Sevras and moved his hand towards the warhawk carrying doctor's assistant.
Oct 21 2017, 04:15 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1155 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Talia sits but does not take a sandwich, although she does place one of the cups of coffee in front of her. She nods at Sam when introduced. "Nice to meet you. I have heard some good things, especially about how you don't take drek from the gangers around here."
Sam smiles and nods. "I have heard nice things about you, too, Talia. And you are right, I don't take crap from them. Give them an inch and they tend to walk all over you. But I think that we are here to discuss how to rid the neighborhood of the problem, right?"
Willow walks up to the table just as Sam is talking. "That is right, Sam. Sorry to arrive late to the party."
Oct 22 2017, 02:30 AM
At His eyes moved between the individuals speaking, giving them a more obvious sign that that had his attention. After Willow's arrival and comment about being late, he spoke up.
"All of you are early. I was supposed to have nine minutes of peace and quiet before the meeting began."
It was difficult to tell whether Annex was serious, and irked by the premature end to the idle relaxation, or if he were being lighthearted. His tone and expression were both too neutral when he made the statement, which ended with a bite being taken out of the sandwich that he held. In reality he was mostly indifferent. Early was better than late, even if he needed to wear the role of host that much longer. After chewing up swallowing down his bite of soy-food-stuffs he offered a brief explanation as to why they were not beginning immediately despite the gathering already present.
"We still have five minutes. Grok is making some last minute preparations."
A drink was taken from his cup of juice before he turned his eyes to bear on Samantha.
"Thank you for sending Melinda our way. She is a very talented young woman."
Oct 23 2017, 03:21 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1156 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Samantha nods. "Wasn't sure if you could find a place for her. Just showed up out of nowhere. Barely got a handful of words out of her. Thanks for taking her in."
Oct 23 2017, 05:48 PM
"She is most likely going to be at the booth with the privacy screen of you wanted to check in on her after the meeting is finished."
Annex then nodded in the direction of the security booth. As far as he knew, she had not left it since yesterday. Every time he came into the room and checked on her she had been there, at least. After the indicating nod he took a bite out of his sandwich and chewed it from both sides of his mouth, yet refrain from filling his cheeks like a chipmunk.
Oct 24 2017, 02:04 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1157 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Sam looks in the direction of your nod and nods herself. As you take a bite from your sandwich you get a text from Grok. >>Hey, Boss, just got the word that all of the gang are still holed up in their place. A couple of kids are watching and will let me know if anything changes.<<
Oct 25 2017, 10:22 AM
The message alert flashed in his AR HUD and Annex brought up Grok's message, reviewed it, and sent out a response as fast as thought to progress one message, then compose the next through a direct neural interface allowed.
>>Thank you for the information Grok. Were you able to tell the girls about the dressing room being used for our meeting? If they do not need to remove anything, we can begin now. Everyone has arrived.<<
Shortly after the reply to Grok was out Annex sent a message to Jimmy.
>>I have received word that the Smoking Guns are all gathered at their hangout. If your drone is not yet in place, now would be a good time to set up. I would appreciate it if you could confirm whether anyone else is with them.<<
While Annex was working in AR he quickly consumed his sandwich, the handheld meal disappearing bite by bite into his mouth.
Oct 25 2017, 02:00 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1157 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
>>Yeah, Boss, the dressing room is clear for you.<<
>>Hey, Mister Oliver, my drone is already inside the building and looking around. The feed is going to Melinda. So far, I have not seen anyone, but it moves slow. I am still looking.<<
Oct 26 2017, 06:53 AM
An acknowledgement was sent to both men after receiving their messages. He took the time to finish eating his sandwich, them scooted his chair back and rose to a stand. While lifting the chair back into position under the table Annex motioned with his free hand for the other at the table to rise.
"There is no need to delay the start of the meeting any longer. Please accompany me backstage. It will be more private there."
He waited for those assembled at the table to get to their feet, then lead the way to the dressing room. After they had relocated Annex motioned to the chairs that were present, wordlessly offering them up to those who chose to sit. Yet he himself remained standing. Annex waited for the others to settle in, one way or another, before he began speaking again.
"The primary objective of this operation will be to capture the members of the Smoking Guns gang alive and arrange for them to be delivered into Knight Errant custody. A temporary holding space has been arranged and we have a connection to someone who may be able to facilitate Knight Errant taking these men into custody. However, we will need evidence of their crimes if they are to be convicted and imprisoned. After the raid we will be searching the gang's headquarters for that and, once the gang members are secured, volunteers unconnected to the raid will be ready to take testimony from the gang's victims to add to any evidence that we find. The members of the strike team, however, need to keep their identities concealed so as not to come under Knight Errant scrutiny themselves."
Annex stopped at that introduction, his gaze panning over the assembled personalities as he gave them time to process and react to what he had said.
Oct 26 2017, 01:38 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1202 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
All sit except for you and listen attentively as you talk. When you are done, Sam leans forward. "How do we keep our identities secret? Masks?"
Oct 26 2017, 03:21 PM
When Samantha voiced her query Annex turned his eyes to fix on her as he addressed it.
"Masks to conceal faces. Gloves so as not to leave finger prints behind. Spray bottles of bleach should also be carried in the event of blood spillage. An effort should be made to collect any spent rounds, unless you make a habit of cleaning them of fingerprints or wearing gloves while loading your weapon or magazines. Every member of the strike team will also choose for themselves a callsign to be used in place of their real name while out in the field."
After covering the question his eyes moved over the group, looking for others. But he did not wait more than a few seconds before he went on.
"We have eyes on the gang at this moment. Presently they are gathered together at the bar they operate out of and there does not seem to be anyone with them. That means no bystanders that to get caught in a crossfire or made into hostages. A good atmosphere to engage in."
Stepping up to the trideoscreen the Willow Tree's performers used for keeping an eye on the club floor he turned it on with a gloved hand, then forwarded the bar blue prints to the screen so that everyone present could view them.
"These are blueprints of the bar. Mr. Jameson, were you able time visit the bar and notice any security systems?"
Oct 27 2017, 01:56 PM
Sunday 16 June 2075 1205 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle
Jameson nods. "Yes. There is a video setup with a few cameras that look over the front entry, rear entry, main room, and the supply storage area in the basement. Pretty simple stuff. If they are alone now, it will not be for long. They open at 1600 on Sundays and the bartender and bouncer live upstairs on the premises."
Oct 27 2017, 03:25 PM
"In that case we best finish here quickly and prepare to move out."
.... came Annex's response to Jameson's reveal that the bartender and a bouncer lived on the premises. Turning back to the screen he pointed to an exterior access point for power monitoring and regulating.
"We will approach under cover and disable the power then, with the cameras down, enter through the rear practicing standard breach protocol: the person who opens the door is the last through, securing the team's flank until we progress to the next room."
After this brief conclusion Annex looked back to the group.
"Are there any comments or concerns that need voicing?"