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Sunday 16 June 2075 1207 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Samantha raises a hand. "That door is certain to be locked. What is your plan on getting in?"
Seeing Samantha's hand raised his eyes moved to her and he nodded, giving the woman a silent go ahead to speak. After her question was voice he looked pointedly to Sevras and Jameson, as though to direct attention to them, then back to Samantha.

"We have two people here who I am confident can bypass a lock, given that Mr. Jameson did not mention anything noteworthy about it."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1207 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Both Jameson and Talia nod and Samantha smiles. "Perhaps I need to look into a better lock at my place." The comment draws a chuckle from Willow and Jameson but a look of interest from Talia. Samantha nods her head in thought then continues. "So, we go room by room, looking for these guys? Or do you have a good idea which room they are in?"
Annex's response to the personal lock improvement was straight faced and focused. Not disinterest in the person or her affairs, but an unwillingness to be distracted from the task at hand.

"Operate under the assumption that it will be a room by room search until stated otherwise. We have eyes on the gang, however they could relocate or the level of accuracy concerning their exact location in the building could change between now and when we arrive."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1208 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Jameson looks up when you mention that you have eyes on the gang then nods as he reasons it out. "So, when do we move on them?"
"As time is a limiting factor given that we want to take them before anyone else has a chance to enter the scene, we will move out in five minutes. Sooner if everyone going on the operation is assembled and ready before then. If you need less than lethal ammunition, speak with Talia. If you need a mask, gloves, or spray bottle with bleach, Willow can arrange that. I also have one set of spare armor if someone needs it. Now, get your things together. We will need back in the main room."

When he mentioned the ammunition from his and Sevras' stock he looked to her, then a the mention of the more mundane items he looked to Willow. His gaze lingered briefly on each woman, making sure they were accepting and able to carry out the assignment before he continued on. Then, when he told everyone to get their things his looked on at the expectantly, his eyes urging them to action.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1208 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Everyone nods and stands up, Willow and Talia looking around and getting the nod from anyone who needs what they are supplying before leaving the room to collect what people need. Jameson ans Samantha stand and also leave, heading to the main room, waiting for Willow and Talia to return and pass out what is needed.
As everyone was filing out he signaled Willow to approach him for a last word prior to her collecting the resources people would need the operation.

"We will also require some restraints. Rope, or some other sturdy cordage, at the least."

With that final request he lowered his hand and allowed her to carry out her work without further interruption. Annex was the last of those assembled at the meeting to leave the backstage. In the main room he began checking his personal equipment while the requisitioned supplies were gathered. While did this he spoke to Samantha.

"Samantha, do you feel comfortable taking point on the way to the bar? I have studied maps of the area, but you have lived in the area longer than the rest of us."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1213 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Willow nods and a couple of minutes later, she comes to the main room with her arms full of supplies that she puts on a table to be passed out. Samantha has taken a seat at the table and nods to Annex after he asks her his question. There is an air of something big about to happen and everyone else is a bit somber and not really talking much, looking for Oliver to give the word to move out.
When Willow arrived with the supplies he offered a brief 'thank you' then looked through them for the restraints he had requested and took an item for himself. Which was promptly tucked away on his person and out of sight. After everyone had gathered what they needed he spoke up to make sure.

"Everyone have what they need? Good. Callsigns are Bastion ..."

Annex pointed a thumb at himself.

"... Mainstay ..."

The hand he hand used to indicate himself motioned to Samantha.

"... Bulwark ..."

At the work 'bulwark' he moved his hand towards Jameson. Then he pointed to Sevras at last as he gave out the final two callsigns.

"... and Stronghold. Any reference of support here at the Willow Tree will be 'Watchtower'."

His hand then raised, signaling anyone not on their feet to get up. As he talked he began to move to the kitchen.

"We will exit through the kitchen. Lets move. Mainstay has point until we reach the bar."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1217 The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Samantha nods and moves out in the lead, passing into and through the kitchen and leaving the building by the door to the alley. The video feed from the drone indicates that all four members of the gang are still located in one room. Three are playing some sort of card game while the fourth seems to be asleep in a chair.
Annex followed Samantha out into the alley and beyond. He watched her for cues, or signals. Trusting in the woman's judgement in the route they took and whether to dawn masks or draw weapons. At the same time he remained alert, his head turning right to left as he panned his eyes around the streets, buildings, and alleyways that made of their environment.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1218 Outside The Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Samantha walks confidently down the street. She seems alert but leaves her large pistol in its holster. Your feed from the bar does not change as you approach the alleyway that will take you around to the side entrance.
I the alley Annex forwarded blueprints of the bar to the others on the team with a cluster of red dots where the gangers were located.

"I have forwarded you their location. That is likely going to change once the power goes out."

After saying this he dawned a cloth mask that covered his head, concealing skin and hair. Then he put his ballistic mask on over this.

"Stronghold, take out the power. Bulwark deal with the door when she signals you the task is done."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1220 Outside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

The rest of the team follows suit with the masks then Sevras moves over to the power junction. A couple of minutes later and the power goes off inside the building and Jameson nods as he bends down at the door and quickly opens it.
When Jameson opened the door Annex drew his Ares Predator and two up a weaver stance with one hand gripping the gun's handle and the other acting as a vertical brace. With weapon ready he moved inside and to the right of the doorway. Quickly he took in the room while waiting for the others to file in. Then he moved to the door and stood at the ready, signaling for Sevras to open it when everyone else had entered and readied themselves to proceed.

As they prepared to advance he took stock of the drone video feed in his augmented reality heads up display. He took their reaction into account as he guided the group towards the room the gangers had been stationed in.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1220 Outside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle


Sorry. I guess I do not know if you were cutting power to the building or to just the door?
Sunday 16 June 2075 1221 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

As you carefully move through the empty building, clearing room by room, you get the impression that the owners are not particularly concerned with how clean the place is. The feed from the drone indicates that the four gangers have not changed their position. Soon, you are outside the door to the room they are in and can hear the three playing cards as they talk. One mentions the drug delivery on Monday.
Annex prepared to signal the team to breach. Then he heard them talk about the drug delivery. A hand rose, instead of giving Sevras the go ahead to open the door he gave a halt sign. It was worth waiting a moment to listen in the even some useful information came from their mouths. As he listened to their words he watched the drone feed, ready to signal his people to spring into action if it looked like their position was about to be compromised by someone moving towards the door.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1223 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

The conversation seems to involve two of the men discussing plans to rip off the drug delivery guy and leave the area for good. "This is our chance to get what we got coming to us and moving on."

Another man replies as he shakes his head. "Not sure why we need to be moving on?"

"Hell, without Jameson, we got to leave. You have heard the rumors of what that new guy over to the Willow Tree is saying, right?"

"Fuck him. And fuck Jameson. Bastard had no right to leave."

"Man, you just don't get it, do you. We're done here. This is our best chance to get a score and leave."

Both of the other men eventually nod.
They didn't say anything that would change what was going to happen now, or how he would deal with the drug courier. Annex gave Sevras the signal to open the door and begin the breach. Once the barrier was out of his way Annex stormed into the room, weaved to the side of the doorway, and created space for others to follow. His gun was raised and moved to bear on a target. As the others were coming into the room he barked out at the relaxing gangers in a commanding voice that threatened immediate violent action if they did not comply.

"On the ground! Hands behind your head! Now!"
Sunday 16 June 2075 1223 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

The surprise is complete. For a frozen second, one of the men at the table looks like he might take a chance and disobey you, but his face goes white as Jameson and Sam come into the room and he joins his companions on the floor. The sleeping ganger seems to remain oblivious to what is going on.
Annex was about to switch his barrel over to the defiant man at the table and put a round in him, but he wound up not needing to. Everyone but an apparently unconscious member of the group had complied. His lips pressed together into a thin line behind his mask. He did not trust that he was in fact asleep, but given the advantage his team held, it did not seem warranted to shoot him just in case.

"Search, restrain, and gag them. Start with him."

He indicated the sleeper with a tilt of his head as he spoke to Samantha and Jameson. Annex remained where he watching the gangers and covering the other two while they secured the prisoners.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1225 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Jameson and Samantha move quickly to do as requested and in short order the four gangers are trussed and gagged. The search of their persons brought out a pistol each and two of the men had flick knives. There were several credsticks taken from the pockets of two of the men.
Annex took account of the confiscated items and saw what he was looking for. Primarily anyway. Weapons would be useful for equipping others. Drugs or the like would have been good for evidence. But immediately, it was the comlinks that he wanted.

"Stronghold, keep an eye on them. Mainstay, cover the entrance. Bulwark, with me."

He waited for Sevras and Samantha to move to their respective tasks before pealing out of the room and down the hall. Once they were out of earshot he spoke with Jameson.

"Use the leader's comlink to text the bouncer and bartender. Tell them to stay clear of the bar for a couple hours. After that we will search this floor, then migrate to the to the next."

I am sorry. The common commlink is so ubiquitous that I did not mention that. They all have one, so feel free to edit your post accordingly.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1228 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Jameson nods and sends the message to the bartender and bouncer as requested. He gets replies back from both and sends an additional message. When done, he nods and slips the 'link into his pocket. You receive a text on your own 'link. >>Master, do you wish the drone to reorient itself to cover another location?<<
>>Yes. Have the drone cover the building's side entrance and the alley it leads out to. Also forward the feed to Samantha.<<

Annex sent the reply to Melinda, along with Samantha's comcode. While Jameson had done his texting, he lead the way to the first room they were to search and began combing through it and the items within. He was about as neat as you would expect a Knight Errant raid on the ganger holdout would be. That is to say, he didn't mind tossing the place. A middle ground of speed and thoroughness was sought. Not the cleanliness of the bar after they were finished.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1228 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Tossing the rooms yields some interesting items: several weapons, a few pieces of cheap jewelry, a stash of drugs that are packaged for sale, several credsticks that have a total of 35K nuyen on them, a number of 'links that were probably used as burners, but at least three that belonged to other people in the neighborhood.
After assembling the looted items into a bag for transport Annex collected four pillow cased before gathering the team back at the room where the gangers were being held. In route he sent out two text messages. The first was to Melinda:

>>We are preparing to move out. After we leave the drone may be extracted. When I get back I will have some comlinks for you to look over.<<

The second he sent to Willow:

>>Send the location for holding the prisoners.<<

At the holding room he held the pillowcases out to Jameson while he gave directions to the team, beginning the next step of the operation.

"Put these on their heads. Mainstay and Bulwark are to walk them out the front door. Let people see you. At least for a little while. The holding site is being sent to your comlinks. Message me when the prisoners are secured. Stronghold and I will leave through the back and get the evidence to Watchtower."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1312 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Melinda sends a short "message understood" note.

Willow sends the address to the cellar that is to serve as a temporary holding cell for the four gangers. >>It is the cellar of an abandoned garage. Doc and I have talked four young men into acting as guards for the time being. It looks like you got all four without needing to kill anyone. Well done, Oliver.<<

"There will be guards waiting to take custody of the prisoners."

... Annex added before parting ways with Samantha and Jameson. He sounded professional and official. Not at all as though this entire operation had been thrown together in a couple hours. Following that he departed from the bar, out the alley entrance with Sevras. As he went he sent a reply to Willow.

>>It was good to get guards. Talia and I are on our way to the Willow Tree. Once we arrive, have your volunteers start taking testimonies from the gang's victims.<<
Sunday 16 June 2075 1312 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

The response from Willow is fairly swift. >>Um....they may not be the best at questioning the gangers. They are willing to make sure they do not escape, but it might be best if someone more practical would at least lead the questioning. To show the others what they should ask and how to act when doing it.<<
>>I am not talking about the guards. No one is supposed to question the gangers. I am referring to the people I asked you to have on standby to question individuals that were extorted by the gang.]<<

There was a pause, then a follow up came over the line. What Willow said did not inspire confidence in the people she had tasked with watching over the gangers. Her confusion over his statement also caused him to feel the need to provide a reminder.

>>The guards had best be wearing masks and gloves. By holding people against their will they could technically be charged with kidnapping if they are identified.<<
Sunday 16 June 2075 1312 Inside Gang Bar, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Willow responds quickly. >>Sorry. I am would a bit tight today, I guess, and misinterpreted your message. Yes, we have people here ready to take statements. We do not yet have anyone showing up to give us statements, but I think that will change when it gets around that the gang is really out of business.<<
>>We can talk more when I get back. Almost there.<<

Annex's line end silent after that. He did his best to not make it easy to trace him as he made his way back to the Willow Tree. Once there he entered through the kitchen door in the alley before removing his masks and tucking them away. In the kitchen he turned to Sevras and pulled out the ganger comlinks, as well as those that were clearly not just burners. These he handed over to the drone.

"Take these to Melinda. Ask her to look for anything incriminating on them, pull contact lists from the ganger's comlinks, and identify the owners of the others. They might be stolen. If so, we will want to return them to their rightful owners after checking them for evidence. Make sure none have any GPS record of having been here as well. Best to disable that, if the comlinks have them. Make sure she handles them with gloves on."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1320 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Sevras nods as she takes the 'links and leaves the kitchen, passing Willow in the doorway. Willow gives her room to go by then comes into the kitchen. "It seems that all is going well, so far.. We have three locals giving statements to some of my girls."
When Willow gave him an update, informing him that three locals were here at the Willow Tree and giving statements to Willow Tree employees, he did not appear pleased. His jaw clenched, as though repressing some eruption of emotion. Annex was quiet for a moment, then his jaw relaxed and he spoke at a controlled, slightly slower than normal rate.

"It was not the best idea to recruit volunteers from the staff. Or gather statements here. Now the Willow Tree is clearly connected to the vigilante work. We are supposed to create degrees of separation. Volunteers should have been unconnected to us and should have went to the victims. As I instructed at the meeting, and in our conversation before that."

He stared at Willow for a while, wanting to make sure to understood the error that was made. Then he looked to the door she had came through. As though he could see through it and into the other room.

"It is good that people are willing to speak out though."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1320 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Willow shrugs. "You can be as angry as you want to be. The truth is that everyone around here already knows that the Willow Tree is involved in the vigilante work. Do you think you have made any of your opinions around here a secret? Sure, there is direct deniability from the masks you all wore, but do you really think that you would not be recognized just be your body shape and your walk? Or Sam or Talia?"

She motions out to the main room behind her. "So do you want to go out and talk to the people that have shown up?"
His only response to Willow's argument was a disappointed, and irritated, shake of the head. When the woman asked about speaking with people he turned his head back to neutral positioning and brought his eyes to bear on her. Annex was initially going to give her some instructions for the items he carried, and ideas for ways to capitalize on the situation for both her business and the community. Now, instead, he only set the bag of items he carried down on a nearby counter.

"No. You appear to have the situation handled. I will observe."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1322 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Now it is Willow's turn to give a sort of disappointed look but she shrugs and nods before looking at the bag you put on the counter. "What's in the bag?"
Even as Willow looked to, and inquired about the bag, Annex's eyes remained on the woman speaking.

"That is what was taken during the raid."

Annex did not linger to talk more than that. After a handful of seconds he left the drugs, weapons, and stolen goods behind with Willow as he made for the door. While he moved into the room he sized up the atmosphere. Took note of the people present, where they were, and how they were acting. All as he progressed towards the base of the stairs leading to the next floor.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1323 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

The atmosphere in the main room seems a bit lighthearted. Three men are talking to three of the girls, one pair to a table and the girls each have a 'link on the table between them. Two of the men look up as you walk through the room and wave as you head to the stairs. Several other girls are standing in a small group near the stage.
Seeing the two men wave at him Annex nodded in their general direction, acknowledging them. Since he did not notice anything that required his attention, Annex did not stop, and proceeded up the stairs to the second floor. Upstairs he made use of the restroom before heading to his and Sevras' room. There he took an accounting of the items that had unpacked during their stay at the Willow Tree, and proceeded to return them to the duffle bag he had carried them here in. Packing so as to be able to grab their gear and depart quickly, in the event of a negative Knight Errant response.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1334 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

While you are packing, there is a soft knock at your door and you hear Willow's voice. "Oliver, may I come in?"
The knock at the door sounded and he paused. Listened. Willow's voice followed, requesting entry. Annex tucked a pair of socks into his duffle bag, zipped the bag closed, then closed the drawer he had taken the socks from. Finally the duffle bag was tucked under the bed, out of sight. Once that was done he walked to the door, unlocked it, and opened it. He did not, however move aside to permit Willow entry. Instead he looked on with steely blue-gray eyes, waiting for her to say what she came to.
Sunday 16 June 2075 1335 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

When you open the door, you see Willow with her hand raised as if she was going to knock again. She waits a second to see if you are going to invite her in and when that does not happen she frowns a bit. "Oliver, are you alright? You seem angry at me."
For several long seconds there was no external response from Annex. He considered the negative impact that could be caused of someone walking down the hall and hearing his explanation, or a potential argument. Better not to make it openly easy. Without looking welcoming, in fact his demeanor was quite cold towards her at the time, he turned to the side and motioned for Willow to enter the room. Assuming she did enter, the door was closed after Willow came inside. Then locked.

"This is our first time working together on a dangerous project. We agreed to a course of action. Then, behind my back, you went and did the opposite. Ignoring the explicit conditions I set for my involvement in the Knight Errant plan. It was not because you forgot under stress or due to a lack of outside volunteers. It was because you felt those conditions were unnecessary."

The man's voice never raised. But there was the chill to it. A subtle sense of betrayal too, from a man who prized loyalty beyond anything else. After the initial explanation he pointed out a possible ramification of this thing that may have seemed minor to Willow's eyes.

"Talia and I may need to leave without further warning if I feel the wrong kind of Knight Errant attention is garnered from this. You have increased the potential of that happening."
Sunday 16 June 2075 1335 Willow Tree, Redmond Barrens Seattle

Willow steps into the room and stands with her back against a wall as you close the door. She listens to you speak and nods. Her voice is low when she replies. "I am sorry that I strayed from your wishes, but there was no better place for this than here. Your ideas have started something, and the Willow Tree is at the core of that. Your ideas may have been the seed, but they would have fallen on infertile ground if the Tree had not backed your play. You have been here less than a week and have turned my life upside down, but the people of this neighborhood do not know you. They do know me and the Willow Tree and there are many here that will go as this place does."

"Perhaps you should tell me just what sort of KE presence is the wrong kind and maybe even tell me why. If we are truly partners here, can that sort of information be shared?"
When he had confronted Willow initially she had shrugged it off and basically said 'I'm right, you're wrong'. Now she claimed to have done what she had for the benefit of his ideas. Annex looked at the woman dubiously, not buying into her current justification. When she tried to get information from him, talking about them being partners, his response was a curt verbal rebuke.

"Making unilateral alterations to an agreed upon plan is not how partners act."

His jaw clenched, cheek muscles tensing. For a couple of seconds he was visibly angry again, like in the kitchen. Then it was suppressed. The man was coldly stoic again. Raising his right hand he made a dismissive gesture.

"Whatever your motive may be, I trust you less now, and will not be working with you on future projects that may endanger my life or freedom. Not until I feel sufficient effort is being made to change this kind of poor behavior."

Without another word he walked back to the door and unlocked it. Then opening it he stepped out of the way and looked at Willow with an unspoken message: leave.
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