Apr 2 2015, 03:57 PM
Ok, assume that Snap sleeps till 9:00, and Jack rests as well.
11d6.hits(5)=2So both are now fully healed.
Sounds like there needs to be some IC posts between you guys about what, if anything, you are going to do before Huiquing wakes up at 10:00 (or if you wake him up before then).
Jack VII
Apr 2 2015, 04:18 PM
Sorry, really busy today. Here's an OOC thought:
1) We need to figure out getting the kid, hopefully without fireworks considering our very illegal status.
2) We need to contact one of the fixers at our disposal to identify a better safehouse for the time being.
3) Related to #1 above, we should probably talk to the fixers about getting R1 Fake SINs for the three of us who are totally undocumented.
Once we secure the kid and get somewhere safe, we can determine the status of the rest of what's going on.
Apr 2 2015, 09:29 PM
I'm not looking at people's sheets...but a R1 SIN is normally 2 days...ttwo net hits gets it in 12 hours, 3 6hours, 4 3 hours....
Unless someone is a mad negotiator, you're probably not getting the SIN in time to do the extraction.
However, we might be here more than just today, so it might be a good idea anyway.
Jack VII
Apr 2 2015, 10:17 PM
It's going to be tied to the fixer's skills, which are usually pretty good. But I also wasn't really counting on getting it in time for the extraction. Mostly for the several days we're probably going to have to spend here doing the rest of the job.
Apr 3 2015, 01:19 PM
Jack is correct - the fixer rolls his skill+stat to find it. You would only roll your dice if you were trying to find the item on your own.
Apr 6 2015, 05:02 AM
Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend - we've slowed down a little, I think that we have lots of things that people think the team
can do and
should do, but we need to have someone step up and say they what they
are doing it - then I can adjudicate what happens
Apr 7 2015, 07:41 PM
I guess as soon as Huiquing wakes we need to ask him what time his son gets out of classes...or if he doesn't have class at all today
Apr 7 2015, 07:51 PM
So - do you want me to skip ahead to 10:00?
Just making sure you guys aren't doing anything between now and then.
Also, PG - it is Saturday in game, so no classes for the son
Apr 7 2015, 09:16 PM
I'm fine with the jump to 10am. Mel will get a nap in, as well as fix (with Sisco's help) her deck.
Jack VII
Apr 7 2015, 09:43 PM
Apologies, this week is going to be really bad for me posting. My time should be freed up after Saturday. Will post when I can, but don't let Jack hold you back.
Chrome Head
Apr 8 2015, 03:22 PM
We can fast-forward to 9 or 10.
Things I think we should do:
1) Try to track Huiqing's son's commlink, using the commlink's code. If we can track him through GPS, our job is much easier (dunno how doable this is). We might just want to have Huiqing call him ASAP.
2) Snap casts Resist Pain on Sisco.
3) Ask fixer to provide a safehouse.
I don't think we really need fake SINs in this country, but I suppose it's less risky to try to acquire it - we can discuss this IC. I assume we already have Sisco with a SIN though, for if we need only one.
Apr 8 2015, 04:34 PM
Put up an IC post.
1) If Mel wants to do that, she can use the commcode to perform a Matrix Search, and then once she spots the icon, Mark it twice, and then perform a Trace Action on it.
2) Done - IC is down, but you rolled 12 dice and got 4 hits, leaving him with one box - (I cast it at Force 6 since it is F-4 drain) and you easily resisted the 2DV worth of drain with 5 hits.
3) Who are you calling? Stone, Tara, or Chapel? and who is actually doing the calling.
4) Sisco does have a valid SIN for the CAS territory, so legal purchases can be done through him. (For that matter, so does Huiquing, although I can understand if you don't want to use his

Apr 9 2015, 08:25 PM
Let's do the Matrix Search and see if Mel can find the icon.
Apr 9 2015, 09:12 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 9 2015, 03:25 PM)

Let's do the Matrix Search and see if Mel can find the icon.
IC is still down. I'm assuming the same settings on your deck as before when you were doing the Matrix Search, and that you are going into VR.
On a side note, with Grease's drone, I'm handwaving the process a little. Basically you have to Sleaze a Mark onto it to get it do anything, which starts your OS. Every 15 minutes, that goes up by 2d6. Which means basically every hour you have to jack out, clear your Marks, and start the process over again. Since you can have it come back to you and jack directly into it, you shouldn't have any problems doing so, but I don't want to have to roll all those dice every hour.
That being said, it may be an issue later, and you should when you have a chance, transfer ownership or abandon it. (Assuming Lone Star doesn't track it down - since it has Grease's Marks on it - so you may want to get rid of it sooner rather than later).
You are able to find the icon, put two Marks on it, and run a Trace program, giving you his location. He is currently on the school campus.
Since you aren't running Baby Monitor, you aren't sure of your OS. I'm assuming you would have cleared your deck before you began.
Apr 9 2015, 09:27 PM
Apr 13 2015, 04:00 PM
What's involved in transferring ownership of a drone?
Apr 13 2015, 04:39 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 13 2015, 12:00 PM)

What's involved in transferring ownership of a drone?
You can illegally change a device’s owner with a Hardware toolkit and an Extended Hardware + Logic [Mental] (24, 1 hour) test. A glitch on that test results in the item sending a
report to the authorities.
The trick is that you need 24 hits to do it, and each time you roll the dice, you lose one die from your pool.
So, for example, your pool is 9 dice. You get 3 hits. You roll again, with 8 dice, lets say 3 more hits. 7 dice and 6 dice yield you 2 hits each, and you roll again with 5 dice, getting two more hits. Now down to 4 dice, you don't want to roll, for fear of glitching, so you wait 8 hours for your dice pool to refresh. That means you have spent 5 hours working on it, and then 8 waiting (you can be doing something else during this time) and you only have 12 hits, so you need 12 more.
Apr 13 2015, 05:38 PM
Okay, that seems more than a little onerous. I don't want to abandon it. ALright...I'll bring this up IC.
Apr 14 2015, 12:02 AM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Apr 13 2015, 11:39 AM)

You can illegally change a device’s owner with a Hardware toolkit and an Extended Hardware + Logic [Mental] (24, 1 hour) test. A glitch on that test results in the item sending a
report to the authorities.
The trick is that you need 24 hits to do it, and each time you roll the dice, you lose one die from your pool.
So, for example, your pool is 9 dice. You get 3 hits. You roll again, with 8 dice, lets say 3 more hits. 7 dice and 6 dice yield you 2 hits each, and you roll again with 5 dice, getting two more hits. Now down to 4 dice, you don't want to roll, for fear of glitching, so you wait 8 hours for your dice pool to refresh. That means you have spent 5 hours working on it, and then 8 waiting (you can be doing something else during this time) and you only have 12 hits, so you need 12 more.
I can also help out on the test...every hit I get would add to her dice pool and even 1 success would also add 1 to her limit.
But again...that's if we find downtime.
Apr 14 2015, 12:02 AM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Apr 13 2015, 11:39 AM)

You can illegally change a device’s owner with a Hardware toolkit and an Extended Hardware + Logic [Mental] (24, 1 hour) test. A glitch on that test results in the item sending a
report to the authorities.
The trick is that you need 24 hits to do it, and each time you roll the dice, you lose one die from your pool.
So, for example, your pool is 9 dice. You get 3 hits. You roll again, with 8 dice, lets say 3 more hits. 7 dice and 6 dice yield you 2 hits each, and you roll again with 5 dice, getting two more hits. Now down to 4 dice, you don't want to roll, for fear of glitching, so you wait 8 hours for your dice pool to refresh. That means you have spent 5 hours working on it, and then 8 waiting (you can be doing something else during this time) and you only have 12 hits, so you need 12 more.
I can also help out on the test...every hit I get would add to her dice pool and even 1 success would also add 1 to her limit.
But again...that's if we find downtime.
Apr 14 2015, 12:47 PM
Just in case it wasn't clear in my previous OOC post, Mel does have a physical location for Bai's commlink, it is on the campus of the school.
I only mention it so that Mel can indicate that IC.
Chrome Head
Apr 15 2015, 07:27 PM
Ok! Looks like we're ready to go back to daily posting. I'll make sure to check the forums regularly.
Apr 16 2015, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Apr 15 2015, 03:27 PM)

Ok! Looks like we're ready to go back to daily posting. I'll make sure to check the forums regularly.
Excellent - time to get back on track

I've updated the locations document to include Vandermay Academy.
There still needs to be some discussion (IC and OOC) as to what happens next among you guys - but if you need anything, let me know.
Apr 20 2015, 01:09 PM
Glad to see PG is so optimistic as to how this will go
Apr 20 2015, 08:50 PM
Since Invisible Castle is down again I've been using Orokos.com dice roller..... in case anyone's interested.
Jack VII
Apr 21 2015, 06:34 PM
The map is updated. Vandermay Academy is way the Hell in the south part of the CAS district, almost off the charted area of the map, FYI.
Apr 21 2015, 07:26 PM
What are Mel's options on detecting if others are listening in on a commlink? I know that she can detect marks on it with Matrix Perception, but is there anything else she can do?
Jack VII
Apr 21 2015, 07:42 PM
I think it is sort of a process of elimination. If Mel knows that MARKs are required to snoop on a commlink call, then if the icon doesn't have any unusual MARKs, it should be clear. At least, that's how I see it.
Apr 21 2015, 07:43 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 21 2015, 03:26 PM)

What are Mel's options on detecting if others are listening in on a commlink? I know that she can detect marks on it with Matrix Perception, but is there anything else she can do?
The only way that someone can listen in on a commlink is to perform the Snoop Matrix Action, which requires a Mark on the target commlink.
If you spot a Mark on the commlink, you can then make a Matrix Perception test to try and spot the device (more than likely a cyberdeck) that has the Mark on that link, and then you can try and Mark it to perform a Trace action if you would like.
Apr 22 2015, 01:24 PM
Okey dokey - looking to push us forward a little bit. Our postings have dropped way off in the past month, and I didn't want to be too pushy, but I don't want to see the game stall.
Mel already has a Mark on Bai's commlink, although she currently doesn't have one on Huiquing's commlink since it is not on.
Seems like your choices are (but limited to):
1) Call Bai and have him try and meet you somewhere else.
2) Drive to the school and pick him up.
The benefits of meeting Bai on campus are that security will be fairly tight, and Huiquing has every right to be there, so whoever wants him dead may not try something on campus.
The downside is that security is pretty tight, so if you ARE forced to do anything illegal, you'll have to deal with Knight Errant in addition to whatever else you are dealing with.
Off-campus you lose the threat of KE, but lose their security as well.
Jack VII
Apr 22 2015, 04:59 PM
I put Jack's position out there a day or two ago, waiting for feedback.
Apr 22 2015, 10:43 PM
I thought Sisco's position was pretty clear too...
I prefer trying to pick the kid up at school.
Really, I don't think they'll try anything there but rather wait till we pull out and go after us on the street.
Chrome Head
Apr 23 2015, 01:45 AM
Snap prefers to go with Jack's idea if it's doable.
Apr 23 2015, 02:00 AM
Mel agrees with going on campus for this.
Apr 23 2015, 03:31 AM
Ok excellent - thanks for posting everyone, I appreciate it

I'm assuming you want to meet Bai outside his dorm - I've updated the dropbox with a picture of the campus from the air. (in the Adventure 2 Folder)
Is Mel going to hack one of Grease's drones again to get that aerial view?
Any spirits being summoned?
Any other precautions before you arrive at the gate?
Chrome Head
Apr 23 2015, 02:30 PM
En route, Snap will summon a F5 spirit of Air with Elemental Attack. Better safe than sorry.
Apr 23 2015, 03:09 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Apr 23 2015, 09:30 AM)

En route, Snap will summon a F5 spirit of Air with Elemental Attack. Better safe than sorry.
Snap Summons
12d6: 41 [12d6=3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 6, 5, 4, 1, 6] = 3 hits
Spirit Resists
3d6: 5 [3d6=1, 1, 3] = 0 hits
Snap Resists 2DV Stun
13d6: 38 [13d6=3, 6, 4, 3, 1, 1, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 1, 6]= 3 hits
So you have 3 services and no stun
Jack VII
Apr 23 2015, 03:21 PM
Jack is going to change into his suit, which should still be in Mr. T. Figure I should look the part of a high-level yakuza's bodyguard, even if I am an ork.
Apr 23 2015, 05:38 PM
Mel will hack the fly-spy and get it airborne before we get to the campus.
Apr 23 2015, 07:34 PM
As soon as Mel lets the fly-spy go, she start Matrix Perception checks on Bai's phone, looking for MARKs that aren't his (hot-sim).
Apr 23 2015, 08:04 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 23 2015, 03:34 PM)

As soon as Mel lets the fly-spy go, she start Matrix Perception checks on Bai's phone, looking for MARKs that aren't his (hot-sim).
Your Matrix Perception only shows the 4 owner's Marks on Bai's Commlink.
Apr 24 2015, 01:18 PM
I'm going into VR(cold) just in case we need some fancy driving.....
Apr 24 2015, 02:51 PM
Mel will relay that info to the group. (I can put together an IC post, but I don't know what the digital sculpting is for the campus, so Lobo may have a better time putting Mel's perspective together)
Apr 24 2015, 03:46 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 24 2015, 09:51 AM)

Mel will relay that info to the group. (I can put together an IC post, but I don't know what the digital sculpting is for the campus, so Lobo may have a better time putting Mel's perspective together)
Are you hacking into the Campus Host?
Also I'd like a more general idea of what you guys are doing.
Are you just rolling up to the front gate? Any recon of the area outside the campus? Physical or Magical or Matrix?
Jack VII
Apr 24 2015, 03:50 PM
I'd say we let Huiquing do the talking at the gate. He's probably used to getting his way. I think the two biggest concerns are:
1) Why is rolling around in this van?
2) Why is he hanging out with orks?
As far as the rest of it, I don't think we really know enough about the area to pull off much of a recon with the timelines involved.
Apr 24 2015, 04:04 PM
Yes, Mel will hack the host...that will start the GOD score, yes?
Apr 24 2015, 04:21 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Apr 24 2015, 11:04 AM)

Yes, Mel will hack the host...that will start the GOD score, yes?
You actually started your GOD score when you hacked into the drone. You've had the drone up and running surveillance over the campus for about 10 minutes with the GOD score active (although remember I don't roll to add to it until 15 minutes pass).
I'll start rolling for you to hack the host in a little bit and post the results.
Your ASDF and programs? Datajack Wireless?
Apr 24 2015, 04:24 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Apr 24 2015, 11:50 AM)

I'd say we let Huiquing do the talking at the gate. He's probably used to getting his way. I think the two biggest concerns are:
1) Why is rolling around in this van?
2) Why is he hanging out with orks?
As far as the rest of it, I don't think we really know enough about the area to pull off much of a recon with the timelines involved.
Both are good questions - however, since he isn't under duress, he can probably get onto campus, as there is nothing illegal about hanging out with orks. (Especially since Sisco is actually legal in this zone.). The only thing you would have to worry about would be that people will remember the visit as odd.
Apr 24 2015, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Apr 24 2015, 09:18 AM)

I'm going into VR(cold) just in case we need some fancy driving.....
Are you going to stay in VR while you head to the campus? Remember that you will be laying slack and unresponsive in the driver's seat and not able to interact with anyone physically.
Not that it is unheard of, since VR isn't illegal, and drivers in VR are probably pretty common, I'm just checking from a role-play perspective.
Jack VII
Apr 24 2015, 04:32 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Apr 24 2015, 11:24 AM)

...as there is nothing illegal about hanging out with orks.
Not really concerned about legality, but he called us demons or some shit not too terribly long ago. I figure with Chinatown being in the CAS, there's probably a general understanding of the prejudice that the Triads and other Chinese show toward orks and trolls. As long as we can get in without the guards digging into it too much, I'm not too worried if people think the visit is odd.
EDIT: Actually, since KE runs security for the CAS, I am a little worried about legality since Sisco is the only one with a legit SIN for this zone. I guess we should ask Huiquing about it IC.
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