QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Dec 5 2014, 02:34 PM)

I need to read on that (and I don't have my book at work), to make sure I understand how wards work in this edition. I'll post about this tonight or tomorrow.
My idea was to intentionally set off an alarm, just to see what it is that they do to protect themselves against spirit intrusion, which is always a possibility when you maintain a ward. Maybe it's not such a great idea if it's likely to increase the on-site security, or if Snap can likely pass through the ward without setting off an alarm.
No problem.
Here is the relevant passage from the book:
If you’ve got a mana barrier in your way, you’ve got a
couple options other than “give up.” You can try breaking
through violently, or you can try passing through
If you want to break through a mana barrier, you need
to deal with its Armor and Structure Ratings, just as you
would with any other barrier. A mana barrier has Armor
and Structure ratings equal to its Force. Break it quickly,
because they regain their full Structure at the end of every
Combat Turn. The creator of a mana barrier is instantly
aware of any attack on the barrier.
Awakened characters have discovered other methods
of forcing their way through an astral barrier besides
the use of brute force. You can press through
a barrier with a Magic + Charisma [Astral] v. barrier’s
Force x 2 Opposed Test. If you get any net hits, you
pass through the barrier and emerge on the other side.
You can bring a number of friends, spirits, active foci,
sustained spells, or other astral forms with you, one for
each net hit you score. If the barrier scores more hits,
you fail to break through.
This brings up the question can Spirits actually pass through the barrier?
It says "Awakened Characters can press through" and you can bring spirits with you.
Any thoughts? After rereading it, it seems to indicate that the only recourse a spirit would have to get through ward is to break through it.
ETA - I was posting at the same time as Jack - Jack, you think spirits count as Awakened Characters? Or does it say somewhere else that they too can pass through?