Dec 2 2014, 01:52 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Dec 2 2014, 07:31 AM)

Obviously, the host is determining what the icons look like here, correct? So do they basically correspond visually to function? In other words, if I see a guard, can I assume that it's probably IC, or do I have to roll Matrix Perception with every icon to determine its basic identity?
In general, form follows function in the Matrix. So if you see a guard, you can probably assume its Patrol IC. If you see a camera, it is probably the icon for a camera, etc.
There is a program, called Wrapper, that you can use to change the appearance, so you could have a gun have a commlink icon, etc but in general what you see is what you get.
@Dr. Z,
The information above is probably going to take you an hour or two to acquire, as you are not just conducting a straight Q&A with a contact, but rather talking to lots of different people.
Dec 2 2014, 03:27 PM
Okay, so can I get a general impression of security, both guards and cameras/motion sensors/et al?
Dec 2 2014, 03:45 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Dec 2 2014, 10:27 AM)

Okay, so can I get a general impression of security, both guards and cameras/motion sensors/et al?
Yes and no - remember that finding an icon in the Matrix does not give its Physical location in the real world. You would have to have 2 Marks on the icon and then perform a Trace Icon Action in order to find it.
So while you can wander around the host and see how many cameras, etc are attached to it, you can't know their real world location without some hacking.
How long do you want to spend scouting around, and do you want to start hacking things as well, or do you want to hold off on that?
Dec 2 2014, 05:59 PM
I'm not (at least at this point) looking for real world location. I'm looking for numbers and types. Are there endless cameras everywhere, or only a handful? Are there twelve different types of non-video sensors (motion tracking, audio sensors, temperature sensors, et al).
At this point I'm not hacking anything. Unless something changes, I'm not going to do anything illegal. That is, unless you tell me that I've gotten all that I can get out of this mode of investigation.
Jack VII
Dec 2 2014, 06:15 PM
There could also be hidden icons in the Host. Matrix Perception will spot those.
Dec 2 2014, 06:33 PM
Yes, but I assume that I would specifically have to look for those, correct? With hidden icons, can I just say I'm looking for hidden icons, or do I have to know what I'm looking for before I roll the dice?
Right now, I'm taking advantage of my ability to be in the host completely legally and just...look around.
Jack VII
Dec 2 2014, 06:47 PM
You don't need to know the specifics. Inside a Host, it should provide you with the number of hidden icons. Then you have to make Matrix Perception tests against each one to find out what it is. If you have specific information about a hidden icon, you can specify what you are trying to find.
Since it's a Matrix Perception test, it isn't an illegal action.
Dec 2 2014, 09:19 PM
Ok guys, sorry, work has been nuts.
Let me recap where we are and what I think we need to do to continue:
1) I need to get Mel a list of what she finds in the Host - should take her probably 30 minutes of game time to do so. (will try and get this up later tonight)
2) Grease will be busy for the next two hours of game time smoozing and gathering intel (and then eventually communicating some or all of that info to the rest of the team.)
3) Jack and Snap have to figure out what they want to do.
As a group, you then need to determine what your course of action is, some salient notes:
1) You still have about 15 to 20 minutes before Stone arrives
2) You are about a 30 minute drive from O'Roarke's to Huiquing's house
Any questions let me know
Jack VII
Dec 2 2014, 09:47 PM
I guess Snap and Jack should probably catch a ride with Sisco over to the target location and take a look around the area to get some on-the-ground knowledge. Mel, being knocked out, could ride along, although I'm not sure if we should leave Grease alone. The bar seems safe, but it is Grease we're talking about...
What exactly are we getting from Stone? Just touching base? I know we were looking to talk to him before we realized we were going to be able to bring along most of our gear.
Chrome Head
Dec 2 2014, 10:12 PM
Getting a lay of the land in the physical (and astral!) world will be useful, and the sooner the better. Same as Mel is doing, we just go there and look from behind tinted windows (or open windows to see astrally?) as we drive by (and of course Jack can record at the same time). The scouting will prove useful for our planning. We can send a spy and/or a spirit for taking a look from overhead of the house. That kind of stuff.
I don't see why not do that now while we wait after Grease. Mel will be done with her stuff by the time we're actually there, too.
Dec 2 2014, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Dec 2 2014, 04:47 PM)

What exactly are we getting from Stone? Just touching base? I know we were looking to talk to him before we realized we were going to be able to bring along most of our gear.
Currently you aren't getting anything from him - I was just saying you theoretically were meeting with him if you needed more stuff, but if you don't need anything, no worries.
Assuming you are all okay with heading to the target location, then after I put up the info for Mel, I can post a transition scene. (leaving Grease behind where he hopefully doesn't get lynched

Jack VII
Dec 2 2014, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Dec 2 2014, 04:36 PM)

Currently you aren't getting anything from him - I was just saying you theoretically were meeting with him if you needed more stuff, but if you don't need anything, no worries.
I don't think we're going to know if we need anything from Stone (other than the cases... I forgot to ask Tara about those, but it probably doesn't hurt to send some biz to Stone as well, Grease can ask about those) until we assess the security at the target.
Dec 3 2014, 01:07 AM
Ugh, just had to change a tire in the rain.
@lobo: sounds good. Grease will schmooze and try to gather some quick Intel. If Jack mentions they're scouting the target, grease will give him his fly spies to help out.
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Dec 2 2014, 07:07 PM)

Ugh, just had to change a tire in the rain.
Ugh, that's miserable.
Dec 3 2014, 02:11 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Dec 2 2014, 08:11 PM)

Ugh, that's miserable.
It was certainly less fun than I could have hoped!

"short cuts make long delays..."
Dec 3 2014, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Dec 2 2014, 09:11 PM)

It was certainly less fun than I could have hoped!

"short cuts make long delays..."
Sorry to hear that Dr. Z - that's what you get for cutting cross country Frodo...
Dec 3 2014, 02:51 AM
Ok, so here is what I think is a reasonable thing for you to do.
Call up a list of devices slaved to the Host. I've looked over all the Matrix actions, and honestly I don't think any of them apply, my guess is the closes would be a Matrix Search:
Int 5 Comp 6, +4 for the codes from the Johnson
15d6.hits(5)=4More than enough hits to find it
So in under a minute, you've called up the following, which is in Mandarin, but a simple cross feed into an online translator gives the following:
25 cameras
10 drones
6 commlinks
12 weapons
5 Sensor Suites
8 Maglocks
Various pieces of cyberware
Various pieces of gear (think vision and audio enhancers built into glasses, etc) (too many to list individually here)
What is your next step?
ETA - I put all the information that I think you would be interested in (I left out the numerous other devices (refrigerators, coffeemakers, etc) that would be slaved to the host. If there is another type of device that you were interested in that I left off of here, give me a list, and I can tell you how many there are (if there are any).
Dec 3 2014, 02:53 AM
Ok - next step, Jack or Snap, one of you should post about:
1) Telling Grease where you are going
2) Contacting Stone and telling him you aren't meeting (or at least that you aren't meeting until later)
and then I can put you guys on your way to the target's house.
In addition (and either you can do it or I can do it), given that Grease is going to give you the Fly Spies, he'll have to invite Marks on them so that you can then send messages to them and control them.
Dec 3 2014, 03:28 AM
I would like to search for building schematics...electrical blueprints, something that shows not only a building plan, but also points where cameras would (or could) be mounted.
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 03:36 AM
I think Grease should probably meet with Stone while we're gone since we already have a meeting setup. I think Grease made the final arrangements with him and those cases may not be that easy to track down this late at night (in the event we want to actually attempt this at 4AM or 5AM.
I should be able to put up a Me and Snap post in a bit.
Dec 3 2014, 04:24 AM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Dec 2 2014, 10:28 PM)

I would like to search for building schematics...electrical blueprints, something that shows not only a building plan, but also points where cameras would (or could) be mounted.
I've uploaded three photos into the dropbox with the building schematics.
You do not find any electrical blueprints, however - those do not appear to be in the host.
Chrome Head
Dec 3 2014, 05:24 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Dec 2 2014, 10:36 PM)

I think Grease should probably meet with Stone while we're gone since we already have a meeting setup. I think Grease made the final arrangements with him and those cases may not be that easy to track down this late at night (in the event we want to actually attempt this at 4AM or 5AM.
I should be able to put up a Me and Snap post in a bit.
I agree Grease should meet with Stone by himself while we're at it.
ETA: Nice post Jack!
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 05:35 AM
Thanks. Feel free to add to it if you want. Since I know you're available, I didn't want to take too much agency, but I figured Amy would want to say something.
Thinking through stuff that might be useful to us:
- Anything that can help us open locks that might not be electronic. We ran into that last run but never fixed the problem, as far as I can tell. Autopickers are Availability 8, so that could potentially be within reach. They're 500

per point of rating. They're also, unfortunately, WAY more expensive here in the CAS than the UCAS. So it's more like 1650 per point of rating here which probably puts them out of our reach from a timeline perspective. We can't use a lockpick set either since Locksmith is a non-default skill.
- I am hoping Mel can deal with most of the security devices we might encounter.
- I have an ultrasound sensor that I will likely set to a passive bounce to help us detect motion sensors.
Dec 3 2014, 02:34 PM
I'm pretty sure we are all set for the transition scene to Huiquing's.
Mel, if you have any more questions, feel free to ask, as you will be doing this all while in transit.
Jack and Snap, if you wanted to do something before you leave, just let me know, and I can always edit my IC post.
Will take me a little bit to get the post up, but it will be up by 12:00 (EST) latest.
As always, if you need something, let me know.
ETA - Jack, remember that the COLA doesn't affect the Availability test, so if you buy a rating 2 Autopicker, the time is still base 1 day (although the cost is obviously still much higher).
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 02:42 PM
Oh yeah, forgot that and we just talked about it.

I'm still not sure if 1,650 for an R1 Autopicker is something we would want to spend, especially without knowing we have a specific need for it. I figure we may have other ways to get around locks if necessary. They just tend to be kind of loud.
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 04:07 PM
Hmm... I can't seem to find Grease's Fly Spys in his equipment list in the OOC post or the Dropbox. What kind of sensors do they have? I was going to task one of the drones to maintain its orbit so we could get a recording of the patrol patterns of the the three teams (if any). If any of them have a laser microphone, he was going to try to direct it to start checking windows to see if he picked up any conversation.
Dec 3 2014, 04:17 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Dec 3 2014, 11:07 AM)

Hmm... I can't seem to find Grease's Fly Spys in his equipment list in the OOC post or the Dropbox. What kind of sensors do they have? I was going to task one of the drones to maintain its orbit so we could get a recording of the patrol patterns of the the three teams (if any). If any of them have a laser microphone, he was going to try to direct it to start checking windows to see if he picked up any conversation.
We are going to have to wait for Grease on that

It was in his Excel version of the character sheet, but that is no longer in the drop box, and I honestly don't remember which sensors he had, except I
know he had thermo and low light.
I don't remember seeing a laser microphone, but I could be wrong.
Jack VII
Dec 3 2014, 04:24 PM
That's fine. We kind of need to wait for Mel to come to and provide us with whatever information she might have uncovered in any event. I imagine it probably would have happened by the time we got to the estate.
Chrome Head
Dec 4 2014, 01:12 AM
As planned, Amy will send out her spirit to do some reconnaissance.
Go in and around the house and report back with what you can find about the auras you find, any wards, active spells, and especially astral/dual beings. Avoid detection and let me know if you are detected. Above all, don't lead eventual pursuers to me.
Let me know if you think this is too much. For example, I could split it into different services for different kinds of information. Once we're agreed on what would constitute a service, I'll post that IC.
Dec 4 2014, 01:31 AM
Alright, I want to try to locate a camera inside the Artifact Room. Once located, I want to Snoop the camera's feed...I want to find one that shows one or both of our target items.
Jack VII
Dec 4 2014, 02:19 AM
@Lobo: My instructions to the FlySpy are totally dependent on the Floor Plans being laid out in a standard "North is Up" legend. If that's not the case, please feel free to "change" my instructions to match the appropriate direction. The basement floor plan has a "To Car Garage" on the right side of the plan, which I assumed was east. I wasn't sure if that was accurate since the post mentioned a multi-car garage (possibly another one?) to the southwest of the house.
Dec 4 2014, 02:21 AM
Apologies.. I will try to dig up the sensor list next time I'm in front of my home computer
Dec 4 2014, 02:32 AM
Both fly-spies are equipped with: "Camera, Omni-directional microphone, directional microphone, laser microphone, ultrasound, radio signal scanner, olfactory sensor, motion sensor."
For reference, the microskimmer has: "Camera, omni-directional microphone, ultrasound, motion detector, radio signal scanner, cyberware scanner, Geiger counter, olfactory sensor"
The doberman: "Camera, Omni-directional microphone, directional microphone, ultrasound, radio signal scanner, motion sensor, olfactory sensor, vision magnification"
The BMW: "Camera, Omni-directonal microphone, laser microphone, Cyberware scanner, MAD scanner, olfactory sensor, radio signal scanner, geiger counter"
The Americar (Cab): "Camera, Omni-directonal microphone, laser microphone, Cyberware scanner, MAD scanner, olfactory sensor, radio signal scanner, ultrasound".
@Lobo: If the timeline syncs up and you want to post Stone showing up; I can post IC tomorrow after work discussing what we'd like. Sorry for the late check-in today! Y'all seem to be getting along fine without me

I may try to make a habit of checking in at lunch to see if if you need anything I can add OOC.
Dec 4 2014, 04:29 AM
Ok - sorry for the delay - had to take my son to basketball practice and then some more overtime - what fun

I would think a reasonable command would be something along the lines of: "Search everything inside the perimeter of the wall and report back the number and types of auras you find."
I get what you mean by not allowing someone to follow it back to you, but two things:
1) It doesn't really have to actually appear at your location to talk to you - we do that because it makes better storytelling, but as far as I'm aware there is no limit to the range of the telepathic communication between summoner and spirit. So no one can literally follow it back to you, although if someone Assenses the spirit and gets your signature, they could potentially track your signature.
2) This will have to be a remote service, the grounds are too big for the spirit to search and still be within 600 meters of you. Not necessarily a big deal, but just letting you know.
Well then, I screwed that up, could have sworn you had thermo and lowlight in the cameras. Hmm - I will have to modify my IC post, since your drone isn't going to be able to pick up the 3 teams, since it is pitch black, and the drone can't see in the dark (and the Ultrasound and Motion detectors are far too short ranged to pick up the team's movement).
I'm just going to delete that part, and everyone pretend that they don't know those guys are there

I'll add Stone arriving later on tonight in an IC post.
Would love to have you check in during lunch if you can

Yes, the top of the picture is north, so no worries there - modify the IC post as you see fit due to the fact you can't see the guards.
Ok, there are three different cameras that you believe are possibilities.
Each requires a Hack on the Fly, and then a Snoop.
First the Hack on the Fly
Hacking+Logic+Hot Sim+Bonus Dice
18d6.hits(5)=5, 18d6.hits(5)=6, 18d6.hits(5)=6The devices resist
6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1So no problems there.
Next up, the Snooping
15d6.hits(5)=6, 15d6.hits(5)=2, 15d6.hits(5)=4And they resist
6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3So, would you like to burn Edge on the 2nd Snoop attempt?
Jack VII
Dec 4 2014, 04:55 AM
I did think the cameras were modified with LL and TG, but I could be thinking of another PbP.
I'll edit my posts. If the drones can't see anything at all, I would probaby have them inspect the out buildings with their directional/laser microphones.
Chrome Head
Dec 4 2014, 05:42 AM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Dec 3 2014, 11:29 PM)

I would think a reasonable command would be something along the lines of: "Search everything inside the perimeter of the wall and report back the number and types of auras you find."
I get what you mean by not allowing someone to follow it back to you, but two things:
1) It doesn't really have to actually appear at your location to talk to you - we do that because it makes better storytelling, but as far as I'm aware there is no limit to the range of the telepathic communication between summoner and spirit. So no one can literally follow it back to you, although if someone Assenses the spirit and gets your signature, they could potentially track your signature.
2) This will have to be a remote service, the grounds are too big for the spirit to search and still be within 600 meters of you. Not necessarily a big deal, but just letting you know.
I was just thinking about sending the spirit inside the house first, because that's the most important. I need to know about wards inside the house, and of course any astral entities.
I'm with you on not needing to come straight to me, but I thought it could make sense to say something specifically about that.
Would this be okay:
"Search everything
inside the house and report back the number and types of auras
and wards you find. Avoid detection as much as you can."
Dec 4 2014, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Dec 3 2014, 11:29 PM)

Ok, there are three different cameras that you believe are possibilities.
Each requires a Hack on the Fly, and then a Snoop.
First the Hack on the Fly
Hacking+Logic+Hot Sim+Bonus Dice
18d6.hits(5)=5, 18d6.hits(5)=6, 18d6.hits(5)=6The devices resist
6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1So no problems there.
Next up, the Snooping
15d6.hits(5)=6, 15d6.hits(5)=2, 15d6.hits(5)=4And they resist
6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3So, would you like to burn Edge on the 2nd Snoop attempt?
Yeah. Have I used one or two points so far?
Dec 4 2014, 02:25 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Dec 4 2014, 12:42 AM)

I was just thinking about sending the spirit inside the house first, because that's the most important. I need to know about wards inside the house, and of course any astral entities.
I'm with you on not needing to come straight to me, but I thought it could make sense to say something specifically about that.
Would this be okay:
"Search everything inside the house and report back the number and types of auras and wards you find. Avoid detection as much as you can."
That's fine - my one question would be you should specify that if it encounters a ward, should it go through it or not.
You can go ahead and post that all in IC whenever you wish.
Dec 4 2014, 02:30 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Dec 4 2014, 08:25 AM)

Yeah. Have I used one or two points so far?
Ok, so you use a point of Edge
13d6.hits(5)=7Well then
So you succeed. To answer your question, this was the second point of Edge you have used.
I'll throw up an IC post of what you see in a couple minutes.
Dec 4 2014, 05:24 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Dec 3 2014, 11:29 PM)

Ok - sorry for the delay - had to take my son to basketball practice and then some more overtime - what fun

I would think a reasonable command would be something along the lines of: "Search everything inside the perimeter of the wall and report back the number and types of auras you find."
I get what you mean by not allowing someone to follow it back to you, but two things:
1) It doesn't really have to actually appear at your location to talk to you - we do that because it makes better storytelling, but as far as I'm aware there is no limit to the range of the telepathic communication between summoner and spirit. So no one can literally follow it back to you, although if someone Assenses the spirit and gets your signature, they could potentially track your signature.
2) This will have to be a remote service, the grounds are too big for the spirit to search and still be within 600 meters of you. Not necessarily a big deal, but just letting you know.
Well then, I screwed that up, could have sworn you had thermo and lowlight in the cameras. Hmm - I will have to modify my IC post, since your drone isn't going to be able to pick up the 3 teams, since it is pitch black, and the drone can't see in the dark (and the Ultrasound and Motion detectors are far too short ranged to pick up the team's movement).
I'm just going to delete that part, and everyone pretend that they don't know those guys are there

I'll add Stone arriving later on tonight in an IC post.
Would love to have you check in during lunch if you can

Yes, the top of the picture is north, so no worries there - modify the IC post as you see fit due to the fact you can't see the guards.
Ok, there are three different cameras that you believe are possibilities.
Each requires a Hack on the Fly, and then a Snoop.
First the Hack on the Fly
Hacking+Logic+Hot Sim+Bonus Dice
18d6.hits(5)=5, 18d6.hits(5)=6, 18d6.hits(5)=6The devices resist
6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=1So no problems there.
Next up, the Snooping
15d6.hits(5)=6, 15d6.hits(5)=2, 15d6.hits(5)=4And they resist
6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3, 6d6.hits(5)=3So, would you like to burn Edge on the 2nd Snoop attempt?
@Lobo: rats. That was an oversight on my part. I don't suppose you'd let me retcon one of the three microphones into a useful nighttime camera? It seems like that may be valuable...
@team: I'll post IC tonight; do we need anything from stone other than the cases? Grenades, ammo, flashbangs, disguises, masks?
Dec 4 2014, 05:37 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Dec 4 2014, 12:24 PM)

@Lobo: rats. That was an oversight on my part. I don't suppose you'd let me retcon one of the three microphones into a useful nighttime camera? It seems like that may be valuable...
@team: I'll post IC tonight; do we need anything from stone other than the cases? Grenades, ammo, flashbangs, disguises, masks?
Ordinarily I don't like doing that, but since I can't believe you wouldn't equip a surveillance drone with the ability to actually see in the dark, I don't have a problem doing it this once.
Change it up, add it to the character sheet on the first page of the OOC thread and we will be good to go.
Then I'll have to modify my IC post again, and we can go from there.
Chrome Head
Dec 4 2014, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Dec 4 2014, 12:24 PM)

@team: I'll post IC tonight; do we need anything from stone other than the cases? Grenades, ammo, flashbangs, disguises, masks?
You're the master of disguise in our team so I'll let you figure it out (simple masks might be useful tbh, but you can buy those anywhere at anytime, more or less). Grenades could go a long way. For example a plan B might be to have a diversion of 3 grenades blowing up all around the estate, to hopefully clear up the inside of the house. Flashbangs can give a serious tactical advantage inside the house if we're detected.
Jack VII
Dec 4 2014, 05:44 PM
Agreed. Note that we have 4,765

of the advance left and still need to pay a few thousand for the return trip.
Dec 4 2014, 05:55 PM
Just as a reminder, Mel is carrying 3x Flash-bangs and 3x Flash paks.
Chrome Head
Dec 4 2014, 06:04 PM
I take it the distance with the house was greater than 600 meters? I didn't realize it was that far, not that I would have done things any differently.
So it means that there's nothing else living than 8 mundane humans on the ground and basement floors? Or was it just not looking for plants and smaller living beings?
Dec 4 2014, 06:10 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Dec 4 2014, 01:04 PM)

I take it the distance with the house was greater than 600 meters? I didn't realize it was that far, not that I would have done things any differently.
So it means that there's nothing else living than 8 mundane humans on the ground and basement floors? Or was it just not looking for plants and smaller living beings?
Yes - in Post #192 in the IC thread I had said it was 700 to 1000 meters from the perimeter wall depending on direction, easy enough to miss that though.
There is no living being of importance beyond those 8 mundane humans on the ground and basement floor - I'm sure it picked up insects and plants, but it didn't think that you were interested in that information.
Chrome Head
Dec 4 2014, 11:09 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Dec 4 2014, 01:10 PM)

Yes - in Post #192 in the IC thread I had said it was 700 to 1000 meters from the perimeter wall depending on direction, easy enough to miss that though.
There is no living being of importance beyond those 8 mundane humans on the ground and basement floor - I'm sure it picked up insects and plants, but it didn't think that you were interested in that information.
Amy will need to summon another spirit for further exploration (and use a remote service again). Knowing that she's asking a lot of her spirits, she will spend 2 reagents as a gift to the next spirit, meant as a gift to spirits in general, to show that she wants to deal with them in good faith -- unless you think this is meaningless or doesn't make sense. It will also be a Man spirit F4, with
Invisibility Phantasm.
Dec 5 2014, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Dec 4 2014, 06:09 PM)

Amy will need to summon another spirit for further exploration (and use a remote service again). Knowing that she's asking a lot of her spirits, she will spend 2 reagents as a gift to the next spirit, meant as a gift to spirits in general, to show that she wants to deal with them in good faith -- unless you think this is meaningless or doesn't make sense. It will also be a Man spirit F4, with Invisibility Phantasm.
I think it is a nice gesture, and appropriate to the situation definitely

Snap's summoning test:
13d6.hits(5)=8 - Whoops - rolled too many dice by one, but that doesn't matter, as you would be limited to 4 hits anyway by the force of the spirit.
Spirit resists:
4d6.hits(5)=1So you have 3 services
Resist 2DV Drain
13d6.hits(5)=5So no drain
Dec 5 2014, 03:01 PM
Lol - I was running it as Stone had no idea who you were, he hadn't seen a picture, and of course you didn't identify yourself as being with Chapel.
I'm not sure if you realized that, don't want to penalize you - you may want to just edit your IC post to do so.
Ok, pricing for the cases - I did some digging on Amazon for something similar now, and I think about 100 a piece is about right. It won't stop a bullet or anything at that price, but you can bang it around and drop it and it won't damage the item inside.
Flashbangs are 100 apiece, how many do you want? The multiplier here in the CAS is reasonable - 1.1.
I'll make the rolls assuming you aren't getting more than 7 of them:
Base cost of all the gear will be under 1,000
Stone's roll
Availability test for the Flash Bangs
6d6.hits(5)=2He's not going to be able to get a hold of them in time.
The cases are legal - although since you are getting them illegally I'll give them an Availability of 1
Stone's roll
10d6.hits(5)=6That's better

Availability for the Case
1d6.hits(5)=1So it will take him about 5 hours to get the cases.
Cost will be 200

- not sure if you are going to haggle over the price, if you want to, let me know.
Chrome Head
Dec 5 2014, 03:48 PM
What I have in mind for the next service:
Go to that house, get through the ward. When you see any opposition in the astral, assense it, tell me what it is with as much detail as you can, and you're done. If an hour passes after crossing that ward, consider that you're done also.
Sounds good?
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