Sisco 22 - Complex Action - perform drive test
Jack 18 - Simple Action - 6 round FA burst, Free Action, eject clip, Simple Action Load clip
Snap 17 - Delay Action
Mel 15 - Complex Action - Matrix Perception
First up the Drive test:
Threshold = base 2 an Average test.
Decreased by 2 (level of Sisco's VCR)
Increased by 2 for Restricted Terrain - means Sisco needs 2 hits.
His dice pool is 14, -1 for wounds:
13d6.hits(5)=6He easily makes the turn

Next is Jack's shot:
Agility 5, Automatics 4, SM +2 = 11
-4 for movement speed
-6 for recoil, +1 for RC of HK227, +4 for Strenght = -1
Total of 6 dice
6d6.hits(5)=3 3 hits
Triad attempts to dodge, base dice = 8, -6 from Full Auto, -2 because he was prone, so he cannot dodge.
Base damage on an HK227 = 7, +3 for net hits, or 10P, changed to 10 S due to body armor.
Armor 12 + Body 4 = 16 dice
16d6.hits(5)=3So the goon takes 7 points of Stun Damage, "knocking him down" - although he is already prone.
Mel's Matrix Perception:
Comp 6, Perception 5, Codeslinger +2
13d6.hits(5)=2Device resists with Logic
3d6.hits(5)=1So you get to ask one question.
The two remaining Triad Members will fire back at the van:
Automatics 4, Agility 4, SM +2 = 10 dice
-4 for speed differential
+1 for Size
-6 for Recoil, +2 for weapon modifications, +3 for strength = -1
= 6 dice
6d6.hits(5)=2Base Damage of the weapon is not higher than the armor of the vehicle, so no damage.
The second Triad member shoots (identical modifiers)
6d6.hits(5)=3Same result
The third Triad member, seeing the ineffectiveness of their weapons against the vehicle, ejects his mag, puts in a new one, and talks into his mic.
Snap still has an action (although she can't see anything at the moment, we still need to see what question Mel wants to ask, but then it is IP 2
Sisco 12
Jack 8
Snap 7
Mel 5 -