Chrome Head
Jul 13 2015, 06:04 AM
It's fine to split up right now. Snap will stay back in the car, this area's already pretty upscale for her
Jul 13 2015, 01:52 PM
Mel will go in, if Jack's okay with that.
Jack VII
Jul 13 2015, 02:15 PM
The main issue is whether you stand out in what you're wearing. The neighborhood has been described as reasonably nice, in a corp wage-slave kind of way. Jack currently has a suit on. What's Mel currently wearing?
Jul 13 2015, 02:41 PM
Hmm...she'd have a hoodie and cargo shorts. Probably not the image Jack's looking for...alright, Mel will stay in the car.
Jul 13 2015, 04:57 PM
Mel will take another opportunity to repair more Matrix damage done to her deck.
Jul 13 2015, 04:59 PM
Ok - so you've healed 6 out of 11 boxes, and this is your third test, so you are down to 7 dice:
7d6.hits(5)=2Thats another box in 30 minutes, or 2 boxes in an hour.
Jul 13 2015, 05:20 PM
I'll do the 1 box in 30 minutes.
Just out of curiosity, how does the "losing dice every subsequent attempt" reset? Or is Mel only going to eventually run out of dice with this deck and have no recourse other than getting someone else to fix it?
Jul 13 2015, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Jul 13 2015, 12:20 PM)

I'll do the 1 box in 30 minutes.
Just out of curiosity, how does the "losing dice every subsequent attempt" reset? Or is Mel only going to eventually run out of dice with this deck and have no recourse other than getting someone else to fix it?
Technically speaking? RAW it doesn't - or at least they never defined how it does. We determined in the first adventure (before you joined) that if you took a significant break then your dice would reset. So, something that took an hour as a base test, you could take a break for 8 hours, and then start again with it refreshed. Less than an hour base, take a 4 hour break.
If there is a test that takes more than that, we can look at that on a case by case basis - but there isn't much that has a base time of more than an hour.
Jul 13 2015, 07:22 PM
What if the deck were damaged again? Would Mel have to step away for 8 hours to repair subsequent damage?
Jul 13 2015, 07:38 PM
I suppose I'm appropiately dressed if Jack wants someone with him.
Jul 13 2015, 07:52 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Jul 13 2015, 02:22 PM)

What if the deck were damaged again? Would Mel have to step away for 8 hours to repair subsequent damage?
No - the only time you have to step away is to refresh your dice pool.
Jul 13 2015, 09:22 PM
So the question becomes...if Mel voluntarily does Matrix damage to her deck, would repairing it refresh her dice pool, or would her full dice pool only be good to repair any new damage?
(I'm not contemplating it...just curious about the theoreticals)
Jack VII
Jul 13 2015, 09:54 PM
I'd say the DM has fiat authority on when dice pools refresh for extended tests.
Jul 13 2015, 11:22 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Jul 13 2015, 05:22 PM)

So the question becomes...if Mel voluntarily does Matrix damage to her deck, would repairing it refresh her dice pool, or would her full dice pool only be good to repair any new damage?
(I'm not contemplating it...just curious about the theoreticals)
My take on it would be this - imagine you get into a fight and take 6 boxes of Matrix Damage. You jack out and attempt to repair it with your full dice pool of 8. You get 2 hits, bringing you down to 4 boxes. You attempt again, this time with 7 dice, and get one hit.
At 3 boxes, you are forced to jack in again to help hack a camera, and during the process manage to take another 3 boxes of damage.
You now attempt to fix the damage. I can see two possibilities:
1) This is your 3rd attempt without a long enough break, so you roll 6 dice and it applies to all 6 boxes of damage (the 3 old and the 3 new).
2) Separate the damage into different "sets" of damage, and have you attempt to repair the old damage with 6 dice, but if you attempted to repair the new damage you would have all 8.
In my opinion, I like the first option better than the second. as it is less messy.
When we do it that way, lets say you rolled 6 dice and got a hit, then 5 dice and got another hit, and then you stopped. You'd have 4 boxes of Matrix Damage left, and if you waited 8 hours, you could attempt to start fixing that, and this time with your full 8 dice.
Jul 14 2015, 12:41 AM
I agree...option #1 is a lot cleaner.
Jul 20 2015, 10:14 PM
The craziness of cyberlimb armor continues...
RAW: Adapsin plus Biocompatability w/4 full limbs each with modular partial each with modular hand/foot...
You can add 3+3+2 Armor to each limb for a total of 32....
And they wonder on the boards why I hate cyber limb armor.
Jul 21 2015, 12:05 AM
With Bai being dropped off, is there anything anyone wants to do before you pick up the equipment from your fixers?
Jul 21 2015, 12:11 AM
Mel's good.
Chrome Head
Jul 21 2015, 03:24 AM
Nah, I'm good.
Jul 21 2015, 03:49 PM
Ok, I'll have a post up in the next hour or so, pushing the time forward about 3 hours. If there is something you want to do between now and then, let me know, otherwise I'll assume you are just laying low - perhaps sending Sisco out to get something to eat.
Jack VII
Jul 21 2015, 04:15 PM
If we are heading back to the bottling plant, Jack will spend some time investigating the interior to try to find positions for the team and a good place for the meeting. He has a flash-pack, but is going to attach it to Huiquing for the meet, in case someone starts shooting.
Jul 21 2015, 05:44 PM
Mel attempting to fix her deck:
6 dice now:
6d6.hits(5)=1So 1 box in 1 hour, leaving you with 3 boxes of Matrix damage
Jul 21 2015, 09:09 PM
Tomorrow, Wed, I'll be having another endoscopy so won't be posting till Thur.
Jul 23 2015, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Jul 21 2015, 05:09 PM)

Tomorrow, Wed, I'll be having another endoscopy so won't be posting till Thur.
I hope everything went perfectly yesterday. Feel better soon.
Jul 24 2015, 09:07 PM
Took me an extra day to get over it but it went better than expected.
Jul 27 2015, 04:07 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Jul 24 2015, 05:07 PM)

Took me an extra day to get over it but it went better than expected.
Glad to hear it
Jul 29 2015, 02:26 PM
So, what's the plan?
Heading to the bottling plant? Anything you want to do when you get there?
Jack VII
Jul 29 2015, 03:30 PM
If we have all of our stuff, we probably should head back to the plant. I believe we still need to contact the guy to setup the meet.
Jul 29 2015, 05:25 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2015, 11:30 AM)

If we have all of our stuff, we probably should head back to the plant. I believe we still need to contact the guy to setup the meet.
You have all the stuff - you guys should figure out what time you want the meeting so that Huiquing can make the call.
Jul 30 2015, 05:41 PM
Ok - so, I'll have Huiquing make the call to set up the meet at 22:00 - I'm assuming that is ok with Snap, Mel, and Sisco?
Chrome Head
Jul 31 2015, 01:27 AM
Yeah, good to go.
Jul 31 2015, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Jul 30 2015, 12:41 PM)

Ok - so, I'll have Huiquing make the call to set up the meet at 22:00 - I'm assuming that is ok with Snap, Mel, and Sisco?
good by me
Aug 1 2015, 01:49 AM
Sounds good here.
Jack VII
Aug 4 2015, 08:45 PM
So thoughts for the setup:
- Weld shut all of the access doors save two. One that we will use to funnel our visitors through. The other door, preferably one that opens outward, we will weld just a small amount. Enough to make the door seem welded shut if trying to pull it open from the outside, but not to much that an ork-sized shoulder can't bust it open if we have to bounce.
- Create a sensor net out of whatever drones, sensors, etc. we have available to us. Inside and outside. Outside, we want to have eyes on the four sides of the building. Inside, we want to station a sensor on the side opposite our position so we can see if they try to take cover or do anything sneaky behind any of the heavy machinery.
- Put together an exfiltration route. We don't want to get jumped and then try to figure out where we're going to run.
Additional comments, please.
Aug 4 2015, 11:53 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 4 2015, 03:45 PM)

So thoughts for the setup:
- Weld shut all of the access doors save two. One that we will use to funnel our visitors through. The other door, preferably one that opens outward, we will weld just a small amount. Enough to make the door seem welded shut if trying to pull it open from the outside, but not to much that an ork-sized shoulder can't bust it open if we have to bounce.
- Create a sensor net out of whatever drones, sensors, etc. we have available to us. Inside and outside. Outside, we want to have eyes on the four sides of the building. Inside, we want to station a sensor on the side opposite our position so we can see if they try to take cover or do anything sneaky behind any of the heavy machinery.
- Put together an exfiltration route. We don't want to get jumped and then try to figure out where we're going to run.
Additional comments, please.
Excellent points - just so you know, there is one main entrance facing south into the parking lot, and 2 more emergency exits on the ground floor, one facing north, and one facing east. There are fire escapes out of two of the offices on the second floor, both on the west side.
I would love to hear everyone's input on this.
Aug 5 2015, 01:23 AM
What do we have in terms of sensors?
Chrome Head
Aug 5 2015, 04:44 AM
Snap will obviously summon a spirit for the evening, probably F5, something with some fighting capability, as well as Movement and Concealment powers (either Air with elemental attack, or Man with Lightning Ball). The sooner the better, in case there's some stun that she might be able to shake off by sleeping for an hour.
Depending on how many services she gets, she can spend one just for surveillance of possible threats other than our guest. This is especially useful during the meeting, when Snap needs to be present for casting Analyze Truth and just watching in general.
Regarding Jack's plan, I think it's spot on with a good plan A (all goes well, yeah right) and plan B (we get out fast!). We'll need our exit vehicle in a good position for that. We might want to contemplate also setting up a plan C for the worst case scenario if we're cornered and don't have time to get out before bullets start flying. It would be nice to find or set up a good fighting position where we have some kind of cover in all directions and where the opposition doesn't get great cover. That could serve as an emergency fallback position.
Aug 5 2015, 12:31 PM
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Aug 4 2015, 09:23 PM)

What do we have in terms of sensors?
All the drones have a Sensor Suite Rating 3, so you've got:
Sisco's Doberman
Sisco's Eye (if he wants to take it out of his socket and have it fly around)
Grease's Fly Spy
Grease's Microskimmer (both assuming you hack Marks on them again)
Mr. T
Aug 5 2015, 01:54 PM
I think Jack's plan is spot-on. Mel can hack both of Grease's drones and use them to keep watch.
Aug 5 2015, 03:46 PM
Ok then - PG, anything to add?
In the meantime - Snap summoning a Force 5 spirit:
Summoning roll
12d6.hits(5)=3Spirit Resists:
5d6.hits(5)=2Resists 4DV drain
13d6.hits(5)=4So 1 service, no Drain
Given that Mel can jack into Grease's drones, I'm going to save time and not roll - it will only take her about a minute to do, and she'll have 3 Marks on each. You'll have to let me know when you do that though, since once you do it will start your Overwatch Score.
Aug 5 2015, 04:01 PM
Mel will send the Flyspy outside and have it fly a perimeter above the plant.
She'll take cues from Jack as to where the microskimmer will patrol.
ETA: In terms of timing, Mel will suggest floating the flyspy about an hour before the meeting, as soon as she does, GOD will start breathing down her neck.
Aug 5 2015, 10:16 PM
Mel- spoof command- have the drones invite me to place marks on them.
Since I did nothing illegal, I can maintain the marks and you can then reboot so GOD doesn't converge on you.
It also allows me to jump into whichever drone I want.
BTW, RAW on occular drones gives me a -3 penalty to any action I do with it when it's flying around- I get the -3 to meat world task (I am missing an eye) or even AR (as you're partly in both the matrix and the meat world at the same time) but not for doing tasks in VR.
Aug 6 2015, 02:25 AM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Aug 5 2015, 06:16 PM)

Mel- spoof command- have the drones invite me to place marks on them.
Since I did nothing illegal, I can maintain the marks and you can then reboot so GOD doesn't converge on you.
It also allows me to jump into whichever drone I want.
BTW, RAW on occular drones gives me a -3 penalty to any action I do with it when it's flying around- I get the -3 to meat world task (I am missing an eye) or even AR (as you're partly in both the matrix and the meat world at the same time) but not for doing tasks in VR.
PG - The trick with the Spoof Command doesn't work. In order to Spoof an icon, you are required to have a Mark on the icon's owner, not the icon. So Mel would need a Mark on Grease's Persona to do that.
I'll try and have a more detailed map of the facility in the dropbox tomorrow.
Aug 6 2015, 03:25 PM
Added a sketch map of the interior and exterior of the bottling plant in the dropbox in the Adventure 2 Folder.
Jack VII
Aug 7 2015, 04:40 PM
Are all of the fire exits on the first floor? I wasn't sure if they would have one upstairs with stairs on the exterior.
I think ideally, we would want to setup the initial meet in the main room and then move to a smaller office, allowing our guest to bring a single bodyguard to meet with Huiquing and one or two of our own people. We would need to scan them first for wireless devices (if anyone has a MAD or Cyberware scanner, that would be helpful as well).
Aug 7 2015, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 7 2015, 12:40 PM)

Are all of the fire exits on the first floor? I wasn't sure if they would have one upstairs with stairs on the exterior.
I think ideally, we would want to setup the initial meet in the main room and then move to a smaller office, allowing our guest to bring a single bodyguard to meet with Huiquing and one or two of our own people. We would need to scan them first for wireless devices (if anyone has a MAD or Cyberware scanner, that would be helpful as well).
All the exits on the north, east, and southern side of the building are on the ground floor. The two exits on he west side of the building are fire escapes from the second floor.
Aug 10 2015, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 7 2015, 11:40 AM)

Are all of the fire exits on the first floor? I wasn't sure if they would have one upstairs with stairs on the exterior.
I think ideally, we would want to setup the initial meet in the main room and then move to a smaller office, allowing our guest to bring a single bodyguard to meet with Huiquing and one or two of our own people. We would need to scan them first for wireless devices (if anyone has a MAD or Cyberware scanner, that would be helpful as well).
The Doberman has a 15m range cyberware scanner.
Jack VII
Aug 12 2015, 03:57 PM
OK... so maybe we seal all of the doors save the two second floor office doors, the main entrance (I'm calling hte main entrance the door on the east), and one of the ground floor exit doors (probably the one to the north). Park Mr T so that it is blocking the north ground floor exit door from the exterior. Once the party has arrived, stage a flyspy above the two second floor exits to make sure no one tries to come up that way. We meet everyone on the first floor, with Mel in an overwatch position in the second floor. Throw a tarp over the Dobie by the north exit door so it can scan for hidden stuff as we walk them to the stairs. Don't want someone coming in with a cortex bomb. Snap and Jack go upstairs with the target and one of his bodyguards to meet with Huiquing. Sisco stays downstairs near the available exit and his drone. If we get jumped and have to flee, Sisco moves Mr. T and exits with his Dobie. Jack, Snap, and Huiquing take one of the office doors out, Mel takes the other. We all meet up with Sisco downstairs in the van.
Aug 12 2015, 08:08 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 12 2015, 10:57 AM)

OK... so maybe we seal all of the doors save the two second floor office doors, the main entrance (I'm calling hte main entrance the door on the east), and one of the ground floor exit doors (probably the one to the north). Park Mr T so that it is blocking the north ground floor exit door from the exterior. Once the party has arrived, stage a flyspy above the two second floor exits to make sure no one tries to come up that way. We meet everyone on the first floor, with Mel in an overwatch position in the second floor. Throw a tarp over the Dobie by the north exit door so it can scan for hidden stuff as we walk them to the stairs. Don't want someone coming in with a cortex bomb. Snap and Jack go upstairs with the target and one of his bodyguards to meet with Huiquing. Sisco stays downstairs near the available exit and his drone. If we get jumped and have to flee, Sisco moves Mr. T and exits with his Dobie. Jack, Snap, and Huiquing take one of the office doors out, Mel takes the other. We all meet up with Sisco downstairs in the van.
Sounds good to me
Aug 12 2015, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 12 2015, 10:57 AM)

OK... so maybe we seal all of the doors save the two second floor office doors, the main entrance (I'm calling hte main entrance the door on the east), and one of the ground floor exit doors (probably the one to the north). Park Mr T so that it is blocking the north ground floor exit door from the exterior. Once the party has arrived, stage a flyspy above the two second floor exits to make sure no one tries to come up that way. We meet everyone on the first floor, with Mel in an overwatch position in the second floor. Throw a tarp over the Dobie by the north exit door so it can scan for hidden stuff as we walk them to the stairs. Don't want someone coming in with a cortex bomb. Snap and Jack go upstairs with the target and one of his bodyguards to meet with Huiquing. Sisco stays downstairs near the available exit and his drone. If we get jumped and have to flee, Sisco moves Mr. T and exits with his Dobie. Jack, Snap, and Huiquing take one of the office doors out, Mel takes the other. We all meet up with Sisco downstairs in the van.
Looks solid to me.
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