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Is there anything else we'd like to bug chapel about?
Jack VII
The only thing I could think of is whether he has any connections with the CAS Border Guards who could facilitate us entering without a coyote. Not really sure.
Chrome Head
Health update, I'm still not 100%, but I'll go back to work tomorrow. It's put me way behind and I won't have time for the game. Count me out for a few more days, please (continue to) NPC Amy as you see fit, I don't mind.
There's nothing else I'd like to ask Chapel. @Lobo, if you wanted to transition us to "mission planning", possibly right where we are, I'd be ok with that. I'll try to post IC after work today (EST).

Overall, I think we should:

1) Get across the border
2) Get equipped
3) Scout the house (critical)
3b) Do as much matrix scouting as possible
4) Setup Coyote to escape
5) Go / No go on attack tonight

I don't think we should say we *have* to go in tonight; but that should be plan A. Plan B would be if we require additional gear, or there's some outside factor we aren't considering. I'm not sure if I made this clear IC, but I think Grease is opposed to murdering the target, mainly because the Johnson was very explicit in that regard.

Jack VII
I'm OK with this. I think there are other possibilities besides a straight hit on the house, but we can talk about that once we get across the border.

Right now, I think we need to focus on each of these as they arise, so we need to focus on getting across the border.

1) What gear are we going to try to bring across the border?
2) How many cars are we going to try to bring across the border?
3) What is our cover story going to be to get across the border?
4) Do we need anything to sell that story?
5) If we have any gear that doesn't mesh with that story and we need to bring, how are we getting it through?

One big question is: if we end up having to use a coyote to get back across the border, are we going to be able to bring back Grease's car?
Ok, Jack, and Grease are done, and I'm going to assume that Snap has no more questions.

Mel - are you done with Chapel? If so, I'll have Chapel leave and you guys can talk quietly amongst yourselves smile.gif
I am all set with Chapel as well. Let's roll!
Jack VII
I would suggest we probably discuss felony larceny in Grease's car rather than in the New McCormick's Seafood Restaurant
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 17 2014, 09:43 AM) *
I would suggest we probably discuss felony larceny in Grease's car rather than in the New McCormick's Seafood Restaurant

Lol - that's up to you of course smile.gif

I've updated the last post by Chapel - you guys are all set for free RP.
Jack VII
I just realized Grease has his own WNG now. Chapel can probably keep his if you want to edit it in. Probably doesn't really change things one way or the other.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 17 2014, 09:53 AM) *
I just realized Grease has his own WNG now. Chapel can probably keep his if you want to edit it in. Probably doesn't really change things one way or the other.

Sure - no problem smile.gif
@Lobo, how wired is McCormicks? Can Mel order food through AR, or does it have to be through the wait staff?
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Nov 17 2014, 10:00 AM) *
@Lobo, how wired is McCormicks? Can Mel order food through AR, or does it have to be through the wait staff?

Although built in the late 20th century, the restaurant has been well maintained, including its own host - so everything can be done through AR.
Jack VII
I like Mel's suggested change of plan. It would make sense for she and Jack to cross with some kind of weapons, although I think grenades of any type may be pushing it. It also lets us not have to do much talking, which I think Grease and Amy are better at...

Did Chrome ever build out the alias for Snap's new SIN?
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 17 2014, 09:48 PM) *
I like Mel's suggested change of plan. It would make sense for she and Jack to cross with some kind of weapons, although I think grenades of any type may be pushing it. It also lets us not have to do much talking, which I think Grease and Amy are better at...

Did Chrome ever build out the alias for Snap's new SIN?

To my knowledge he has not yet done so.

ETA - as always, if you need anything or have questions, please let me know.
Let's assume that Snap's fake SIN will work with your plan - street person now made it rich through some method - rich enough to afford a couple bodyguards and a driver for the evening anyway.

Chrome and I can hash out details later when he feels better - this way we can continue smile.gif

Jack VII
Do you want to respond as Snap or should we NPC Snap in our own posts? I feel like now that the focus has somewhat shifted to Snap, that she should probably respond before we plow forward.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 12:32 PM) *
Do you want to respond as Snap or should we NPC Snap in our own posts? I feel like now that the focus has somewhat shifted to Snap, that she should probably respond before we plow forward.

I guess the question is, what are you guys looking to do now?

You will be meeting with Onyx (virtually) soon, you still have to contact someone to get the visas, still have to go back to your apartments and get your stuff, (including potentially shopping for clothes), calling contacts (if applicable) - how much longer are you staying at McCormick's?

Let's see if we can get a list of our next steps, and then I can post something as Snap as appropriate.
Jack VII
Here were my thoughts:

1) Snap isn't bringing anything illegal with her one way or the other, so we could immediately head to her place so she can grab clothes. Now, if her "persona" is as a hot, up-and-coming street illusionist or something like that, she might be able to get away with punking out a bit and bring her armor jacket with her. Either way, we head there first.

2) Hopefully, Onyx (that's the coyote, right?) will contact us sometime around that time frame. Aside from setting up a retainer to get us out of the CAS if needed, he/she might be able to give us an overview on what would be okay and what would be frowned upon trying to get through the border. Armed with that info, we can head to Jack's and Mel's places to gear up or down as needed. We can also ask him about the visa situation.

3) Apply for travel permits/visas as we head to Grease's for whatever he needs to get, if anything.

4) Head to the border and hope for the best? By the way, I may be misremembering this, but is the only official way into the CAS from the UCAS through the connection in the Hub? That might scrap the car idea entirely... Never mind, I misremembered. It said the only way to get from the CAS to the hub is through Union Station. That's good information to know though.
All of those sound good to me - Onyx is the coyote, correct.

Do you guys have anything further to discuss here?

Jack VII
As far as I'm concerned, I think we've gotten the basics worked out, but would wait until everyone that's available has the chance to weigh in on it. The main challenge right now is getting across the border. If we can't get that handled, we can accomplish any of this stuff. I figure we can tackle further details once we get across. So far, we've totally sidestepped the conversation about killing Johnson, other than in OOC and internal monologue.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 01:11 PM) *
As far as I'm concerned, I think we've gotten the basics worked out, but would wait until everyone that's available has the chance to weigh in on it. The main challenge right now is getting across the border. If we can't get that handled, we can accomplish any of this stuff. I figure we can tackle further details once we get across. So far, we've totally sidestepped the conversation about killing Johnson, other than in OOC and internal monologue.

Ok then, I will wait for Mel and Dr. Z to weigh in OOC that they are done at McCormick's (and hopefully Chrome will be better soon and will be able to chime in as well.)
Mel is still waiting on info to come back on the two pieces of art and the good samaritan...first piece of info was at 6:21, correct?
Jack VII
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Nov 18 2014, 12:29 PM) *
Mel is still waiting on info to come back on the two pieces of art and the good samaritan...first piece of info was at 6:21, correct?

6:18 with the new house rule. I think the Matrix Search can run while you're moving though. But, I also think you were waiting for your food too, so we can wait, I have no problem with that. Maybe hang out at McCormick's until about 6:30. We could look into trying to acquire our travel passes while we're waiting.

ETA: Not sure if that's going to require a Matrix Search or not... feel free to roll it if you need to, Lobo.
Well, either way, she should have gotten something by now.

Mel is ready to move...she'll transmit any pertinent info to everyone else.
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Nov 18 2014, 01:55 PM) *
Well, either way, she should have gotten something by now.

Mel is ready to move...she'll transmit any pertinent info to everyone else.

Ok - so here was the information you got on the vase:

This information is limited, as you are not an art expert, but the blue markings on white mean that at its oldest it could be part of the Yuan dynasty, and so potentially date back almost 900 years. The blue on white has been used more recently, and so without more expert analysis it is impossible to tell exactly how old it is, but you've established a baseline for its maximum age.

Next up is the roll for the Dragon:


So again, 1 net hit, which with the house rule cuts the time to 15 minutes.

As an aside, I believe the intention of the Matrix Search is that you are in fact looking that whole time, meaning that Mel is probably distracted and would take a -2 penalty to other actions while she was searching - but in the current circumstance, it isn't a big deal.

So you should have the information on the dragon around 6:35 or so.

So - in case it got overlooked, I'm bringing your attention to this bit of information on the CAS in the Border Security Document:

"Everyone who’s ever tried it agrees that importing any kind of bang-bang brings more trouble than its worth. In theory, you can get the necessary import licenses, but the datawork and bureaucratic hoops and crosschecks (and on and on) make the whole experience about as pleasant as gargling cyberspurs. You might as well come in empty handed and buy what you need in-sector. (which is just what the CAS-based gun companies have in mind, I’m sure.)"

Just an FYI smile.gif
Jack VII
I think we all read that... I believe DrZ was thinking Grease could con his way past it. Honestly, all of the stuff in the borders section basically says not to attempt a border crossing if you think about it, so...

Perhaps that's something Onyx would want to reiterate in less flowery terms? I'm okay going in unarmed and getting what we need there.

ETA: With that said, it's kind of weird to take a bodyguard that can't bring weapons with them...
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 02:11 PM) *
I think we all read that... I believe DrZ was thinking Grease could con his way past it. Honestly, all of the stuff in the borders section basically says not to attempt a border crossing if you think about it, so...

Perhaps that's something Onyx would want to reiterate in less flowery terms? I'm okay going in unarmed and getting what we need there.

ETA: With that said, it's kind of weird to take a bodyguard that can't bring weapons with them...

I can have Onyx drive that point home smile.gif

Bear in mind that if he is a "legal" bodyguard, they can come across and stop at any local gun store and purchase a weapon.

Technically speaking, and I should have mentioned this before - major mea culpa on my part, but I think we should be fine - you would need to be licensed in the CAS to carry a firearm, as I doubt they are going to care about your gun license from the UCAS. (For instance, as an American, I can't just bring a firearm to England, they don't care about American gun laws, I have to go by UK gun laws).

So, if you were a "legit" bodyguard, and hiring yourself out for work in the CAS, you would be licensed in that Zone, and have one accessible once you've crossed, or be able to purchase one once you got there.

Since you guys aren't going to be buying a gun legally on the CAS side (You'll be using Stone more than likely) it doesn't matter that you aren't licensed to carry one - it just means that you shouldn't get caught by Knight Errant carrying that weapon.

It also means that it REALLY puts a kink in the works for bringing a weapon over the border, in that even if there wasn't a ban on importing firearms, the border guards wouldn't let you through because you aren't licensed in their country to carry said weapon. Due to the time crunch, there probably isn't time to get said license either - unless Chapel rolls REALLY well on his test to find one.

ETA - I'm going to wait until Grease and Chrome check in later today before we go anywhere, and Jack brings up a good point, you haven't discussed what to do about Huiquing as far as killing him or not. Not something you NEED to discuss now, but you should probably broach it at some point - probably makes the most sense to do so on the way to your various stops before you cross the border.
Jack VII
Good to know.

So how is that going to work for augmentations and other restricted gear for which we need permits? Are we simply SoL for attempting a legit border crossing since Mel is definitely going to need to bring a deck and neither I nor Grease can take out our Restricted cyberware when we try to cross?

I think we need to look at getting fake licenses for the other sectors, but with the good ones being Avail 12, I don't know if that's possible or even likely to get everything we would need in the time frame we have.

Also, how are tasers handled? They're not at all restricted per the book.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 03:04 PM) *
Good to know.

So how is that going to work for augmentations and other restricted gear for which we need permits? Are we simply SoL for attempting a legit border crossing since Mel is definitely going to need to bring a deck and neither I nor Grease can take out our Restricted cyberware when we try to cross?

I think we need to look at getting fake licenses for the other sectors, if that's possible. It's not quite prohibitively expensive.

Well, there are several possibilities:

1) Purchase the required licenses (as you say, they aren't THAT expensive, most of you only have a few licenses, so at Rating 4 you are looking at a couple thousand nuyen at most - and less for Snap)

2) Bring the equipment over the border with a Coyote

3) Bring the equipment over the border and try and hide it in your vehicle somewhere (running the risk that they find it), and hoping that they don't make you get out of the vehicle and put you under a millimeter-wave scanner.

As tasers are completely legal, there is no restriction on bringing them across the border (apparently the SR universe feels they are harmless, which is interesting in that they are much more dangerous than most weapons their size as far as bringing a target down.).
Jack VII
I'm mostly concerned about Jack's cyberware. He has a lot of it, so it is relatively easy for a cyberware scanner to pick it up. The scanner gets +3 to its rating dice pool w/a threshold of 2 or 3 to pick up. The one good thing being that the stuff that is easy to pick up (Skilljack and Skillwires) is legal. I'm honestly not sure where to go with this one. I guess we can wait to make that decision until we talk to Onyx, who could probably provide most of this information IC to us.

ETA: Although... for the purpose of this run, I guess I only need to secure one permit for Restricted augmentations, which might be doable. Would we have to acquire that from a fixer in the CAS sector? Hmmm... even then, a Rating 1 Fake License would have a base time to acquire of 1 day. frown.gif Although one might think that an area like Denver would have different availability for fake licenses as other areas given the nature of the sprawl.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 03:35 PM) *
I'm mostly concerned about Jack's cyberware. He has a lot of it, so it is relatively easy for a cyberware scanner to pick it up. The scanner gets +3 to its rating dice pool w/a threshold of 2 or 3 to pick up. The one good thing being that the stuff that is easy to pick up (Skilljack and Skillwires) is legal. I'm honestly not sure where to go with this one. I guess we can wait to make that decision until we talk to Onyx, who could probably provide most of this information IC to us.

It is definitely a crapshoot.

I figure that the scanners at the border are at least rating 3 (rated as Smart: corporate security devices) - and I think an argument could be made for rating 4 (Advanced: mil-spec security devices) - but for argument's sake say rating 3.

That means it rolls Rating x2 (+3 for having 6 or more implants) needing only 2 hits to detect your Alpha Wired Reflexes and Hand Blade - banking on them NOT rolling 2 hits on 9 dice is very dicey.

If you wanted to get a Rating 3 License (the minimum I would suggest that would make it past security), you are looking at Chapel rolling his 14 dice against its 9 dice, with a base time of 24 hours. Assuming average rolls, you are looking at 2 net hits, so 12 hours.

You may be best served using the Coyote to get across this time, if for no other reason than to avoid that - and then looking into those licenses for future runs with the proceeds from this one to avoid this situation in the future.

While the coyote is expensive, she will also allow you to carry all your stuff, which obviates the need to repurchase weapons or other equipment that you would otherwise have to leave behind.

ETA - You posted your ETA while I was writing my post. I don't think you would need to get the licenses from someone in the CAS, as Chapel (or any UCAS fixer who knows a fake identity ring) would be able to fake paperwork from different countries - especially somewhere like Denver. I haven't given thought to changing the availability - on the one hand you could argue that it should be shorter, since there are more people probably doing it, on the other, security is probably tighter than in most areas, which might make the process more difficult to forge. I will think on this.
Jack VII
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Nov 18 2014, 03:17 PM) *
That means it rolls Rating x2 (+3 for having 6 or more implants) needing only 2 hits to detect your Alpha Wired Reflexes and Hand Blade - banking on them NOT rolling 2 hits on 9 dice is very dicey.

In the case of the cyberware scanner, I'm not seeing where it rolls DRx2 (unlike a SIN scanner, although given the book layout it could very well be somewhere else), so I think it rolls 6 dice? I still think that's dicey for a Threshold 2.

I will say that, now that I know how difficult this is, I will certainly get at least Augmentation permits for all of the sectors prior to the next adventure.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 04:21 PM) *
In the case of the cyberware scanner, I'm not seeing where it rolls DRx2 (unlike a SIN scanner, although given the book layout it could very well be somewhere else), so I think it rolls 6 dice? I still think that's dicey for a Threshold 2.

I will say that, now that I know how difficult this is, I will certainly get at least Augmentation permits for all of the sectors prior to the next adventure.

I stand corrected - it is Device Rating, not Device Rating x2 - so 6 dice for a Threshold of 2, which, as you say, is still dicey.

I think that it makes sense that the characters wouldn't have realized how difficult it was to get around, all of you (except for Grease) are Warrens inhabitants, and probably have never traveled out of the Zone (well, Jack has, but he doesn't remember it) - and Grease is (since he has the You Know a Guy) definitely a UCAS zone kind of guy.

And, as you say, now that you know, in future you can be prepared with the appropriate paperwork smile.gif

Jack VII
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Nov 18 2014, 03:31 PM) *
I think that it makes sense that the characters wouldn't have realized how difficult it was to get around, all of you (except for Grease) are Warrens inhabitants, and probably have never traveled out of the Zone (well, Jack has, but he doesn't remember it) - and Grease is (since he has the You Know a Guy) definitely a UCAS zone kind of guy.

Yeah, I agree.
It really sounds like it's going to be much too much trouble to get the requisite paperwork to go through the border "legally". Looks like the coyote is the best option both ways.
I think we go in empty handed, and buy what we need in the CAS zone. Frankly, it wouldn't be terrible for us to have a cache of weapons and equipment in each zone. I think it will be cheaper for us to buy new gear in zone than pay the coyote (potentially). Dodging anti-aircraft is an expensive proposition.

Grease will try to con his way past border patrol with whatever small weapons we want to bring with us, but I agree; it shouldn't be anything you'd be afraid of losing. Also keep in mind bribing them is an option; I doubt a border patrol agent is going to care all that much about a light pistol (of course, I've been wrong in the past).

@Killing the guy: I thought Grease made himself clear on that, but if we wanted to discuss it in more depth, that probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

@Lobo: Unless we're definitely going to coyote both ways, I'd want to contact Chapel's weapons contact in the CAS to setup a meet for ASAP; so we can get equipped once we're over there.


ETA: I don't think I have anything else I need to contribute IC at this point, but if someone wants me to respond to an open question I'd be more than willing to double-check and post tonight / first thing tomorrow.
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 18 2014, 07:10 PM) *
I think we go in empty handed, and buy what we need in the CAS zone. Frankly, it wouldn't be terrible for us to have a cache of weapons and equipment in each zone. I think it will be cheaper for us to buy new gear in zone than pay the coyote (potentially). Dodging anti-aircraft is an expensive proposition.

Grease will try to con his way past border patrol with whatever small weapons we want to bring with us, but I agree; it shouldn't be anything you'd be afraid of losing. Also keep in mind bribing them is an option; I doubt a border patrol agent is going to care all that much about a light pistol (of course, I've been wrong in the past).

@Killing the guy: I thought Grease made himself clear on that, but if we wanted to discuss it in more depth, that probably wouldn't be a bad idea.

@Lobo: Unless we're definitely going to coyote both ways, I'd want to contact Chapel's weapons contact in the CAS to setup a meet for ASAP; so we can get equipped once we're over there.


ETA: I don't think I have anything else I need to contribute IC at this point, but if someone wants me to respond to an open question I'd be more than willing to double-check and post tonight / first thing tomorrow.

Ok - so then this is something that needs to be hashed out between you guys.

Grease is in favor of crossing legally empty handed (this of course doesn't address cyberware, although Grease is far less likely to get caught than Jack).

Jack is in favor of using the coyote.

Snap hasn't checked in, but since she can get across legally, I'm not sure she'll care one way or the other (maybe leaning a little toward the idea of the coyote, she flipped out when she didn't have a SIN in the UCAS Zone last run, she may be nervous about using her fake one for the first time at a high security place like a checkpoint).

Mel seems to be in favor of using the coyote.

So we have three options:

1) You all go across in Grease's car, risking not having the appropriate licenses
2) You all go with the Coyote
3) You split up and Grease (potentially Grease and Snap) go across in his car, while Mel and Jack go across with the coyote.

And I'm thinking that sort of has to get resolved before we can go any further.

@Dr. Z - as far as setting up the meet with Stone, that isn't a problem, the next time you post IC just send a message to him, you have his commcode.
Jack VII
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 18 2014, 06:10 PM) *
I think we go in empty handed, and buy what we need in the CAS zone. Frankly, it wouldn't be terrible for us to have a cache of weapons and equipment in each zone. I think it will be cheaper for us to buy new gear in zone than pay the coyote (potentially). Dodging anti-aircraft is an expensive proposition.

Grease will try to con his way past border patrol with whatever small weapons we want to bring with us, but I agree; it shouldn't be anything you'd be afraid of losing. Also keep in mind bribing them is an option; I doubt a border patrol agent is going to care all that much about a light pistol (of course, I've been wrong in the past).

I feel like there might be a slight disconnect here. It isn't so much about bringing weapons across anymore, it's about the things we don't have a choice in bringing with us. Jack is going to trigger all kinds of cyberware scanners and Grease has less than a 50/50 shot of getting through without tripping the cyberware scanner. That's not to mention that we haven't even talked about Snap. The Awakened are supposed to be licensed and scanning an aura is pretty easy if you don't have masking. So she might be out as well. Mel probably has the best shot of getting through assuming she can hide her deck reasonably well.

Honestly, I would have far more enjoyed trying a legit border crossing because our characters actually have the agency to try to pull it off, but I think it's stacked pretty hard against (most of) us. I think we need to IC meet with Onyx and get his feedback, so Lobo doesn't have to make suggestions OOC to us on this concerning our plans.

QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 18 2014, 06:10 PM) *
@Killing the guy: I thought Grease made himself clear on that, but if we wanted to discuss it in more depth, that probably wouldn't be a bad idea.
I went back and read the IC thread and all I really got was that Grease wasn't sure about double dipping on the run... then turned around and used that exact scenario to extract more money out of Chapel. I don't think the team really knows where your head is on that one, but I may have missed something.
Okay, considering Mel has very little cash, she will go with the group on the coyote issue. The other problem is that she has cyberware as well, and I (the player) had no idea that I needed paperwork for that as well (though that doesn't matter, since it probably wouldn't be valid in the CAS anyway).

Mel can leave just about everything else at home, but not her deck. She'd do her best to BS her way through, but she's not a professional con-girl.

I agree that the border cross is going to be fraught with peril for as many of the non-weapon items as the weapon items. I second talking with Onyx.

As soon as the IC conversation turns to the mission objectives, Mel will put in her two cents on the killing.
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 18 2014, 07:45 PM) *
I feel like there might be a slight disconnect here. It isn't so much about bringing weapons across anymore, it's about the things we don't have a choice in bringing with us. Jack is going to trigger all kinds of cyberware scanners and Grease has less than a 50/50 shot of getting through without tripping the cyberware scanner. That's not to mention that we haven't even talked about Snap. The Awakened are supposed to be licensed and scanning an aura is pretty easy if you don't have masking. So she might be out as well. Mel probably has the best shot of getting through assuming she can hide her deck reasonably well.

Honestly, I would have far more enjoyed trying a legit border crossing because our characters actually have the agency to try to pull it off, but I think it's stacked pretty hard against (most of) us. I think we need to IC meet with Onyx and get his feedback, so Lobo doesn't have to make suggestions OOC to us on this concerning our plans.

I went back and read the IC thread and all I really got was that Grease wasn't sure about double dipping on the run... then turned around and used that exact scenario to extract more money out of Chapel. I don't think the team really knows where your head is on that one, but I may have missed something.
Fair points. Ok; let's talk to Onyx and figure out what the plan is there.
Per Grease's thoughts: I will clarify them IC, if/when we start discussing mission objectives (per Mel's point).

QUOTE (Melpomene @ Nov 18 2014, 08:51 PM) *
Okay, considering Mel has very little cash, she will go with the group on the coyote issue. The other problem is that she has cyberware as well, and I (the player) had no idea that I needed paperwork for that as well (though that doesn't matter, since it probably wouldn't be valid in the CAS anyway).

Mel can leave just about everything else at home, but not her deck. She'd do her best to BS her way through, but she's not a professional con-girl.

I agree that the border cross is going to be fraught with peril for as many of the non-weapon items as the weapon items. I second talking with Onyx.

As soon as the IC conversation turns to the mission objectives, Mel will put in her two cents on the killing.
I am confident in Grease's B.S. ability. Frankly, I think he could argue, "Javier over here wouldn't be much of a bodyguard if he wasn't a bit wired for sound, neh?"

Either way, let's see how much the coyote costs, how much getting weapons in the CAS zone itself cost, and make a decision there.

Jack VII
QUOTE (Melpomene @ Nov 18 2014, 07:51 PM) *
The other problem is that she has cyberware as well, and I (the player) had no idea that I needed paperwork for that as well (though that doesn't matter, since it probably wouldn't be valid in the CAS anyway).

I think you're okay. I don't think any of your cyberware is Restricted. It's stuff like Grease's Control Rig and Jack's hand blade (among a legion of other things) that are the problems.
As you said, this is all stuff we can get answered IC by Onyx. Didn't we have to go through some security when we went to the hub in adventure 1?

Jack VII
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 18 2014, 09:15 PM) *
As you said, this is all stuff we can get answered IC by Onyx. Didn't we have to go through some security when we went to the hub in adventure 1?

Yeah, but that is considered intra-sector, going from the UCAS sector to the UCAS portion of the Hub. We had (fake) UCAS licenses for all of our stuff. This is going from sector-to-sector. We're technically crossing international borders and have no valid permits in the destination country for any of it.
Just something to keep in mind, rating 5 fake licenses are only 1000 nuyen.gif, with an availability of 1 day. We may need to get fake SINs for each sector.


Eta: Availability timeline, it'd be availability 14.
Jack VII
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 18 2014, 10:11 PM) *
Just something to keep in mind, rating 5 fake licenses are only 1000 nuyen.gif, with an availability of 1 day. We may need to get fake SINs for each sector.


I think we're okay with the SINs... we just need (fake) licenses for the other sectors attached to our SINs, presuming a nation would issue licenses to a foreigner (probably more likely in a place like Denver with the strange border situation). Granted, it's going to be insanely expensive if our SINs ever get burned.

Your cyberware is 100% legal, no license required (otherwise I would have told you during character creation to get one).


Jack is correct on all counts. You don't need one fake SIN for the UCAS and one for the CAS, just one will do. You do need licenses for both zones though.

As Jack said, the Hub is technically part of the UCAS zone, so when you crossed from the UCAS zone proper to the Hub, all they were checking was your UCAS paperwork, and you had licenses for your stuff.

When you cross from the UCAS zone to the CAS zone, now they are going to be checking your paperwork in both zones. It is normal in a city like Denver to have someone who is a citizen and resident of one zone to have licenses for restricted items in another.

Now, on to the subject of cost - you'll find this all out IC soon enough, but to give you an idea OOC. If you want to pack in to a transport with a bunch of other people crossing the border, its 500 nuyen.gif per head. If you want a private transport, its 5,000 nuyen.gif (total, not each) - so it will cost you guys about 1,250 each way, or 2,500 total per person.

If you look at trying to cross legally, those of you who would be required to purchase licenses for your cyberware/magic (everyone except Mel) would have to pay 800 - and that can take up to 24 hours to get (possibly less, assuming Chapel gets a bunch of successes. Let's assume he can for argument's sake. So now you've saved 1,700 on the crossing, but now you have to buy gear. When you start looking at anything heavier than a pistol, if you are including a smartlink then you are looking at around 1,000 nuyen.gif right there - and that doesn't count any other equipment you may have to purchase.

Now, one other option you have to get the licenses quickly would be to spend more money. If you are looking at a rating 4 license, it is 800 nuyen.gif Every 200 nuyen more you want to spend on it, Chapel will roll another die. You can spend up to an additional 2400 per license to gain 12 extra dice, and with that many dice, he will probably get it much quicker (possibly in an hour or two). Assuming you want to spend that kind of cash.

Up to you guys, - the coyote is more expensive in the long run, since your licenses can be reused - but given the time constraints it may be your only option.

On the bright side, given that if you DO take the coyote, you'll be able to bring over your equipment and you've just been handed 12,000 - enough to pay the Coyote there and back with 2,000 to spare.
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Nov 19 2014, 05:25 AM) *
On the bright side, given that if you DO take the coyote, you'll be able to bring over your equipment and you've just been handed 12,000 - enough to pay the Coyote there and back with 2,000 to spare.

But with no vehicle on the CAS side to get us around. We could think about having Grease or Mel try to get through border patrol on his own, but that causes stickiness of it's own. At least that way we'd have the car on the CAS side.

I'd also like to think about how we'd like to transport the items; I think a discreet case would be best, even if we're going the coyote route.

At any rate, I'm ready to transition to a later part in the scene; feel free to NPC me during the day (I'll post again later this evening. I'm on European / Japan time, posting wise cyber.gif )
Jack VII
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Nov 19 2014, 06:59 AM) *
But with no vehicle on the CAS side to get us around.

That was my concern as well. Jack being able to bring his Colt M23 is great... having to try to ride public transit with it not so much. It almost seems like, given the unique nature of Denver, there would be a thriving equipment rental/lease program for criminals (LOL).

Not sure what to do at this point. Mel is running her Matrix searches... I guess we could look up what the transit requirements are IC and notice that we would need to have CAS permits for our Restricted gear and cyberware, which might put the brakes on our plans to try to cross over the border semi-legally.

... one option would be for Mel to give us her gear while she drives Grease's car across the border with absolutely nothing of consequence inside of it. With that said, I'm not sure how border guards would handle someone driving a vehicle across an international border that isn't registered to them. Additionally, we just met Mel, would she really entrust a super-expensive cyberdeck to us?

There are an awful lot of unknowns. Maybe we should just fast forward to the meet with Onyx and have him/her (in an entirely IC context) give us our actual options and not waste time considering the stuff that is going to bring this run to a rather quick end.

I do think we need to get two shock-proof, preferably discrete cases for the items. Lots of bubble wrap too...
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