Nov 3 2015, 07:45 PM
It occurs to me that I was waiting for you guys to post IC, and that you must be waiting for me to post IC

Combat is over - free RP is allowed - I should have made that clearer
Nov 3 2015, 08:08 PM
I posted...from my character's point of view it's after Jack's attack and just a sec before Mel's.
Jack VII
Nov 3 2015, 08:34 PM
How are our guests reacting to us beating up one of their guys?
Nov 4 2015, 01:15 PM
Mel will definitely make her next move completely dependent on what the "new" people do in response to her shooting one of them.
Nov 4 2015, 09:56 PM
A pat down does not reveal anything, but a Matrix Search and Trace pinpoints the tracer to a hidden compartment in his shoe.
Nov 6 2015, 07:08 PM
Try to make a Knowledge skill check on the initiation tattoo of the unconscious guy to recognize the Incense Master who inked it.
Triad(Golden Triangle) 4(+2) plus Int 5... so 9 or 11. The thresholds to recognize the Incense Master hold should probably be easy if it's the Golden Triad lodge I deal with the most, average for some other Golden Triad lodge in Denver, hard for any other triad lodge in denver... more insane if it's a lodge from China.
I accidentally double posted in the in character thread- I suggest you message me your next post Lobo and I'll paste it in that double post so it doesn't ruin the continuity.
Nov 9 2015, 03:04 PM
Sorry guys for the delay - I'm back and available for posting as normal.
Ok, so- your skill check tells you that he is indeed Golden Triangle.
Here is the IC Post to put up where your double post is:
Mr. T, CAS Zone, 9:55 PM, September 12, 2075
The back of the van explodes into a heated exchange of Chinese expletives and recriminations. Mel and Snap are completely lost, and they are speaking too fast for Jack and Sisco to attempt to translate. After a few seconds Huiquing shouts "Enough!" the older man's voice cutting through the noise. "Answer her question."
Hung Lao turns to Snap and says, "I know this man. He was recruited by my second in command, Li Guang. This is very troubling I had hoped to trust him, but it seems that Li Guang is at the very least providing the muscle behind this coup."
End of post - OOC -
Snap - no indication that he is lying.
Nov 10 2015, 04:50 PM
Just figured I'd put this out there - the terms of your agreement with him were to put him back in power - not just protection.
I'm not saying you can't ask him that, but his response will be predicated upon that idea. Let me know how you want to proceed.
Since it has been months in real life since that deal was negotiated, I thought I'd bring it up

Then again, given the discussions that went on back when the subject did first come up, this sounds like something that the team needs to roleplay out

Look at the IC post back around page 15.
Chrome Head
Nov 11 2015, 06:14 AM
Thanks for the clarification.. it was a while ago irl!
I changed the tone of her comment but kept the spirit of it. She wants to push him a bit on what our obligations are. Our agreement with him isn't open-ended. There's a limit to how far we'll go.
Nov 11 2015, 02:28 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Nov 11 2015, 01:14 AM)

Thanks for the clarification.. it was a while ago irl!
I changed the tone of her comment but kept the spirit of it. She wants to push him a bit on what our obligations are. Our agreement with him isn't open-ended. There's a limit to how far we'll go.
No problem - it was back in March if you can believe it!
Nov 11 2015, 05:13 PM
Just giving some time for Mel and PG to chime in before I post
Nov 12 2015, 05:28 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Nov 11 2015, 12:13 PM)

Just giving some time for Mel and PG to chime in before I post
Leaving it open for more RP in the van, or if you would like we can push forward to the arrival at Hung Lao's.
Nov 16 2015, 05:15 PM
Hung Lao gave you the address - should I assume that I should put up a post of you arriving there?
Or is there more to discuss en route?
Jack VII
Nov 16 2015, 05:56 PM
I think that's it for now, although we should probably note that we take a somewhat circuitous route and try to pick up any surveillance. With that said, our destination may not be unknown to those attacking us, considering they're all effectively from the same club.
Nov 16 2015, 06:11 PM
Mel will try to repair more damage on her deck.
Nov 18 2015, 10:08 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Nov 12 2015, 01:28 PM)

Leaving it open for more RP in the van, or if you would like we can push forward to the arrival at Hung Lao's.
from my perspective we can move along to Hung Lao's safehouse
Chrome Head
Nov 20 2015, 07:51 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Nov 18 2015, 06:08 PM)

from my perspective we can move along to Hung Lao's safehouse
Jack VII
Nov 23 2015, 09:44 PM
Sisco is technically a sub-contractor, so it must be Jack's business training coming to the fore.
Nov 23 2015, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 23 2015, 04:44 PM)

Sisco is technically a sub-contractor, so it must be Jack's business training coming to the fore.
All you yanks are the same
Jack VII
Nov 24 2015, 05:08 AM
Jack's technically Mexican or Atzlaner maybe, but I guess coming from the UCAS district qualifies him.
Nov 25 2015, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Nov 24 2015, 12:08 AM)

Jack's technically Mexican or Atzlaner maybe, but I guess coming from the UCAS district qualifies him.
Sisco views everyone from the UCAS as a Yank regardless of ethnicity.
In another game I kept referring to another character as "the dwarf" and when the player asked me if I knew the character was human, I replied yeah but your bio says your about 5'4" and I'm 6'6" so your a dwarf in my eyes.
Nov 25 2015, 10:54 PM
I assume evryone's busy till Monday and may not even see this but y'all have a happy holiday... don't eat to much (ah, who am I kidding?)
Chrome Head
Nov 26 2015, 12:39 AM
Happy Thanksgiving!
Jack VII
Dec 1 2015, 02:45 PM
Checking in, hope everyone had a decent Thanksgiving.
Dec 4 2015, 03:50 PM
Hello Everyone,
I want to apologize for my lack of participation. They've basically done away with a department in my company and thrown their workload on to my department, and it has just been crazy. On top of that, stuff has just been crazy at home as well (not in a bad way, just kids, my wife, and other things are taking up more time).
I think that starting next week, the company will have a workaround for taking care of the stuff that the other department was supposed to handle that doesn't involve us, and if so, then we can get back on track.
I'm have a little bit of a breather today and will get some stuff up, but I understand that the past month we haven't moved along very far, and that is completely my fault.
I apologize again, I know all of you have put in effort and time (especially Jack, with maintaining the map and the ammo tracker) - and I don't want to disappoint by half-assing this during the home stretch of the adventure.
Thanks again for dealing with the delays - I will make every effort to get back on track.
Jack VII
Dec 4 2015, 04:23 PM
No problem man. Take the time you need. I just quit my other SR game and two other games I am came to a somewhat abrupt ending (D&D 5E & D20 Modern), but at least they concluded to some degree rather than dying. Another D&D 5E game seems to have died on the vine. That leaves me DMing one game and playing in two others, plus this one, so it's pretty manageable for me at the moment.
Hope everyone is having a decent holiday season.
Dec 4 2015, 10:55 PM
It's all good.
Chrome Head
Dec 7 2015, 03:41 PM
Don't worry about it Lobo, take your time.
Dec 7 2015, 03:46 PM
Same here...no problem.
Dec 18 2015, 10:56 PM
Since DEC 2oth i around the corner (yours truly's birthday), one of you cheap bastards need to send me the winning lottery ticket.
But seriously, have a happy holiday, whichever ones you celebrate between now and New Years.
And if you don't celebrate any- have a good time anyway.
Jack VII
Dec 18 2015, 11:24 PM
To y'all as well. I'm heading out of town next week and don't plan to get on the computer much, if at all, so please NPC me if we start back up again.
Chrome Head
Dec 20 2015, 04:39 PM
Happy Holidays everyone.
I don't expect this to come back up until January
Dec 20 2015, 06:46 PM
My feeling's is sometime after New Years as well.
Dec 20 2015, 11:17 PM
QUOTE (PraetorGradivus @ Dec 20 2015, 01:46 PM)

My feeling's is sometime after New Years as well.
Why don't we plan to get back in the swing of things at the beginning of 2016 - Happy Holidays to you all
Jack VII
Jan 7 2016, 06:11 PM
Just posted a quick post since our IC thread had fallen off my default view. Hope everyone had a good holiday season.
Jan 8 2016, 04:36 PM
Hope you had a great holiday season as well

So - it probably doesn't hurt to have a summary to bring us back up to speed.
The team was hired to steal two artifacts from Chen Huiquing, and the Johnson was Huiquing's lover, who, after a perceived attempt on her life, decided to get even with Huiquing by having his two artifacts stolen. These were to be sold at auction the following day, and so time was of the essence. The group traveled across the border via an LAV, and met with their contact on the other side, a Rigger named Sisco. Grease, falling prey to an undercover sting operation by Knight Errant, was hauled off to prison right before the heist was to start. Thinking quickly, the team cut Sisco in on the deal, and headed to Huiquing's estate.
When they arrived there, they bypassed the security systems and were approaching the main house when an attempt was made on Huiquing's life. In an twist of fate, instead of robbing Huiquing, the team took him under their protection and escaped, heading towards a secure location. Negotiating with Huiquing, they first extracted his son, Bai, from his academy, and deposited him with hired security. They then set a meeting with one of Huiquing's lieutenants, Hung Lao, in order to see if they could get to the bottom of the conspiracy against Huiquing.
The meeting with Hung Lao almost ended in disaster. It appeared that his had been infiltrated by another member of the Triad, Li Guang, who attempted to take all of them out. Reversing the tables, they defeated the ambush, found Li Guang's agent inside Hung Lao's organization, and have now arrived at Hung Lao's compound, to discuss the best way to get to Li Guang.
The ball is currently in your court, as you decide what action to take next.
Jan 8 2016, 04:37 PM
The holidays were quiet- the way this old dog likes it.
And thank the gods (might as well hedge my bet and include every tradition in case my religion ain't the one) that Manning came in the second half and won it- not that I'm a Bronco fan. But my roomate is a rabid one and she'd have made my existence miserable had they dropped to the #5 seed.
Now that Rigger 5 is out- I'm underwhelmed.
The threads I'm running I put forth the following idea to the players:
So I'm thinking about the following:
Armor is Hardened Armor
Basic CM is 6+1/2Body
Overflow is 1/2Body
Remember on vehicles-drones included-zero is treated as .5 and half .5 rounded up is 1 so every vehicle will have at least Condition Monitor 7 and 1 Overflow
So a Bulldog (Bod 16)would have CM14 OF 8 so if it has just one box of overfow left it would actually cost more to repair than buy new... 21*5% = 105%... assuming the damage isn't electrical, in which case there's matrix damage to fix too.
Micro and mini-drones are still probably one-shot destroyed by most firearms but a Base 6 damage weapon with only one net hit will only disable them, not destroy.
Jack VII
Feb 1 2016, 04:01 PM
Anyone heard from Lobo? If the game is over, that's fine, I'm just hoping he's doing okay.
Chrome Head
Feb 1 2016, 06:10 PM
I haven't heard anything. It's been super quiet and I was starting to assume the game was just dying out.
Jack VII
Feb 15 2016, 04:56 PM
Well, it appears this game has reached its end. I just want to say that it has been a pleasure to game with all of you, including Dr.Z and Overkill who participated in the first run. Also, massive thanks to Lobo for putting on the game. I know it takes a lot of time and energy and I hope that we did a decent job as players. Good luck to everyone and happy gaming!
-Jack VII
Chrome Head
Feb 16 2016, 04:23 AM
I really had a great time. Everyone who participated in the game, good job keeping to frequent posting for so long, and for the enjoyable role-playing. But most of all, thanks so much to Lobo!
I had a lot of fun
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