Aug 25 2015, 09:08 PM
Just a heads up for the IC post to follow - Jack's Judge Intentions roll
Jack VII
Aug 25 2015, 09:09 PM
I might have Edged that. Seems like a pretty important roll.
Aug 25 2015, 09:11 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Aug 25 2015, 04:09 PM)

I might have Edged that. Seems like a pretty important roll.
I'm not going to make you waste Edge, Amber isn't trying to disguise her intentions, so you have basically 2 net hits.
ETA - if you want to spend Edge, you certainly can - I'm not going to prevent you from doing so by any means.
Aug 25 2015, 09:15 PM
Ok - at this point I do need to know what everyone is planning on doing
Jack VII
Aug 25 2015, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Aug 25 2015, 03:11 PM)

ETA - if you want to spend Edge, you certainly can - I'm not going to prevent you from doing so by any means.
Go ahead and mark me down as using an Edge. We don't have to roll it, but I would definitely have pre-edged that roll if I was rolling.
Chrome Head
Aug 26 2015, 01:36 AM
Snap wants to make sure Huiqing gets away as fast as possible. She'll follow close behind, keeping an eye always on that mage until she's out of sight, assuming Huiqing complies.
I felt that more or less deciding what he would do (since she's trying to protect him) was typical of her style
Aug 26 2015, 11:30 AM
Mel would like to MP the two bodyguards' weapons to see if they're running Wireless On.
Aug 26 2015, 03:30 PM
Mel makes a Matrix Perception test for one gun.
Since you know what type of gun they have, you can search for that specifically
4d6.hits(5)=1Yes, one of them has his gun wireless and it is running silent.
Aug 26 2015, 10:06 PM
When I get to the door that's partially sealed, I'll use brute strength to get it open. I'll have the Doberman go outside and in AR keep tabs using its camera...I'll close the door back up and wait with the AK-97 for the rest of the team.
Aug 27 2015, 01:05 AM
Hello all- just stopping by to say Hi. Extremely pleased my leaving hasn't stopped this great game. Keep it up! I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves following along!
Aug 27 2015, 01:21 AM
Hey Dr Z! Good to hear from you...glad to see that you're following along!
Aug 27 2015, 02:03 AM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Aug 26 2015, 08:05 PM)

Hello all- just stopping by to say Hi. Extremely pleased my leaving hasn't stopped this great game. Keep it up! I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves following along!
Thanks DrZ! - hope everything is going well with you
Jack VII
Aug 27 2015, 03:09 AM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Aug 26 2015, 08:05 PM)

Hello all- just stopping by to say Hi. Extremely pleased my leaving hasn't stopped this great game. Keep it up! I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves following along!
Good to hear from you, Z! We're working diligently to get Grease sprung from the clink!
Chrome Head
Aug 27 2015, 03:24 AM
Good to hear back from you Dr. Z. Hope all is going well, I'm glad you're still following.
Aug 27 2015, 02:26 PM
Ok - so, here's my understanding of the situation:
Bodyguards 1, 2, Amber, Hung Lao, Huiquing, Snap, and Jack, all heading down the stairs.
Mel, Sisco and the doberman (still under the tarp) at the bottom of the stairs
Bodyguards 3 and 4 just inside the east door.
Bad guys outside the East door firing into it from the SUVs
From my understanding, the south door is sealed shut, while the north door was only partially sealed. Sisco posted he wants to open the north door (bash it open) and send the Doberman outside - where would you like to send it?
The plant is about 150 meters wide. That puts the bottom of the stairs about 75 meters from the north door, and about 150 meters from the east door (give or take a meter or so). Since the stairs are on the north end of the building and the east door is on the south, there are only a few bullets coming in your direction, more of a nuisance than real danger.
Jack VII
Aug 27 2015, 03:19 PM
Had I been thinking, we should have just stayed put and gone down the rear exits once Sisco was in the van.
Chrome Head
Aug 27 2015, 07:21 PM
We can go a lot faster if Snap gives her spirit a command to use Movement on our team and Huiqing. If we have to run through 75m of floor as fast as possible during a gunfight, I would definitely do that. Not sure whether that would still apply to us inside the vehicle, I'm guessing not.
Aug 27 2015, 11:01 PM
I was thinking that the Doberman (without the tarp would just be near the door turning 180 degrees from left to right and back so I can see if anyone is creeping up that way.
Aug 28 2015, 01:27 PM
Ok, so I think it is time we rolled initiative

Snap - 25
4d6+11=25Jack 16
2d6+7=15Sisco 19
2d6+11=20 (he still has 3 boxes of Stun Damage that haven't healed due to his insomnia)
Mel 10
1d6+9=10Spirit of Air 20
3d6+8=20Doberman 18
4d6+6=18Snap 25
Spirit of Air 20 - waiting for Snap's command
Sisco 19 - running to the door to bash it open
Doberman 18 - waiting for command from Sisco
Jack 16
Mel 10
Jack VII
Aug 28 2015, 01:44 PM
We're pretty much limited by Huiquin's speed. I think Snap's idea is a good one vis a vis the spirit. But we also have to cover Hung Lao's retreat as well, given Huiquing's desire. Since the attacking vehicles seem to be between Hung Lao's vehicle and the bottling plant, I think we're going to have to fight our way out.
So, priority is to get Huiquing somewhere safe. I'll count Mr. T as somewhere fairly safe. Then we have to kill some people.
Chrome Head
Aug 28 2015, 02:12 PM
Snap commands the spirit to make Huiqing, herself and the rest of the team, five people in total, move more swiftly. I want her to follow Huiqing closely, but because of the strangeness of turn-based systems, it probably means that Huiqing will walk/run ahead this pass, and Snap will catch up the next pass. After that we should be in sync.
Aug 31 2015, 01:14 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Aug 28 2015, 08:27 AM)

Snap 25 - Command Spirit to use Movement power
Spirit of Air 20 - Manifest
Sisco 19 - running to the door to bash it open
Doberman 18 - waiting for command from Sisco
Jack 16
Mel 10
Sorry - very busy weekend - but back to regular posting

Jack, I'm assuming you are running to the door with the others.
Mel, are you staying behind to help cover Hung Lao and the others? I only ask because your IC post seems to have you preparing and hunkered down rather than running.
Also, is anyone sprinting?
Jack VII
Aug 31 2015, 02:38 PM
Jack is keeping within however many feet of Huiquing he needs to to interpose himself in the event bullets come our way. So, my actions are necessarily limited to Huiquing's capabilities.
Aug 31 2015, 03:49 PM
Mel is ready to do whatever she's told. She's not been given any kind of order to run, so she's getting ready to fight. If she hears an order to the contrary, that's a different story.
Aug 31 2015, 04:25 PM
Snap 25 - Command Spirit to use Movement power
Spirit of Air 20 - Manifest
Sisco 19 - running to the door to bash it open
Doberman 18 - waiting for command from Sisco
Jack 16 - running with Huiquing
Mel 10 - Holding an Action
Ok, so assuming that Sisco is not waiting for Huiquing, since he is trying to get ahead to open the door, he'll move his 32 meters, putting him about halfway to the door.
Everyone else is moving at Huiquing's speed of 12 meters per 3 seconds.
Hung Lao and his bodyguards are moving at roughly the same speed as Huiquing.
Snap 15 -
Spirit of Air 10 - Use Movement Power
Sisco 9
Doberman 8
Jack 6
Mel - can hold until Init 10.
Aug 31 2015, 07:39 PM
Sisco will run to the door while as a simple action command the Doberman to run to the door.
I assume that the Doberman was already moving so at Speed 2 it should cover 20m
If it was still at ) it'll cover 10m on its turn
Chrome Head
Sep 1 2015, 12:15 AM
Snap will delay her action until either Huiqing moves (she will follow along), or some hostile action is taken against her party (she will respond in kind).
Sep 1 2015, 02:30 PM
Snap goes again at 5, if she wishes to do something.
Chrome Head
Sep 1 2015, 02:45 PM
She's going to get us a little bit of extra time by casting Phantasm F3, using 5 reagents.
She'll create an illusion of two triad thugs with submachine guns behind partial cover, shooting towards the assailants likely coming into the building through those blasted doors. If they hear gunfire and see triad members shooting at them (but missing), they might choose to take cover themselves and shoot back at them instead of pursuing us.
Using a free action, she sends a quick message to Huiqing and the team: I created an illusion to delay them.
Sep 1 2015, 03:41 PM
Ok - so 12 dice normally, +2 for specialization
14d6.hits(5)=3Resist 2DV Drain
13d6.hits(5)=4So no Drain, and they need 3 hits to realize it is an Illusion
Initiative for next turn
2d6+11=18 (-1 for wounds is 17)
Snap 21
Doberman 21 Heading toward the door.
Sisco 17
Jack 14
Mel 10
Jack VII
Sep 1 2015, 04:35 PM
My actions will be to hang next to Huiquing until something happens that requires firepower. Then I will stick with him and fire on the run.
He will send Mel a message to turn on the Flash-Pak attached to Huiquing's jacket. Since it is facing out, I don't think it would impact any of us.
Sep 1 2015, 07:23 PM
I will hide behind the door to prevent gunfire from the outside..
will pick up and ready the AK-97 that's propped up besides the door.
I assume the Doberman won't get here this turn,
Chrome Head
Sep 2 2015, 06:07 AM
Delay to act together with Huiqing, following right behind him (and maybe doing something depending on what is going on).
Sep 2 2015, 07:16 PM
Snap 21 - Delay to act w/ Huiquing
Doberman 21 Heading toward the door.
Sisco 17 - grab AK, take cover behind door
Jack 14 - stay near Huiquing
Mel 10 - ???
Sep 2 2015, 09:16 PM
Mel will activate the flash-pak.
<<@Team [Melpomene] Someone want to give me a sitrep? Am I holding this door, or what?>>
ETA: Putting that last line on the IC thread.
Chrome Head
Sep 3 2015, 01:21 AM
If she gets the chance to (I'm not sure about the timing so I'll refrain from posting IC), Snap will immediately reply to Mel
<<@Team [Snap] We're getting out of here. Come.>>
Sep 3 2015, 03:13 PM
Ok, so I spoke to Mel last night and there was a slight misunderstanding. He had gone over to the eastern door, while I thought he was standing at the bottom of the stairs. Its not a problem, but I'm glad I said something so that we are all on the same page

Snap 21 - Free action - send message, Delay to act w/ Huiquing
Doberman 21 Heading toward the door.
Sisco 17 - grab AK, take cover behind door
Jack 14 - stay near Huiquing
Mel 10 - Activate Flashpak, run
So, to recap:
Sisco is currently just outside the northern door, holding the AK that was propped there, looking eastward along the north side of the building.
Snap, Jack, and Huiquing are inside the building along the northern wall, about 10 meters from the door, moving at the rate of the slowest person (Huiquing) who is currently running with an effective Agility of 7 (due to the movement power).
The doberman is accelerating and although a few meters behind you, will soon pass you.
Hung Lao, Amber, and the two bodyguards are following Snap, Jack and Huiquing, and are about 20 meters behind you and falling behind.
The other two guards, along with Snap's Illusion are located just inside the eastern doors.
Mel runs 32 meters northwest, and will be at the northern door in two more Combat Turns.
Hope that helps

IP 2
Snap 11
Doberman 11
Sisco 7
Jack 4
Jack VII
Sep 3 2015, 03:58 PM
Is Mr. T at the north door yet?
Sep 3 2015, 04:40 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Sep 3 2015, 11:58 AM)

Is Mr. T at the north door yet?
Yes - it is right there and the engine is already running.
Chrome Head
Sep 4 2015, 01:14 AM
Snap follows along and waits, in position behind Huiqing. She tells Jack "Let's hold here and wait for Mel." She observes her surroundings in detail, looking for good cover, and keeping an eye out for potential threats.
Jack VII
Sep 4 2015, 11:48 AM
Jack would reply that he isn't stopping until Huiquing is in the van. At that point, he'll grab whatever he can to provide cover for Mel and Hung Lao's people to get the rest of the way.
Honestly, I had thought Mel had taken position next to Sisco after she got moved from upstairs.
Chrome Head
Sep 4 2015, 02:15 PM
I like this, it's like the chaos of a real gunfight!

When she gets a chance next, Snap will reply that she'll stay behind and wait for Mel.
Sep 4 2015, 04:49 PM
I just wanted to apologize for my posting rate - this is our busy season and I've just had a ton of things thrown at me. I'm still going to be posting every day, just a little slower than normal.
I'll have another IC post up and then update the initiative again.
Still waiting on PG for Sisco's action though.
Sep 4 2015, 06:05 PM
IP 2
Snap 11 - Free Action Speak
Doberman 11
Sisco 7
Jack 4 Free Action Speak
Jack VII
Sep 4 2015, 06:08 PM
No problem man, RL comes first. Jack will keep moving and suggest to Huiquing that if he has anymore gas in the tank, to shift it into overdrive. In gameterms, I have no idea if he's springing, but he probably should considering the incoming fire.
If he has actions, he might suggest Mel try to spot the drone/vehicle that is tredding its way into the bottling plant.
Sep 4 2015, 08:54 PM
It's only money

I'll be commanding the dobermanto turn around and scan for the other drone
Sep 8 2015, 01:40 PM
Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend. Unfortunately I spoke to PG and he is in the hospital and will have to stay there for a while, and will not be able to post.
I'll be taking over as his character for now, as he expects to return, if it turns out otherwise, we can figure something out.
I'll have an IC post up in the next hour.
Jack VII
Sep 8 2015, 02:33 PM
Sorry to hear about PG! Hope you feel better soon, man.
Chrome Head
Sep 8 2015, 02:45 PM
I wish you a speedy recovery, PG.
Sep 8 2015, 03:32 PM
Huiquing lurches forward into a sprint
5d6.hits(5)=1So he moves another 3 meters
Sisco uses the Control Device Action to have the Doberman perform a sensor test: Perception + Intuition -3 for Drone sized target.
4d6.hits(5)=1 He successfully locates the drone.
That was a Simple Action, he then can use another Simple Action to fire the Doberman's weapon at the enemy drone. 3 Round burst:
Gunnery 5 Smartlink 2 Agility 8, RC cancels recoil penalty. I would normally apply a blindfire penalty, but because of the sensor targeting, i'm just going to give a -1 dice pool modifier rather than -6.
14d6.hits(5)=4The drone attempts to dodge
10 dice, -2 for burst
8d6.hits(5)=3So one net hit.damage is 8P
Body + Armor of 6
6d6.hits(5)=0So it takes 8 damage and is destroyed.
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