Mar 31 2004, 09:12 PM
Why do I see bad things coming...
Mar 31 2004, 09:13 PM
Currently I am only using it for initiative, combat pool, and damage. On all my future games I will be using it fully featured, but for now just the easy stuff. I actually didn't know you could view it as players, I thought it was just for DM's. Cool. I may have to add my current games to my sig once I start using the full features of it.
Mar 31 2004, 09:15 PM
Jessie is very perceptive

I am going to wait for
Raiko and
Smed to be on and post before I continue any further.
Just so all of you know,
I wish we all lived in the same city, 'cause I would gladly have you all at my table any night of the week.
Mar 31 2004, 09:18 PM
Yeah, but don't you live in BFE or something?
Mar 31 2004, 09:32 PM
Egypt would be a nice place to live, I think. If I was rich, and not an american.
I live in Juneau, Alaska. So BFA.
Apr 1 2004, 02:17 AM
Electronic dice. Ick!
Ghost Dragon currently has 1 spells sustained.
Apr 1 2004, 01:24 PM
Alaska huh... that's only about 2600 km (1600 miles)...
I'm sure a road trip could be worked out sometime
Grim Shear
"What happens if I run out?"
Apr 1 2004, 05:10 PM
Hey Grim, you live in Canada, that makes us cousins or something. I mean our weather is identical, lots of rain followed by %100 chance of rain. Ooh snow!
Anyhoo, if any of you are up this way make sure to let me know.
Ok, back to the game. Where is everyone? I know it was a little quiet at the end of last week but come on! WE got players to kill and NPC's to reward... or is it the other way around? I can never remember.....
Apr 1 2004, 05:26 PM
I'm in the lobby. However, I'm starting to get the impression that it was assume that Jessie just went in and called the elevator down without waiting for the team. That would never be the case, she would have waited on the team to enter the lobby with her. Jessie may know how to use a gun, but she isn't a street sam by any means. However, I also realize that I didn't make that clear to begin with, so if you want to work it that the team is still coming in, I understand.
Apr 1 2004, 05:43 PM
Well that's why I told you to hold, 'cause of course she would wait for the team....
And when I said "where is everyone" I meant "why are they not posting".
Apr 1 2004, 05:45 PM
Oh ok, I just misread that then. Maybe its the fact that I got 4 hours of sleep in the last two days.
Apr 1 2004, 05:50 PM
Doh! Well while I have gotten more than 4 I feel your pain. My wife and I just moved over the weekend, we didn't move states or anything, just houses. Boy am I tired.
Apr 1 2004, 05:58 PM
Heh, having moved three times in the last year and a half, I feel your pain on that one. Wow, we got compassion for eachothers pain coming out of our ears! Do you feel the love?
Apr 1 2004, 08:08 PM
Ok I am throwing down the gauntlet. Everyone who has yet to post, needs to post by 7pm tonight, ADT (that's gmt -9) Or the game is moving on.
Raiko, Smed, and Sandman all need to post. Once they do I am sure Leo will post as well. I hate to 'post for' the characters but I hate the game stalling at a climax even more.
Questions to ask yourself?
Is Jessie about to die?
Is a HTRT on the way?
Is the building rigged to explode with a 25kiloton Thermal Nuclear Device?
The answers to these exciteing questions and more on tomorows,
Threat and Favor!
Apr 1 2004, 08:12 PM
Apr 1 2004, 08:52 PM
Damn... I think I'd better move back a little if there's a nuke around.
Apr 1 2004, 08:55 PM
Does your sensor package include a geiger counter?
Apr 1 2004, 10:02 PM
Sorry, I'm on the road on business.
Stealth: 5,4,4,3
Apr 1 2004, 10:08 PM
No problem Smed....
So is anyone taking TKG's post seriousy? I LMAO when I read it...
Apr 1 2004, 10:12 PM
I was hoping that is what it was.

New Game:
The Mole, Shadowrun Edition
Apr 1 2004, 10:20 PM
What I thought was great is that at the same time he did it, I was doing the same thing in Matrix Misfits. Except they don't know it yet, so don't tell them.
Apr 1 2004, 10:43 PM
Beautiful Grey, I wish I had thought of that...
Apr 1 2004, 11:08 PM
What do you mean not take it seriously?
[ Spoiler ]
April Fool's!
Apr 1 2004, 11:11 PM
Lol. For a miute you had me bro, I was like 'what the hell?'. Of course I could be an evil GM and say you did it....
Apr 1 2004, 11:12 PM
Really? In that case I'll go make my post about Jessie suddenly turning into a Force 12 Free Spirit!
Apr 1 2004, 11:20 PM
QUOTE (Grey) |
Really? In that case I'll go make my post about Jessie suddenly turning into a Force 12 Free Spirit! |
Lol, try it omae.
Apr 1 2004, 11:26 PM
Too over the top? How about manifesting as a Drake Physical Mage?
Apr 2 2004, 12:24 AM
Heh, I DID send you a mail at the same time I sent the message

I'll update it now to be something real
Apr 2 2004, 03:43 AM
QUOTE (Shadow @ Apr 1 2004, 04:08 PM) |
Raiko, Smed, and Sandman all need to post. Once they do I am sure Leo will post as well. I hate to 'post for' the characters but I hate the game stalling at a climax even more. |
I ran into the same problem with Forbidden Bridge. What do you do to solve it?
Waiting obviously wasn't the best solution.

Screw 'em! I'll go ahead and post.
Apr 2 2004, 05:36 PM
Well Raiko did say she would be covering the outside, so all the 'inside' people have posted. Moving on.
Apr 2 2004, 05:39 PM
QUOTE (Leowulf) |
QUOTE (Shadow @ Apr 1 2004, 04:08 PM) | Raiko, Smed, and Sandman all need to post. Once they do I am sure Leo will post as well. I hate to 'post for' the characters but I hate the game stalling at a climax even more. |
I ran into the same problem with Forbidden Bridge. What do you do to solve it? Waiting obviously wasn't the best solution.  Screw 'em! I'll go ahead and post. |
I set a time limit. Like yesterday I said people had till 7. When I came in this morning and no one had posted, I knew it was time to move on. When you lay out the OOC you have to make it clear that it is a requirment to post everyday. The game will move on without you. Of course you can catch up, but we can't stop an 8 player game for one person (unless of course it's me). Most everyone has been really excellent about posting, and letting me know if they can't.
So in essence Leo, you just have to be ready to move on without a player, or post for them.
Apr 2 2004, 07:17 PM
Perception: 13 08 05 04 03 01
+ Hearing: 10 04 03 01 01
Security Systems: 10 08 04 04 02
Security Devices: 11 11 02 01 01
Apr 2 2004, 07:34 PM
As a gamer who's killed games more than my wife has killed houseplants ("but they can't ask to be fed!"), I have to say that letting a game stall is one of the easier ways to kill it. Letting a problem player continue is another one that I let go one time (mainly because I had sympathy, having recently been kicked out of a game as a "problem player" myself... which is a long story, in which I was more innocent than guilty, but it's pointless to discuss at that point) and it killed a really good game. Which reminds me that I need to give Virus a kick in the pants this next week
Apr 2 2004, 09:53 PM
I knew we shoulda got a Decker. Oh well.
Electronics B/R: 10 09 04 02 01
Electronics: 09 07 05 04 03 01 01
I have Microscopic Vision, so thats a -2 to working with this stuff.
Apr 2 2004, 11:35 PM
Perception Test: 8, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 (Damn, those rolls are crappy. Lots of 2s, which are equivalent to 1s with the +2 TN for sustaining a spell. Luckily, I got an 8.

Apr 4 2004, 08:16 PM
Smed, Sandman: Wake up guys, now ain't the time to not post for a few days, lets keep the ball rollin'.
Apr 4 2004, 08:36 PM
Argh, damn, I'm sorry!
I've been pretty busy searching for a new appartment lately so I didn't bother to check the boards when I didn't get any reply notifications in my eMail. I got the first one just now. I didn't realize the game had been moving on. I apologize deeply! I hope this doesn't happen again.
Apr 4 2004, 11:31 PM
Sorry, I've been ill for a couple of days.
I'll move around the building to cover the balcony once you're ready to come out, till then I'll be covering the entrance (to cover your backs, and in case you have to come back out that way).
Apr 5 2004, 12:53 AM
No problem Raiko, I hope you are feeling better. Being sick sucks.
Combat has officially started... Here is the initiative order.
Jessie (Next to door)
Ohanzee (Entry way moving in)
Gost Dragon (Next to Jessie)
Sink (Hallway near Elevator)
I left out (of course) the npc's. Everyone post your action. If you would like to just declare your action on the OOC and let me write it, that would be fine to.
The characters are to the best of my knowledge in the above locations.
Apr 5 2004, 01:02 AM
I guess I'll be holding till I see something happening. For now, here ya go:
Perception: (whoa, nice) 19 11 05 04 03 01
Sound Filter: 05 05 04 02 01
[edit] You posted IC while I was typing this... Chaning the above to the following:
Pistol Shot 1: 10 09 07 04 04 02
Pistol Shot 2: 15 08 05 04 02 02
Apr 5 2004, 01:06 AM
Ohanzee resist 2 bullets, ballistic armor applies.
First Shot 11D
Second Shot 11S
@ Grey,
Jessie of course hears the gunfire over the music.
Apr 5 2004, 02:22 AM
Astral Perception Test: 1, 2, 1, 11, 2, 2
Apr 5 2004, 03:00 AM
I am not sure what you are trying to see, or if you are just trying to see him, but all you see is the couch.
Apr 5 2004, 06:07 AM
[staticnoise=on]Houston *crackle* Houston, we have a problem[staticnoise=off]
No successes on both rolls I'm afraid.
Armor stages down to 8D and 8S, respectively
Resistance Roll 1: 4 1 1 1
Resistance Roll 2: 5 4 2 2
Pumping all my combat pool into dodging the first bullet:
11 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 = 5 successes
If Ohanzee is still concsious the pain editor will kick in and he will let the biomonitor and diagnosis computer run a checkover to see how badly he has been hit.
Man, Ohanzee would be great for a tragic death but I really don't wanna let him die like this and that early. I still had some plans with him...
I just hope he gets out alive. And how's he gonna explain that to Lilly? Accident at work? Robbed in the streets?
Apr 5 2004, 03:31 PM
Thrown Weapons 5 + 4 dice Combat Pool: 11,5,5,4,3,2,2,1,1
Apr 5 2004, 08:23 PM
Nice Lob Sink.
Jessie resist a 11M.
Only Jessie and Ghost Dragon this turn.
Anyone not in initiative, you are free to act whenever, just bear in mind your actions cannot affect the combat. Other than say if Mirage wanted to try and shoot a grenade through the open balcony.
Apr 5 2004, 08:28 PM
I'll throw in some combat pool to dodge behind the door more that I was using as cover: 11 05 05 03 03 #D:5 TN:4 H#:11 S:3
4 points of Impact armor: 10 09 04 #D:3 TN:7 H#:10 S:2
Apr 5 2004, 08:38 PM
Impact armor?
Grey can you not inlude the extra info from the Dice roller, I know it sounds stupid but it makes it harder for me to decipher the rolls. You are able to dodge the bullet, Archer only got one success.
Apr 5 2004, 08:41 PM
Sorry, I missunderstood. I thought I was taking damage from the grenade, I didn't see any post about getting shot at.
Apr 5 2004, 08:57 PM
Back to my turn?
And is there any chance you can scan a quick layout of the place so I have a better idea what I'm looking at?
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