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I am sooo busy today, I doubt it. The main room is a circle. All the other rooms lead of the main room.

Thats about it.
Ok, that at least gives me a much better idea. Posting again soon.
If I see him...

Aim/Shot: 15 11 05 03 02 02
How much combat pool did you use in that dodge?
5, I've still got 6 left.

I haven't been using my Enhanced Articulation die on any of my shots.

I won't ask to go back in time to my last shots, but can I throw it in on this last roll since it just happened?

Just in case: 2 (heh, nevermind)
@ Leowulf,

hey Buddy, you have till tomrow morning to post GD's move... then we are trucking on.
Armor 4 being cast.

Sorcery (6) Test: 8, 5, 1, 9, 2, 5

Drain (F/2 + 2 = 4)M Test: 8, 3, 4, 1, 5
+ Spell Pool (I'm using all of it): 4, 4, 1, 3, 8 = 5 successes, no drain smile.gif
Nice Leo, very nice.
@ Leowulf,

2 shots. First one misses (Good thing you said 'as he moves down the hallway')

Second shot hits, resist 11S. Ballistic armor applys.

@ Grey,

Once Jessie goes a new combat round wills start, pools will refresh.
Maybe I'm an idiot for wondering this, but is there a reason people inside keep talking aloud and not using subvocal/mental comms? One that warrants giving away your location, etc? If this goes on much longer, Warpath is going to be in serious need of some hot soup. It's fraggin' cold on top of that building.
It's why I have the spell:). Though with it maintained, there is a +2 modifier to TNs. I'm guessing a headshot is what it will take to stop this guy, so there's a +6 to that if I try it.

With the armor spell that Ghost Dragon now has, that shouldn't hurt him.
8 ballistic + 4 armor = 12

Ghost Dragon doesn't have a radio or subvocal microphones, so he has no choice but to talk aloud. I think we might all be in need of some warm soup when this is over.

I'll roll that shot when my turn comes up.
Leowulf, you still need to roll to resist 2S. Only hardened armor will make a bullet bounce off if you have more armor than the power of the attack.
Called shot to the head (+2 TN), Smartlink 2 (-2 TN), Aiming (-1 TN)

Pistols + 5 Combat Pool: 21 10 09 08 05 05 04 03 02 02 01

Btw, I'm firing my Capsule rounds, so if I hit that does 7M stun + 6D stun at the end of the round.
Leo please roll for your attack....

Archer is now directly in front of the balcony, opposite of the entrance hallway.
Both GhostDragon and Jessie take a shot in the chest, 11S. Ballistic armor applies.

New Combat round, all pools are refreshed.

Ohanzee (if he gets healed so he don't die)
7 armor

Body: 05 05 02

Looks like I take a moderate.

[edit] Combat Pool to dodge (5): 07 05 04 04 03
All of you can go btw....
Wait, did I have combat pool for him shooting me? That shot happened after the round refreshed?
Yes you did, the shot happened after the round refreshed.
Ok, check that post for its edit and let me know what I take.
Pistols: 17 05 05 05 05 01 01

I can't remember if movment counts as an action, if it doesn't then I'll take a second shot.

Pistols: 10 09 05 05 04 02 02
Movement does not count as an action
Shadow? How about that dodge? did I succeed? AFAIK you didn't react to that at all. If I didn't dodge I think IÄm just abou tas dead as it gets...

I just wanna know so that I can post the IC before the game moves on too far.
Dude, I am so sorry, I missed that you had posted a dodge roll. Yeah you manage to dodge both bullets. Dodging is for the phase, not just the bullet, so Ohanzee is a live and well. Add your place ot the lineup after GhostDragon.
Doesn't that mean that some of his actions got skipped last round too?
Yes it does, and it was my error.

Sandman, again I am sorry. Go ahead and post for two actions. I don't want to add them in retroactivly, but you will get them.
Uhh Shadow: if archer is directly in front of the balcony, would I be able to see him? There isn't really any defined facing of these buildings, so I'm unsure.
The balcony is facing the street... so if you where looking you could see part of him. My understanding was that you had no drones deployed. But if you have vehicle weapons...

Actually a thought just occurred to me, Warpath would probably be able to see in the apartment fine. Call it 75meters from his location
How far is Archer from us?
Phew... You should have heard my sigh of relief!
Well, I'm having a bit of trouble envisioning the current combat situation and environment, so my post is a bit blurry... could somebody try to sum things up? (Shadow?) I found the IC posts to be a bit confusing. Who is where and what EXACTLY does the appartment look like?

Thanks for your patience with me...
QUOTE (Shadow)
The balcony is facing the street... so if you where looking you could see part of him. My understanding was that you had no drones deployed. But if you have vehicle weapons...

You mean like the pop-up turret in the Roadmaster? smile.gif
Ok here is the rough layout of the apartment. I am sorry it is upside down but I am very rushed today. Post any questions you have and I will address them.

Sandman, I need all your modifiers, rolls and weapon damage please. Grim, if you are watching and you want to take a shot, go. I will need a reaction test from you (to determine suprise on archers part), I also would liek a initiative roll. And then swing away Grim, swing away.
Shadow, Jessie moved on her last action to the doorway to her right. Seeing there is a Pillar there, she'd actually move to behind that. That ok by you?
Sounds good.

Did Jessie take any damage form that last bullet?
No, it was dodged.
Ok Sink and GD need to go and Sandman needs to post his rolls for the shot he took.
Shotguns 5: 5,4,3,3,2

Save Combat Pool for Dodge

Weapon is T-250 Shortbarrel, damage 9M.
Reaction Test(Base TN 4, modified by him not knowing I'm there): 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 11, 15

Initiative: 10+4+5+6=25

Pounding the building with sensors to get a lock on Archer:
Electronic Warfare Complementary Roll: 2, 3, 3, 5, 7, 10
Sensor Test (Base TN 6 for MetaHuman): 1, 3, 3, 11, 11

And my readied action to pop the turret (complex action)

Target for the grenades is airburst 1 meter in front of balcony door (thanks to grenade link). Firing HE Offensive Minigrenades.
Firing the co-axial Alphas (Gunnery 5 + 5 Combat Pool (unknown range)): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 7, 10, 10

Scatter on grenade 1: 1 meter, roll 1 (detonates in contact with door, possible blast rebound depending on how solid the balcony wall is)

Scatter on grenade 2: 3 meters, roll 4 (detonates 4 meters from door)
Well, I don't know how you wanna rule simultaneous firing of two pistols but here goes:
ANd, yea, I forgot to mention that Ohanzee is hodling an action to shoot whenever he can get LOS at Archer... If that's too late and you don't wanna let it count it's fine by me, just wanted to make clear the intention behind it all...

Pistol Shot 1: 5 4 4 3 3 2
Pistol Shot 2: 5 5 5 4 2 2
Both shots include the aditional die gained by enhanced articulation.

The Weapons are two identical Savalette Guardians, doing the usual 9M Damage. I don't know how you are ruling the bullets...
They are both silenced and equiped with a Smart 2 system. Since I don't care which is pointing where and fire them simultaneously I should get the advantage of the system (I do have the dublicate hardware). As I see it, the problem with two Smart guns is that you can't distinguish their pointers/cursors and so you don't know which one to fire but this doesn't apply here.

I do have zoom but on this short distance I won't use it.
In case for impaired visibility: I have the necessary augmentations. Infrared, Lowlight, Flare Compensation.

As far as I know there are no further modifiers...
Weeeeee! Nothing like making an entrance! ork.gif

QUOTE (MrSandman666)
Well, I don't know how you wanna rule simultaneous firing of two pistols but here goes:
ANd, yea, I forgot to mention that Ohanzee is hodling an action to shoot whenever he can get LOS at Archer... If that's too late and you don't wanna let it count it's fine by me, just wanted to make clear the intention behind it all...

Pistol Shot 1: 5 4 4 3 3 2
Pistol Shot 2: 5 5 5 4 2 2
Both shots include the aditional die gained by enhanced articulation.

The Weapons are two identical Savalette Guardians, doing the usual 9M Damage. I don't know how you are ruling the bullets...
They are both silenced and equiped with a Smart 2 system. Since I don't care which is pointing where and fire them simultaneously I should get the advantage of the system (I do have the dublicate hardware). As I see it, the problem with two Smart guns is that you can't distinguish their pointers/cursors and so you don't know which one to fire but this doesn't apply here.

I do have zoom but on this short distance I won't use it.
In case for impaired visibility: I have the necessary augmentations. Infrared, Lowlight, Flare Compensation.

As far as I know there are no further modifiers...

Sandman, you can fire both weapons at the same time. However, if you do so you do not gain the benefits of a smartgunlink (even though you purchased two of them). It is a pretty clear cannon rule. However, since you are only firing two shots I am not going to impose that on you.

IC post coming shortly.
Searching for the target.

Perception: 16 07 05 03 02 02
Stealth (complementary): 11 04 04 04 03 02
QUOTE (Shadow)

Sandman, you can fire both weapons at the same time. However, if you do so you do not gain the benefits of a smartgunlink (even though you purchased two of them). It is a pretty clear cannon rule. However, since you are only firing two shots I am not going to impose that on you.

Yea, I know. I looked it up before posting. I just find this rule incredibly stupid. It makes sense if you aim the guns at two seperate targets because you might not be able to distinguish the cursors and thus you don't know wich gun to fire but even then I would believe that modern technology should be able to distinguish the guns and use different markers for them...
Anyways, you're the GM. Just wanted to be sure.

Another thing: you do remember I was using Jessie's "Wonder Bullets" ™ right? don't know how long they will take to "sink in" but I just wanted to be sure you remembered. (Sorry, usually I GM and I know how often I forget things like this...)

And sorry for the poor IC posts lately. Real Life has kept me pretty busy and stressed out. I'm a bit out of shape. Trying to find an affordable, decent appartment in a big city can really be hell!
Your telling me, my wife and I just moved and it was hell. Good luck. And thanks for the reminder on the bullets.
Yeah, technically, anyone with decent computer skill should be able to reprogram the crosshairs on a smartlink to show like one red, one blue, one green, one yellow, if they had four of them, and say... four arms to shoot them with. cyber.gif

Also, that same very smart person could also alter the cursor graphic so that, in the case of two, one would be a '+' and one would be a 'X'. Just my thoughts. Rules are rules though. Rules are also made to be broken, according to SR3.
Looking at the map of the compound, which side of the building is the patio on? I've got a 100 meter range with the grapple gun.
@ Grey, The side closest to the wall.

@ Leo, you can't see Archer, hell you can't even see the ground with all the wind and snow.


The rules on the smartlink are for game balance not realism. If you could use a SG link when firing two weapons at the same time, that would mean that you could fire 4 times with a -2. It would be unbalancing.

So we will stick with the canon on this.
Athletics: 10 07 05 02
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