Jun 3 2009, 08:15 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:07pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Doc Phin cocks an eyebrow at the questions. "I actually had not considered hitting a variable location. I have information about a clinic that just received an over stock, but where exactly you get the supplies from is not really of concern to me."
When the doctor pauses, Athena answers the question directed at her. "It is my experience that information is a need to know. I felt the good doctor has no need to be a part of our conversation, nor to hear my banter and cross-talk."
The doctor then continues his conversation, walking on the end of Athena's. "As to delivery, the Warlord's will provide a location for cooling the medicines. Your responsibility will be to acquire, clean and deliver the goods. Any other questions?"
Jun 3 2009, 09:58 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:07pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Standing from his chair Hawk looks over at his soon-to-be team and back at the digital Athena then finally bac to the Doc.
"I think i am almost satisfied with this meeting. Our pay, is that going to be half now and half on delivery? Oh and before i forget, you got that contact info for stump? I suppose a few clips of non-lethal ammo might be a good idea."
<<@Conference[Hawk] So when we finish up here, we going to hit up someplace to plan this out? Athena, I don't suppose we are going to get to meet you in the flesh so to speak? Oh yeah and by the way, for introductions sake, I'm Hawk.>>
Jun 4 2009, 01:53 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:07pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
The doc replies matter-of-factly. "I was thinking two-hundred each, up front. Remainder on delivery."
In the virtual, Athena snickers. "Cautious little bastard." She then turns her attention to Hawk. "I never meet in the... meat. Never. This support is all from the matrix.... So, I'll need admin access to one of your coms to use as a jump point."
Jun 4 2009, 06:36 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:07pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
"I don't know Doc, I been told you are an ork of your word...but twenty percent? Thats not even two clips of gel rounds. Not to mention a little yen to cover the pre-game meal. You sure you can't do three-fifty up front?"
Looking around to see what the others reactions are...
"I know it would make me feel a bit more comfortable. But if you can't raise the scratch right now I understand. I just hope the saps on duty at Doc Wagon have good armor. Hey if you have a business card i could always recommend your clinic to anyone we have to shoot"
That last bit stings with a little more sarcasm than Hawk originally intended but none-the-less he waits it out to see the reaction on the docs face.
If he is true to his word on being a (meta)Humanitarian i would think that will hit him like a slap in the face. I just hope he has a short memory and forgets before i need a quick patch job. I would hate to wake up sometime after a run with my dick attached to my forehead.
<<@Conference[Hawk] Sure Val, i can give you a lift. I was thinking someplace with a little fluid refreshment, perhaps even some 'death-by-soy' grub. Athena, you have any recommendations for a not too far out of the way pub?>>
Wanting a little privacy from the other two Hawk sends a message diretly to Athena.
<<@Athena[Hawk]Hey, if i give you admin're not going to make me do anything stupid right? Dance like a chicken or scratch my balls in public?>>
Not like i don't do that last one on my own anyway from time to time.
Jun 4 2009, 10:53 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:08pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
"Already here? I should have known." He looks up and around as he addresses the hacker, much like one would address an apparition or spirit floating invisibly above the team. Athena chuckles in reply, though again, only the team can hear her. "Athena, you're like a damn ghost in the machine." He looks back at the team, his face a little more solemn. Business like. "Yes. We have an arrangement. You will not need to pay her... and I will cover two clips of gel rounds for each of you. Upfront."
Athena answers Hawk's question:
<<@Conference [Athena] Not in this neighborhood. Though the scan is really good on this place called Ugly Bob's in Hollywood. 145th near 168th. A favorite of the factory employees. Local heavies keep the fights down - or at least in the street and the fries are made with real potatos; At least partially.>>
<<@Hawk [Athena] I am the goddess of Wisdom. Hermes, now he might make you dance like a chicken. I would be compelled to laugh if he did that, but no, I would not do it.... Unless there was a tactical advantage to be gained.>>
Jun 5 2009, 04:14 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:08pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
"Then I am decided. Let us move forward."
At the same time he sends an information packet to the conference.
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Here is my contact information. A discussion over food would be acceptable.>>
He stands, bows to Doc Phin and the other assembled team members, including Athena and begins to leave the room.
You sure this is kosher?
I am not Jewish.
You damn well know what I meant.
Further conversation is not relevent to this job. Doc, is the Johnson. Deniability is important.
And you would know all about helping someone have deniability.
Self preservation.
. . .
Just remember which end of the knife goes where and that you aren't supposed to cut yourself.
Jun 5 2009, 10:02 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:08pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
when Hawk turns to leave Val starts right after him "I guess we are a good then Doc, well see you when we have the goods." Val follows ghost out.
<@conference [Val] " If Athena needs access to a com i guess she can use mine its a little buggy right now and sometimes the screen works but there is a huge crack in it. use at your own risk.">
Val then sends Athena a message [ Question if i asked you to look me up could you? i need to acquire my home adress and i can't seem to remember where i left it been a while since i been there last, my com got a little jacked from a car accident. also what ever you could find i will try to pay the best i can for.]
Jun 5 2009, 06:35 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:08pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Satisfied with the Doc's responses, Hawk reaches for the door ready to leave.
"See you soon Doc...hopefully not too soon."
With all that dermal armor that elf lad has, i wonder if he really needs a helmet.
<<@Conference[Hawk] Doc said this Stump guys lives close by. I say we pick up our gel rounds on the way. Perhaps he has something a little more potent yet nonlethal. When we get to Ugly Bob's, first round is on me.>>
Jun 6 2009, 01:27 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:12pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle@Val[ Spoiler ]
<<@Val [Athena] I'll start digging and let you know.>>
@TeamAs the team heads out of the doctor's office and through the clinic,
Athena establishes a relay through
Hawk's com.
Mary the receptionist is standing by the back door, waiting to let the team out. She watches each one of the team leave, then closes the door behind them without a word.
Once outside,
Hawk extends an arm to
Val, then audibly disarms the bike's alarm system.
Stump's is just over three blocks away and the trip on the two bikes goes quickly. The trio do notice a trio of street kids watching them as they exit the alley, but the team has no issues getting to
The street consists of one and two story run down buildings; Only two appear to be store fronts these days:
Thrift Shop and
Lucky Pawn.
Val, the dermal armored elf of the team leads them to
Lucky Pawn. He finds the door locked, but it just takes the dwarf within a moment to waddle across the room. He unlocks the three separate locking mechanisms and lets the team in, re-locking the doors behind them.
Gentlemen." he says, turning to return to the counter, speaking as he walks. "
Predator ammo for Valery. What about you other two?" He turns when he reaches the counter, he steps behind, stepping up onto a platform and turns back to face the team. The platform makes him seem nearly 2m tall.
@Val[ Spoiler ]
<<@Val [Athena] What's this?>>CODE
Romulov Enterprises Membership #46543834526
Locker #1347
Gold's Gym
2290 15th Ave SE, Snohomish
Jun 6 2009, 01:59 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:12pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Lucky Pawn
Back in the army days we used to give people nick names based on opposites. Bald guys named Harry, skinny guys named chubbs...I guess in this guys case someone was playing a little reverse psychology.
Accepting the fact that the elf seemed to already know Stump and on good terms to boot, Hawk holds out his hand offering friendship.
"You have jellies for an Ingram X?"
<<@Conference[Hawk] Hey Athena darling, you think Doc Wagon will have any spiritual support on guard duty?>>
Jun 6 2009, 05:50 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:12pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Lucky Pawn
"Predator for me as well, Stump." He leans against one of the display cases, facing the door. He reaches into his coat but removes nothing.
Damn! She got that one too. I need a drink.
I hear you.
You're agreeing with me?
Hey, even an ugly hooker can turn the occasional trick. I figure when you're right, you're right.
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Yes. I would be most interested to know my opposition. I'd also like to know if this place you are suggesting has anything cold on tap.>>
Jun 6 2009, 03:22 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:12pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Lucky Pawn
Val greets Stump with a un adible nod, grabbing the ammo and starts to load the ammunition into his only clip "don't suppose you have anything with a little more stopping power but non-lethal?" he then glances at Stump again "anything else come in that might be of help for me?"
recieving the text from Athena Val is surprised she found it that quick he already had that information but needed a little more to go on [@Athena Val thank you for that bit but i know that already] [/color]he sends all the information he has on himself that Stump was able to acquire [if you would like a little more help you can try to dive into my Com it is a battered and a little broken but i have no idea what kind of information might be on it, i could really use any other information.]
Jun 7 2009, 12:42 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:15pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<<@Conference [Athena] 11201 NE 100the St, Highlands Park Doc Wagon Clinic, Kirkland, Bellvue>>
Jun 7 2009, 12:11 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:15pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk nods in the direction of Stump as he examines the payload of each clip ensuring, for now atleast, that each round is indeed a gel round. Taking the top two rounds out of each clip, he gives them a closer inspection making sure they will meet his needs before returning them to the clips.
I wonder how much of our run Ol' Doc Phin told to this vertically challenged fella.
"Stump my firend...I don't suppose you would happen to have any Stick-N-Shocks available? You see i have this neighbor who has this dog...well its actually more like a small buffalo. Well anyway i'd just like it to stop violating my bike. No need to kill it, i just want to send its ass back up into its stomach. If you have them i'll take a clip for a predator."
<<@Conference[Hawk] Athena, i don't suppose you can get floorplans and or a virtual walk-around of the facility? Find which exterior doors are closest to the pharmaceutical storage area. I'm working on an idea, can you find out how many vehicles that particular clinic supports?>>
I wonder just how good Athena really is.
<<@Athena[Hawk] Out of curiosity, ever try hacking a Doc Wagon bracelet before?>>
Hawk's stomach makes a rather audible noise. Looking around to see if anyone else heard that he puts a hand on his belly.
In a few minutes already, didn't that 'four-alarm-fire' soyburrito and the piss warm and flat beer fill you up this morning?
Jun 7 2009, 02:44 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:15pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
ValVal thanks Stump for the "gift". He had no idea exactly what he was expecting but anything other then a pistol and something automatic sounded like it would be a little better off then a heavy pistol.
"thank you friend. i will compensate later." Val looks over the weapon sliding the chamer and checking the barrel for any obstructions and clearing the chamer checks to make sure the firiing pin makes the audible click after sliding the chamber back to ensure the weapon is working properly. After the inspection of the weapon Val tries to look for some place to holster the weapon inside his jacket but finds that there is no where to hide, Val looks around for any kind of rope or strong sling to make a shoddy sling to attach to the Ingram X.
I wish i knew what i would be doing with all of this gear? i hope we dont have to use it, i would hate to do something i wouldnt normally do<@conference [Val]"that would be great information to have a floor plan as well as the doors to the storage facility. Aslo will you be able to unlock any locked doors when we are inside the facility, i mean unless any of you two can pick locks that is."@Athena
[ Spoiler ]
[Thank you now as for payment for the information what would you like? i dont have to much to pay for it but what ever you get i will work with you in what ever way i can to pay for it]
Jun 7 2009, 04:09 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:15pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Stump erupts into a deep belly laughter after Val's comment. "Cash and carry or boots and walking, my friend-" He stops and rethinks his position for a moment, "On the other hand, what terms are you thinking?"
As Val thinks, he turns back to Hawk, "I wish I had stick-n-shock. Those things are pulling premium these days. I am working an angle... Check back on Tuesday."
For Ghost, having all the ammo he needs, his thoughts stray to the fact that he hasn't had a drink in nigh on twenty-four hours. He manages to keep his composure only squirming a bit. Luckily, the duo are too busy with Stump to notice.
<<@Hawk [Athena] First time for everything... Depends on the level. The IC is pretty nasty on those I hear.>>
<<@Val [Athena] Let's see what I find. Then we can talk about payment.>>
Jun 7 2009, 07:22 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:16pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Looking up from the Ingram clips to Stump...
"Tuesday you say. Indeed i shall. What do you have in the field of military surplus gear? Rucksacks, pull-over head masks and neck gaiters...olive if you got them."
Oh i have a great key to open doors...
<<@Conference [Hawk] Ex-ex rounds work wonders for opening doors.>>
Nothing says good morning like the smell of Napalm.
"Oh and wouldn't happen to have a couple 'breathtaker' gas grenades just laying around waiting to be purchased?"
Jun 7 2009, 08:09 PM
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Ex-ex is a bit more noisy too. I would rather not draw attention unnecessarily.
"Yep. Stump, knock out gas grenades would be great."
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Any thoughts on the physical security situation, Athena?
Jun 7 2009, 10:06 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:17pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle<<@Conference [Athena] I like to start backwards. -] Attachment: MAP [- Starting with the escape route. This clinic is locked in a subdivision in an A rated neighborhood. Did I mention the Lone Star Station 7 blocks away? There is also a sound barrier/security wall the entire length of the 405 on the Bellvue side. I will try to locate a floor plan as well as whatever personnel scheduling I can access. Those will take some time. Any other quick details? Otherwise I'll head out and work on those last two.>>"
Rucksacks I have. No olive, though I do have some neo-urban v3 camo." The dwarf gestures down an isle. "
Third rack down on the left. Masks are at the end on the right. Masks are in the same pattern and are the long neck variety that tuck into the shirt." He rubs his chin. "
As to the grenades. I'll add those to the list...." He looks up to the team, "
How soon you need all this pulled together? When are you planning on doing the job?"
Jun 8 2009, 05:52 AM
<<@ Conference [Ghost] I hear you on the work backwards part. That would have saved the guys who did in the Big D back in the day. UCAS still has those poor slots locked up in the new Area 51. Anyway, I don't have a spell to float us over the wall. We either have to go over the old fashion way or blow a hole in the wall. I can't see that being a good thing though. Any drainage tunnels big enough for us? I'll have to think more on that as we go. Perhaps over dinner.>>
Drinks. Then, dinner.
Then, another drink.
Jun 8 2009, 01:53 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:17pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk turns to head down the aisle Stump pointed to.
"You think you can get a line on two or three of those gas grenades by Tuesday?"
Hawk stops at the rucks and begins to shuffle through them checking for any type corporate logos or distinctive markings. He begins to examine each closer checking for RFID signatures. Picking out four(4) with little or no distinctive marks he heads down to the masks and repeats the same process but only taking three(3).
"Hey Stump ol' boy, you have any UCAS army patches, rank insignias, name patches and such? How about corporate patches?"
<<@Conference [ Hawk] What corps are there in that area? Not necessarily megacorps but big enough that your average Joe checkpoint guard wouldn't want to step on their toes? This has got me thinking now. If Ghost and I take one ruck on our bikes that leaves two for Val. I think i can pull off that the ruck is just my service gear while i am on a leave pass if asked about it. We could put a corporate tag on the one Ghost carries claiming he is a courrier. That just leaves val...
What shall we do with Val? do you feel about taking a cab val?
The hint of laugh comes over the subvocals on that last question.
Seriously though any ideas how to get two large rucks out of the area without being to obvious? As for getting in...I have another idea. Athena, with regards to personell of the clinic, can you get their job titles and home addresses? If there is a pharmacist on duty that is similar to one of us body wise, we could grab him at his house...take his ID. If stopped at the entrance of the compound we can claim the motorcycle is a new toy and the helmet will conceal the face. That should be enough to get one of us in. From there i'm still working on the plan. If that isn't looking to good what about setting up an appointment to get a tour of the facility for a 'possible new client'.>>
Hawk walks back upto the counter placing the rucks and masks down looking for the uniform patches.
General Charles Laddow. That has a nice ring to it. To bad Captain Cock had to go and ruin that. Bastard is lucky he got out of it with only a few broken teeth. I should have shot him when i had the chance. Perhaps i'll pay him a visit one of these days...knock out a few more teeth.
Jun 8 2009, 02:49 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:17pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<@conference[val]"Wow you guys sure are coming up with some elaberate plans here. I can carry what ever i have to i just want to keep my profile low for a bit, ill take the two bags home with, i have some errands to run before the night is over as well as a few stops. Ghost think you could give me a ride to pick up some things? after we hash out our plan and what not. ">
val sees Hawk grab the bags and masks taking two of the bags and one mask and stuffing the mask in his jacket pocket.
Val looks through the two bags as Hawk did and checks for antyhing that might be considered unusual for a duffle bag. not being able to stop thinking about the information Stump and Athena gave him he starts to think about what would happen if he went to golds gym and checked out the place and locker. he needed information and needed it bad. also while inside the doc wagon facility he might be able to grab a few things for himself that might help him out later.
and replying to stumps inquire "i figure we will need it before tuesday Stump. from the sounds of it this is a asap job. limited time type. the faster the better."
Jun 9 2009, 05:04 AM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:17pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
@ Conference [Ghost] Val, I've got you covered. As far as the plans go, I think we need to keep thinking through the escape plan. I like Hawk's idea but we should have a backup as well.
Jun 9 2009, 01:00 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:18pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Satisfied with the rucks and masks Hawk walks back over to Stump.
"What do you say...four bags and three masks...will you take forty-five yen for the lot?"
I wonder what kind of in-house security Doc Wagon is going to have? I mean with Lone Star so close and all.
<<@Conference [Hawk] Athena you mentioned a sound barrier / security wall. You know if they are automated checkpoints or Lonestar operated? What level of detail ID scan do they usually perform?>>
Jun 9 2009, 04:39 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, SeattleStump replies to
Hawk, "
Let me make a few connections and I'll let you know about the rounds and the grenades. Give me you LTG and I'll let you know later today." Seeing the rucksacks, he reaches down behind the counter and pulls out
four large duffel bags. "
Doc had mentioned you might want these, as opposed to those ruck sacks." All are clear of RFID tags, though they did have names on them in black marker which has since been blotted out. No insignia however.
He moves down the counter, pulling from a drawer behind the counter. He places three
Knight Errant security forces patches and one matching corporal rank patch on the counter. "
I've been saving these for a special occasion."
<<@Conference [Athena] Assuming you want me to try and hack the system at that clinic, I can work on personnel, shifts, door locks, alarms, etc. Give me till breakfast.>>Stump replies to
Val. "
If you all really want this stuff asap, I know where you can... appropriate the stuff. And the guys who have it are unlikely to file a police report."
He turns back to
Hawk. "
Assuming you want the duffles, instead of the rucks and you want the three masks and the insignia... Let's say an even hundred..? Doc said to front you all six-hundred. You want the Ingram as well?"
Jun 9 2009, 05:35 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawks eyes widen beneath his mirrored shades as Stump pulls those from behind the counter.
"Perfect, those are just perfect. Exactly the style i was looking for. And the patches...Knight Errant had never crosses my mind. Those are perfect too."
This is just going way too easy.
Turning his attention back to stump, from the patches...
"One hundred you say for the bags, masks and patches, sounds like a deal."
<<@Conference [Hawk] Till breakfast sounds fair enough to me. Don't burn yourself out 'Goddess of Wisdom'.>>
A shiver runs down Hawks spine and he visibly twitches...
I can see me sleepwalking right out a window
Hawk sends Stump a contact ARO shapped like a gold crested hawk.
Jun 9 2009, 06:43 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
"Hey, you guys hungry? I could use a drink ... and a bite to eat."
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Breakfast sounds good to me as well. I'll also try looking into some astral security later this evening.>>
But that means ...
We have to drink less. Work pays the bills so we have to respect the work.
Jun 10 2009, 03:03 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Turning his head to answer Ghost...
"Food is the plan. Something without SOY in its name would make me as happy as a hound in a whore-house."
Speaking of whore-house, if Terra doesn't get back to me i might just have to go looking...
Turning back to Stump shaking the thoughts of a night of kinky sex out of his mind
"Not sure if you have a deal going with Val about the Ingram, but with that included, we good on what Doc and you set up to front us?"
Oh before i forget...
<<@Noose [Hawk] Hey bossman. You need me to cover the door tonight? Oh, and you know if you got Terra behind the bar tonight? I want to make it up to her for the other night and all.>>
Jun 11 2009, 01:56 AM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
... happy as a hound in a whore-house?
I don't want to know.
Jun 11 2009, 01:22 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
As Val checks the weapon to make sure it worked he sets it on the counter " you know the budget im working on so how about i give 200 now and i will try to get you a little extra later with stuff to fence. same as before i will just get less of the cut." Stump was a reasonable guy he just hoped he was willing to help out a lot this time.
Val readies to wire Stump the funds and grab the bags and head out.
<conference[Val]"getting a bite to eat sounds good it will take little bit to get where i need to go, I appreciate the help. Where we meeting and what time. I will make sure i get there and then we can hash out our plan an little more thourghly, work out any bugs. We have to wait for that Athena character any ways to get us the information we wanted. We can do a drive by if you want but since its is next to a police station i would recommend we not be armed when we do it.">
Val looks to the other "food sounds good anything but burritos please. We good Stump?"
Jun 12 2009, 04:14 AM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
"Val, we already have a deal on you giving me first dibs to fence any firearms you.... acquire. So here's terms: You pay me 200, I front you a loan for the 600 difference. You can pay me the fees and interest within 30 days and we are golden. Good?"
He pulls out three credsticks and lays them on the counter. "Here is the advance from the doc."
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:45pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Ugly Bob's is everything you'd expect of a run down roadhouse favored the dregs of humanity. Even early in the evening, the lighting is poor and the decor is 2x4 furniture. The place is packed, but there's always room for a few more to squeeze in. The trio is able to find the end of a picnic table to sit at and the serving girls make their way around quickly to take drink orders.
Speaking of the serving girls, they all appear barely legal age wearing shorts cut to show the bottom of their cheeks and half-shirts that would show breast if any of them had anything more than a B-cup. Each are just short of being beautiful; All the beautiful girls are working in slightly classier joints. One, with A- breasts and yellow, buck teeth (who would otherwise be a pretty girl), works through the crowd to the table. "You can have anything you want Sweetie, as long as its either Fizzle-Cola or Bob's Brew. Special tonight is boneless wings or BBQ burger. Onion flowers or turnip fries on the side." She slides up against Val, rubbing against him with a smile as she takes the orders. "What will it be?"
Jun 12 2009, 04:17 AM
Hawk, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:23pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<<@Hawk [Noose] We are staffed. Everyone showed up tonight, except Terra. I'll let you know when I see her.>>
Jun 12 2009, 05:41 AM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:45pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Why so skinny?
You're just getting sweet on the ork.
Shut up. Time to drink.
"I'll take a double on Bob's Brew, a BBQ burger and some fries."
You're going to kill my buzz.
We gotta eat, too, ya know.
Jun 12 2009, 01:45 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:45pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<<@Team [Hawk] First round of drinks is on me fellas.>>
"Make that two Brew's for me as well. I'll take the BBQ with a double order of fries, extra crispy. You know, make that a single order of fries and toss a few boneless wings on there for good measure."
Leaning in a little closer to the waitress and spoken in a softer voice...
"You have anything a little stronger than the brew? Whiskey perhaps?"
<<@Team [Hawk] Now before we get down to business i think it would be a good idea to know what our abilities and talents are. For instance i'm a former UCAS Army Corporal. I'm just your typical upfront in your face shoot 'em dead kinda guy. What about you two?>>
"Oh and love, if you have any hot sauce to go with that i'd be mighty obliged."
Hawk gives the young woman a gentle smile and wink.
I wonder if everythings cool with Terra. Ah she probably got caught up at the hospital on some emergency. Perhaps i'll swing by later and see if we can smooth things out.
Sitting at the table Hawk activates his Eye Recorder and begins to pan around trying to get facial shots of as many of the patrons in the joint as possible. In doing so he pays special notice to anyone sitting at a corner table or off by themselves. Anyone that doesn't immediately appear to be a factory worker gets a little extra scrutiny.
This place doesn't look too bad...
Jun 12 2009, 02:10 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Standing at the counter Val agrees to the terms with a simple nod and mhmm and picks up his ammunition and new ingram I bet this will be useful for whats coming
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:45pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
not knowing what to think of the young girl Val shrugs her off his shoulder and waves her hand away "ill have two bottles of water and a basket of the boneless wings please." Val hoped his order wasn't to much of a hassle he didnt really know what the food was going to be like but he was famished and didn't know what else to eat.
god these girls are a little young what the hell kind of place is this
[@conference[Val] upfront and truthful with you guys i have no idea what im capable of i just know i am pretty well chromed out to do what ever needs done with. i think i was hit by a truck and from that i dont know.]
Jun 12 2009, 03:15 PM
Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, SeattleAs
Val agrees,
Stump smiles a devious smile and produces a credstick for
Hawk (100

) and
Ghost (200

Team, Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:45pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle"
Two brews, a sloppy shingle and fries" she repeats to
Ghost, obviously marking the items in an AR window.
Two brews, a sloppy shingle and fries, burned. Add a half order of wings. Add on a Bomb. Add brain burner to the food." she smiles at
Hawk's wink and leans in, whispering. "
I get off at one."
Moving on to
Val, she pauses as he orders. "
Basket of wings... No bottled water here. How about two tap waters?"
Hawk begins recording video of the various patrons. He does take not of three separate tables where all the patrons sit with their backs to towards the wall. The clientele are 90% human, with an elf and several orks mixed in. No dwarves or trolls. There are men and women, the majority of them dressed like working stiffs. Beyond
Val, two humans stick out with dermal plating; They are both in the earlier mentioned tables along the wall.
Jun 12 2009, 06:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:19pm; Lucky Pawn, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk slides the credstick into a small pocket on the front of his shirt making sure to button the pocket afterwards.
"Thank you sir. Give me a shout when you catch word on the goods."
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:46pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
And to think i know bits and pieces of several languages and i have no idea what she just said.
Tilting his head down a bit looking at the table and adjusting his cyber eyes to catch the table of 'apparent runners', Hawk engages a little vision magnification to hone in on their faces enough to confirm their ID should the need arrise. Not wanting to attract their attention he immediately turns his gaze upon the ceiling and then back over his left shoulder, finally back to the friends sitting at the table with him all the while conversing in subvocal.
<<@Team [Hawk] You still with us Athena, in spirit atleast? Doc Wagon is a big name and all, I am sure they will have some decent security. That part i hope our lady will be able to take care of. Once inside i don't see there being much of a problem to get to the storage and load up. Time is of the essence so getting out again in time is going to be key. Either of you have an idea about getting Val out of a Class A neighboorhood on alert and what about the two other bags of goods?>>
"So either of you chaps been here before? Atmosphere is certainly friendly."
If something big kept Terra late it should be news worthy...perhaps.
Loading up a Browse program Hawk begins a search for Seattle News looking for anything that includes victims needing to be sent to Seattle General. He defines the parameters of the search over the last twenty-four hours.
Jun 13 2009, 03:37 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:46pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
There is no response from Athena, but there is another call... or two.
<<@Hawk [Stump] I got a line on stick-n-shock in the same caliber as the Ingrams and neuro-stun grenades. Problem is you have to liberate them. Interested?>>
<<@Hawk [Terra] Damn. I got like a stack of messages from you. What's up?>>
Jun 13 2009, 06:54 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:46pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Ghost takes in the surrounds as best he can. The darker side of his personality teaming up with the rest of him and both screaming for some alcohol blot out most efforts to notice what is going on around him. Sensing this he pours a bit of mana into the sustaining focus hanging around his neck. He can feel the mana forming in the worked metal of the simple eastern dragon that is always on his skin. He opens his mind and begins to look for those that would do him harm.
<<@ Team [Ghost] I am a user of the arcane arts. I suppose you could go with utility mage if you need a title.>>
Jun 13 2009, 09:19 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:46pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<<@Stump [Hawk] Liberate? Oh please tell, i like the sound of that.>>
<<@Terra [Hawk] Not much hun, i just wanted your opinion of Doc Wagon. You think their services are worth the enormous contract fees? I'm not getting any younger here and i thought it might be good to think of preserving what i've got while i still got it...
Pausing for a moment deciding if he wanted to risk getting mushy...
Besides, I was thinking about you and i wanted to see how you were doing. Perhaps you would grab a drink with me tonight?>>
Smooth jackass. Go on and on about being an old fart and you expect a chica like that to want you!
Closing out the 'Seattle News' search window he opens a new search with the parameters [photo or video feeds only]. For his first search he crops the face shot of one of the people sitting with their back to the wall that stood out moments ago and uses that as the search string.
<<@Team [Hawk] Ok two might and muscle, magic support and techno goddess. I think that covers the bases well enough. Ghost, you have any tricks up your sleeve that will be directly useful in getting in or out of the facility?>>
Jun 13 2009, 05:46 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:46pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
<<@ Team [Ghost] Define directly useful. I have found that magic can often be warped to fit whatever niche is needed at the moment. I suppose being invisible would help, would it not.>>
Where's the brew?!?
It'll be here soon ... I hope.
Jun 14 2009, 12:29 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:47pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, SeattleThe waitress bops back over with a tray. She sets two mugs of dark amber beer down in front of
Ghost, two mugs of beer and a fizzing mixed drink in a short glass in front of
Hawk and two mugs of liquid with a very light brown taint in front of
Val. "
Food'll be out soon. Anything else I can get ya?"
Ghost's spell heightens his senses, unknown to the rest of the team. It passes over several of the obvious hardened individuals in the room and settles on a table of youth across the room. The foursome are not overtly focused on
Ghost's table, but now aware of them, he notices the youth's subtle eye on him.
<<@Hawk [Stump] I have it on good authority that several boxes of Stick-N-Shock and a case of Neuro-Stun grenades are in a storage unit at the Red-E-Stor at 166th Ave NE and NE 92nd Ave. The seller wants 600
for the dozen grenades and 2,000
for the 200 rounds of Stick-n-Shock. I figred he is a little rich for your blood and I don't none care for him. He burned me some time back on a deal that supposed to be 50/50.>>@Hawk[ Spoiler ]
<<@Hawk [Terra] Doc Wagon is still the leader in trauma care as well as high threat medical response. Based upon how messed up you were that night I met you, I'd say if you have the money it would be a wise investment. Let's keep our relationship strictly based upon medical care and nuyen, shall we?>>
She was of course referring to the night about three months ago when he rolled into the ER she was working. His ID didn't check out. He paid her to make his file disappear and convinced her to give him her number in case he needed follow up treatment.
(( With a loyalty of 1, she's only met him 2-3 times. ))
Jun 14 2009, 02:58 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:47pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
He takes a sip of the brew and upon finding it not to be bitter, he takes a deep drink. "Ahh. That hits the spot."
He tags the table of interested youths in AR.
<<@ Team [Ghost] That table seems a little too interested in us for their own good.>>
Jun 14 2009, 12:37 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:47pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
"I think we are good for now love, thank you."
Hawk takes a nice long swig off a brew. He closes his eyes remembering, for a moment, his friends he's lost over the years and how they are not here to have a drink with him.
To Marcum. May your bones and spirit forver rest in a place of eternal peace. Where guns, bombs and murder are never known.
Hawk drops the fizzing drink, glass and all, into the mug of brew. Not waiting for it to fizz all over he downs the mugs contents in one big gulp. Shaking his head slightly and accepting the burn in his throat or a moment...
"I know why she called it a bomb now."
<<@Team [Hawk] I meant no offense Ghost about your magic being useful. Its just you mentioned earlier you didn't have a way to get us over the wall.>>
<<@Stump [Hawk] What can you tell me about this Red-E-Stor place? Do they normally have a live crew on duty? What's this chummers name that boned you before and do you object if something fateful should befall him?>>
<<@Terra [Hawk] Thats cool love, i like the business side of you. Thank you for your input.>>
Hawk loads his Analyze program and checks his system resources trying to determine if Athena is still connected.
Jun 14 2009, 05:59 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:47pm; Ugly Bob's, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val didnt know what to say to the girl so he agreed to just have the same as what ghost was drinking "ill have what the are having to drink. " not wanting to take up anymore time he just wanted to absorb all that was going on and try to relearn he guessed how to act in these types of places and ordering water wasn't what he guessed normal. as for attention he looked at the crowd and noticed the difference in ethnic looking people and meta looking peps. "well the three of us look odd i think with mostly humans then trio of metas being us walk in we are bound to get a little attention look at thier cloths warehouse workers we are wearing gear like swat" Val lets out a little laugh "unless they call me rabbit i wouldn't worry."
<@team[val] "well i figured if we have to we will get in one way or the other.">