May 13 2009, 04:34 PM
She accepts the funds and snorts at Val's reply, silently leading him several more doors down before opening the door and gesturing inside.
Stepping in, Val finds a small, sparse examination room with a well-used (read: worn out), reclining examination seat. After taking a seat, the wait is several long minutes before an ancient, scrawny Chinese-Ork enters the room. "Ah.. You are quite the piece of technology, aren't you?" he steps over reaching up towards Val's eye, not actually touching the wounded part but around it. "The dermal has kept the swelling to a minimum. But surely someone such as yourself is not here for a swollen eye?"
May 14 2009, 03:33 PM
Val stands up and removes his jacket and shirt to reveal his side which throbed with so much pain he winced when he raised his arms above his head. "doc i do not remember much about what happen to me, i have this bump on my head and the dermal your talking about how long has it been there? my ribs are killing me and i have a bump on my head that hurts like a SOB."
May 14 2009, 07:42 PM
Doc Phin pulls out a biomonitor and hooks it up. "You need to allow access to your cyberware." But Val already knew this. In fact as the monitor begins to spool information, Val is way ahead of the doctor's basic description of his health and augmentations. Val and Doc Phin provide the same diagnosis: No ribs are broken, but the muscles around the rib cage received an incredible impact; He was probably hit by a vehicle. The impact to the head is the equivalent to a concussion; Probably from the impact that bruised his ribs. Unlike the ribs, the impact to the head literally rattled his brains. The amnesia could last days, weeks or years. There is nothing to do but wait it out.
As Doc Phin begins to catch on that Val knows nearly considerably more about medicine than either of them thought he asks, "It appears your injuries are more superficial than substantial, except that head wound." He puts a salve on the two wounds, a topical pain killer as well as a hefty dose of ibuprofen. "I can't say I've seen that much ware in someone in quite a while. No idea where you belong?"
May 16 2009, 10:48 AM
Val stands up and starts to put his shirt and jacket on "Doc Phin thanks Stump was right your a ok Doc. if you need any help or hear of anything you think might be useful to a guy with a hazy memory please let me know, i will be willing to pay for that information." Val turns to Doc Phin and shakes his hand then starts to walk out of the room and pay the front dest clerk. " thank you.". After Val pays he starts to think about the coffin shack Stump mentioned he would really like to get a little more rest and maybe a shower to wash any blood and grit off so he started to make his way to the Coffin shake down the street again but with a round about route to make sure he didn't run into those thugs again, he needed to get fixed up before running into any more trouble. he wanted time to know why he knew what Doc Phin was talking about why did he needed time to see if his memory would come back... he hoped it would before he ran into anything he wouldn't be able to run from.
May 18 2009, 02:55 AM
Doc Phin silently nods as Val speaks. He shakes the elf's hand when presented and watches the elf head out towards the front.
The ork presents a remaining bill of 75 nuyen. She is nearly pleasant as Val settles up.
Minutes later Val is at the office to the coffin motel; Office might be a bit of an overstatement though. The building sits on the corner of the block and was once a retail store or something. The front windows are boarded up and the punks minding the entrance (security of sorts) look Val over but allow him to pass. Inside, he finds an old woman siting at a desk. "Shower?" she asks at his inquisition. "There's a hose out back or a sink in the bathroom, that would be THE bathroom, but there are no showers. Each room is 40 nuyen a night. He quickly deduced that as it infers, a coffin motel is the minimal of comfort. A very small room with a ramshackle bed of sorts and a common, shared bathroom.
Standing there, reviewing his options, Val does realize that it is a little before noon. A boy walks up and hands him a note.
"Come back to the clinic at 5:00 pm. Use the back entrance in the alley." The boy is gone before Val finishes reading.
May 18 2009, 10:49 AM
Val leavs the Clinic feeling a lot better then when he went in. arriving at the Shack he notes the small group standing next to the entrance giving him a once over. Val looks at the counter where the women was standing " ill take a room for the night" when the boy comes up he checks his pockets only the remember there was nothing in them to begin with. when he looks up to thank thank the little boy for the note only to find the door to the shack swinging from him already leaving.
immediatly Val goes to the bathroom to clean what ever blood is still sitting in his hair and try to clean him self up a little washing his face and hands and giving a quick wash through with the garden hose through his hair. when all is said and done he give the note a once over and looks for the current time on his Heads up display noting how much time he had to maybe get a bit to eat in and scope out the back of Doc Phins place to make sure everything is ok. thinking soemthing might be up he thought he might need a way to fight back, he couldn't always run away. so he made his way to the local shop again taking a round about way to bypass anything or anyone, he planned on getting a bite to eat then sitting and waiting in the alley until the meet. he hoped Stump could help him out with a little gear.
Val then gives Stump a call <Val@Stump "hey there don't suppose you have anything for protection laying around i you could pawn on me, i need something for tonight in case i run into any more trouble. i can't always be running away."
May 18 2009, 01:45 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:05pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
After paying the woman she says, "Room #3. Lock is on the inside."
Proceeding down the short hallway, Val is struck by the workmanship; There is none. This hall was cheaply assembled with some sort of framing and plywood sheets. The ceiling is obviously the original structure; Much higher quality. He reaches the door. It is a cheap, thin door; Much like one would find to the bathroom or bedroom in mass produced housing.
The room beyond is just under 3m deep and just over 1m wide. The 'bed' is in fact a cot from a shelter or red-cross station and there are no linens, save a well used comforter that it is best not even to dwell on what made the stains on it.
Down the hall in the bathroom. It has a toliet and sink. Both appear to have not been cleaned in the last decade. The water pressure is low and the water itself not quite clear. Roaming around a bit, he finds the aforementioned garden hose actually out the back door in the alley. It shares a water supply with the sink.
His trip back to the stuffer shack is uneventful. He manages to slip around the far side and blend with the crowd, quite naturally. Two more burritos in hand and he slips back out, through the crowd and back towards the coffin motel.
<<@Val [Stump] Come on over. You can take a look at what I've got.>>
May 18 2009, 02:15 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:05pm; Mary's Apartment, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
A wet kiss crossed his lips, but it was the crushing weight of her body that woke him. Blinking his eyes, then closing them as the sun violently assaulted his hung over brain through the eye sockets in his skull he silently wished for death.
His lungs filled with air as she retreated her assault of affection. "Doc Phin has a job for you." She spoke as she stepped into the adjacent room of the small apartment; That room is the living room/kitchen/den/study/family room/yada, yada. He heard her making soykaf. "A guy came in today. All cybered up like some kinda soldier, not knowing who he is or where he came from. Needed a little patching up and asking about work. Doc seems to think he' legit."
The sounds of the sofkaf machine spitting the heavenly brew into the cup sounded like heaven. "You need to be at the clinic at 5:00."
A moment later she pressed the cup into his hands with another kiss. "Don't be late." She retreated back to the kitchen as he sat there silently starting to focus his eyes, now acutely aware of his pounding head ache. "There's a Zappo-Mealâ„¢ on the counter. Chicken nuggets. Love ya." And with that she was gone.
Mary wasn't the prettiest girl, hell she's an ork. But she was a kind soul and no matter what thoughts went through his head about mixing with ork women or the fact she was too nice or whatever, she was there for him. At least for the six weeks he'd known her. He woke up with her one morning thinking, OMG! Just how much did I drink last night?!?!
She made little to no demands on him and she took care of him. And sleeping with Doc Phin's receptionist had its pluses as well, the latest seeming to be some work. Mary's five year old daughters Megean and Marsha still keep their distance. Who could blame them? He's a stranger who sometimes wonders why he comes back another night.
In any event, he's in Seattle now and it even looks like a little work is lined up. Once this headache is gone it might be a good day; Assuming he doesn't dwell on That Run.
May 19 2009, 06:03 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:05pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Munching on his burritos and wondering if he caught anything from the coffin shack he just bathed in if a water hose and dirty water is called bathing, Val noticed himself smile a little bit at his luck he guessed. better alive then dead he guessed only if he could remember anything before 24 hourse ago.
After Stump mentioned he might have something for his he kept to the crowds as best he could and started to make his way to the Lucky Pawn and then he would take his time at getting to Doc Phins to scope it out a little and make sure the Doc didn't have bad intentions for him and his lose of memory.
May 20 2009, 06:47 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:05pm; Mary's Apartment, Redmond Barrens, Seattle
He sat up and ran his hands through his long greasy hair. He wondered when he had washed it last. The effort of remembering left him hurting even more. After what felt like ages, he managed to stand and stumble into the kitchen still half dressed. The nuggets were the standard fare - bland but with a hint of chicken flavor. He thought about that for a while and decided that perhaps it wasn't chicken. After all, had he ever eaten chicken? Did he know without a doubt that chicken tasted like that? His headache roared and he quit thinking.
After a while, he shuffled back to the shower and stayed in well past the limits of the lukewarm water. Still partly blue he starting doing some stretches he had learned at the monastery. The little Buddhist monk had told him that with time he would learn to control his thoughts and could even purge his mind of unneeded memories. No, don't go down that road! He turned over and rose to his knees and kept stretching. Even if he never learned how to control his mind he was pleased with maintaining his limited flexibility. He dressed himself and opened the toilet cover. He grabbed the flask Mary didn't know about. She had the nasty habit of hiding his bourbon, or worse - from his point of view - pouring it out. He took a long swig and sat down to put on his boots. He tucked the small flask into the top of the boots and threw on his coat.
The air was brisk today. It couldn't be said it was clean or fresh or sweet, it just was. But it was moving at a nice pace. He pulled up the AR display and dialed Dick's private line. He left some information on a BTL shipment coming through the area. Trixie wouldn't be happy with the additional heat from the Star for a few days but she could appreciate that hitting her rivals left her in a better position to deal when the heat cooled. Two birds, one stone. That can't be all bad. Now, what to do until 1700 hours? A few more thoughts and his AR display put him in his favorite home away from home - - which featured an article on how the dragons were trying to create a master-race of meta-humans. Damn dragons! What will they do next?
The next several hours pass by and the flask grows lighters. There was the story of the goblin and her vampire lover - both department heads at Evo and then there was the story about an alchera in the CAS where you could see the future. Even I think there is something wrong with that story. The alarm in AR goes off and he grabs his bike and heads to Doc's for the meet.
May 21 2009, 01:46 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:27pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val makes his way back to Stump's. The dwarf is sitting behind the counter while a couple looks over a microwave on a shelf. He looks up to Val, "Got a little something pawned this morning I thought you might want to see."
The dwarf slides a towel off of a weapon on the counter. Underneath is a Ares Predator IV. The weapon is the most popular handgun in the world, though Val isn't really sure why he knows that. "Pretty sure the gun has a bad history - as in bad last night. The clip is full, but that's all the ammo I have. I'd much rather it go to someone like yourself than one of the local hoods. I'll let you have it for 200, one catch. You come up with any like items, you give me dibs on the first two at the same price. Deal?"
May 21 2009, 08:11 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:28pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val looks over the gun handles it a little ejects the clip checkin the slide and chamer, perfect weapon although he didn't know why. he gives Stump a look "Last night huh, i wonder if it has a bad memory as well or maybe it just got lost from it original owner. Deal, If you come up with anything that might have the same history can you give me a shout at who sold it. I would really like to know what they know from last night, or if they have any more stuff that might be from last night." Val stuffs the Weapon in his jacket into a very familiar place he felt like it had belonged there like it was always supposed to be there in a sort, it fit perfectly. He transfers the 200 nuyen. his money wouldn't last long he knew and he needed more ammunition, more then one clip worth any ways. he wondered why he would be so familiar with a gun what kind of person was he, it made him a little frustrated. he wised he knew more about him self, to know why he was hit with so much force, why did he have these aumentations that made him lightning fast and agile. Val needed to get to the bottom of his memory loss.
Val was happy to have something familiar with him that would actually give him a fighting chance. "also do you think Doc Phin is a trust worthy guy, he wants me to meet him at the back of his place later tonight. dont suppose you know why he would want to do that would you?"
May 21 2009, 11:29 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:28pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
As Val picks up the weapon, it has a somewhat familiar feel. Something is off, different, but much more familiar than most other things of the past 24-hours.
"Trustworthy enough I imagine." The dwarf rubs his chin, taking in the news. "Doc is arranging jobs now? Well, I guess stranger things have happened." The dwarf then looks back at Val and smirks, "I don't think he's a parts dealer, though you have a lot of expensive ware that would fetch a nice price... even second hand. No, the Doc is a bleeding heart. Showed up here about a decade ago and opened that clinic. People round here don't much ask why - no need to look a gift horse in the mouth, you know?"
May 22 2009, 01:01 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:28pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val still figitting with the idea of what Stump reffered to as parts dealing, he gives it not another thought. "well what ever it is i hope it is something that will jog at least a little of my memory." hearing that the doc showed up a decade ago for no known reason perked Vals intrests a little why would a doctor pull out of anywhere better then this place and settle down for what seemed to be the worste part of the city. What part of the city am I in. with that he signs on to Stumps wireless signal again and starts to use his AR and search for what part of the city and anything he could look on what part of the city he was in he wanted to get toknow why he would be down here, what would intrest him in coming down here. he started by using the street name the Lucky Pawn was on and expanded his search from there he figured he had a little time before the meet he might as well spend it looking for anything he could on the local area.
May 23 2009, 02:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:30pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val[ Spoiler ]
Browse(4) + Defaulting(-1) :
[5,5,1] 2 hits
Val is able to pull up a map on his com, linking to the matrix from an access point somewhere around
Stump's shop. He finds that he is in the
North Redmond neighborhood of the
Redmond Barrens. Security rating Z - There is no police contract; Assume some local gang provides and enforces security.
For now it seems as though
Val has about four and a half hours to dodge said gangs.
May 23 2009, 04:01 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:31pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val not wanting to attract unwanted attention sits in one of Stumps empty shelves starts looking up the name of the security company Stump mentioned before as well as where they would be run. Once done with gathering the information he had he would head back to stuffer shack and get at least a little sleep then head out to the meet a hour before he is supposed to be there to stack out the area before hand and look around. Being in a Z rated area he knew that he would have no cops at least asking questions but also he can't count on any back up though either, which meant he would have to watch what he did a little better. he needed rest and recover from his wounds though so he decided heading back to the shack would be the best bet. then head to the alley. waving bye to Stump and giving him a nod Val heads out to get ready and to collect his thoughts.
May 24 2009, 04:59 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 12:40pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val kicks back, searching for information about
Romulov Enterprises he comes up mostly blank. He does find one strange tidbit. A file comes up that was hidden amongst his system files that contains the string "Romulov Enterprises"
Romulov Enterprises Membership #46543834526
Locker #1347
Gold's Gym
2290 15th Ave SE, Snohomish
The address tracked to an area right between the Brier and Bothell neighborhoods of Snohomish.
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:15pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
ValDespite the excitement from finding a clue to his past,
Val fell asleep nearly immediately. When his com's alarm woke him at 4:00, he found that he had also slept unaccosted and he did feel a lot better. Walking the route past the clinic to the stuffer shack and back again, he finds that the crowds have thinned considerably and the thugs from earlier appear not to be around. Not much to do but hang out of sight and wait.
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
GhostAn automated reply earlier in the day from
Det. Chapman included a form wave reply thanking him for the report and assuring him that they would look into the matter.
There was also a wave from
Susan. It seems that she had a visit a little earlier from a couple of gangers seeking 'protection money'. She was unsure how to deal with it and was seeking his advice. While he might ignore this type of inquiry from others,
Susan is different. Much like
Mary, she had taken him as project or ward or some such shit. She is just over five years sober and keeps trying to get him into a program. She had picked him up several times when he was too far gone to take care of himself and when he does have it under control, she is a damn reasonable talismonger.
By now the flask was empty, but it had done its job; The edge was not quite as sharp and he didn't quite care as much as when everything was clear. The half a dozen blocks to the clinic went by in a flash and now he finds himself parking the bike. A few minutes till they are supposed to meet with the doc. His com flashed that
Mary had noted his arrival when his PAN connected to hers.
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
ValSeveral doors up from the back entrance to the clinic,
Val sits in the shadows of a burned out building. He what really looked like a bum roll up on a motorcycle several grades better than the rider.
May 24 2009, 05:49 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val wishing he knew exactly what was going on satisfied that the bum wouldn't pose to much trouble i mean the guy looked like a bum worse off then Val had ever been.
Val waits till two minutes till then casually walks the alley way when he reaches the rider he stands side long when he reaches the doors standing so he can see the rider and the back of the clinic.
Val reaches in his jacket for his last burrito, Val wanted to eat something that resembled food.
"hows it going" Val casually asks the rider after a minute or two of silence.
May 24 2009, 11:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
He takes Susan's call without complaint and listens to her questions. He replies that there are three cardinal rules when dealing with protection money: how much do they want, how much hurt can they apply and how good are they at protection from outside sources. If she knows what the value is she can make a good decision. Finally he asks to see what she has on the crew and she forwards a list of information, some trideo and her impressions. After her though, he tells her they are low level thugs and to ignore them but he offers her his help when they come around again. Provided she doesn't ask him to attend any more meetings.
He shoots Mary a wave as he pulls up. <Hey there, sweets.>
Hopefully not too much will get read into that.
"Hngh. Got nothing for ya." Turning to look at the the man, he decides that he's not the street bum he normally gets in this part of the world. "I'm here to see the doctor. I have an appointment at five. You?"
May 25 2009, 11:46 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
kind of surprised that he had a meeting the same time as he did "I don't want anything from you. I have a meeting with Doc Phin as well at five. You have any idea why he asked for the meet? Do i know? " Val didn't know what to think of the man standing next to his bike he didn't show any real intrest in Val which was good he guesed, I wonder if he knows me
May 25 2009, 04:04 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:55pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
What the hell is his problem? Is he playing stupid ... or is he stupid? He turns once again to the man in front of him. "I figure the good doctor has work for us. What else would it be? You feeling alright?"
Last thing I need on some work is a flake.
You mean a traitor don't you?
What? No! That's not what I meant!
But that's what you were thinking wasn't it? Last thing you need is some kind of traitor. Well, take a look in a mirror!
His breathing becomes a little more shallow and rapid. He closes his eyes as he forces himself to try and remain calm. Finally, he opens his eyes again and gives the man in front of him a wane smile.
"Shall we make a house call on the good doctor?"
May 25 2009, 04:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:56pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Ghost & Val
<<@Ghost [Mary] Be there in a minute.>>
Ghost no more than makes the suggestion than the receptionist arrives, opening the door and beckoning the duo inside, Val first. "This way please." To Val, she retains the slightly softer personality she showed after he was determined to being a paying customer. That said, she is still professional and looks into the alley to insure no others are watching.
After Val passes and Ghost moves through the doorway, her hand crosses Ghost's shoulder and a gentle smile momentarily crosses her lips before she returns to her stern composure.
The duo inside, she locks and bars the back door then leads them past several observation rooms to the doctor's office. She gestures for them to sit in two of three chairs in the room that are not behind the desk.
Ghost looks Val over as the enter the office. The tall elf's face is marked by the dermal plating on it and his heavy jacket is no doubt armored. During the walk in, Ghost was pretty sure he made out a large pistol in the street samurai's belt. The elf moves very gracefully and despite his apparent nativity, his appearance suggests he has been around the block more than once.
May 26 2009, 01:46 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:58pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
not sure what kind of work the Doc might have for them Val wasn't sure what to make of that statement from the man standing next to the bike.
after leading them in Val tries to glance inside each of the rooms making sure no one was goin to jump out at them, not fully aware of who the man behind him was he glanced behind him every now and them as well.
Once inside the room Val ops to take a standing posture next to his chair so he could watch each door coming in and out of the room. he wanted at least to be able to run if he needed to. Once they were inside Val looks to the stranger inside with him didn't want to seem unpolite introduces himself "Hello, my name is Valery nice to meet you, you know the Doc well?" Val's rich acsent the same that sounded so different in his mind when he thought to himself rolled off his name when he said it out loud. Something Val noticed once he was done talking not really sure why.
May 28 2009, 03:58 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:58pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawl arrived at the back of the clinic with a full two minutes to spare. This has to be the place, that bike is pretty out of place. That bike would be late model Mirage parked in the alley. Looking up and down the alley, most of the buildings on the block are dilapidated. Abandoned. The door at this particular address is a solid steel door. An older, well used door but a steel door none the less.
As he parks his bike, Hawl reflects back on what brought him here. Nosey knew a guy who knew a guy. He made a call or two and bam! you get an invitation to a meeting with someone named Doc Phin. Being relatively new to Seattle, Hawl quickly realizes he's probably in a neighborhood that hasn't seen a police patrol since police were city employees. Still, as long as he didn't get mugged, or worse, it couldn't hurt to at least listen to the offer.... as long as he cleared out long before dark.
The door opens and a middle-aged ork woman looks him over. Her stern look gives Hawl a small shudder with a thought, Imagine the ugly slob that wakes up next to that in the morning. Not someone Hawl even remotely imagined he would meet and definitely not worth a second thought.
"This way." is all she says, gesturing inside.
May 28 2009, 01:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:58pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Arming the anti-theft system on his bike, and setting all his equipment to skin-link access only, Hawk follows the ork female inside. Curious if she is taking him to see this Doc Phin character or if she has personal plans for him Hawk asks "This is the place to see the Doc correct?" Man i hope she doesn't think i'm here on a booty call.
May 28 2009, 06:07 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:58pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
"I know him by reputation and had a friend vouch for him. That's good enough when it comes to work. You can call me Ghost ... everyone else does."
This guy looks like a pro. Wonder why he is playing the rube? Maybe a case of too much nuyen and not enough sense.
Maybe he's here to kill you?
Shut up!
He stands back and holds his right hand behind his back while his left sits in his pocket.
May 29 2009, 02:48 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:59pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Hawk, Ghost & ValAs
Ghost & Val get acquainted,
Mary escorts a third person to the room. "
Please wait here." she says to the new man, gesturing to the room. The office is small but is large enough for the doctor's desk and three additional chairs, one for each of the team. The walls are bare and the drywall is dirty and fading. The shelves behind the desk are mostly empty and the desk old and equally bare.
@All[ Spoiler ]
On your next post each, please include a visual description of your character.
Mary no more than closes the door than it opens again. An ancient, scrawny Chinese-Ork is on the other side wearing a white lab coat in strong need of a good wash and stronger need of simply being replaced. He shuffles into the room and moves behind the desk. Despite being an ork, he is under two meters tall and his voice is raspy. "
Evening gentlemen. Thank you for coming."
May 29 2009, 12:29 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:59pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Val stands at about 5' 7" white but not quite local white. He stands like a bully most of the time all though he can't seem to remember who he is any visual inspection would tell anyone that his blonde hair and blue eyes and acsent were definatly difinatly from the cold war. he has very broad shoulders for being a elf his frame is looks light but when he walks he is definatly heavier then he looks. not one you want to owe money too thats for sure.
Val greets the Doc Phin as he walks in. "How you doing Doc?" then starts to take a look at the other two making notes of any visible weapons and armor and trying to decern if these guys are friend or foe. Val wondered if he knew the third man that walked in had he ever met this person before. he hated not knowing his past and even worse if he had any enemies or allies he could rely on to help him out.
May 29 2009, 02:07 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:59pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
The last man to arrive prior to Doc Phin is an aged man a tad shy of 2 meters appearing in his early 40's with, what was about a week ago, a tight trimmed crew-cut and beard. Dressed in vintage camo military garb a leather duster and mirrored sunglasses, the patch on his chest says Cpl Hawk. As he turns to acknowledge the ork woman asking him to take a seat, it can be seen Hawk has the scars on his head for a datajack and implanted comm.
Taking a seat in a rather relaxed manner its apparent this guy is not trying to hide the fact he is armed. He pulls an odd shaped knife from his left boot and begins to clean out under his nails scraping the gunk on the sole of his boot. "Judging by the firepower and armor in this room i think ole' Doc Phin has something damn serious in mind for us." Hawk blurts out half to the others half to himself. I hope these two have some skill and not just spare yen to buy fancy demral plating.
The door to the office opens and Hawks grip on the knife tightens leaving his knuckles white. Turning to see the aged ork he relaxes his grip on the knife sliding it back into his boot. This has got to be ole' Doc Phin.
"Evening gentlemen. Thank you for coming." Says the Doc
Hawk sits up in the chair both to get more comfortable and to show respect to the one who has asked him here.
May 29 2009, 06:13 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 4:59pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle
Slouched into the chair with his long legs crossed in front of himslef, he keeps his head down. His pale face is mostly covered by his long greasy dark hair. The all-purpose boots are clean and the black longcoat moves in a way that suggests it is armored.
He glances at the newcomer and thinks, Blowhard. I hope you are half a good as you think you are.
Are you as 'good' as you think you are?
As Doc enters the room, the long man stands and bows slightly before resuming his slouched posture in the chair.
May 29 2009, 07:29 PM
The doctor settles back into his chairs and looks at each of the three in turn for a moment before speaking again. He continues to make eye contact as he speaks. "As you already know I run this clinic. I provide care for those without insurance and for most without funds to pay me for their treatment." He pauses a moment, perhaps collecting his thoughts, perhaps for dramatic pause. "This causes an issue in that medicines are expensive. Persons of means like yourselves get priority treatment, free of official reporting.... for a fee. But those funds far from cover the medicines I need for those not of means... and of course controlled substances require forms and permits and licenses."
He again pauses, but only slightly. "This is where you come in." He has a slight smile. "My supplies are depleted. I need you to pull a job on a Doc Wagon clinic." He looks to each of the team for reactions.
May 29 2009, 08:31 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Looking at the aged ork doc waiting for him to finish his joke with a punchline it hits Hawk, the doc isn't joking. I wonder if this is some sort of hyporitic oath thing. Perhaps we are supposed to offer other possibilities. Hawk turns to glance at the others checking their reactions and then back at Doc Phin. I mean Doc Wagon!? He knows they are out to help people too right? Be it those that can afford outrageous contract prices, but people none-the-less. It is a novel idea though. Take from the rich to give to the poor.
"Out a curiosity, what kind a quantity are we talkin bout? A few duffle-bags or grab the whole wagon? Or are you lookin to clean out a whole clinic?"
Using the brief pause in the ork's narative, Hawk sends a message to Terra
<<@Terra[Hawk] Hey babe, hows the ER tonight? Got a question for ya. What's your opinion on Doc Wagon? I was thinking about getting a contract. Do they work with Seattle General or are they their own seperate entity?>>
May 29 2009, 09:27 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
"I expect it will take about four of those vary large duffel bags to haul out the supplies. I will provide a priority list to work from. The more you get, the better."
May 30 2009, 04:07 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
He listens to the old man's words without looking up: his eyes are closed but his brow is furrowed in concentration. Seemingly without warning, he speaks, "Given your status as a doctor, I assume that you would like this handled without a mess?" The accent he places on mess leaves no doubt as to his meaning.
Looking to raise the body count?
No. Trying to keep it low.
Too bad for them, you had a backbone then, heh?
Shut. UP!
May 30 2009, 03:12 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:03pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Val stands there and listens to the whole spill on a job to rob a hospital "Doc you have a list of the drugs you want? You helped me out yesterday and i appreciate it but i need money too, i need to get information and thats not cheap."
<<@Stump [Val] Who is Doc Wagon? i need to get information on them and their workings if possible. think you could get me some information and what not?>>
Val rubs his chin for being a elf he was lucky otherwise he might look a little rough around the edges like the other two. no facial hair was a plus didn't have to spend a lot of shampoo. val tried to rememeber anything that he might have known about Doc Wagon but came up blank as ususal.
I need to have my head looked at again i think. I hope I can get something jogged before to late. or at least a lead.
May 30 2009, 07:53 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Four large bags. That is a lot of material to carry out at one time. Even more of a pain in the ass if we are taking fire while doing it. I just hope these guys aren't afraid to get their hands dirty if the need arises.
Leaning forward a little in his chair and brushing a hand through his short cropped hair, Hawk shows a bit of a smirk. He reaches out and slaps the edge of the doc's desk.
"Ok Doc, you have my attention so far and it seems for a 'good' cause. It certainly beats going into a bug infested city, or shooting at armed children for a corporate government more interested in its bottom line than the people that fight to give the corps their power. Just a few small things to discuss first. Like the man said {gesturing to the man at his side} any qualms if people die? And not to be a materialistic bastard and all, but what about hazard pay?"
With that last question Hawk leans back in his chair, his grin fading a bit into a more serious look.
May 31 2009, 01:10 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
All right! A man looking to kill a few folks. Be just like old times won't it?
I. am. not. like. that.
Not anymore ...
I should rather not have to kill them. Perhaps Doc Wagon would be more inclined to look the other way if none of their own die? However, I do agree about the hazard pay or at least the pay in question.
He sits up slightly in his chair to regard the rest of this newly formed team.
Perhaps I should pay better attention.
If only to know where the ribs are.
May 31 2009, 11:13 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:02pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Val hears the other two talking about killing certain people Wait a minute are we talking about robbing a hospital Val didn't understand what was so hard about but understood why Doc Phin would want Meds from them. Not wanting to look like to much of a flake decided to keep quite and let the other two wheel and deal. He would ask the few questions he had once they haggled the prices down and got the basic details of what he guess was a job.
"I agree shooting any place up would be a bad idea seeing as from the looks of it we don't have much when it comes to firepower." he opens his jacket and reveals his Pred."also where is the closest Doc Wagon facilitty around here."
Jun 1 2009, 12:29 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:03pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
The doc's expression becomes very serious for a moment. "I am a healer. As such, I would prefer non-lethal methods. I am capable of math though and if someone has to die so that dozens may live, then I will make that trade." He leaves the last statement with a pause. This time he seems to measure the weight of his words internally. He then looks at the elven street samurai and a slight smile crosses his lips as he continues. "Pay. Yes. Nuyen makes the world go round." His gaze crosses over all of the team as he continues to speak. "I have some nuyen saved back from providing assistance to those in your line of work. Stump has connections to get gel rounds for your weapons and I have made arrangements with a hacker to provide a window for your work. However, I'm sure the most important part to you is first: Nuyen. I can offer you each one thousand nuyen, free medical services if needed and one last token." He pauses as he looks at the team. The look on his face is like a magician about to pull a rabbit out of his hat. "The Warlords claim this turf. Should you procure the medicines on my list, I will insure that Mad Max is aware of the part you played to insure this clinic stays operational."
He leaves that last bit hanging, for the team to determine the benefits of such a connection.
Jun 1 2009, 01:36 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:03pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
He folds his arms and thinks for a few moments. "Acceptable." He turns and looks to the other team members.
I wonder if what they are thinking.
They're wondering if you are going to try and kill them since you took such a low paying job.
It'll help pay bills and let's me keep making new friends.
Friends. That's funny. You only have targets.
Jun 1 2009, 02:18 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:03pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Val stands there a moment and recites what the Doc said. so if the warlords know the Doc maybe they know what happen to me the other night if they are that big a deal they might know for sure. "I'll do iit. Im sure you will give us the details to the window time frame and exactly what office we are to hit as well if the Hacker could get us a layout of the office that would help considerably."
i hope that if all goes well i can learn some info before this is over.
Jun 1 2009, 06:37 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:03pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Now we're getting down to business.
"1000 nuyen sounds fair enough, and the free med support is a very nice bonus. Count me in Doc."
Stump, what a name. I wonder if its a hack on his stature or if he fell victim to a chop-doc.
"Forgive me if i seem ungreatful. I've heard a little about the Warlords and all, but the name Stump isn't ringin any bells. And this hacker you procured for us...he got a name?"
Jun 1 2009, 08:09 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:04pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Doc Phin closes his eyes and nods at each in turn as they accept. Following Hawk's question, the doctor begins to respond. "The warlords are the local tuffs who extort- I mean collect protection money in this neighborhood."
As the doc speaks, each of the three receive an ARO in the form of a white owl. It bears an invitation. The invitation comes in the form a an ancient parchment bound with a string that trails off into the distance. Your com translates it to an AR conference invitation. It is signed, Athena.
"They do hold considerable power though. They also are the closest thing to a security force though and deal harshly with crime committed on locals without sanction. They also make sure that this clinic runs unmolested as well as providing some funding to provide education for local kids.." He shakes his head as the team begins accept this. "But make no mistake. They recruit those same kids. They kill, they steal and they lord over their turf as merciless thugs.... You might say they are an unincorporated corporation." He smirks at his own humor.
Jun 1 2009, 09:54 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:04pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Hawk accepts the AR invitation from Athena expecting it to be the hacker contact that Doc Phin mentioned moments ago, all the while taking in Doc's explanation of the Warlords. When the doc finishes...
"So essentially they are a tough as nails version of most other gangs in big cities. Good to know I guess. I can't speak for the others but I certainly don't plan on getting on their bad side, so if doing this run is good for them...all the better."
Hawk sits back comfortable in his chair waiting for the AR confrence to load.
Man i hope these Warlords don't have some pansy ass gang colors they want us to wear. Neonsynth pink, or NovaSunfire Yellow.
Jun 2 2009, 01:46 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:04pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Val accepts the Owls Invitation with a little hesitation, who and what in the world. " this is all some very useful information, i mean no disrepect but from the sounds of it you dislike what they do a lot. This job going to be a infraction on any agreement you have with them? i mean if they are so involved with this clinic do they know anything about what we are goin to be trying to do?or are they going to give us a little room to do it."
Jun 3 2009, 02:19 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:05pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
As the invitation is accepted, each finds the AR around them heavily modified. The doctor's desk is overlaid with stone table textures. The walls all take on the veneer of wall sized windows and the corners are stone columns. Beyond the windows, the team sees they are on a virtual mountain in the skies. A pegasus rises out of the clouds and drops back into them.
Amidst this change in scenery, the doctor continues to speak. "They are a necessary evil." He looks at Val, "Quite to the contrary. This will serve them by insuring that I have the supplies to work on their soldiers following conflicts as will a healthy local population."
"He's a socialist you know." comes a female voice from behind them. Looking behind them they see a tall, regal, brown-haired woman in a flowing white robe. On her feet sandals and a well worn, 2m long combat spear is held in her right-hand while resting on the floor. On her head is a large, open-face helm with a greco-roman style plume.
The doc has stopped talking, noticing the team members looking behind them. "Is there something wrong?"
Athena speaks after the doc. "He can't hear me. I didn't invite him to this meeting."
Jun 3 2009, 04:24 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:05pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
He turns back around and looks at the doctor. "Sorry, Doc, I through I heard something. Please continue."
I wonder what game is afoot here? Perhaps this is our hacker? But why would she not invite the Doc?
Good question.
Jun 3 2009, 05:16 AM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:06pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
The doctor continues with Ghost's response, "Probably my receptionist. Any how, what next..? Oh yes, Stump. He is a local fence; An acquirer of goods. He has a small shop several blocks over."
The female voice continues with her commentary, "Strictly small time. Notice the doc said gel rounds and not stick-n-shock or something like narco grenades."
"And your hacker... she goes by the name Athena, but she won't be making a personal appearance. She will make contact after I tell her you've accepted."
"Well, he's half right anyway. But the doc is good at what he does, so I don't fault him for being matrix-impaired." An owl flies through the 'window' and lands on Athena's shoulder. "I'm not much on touchy-feely matrix hopping either. I'm more of a get in, get what I need and get out kind of girl."
<<@Val [Stump] You really are two books short of a trilogy aren't you? Doc Wagon is only one of the top medical companies on the planet, sporting a AA rating to boot. They specialize in high-threat recovery contracts.>>
For Hawk, a response from Terra does not seem to be coming quickly.
Jun 3 2009, 01:17 PM
Friday, March 27th, 2071; 5:06pm; Redmond Barrens, Seattle; Doc Phin's Office
Having never been all that gifted with AR or VR apps, Hawk sits back impressed as the AR display nearly fascinates him.
<<@Conference[Hawk] I must say dear Athena, you do have skills and mighty fine taste. I anticipate a pleasure working with you.>>
Snapping out of his visual hypnosis and setting his attention Back to the Doc...
"So Doc, you have a particular DocWagon facility in mind you want unburdened of their surplus or is that left to our discretion? What about when the job is done, do you want a more secure delivery or just bring the goods back here? Most important what time frame are we looking at here for this run?"
You know, i wonder if Terra is still mad about that whole wet shirt ordeal. Its not like i meant to soak her down in sixty year old scotch. Ok so i did do it on purpose, but it was for a good reason. Hell i made fifty nuyen from that highbeam vid of her. I suppose i'll have to make it up to her.
<<@Terra[Hawk] Hey Hotstuff! I appologize again for the other night. Let me make it up to you. Let me take you out to dinner...a REAL dinner. Let me know your schedule. I'll even spring for that fancy wine you like.>>
Jun 3 2009, 06:46 PM
<<@ Conference [Ghost] Why are you telling us this. Why not invite the good Doctor?>>
"I believe I have met Stump before. I believe I have heard what I need to hear to say that I am interested. However, you did not specify if you wanted a particular location hit or not. Are you leaving that to our discretion or Athena's?"
He glances over his shoulder at the AR image as he says Athena.
These are your kind of people aren't they. Always ready to double cross each other.
I wouldn't go with my kind of people, but yes.
So, you going to check everyone out?
Of course.
Take 'em out?
. . .