Mar 18 2014, 01:25 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:55; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
A voice comes from somewhere amidst the crates, its accent thick. "Valery... or should I call you Vladamir?" It is Yury. "For the moment, you have caught me flatfooted... and you have something stopping this damnable comlink from working." A smirk then, "Maɪkəl come around. Flank him... and if you have signal, let the others know."
Mar 20 2014, 06:30 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:55; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
How the hell did those bastards recognize them? Hardwire was pretty sure to have taken care of all camera coverage, but there was no helping it now. <<@team[Hardwire]We have to keep them under jamming, or we'll feel like Poland '31 in no time>>
Mar 21 2014, 06:04 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:55; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val ignores the remarks there was no need to confirm to him who he was, there would be plenty of time for talk once the others were dead and he could beg for his life. Val starts to move slightly to get a better angle at the targets letting his natural scope out any moving targets in the darkness, holding the Ares alpha shoulder tight he decides to go on the offensive yet again and looks for a target.
<@team[Val]"mojo down, flank if possible and help me out a little. I am moving to look for a better shot.">
Mar 21 2014, 01:21 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:57; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Not allowing himself to be baited, Val sits, patiently watching. Bob neither moves nor makes a sound; it appears he finally figured out stealth. The calm only lasts a moment before Val catches sight of movement below to the left, the side wear Yuri and two of the three goons are.
Mar 23 2014, 08:35 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:57; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The adrenalin pumping through his body somewhat buffered Hardwire from thinking too much about Bob apart from the loss of an able gun. He opened the door a little more to get a good shot in the perceived location of the Russians, waiting for someone trying to escape the jamming radius.
Mar 25 2014, 04:05 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:57; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val catches he movement to his left and immediately lets loose with a second barrage or burst fire to push the vory thug back to his master he knew he would be getting a few retaliation shots back at him so he decided to make it count and took as careful aim as possible to take care of the thug. Preparing to get shot again he braces for the impact of something like being hit in the chest with a sledge hammer, his armor already soaking in sweat and dents he hoped it held out just a little longer.
May 12 2014, 07:41 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:57; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val squeezes off another burst towards the movement. With the smoke and chaos, his slings the three-round burst wide and is paid with a grunt and the sound of a body crashing.
In the doorway, Hardwire eases the door open further to get a better view of the inside... and is greeting the backside of a vory crouching and backing away from Val's lethal barrages.
May 18 2014, 06:12 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:58; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Two quick pulls of the trigger by Hardwire is rewarded with not only the thunderous boom of the pistol discharging a pair of rounds, but the sight of the Vory twisting under the impact of two large caliber rounds slamming into the back of his jacket. Hardwire is pretty sure the jacket saved the man's internal organs from being transformed into external ones, but not from several ribs being very painfully broken. In any case, the man flails his arms outward from the surprise, the impact and the pain and falls forward, no longer moving.
May 21 2014, 06:05 PM
Zion hears the respite of two slugs from the front door taking the advantage of surprise he takes this ment to reload another grenade into the alpha and moving farther down the cat walk to look for another target, while also goving support to hardware if he needs ot.
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