May 1 2013, 07:47 PM
What kind of 'little bird', exactly?
May 1 2013, 08:57 PM
Charlie looked between the three strangers, as he considered how to answer the latest query - the girl looked local, he couldn't quite place the gang off the tip of his tongue, but she was definately a ganger. These two however looked like far more serious customers. He knew he didn't want to get in a fight over this - but he also wanted to get paid. It was going to be a fine line.
After another moment's consideration he drew the folded sheet of paper from his jacket pocket. "Package is this. Just a sheet of actual paper, with some writing on it. Doesn't make much sense to me, but might mean something to yous. You pay me for delivery and provide lets say, a small tip - and I'll tell you everything I know about how it came to be in my posession, including what I know about my little bird."
May 2 2013, 02:49 AM
Val fished 200 Nuyen with his left hand out of his pocket" vor thes yov bettar hav something good." Taking his right from his jacket holding it out to receive the paper.
May 2 2013, 03:44 AM
"Least you could do is show me a little respect for the work it took to get this." Charlie snorted in mild disgust "200 will buy you the paper, but if you want the rest of the information, I'm gonna have to see at least double that. Its a long walk home and I could use bus faire"
May 2 2013, 04:39 PM
"Listen, we're just coming from a funeral of sorts and I'm not in the mood for haggling. Let's have a look if the paper is worth the 200 and we will know if your other info is worth anything"
May 2 2013, 04:50 PM
"I'm not haggling. I'm quoting a price." Charlie replied as he offered the paper to the apparently half deaf elf and took the Nuyen in return. "If the information isn't worth anything to you, its no skin off my back, I'll just be on my way."
May 2 2013, 05:14 PM
Val was not in the mood clearly displayed on his face he takes the paper and reads what's on it before trying to make a deal.
May 2 2013, 09:43 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 14:09; Athena's House, 16514 NE 117th Court, Redmond District
Dancer gives the new guy a hard look as he approaches, stepping back from the duo into a clear firing arc, gripping the machine pistol that had been concealed under her jacket, in the small of her back, on a slender sling. She keeps the weapon pointed down in a ready, but not necessarily threatening manner.
The paper is a bill of lading listing one crate that arrived the morning of the 25th at the Tacoma Docks. It lists the contents as a dog; Breed = Mongrel, Weight = 63.52kg, Name = Марк - sire of Galina, Deliver to: Kirill Yunter 6326 41st St E Tacoma, WA. A scribble denotes delivery was successful.
May 2 2013, 09:59 PM
Val pulls the additional 200 nuyen. " lets talk, not here thou it's a little too open. Lets get a bite to eat and talk. By the way how did you come by this?". <@harwire[brock]"check this guy if you can. See if he is connected to Kirill or anyone."> val shows hardwire the paper simultaneously pulling up the address on a map soft to see where it is exactly.
May 3 2013, 01:11 AM
Charlie catches the proffered cash between two fingers and makes it disappear into a pocket somewhere on his person with the other bill. Nodding his head in the direction of Dancer he glanced at Val, "You maybe tell your little tag along there she can stand down first? I don't really find the idea of her getting twitchy and filling me full of holes appealing. As for how I came apon it, like I said - a little bird told me where to find it... and I went and retrieved it - without the previous owners knowledge, you might say that's my profession. Any more then that.. and like you said - maybe not out in the open."
May 4 2013, 12:51 AM
Hardwire looked at the paper more than just a little bewildered. It obviously did not refer to real dog, but what did this delivery of Galina's sire (Val's in-law?) entail? For now the best course of action seemed to be to tag long and see what this messenger had on offer.
May 8 2013, 05:09 PM
"Agreed" val turns to the ganger girl " we will be in touch here is my number if you run into any problems" sending his number to the ganger then turning towards the hall val leads the way down the hall and to the bikes to find the closest taco or noodle stand to chat with this new comer with, heading down the hall val looks back at the man" so what do we call you?"
May 9 2013, 03:12 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 14:09; Athena's House, 16514 NE 117th Court, Redmond District
Dancer smiles a cocky smile as she levels the machine pistol at Charlie, laser sight lining up on his crotch. A few moments later, as Val provides contact information, she nods towards Charlie before looking back. "No problems... as long as I don't get twitchy."
May 10 2013, 12:28 AM
Charlie gave the ganger girl a dirty look, but that was all the rise she was going to get out of him. "Name's Charlie. I'm not as familar with this part of town, so lead on. Though now that you have *my* name, I still don't have yours."
May 10 2013, 05:19 AM
" call me rabbit, if anyone asks, once we have our little talk, there could be more work if your interested, such skills could be handy.
May 10 2013, 12:27 PM
"Hardwire, I'm the electronics guy" he said, extending a hand.
May 13 2013, 02:04 AM
"Rabbit and Hardwire." Charlie stated as he shook Hardwires hand.
"I might be interested in more work... depending on the stakes... and the pay Lets go find somewhere to talk."Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 15:05; Diner - Redmond District (RJ can fill in more detail
)They made thier way on foot and by public transport to a diner that Charlie wasn't overly familar with - but like most diners in the middle of the afternoon it was reasonably well lit... and mostly empty. The trio took a booth near the back that managed to give them all a good view of the front door if they wanted it. Charlie ended up on the inside of the booth, with hardwire between him and an exit and the man named Rabbit across from him. He tried not to be concerned with the situtation but he understood a cornering when he saw one.
Still - they'd paid up front. Might as well tell em what they wanted to know. The waitress left them alone with menus which looked to be mostly 'home cooked' soy. Typical diner fare.
"So. What do you want to know first?" Charlie asked once he was sure the waitress was gone
May 13 2013, 02:40 PM
Hardwre placed the white noise generator inherited from Tadgh on the table, hoping that this guy would not attract as much trouble as their last contact. "Well, you wanted to tell us how you came upon this why not start at the beginning, who gave you that job?"
May 13 2013, 03:25 PM
"Sure, you paid for it, but you ain't gonna believe me." Charlie replied as he considered how to tell this story. "I got up a few mornin's back, planning to look for some work... of the type I alluded to earlier. Had a new contact to try. Before I could even make the call though, my 'link got jacked. I ain't no computer whiz but I'd never seen anything like it. One minute I was checking the weather in AR, the next my entire AR display fritzes and this Owl avatar is owning a window in my view space I can't close. Owl tells me there might be some work for me. And since I can't even reboot the 'link I figure I might as well listen, right? Anyway the Owl gives me a location and tells me there's some paper documentation, and what to look for, and if I can get it, without getting seen there might be some pay for me at the address I found you gents at around two in the afternoon. And now we're here. I figured it for a goose chase, right? But I wasn't out anything but time, and when I found the package I delivered just like the Owl said I would... well I figured I might as well see it through."
May 13 2013, 04:16 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 14:25; Grandma Bertha's (Diner), 14310 NE 91st St, Touristville, Redmond District
As Val mounts the Harley and Hardwire the growler, Charlie is left to climb on with Val, aka Rabbit. They ride south through the Barrens, though to be honest they as barely inside the Barrens. A short ride later brings them inside the northern edge of Touristville and then through the industrial park where the better factories in Redmond exist. Their destination is a diner that caters to the factory workers. The building is an old strip mall, perhaps a century old. The sign is old, but the paint, proclaiming in free hand "Grandma Bertha's" not so much.
Inside, the decor is simple. Hand made curtains hang over the southern facing windows and sturdy chairs and tables fill the dining area. Being the middle of the afternoon, only two other tables of the 15 are currently occupied. The team takes a table on the far wall, away from the other patrons and settle in to their conversation.
The waitress is a human woman. When she serves the table, she speaks to Charlie, mostly ignoring both Val and Hardwire. For the ork, he is used to the treatment. The population of Touristville is mostly human and prejudices range from snubs to lynchings. Luckily, today, it appears to be just a sub.
May 13 2013, 10:43 PM
"It's not like I wanted to eat that stuff anyway..."
"Your story actually sounds were contacted by Athena, who agreed to find some data for V--us. Now don't make the run for it, but that research cost her life and they will probably be looking for her sources, too. You tumbled into a serious load of drek along with the rest of us, congratulations"
May 14 2013, 01:48 AM
Charlie listened to what Hardwire said and frowned as he considered things,"Well... figures I'd step in the drek letting my curiousity get the better of me. So who'd I manage to piss off? I mean - I poked around the place for a day or so before I made the snatch so I've got a rough idea but I figure you can fill in the details."
May 14 2013, 01:51 AM
Val used his thick Russian accent as the waitress moved away" I guess the service is just like the area drek." Looking as she walks away he shakes his head at how people could be so blind.
"Charlie, you have moved into a violent situation and didn't even know it. If you have got any evidence about me or anything associated with me than chances are the very man that killed Athena and tried to have me geeked is already aware of your I involvement. " looking down and seeing that the waitress only took one order. " Charlie ill have a soy burger and what ever passes as a drink here, seeing as hardwire and I do not exist to that wreck of a meat bag taking our order please order for us when she returns." Looking around before continuing " the information you found will be sound us to not only get what ve need to uncover my forgotten past but also a nice chunk of nuyen to compensate and exact revenge upon Athena's killer and the killer of my family. I don't have a exact figure but, Can guarantee it will be more than a mere 400 nuyen that won't last you a week.
May 14 2013, 02:56 AM
"Four hundred Nuyen will last you pretty good here in Redmond if you know what you're doing. Ain't fun necessarily - but it'll get you through a month or maybe a hair more if you don't eat too much." Charlie chuckled, "You'll excuse me if I don't jump for joy about an unknown amount of nuyen. A lot of nuyen could be truely a lot - or maybe all we get - besides a bullet to the brain is four hundred nuyen. That don't even split nice three ways."
He looked up as the waitress came back and glanced at her name tag, "Hey Nikki - I'm feeling pretty hungry today. Think you can set me up with three soyburgers with the works, some fries and a trio of colas?"
The Waitress looked at him a little sideways and he was pretty sure she was going to overcharge him - but he was also pretty sure she was going to bring him what he ordered, though she might spit in a couple of the burgers, and there was no guarentee he wouldn't get a loogie burger. Once she'd walked away he looked back at Rabbit, "You gotta learn to let it pass. It ain't right but antagonizing the staff is only going to get you much worse. Most of these people will have connections with some of the gangland activity in Redmond. Cousin, friend of a friend - something like that. Sure - you can probably take on a whole bunch o'your average gangers. But why bother if you don't have to? Trouble you don't need, seems to me you got plenty already."
May 15 2013, 12:27 AM
As the team continues to talk, the waitress brings the food. She serves all three and there are no signs of extra mucus in the food, though she continues to avoid direct eye contact with Val & Hardwire.
May 15 2013, 12:58 AM
Omae, I've known these folks for all my life, don't tell me how to handle them omae..
I can assure you there is enough for half a year on your expenses...but that is the lesser reward. Athena found out that the Vory were involved, and when they traced her they tortured her to death. You know these bastards will go for her sources as well, so what we offer you is a chance of survival
May 15 2013, 05:28 AM
Charlie shook his head and jerked a thumb at Rabbit as he inspected his burger anyway, That would be why I was telling him, and not you Hardwire. You've got the thicker skin of a local, right wrong or otherwise. Half year's expenses isn't nothing to scoff at, but considering I can get by on 400 a month its not exactly stellar either. Survival is good, though I don't think I was made - though I suppose if this Athena girl talked she might lead em to my door - I admit I don't know much about the Vory - but if they're like any other gang I ever delt with - the only way you're going to get them to stop coming back... is to tear em out by the root. You really think you two got that kinda juice?"
May 15 2013, 07:34 PM
This Charlie had a damn good point. Once they found out the big mystery, what would they actually do about it?
"One problem at a time, first we need to figure out what the big secret they are trying to bury actually is. If it turns out there's nothing we can do short of destroying a multinational syndicate, we can still get some cyber that allows kissing our asses goodbye" he finally answered, hoping the cynicism would cover his uncertainty
May 16 2013, 12:37 AM
Charlie snorted at that but took a little time to eat and think before he spoke again. After a few bites of burger and some fries he sat back and sipped his cola, "Alright so we've established that you're both horrible salesmen, you're basically selling death and destruction. Most likely mine. So what's the score? What do we know about the other guys, and what sort of work were you talking about earlier? I can hold my own in a fight if I get to set the ground - but I prefer not to have to get my hands dirty if I don't want to. I like staying out of a corp prison."
May 16 2013, 09:29 AM
Hardwire mumbled something in what Charlie took to be Or'zet, before switching to English again "Again, death and destruction will come free, courtesy of the Vory. And not a nice death, either. We offer finding a way out of that"
May 16 2013, 03:19 PM
Val finished his meal, listening to the two talk washing down hs burger val looks at the two of them" Athena hired us to kill the men who killed her, crazy as that sounds" val shows Charlie the video of the men breaking into her apartment and murdering her. " these are the men we are after. Happens that those same men are who killed my family and are associated with the Vory. Your cut of 7k plus anything we acquire in the process. Also these I have a past with these men. The capacity from you would be that none of them know who you are mostly gathering information would be vital if it comes to a fight any assistance from a extra gun would be helpful..
May 16 2013, 05:07 PM
Happens? They killed her and tried to geek us because they are trying to bury your past and everybody who looks into it
May 16 2013, 07:49 PM
Charlie remained silent and he continued to eat taking mental notes - there was a lot going on in this mess and it was going to be important to stay aware of the *entire* situtation. He'd already gotten one hard lesson in that particular classroom, he didn't relish a return trip.
May 17 2013, 03:01 PM
"hardwire, the drek is deep in this run starting out. that said the events that have lead to me losing my memory, this run holds more for me than You two so i am fully committed. so Charlie you in?there is a lot of money to be had if you are not just from the run but also acquire in the process." v
May 17 2013, 04:06 PM
"Before I tell you if I'm in or not, I'm still waiting to hear what this job is you've alluded to. It seems like being 'in' is sorta my only choice if you're right about these Vory folk, but I'd rather know what you have in mind before I jump off the deep end, yeah?"
May 17 2013, 04:17 PM
we are going to kill this man" Val stops the video of Athena's murder and zooms in on her murders image
May 18 2013, 05:48 AM
"Right. Got that part." Charlie replied as he reached out and shut down the holo before thier waitress returned."My point is - you don't bring a knife to a gunfight, and you don't bring a bring a thief to a shootout just because an extra body and a gun can be handy to stop bullets and send a few back generally in the opposite direction. You had something specific in mind or we wouldn't be talking. All I'm asking, is *what that is* in general terms. You want to kill that man. I'm not adverse to killing but lets just say its not in my top ten things to do this week. You brought me here to get some information out of me, and because you thought I might be useful in a job. If all you want is cannon fodder I'll point you to someone who can provide all you could want, and I'll take my chances on home turf. Now, if what you need is someone who can *aquire* things and has some skill in doing so without being seen or caught - and isn't adverse to a little bloodshed if required - then I'm probably in."
May 18 2013, 06:29 AM
Val smiles tucking away his comagree. There is a gym locker with information that mivht be valuable to us. Also if your as good as you say you are we will need to know what exactly was shilped and if it of value. My plan in a broad stroke is to make our target come to us through hitting these types where there notice it the most thier pocketsand we have a ace in the hole if need be, we can use her as a plan b if need so, enough attention and they will have to explain themselves. Im looking to destroy not only the man but the image of him and his lackhs making them sofger targets.
May 22 2013, 04:36 PM
"So... where's this gym? What's the layout like? And who do they call when say... the hot water goes to hell?"
May 23 2013, 05:44 PM
"I havent had a chance to really check it out, we would like a face that they don't know to check it out. Its not far from where we are now. val pulls up the gyms address to verify where gold's gym was
May 24 2013, 07:59 AM
"I see." Charlie nodded, Well if they're open to new members I might get a chance to get inside and take a look around. There's always the possibility that I can get to this locker on the first pass... but I wouldn't bet on it."
May 24 2013, 10:31 AM
Would you like a little company when you check it out or do you prefer to work alone? I didn't work with Val back then so my face should be clean for the place
May 24 2013, 09:26 PM
"Back-up would be nice." Charlie agreed, "Even if it's just a getaway driver if things go sideways."
May 25 2013, 05:23 PM
"Don't worry", Hardwire replied as he pushed away his half-eaten plate. His head had mostly stopped pounding, but he did not want to test his stomach too much yet. "They say I've got a hand for convincing all kinds of devices, maybe we come across some that need fixing..."
May 26 2013, 04:16 PM
Val could sense a uncomfortable feeling at the mention of killing yuri. Still that was the job revenge for Athena's murder granted they could very well turn the tap over to the knight and let them sort it out of course the Vory he their own hands I the the knight so without concrete like a confession it would be hard to get a conviction , still it would be a alternative to murder. Val brought his attention oh he locker"we'll if the two of you can get a foot in the locker room and get into the locker and retrieve the contents great, I won't ba able to get inside. I'm sure they will recognize me it yuri has goons after me they will surely be waiting for me there or have eyes on it. I will ray to cover you guys if things get hairy from outside the gym. As for a ride I will se if we can rent something from Lucy's pawn he might have a way to get us something without having to steal something we don't really need"
<@hardwire[rabbit]"I would rather not go around using my real name so sorry for changing it up last minute like that, I got the name from a troll that helped me out he called me rabbit and it kind of stuck, if we can get a confession from yuri about Athena's and my wives murder we might not of to murder him">
<@lucky[val]"hey chummer a few of us are working another job and need a real ride can you help us rent a sedan or truck to get a few of us around?">
May 28 2013, 08:10 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 14:43; Grandma Bertha's (Diner), 14310 NE 91st St, Touristville, Redmond District
The last bite of the burgers down the hatch with the last of the soda from the plastic "Coca-Cola" drink ware, there was little to do but pay the tab and proceed to the gym. The few remaining tables of patrons gave little notice to the trio. One rough looking human man gave a little snort under his breath at Hardwire as they exited; not enough to be considered a challenge, enough to be considered more than coincidence.
The two bikes remained undisturbed in the parting lot. Another minutes and they were off, Hardwire on his growler, Charlie riding with Val.
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 15:37; Bothell, Snohomish
On the motorcycles, the trip through the western Barrens to Hardwire's doss (to get his gear) then on to the 405 was as uneventful as the trip up to the Bothell exit. The scenery was considerably different though. Traveling up the 405, on the right, the reinforced sound barrier blocks visibility from the interstate to the Barrens. The residents of the Barrens knew the wall was to keep the animals in rather than the sound out though.
Immediately upon taking the exit to Bothell, the paving on the latter half of of the exit was smooth, as if not only made by workers who cared about their work, but maintained it regularly. At the end of the exit, a very noticeable camera surveyed everyone exiting the 405. The nearby business fronts are crisp, clean and even in some cases sparkly. The streets are clean and well painted. Passing cars are late model and coming down the street, about a block away, is a Lone Star traffic roto-drone.
The quickly trio realized they are not only on a different planet, but that they are the aliens.
May 30 2013, 05:07 PM
Hardwire steered his bike to the back of a Stuffer Shack parking lot. Half of the wares advertised at the front would only have been available in locked cases at his neighborhood store, and most of the other half not even that, but some things never changed: Empty bottles of cheap booze and other signs of juvenile rebellion indicated a place where kids would meet away from parental and police supervision, which made it fine the team's needs, too.
"OK, you everybody got his SIN polished and ready?" He asked as he slipped out of the armor vest. "I'm Stanley Higgins by the way, pleased to meet you."
Jun 1 2013, 08:15 PM
Charlie frowned as he got off the bike, "Didn't realize it was going to be in this nice a part of town. Be better if we just focused on Recon this time - get the lay of the land and a feel for how easy or hard it'll be to get that gym locker open. If luck's with us *maybe* we can just get it done... but I'm not carrying around the gear I'd usualy use for this kinda gig in my volumous pockets. However... I am carrying proper ID. Name's James - James Ray."
Jun 4 2013, 04:09 AM
Val turns the bike off and looks around for a tail. " lets stash our heavy gear body armor isn't against the law however guns will be a idea. Lets stash them near by and than press on to the gym. Hardwire can you falsify two new gym memberships for free trial that way when you walk in you can just go straight t my old locker ill transfer the pass key so you guys can show up work out for 30 minutes or what ever than grab my gear bag on the way out. We just have to make sure you walk in with a bag, we can get one on the way there if need be. Or just walk in a purchase a new membership."
Jun 5 2013, 04:53 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 15:41; Rapid-Rob's (Stuffer Shack), Bothell, Snohomish
Being right off an interstate, there is a stuffer shack just a block away... and luckily not in the direction of the incoming drone. Hardwire is dismayed to find a distinct lack of trash around the stuffer shack; a sure sign that the local municipal contracts for this neighborhood are probably worth more than the entire Redmond district just blocks and one high wall away. Several late model cars are in the parking lot as well as a pair of new sport bikes, one black and one silver. The duo standing beside them are wearing biking clothing that surely cost more than Val & Hardwire's bikes.
The team pulls their bikes up to the curb, on the end of the strip of parking spots in front of the stuffer shack.
<<@Val [Lucky] Just got your message. I can make that happen. Which would you prefer? How hot can you deal with? Will it come back in one piece? And when will it come back?>>