Nov 9 2013, 03:58 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:14; One block from 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val looked out the window looking for evidence of being found out, nervous about hanging around to long.<@team[val]"we will move to not be sitting one one spot to long. Do you have anything that can hide us to move to you than you and I can both get inside while hardwire does his zombie nap here while supporting us wirelessly. What do you think, is there roof access anywhere up there?">
Nov 10 2013, 02:40 PM
<<@Team[Hardwire]Wait a second...OK...I was just following a lead on Val's suggestion with Interpol, they got a little side door I can slip through.
Anyway, if you think you get in then that's what we are here for. But don't push your luck, I got a wiz alternative if the place is buttoned up
Nov 11 2013, 09:47 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; One block from 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The guard outside has gotten bored and made his way over to his car and has lit up a cigarette.
Nov 12 2013, 12:22 AM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
I couldn't tell if Val was playing hard to get or if he hadn't read my last message. It would be good to have someone with the Scalpel's skills when we went in the building, no doubt about that.
<<@Val[Bob] Yeah, there's a service door up here that looks like it leads inside. If you can get up here it looks like the two of us can scout the inside of the building>>
Trying to back up my tough words with some actual hard data, I shifted the focus of my seeing-spell to right on the inside of the service door, trying to see where it led.
Nov 15 2013, 01:53 AM
Hardwire got a twitch as his Dragonfly registered the sudden IR burst, but a look at the video feed quickly relaxed him. "Drek, that's too good to pass up...but so is the Interpol node..."
<<@team[Hardwire]: Alright chummers, how much do you need me to run overwatch? I mean if I'm just sitting here watching this guy smoke I might as well be raiding Interpol...>>
Nov 15 2013, 03:23 AM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
<<@Team[Bob] Can you get in the security system on this building and disable any alarms or cameras inside? Check if doors are controlled by the security system too, make this easy for us to get into places that might be secured.>>
It had been awhile since I'd teamed up with Hardwire on a job. I didn't remember what his obsession with Interpol was, but he was sounding like he had an itch with no way to scratch it. Keeping him busy and occupied would be for the best.
<<@Team[Bob] While you're at it, I bet you could hack the data on that guard taking a smoke break and see if he has anything for us.>>
It was nice having a real hacker on my side. The skills I brought to the table in that area didn't measure up, and I hated having to ask friends for favors.
Nov 15 2013, 07:29 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, WA
Val looks out the van and around the building, looking for any means to get to the roof from the ground floor. <@team[val]"bob is there a way to get to the roof from ground access?. Hardwire we have plenty of time to research Interpol later, right now I think we need inside this building and any information it hold inside. Sneak into that thugs com and make sure he doesn't call for help if needed would ya."> val looks around outside the van and awaits to hear from bob if there is roof access and which side of the building it is on he readies the Ingram as it is suppressed and is the quietest weapon he had besides a pipe or bat. Thinking to himself and the flashbacks they all involved these particular people a old man helping him and three Russian men that seemed to be the focus of his memories never of his family or this women he loved no memories of walks in parks or love making had he lost his soul to the point that violence was all he knew, ashamed at that type of life he silently made a vow to never live that way again even if he regained his memories he wouldn't become a Russian mobster or how did bob put it the schalpel. Meaning he did precision work. God he would hate the man he was remembering that time was of essence he goes back to looking out the window of the van. Waiting for a good time to move and which way to move.
Nov 15 2013, 05:16 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; One block from 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Bob moved the focus of his spell's eye beyond the service door on the roof. The room beyond is even more dark than below. This does not seem strange, given the angle of the light or the time of night though.
Val reviews the video from the drones over the last few minutes; there appear to be no routes to the roof from the outside short of flight or wall crawling. As to reviewing his memories for the woman he loved... There is still no playback.
For Hardwire, the steady hum every time he mentioned the Interpol node was Black Hat. The intrigue with the node grew each time he learned more. The draw, the mystery begging him to solve...
Nov 16 2013, 04:01 AM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Gritting my teeth, I dropped the spell that was doing jack-all to help the situation.
<<@Team[Bob] No roof access that I can tell. I'll try to get inside and see what I can see.>>
I focused my mind and reached out with wisps of power to see if that service door was unlocked. With my luck it would be booby-trapped. Thus, the precautions I was taking to not actually be near the door when I opened it.
Nov 16 2013, 02:52 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The knob turns, the door moves slightly to open outward then... stops. A gentle shake back and forth yield that it is not stuck and the knob did turn, so it is not locked, but it will not open.
Nov 17 2013, 05:56 AM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
That door was being as stubborn about opening as my bartender was with my tab. My mojo kicked back in as I opened up my third eye again and roved around the door like a dog sniffing out a firehydrant. Was there some security bar in place? A chain-lock? A good old-fashioned pebble blocking the door?
Nov 17 2013, 08:34 AM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
A simple door-latch. Ok, magic fingers, do your work. I concentrated and lifted the little latch, intending to head in. I'd keep my seeing-spell going, giving me a slight edge as I made my way inside.
Nov 18 2013, 03:16 PM
Hardwire dragged himself from the entrancing sight of the node and turned back towards the bleak view of the parking lot...
Okay Okay...we can just jam the stupid guard, no need to get fancy there. Bob, you scan a junction box or something where you can plug me in?
Nov 18 2013, 04:45 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WAThe ultra-high tech security... er, door latch, dealt with,
Bob now has access to the building via the roof access. One spell remaining rattling around in his head,
Bob's vision is split between his physical eyes and the mystical one. The open door adds only subtle amounts of light to the entrance way, not nearly enough for his physical eyes. his mystical eye is a completely different story, though.
The handles of a
fixed ladder are immediately visible with the rest of the ladder leading below. Using his mystic eye, the ladder proceeds down into a completely dark room below.
Nov 19 2013, 03:45 PM
Bob - Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Looking at the world this way, using my spell to replace my normal sight...I figured not many people could relate. I had one foot inside the service door when I got Hardwire's message. Well, there were still advantages to this mojo thing. I stayed right where I was and simply sent my vision out, roaming around the rooftop to see if I could locate a junction box for Hardwire.
Dec 2 2013, 02:09 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; On the roof of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The cameras being wireless, there is no network connection, but there are power connections. He is able to locate a power junction box near the ceiling, near a closed window.
Dec 4 2013, 05:25 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Frag it, that would have been to easy Hardwire thought, growing increasingly edgy over being unable to follow his drive. Hacking the second-class security of this joint sounded unbelievably dull to him, and even worse, was a constant reminder of what he could be doing instead. Even just grabbing his bag o' tricks and cutting a few wires seemed more attractive right now, yet somehow his sense of duty came out on top. His consciousness slipped back into the Dragonfly. Even with one less camera, he still felt enough EM radiation tingle on "his" sensor-amplified skin to quickly trace back the cameras' signals to the origin.
Dec 5 2013, 08:40 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:15; near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val looks towards the guard sitting there smoking a cigarette, pondering to himself he than looks to hardware, " if this guys not even paying attention just hack his com and overload his senses when I get close to him I'll just knock him out. It's almost 830 and we have spent a lot of time here already." Looking for a sign That hardware agreed with his plan before moving out.
Dec 7 2013, 01:39 AM
"Easy Val, a guy with a headache is a sure sign somebody was there. Dance past him if you can"
Dec 9 2013, 10:25 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; On the roof of and near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Hardwire moves at the goon's comlink like an electronic storm. The head of the storm that is his persona's exploit tools passes into and through the firewall with ease. Before committing his persona through the firewall, he hesitates only a split second to check for booby traps. His analyze program takes the form of a faint spotlight cutting through the attack cloud and the firewall into the node. The path appearing clear, his persona slips into the node. Silently standing there, looking around, the sculpting is that of a nightclub. Low rez club girls, toughs and a bartender are mulling around. Hardwire's stealth form swirls around his persona like a light breeze, continually adjusting all the surfaces to reflect that which is behind him, making him effectively invisible. The various aspects of the sculpting ignores his presence, except the bartender, who slides a glass of vodka down as Hardwire reaches the bar. The bartender however, neither looks where Hardwire is, nor seems to realize having done it.
On the roof, Bob holds at the top the ladder, his third eye having located the junction box.
In the van, Val considers Hardwire's words while watching the TeamNet® feed of Hardwire taking over the guard's comlink.
Dec 12 2013, 01:52 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
<<@team[Hardwire] Security is really cheap here, unless they're intentionally lowballing it to look inconspicuous>> Low-rez sculpting, a mash-up of last year's hits, and the only things moving in the node were a few scripted interaction routines with primitive randomization. This place certainly was not the kind of node to enter just for sake of being there, so Hardwire quickly moved around the bar to the door labeled "private". His persona simply moved through it, with Hardwire feeling no more than a faint tingle of verification routines probing the layers of deceptive code. A manager's office straight from a trid set greeted him. The telco unit on the desk turned out to control the commlink's calling features, so Hardwire unplugged the barely rendered cable before rummaging for something related to the building's security.
Dec 16 2013, 08:51 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; On the roof of and near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Bob feels tired. Very tired. Its been a long day and standing here doing nothing is very boring.
Val's hand slips from under his chin as he nods off. He head smacking the side of the van wakes him.
Hardwire's dragonfly taps the line running from the camera towards the system node. The tap in place, he is able to create a circuit to the warehouse's node and easily ride it in. The node is sparse and disappointing, the operating system several generations out of date. The functions are minimal at best: Security cameras, light and power controls and monitoring. The wireless protocols are out of date and no longer connect to the matrix. The door's maglocks are functioning and connected to the node though.
Dec 17 2013, 03:04 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; On the roof of and near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val rubs his noggin rubbing away the dull pain of the side of the van hoping it didn't make enough noise for others to look. his senses rapidly aware again he checks the guards location and the time to make sure he wasn't asleep long, looking at hardwire and than to the roof, Val starts his infiltration of the warehouse by first sneaking past the guard who was watching the building they were sneaking into. "hardwire cover me as I sneak past this guy." Val made every attempt to be as quite as possible to sneak past the guy without alerting him. loaded to bear he was armed enough to take out a KE patrol if needed. Looking to the warehouse his attention was fully back to the mission.
Dec 17 2013, 03:00 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; guard's commlink
<<@Val[Hardwire] OK, move behind that dumpster to your left and hold on a sec...>> Slipping back into his avatar in the guard's commlink, Hardwire pulled together a small ball of matrix code that attached to the pixelated phone line before plugging it back in. A rectangular piece of cardboard appeared in his left hand and he flicked it towards the ceiling, trailing bits of punched-out cardboard.
A little less than two seconds later, the data packet had gone though the anonymous rerouting cascade it was originally aimed at, bounced a few more times around several nodes and finally landed somewhere in SE Asia. The newly installed tap showed an incoming call from an unregistered number, which would extend a very special anniversary offer to their most trusted customer -- and besides keeping the poor guy busy for several minutes, it would even net Hardwire a 10 ¥ commission if the fast-talker on the other end succeeded.
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; building node
<<@Team[Hardwire] Guard's busy for some time. Rest of their net is not much better, I got the cams and the door locks under control. But don't get too cocky...>>
Dec 26 2013, 02:30 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; On the roof of and near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val made his way out, around and towards the door as the call came in to the guard's comlink. The guard looked up just as all events coalesced. Val stopped, looking directly at the guard.. who then looked down at his comlink with a puzzled look, before turning and seemingly engaging is an animated conversation. Moving quickly, Val covered the remaining distance to the front door where Hardwire, via his dragonfly wiretap, issued a command for the front door to unlock.
With a gentle click, the door unlocked, allowing Val to slip inside, closing the door behind himself. The warehouse floor was sparsely filled; several dozen pallets are scattered around a space capable of holding a dozen times more of them.
Jan 8 2014, 05:46 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; On the roof of and near 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val crouches as he enters the warehouse looking for a pallet to hide behind while his eyes adjust. Hoping there was just enough light for his eyes to focus his natural eyes were a blessing but he would kill for some thermal shades right about now. Looking around as he starts to move silently through the warehouse he starts to look for the offices as that's where the records or any useful information would be. <@team[val]" it seems clear down here from where I am sitting you see anything from above?">
Jan 10 2014, 06:05 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:16; building node
Watching Val and Bob crawl along at meat speeds gave Hardwire plenty of time to ponder on what else he might be doing now, so he was happy when Val finally broke the silence. <@team[Hardwire]"Somebody left the fan on, that's all the movement I see. What do those boxes hold, anything unusual?">
Jan 10 2014, 08:51 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17; On the roof of & inside the security node of & inside via the front door or, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val makes his way cautiously, and quietly, through the empty warehouse. The boxes are in Russian. Several pallets of bulk laundry detergent, one pallet of Christmas wreaths, a pallet of various boxes including dehydrated eggs, protein shakes, Refresher™ drink mix. Val isn't sure how he knows, but he knows not all the boxes are what they purport to be. Up the stairs and to the upper level he moves to the office door, quietly opening it and slipping inside unnoticed.
From above, Bob moves quietly as possible downward. It could be said he is not as skill as Val in stealth, but it would probably be closer to same they really aren't even playing the same game. As he moves farther down and into the warehouse, he can see out over the warehouse floor. It is dark.
Hardwire is discouraged to find a near complete lack of interior cameras. A new emotion finds its way went he notices a sedan pull in next to the security guards who straightens up and walks over to the car. As it parks, the driver's door opens and a hard man in a cheap suit steps out, given the area a visual once over before focusing on the approaching man.
Jan 11 2014, 06:35 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17; On the roof of & inside the security node of & inside via the front door or, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
once inside the office building he starts to look for anything like a manifest or documents that would lead to a better idea of where these men would be hiding.
Jan 12 2014, 11:09 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17; inside the security node of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
<@team[Hardwire]"Drek, some suit just arrived. Looks like he's the guy in charge"> Not daring to move the drone any close, Hardwire instead cranked up the external microphones to pick up the conversation
Jan 14 2014, 07:56 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:45; On the roof of & inside the security node of & inside via the front door or, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val begins to search through the office for anything to connect the dots of his memories. Anything to shed light on his past. Bob enters the office and silently begins to look at well.
As the volume on the microphone goes up, the call of Black Hat raises anew in his brain; his paragon simply will not be denied. A second, third and then a fourth man exits the vehicle.
The video streaming into the TeamNet, Bob takes note of the new arrivals.
<<@Team [Bob] Hey! Isn't that Yury?>>
Val, absorbed in frantically searching before they had to vacate, misses the statement at first. The his brain clicks. Yury. He glances at the video in AR, seeing Yury and the other three new arrivals-
The rain was coming down in a light drizzle as the day began to darken towards its end. The buildings he passed were dilapidated from decades of neglect. Pulling in front of the old building he had a sense of foreboding.... "By the twitching of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes." He checked the shouldered pistol before exiting the car and making his way towards the entrance. He was the first to arrive, but he was expecting others to arrive soon. He went up the stairs and unlocked the door with a physical key.
The office beyond was his. One of a couple of safe houses he had established; this one the others already knew about.
It wasn't long before he heard the car pull up outside. One of Yury's men came inside, the other two presumably were distributed between the hallway and the car. Val recognized the man; Yury's younger brother, Grigory. Val was confused, the man had not yet even earned his stars. Why was he involved in tonight?
Val watched from behind his own eyes. He heard himself ask, "Any word on the girl?"
The young man replied, "Yury has a lead. We are ready to make our move we just-"
Another man barely out of his teens comes rushing into the room. He looks at Val harshly as he strides up to Grigory before whispering in his ear.
In the next split second both Val and Grigory pull out pistols and point them at each other. The second man begins backing away while Grigory begins yelling, "Who the hell you are you?!"
The shooting begins almost immediately. While you successfully dodge, Grigory takes them in the face. The door across the room explodes inward as you dive through the window behind you. Flying through the air, you know the window was on the second story. Outside, it is dark and a gentle rain is falling. You land, flat on the roof of a car parked on the street. Everything is hazy as you get up and run a ways, turning once or twice before you slip on the rain soaked ground. As your head slams into a trash bin, everything goes black....
The other two men getting out of the car with Yury now were there that night. They were hunting him. He was to be how Grigory was to earn his stars; by killing a traitor. Was he a traitor? How did this all make sense? Why was Yury trying to kill him? Was the girl really worth it? Why did he just ask that question? What girl? And what does she have to do with any of this?
While Val is having a moment of reflection, lost in a flood of memories, Yury greets the guard. They speak in Russian for a few half a minute or so before the five walk towards the front door of the warehouse.
Jan 16 2014, 01:49 PM
"Of course the Russkies are speaking Russian...spirits be damned, with those drekheads around we can't even pull out and start doing something productive". Hardwire spend a few moments of VR time cursing and updating the Teamnode map before it occurred to him that he might want to record the conversation. The pickup from the drone was not great and had no directional focus, but his sprites were apt at filtering out information from noise...
Jan 20 2014, 08:35 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; On the roof of & inside the security node of & inside via the front door or, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Yury waves his access card near the door, then pulls the handle.
Bob reaches out and touches, Val's shoulder. "Yury is here.", he whispers.
Jan 21 2014, 04:44 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; On the roof of & inside the security node of & inside via the front door or, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val bites his lips wishing he hadn't been so preoccupied he didn't even notice the noise from the door opening. reading the Ares and loading it with a grenade round Val leads Bob out of the office to where the back of the warehouse might be and hopefully a back door. if not he would have to maneuver out to the front door.
As they leave the office Val makes sure to be as quiet as possible at shutting the office door and staying low sneaks away from anywhere they might be seen. motioning for Bob to follow him with a firm grip and pointing to his back looking him in the eyes intently before moving. and putting his finger against his lips just in case to make sure bob understood to be quiet.
Jan 21 2014, 10:01 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:49; Inside the security node of 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
<<@Team [Hardwire]: You guys looked at the feed, right? There's at least three other drekheads coming in with Yury...if you want to play this loud, tell me first and I'll see what I can do>>
His mind inside the Dragonfly, Hardwire hovered several meters over the entrance trying his best to stay above any lights. One shot of Narcoject remained in this drone's beak, hopefully enough to send Yury to sleep should the need arise.
As he watched Val and Bob taking cover, Hardwire tried to shut out the Black Hat's urging and the anxiousness of combat to concentrate on the wireless signals hitting his drone skin. The four men below did not seem too intent on radio silence, or any other silence for that matter
Jan 25 2014, 03:34 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val & Bob move out of the office and along the landing. Val moves first, quiet with a skilled professionalism. Bob follows, his foot falls seeming to echo with each step. Val quickly realized, as he checks the video feed from Hardwire's drone recon, that the only exits are the two doors in the front and the roof access hatch; he could make exits in via some of the 2nd story windows though.
Down below, the Vory take immediate notice of Bob's steps. Stopping, they look up towards the landing. Two of them quickly separate, one moving left the other moving right to the walls of the warehouse. The third stays with Yury in the middle. Yury speaks, his accent thick and Russian, but his works English, "Who ev'r you are. You are dead."
They had not yet noticed the dragonfly, or at least not given away if they noticed it.
Jan 29 2014, 08:13 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val looks at bob stomping his feet and sighs quietly readying his alpha's grenade launcher <@team[Val]" the heard of elephants with me are making a silent escape all to impossible. Plan B bob got anything that can blind everyone momentarily?"> Val looks around for anything that looks like it may be explosive ignoring the words but also looking for the two that are moving from the sides Val knows they mean what they say but will not let them take action on it before he kills them
Jan 30 2014, 10:58 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; close to 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Events were obviously coming to a head, and Hardwire did not want to watch helplessly as the four Russians moved towards Val and Bob. Blood was pumping in his ears, for once drowning out the nagging thoughts of the Black Hat, as he jumped out of the van and made his way towards the scene. At the edge of his vision, an AR feed of the Dragonfly remained, ready to dive for the man he recognized from the video of Athena's murder...
Feb 3 2014, 05:58 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:48; close to 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val readies the grenade launcher of the ares alpha and aims it towards the vory and his escort<@team[Val] "Get ready with what ever you got. this is going to get messy" Pulling the trigger Val awaits what comes next.
Feb 4 2014, 02:59 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val readies his new assault weapon, specifically the grenade launcher and moves back along the balcony, silently, towards where he can overlook the middle. At the same time, Yury and the other Vory move into the crates. Bob readies his flash bang and pulls out his trusty Ruger hand cannon. Outside, Hardwire reaches the closed door.
The time is now; it's about to get hot.
Feb 4 2014, 05:35 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val aims carefully towards where he sees Yury move to and lets lose with one of the grenades <@team[va]" Hardwire jams coms if possible."> Val prepares after pulling the trigger for the explosion that comes next.
Feb 4 2014, 02:43 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Glancing out into the darkness, Val looks for Yury, makes a gut check and starts the party with thummp and a boom...
Feb 5 2014, 02:32 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; Second level of & inside the security node of, 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
... and then, there was a gun fight!
The ensuing blast lights up the north side of the warehouse and the shooting starts. Vory begin popping their heads up and pumping rounds towards Val and Bob. Bob throws his flash bang on the crate, literally right in front of Yury's face, while Yury tries to light up Bob. Rounds paint Val's jacket while a spray of blood erupts from Bob's. The mage begins falling before he even realizes he's been shot.
Feb 5 2014, 12:54 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The whole building suddenly exploded with gunfire, obviously somebody had started the party early, but the drone still tracked Yury in the strobing lights, and Hardwire gave the command to dive. He awkwardly opened the door with his left, which was also holding the jammer he picked up at what seemed an eternity ago, and peered in with his revolver ready.
Feb 7 2014, 01:42 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:51; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
The drone dives, Yury catching the movement out of the corner of his eye as he shoots, moving his head as the drone dives. Hardwire opens the door as he determines that the batteries on his jammer are good to go.
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:52; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Not sure what the hell the drone is trying to do and seeing a flash-bang literally in his face, dives into the crates while spinning and taking two shots at the drone.
Feb 7 2014, 06:34 AM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:52; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val takes a step before opening up a full spread into the warehouse to suppress the vory while bob hopefully recovers and gives bob a chance to take a few shots from behind and give the drone a little time to aim. Val knew his shots would do more than to make the vory hide behind their crates but that was the point.
so take little aim he opens up the alpha and attempts to make the best of it.
Feb 8 2014, 08:23 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:52; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Val rock & rolls his Ares Alpha sending a spray of hot lead streaking towards the two Vory still standing near where Yury is last seen. Almost simultaneously, Bob's flash-bang detonates, clearing the floor.
At the door, Hardwire watching his drone, continuing on its last orders, zeroing in on Yury as he dives for cover. The drone extends its stinger... and sticks it right into Yury's shoulder armor.
Feb 9 2014, 07:35 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 20:17:53; 6326 41st St E, Tacoma, WA
Keeping the heat on, the riflestock pressed to his shoulder, Val chambers another grenade and squeezes the trigger, sending another grenade into the space where he last saw Yury. he has the immediate gratification of an explosion. Hardwire drone, on the other hand, also takes the brunt of the grenade. From Val's perspective, no one and nothing is moving down below.
Feb 9 2014, 08:28 PM
Val kneels keeping his rifle pointed waits till a target presents itself again for him to shoot at. <@team[val]"status check. Still alive.?"
Feb 16 2014, 03:07 PM
<<@team[Hardwire] Checking in, you got my drone, though>> The message flickered shortly as he rolled the jammer towards the corner Val had plastered with bullets, but their pre-programmed devices remained unaffected. Maybe a little comm blackout would make the guys rear out their heads...