Aug 30 2012, 07:18 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:42:45; 11201 NE 100the St, Highlands Park Doc Wagon Clinic, Kirkland, Bellevue District, Seattle MetroplexThe sprite, battered and near beaten by the reinforcements, melts away into the fluff of the matrix, its services deemed complete.
Athena neglected to provide access to the van, but even given his wounds,
Hardwire was able to rapidly hack past the outdated firewall of the van and gain control. Then, after being summoned, a machine sprite arrives to take over the van. The sprite looks likes a ragged
ambulance driver and arrives with a sigh, but goes right to work starting the vehicle and beginning to back out.
<<@Team [Sprite] Where to?>>
Sep 2 2012, 07:48 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:42:45; 11201 NE 100the St, Highlands Park Doc Wagon Clinic, Kirkland, Bellevue District, Seattle Metroplex
Val send the location of where the bikes are stashed to hardwire and let's the van move on its own accord, mimicing the motions needed so the movements are complimentary to the manner in which the van is driving.
Sep 3 2012, 12:54 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:42:50; Inside the van's node near 11201 NE 100th St, Highlands Park Doc Wagon Clinic, Kirkland, Bellevue District, Seattle Metroplex
Hardwire was a bit surprised by the strangely anthropomorphic appearance of the sprite, but it was probably just a holdover from the van's pilot which the sprite had integrated into himself. As the sprite went to work at the blinking dashboard representing the van's piloting interface, Hardwire was already itemizing the simplistic sculpting of the node. Maybe there were some internal cameras, so he could get a first look at Val and his team..
Sep 5 2012, 08:35 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:44; Juan's Taco Hut, 11290 NE 87th St, Bellevue District, Seattle Metroplex
With details from Slick about the path of the approaching police cruisers, the team is able to direct the sprite on a path through the neighborhood that avoids the incoming law enforcement.
Searching the TeamNet feed for video inputs, Hardwire finds the team extremely lacking. No cameras or visual enhancement on Val, Slick or Toad and no comlink of any sort on Umbra or Arkansas. Val and Toad both have Smartguns, but none of the team members pass in front of them during the exit. The van itself is stolen. Registration being to a home two blocks from the clinic the team was hitting.
Slick is waiting by the motorcycles and the team is able to retrieve their bikes without issues. As Val, Slick and Toad exit the vehicle, hardwire is able to access the van's cameras and get a look at three of the team. Val is an elf with short, black hair and a solid build. He wears a heavy armored coat. Toad and Slick are both humans around the age of 20, the former with dark brown hair and the latter a sandy blonde. They both have the disheveled look of having grown up on the streets and wear well-worn armor jackets.
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:52; Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
A short drive and the team is headed back into Redmond, headed for the Barrens. All is going well, until Hardwire notices the Lone Star cruiser that notices the van being escorted by several bikers. It passes the van, then turns around behind them...
Sep 6 2012, 05:27 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:52; Inside the van's node near Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
<<@Team[Hardwire] You got company, the police cruiser half a block behind seems to take interest in this little convoy. What's the plan for that?>> An unwelcome thought struck Hardwire<<@Team[Hardwire] And that plan better not involves geeking someone>>
Without waiting for an answer, he turned his attention to the two Dragonfly drones sitting on his windowsills like lazy cats. At the least they would provide a nice overhead view of the situation
<<Login from Master node accepted
Calculating route for autonomous movement...done>>
Then Hardwire waited for a reply, hoping this team to have some sense of ethics. Because what would he do if they just decided to nuke the cruiser and its passengers? Stand by? Turn them in to the corrupt brutes of Lonestar?
Sep 7 2012, 09:33 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:52; Inside the van's node near Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
Val looks at the patrol car <@team[Val]"how about we break off and come up behind the star and take out the tires, then we have to fast travel with the loot on our bikes or can you make us invisible again?">
Sep 8 2012, 06:15 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:52; Inside the van's node near Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
<<@Team[Hardwire] Anyone of you happen to have a jammer?>>
Sep 9 2012, 02:33 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:52
<@team[val]"not yet but sounds useful. Just want to stop this guy the. Ditch the van and high tail it to the docs office."
Sep 13 2012, 11:33 AM
<<@Team[Hardwire] Drek, but I guess we have neither choices nor time>>
Sep 17 2012, 03:02 PM
val speed up past the van about half a block and when the van and cruiser pass him he goes to shooot out the tires of the cruiser as it passes. <@team[val]" Vw are dicsabling the cruiser if possible do not kill the flate foot inzide yez. ve vant him to go avay that iz al"l>
Sep 20 2012, 04:31 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The police cruiser's arrival presented quite an issue for the team and their load of contraband. If the van wasn't linked to the robbery, it very soon would be by logical deduction if nothing else. Val and the motorcycles races ahead of the cruiser, then Val skids very ungracefully to a stop, nearly loosing control of the bike. Without time for much else as the van passes, he pulls his Ingram from under his coat and levels a 3 round burst into the front, passenger side tire of the police cruiser sending pieces of run-flat tire and wheel wire molding spraying. Despite the damage and much to the chagrin of Val, the officer not only retains control of the heavily damaged patrol car, but swerves it directly at Val & his motorcycle...
Sep 21 2012, 01:03 AM
As the van reached Val's improvised ambush Hardwire briefly considered to slam the brakes and wreck both cars for good, but the loot had not looked all that shockproof. He flashed a message to the sprite telling him to stop the van around the next corner, and resumed scanning the sousveillance board which had matched some of his keywords.
Sep 22 2012, 01:58 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Redmond Way & 154th Ave NE, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The rounds burst from the Ingram and Val watches for a split second as the cruiser swerves right to left in a attempt to keep control of the vehicle, Val watches in the split second of hope came panic as the cruiser regains control and aims its random course corrections right towards him so Val lets the Ingram slid back by his side"hold on chummer" Val yells as he gets the bike moving yet again in a attempt to get clear from the stars 2k pound weapon.
Sep 24 2012, 05:52 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Redmond Way, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Sammamish River Trail, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
Val opens the street bike's throttle full open with a roar of the engine, lurching the motorcycle forward and bringing the front tire full off the ground in an amazing, if not unexpected display of power and skill. As he rides the metal steed forward, Val catches site of the officer's hand sticking out the window, tracking the motorcycle's acceleration away from the damaged cruiser and a single shot rings out as Val drops the motorcycle's front tire back on the pavement, missing.
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Sammamish River Trail, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The van and motorcycles all take the next corner, leaving the cruiser to come to a stop along the road side. Hardwire determined that all police frequencies have been encrypted since Lone Star took over for the rioting Seattle PD in '25; There were a few violent incidents by union members against Lone Star officers during the strike made possible by unencrypted communications. With the acceptance of wireless computing following the second crash of '65, those encrypted communications have since moved to TeamNets and TacNets. They are generally referred to as StarNets or constellations.
Sep 29 2012, 10:27 PM
Val takes a quick look for pursuit and try's to listen for any ore cruisers coming to aid a fellow flat foot. <@[team[val]"any chance you can scramble the vans GPS and what if its not already done.">
Val looks up the fastest way to doc phones address with his map softs, looking particularly for a route that ties them off any main streets where the stat or ke regularly patrol.
Oct 1 2012, 06:45 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Sammamish River Trail, Touristville, Redmond/Van node
<@val[Hardwire]"Would take too long, sry">
Oct 2 2012, 07:28 AM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:53; Sammamish River Trail, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
noticing where they were at and the fact Val just shot up a police cruiser immediately looks up mapsoft and takes the best route out of with the van that gets them away from down Redmond metroplex and back to the barrens where they need to be going.
Oct 3 2012, 12:16 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:54; near Sammamish River Trail, Touristville, Redmond/Van node
Limited to watching the scene from the cheap fixed cameras the vehicle had to offer, Hardwire struggled to maintain his orientation as the van took the next corner. As much as he loved tinkering with stuff, he'd never get the guys who tied themselves to vehicles rather than enjoying the freedom and clarity of cyberspace...but there certainly were enough of them, and they would show up in no time. <<You have to abandon the van ASAP>>, he texted the team while trying to find a sensor that showed at least some portion of the sky. <<Hide everything you can't carry and then FLOOR IT>>.
The search for an upward view of course turned up empty, why should a delivery van watch for overhead pursuit? Then again, maybe ignorance is bliss...few things screwed up runs as fast as airborne security.
Oct 5 2012, 05:59 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:57; Uptown, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The moment of dawning kicks in as the team realizes where the are. A quick right onto a road labelled, Redmond Central Connector, which leads them back to Redmond Way as the primary thoroughfare winds through the district. As the van races, escorted by the trio of motorcycles, down the street, in and out of traffic they reach the intersection at 166th Ave NE to a red light. About three blocks behind them, Hardwire sees a police cruiser and traffic drone slide onto the highway, racing towards the team.
The sprite does his own slide, putting the van into traffic, sliding parallel with traffic, bouncing off an older Lincoln before accerating through the intersection. Slick & Toad follow behind the van, barely avoiding becoming hamburger themselves. In what can only be described as either a feat of amazing riding skills or God's grace to idiots and fools, Val whips into the intersection at full speed, whips between a car and goes into a spin around another car completing a full 450 degree spin around an oncoming subcompact and ends up in front of the van racing ahead north towards areas of the Barrens mostly avoided by law enforcement.
Oct 7 2012, 11:04 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:57; Uptown, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
<<More cops behind you, and I see at least one drone. Watch the skies>>
Oct 10 2012, 02:40 AM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:57; Uptown, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
Val turns up the speed pulling I. Close to the van screaming at the top of his lungs. "We need to ditch the cops fast before they set up a road block or shoot us from the drone they have following us. Unless you guys can shoot that dam thing out of the sky, plus we need to ditch this van ASAP.". the cops he figured they could lose once the air support was gone.
<@team[val]"hardwire find us a good spot to lose this van we will need to split up once we ditch the van. Slick the spell slinger in the van come with me while the rest split and meet back up later for the pay out.">
Oct 10 2012, 01:23 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 18:58; Uptown, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The sprite brings the van to a halt in the parking lot of what appears to be an abandoned ice cream store. Arkansas and Umbra pop open the back doors carrying the half full bags; they have condensed the load down from five to three of the duffel bags. One is tossed to Val while the duo each take another and mount up with Toad and Slick. A wailing siren closes in and as the bikes are ready to go, the cruiser can be seen racing towards them now half a block away.
Oct 14 2012, 04:36 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 19:10; Uptown, Touristville, Redmond District, Seattle Metroplex
The van accelerates out of the parking lot and towards the incoming cruiser. As the two pass, mirrors clash sending bits of fiberglass and safety glass spraying. The cruiser responds by pulling a power slide into a 180 degree turn before accelerating towards the fleeing van.
As the bikes split different directions, the drone pursues the Slick's bike. He and Umbra are the last to leave the parking lot.
Val, Toad and Arkansas make it back to Doc Phin's with their bags. The feed from Slick shows him heading through town, constantly looking over his shoulder for the drone that he just can't seem to shake. He ducks into a parking garage, the sound of sirens closing in off in the distance. His comlink then goes offline after:
<<@Team [Slick] Going dark, trying to avoid the man.>>
Oct 14 2012, 09:35 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 19:10; Hardwire's Doss/Matrix
"Doesn't the guy in the back have a damn gun on him?" Hardwire though just as Slick dropped off the radar. "Damn"
Oct 15 2012, 04:30 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 19:1 doc phins
Val closes his eyes the ganger made a valiant effort of dodging the flatfoots and their drones. He was glad the heat was off. Once inside Val greets the doc with a hand shake. "We didn't have to kill anyone, scared a janitor that's it though." keeping what transpired quiet val did not want unwanted question of athena or of the others that are involved. Going through two of the three bags val starts taking inventory. Val didn't to awful though after all these we're the risks and they knew what they were getting into how ever if he did get caught it meant in wanted attention by the authorities.
Oct 15 2012, 08:02 PM
PrologueSlick and
Umbra ditched the motorcycle in the parking garage attempting to ditch the police forces hounding them.
Slick got pinned down by Lone Star.
Umbra snuck around, flanking them, then engaged them with his taser. One smacked his pretty hard in the head and Umbra seemed to go psycho, not stopping into both officers were beat to a pulp. A nearby security camera caught the entire scene, which was then turned over to Lone Star. Before the next morning,
Slick turned up with the rest of the medical supplies.
Doc Phin pays the agreed upon 3,000
(3 original runners x 1,000
each) and he includes a bonus 1,000
Oct 20 2012, 10:57 PM
Saturday, March 28th, 2071; 20:00; Hardwire's Doss
"Amazing I still made it to the bathroom" Hardwire thought as he clutched to the toilet to prevent the room from spinning away without him. Being as deeply embedded in the electronic world as he was had risks he knew all too well, but it had rarely been as bad as today.
The painkillers stayed down on the third attempt, and Hardwire staggered to the couch where he collapsed immediately
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 9:00
He awoke with a still dizzy feeling in his head, but also felt the pleasant hum of the Matrix as the Resonance reached out again. Val had sent a message promising payment (though less than he might have hoped for) and filling him in on the details of the run, though more than enough question remained which were probably best discussed over a few beers...once he had checked out the group and their connection to Athena, who had broken his Stealth so easily
<<@val[Hardwire] What are your plan for tonight, they happen to involve sme kind of pub?>>
Oct 22 2012, 03:43 AM
Val was sitting in his what felf like closet on yhe bed kistening to the local gals earn thier wage and what sounded like local bikers dragging down the road. Looki g at the small sum of funds he knew he needed to make good on the cash to the dwarf so after about a hour of sleeo his com chimes with hardwires message. Thinking of a drink was nice but he did t even know this drek and fro. What he m ew he might of taken care of athena and was now looking to do the same but non the less he did help them out of a jam. He breathes heavily a few moments and slides his jacket back on and arms up. Sending the locatiob of a near by coffee shol just out of the worst part of town val sends the cordinates to a local soycafe. He didnt know his surrounding as well as he wished but he was going to remedy that. From what he knew his life would be a long one so time was something he had plenty of. <@hardwire<val>"dont know about booze but ill neet up for a coffee friend. If the conversation is right well see about some vodka.">
Oct 24 2012, 03:57 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:00; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond District
Despite Val's aversion to a pub, Hardwire knows a quite pub outside of Touristville with a decent cup of SoyKaf as well as reasonable knock off Irish Whiskey. About two months ago the Everygreen Free Hospital, down the block, closed taking with it the majority of the pub's regulars.
From the outside, the pub is an unassuming neighborhood pub. Inside, it resembles anyone of a thousand other neighborhood clubs: Pool table, several tables, rigid faux-wood stools, small tables dispersed in the room. A dwarven teen moves absentmindedly down the bar wiping it, almost lovingly. He greets new arrivals with a hearty "Good Afternoon!"
Already present in the bar are seven other patrons. A trio of youth, 2 males and female sit at the bar. The blue bandanas on their necks and leather vests betray them as members of the Kingsgate Mongrels. They take note of new arrivals, but continue their own discussions. A human man and an ork woman sit at a small table in the far corner of the bar. The seems only concerned with each other's conversation. Their dress are street clothes with nothing to indicate gang affiliation. Finally a pair of middle-aged human men are sitting at the bar with plates and beer in front of them. Once glances at new arrivals but both keep quietly to their food. Their street clothes and boots are well worn. They both have the haggard look of a having lived a hard life; a common trait of people in the Barrens.
Oct 24 2012, 06:04 PM
Val suits up but being so close to touristville he doesn't want to leave his gun on him not in the cheap motel, so he heads over to the pawn shop and asks lucky to hold his things for him until he gets back. The only thing val takes is his pred stuffed in the small of his back and buys a cheap leather jacket to wear while riding the bike through the streets of Seattle.
Arriving at the bar Val assumes the inside to be just as insightful as the outside but still taking every precaution seeing he didn't know who this hardwire was walks inside with his pred stuffed snug in the small of his back nodding to the young dwarf as he is greeted he heads to the corner of the bar and takes a seat waiting for this hardwire character to reveal themselves. So many faces anyone of them could be it. There were plenty of drunks and patrons seeing th gang colors made val a little nervous he didn't know if they had any affiliation with the gang that he ran into previously but shrugged off the thought and tried to play it cool. Once the bar tender made their way to Val he ordered what he might like"afternoon, just coffee and a menu." his thick russian accent along with his new look of a short haircut with black dyed hair val still looked like a solid built individual, simultaneously he sends hardwire a ping letting him know he is there.
Oct 24 2012, 07:47 PM
A quick commcall with Tyr correlated what little the matrix had turned up to to correlate: Val's had moniker popped up in the shadows not too long ago, "some kind of Russian", and if he had ever done something big or abominable he managed to keep his name out of it.
His gut feeling was that the info showed the correct amount of vagueness, not a complete blank but neither anything so specific the subject should have arrested half a year ago. Not exactly hard science, but Hardwire liked to assure himself that he could trust his gut...
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:06; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond District
After a few minutes Val spots their prearranged ARO at the entry, it highlights a somewhat skinny ork in an open leather jacket revealing the big "2600 Hz" on his shirt. His bloodshot eyes and obvious discomfort at the noise of the closing door makes you wonder how much of the promised pay he already converted to booze and chips, though his hand is calm as he extends it to you. "Skraa, I think you promised me a coffee"
Oct 24 2012, 08:21 PM
Val extends his hand "preveeet, seems you opened the bottle a little early, everything ok?"
Oct 24 2012, 08:41 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:01; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond District
The dwarven teen wears a heavy denim apron over a concert t-shirt for 2066 Oz-Fest and blue jeans. His black leather work boots look like they were well worn before being passed down to him. His brown hair is medium length and his beard is already coming in thick, but his wide eyes and exuberant stride betray his youth. He brings the soy-kaf in a white coffee cup with the logo, "Fairlight Excaliber". He then gestures in AR to the menu. "Just subscribe to our node sir. The menu is a little light on food, but I really like the Monte Cristo sandwich."
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:06; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond District
As Hardwire enters the pub he gets a message from Tyr.
<<@Hardwire [Tyr] I did some asking around. Val is like Tom in Russian; lots of 'em. However, when I asked about a runner called Val, I was asked if I meant Valery Strobokov. Seems there a few Vory looking for words with this cat. If they are one and the same, I'm sure there's a finder's fee in it for you. Let me know.>>
The dwarf makes his way over as Hardwire joins Val. Hearing the conversation, he injects a query. "Will that coffee Irish or black?"
Oct 24 2012, 08:47 PM
"Nah just, a little side effect from my last hospital visit" Hardwire replies with a smirk. "Looks like you had more luck with that"
Tyr's message was a bit unexpected, though Hardwire made it look as if he took some time studying the menu before settling for a soycaf black, extra strong.
Oct 24 2012, 09:54 PM
Val looks at the young dwarf " black, and the sandwich sounds fine." Val looks at hardwire exhausted state. "So what was it yu wanted to talk about?"
Oct 25 2012, 07:22 PM
"Let's start at the beginning...what was that thing with Athena? She called me and then kinda vanished"
Oct 26 2012, 03:41 AM
Val sat down with his back against the wall and enough space to draw his weapon if he needed. "That vas what I vas goin to ask you, Athena just dropped off and you appeared. I was under the impression you two vere vorking together.she was helping me with a side project and ever since the run I have heard nothing from her." Val k we little about this chummer and now he was asking about who he was employees b he started to get very nervous all of a sudden. Taking a slow glance a his surroundings again he looks for anyone taking to much interest in him and not their own business.
Oct 27 2012, 12:06 PM
Val seemed to be more than a little nervous, which Hardwire took as a further sign that Tyr had found the right file -- being hunted by those mad dogs could certainly make one slightly uncomfortable. He ctainly was no friend of the Vory, but for the moment he decided against bringing up the issue. That guy seemed nervous enough to start shooting the moment he brought it up...
Working together? I barely knew her until one of her agents waltzed straight into my node and told me 'I have this job I can't finish but I bet you are curious enough to do it'. And yes, that's just as unconventional among our circles
Did she mess with the IC or something? They sure had some nasty stuff in that node
Oct 27 2012, 01:10 PM
Val looked more then a little puzzled at the mention of IC and the net. " I have very little knowledge of many things right noe especially what those with Athena's and your selfs skill set, what she did in there and what you accomplished are between the two of you. I would verylike to get In touch with again, like I said she was finding some information for me that could be crucial for my survival. I just assumed the two of you were in cahoots with her disappearance and your arrival." Val looked like he was suddenly deep in thought all of a sudden. Thinking against what he wants he decided to wait to see what happen tonathena before he asked hardwire to pick up where she left off.
Oct 28 2012, 04:02 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:10; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond DistrictTadhg sat in the back office watching the video feed from the micro-camera in the trim in the corner of the bar. He'd seen the ork a few times before. A local and, as rumor had it, a reasonably good hacker for hire. The Russian seemed familiar but he could not place him. The camera was anything but top end and the sound quality from the mic was proof of it. Most of the sound was inaudible, but he swore the Russian mentioned
Athena. Coincidence?
Athena's skills as a hacker could easily land her work in mainstream Seattle, but she chose to keep close to the Barrens. She never met in the flesh, so
Tadhg isn't really sure that she is even in the area. Something about how she operated made him think she did.
Half an hour ago he'd received a message from
<<@Tadhg [Athena] If you're receiving this, I'm dead. The circumstances may not be known to me, but attached is security video from my doss during the last activation of my motion sensors. You are receiving this due my failure to reset my dead-woman switch. If my death was natural causes, Doc Phin will transfer to you a thousand nuyen for your trouble. If video shows the cause to be otherwise, Doc Phin has been authorized to pay 7,652
. 15% upfront for expenses.>>The attached video file showed a room that looked more like a hospital room than a apartment. In the middle of the room, a woman was in some sort of stabilizing bed; she is a quadriplegic. The motion sensors kicked in, activating the cameras as the front door flew open with a kick. A pair of obviously Russian men kicked in the door, sweeping into the room with professional precision. A doberman drone lit of one of the two men with a automatic gunfire taking him off his feet. The second man then returned gunfire in kind, silencing the drone's weapon. He then entered the room, slowly, looking for more threats. A third man followed, whispering to the second man in Russian while checking on the first. The second man approaches the bed, pulling out an obvious wi-fi dampening unit. The last thing that can be heard before he switches it on and the signal ends is him asking in English as he pulls a thin bladed knife. "
I understand you have been inquiring about Valery Strobokov. We would very much like to find Val-"
Bobby delivers the sandwiches to
Val and
Hardwire. "
Enjoy." he says as he places the plates on the table.
Oct 28 2012, 04:03 PM
*sigh*...let's just say the matrix security was some tough drek. On the other hand it seemed undisturbed when I arrived, if she had gotten into trouble there I would have picked up more activity.
Anyway, I'd also like to know what was behind this strange act...consider it some kind of hacker ethos, we don't just watch each other disappear
"Well, not exactly hacker ethos" Hardwire thought, "but if he really has no clue of the digital world I can easily keep that for myself".
Oct 30 2012, 07:54 PM
Val nodded understandingly letting a few moments pass" you think you can track her position from her last transmission? I know she has probably covered her tracks pretty well. She was looking into a few things for me and if she found something out I would very much like to know." Val smells the sandwich before taking a bite. Aweful, he felt like he was hungry but everything he tried so far tasted foreign to him like he was used to eating something completely different, his taste buds remembered his past even though he didn't, for some reason that amused him briefly before concentrating on Athena again. If something happened to her because of something she found out about himself the maybe a friend from his past wasn't really a friend at all. He'll maybe hardwire was the one that figured something out and wanted only to see if val remembered him face to face who knows at this point. Since Athena dropped off the grid Val's only friend was umbra from what he could tell and he also dropped off the grid with no word, every friend val seemed to make so far has either dropped off the network or is probably hung up somewhere. He cursed silently wishing he knew more about himself.
Oct 31 2012, 12:56 PM
"So how about we team up with a mutual goal of finding her. You to make sure she is ok, me to ensure what ever she found out for me."
Nov 2 2012, 05:37 PM
If she did not voluntarily disappear there might be a chance she didn't have time to cover her tracks. But that would also mean that we might already come too late... QUOTE (Saytr @ Oct 31 2012, 01:56 PM)
"So how about we team up with a mutual goal of finding her. You to make sure she is ok, me to ensure what ever she found out for me."
Sounds like a plan -- provided we can agree on one thing: No bloodshed unless it can't be helped
Nov 2 2012, 07:51 PM
Val just smiles, "from what litte I know of myself blood shed will be the least of our worries. However I will do my best not to kill or make anyone bleed who doesnt deserve it."
Nov 3 2012, 07:04 PM
Somehow the bit about Val not quite knowing himself did not come across as a joke...then again, it was probably merely another weird manner, just like how he ate his sandwich. "OK, then let's do seem to have worked with her a bit, can you think of any starting points?"
"Screw this walking on eggshells" Hardwire thought as he saw Val's suspicious expression at the question. "And just so you know, 'no innocent blood' means to me that I don't turn people in to some leg breakers. Don't do unto others..."
Nov 3 2012, 10:25 PM
"There is now vorries, we will start with doc phin. He did know her as well and she was there at the initial meet." Val takes a moment realizing hardwire was serious e didn't want to she'd blood to get what he wants "when we find her and if she is fine no worries as to the blood shed. If there is something amiss then we can pause and decide again."
almost normal
Nov 5 2012, 09:44 PM
Sunday, March 29th, 2071; 13:06; Spooks Irish Pub, 122 Place NE & NE 132nd St, Kingsgate, Redmond District
Tadhg finally made his way out of the back office and into the main bar, Athena fresh on his mind. He forces himself to calm down as he walks forward, taking a moment to greet the patrons of his bar, asking the gangers how things have been, giving the business men a few leads on possible jobs coming up, encouraging them to keep their chins up. When he finally walks out from behind the bar, It's obvious that he is the focal point of this location. No one would appear more at home here then he.
He stands at a slender 6'2" and exudes an air of friendliness that genuinely warms up the room and the attitudes of it's occupants. He sports a dark blue jacket with a black shirt underneath. Brown pants and a grey tweed hat round out the attire. His dark brown hair covers up his ears, but it isn't hard to tell he's an Elf.
Walking up to the pair of runners, he greets them warmly, but doesn't hesitate to interrupt the conversation.
Dia gwit, chummers. Welcome to Spooks. Folks `round herecall me Little Tig, I'm the owner of this fine `stablishment. Yer both new here, so I'll give you the run-down on the quick. `Slong as ye buy something, the two of ye can talk and act peaceable till the sun comes up. When you start talkin` business though, ye have to go upstairs. Everyone's welcome here, and that means Leos got a right to a pint same as you. Now if one of `em hears about 'leg breakers' `n 'bloodshed', well, that's heat on me, savvy? Heat I don't need. So come on upstairs with me fer a moment. It's kind of what we do `round `ere.
Tadgh lets his jacket hang open a bit, revealing the spherical wireless jammer tucked inside. He shoots the pair a smile and a wink, then heads upstairs himself, where a small room, several chairs and a large wooden table await.
Nov 6 2012, 04:58 AM
Val was mid sentence when the tall slender meta approached val reacted a little seeing the bulge in the talkers jacket, seeing as it wasn't a gun or grenade he figured best not to over react. Seeing as the man was wanting to talk he stood up though he knew from the little he remembers most people around here had handler names so he figured why not do the same. Holding out his hand" preveeet, me rabbit." Grabbing his plate and drink he motioned for the man to lead the way. Looking at hardwire he simply shrugged. If this guy tries anything fishy what can I kill him with we're the first thoughts that went through Val's head, stopping the thought process after cutting throats with a broken plate, why is my first reaction destruction why is my first instinct violence. Will I like who I was when I find myself, what if its someone I find to despise suddenly val is brought back to the moment feeling the crumbs from his sandwich patter against his wrist as they fall from the plate.
Nov 10 2012, 07:04 PM
Unusual entries by random strangers seemed to become the norm lately, and somehow Hardwire felt convinced this Tig guy could also be trusted -- despite the fact that he had obviously been listening in on them, and that the electronic noise of his jammer was not kind on his headache. "Hardwire" he mumbled while trying to filter out the jammer.
Aaahhh, much better