Feb 28 2018, 03:01 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 1941, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle
>>Nimuea [Stanley]: I think it is better to meet at the entrance. I will see you there. Thank you for coming to me.<<
Stepping into the hallway, you find Sandy and Claudia waiting. They are dressed much as you are and have apparently been talking about that. "So, Cynthia, did you know that we even had clothes like this here? I was thinking...............well, I guess I was thinking we only had the period clothing here and would have to change once we left the village."
Feb 28 2018, 03:06 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 19:41, Saturday June 15th, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle] #1184
Cynthia grumbled "Better for you, sure, for me though..."
When she met the others, she chuckled "Well so did I actually. But it's nice, that's one less stop to make on the way." She frowned "And considering that the agent wants to meet me outside and not in the dome itself, it's probably better if we get there early to look for shenanigans. You never know..." She shrugged "Anyway, ready to go? Then onward to...well...whatever this is I guess..."
Mar 12 2018, 01:37 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 1943, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle
The girls nod and all three of you head down the stairs to the front to find the butler waiting, umbrellas in hand. "Good evening, Misses. You ought to take these, just in case. It is supposed to rain tonight. Do you know when you expect to return?"
Mar 13 2018, 12:36 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 19:43, Saturday June 15th, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle] #1185
"Hmm..." Cynthia took the offered umbrella while she thought about that question "Shouldn't take too long I think. I'm pretty sure we'll be back before 22:00, 23:00 at the latest.."
Umbrella in hand, Cynthia left the house with the omnidome as destination, wondering what that meeting would be like.
Mar 13 2018, 02:31 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 1943, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle
"Very good, Miss. Please have a nice evening."
Outside, it is not yet raining, but the sky is certainly threatening it and the carriage top has been put up, just in case. The ride to Cajun Town is quiet as apparently each young woman in the carriage is lost in her own thoughts. Not much seems to be going on in the village as you walk through it to the arch, but the handful of people you do meet, greet you by name. The atmosphere of the place is certainly one of a small country town on the edge of the river.
Mar 13 2018, 02:42 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 19:43, Saturday June 15th, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle] #1186
Cynthia answered the greetings pleasantly, much more at ease now that there were no bowing or things like that. As she got in the van, she said "I don't think there's anything to be afraid of, but just in case, we should be careful. Let's do some checks before we go in. I doubt we'll notice much going on in the Matrix, probably too many people for that." She grimaced slightly "But just in case, cam you keep an eye out for Personas who don't belong while I talk to this agent Claudia?" She grimaced "I should have thought of that." Shaking her head, she turned to Sandy "And a couple of drones wouldn't hurt. At least there the amount of people will make things a bit easier. We'll observe for a few minutes, try to see if we notice anything, then I'll go."
She paused, then asked "Seems good?"
Mar 19 2018, 03:24 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2001, Parking Lot, Cajun Town, Seattle
Both Sandy and Claudia nod, Sandy speaking for both of them. "We'll do our best. But I think that you are right about our surveillance being less than valuable, given the location. I expect that the 'trix will be overcrowded. I can give you a drone that can stay with you and let us keep in touch, though. Do you want us to stay away from you for this meet?"
Mar 20 2018, 01:55 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:01, Saturday June 15th, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle] #1187
Cynthia shrugged "I can't ask for more than that. And I doubt he'd be able to do much better than us anyway, so it works better for us than for him in the end. I'm pretty sure the FBI won't bother doing too much just for meeting an informant who may or may not have anything of value to say." she grimaced "Let's hope that doesn't change."
The young elf rubbed her chin for a second, looking out the window, pensive "It's probably best if I go alone. I should be able to get away if things go south, and there's no sense taking unnecessary risks after all." She grinned, darkly amused "Plus, I'm pretty sure this Agent will have trouble believing anything coming from a kid, but if he sees three of us he'll think it's a joke or something."
Mar 22 2018, 03:06 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2001, Parking Lot, Cajun Town, Seattle
Sandy pulls out of the parking lot, heading for the stadium. "I get that, I guess, but I feel bad about not being close if something goes wrong. I would hate....................." She falls silent for a few moments. "I would really hate to lose you."
Claudia puts a hand on Sandy's shoulder and Cynthia's. "Nothing is going to go wrong here. It is just a meeting."
Mar 23 2018, 10:06 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:01, Saturday June 15th, Serenity, Cajun Town, Seattle] #1188
Cynthia chuckled "Yep, don't worry. I'm meeting an FBI Agent about the Yakuza, not the other way around. Plus, that Agent is as straight as they come apparently, so..." She shrugged "And even if he had bad ideas, he wouldn't be able to do much. There'll be a huge crowd in there, I'm sure getting away wouldn't be all that hard."
She bumped into Sandy "And I escaped mercenaries who wanted to shoot me, so an FBI Agent who can't even shoot at me? Pff, easy."
Mar 23 2018, 03:24 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2040, Seattle Stadium, Cajun Town, Seattle
The ride to the stadium had been quiet after that. Sandy concentrated on driving and Claudia was giving silent support to both of her friends. Parking next to the stadium is hard to find and Sandy is forced to look at a lot some distance from the entrances. "So, this is as close as I can get you, unless you want me to just drop you off and drive around?"
Mar 24 2018, 05:32 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:40, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1189
On the way, Cynthia took the available time to refresh everything she had about the Yakuza with the latest information her worm had obtained.
At Sandy's questions, Cynthia first answered with a mumble "Hmm." She looked around, considering her options. Finally, she shook her head "Here is fine, it wouldn't do to draw too much attention to the van. It was after all rented under your real name, so..." As she talked, she followed a tutorial she found on the matrix to tie her shawl as if she were a Muslim girl: it would provide a nice reason for the presence of the shawl, make her harder to recognize, while concealing the absence of hair. "We're close enough for you to control your drones, right?"
Once reassured that it was indeed the case, she nodded "Alright, I'm off. While I walk there, can you check if you see the Agent?" just now remembering something, she said "Oh and..." she took her 'link and switched it off: it wouldn't do for the thing to broadcast her SIN after all. She then sent a ping to the two other girl, so that they knew where to send their messages.
Once done, she started to open the door to leave. After a second of hesitation, she pulled back, quickly kissed her girlfriends - more a brush of the lips than anything else - then hoped down off the van, walking in the direction of the stand where the Agent was waiting for her. In a pocket of her jean, she had a datachip, blank for now, but that she could fill with everything she had about the Yakuza operations.
Mar 27 2018, 03:06 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2042, Seattle Stadium, Cajun Town, Seattle
As you kiss the others, you feel nothing but love in the return kisses and both wish you a quick and safe trip. Sandy has you stand outside the van for a few seconds so she can make sure that she has you covered with her drones and sends one off to the refreshment stand you are to meet the FBI agent at. She routes the feed to you as you walk and you see a stream of people as the drone flies past them. A second feed from one that must be on your shoulder gives you a good view of what is behind you.
Mar 28 2018, 12:19 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:42, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1190While she didn't believe it was really necessary, Cynthia didn't complain. First because you never know, better be prepared and all that. Second and more importantly, is was a lot better to experiment with things like that when they could afford to mess up, and iron the kinks out for when it would really be needed and important.
As she walked, she played around with the feeds, trying to see how she liked it best: where she could keep an eye on them and notice the important stuff without being distracted from what was happening around her. After a few seconds, she reached the conclusion that in cases like this, she needed a face recognition software...or at least someone to be able to do it. She could ask Claudia to do it, but what if she was busy doing something else?
She could also get Sherlock on it. It was however the same problem than with Claudia: could she afford things like that? Today, sure, no problem. But in the future? She'd have to look at getting a 'deck and an Agent: it wasn't cheap, but they were made for simple tasks like that, and it would free other resources for more important things. Or more precisely, things they were better equipped to deal with.
For now, she'd just try to see what she could do by herself, and walked in the direction of the stand - with the intention of not reaching it for now - looking for the agent.
~~~~~~ OOC ~~~~~~
10d6t5 5, to blend in the crowd (etiquette rather than stealth since Cynthia doesn't mind being seen obviously, she just doesn't want to be noticed)
9d6t5 2 to notice stuff directly
Perception (with Electronic Warfare):
11d6t5 5 to notice things on the feeds
Small units Tactics:
10d6t5 4, to spot the Agent's friends if he brought any
Mar 28 2018, 02:34 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2045, Omnidome, Seattle
A bit of practice gets the feeds just as you like, but you are sure that it will get better with time.
You have no trouble melding into the people heading into the dome for the night game. The feed of the front drone shows a number of people near the refreshment stand, as well as a crowd of people passing it as they go inside the dome. It also picks up a man standing off to the side, cup of soy-caf in his hand.
Mar 29 2018, 03:00 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:42, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1191
Cynthia didn't approach the man straight away. First, she wanted to compare him with the image she had of the Agent, to be sure it was actually him. Second, she wanted to be as sure as possible that he was alone. Taking a minute or two wouldn't hurt after all.
Once she was sure it was him, and without any danger as far as she knew, she approached the stand, ordering a juice. Once served, she went to the man, and cocked her head to the side looking at him curiously. Finally, after a few seconds, she said "So, not only you wanted to get this done face to face, you also had to insist on it being done outside when we could have enjoyed the match… I'm not too happy with you at the moment."
Mar 29 2018, 02:39 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2048, Omnidome, Seattle
The drone feed of the man matches the public bio photo of the agent and a few minutes of observation lead you to believe that he is alone. At least no one else approaches him.
He smiles and holds up two tickets. "Just waiting for you. We have assigned seats and won't miss a play if you want to go inside. I was not sure if you would be comfortable in there, given the subject matter of our meeting."
Mar 30 2018, 02:24 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:42, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1191
Cynthia shook her head "No, too late, I have other things planned now." she grumbled "And now I feel guilty that you bought those tickets for nothing." she didn't seem happy "Maybe I should keep the chip as punishment." she went for a mild kick in the shin that anyone could avoid easily.
She grumbled some more, then fishing the chip in her pocket, she held it to the Agent "Here. There are three files: one with the raw data, one with my analyses based on it, and one with my predictions, guesses, etc. You probably should ignore the last two files though, I never did anything like this before this week so I'm sure you have people much better at it than I am." She paused "You should be careful though, I checked a few things to be sure it was genuine, but I can't be sure of it. Maybe it's just an elaborate trap. The other two lieutenants are pretty much impossible to deal with, but him..." She shrugged.
Mar 30 2018, 03:06 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2048, Omnidome, Seattle
The man laughs. "Well, you should feel a bit guilty. These tickets are good ones and they were not cheap, and I had to use my own money for them. Are you sure that you cannot stay for at least part of the match? I can throw in some really decent soy dogs and chips?"
He stops laughing as he takes the chip from you. "I will have some good people take a look at this. You know, if you came inside until half time, I could take a quick look and you could be available to answer any questions I might have right away."
Mar 30 2018, 03:35 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:48, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1192Cynthia frowned, a bit suspicious
"It's your fault, you're the one who insisted on us meeting outside, otherwise I'd have paid for my own ticket." After a few seconds, she said
"Fine. But only until half-time, like I said, I have other commitments, and I ate already."»Claudia, Sandy [Cynthia]: He wants to look at the data now. I don't think it's a trap or anything, but that means I'll go in the dome for the first half-time. Or is it tier-time for hockey?«~~~~~~ OOC ~~~~~~
The previous roll for Tanaka's files analysis was quite a while ago, a year in fact... (
Tanaka's files (Yakuza knowledge, Economics):
9d6t5 3 8d6t5 5)
So new roll to add to this one, since then plenty of new files have been added after all:
Tanaka's files (Yakuza knowledge, Economics):
8d6t5 6 8d6t5 2I'm okay with the yakuza one since I could hardly do better than that but the economics one... Meh, I'll edge that one. I want to make a good impression after all :o
Tanaka's files (Economics edged):
6d6t5 4, ha, much better, that gets me 6 hits too, right at the limit.
Note that if he pays attention to it, the last raw data is not even an hour old.
Apr 3 2018, 02:25 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2048, Omnidome, Seattle
The agent smiles at you and offers his arm while using the other to point at the food stand. "Thank you. Do you want to take anything in with us? This stand has some of the best nachos in Seattle and I am going to get a plate, may I treat you to one?"
>>Cynthia [Sandy]: Lucky you. I still have eyes on you, but be careful, please.<<
Apr 3 2018, 02:36 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:48, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1193
Cynthia shook her head "No thanks. Feel free to take one, but I already ate." Of course even if she felt any stide trip would be a waste of time, since she had already said she'd stay until half-time, it didn't really matter what they did up to that point, but... She really did ate, and wasn't hungry at all. Plus, she only wanted one thing: to be done with all this. Though... Maybe she should ask him if he had any advice about their trip to New York... Maybe later.
»Sandy [Cynthia]: Of course I'll be careful. I always am after all. Anyone saying the opposite is a terrible liar.«
Apr 18 2018, 02:44 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2050, Omnidome, Seattle
The agent nods and steps over to the counter and gets a paper plate loaded with nachos then turns back to you and smiles as he walks into the arena. He makes his way to where he has two seats and lets you sit down before he does. When the two of you are seated, he puts the plate of food on his lap and uses his left hand to start eating while his right hand slips down between you and you feel him pressing something against your palm. Looking down, you see that it is a small ear bud.
Apr 19 2018, 10:49 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 20:48, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1194
Cynthia scowled. What was the agent playing at? She seemed to hesitate for a second or two - time she took to hack the drek out of the ear bud to make sure there was nothing hidden there. Then, making it look like she was adjusting her shawl, she put the device in her ear. As soon as she did, she looked at the agent, less than pleased.
May 9 2018, 01:52 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2111, Omnidome, Seattle
The device appears to be nothing more than a simple earbud communication device. Once you have it in your ear, you hear the agent's voice. "You can listen and talk with the device. It is secure, or at least as secure as I could get for us. I want to thank you for coming out to see me. Do you have time to talk?"
May 10 2018, 08:07 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:11, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1195
Cynthia grumbled. Secure? Yeah, right. It still used wireless communications, and those could always be hacked. Maybe not easily, maybe not in time to do any good, but still. With a grunt, she shook her head: it didn't really matter in any case. So what if someone listened in? It wasn't like they'd really be interested in her, and even if they were… well, no one knew who she was. With her 'link powered down, there was no way to learn anything at all.
As she answered, she shrugged "I had some data I felt should be used, and you were the most senior of the agents I looked at for that. I'd have preferred to just transmit the data and be done with it though, I can't say I'm all too pleased about all that circus…" She snorted, then sighed "But since I'm here… What did you want to talk about?"
May 10 2018, 04:05 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2111, Omnidome, Seattle
The man stands up to cheer as the teams walk onto the field. "You were very brave to do this. There has been some movement in the Yakuza since you contacted me. Did you contact anyone else?"
May 11 2018, 01:16 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:11, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1196Brave? Compared to what happened recently, that was nothing. Or not much. She wasn't too trusting, but an FBI agent who didn't know who she was wasn't really dangerous compared to mercenaries who wanted to skin her, or a global conspiracy… Cynthia shook her head
"I didn't contact anyone else no." She tapped her lips for a second, before she smiled crookedly
"I may have obtained a better price if I did though, so maybe I should have?" The girl grinned for a second, then shrugged
"If that activity comes from Tanaka's side, then it might be related to me, but I doubt it. If it comes from Shinosetsu…" She frowned
"Well, that would be worrying, but it would have nothing to do with what I'm giving you. As for the third one…" She shrugged
"No idea."~~~ OOC ~~~
Good to see you're back
May 11 2018, 03:24 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2112, Omnidome, Seattle
"It was Tanaka, yes. Pardon me for being concerned about you, but I think I will be, anyway. These guys are not to be taken too lightly. Now, are you the source of this information, or are you fronting for someone?"
May 11 2018, 11:33 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:12, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1197
Cynthia glanced darkly in the direction of the Agent "Considering that the acquisition of the data was probably done through less than perfectly legal means, I hope you don't really expect me to answer that question." the young elf snorted lightly "However... Well, I'm pretty sure that if anyone can answer your questions about the data, it would be me." She shrugged. The agent knowing she was the source didn't really matter. It would probably make things easier in fact. That being said, she had absolutely no intention of possibly going on record saying that, thank you very much.
After a small pause, she added "As for the Yakuza, I know perfectly well what they're capable of, and I have bigger problems at the moment, which is one of the reasons I'm giving you the data." the girl shook her head, thinking about the mercenaries and their bosses. "What are they up to anyway?"
May 14 2018, 02:20 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2112, Omnidome, Seattle
The agent pauses to eat some of his snack. "Not sure what they are doing, but my other contacts inside indicate that there is something brewing among the top lieutenants. Could be a coup of some kind, perhaps. In any case, I do appreciate the data. Is your source still inside and can I expect more from you?"
May 15 2018, 10:22 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:12, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1198
"Hmm." Cynthia frowned, then shrugged "I haven't really paid much attention to them in the last couple of days so..." That being said, maybe she should. She had no idea what was going on at the moment, but if it was related to Sampson... "I'll see what I can find later. As for's still inside. But I have no way to know for how long. Or how reliable it is like I said before."
May 15 2018, 02:03 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2112, Omnidome, Seattle
The agent smiles. "I will check your data against that from my other sources and will hopefully get a better picture of what is going on. Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want something for this information?"
May 15 2018, 02:19 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:12, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1199
"Something?" For a second or two, Cynthia looked surprised. Then, she snorted "If I wanted something, I'd have sold all that. To the triad or the mafia probably. Or the vory. Maybe one of the other two lieutenants. Or even the oyabun. Considering that Tanaka is pretty intimate with his wife..." the young elf shrugged, disdainfully. After a moment, she added "Just make them hurt."
After a longer pause, she finally asked "Though... I may have a question. Purely theoretical of course. Its a... Yeah, I'm writing a book and I need to do some research." she glanced at the Agent to make sure he had understood before continuing "Let's imagine I wanted to investigate a hit and run. A fatal one. Let's assume it was deliberate and that I knew who wanted the victim to die and why, but that I had no proof and didn't know the identity of the driver. Or hit man. Whatever. How should I find him? How can I get proofs for something that happened weeks ago?" she frowned "And don't tell me go to the local authorities, it would be the stupidest thing I could do."
May 17 2018, 02:15 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2113, Omnidome, Seattle
The man is quiet for a couple of minutes. "Well, you could find yourself a good PI and spend some money. Or, you could give me what you have and I could nose around a bit for you."
May 17 2018, 03:06 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:13, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1200
Cynthia shook her head without any hesitation "Wouldn't work. First, because it's not in Seattle - or anywhere near Seattle - so you wouldn't be able to 'nose around'. Second, because there's too much money involved to trust a PI. Or pretty much anyone for that matter." After a pause, the teenager shrugged "I guess I'll have to see there."
May 21 2018, 02:33 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2113, Omnidome, Seattle
"Well, after what you have given me, I am not going to make any comments based on your age or experience. Just be careful and let me know if I can help you in any way."
May 22 2018, 10:24 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:13, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1200
"Yeah, well." Cynthia shrugged...then frowned "How old do you think I am? As an elf, I could be almost a hundred now and you wouldn't be able to tell. No?"
Not waiting for the answer - not really wanting to hear the answer for that matter - she asked "Anyway... Do you have any question about the data or what analysis I could do?"
May 22 2018, 02:23 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2114, Omnidome, Seattle
The man laughs. "Good point. IO I am sorry for assuming. And I have no questions about the data, yet. I will need to examine what you have provided me before I can ask any questions."
May 23 2018, 02:55 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:13, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1201
Cynthia grumbled "True. I'll leave you to it then." She then focused more or less on the match. She had never been into sports, but since she was there it only made sense if she paid it a bit of attention. Before long though, she looked into that bit of news the Agent had given him: what where the Yakusa doing? Hopefully, the last bit of data she had would allow her to find more. If she couldn't... Well, that would be more difficult...
May 24 2018, 03:21 AM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2125, Omnidome, Seattle
The game is exciting if you are into guys beating on each other, but not so much if you do not see the sport in that. The data from your Agent indicates that Tanaka is a bit worried about something. He is using coded names, but it looks like he might be concerned about some high level treachery from within the organization.
May 24 2018, 08:44 AM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:25, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1202
Not being into guys beating each other, especially after having had a few close calls in the past few days, Cynthia finds the thing quite boring. She doesn't completely lose track of things - it wouldn't be polite after all, considering she was invited - but didn't pay it a lot of attention. Especially considering what she found about the Yakusa. Treachery was… serious. She wasn't worried it had anything to do with her: outside of collecting data, she had done strictly nothing as far as they were concerned after all. No what she was worried about was that Tanaka had learned things related to Sampson. Possibly because Shinosetsu was moving… And if that happened… She had to stay on top of this.
»Tanya [Cynthia]: Apparently the Yakusa are moving, Tanaka seems to be worried about some high level treachery or something. Do you have someone who can tell us more if there's something going on, especially with Shinosetsu?«
»Claudia [Cynthia]: Hey, it seems that Tanaka is about to do something, probably dumb, could you try to see if you can learn more? He's worried about some kind of treachery, so be careful, he's probably on alert. I have to stay in AR so I can't do much from here…«
After that, she said via the earbud "Looks like you're right. Apparently Tanaka is expecting - or noticed - some kind of high level betrayal."
May 24 2018, 02:07 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2125, Omnidome, Seattle
Both Tanya and Claudia acknowledge your message and tell you that they will be digging for more information.
The agent actually turns his head slightly as he watches the match. "And how do you know that?"
May 24 2018, 02:16 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 21:25, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1203
Cynthia chuckles "I'm good at what I do?" She grins for a while "Though of course, it's in the data I've just given you, in the very last parts of it that I didn't have time to analyze yet. It may have helped a bit, who knows?" She shrugged, still smiling smugly.
May 25 2018, 02:29 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2200, Omnidome, Seattle
The FBI agent smiles back back at you and nods then turns his attention back to the game. After a bit, a loud horn goes off and the teams on the field both head off to the sidelines. People all around you stand and head to the exits, including the man you are with. 'End of the first period. I am off to the office to continue examining the data you have provided me. I thank you for your service and look forward to hearing from you again. Please keep me in mind if you get any more information like this. Try to stay safe, huh? Oh, you can stay for the rest of the game if you like, but your body language tells me that you are done here. Too bad, it is looking to be a good match tonight." He tips his hat then leaves.
May 25 2018, 02:44 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 22:00, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1204
Cynthia blinks a couple of times in surprise, clearly wondering what motivated the abrupt depart. Sure, it was half-time so as good a moment as any, but wasn't he supposed to ask questions about the data? Maybe her analyses? Or maybe he had noticed something that had picked his interest and had forgotten pretty much anything else. Maybe she'd have a message waiting for her in the morning. Not that it mattered too much she supposed, it wasn't like she was likely to have much more to give than that. Though maybe she would, what with her bug still in Tanaka's 'link and what she had said to Tanya and Claudia.
Bah, it didn't matter. She stood up and walked to the exit »Sandy[Cynthia]: I'm leaving through the south exit, I'll walk for a bit, can you make sure no one follows me before you pick me up?«
May 25 2018, 02:51 PM
Saturday June 15th, 2075 2200, Omnidome, Seattle
The agent had stood and simply walked off into the crowd, quickly disappearing. >>Cynthia [Sandy]: Got it. We're on you. Um, does it seem to you that the guy left rather suddenly?<<
Heading to the exit is like swimming with the tide, at least until you get to the concession stand area inside the arena, where it is like swimming in mud. Eventually, you can get past the crowd and make your way to the South exit from the dome, where a tired attendant offers to stamp your hand in case you want to return.
May 25 2018, 03:43 PM
[Cynthia Rawson - 22:00, Saturday June 15th, Omnidome, Seattle] #1205
»Sandy [Cynthia]: I was thinking abruptly myself. Why? Did something happen?«
Cynthia didn't often wish to be a man, but when she had to go through a crowd, she was almost regretting being a girl. Not that she was a wilting flower, she was in perfect physical health, she exercised, but none of that mattered and she was pushed around, almost unable to go where she wanted. At least, with her shawl hiding her traits and everyone focused on getting somewhere, no one looked at her twice. That was something. And while she was tall - for a girl - it wasn't enough to stand out in the crowd, so anyone trying to follow her would have one hell of a time. When the employee asked her if she wanted a stamp, she shook her head, she had to leave.