Additional details on Moe:
[ Spoiler ]
Where and in what kind of environment did your character grow up?
Moe grew up in <some neighborhood that isn't good>. The neighborhood
was fairly poor for the decade and a half he lived there. His father
was always going on about how nice it used to be, before the "thug
culture" got ahold of "the youth". During his youth, there were no
schools that did much beyond babysit for working parents. Drugs and
petty crime seemed to be the primary modes of entertainment. Moe's
parents, Ed and Emily, taught Moe his lessons after the grocery
store's hours. Once he goblinized, though, they seemed to lose
interest in his education.
His father, a former soldier, then changed the "curriculum" to a more
fighting focus. Moe continues to train with him at least twice a
month in unarmed combat, knives, sticks, and guns.
What are your character's relations with their family? (Does your
character keep in touch? Where are they now?)
Good, though Moe is in a rebellious stage in his life. He "wants to
earn a livin'" and "get out there and do stuff". He joined the
military, but got kicked out for continued insubordination after two
and a half years. The reality was, he was bored. Getting told what
to do all the time by Corporals wasn't the problem; it was the
continue menial labor in the PX. Moe decided he could mop floors and
stock shelves in his father's store--and make more money. So much for
His father is disappointed that his son didn't cut it with the
military. However, he knows the military is not for everyone, and so
continues to train him in an attempt to generate interest in
Does your character have an ethnic background? (Is it relevant to
He's an ork, from an ork family.
What does your character look like?
Orky (TBD).
What does your character dress like?
Typical urban poor...jeans, shirt, light on the street bling.
What are your character's physical quirks?
Larger than average tusks.
What did your character always want to be? (How did they go about
getting this job/position/ability/image? Did they succeed?)
He wanted to be a soldier, but not in the PX or on the road as a truck
driver. Driving a tank would hhave been cool, but he was so hung over
that he missed the entrance exam. After that, it was off to big rig
driving school. He did that for around six months, got bored, and
applied for logistics. The slot was assigned to him, and he ended up
working in the PX warehouse. YAAAAAAAAAWN. A few too many parties
over the course of the next year meant he was mustered out as "not
suited to military life."
Where and how did your character learn their Active and Knowledge Skills?
Moe got his general education through his parents. His education was
supplemented by the military. He learned logistics software and a
variety of warehouse operations. He drove large trucks transporting
military vehicles also. Though he really enjoyed the combat training,
the military kept putting him into support roles, regardless of his
Where and how did your character get their major equipment and 'ware?
Either from the family, military, or on his own.
Where and in what kind of place does your character currently live?
He lives with four roommates in a cheap apartment in a bad
neighborhood. His parents invited him to live in a studio apartment
over the store, but he declined ("Don' wanna ever work in a store
Who are your character's contacts? (How did they become contacts? Why
do they still talk to your character?)
Who are your character's enemies? (How did they become your
character's enemies?)
For Awakened characters, how did your character learn their magic? For
non-Awakened characters, how does your character feel about magic?
Moe is not Awakened as far as he knows. It would be cool to suddenly
find out he was a mage. Even better, a physical adept. Then he could
be a real soldier.
What are your character's personality quirks?
Moe can be pretty wary about trusting people and tends to look for
opportunties to verify what people say.
What are your character's and dislikes?
Bad beer, fat chicks, boring shit. Driving a truck for 15 hours
straight sucks. Working 16 hour days in a warehouse sucks worse.
Hanging out on the streets is boring too; drunk people don't make good
What is your character's moral code?
Apparently, people suck and will screw you over as soon as possible.
The recruiter lied about the contract he was signing with the
military. His superiors would blame him for their mistakes or
cover-ups. Having learned that lesson, he doesn't really believe much
anyone says, except his family.
In a nutshell: don't let people take advantage of you and/or screw you
over. He's experimenting with retribution.
Does your character have personal beliefs?
Sure, but TBD.
What are your character's personal motivations?
Find something interesting to do, make a lot of money, and have fun.
Why does your character run with the gang?
He runs with the gang because one of his roommates introduced him and
he's unemployed. So far, he's made a few bucks here and there, which
is more than he made from any local employer.
When and how did your character join the gang?
TBD (how do these things go?)
How does your character contribute to the gang? What is his role; not
just in terms of how he/she makes money, but where does he/she fit in
the social hierarchy?
Drug dealing, strong arm, scams, B&E, gambling.
I need a list of "jobs".
What would make your character ever leave the gang?
If the leadership screwed him over.
How does your character feel about their life in the gutter as part of
a street gang? What is their view of the rest of the world?
(i.e. Non-gangers)
He comes from non-gangers, so he has a fairly positive attitude there.
So far, being in the gang has felt more like soldiering than when he
was in the military. So far he's been in a bunch of fights and broken
a few skulls. It's kinda cool, though standing on a street corner as
a lookout for the drug dealer kinda sucks.
If your character could have their ideal life outside of the gang,
describe what that ideal life would be.
Sit on the beach in France sipping margaritas.
What ambitions does your character have for the gang as a whole? What
ambitions does your character have for their place within the gang?
Just make a living, stay out of grocery stores, and have fun.
If your character is a recent addition from another gang, how does
your character feel about joining a new gang? If your character is not
a recent addition from another gang, how does your character feel
about the new arrivals to the gang?
How does your character view relationships within the gang, both
romantic and friendship? How does your character view relationships
outside the gang, both romantic and friendship?
He has several friends in the gang. They all "run" together.
What is your character's view of the other gangs in the area? (Note:
Wait until other gang info is up and available before answering this
What is your character's attitude towards/view of the gang as a
It's kinda fun, but there's boring shit too. Right now, he just wants
to make a few nuyen, have some fun, and crack a few skulls.
What is your character's view of each of his fellow gang members?
Answer for each gang member listed below. (Note: Cannot be completed
until our final roster is fleshed out. Update this as membership
roster changes or significant events occur. Specify events or reasons
that led to changes in perception. Do not delete prior perceptions,
just add what has changed and why.)