Apr 10 2008, 02:36 PM
holy hell, am i glad i came back home for the weekend.
@Vegas: aye, your assessment is about right. I'll get back to that thing now.
Apr 10 2008, 03:15 PM
Hey Vegas,
Could you adjust the template so Rico shows as ex-Brickhouse Boys, rather than ex-Corsairs in the takes?
Apr 10 2008, 03:50 PM
as far as i know you could just as easily change that yourself. Maybe not the template but even manually editing in the takes of the other gangers shouldn't take too long.
Apr 10 2008, 04:22 PM
Thanks Neuntoter for passing along that message and suggestion
You guys can technically change ANYTHING on the wiki if you are a member. Know that I see all edits, so if you're recklessly changing things that you shouldn't (chargen rules, other pc's cs's etc) I will put the boot of the Wikigoddess in your buttocks
But if you guys learn how to edit your CS's you guys can easily edit the other pages with minor changes (i.e. the Gang Roster page).
All I would super appreciate it if people would take the initiative to add new PC's takes to their sheets so I don't have to do it. It's a rather large PITA to do it for the 20+ characters each and every time we bring on a new PC. I always update the master list that you can see
Here (Master Takes) so you can copy and paste said new characters into your own takes whenever possible. That way you guys don't have to fiddle around with links and what not if you don't have to, they'll just copy over as is.
Apr 10 2008, 04:30 PM
the master list was what I was asking if you could fix
Apr 10 2008, 04:41 PM
Ahhhh.. fair enough.. fixing now. Sorry for the confusion
People will have to adjust their takes sheets since I don't want to make that many edits
Eyeless Blond
Apr 10 2008, 04:41 PM
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Apr 9 2008, 10:22 PM)
No, I'm sure people still smoke in 2070. Legion, Nevada, and Aziz do, and probably some characters I've missed. However, smoking continues to be non life-ruiningly addictive. In the book, where it has the Addiction negative quality, it specifically disallows nicotine(tobacco). It also says its for substance addictions, which excludes B&E.
There is a Mania negative quality, modeled after the Phobia quality, in Augmentation. For some reason the writers buried the negative qualities in the cyberzombie chapter, so it's an open question whether it should be allowed or not. Again, not a GM, but in a game like this I'd be very carefully monitoring mental-based and RP-based Flaws, like Phobias, Manias, Addictions, Geasea, etc.
Personally I think you really have to be careful to allow only mental Flaws that affect the character, and not ones that impact the rest of the group. Delusions, for example, like the old Enemy Flaw, are terrible Flaws, especially for a game like this, where interactions are almost exclusively between PCs rather than with NPCs. Taking and roleplaying such a Flaw requires you to regularly hamstring your interactions with the other players in order for the Flaw to have meaning, which increases pressure on other players as much as you, basically handing them a Flaw just as much as you. Phobias, and maybe the book's version of "OCD" (which is really more of the SR3-era "Oblivious" quality) work, because they're primarily mechanical in nature, and don't force awkward social interaction.
Apr 10 2008, 05:44 PM
those are out for us as the page before that specifically states the flaws in that section are for cyborgs and cyber zombies only (excepting gm discretion (last line))
Apr 10 2008, 08:18 PM
QUOTE (Voorhees @ Apr 10 2008, 01:22 AM)
Also, I don't know if this was on purpose, but Sly's height would legally make him a midget today.
QUOTE (Havok @ Apr 10 2008, 06:40 AM)
Gotcha. Thanks for the info Voorheez. I'll fix it when I get off work.
lol, erm, yeah, elves are on average are about as tall as orks although they're not as bulky. You'd be roughly 2 feet shorter than what is typical for your metatype.
Apr 10 2008, 10:09 PM
I have to fill out an application right now, but I'll have some free time later on tonight. I'll make him 5'2" or so instead if it's a problem
I did want him to be short, although midget status might be a little
too short.
Apr 10 2008, 10:55 PM
QUOTE (Havok @ Apr 10 2008, 05:09 PM)
I have to fill out an application right now, but I'll have some free time later on tonight. I'll make him 5'2" or so instead if it's a problem
I did want him to be short, although midget status might be a little
too short.
5'9" would be more like a short elf, but it's your call
<Edit> Damn it, sorry, broke no ganging up etiquette.
Apr 11 2008, 03:41 AM
Hey vegas had a question for ya was that bike a reward? i want some of those mods that you have but i cant fit them cause of the ratings/ availability limit.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 11 2008, 07:36 AM
You can get all of that except the R6 maglock. Just go R4; it's not like anyone's gonna have the Hardware to beat the anti-tamper circuits...
*tries to hide Drip's charseet*
Apr 11 2008, 11:30 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Apr 11 2008, 12:36 AM)
You can get all of that except the R6 maglock. Just go R4; it's not like anyone's gonna have the Hardware to beat the anti-tamper circuits...
*tries to hide Drip's charseet*
ahem....points SMG casually over in the direction of a very large Dri... I mean water droplet >>....My ride has been pimped... you may ride in the side car... but no touchy...(lol yes i actually did buy the pimped mod rating 1 and a sidecar
couldnt resist).
Also I think I've finished everything on there that needs doing... do we just place an X if we need vegas and slip to check things over or is that for WR only? Either way I think I'm good for first impressions
And yes i do have one hell of alot of drugs. according to my character there can never be enough...129 doses of various narcotics= happy day in party ville drugs+guns+Barrens =...need better dodge?
... also why I had to buy two smuggling compartments
this character has more actual planned storage than ive ever really had... should be interesting.
Apr 11 2008, 02:50 PM
well, Will is finally finished now and could be up for review. There are just two things:
first, i do not yet have a take up for Dozer because there isn't really that much on the wiki yet to get a picture of him.
and second, do i need to purchase a certified credstick in order for my starting money to be on one? And in case i would choose to not do that would i get that in cash?
Apr 11 2008, 11:50 PM
Spark and Neuntoter
I'll look them over this weekend.
Neuntoter You can always take it in corp script.
Apr 12 2008, 03:15 AM
Sorry for the delay with Sly, I hate to be emo but my girl just left me for another dude lol so I haven't been up to much.. I'll get to work on it asap when I'm feeling a little better.
Apr 12 2008, 04:27 AM
QUOTE (Neuntöter @ Apr 11 2008, 08:50 AM)
well, Will is finally finished now and could be up for review. There are just two things:
first, i do not yet have a take up for Dozer because there isn't really that much on the wiki yet to get a picture of him.
and second, do i need to purchase a certified credstick in order for my starting money to be on one? And in case i would choose to not do that would i get that in cash?
On first glance Will looks clean I should be able to pass him up to WR as soon as Slip gets his eyes over him just to make sure I didn't miss anything
As for the cred, you can either take it certified, or have it loaded on your commlink, or as Slip mentioned in Corp scrip... up to you
Apr 12 2008, 04:31 AM
SparkTook a peek at X, I want to chat about a few things with WR and Slip so we're all on the same page about things, but there are a couple of things I need you to do first...
1) You've got 21 "free" knowledge points when you should have 18. I'm guessing you had juggled attribute points and didn't go back and correct it.
2) Takes HAVE to be finished for all PC's before we'll review the character. Only exceptions would be for those PC's still in the recruiting process that aren't 100% complete/or don't have enough on the wiki to make a good call on (only one I can think of at this time is Dozer really).
Please finish up the takes and correct the knowledge skills and when you're done give us a holler here and we'll do the full review.
Apr 12 2008, 05:11 AM
Hey can adepts have mentor spirits? I thought they were just for Magicians/Mystic Adepts
Apr 12 2008, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 11 2008, 08:31 PM)
SparkTook a peek at X, I want to chat about a few things with WR and Slip so we're all on the same page about things, but there are a couple of things I need you to do first...
1) You've got 21 "free" knowledge points when you should have 18. I'm guessing you had juggled attribute points and didn't go back and correct it.
2) Takes HAVE to be finished for all PC's before we'll review the character. Only exceptions would be for those PC's still in the recruiting process that aren't 100% complete/or don't have enough on the wiki to make a good call on (only one I can think of at this time is Dozer really).
Please finish up the takes and correct the knowledge skills and when you're done give us a holler here and we'll do the full review.
oh woops yeah i was doing some juggling thanks for catching that. As for the takes I thought we had to do those as we met the characters in game, any rate no prob ill have that done in about an hour or so here depending on what detail i go into.. besides that any probs? Even if you arent on teh same page its helpful to know any possible sticky points.
Apr 12 2008, 05:48 AM
QUOTE (Havok @ Apr 12 2008, 12:11 AM)
Hey can adepts have mentor spirits? I thought they were just for Magicians/Mystic Adepts
I already brought this up once, actually. As far as I can tell, the answer is a that the books are a bit contradictory on this topic. In the Awakened World section it says something to affect of "Awakened of any tradition can have mentor spirits, including Adepts." Then under the quality I believe it only lists Magicians and Mystic Adepts as eligible-- so by the absolute strictest letter of the RAW I think it's just for Magicians/Mystic Adepts, since you could make the argument by "Adepts" they meant "Mystic Adepts" since they're a type of Adept that's eligible for the quality. On the other hand, Street Magic's got a whole "Shamanic Way" write up, which references mentor spirits yet is apparently something different from a Mystic Adept or Magician tradition. In the end I think it's something that can only really be decided on a case by case basis since some character and Mentor combinations work better than others from a thematic point of view anyway. For example, there's a lot I could have done better with Cuervo by skipping magic entirely in exchange for cyberware (Plus I would have skipped the whole nasty business of needing high will/charisma just to have a 53% chance of not running from every fight) but I like him a lot better as an Aztec Shamanic Way Adept destined for the streets than as a mundane.
Apr 12 2008, 08:06 AM
Whipstitch: Cool beans, just checking
Character takes are done, still need to do gang takes. Gear is going to be a pain >_< I have a lot of STUFF (mostly BnE stuff) He'll also need to move a fair amount of stuff from the old HQ to the new HQ, mostly ammunition. Unfortunately, I dont have Arsenal or Augmentation, I have a feeling a lot would change about this character if i did. I think I'm going solely off the base book at this point.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 12 2008, 09:39 AM
Eh, you'd be surprised how little, actually. Most of the stuff in there that you'd want is avail 8-12; unless you're cruising for your signature rating 12 item you're mostly SOL for the gear section. They did a little better on the vehicle/weapon mod rules, at least.
So, Drip's mechanics (main page and gear) are complete, and 30q is done except for the background story, which I'm gonna finish as soon as I get these Takes out of the way. Well on track to being finished on time; just gotta keep beating down my urge to tweak.
Apr 12 2008, 04:53 PM
QUOTE (Spark @ Apr 11 2008, 10:43 PM)
oh woops yeah i was doing some juggling thanks for catching that. As for the takes I thought we had to do those as we met the characters in game, any rate no prob ill have that done in about an hour or so here depending on what detail i go into.. besides that any probs? Even if you arent on teh same page its helpful to know any possible sticky points.
Couple of things about this. You should probably have figured out from reading the OOC that there is no way in hell Takes are done as you meet people. We have harped on that a lot in this recruitment thread and if you don't go into a decent amount of detail we will just throw it back at you to do it over, so it is better to take the time now than have us look it over again and send it back to you.
I still have to look over X and I won't get to that until Sunday or Monday so take your time and expand on your takes or any of the 30 questions that are either one liners or short on description. We understand that you won't have a paragraph on every question or take, but take this time between my review and when WR, Vegas and I talk to keep fleshing X out.
Hope that helps.
Apr 12 2008, 06:56 PM
You should probably have figured out from reading the OOC that there is no way in hell Takes are done as you meet people. We have harped on that a lot in this recruitment thread and if you don't go into a decent amount of detail we will just throw it back at you to do it over, so it is better to take the time now than have us look it over again and send it back to you.
To clarify briefly -
Spark you are correct that you do continually update your takes as you meet people throughout the course of the game.
Slipshade is driving home the point that you still must have 'initial' takes up during character creation, even if you have not met people yet.
I wanted to be clear takes are both a 'startup' thing and an 'ongoing' thing. Theoretically, your takes should be continually updated throughout play as you meet people, but you have to start somewhere (i.e. your 'first impression', even it's based off of OOC stuff)
Hope that clears things a bit, I didn't want you to think you do takes once and you're done with them for good.
Apr 12 2008, 07:22 PM
oh yeah natch, I planned on doing them as I went, so my characters takes would be accurate for whatever given time it is. Halfway done with the revised takes (aka bigger more in depth ones) Ill finish them off when i get home from work.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 13 2008, 09:37 AM
Again, not a GM here, but you might want to reconsider some of your skill choices. However we decide to expand on it, Software is going to be the skill used for BTL production, as per the SR4 book. The rest of the Electronics group, or Cracking skill group... not so much. In fact I'd go as far as to say I doubt any of us will be using Cracking at all in this game; but you especially as you don't have a single program that uses any of the Cracking skills, other than maybe Electronic Warfare. If I were you I'd be thinking more on the lines of being more combat-ready, and only taking Computer and Software skills on the electronics side, maybe Electronics SG at the most. YYMV, of course.
Besides, Drip's already got all of that. We don't need a
second character with little/no combat use, do we?
You're also missing a datajack.
Apr 13 2008, 08:39 PM
I'm not gonna make the deadline with Dozer. Usually chargen gets me all jazzed, but I'm just not feelin' it. I'll keep him on the back burner for now, percolating until he really gels, because I do like the concept. Thanks for all the feedback and contributions from folks as I waffled through a first run at him.
For those of you integrating him into your backgrounds, make him a Yardie lurking around the ol' Brickhouse Boys stomping grounds.
Apr 13 2008, 11:33 PM
I just have to finish up my gear and mechanics pages on Sly. I should be done with those pretty soon. How do my takes look?
Eyeless Blond
Apr 14 2008, 03:09 AM
Ugh, these takes are killing me, especially the gang ones. I try writing them, and it's like this gray fog settles into my brain; it's been like that for two weeks now.
Would it affect my approval if I just put "Don't care" under those, and got back to writing background?
Apr 14 2008, 05:23 AM
heh that sucks... I find them interesting once I get going on them... had to go and edit a few though lol when i realized that I had the wrong attributes for some of the guys
Eyeless Blond
Apr 14 2008, 05:46 AM
Well, anyway, mechanics are done.
"The Story", IMO, will remain a perpetual project, as I have a lot to say on the subject, but none of it is particularly relevant to this side of the game. Other than that, everything's ready, AFAIK.
(Edit): Yeah, I've got some weird blocks when it comes to creative writing; it's one of the reasons I love these PBP games as a way to help work through them. So far I've at least been more successful with this than with my
last big block...
Apr 14 2008, 06:39 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Apr 13 2008, 07:09 PM)
Ugh, these takes are killing me, especially the gang ones. I try writing them, and it's like this gray fog settles into my brain; it's been like that for two weeks now.
Would it affect my approval if I just put "Don't care" under those, and got back to writing background?
Eyeless - I would have to say that yes it would. I can't get on everyone elses case about doing the "I don't care" line and not get on yours. Wouldn't be fair.
That being said, I think that if there is one gang that you think there would be no way of your character interacting with or hearing much about, I could see maybe one of them receiving that type of treatment.
Apr 14 2008, 07:02 AM
That being said, I think that if there is one gang that you think there would be no way of your character interacting with or hearing much about, I could see maybe one of them receiving that type of treatment.
Taking a quick break from slaving away on taxes to say no, there are no exceptions.
Kingsgate is a very small, very enclosed little world. Everyone has heard at least
something about every one of the major players (i.e. the gangs) and most people have heard about the major individuals (e.g. Al Davis, Meltdown, Legion, etc.) to some extent as well.
So all takes must be completed for everyone.
Apr 14 2008, 07:03 AM
you could also try working from the "hear-say" angle and let Drip piece together his takes on account of what he hears from the other Gangers.
but i know what you mean gang takes are all mighty short too.
Apr 14 2008, 03:33 PM
Just try to look at things from your characters' perspectives. Takes are a chance to really get into their shoes, and let the world know how they feel about certain things. Unless I did them wrong, they were by far the easiest part of the character making process for me, mostly because I just let the character take control. What's hard for me is the crunching, converting hard numbers and lists over from character sheet to wiki, mostly because I have extreme ADD and having to mentally juggle lists is tough. That said, I think my takes could be longer, but we'll see when Sly is done.
Apr 14 2008, 03:51 PM
Dude, how much would a plain old ordinary backpack and a can of matte black spray paint cost? Can I just have em? I don't see any rules at all for containers What about a utility belt to hold my stuff at-hand?
Apr 14 2008, 04:31 PM
HavokSome people have paid up to
25 for a messenger bag/backpack like item so.. somewhere between 15-25 would be acceptable in my eyes nothing flashy just something to hold your crap.
As for the spray paint? I'd go
5 for it as long as it's just matte black paint with no other 'nifty' properties.
The utility belt... eh, I'm not so certain about that cost-wise. Let me think on it and get back to you unless Slip or WR chime in first
Apr 14 2008, 05:51 PM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond @ Apr 13 2008, 02:37 AM)
Again, not a GM here, but you might want to reconsider some of your skill choices. However we decide to expand on it, Software is going to be the skill used for BTL production, as per the SR4 book. The rest of the Electronics group, or Cracking skill group... not so much. In fact I'd go as far as to say I doubt any of us will be using Cracking at all in this game; but you especially as you don't have a single program that uses any of the Cracking skills, other than maybe Electronic Warfare. If I were you I'd be thinking more on the lines of being more combat-ready, and only taking Computer and Software skills on the electronics side, maybe Electronics SG at the most. YYMV, of course.
Besides, Drip's already got all of that. We don't need a
second character with little/no combat use, do we?
You're also missing a datajack.
@EyeThanks for the update and suggestion. The skills I put on the character sheet were temporary, since I didn't know what skills were to be used in BTL production. It will be updated as BTL production rules are set.
PS. what's YYMV? And why datajack? I don't see a point of having one if you have trode, but you might see something else I don't see.
Apr 14 2008, 05:58 PM
I was thinking we could use another serious decker for two reasons.
1. If we could set up a solid link up, we could make
off of it.
2. If we could own the airwaves in battle, we'd have a huge advantage. ie, we can share intel freely while they're essentially blind.
Apr 14 2008, 06:05 PM
@Vegas: I set aside 275 Nuyen, so as long as it's not more than that, we're all good. I'd like the backpack and utility belt to not take away from the benefit of the chameleon suit, that's the only thing about the paint. And I realize right now Sly is lugging around a serious amount of weight, but my program doesn't do weight calculations so I dont know exactly how overburdened he his. He'll offload a lot of crap at the new HQ as soon as possible, but right now he just has his stuff and nowhere to put it. I think Sly is ready for you and Slipshade's initial onceover, I finally finished gear and mechanics.
Apr 14 2008, 07:39 PM
Havok, Spark, NeuntoterJust a quick heads-up. We are in the process of starting your reviews of your characters. I've done my initial review and passed it on to Slip to discuss. We'll get back to you guys as soon as we can with any issues/changes that need to be made or clarified. Please be aware that WR is still in crunch time and then into recovery time this week. He hasn't forgotten about you guys, but it may take a little bit of time for him to get to your final reviews (this weekend or perhaps early next week).
Not trying to delay you guys from the game any longer than necessary, but I wanted you guys to have a heads up as to what's going on and where we're at currently in the review process.
Thanks for the patience!
Apr 14 2008, 07:43 PM
Appreciate it, Vegas. That'll give me some time to work on my places without having to worry about what my character's doing. Take all the time you need.
Apr 14 2008, 07:52 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 14 2008, 11:39 AM)
Havok, Spark, NeuntoterJust a quick heads-up. We are in the process of starting your reviews of your characters. I've done my initial review and passed it on to Slip to discuss. We'll get back to you guys as soon as we can with any issues/changes that need to be made or clarified. Please be aware that WR is still in crunch time and then into recovery time this week. He hasn't forgotten about you guys, but it may take a little bit of time for him to get to your final reviews (this weekend or perhaps early next week).
Not trying to delay you guys from the game any longer than necessary, but I wanted you guys to have a heads up as to what's going on and where we're at currently in the review process.
Thanks for the patience!
Any idea when I can get in?
Apr 14 2008, 09:41 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Apr 14 2008, 01:52 PM)
Any idea when I can get in?
Based on the fact that I don't think WR's gonna have much time to game this week, I wouldn't count on it before the weekend unless he can manage a miracle. Believe me it's not our intention to keep you guys waiting, only that the recruiting just happened to coincide with the US Tax deadlines which causes much stress, work (15 h our days) and other craziness in WR's life.
Please be patient Bearclaw. If there was ANYTHING I could do to push you into the game myself I would, but that's not my call and I don't want to step all over WR's plans and toes
Again, we're sorry for the delay.
Eyeless Blond
Apr 14 2008, 09:52 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Apr 14 2008, 10:58 AM)
I was thinking we could use another serious decker for two reasons.
1. If we could set up a solid link up, we could make
off of it.
2. If we could own the airwaves in battle, we'd have a huge advantage. ie, we can share intel freely while they're essentially blind.
While these are very good points, it rather depends on where WR wants to go with the Matrix stuff. Thus far we've been very explicitly departing from canon when it comes to messaging in a dead/static zone (not that the rules themselves are very good, or even very clear about exactly what is supposed to happen, but I digress). I'm not sure how much I want to nag him with a bunch of hacker crap; he's already gone on record as hating the 4e Matrix, and frankly I agree with him.
Kinda ironic that I'm the one with the big--well, metaphorically big, anyway!
--hacker character, huh?
Apr 14 2008, 10:31 PM
QUOTE (Havok @ Apr 14 2008, 10:51 AM)
Dude, how much would a plain old ordinary backpack and a can of matte black spray paint cost? Can I just have em? I don't see any rules at all for containers What about a utility belt to hold my stuff at-hand?
Nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah, nah-nah...
Apr 15 2008, 01:41 AM
I am the Dorkness, I am the Slight, I am.... Slyman!
I was mostly thinking like the belt the Covert Ops Specialist is shown wearing in the SR4 base book.
Apr 15 2008, 08:29 AM
just a heads up, it just occurred to me i might have forgotten to actually pay for Will's suitcase. if that is indeed the case i will just scrap the earplugs for it.
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