Here's some rough ideas, I'm not married to any of the concepts. Give me a holler if you're interested, if not I've got plenty more. Only one of the concepts is underage, and that is Feeler
Dante, former combat biker
Dante was living the good life up until fairly recently as the rising star of combat biking. He was good. Really good. And in that statement was his problem, because Dante was also cocky as hell and not afraid to show it. And being cocky in the world of combat biking gets you killed, real quick. His real ability was his speed and maneuverability, having had the money to pay for Wired Reflexes 3 was a real asset. Unfortunately, he wasn't quick enough one night, as Ludo's trollish bouncers started to work on him. Dante survived, but barely, and his Wired Reflexes were damaged in the fight. At the same time, there was a new prodigy on the field by the name of Flash McGee, an adept with lightning-fast reflexes and a penchant for berserker rages. Dante was finished... Destitute, nowhere to turn for help, Dante turned to the only people who were ecstatic to see him... the gangers. Those who could afford a TV knew who he was, even if they didn't know what had happened. He had just "worked his way up" to the Brickhouse Boys before that fateful night happened, and his reflexes were the only thing that saved him from the carnage that night. Notes: Dante has a malfunctioning Wired Reflexes (3) unit with a funky side effect. It functions just as a Wired Reflexes (2) except that sometimes his unit will spasm and basically send him into a seizure (up to the DM when this happens). To counter that, he needs to spend every round he has the Wired Reflexes active performing at least two actions per round. This leads to him constantly twitching and pacing. Has skills in Monowhips, Bikes, Intimidation, and Dodge.
Todd Mcclain, the guy to go to
Everyone has a dealer, a guy to buy stuff from. Everyone has a fence. Todd used to be that guy. The guy that knows everyone worth knowing, the guy that can get you the stuff you need without asking questions. Then he made the wrong sell to the wrong people and started a gang war, or at least people are happy to blame him for it. Now, cut off from his former contacts in the big gangs, Todd is trying to work his way back up from the damned streets once again. The promising gang he'd had his eyes on, the Brickhouse Boys, well now they'd just gone and gotten themselves shot up. What the hell was the world coming to anyways? Notes: Has a lot of contacts in gangs like the Ancients, the Spikes, even shadowrunner contacts, but has the Hung out to Dry flaw and can't buy it back with Karma. He has to roleplay re-initiating those contacts and oh yeah they've all changed their numbers. Has a lot of social skills and a lot of contacts. Still has a fair amount of money left over from his dealing days, and a lot of the former Brickhouse Boys know Todd and/or bought from/sold to him when he was a "big boy".
Doc Havok, street doc
Everyone needs love sometimes, even gangers. And love is about all Doc Havok is good at. Sure, maybe he used to be a great doctor. Maybe he used to be one of the pioneers of cybertech. That was all before the alcohol set in. Now, the gangers are the only ones willing to trust their lives with someone as shady as Doc Havok has become. Notes: Being one of the former forerunners in cybertechnology, Doc has a 3 in cybertechnology with a specialization in bodyware giving him a 5 total, with a 4 in first aid. To balance that out, he has Addiction: Burnout (Alcohol) and is often wasted when operating on a patient. If the gang can get him back on his feet, he could prove a powerful asset (Any and all karma earned MUST go towards buying off his alcohol addiction before Doc can advance any of his skills, and the gang has to take steps to help him get over his addiction.) Has medical skills, knowledge skills, and a high intelligence tempered by alcohol poisoning.
Axe, ganger soldier
Ever heard about the guy you don't fuck with? "Yeah, that's Axe over there. Dont fuck with him" is right. Axe is one of the most brutal and violent of all the gangers in town. Not only did he survive the bloodshed on that fateful night, Axe thrived on it, hunting rival gang members down in the streets howling for blood. If only he had been a troll, the Spikes might have taken him, but nobody cares about a lone orc wreaking havoc in the streets. Axe barely manages to keep himself contained at the moment, but the first person to piss him off better watch the fuck out. Note: Due to the nature of this character, he may be inappropriate for this game. Axe is by far the most likely character to incite war among the gangs again, and if theres not a powerful leader figure to keep him in check he might very well bring doom down upon the ganger family. He's a very powerful, very durable soldier and a great asset if used properly, but I won't bring him out unless theres a PC leader figure who's willing to step up and put him in his place. On the other hand, if there is a strong leader figure, Axe will follow him to hell and back.
Feeler, techiebopper
Feeler is that kid that just wants somebody to love him. Since the tender age of 2 years old, Feeler has been taking toys apart and putting them back together. The kid is a technical genius, and can not only drive your car to him remotely, he can have it kick you out and then start taking itself apart. Feeler can tear down and rebuild almost anything the gangers are likely to encounter, and is unfailingly loyal to one of the PCs, but beware. If his loyalty is even once damaged in the slightest, it will be shattered forever. Needs a strong father figure to play under. Note: Feeler was a 13 yr old technojunkie manning a chop shop who was just kicking back and having a good time until the war. Now, the war changed something in him and his ideology has been shattered. Has mechanical build/repair skills, and not much else. Slightly obsessed with one of the PCs, Feeler even goes to the point of idolizing him and has a shrine somewhere in his shop.