Okay, since I did things all wonky like in my own inimitable fashion it seems I owe a more complete 'character concept' than the really badly chopped up one I PMed (and good thing, because I had to make significant changes...) and the semi-generic one I posted here with the bad 'hide' tags before the edit.
Thus, I give you the complete Maus*:
And apologies for the length and any presumptions that require correction, I've tried to account for all the comments I've read so far. I expanded the original background for him to include more details and to account for things that came out of the creation process (such as contacts).
[ Spoiler ]
He was born to a Kyrgizstani whore of the Vory z Zakone, a nameless woman brought over to work as a sex slave in one of their many brothels. He doesn't know her name, doesn't know how he avoided being aborted. He certainly doesn't know who his father was, its doubtful anyone does. What he remembers is that he lived a somewhat quiet, benevolently neglected existence in a big, dark house filled with people. He remembers something terrible happening, though he is fuzzy on the details as he was very young, and he remembers being chased from the house and locked out. After a few miserable days of starvation he fell in with a gang of feral street kids of mixed origins where he learned the streets, learned to survive.
That is where he got the name Maus, one of the older kids gave it too him.
Life is hard for feral children, as hard as it is on anyone in the barrens. Meaner Ghouls prey on them for food, as do some of the wild critters, feral dog packs and the like. They survive without shelter, hunting rats for food, scavenging and stealing whatever they can. They are little better than smart animals, and many people, including gangs, consider them nothing more than vermin.
So it was that an Orkish gang known as the Dog Boys wiped out Maus's little pack one day, as these things go. Like a lot of gangs, they didn't mind taking in some of the older survivors as potential recruits. Sort of. The Dog Boys main activity was running dog fights. Dog fights, cock fights, rat fights... anything they could get people to sit down and watch, and bet on. The bloodier the better. They had no intention of adding some half starved, snot nosed pink brats to their gang, but making them fight each other? That was money.
Maus's first fights were against his own brothers. They were to the death. He was 10. Maybe. Later they pitted him against dogs. As long as he won, he stayed alive. As long as he made them money they treated him alright, like a prize animal. He lived in a cage, was trained, well fed, even rewarded for his victories. Training was inhuman, discipline was absolute, and Maus was a champion.
He survived four years, until Lonestar broke up a fight after learning some corp citizens, slumming for the bloodsports had been killed over gambling debts and came in with a vengence. Maus was still in the pit and he was sentenced to three years for aggravated assault at the Port Orchard Pit. He hadn't won yet or his sentence would have been much worse.
Once in the prison, essentially a giant walled yard with minimal facilities within and all important services built into the walls. The incarcerated Dog Boys wanted to keep Maus under their thumb, the Humanis prison gang wanted him to join their gang. Maus shocked everyone by simply refusing to do anything. That sort of thing never goes over well, and despite the fact that the guards really only cared that the prisoners didn't murder one another, sent someone to shank the upstart. Maus, operating on finely honed instinct killed him. Despite the Self Defense plea, he got 6 months of Solitary confinement with mandatory SIM immersion in a psychotherapy SIM. The plan was for 8 hours a day, but since no one was paid to care, he spent the entire period on a medical tray with his brain being pumped full of psychotropic commands.
Despite the brutality of the treatment, its the only reason Maus is able to function even remotely as a human being instead of a beast.
Once out the Guards recruited him for their own amusement to fight in the 'pit' in the prison yard. They 'taught' him, typically with shock rods, that obeying them, and not killing his opponents, were good things. The rest of the time he spent with the old yard birds, the lifers that no one cared about, who were beyond the prison gang set. They became, for a time, his new 'gang', they were just as happy to have the strapping young fighter to stand up for them against the occasional harassment.
After his three years were up he was released with a shiny new barcode tattoo of his criminal SIN on the back of his right hand, and utterly unequipped for the free world quickly found himself back in the barrens, where he fell in with the Brickhouse Boys, who wasted little time jumping in the bruiser. Not having much use for a pit fighter, they put him to work in one of their Chop Shops, where he put skills learned in the 'prisoner training program' to work for all the wrong reasons. One of his other duties was to go around and shake down Pimps for the BB's cut, and on multiple occasions to apply some pain to one who was a little to rough with his girls. Maus became a pretty regular face to the various working girls in that part of town, and a somewhat welcome one.
But Maus was a creature of habit, an animal learning to become a man by imitation, and he missed the fights. So while the rest of the Brickhouse Boys were partying it up, he could be found in gutted warehouses and overgrown lots fighting people for money, for a cut of the bets on him, or even because his 'manager', Gregor thought someone needed some hurt on them and was willing to pay for the priviledge. As long as Maus shared the wealth, the rest of the gang were cool with it.
Of course, like any ganger, Maus did lots of things, mostly things involving muscles and pain. Sometimes he did it because the gang needed muscle, sometimes he did it because Gregor told him to. He did home invasions, rumbled against other gangs with his brothers, and commonly was the goto guy to get rid of a body. That's when Maus got the chainsaw. Its also how he met 'Tock' a relatively intelligent ghoul who happened to speak Maus's mother tongue exclusively, and a great way to get rid of unwanted meat, no questions asked.
* NOTE* Nearly everything that follows from this point is written from the assumption that the Crash/Event that shattered most or all of the feeder gangs occur at some point in the past, as the game is already on going. I have no intention of stepping on GM toes, and if inappropriate it can be viewed as a guideline of how he WOULD act if other PC's did not get involved. The only thing I foresee needing a 'rewrite' if that view is taken is establishing a more solid historical link to Gracie, the 1/1 hooker contact, the work of moments.
However, even if that is the case, and the following is best ignored, I should point out that full description of the character physically and psychologically, along with a very brief summation of the core concept and theme of the character all follow at the end. *END NOTE*
It was during one of these side jobs that the Brickhouse Boys got burnt out. All he knows is that he came back to the chopshop where he lived and worked and found it a burnt out wreck. None of his calls to other members of the gang were answered, and no matter where he looked, he couldn't find them. Being a creature of near obsessive habit, along with being highly conditioned to look to his leaders for instructions, Maus fell into a routine of patrolling the Brickhouse Boys former turf, crashing with an endless sea of faceless prosituites or sympathetic souls. He also turned to Gregor for more work than ever, more fights. Not quite willing to accept Gregor as a 'leader', he managed to avoid attaching himself to the old man like a lost dog, barely.
One of Maus's regular stops is one of the few Brickhouse Boy 'family' he could find, Gracie. Her full time pimp was among the presumed dead, and she needed protection from the sharks. Maus needed 'family' for guidance and an uncomfortable arrangement formed. Maus seperates the world into to catagories, people who give him orders, and people he can Hurt. Gracie stands with one foot in each world... as the only surviving BB he can find, she is his default leader, as a hooker and incidentally someone who is utterly incapable of hurting him, she's definitely someone he could hurt. Worse, since Maus tends to mimic the behavior he sees, he knows he's supposed to order her around, maybe slap her some, and take her money. However, he doesn't know how to take charge, no one tells him when he's supposed to slap her, and when he does take her money its entirely at random because he never learned how pimps do it. And since Pimps are REALLY someone he's supposed to hurt, he's very uncomfortable trying to be one.
Gracie, for her part, doesn't like hooking much, doesn't want a pimp and doesn't much feel like taking care of a lummox, much less letting him take her hard earned money whenever he feels like it. On the other hand she does need him to keep the real bastards at bay, and occasionally, very occasionally, she feels sorry for him. And for all his faults he's far from the worst pimp she's had, though when he comes to her bleeding and unwilling or unable to fix himself up, or he spends the night with her, interfering with her life or work, she really tends to resent him.
Maus is a near OCD creature of habit. He has several identical pairs of pants, all carefully cleaned and pressed. Several identical belts and at least two identical pairs of highly shined black leather work boots. that is the utter sum of his wardrobe. Lacking any other motivation he rises each day at the same time (an hour before dawn) and walks the exact same route around the Brickhouse former territory, and at nearly the exact same time everyday, at the exact same spot outside the burnt out chop shop he freezes for less than a single second in mid stride before continuing on, usually ending in the same empty lot where he waits, unmoving, until Gregor, or anyone, shows to offer him work, a fight, or even simple coversation. If no one shows he waits until the sun rises (or a close approximation, this is Seattle after all) before moving on.
Through the day he'll typically make the same stops, talk to the same people if they are there, even repeat verbatim the simple conversations he has.
It is important to realize that this is not an actual compulsion, but simply the only way he knows how to act in the absence of family, in the absence of a leader figure(s). It is a holding pattern. And it is not as inflexible as compulsion. At some point in the day he'll decide to make arrangements for the night's lodgings. At some point in the day one of the dozens of nameless children in the hood will swing by with a couple of dead rats or a cat for his food in return for money or a favor. He'll do odd jobs that people ask of him, ranging from the benign (fixing a car, putting shingles on a roof) to the diabolic (torturing a man to death for whatever reason), though he knows enough never to do it for 'free'. As lives go, its remarkably similar to the life he lived with his brothers.
It should be noted that he is almost impossible to provoke into random violence. A direct attack will earn a direct response, and orders are obeyed as a general rule, but even the greatest provocation only spurs him to look around for someone to tell him what to do. Even when violence is expected of him he will wait, straining at a leash only he can see until someone says 'go'. Anyone will do, its the permission he needs. Luckily almost all organized fights have someone to start them...
Maus is a distinctive figure wherever he goes. Tall enough to look a grown Ork in the eye and muscular enough to arm wrestle them, he is a huge slab of carved meat. The 'Star' electrochemically removed all of his hair as part of their delousing program, and he never thought to have it reversed. A nearly pure protein diet as a child, and the 'training' the Dog Boys gave him ensured he grew up big. He looks to be about 20 or so, though he doesn't know his own age, and depending on the angle could pass as any number of ethnic types. Kyrgiz are swarthy asiatic types, and whatever his father was levied it enough that he could be just about anything. Not that its uncommon in 2070, or in the barrens in particular. So nobody much worries about where this 'not quite dark, not quite asian' human came from, they hear his thick russian accent and that's all they care about. Aside from a shockingly small collection of battle scars, he has only two distinctive marks: the Criminal SIN barcode on his right hand, and a vulgar phrase in cyrillic down his left forearm.
He is moderately handsome and graceful for his bulk.
His look, as it is unchanging, is pretty recognizable as well. He wears heavy duty work pants, baggy to allow for easy movement, belted (black synthleather and steel buckle) and shiney black stomper boots. That's it. Regardless of rain or cold or even fights. His eyes are often hidden behind mirrored shades, and when he's fighting or doing such nasty business as home invasions he'll strap on a face mask that looks like a post industrial hockey mask made of ballistic resin and hammered iron. These days he is rarely found without his truly ancient duffle bag, so old its original color is hidden entirely under greasy oily stains, black and wretchedly filthy. It contains exactly three baseball bats (one of wood, one of aluminum and one of polycarbonate resin... added to the game in 2034...), his favorite weapon, and one he is a near master of. He can occasionally wax poetic about the virtues of each material, the sound they make against bone, and so forth, but he prefers to reserve that for when it is needed. He also carries his chainsaw, great for doors, rough 'chop jobs' on cars when speed is more important than value, and the turning the occasional body into ghoul chow. it also has some plastic bags, both empty and full of his very neatly pressed pants.
It also has his battered old Warhawk and a single bullet. This is purely a 'motivational tool'. He has no idea if it even works, but he does know that making a show out of slotting the bullet, spinning the chamber and pointing it is wonderful at getting people to do what he wants. He has never thought that he might use it to actually shot someone deliberately.
He speaks slowly, with great deliberation, and with a lot of clipped words, particularly in English. In Russian, he is still slow and careful but the words flow quite a bit smoother. In some ways his English is like his movements, lacking extra flare and very deliberate. Maus still has a habit of keeping his movements to a minimum to avoid 'discipline'. He will never move his arm if just his hand is enough. This only looks a little odd. In fights he uses bursts of movement alternating with stillness as he waits for an opening or an attack, though he becomes almost balletic in the ring when he does move. He is utterly sure of himself and fearless.
When fighting unarmed, Maus is a pure grappler. Only rarely does he actually hit or kick anyone, and then only to soften them up. He has been known, when the occasion calls for it, to simply fold his opponent up until their bones break, up to and including necks and spines. With a ball bat, or other club, he is a surgeon, taking them apart with precision developed over hundreds or even thousands of fights.
The Character was started from the pure concept of 'pitbull on a leash'. Those four words fairly sum up the essentials of the character. As the concept was fleshed out, and the character written, a theme was added. That theme is easily reduced to 'The Animal learns to become a Man'. As this is already MUCH longer than I anticipated, I will leave off trying to explain every single facet of the character as built in an earlier post (why first Impression, why put points in Edge, why Incompetent with Computers and what does that mean...) unless asked to.
Mar 25 2008, 06:31 PM
SpikeThere's nothing wrong with everyone potentially being someone to hurt before he joins the gang. Hell look at Grack's takes. They fit his character to a "T" and are all about how he would kill each and every gangmate
Just be creative with them.
First once over here's what I've found:
* You spent 210 (not 200) on Mental/Physical attributes + 20 for edge for a total of 230 (you have that it was 220) Need to drop an attribute by 1.
* Take out the skills you don't have points in, no need to list skills you'll default on.
* Can you (for me, pretty please) fix the specializations in your skills list to be like: Unarmed Combat (Subdual) and for the actual numbers have them be 2(+2) or 2 (4) which ever you prefer?
* Your commlink needs to have an OS to be functional, which will cause you to adjust your limited gear.
There are a couple of other things that WR, Slip and I will have to discuss:
* You've got 2 knowledges @ 4, honestly I don't have a problem with it since one is a language
* Incompetent is a restricted flaw, and while you're taking it for the computer skill it will have to be approved by WR.
Thats what I've caught so far. I'm sure I could have missed something else
Mar 25 2008, 06:45 PM
Hey guys, sorry for the long absent. I had RL situation and wasn't able to be online for last week or so.
Well, here's Alex, similar origin, but drastic change in the life after living in the streets of Redmond.
[ Spoiler ]
Name: Alex Cole
Street Name:
Sex: M
Age: 19
Race/Metatype: Ork, mix of Black and Asian.
Alex was born and raised in Auburn, an area ruled by small ganger known as Blood Brothers (mixed races of ethnic group of Blacks). His parents, blue-collar workers in the local factory were poor, but loving and caring. The problem, however, was that they are human. Back then, and still is in the present, Auburn has disproportionate amount of metahumans, and many of anti-meta humanis groups were stirring problems to escalate conflicts. His parents were framed to be one of humanis group member, and they are responsible for the recent violent death of young Ork girl. They were killed week after they got framed by the mobs of angry Ork parents, and Alex was taken cared by the Blood Brothers at the age of 7.
The Blood Brothers taught Alex know-how of surviving in the street over the course of next few years, knowing that Alex cannot stay in Auburn for what his parents may or may not did. When Blood Brothers taught simple and basic, but essential knowledge and skills to survive in the street, he was sent to Redmond. If he survives, maybe there is hope and place for him. If he doesn't, well, that's what you get for being son of humanis club.
Alex was left alone in the streets of Redmond Barren, at the age of 8. During the first year in the street, it looked like he wasn't going to see next year. All the knowledge and skills taught by the Blood Brothers were useful and essential for the surviving, and he used well to survive. Only problem was his physical fitness. Being a young, frightened, and weak human child and practice of malnutrition out in the street have cost his health. Right before his 9th birthday on the same year, he met his savior and sensei.
His savior/sensei was a not-so-talented decker, who does the counterfeiting credsticks, BTL producing, and occasional prostitution for living. Her name was Myst, although there was not a single thing that was mysterious about her, except her past. She had lost memory of her past by the unknown virus attack at Seattle's Matrix RTG, March of that year. It didn't matter too much for Alex, although she sometimes become psychotic bitch-of-the-year, she does provide him a roof-over-head. Alex, in return did errands and chores for her little apartment home.
Next year, around late September, Alex was in agonizing pain for several days, which was caused by Goblinization of him. When the pain did subdue, he became an Ork. Myst seemed not caring whether Alex just went through Goblinization and turned into an Ork. Several days after Alex's Goblinization, however, she started to teach him the bit of combative moves as well as variety of firearms, telling him he need to learn these to become a personal body guard of sort when she's meeting with the BTL / counterfeit dealers for her protection.
The real suprise came in Alex's 12th birthday. Ever since Alex's parents were killed by the mob, he never received any birthday present. But this year, Myst gave him a very special birthday present. A deck. It was made out of many other junks, but functional. Myst told Alex, he need to start learning how to do the BTL producing and counterfeiting credsticks, since he's starting to eating too much. Alex wasn't as smart as Myst, but he was able to absorb all the teaching given to him with pure effort. Within six months time, he was able to produce BTL and counterfeit credsticks.
Life became easier for both, after Alex was able to bring in some money. But life in the street is always unpredictable. One day, in the fall of '64, when Alex was doing little errand of delivering BTL to the local dealer, Myst was on Matrix as usual. Then Matrix crashed for the second time. This time Myst wasn't as lucky as before, gotten her killed by the crash. When Alex returned to the joint, Myst seemed just fine. Just enjoying her time at the Matrix as usual, he thought and left her alone till dinner time. When Myst wasn't jacking out from the Matrix, far pass the dinner time, Alex got worried but left her alone. Next morning when he woke up, Myst was still at the connection, not even touched her dinner or moved her muscle. Alex, worried and wanting to find out what's going on, he went close to Myst, found out she's not breathing. He quickly jacked her out of Matrix and tries to revive her, but it was just hopeless.
After several days of mourning, he picked up the body of Myst and went to the morgue to cremate her. Alex kept little bit of ash in a locket, which he always wears around his neck. When he came back to the joint, he started packing his and Myst's stuffs. Packing didn't take that much time since they both didn't have too much stuff to start with. When the packing was done, he picked up the bag, looked around the joint for one last time, and left.
For the next couple of years, he made harsh streets as his home, moving one place to another constantly dodging out of cold grip of death that seems to lurking everywhere. Because he was constantly on the move, he has been almost everywhere in the Redmond, except couple of places like 162s and Black Plague's turf, and made quite a few contacts in the gangs and the people around the Redmond.
Many gangs offered him to join their gang, but he couldn't settle in on one place as Alex wanted to be just left alone. But just last month, he finally settled in an apartment near the Kirkland City Park. With a young girl who resembles strikingly resembles Myst of the past.
As soon as Alex and the girl settle in their new home, the gang war started in the Redmond.
For the fear of getting killed by this war between gangs, and leaving this young girl out on the street to live the life like him, made him to stay at home most of the month. But home wasn't and couldn't be the safest place when gang war was going on everywhere. On October 29th, while Alex was out to go grab some food from the store, another fire fight broke in the neighborhood. As he hurried back to home, he saw the Raiders leaving the area. When he got home, there was bullet holes everywhere, smoke from the burning was filled the air. Alex called out the young girl's name, but no answer. When he got to the front door, he saw the girl lying in the middle of the puddle, made from her blood.
And, here's his personality.
[ Spoiler ]
Alex, after many deaths of the ones he love and care, has bit of personality issues. First, he's depressed. Lost his parents at young age, lost his savior/sensei when he thought life is going to be easy, and now seeing the dead body of a girl who he swore he's going to protect, if it wasn't the harsh life in the streets of Redmond, he probably have lost his mind, but he have kept his sanity, although he have lost the joy. Next, becoming an Ork through Goblinization has put him in a love/hate relation of himself. He did kicked out of his home, because his parents being human, by the neighboring Ork parents. It would be fair to say he doesn't like the Orks, if not hate. But he is an Ork. This fact put him in a love/hate feeling of himself. And lastly, he is afraid of being attach to a person or people emotionally. He feels that everyone he cared have died, whether it's his fault or not, and tries to keep a space between himself and others, emotionally.
I know I've been keep changing the story and what not. I hope this would be the last time.
Well, tell me if these are okay w/ WR or not, and where should it be changed to be in the game.