Dec 20 2010, 01:19 AM
sorry, I'm confused - is my initiative 10? So Alex, you rolled init for the earth spirit?
Whatever the init order is, I'm going to have the spirit (possessing me) use Concealment on Step, me, and any other 3 teammates in my LOS. I'm guessing that could be Flash, Mitnick, and Raven? Since Angel is running for her bike?
Dec 20 2010, 01:20 AM
I don't think Mr. Troll is you.

Dec 20 2010, 01:33 AM
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 20 2010, 09:04 AM)

We'll wait and see since it isn't his turn yet.
This threw me, thought since....ah, I'm just confused. My bad.
Ok, Init 6, wound -1, so 5d6 =
4 hitsLudo Init: 10 (1)
(heh, maybe it WAS Ludo, and Alex is psychic

*edit* Spirit initiative:
11 (3) (Astral init)
So the Spirit holds it's action, and on Ludo's 10, gets
commanded asked to possess Ludo and use Concealment
Dec 20 2010, 01:45 AM
General car stoppage on previous shots.
Dec 20 2010, 03:58 AM
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 19 2010, 09:51 PM)

Two more quick shots followed as she headed for her bike and perhaps more importantly, her shotgun.
Ah, I'd been wondering why you were so interested in getting you your bike

Edit: Also, updated my init post on the last page.
Dec 20 2010, 05:16 AM
You could also update the init post with these values:
Mr. Troll? - 10 (2)
Flash - 7 (2)
Dec 20 2010, 05:18 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 19 2010, 03:55 PM)

I'll do a new little table here and update as people roll to help keep track of things
CT 2 Init (passes).....
MITNick - ??? (1)
Flash - ??? (2)
Edit: Updated as of post 1004
MITNick's Init is 10 w/ 1 IP
Link 2 pages back
Dec 20 2010, 08:53 AM
CT 2 / IP 1 / Init 13On her first action on turn 2, Raven will move into full cover and turn invisible (
3 hits), the spell being sustained by her sustaining focus.
Drain DV 2S
Dec 20 2010, 10:44 AM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 20 2010, 03:58 AM)

Ah, I'd been wondering why you were so interested in getting you your bike

Edit: Also, updated my init post on the last page.
Of course, if there is a troll on the other team, she might just have to ram him
Dec 20 2010, 02:53 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus4.0 @ Dec 20 2010, 12:18 AM)

MITNick's Init is 10 w/ 1 IP
Link 2 pages backThat was for CT 1, you have to roll new init each combat turn.
Dec 20 2010, 04:13 PM
So it looks like with Raven turning invisible, only Step has yet to act before the gangers on Turn #2.
Dec 20 2010, 04:41 PM
Hmm.... What to do with the brand new car...
CT 2 IP 1
Free action: turn on the car
Simple action: Command car to drive forward at full tilt, stop if it detects a potential collision (hoping to leave them standing around where the car was, depriving them of cover)
Simple action: Begin hacking into the non-hidden commlink Step saw earlier, will require another simple action next IP to get the actual roll.
Dec 21 2010, 04:12 AM
Angel's actions will depend on whether she's being shot at or not.
Dec 21 2010, 04:19 AM
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 20 2010, 11:12 PM)

Angel's actions will depend on whether she's being shot at or not.
Amazing how large an effect that can have on one's short term decisions
Dec 21 2010, 07:46 AM
Ok, now, I'm confused. I'm going to have to keep better notes on initiative. It looks like everyone has had a chance to fill in the gaps on CT 1, IP 1&2.
Is that correct? I don't want to miss anyone.
Once we are ready to proceed to CT 2, IP1, we'll get this show back on the road.
Dec 21 2010, 10:01 AM
I have already posted my first action for CT2.

Dec 21 2010, 04:04 PM
@Alex: Everyone is done for turn 1. Raven, Step and Ludo have posted for turn 2, IP 1
Dec 22 2010, 12:15 AM
Init CT#2: 9
Base 7 : Results:3 5 4 4 2 1 5
Was observing from cover (partial?) on round one. Looking for Step to see what kind of condition she's in to grab her and get her into cover, render aid. Probably fire some random shots in the direction of the gangers as he moves towards her with his Ruger. Not expecting to hit anything but hoping the report from the big gun will encourage them to get down instead of shooting.
Dec 22 2010, 05:37 AM
SO, I think I have this right. Karma to each of you for allowing me to be a bit dense and an extra one to Karoline who I am cribbing off of.
CT 2 Init (passes)
Raven - 13 (4)
Step - 12 (3)
Baddies - 11 (2)
Angel - 11 (2)
Earth spirit - 11 (3)
Ludo - 10 (1)
Mr. Troll? - 10 (2)
MITNick - 9 (1)
Flash - 7 (2)
Now, if I have this right, I have CT-2/P-1 posts from Raven (Thanee), Step (Karoline) and Angel (Zyerne). I don't from the rest of you. If that is right, then it's my turn. If I have missed something, then please correct me.
Dec 22 2010, 05:54 AM
You could move her behind a plascrete wall around the air conditioning system - assuming it is unlocked.
Dec 22 2010, 06:03 AM
Hell if we're going to be on the ground, the AC system should be cover enough. How wounded is she looking?
Dec 22 2010, 06:07 AM
It's ugly, but probably not immediately life threatening.
To be clear on the air conditioner/wall placement:
| |
| AC |
| |
Dec 22 2010, 09:53 AM
Is it obvious where/how bad she's hit?
Dec 22 2010, 12:46 PM
You also have Ludo's - Spirit holding, Ludo then commanding it to possess him and use conceal.
To clarify Angel's - Holding in case Full Defense is neccessary.
Dec 22 2010, 03:23 PM
And my apologies if I've added to the confusion by declaring actions out of turn - I just wanted to get it in there so there'd be no waiting on me, in case...
CT#2, IP#1 was declared above, will happen after baddies and maybe simul. with Mr. Troll?
Dec 22 2010, 04:27 PM
I love how Mr. Troll? now officially has a question mark as part of his name

@Fist OOC she is very heavily injured. IC you can likely see a fairly serious wound in side, but that is for Alex to decide.
Dec 22 2010, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (Alex @ Dec 21 2010, 11:37 PM)

CT 2 Init (passes)
Raven - 13 (4)
Step - 12 (3)
Baddies - 11 (2)
Angel - 11 (2)
Earth spirit - 11 (3)
Ludo - 10 (1)
Mr. Troll? - 10 (2)
MITNick - 9 (1)
Flash - 7 (2)
Now, if I have this right, I have CT-2/P-1 posts from Raven (Thanee), Step (Karoline) and Angel (Zyerne). I don't from the rest of you. If that is right, then it's my turn. If I have missed something, then please correct me.
We're all anxiously awaiting your post.
Dec 22 2010, 09:54 PM
QUOTE (Karoline @ Dec 22 2010, 11:27 AM)

I love how Mr. Troll? now officially has a question mark as part of his name

@Fist OOC she is very heavily injured. IC you can likely see a fairly serious wound in side, but that is for Alex to decide.
Thanks. Blood splatter tends o be fairly obvious. I'll get an IC post up once I get through the list of things I need to be doing. Besides, I'm late in the IP anyway.
Dec 22 2010, 10:20 PM
Once we have dealt with those gangers, Raven will heal Step's injuries, but the Heal spell takes quite a few combat rounds before it becomes permanent, so it's more of an after combat spell. Besides, waiting for someone to have a try at First Aid first is always a good idea.

Dec 23 2010, 04:13 AM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Dec 22 2010, 05:20 PM)

Once we have dealt with those gangers, Raven will heal Step's injuries, but the Heal spell takes quite a few combat rounds before it becomes permanent, so it's more of an after combat spell. Besides, waiting for someone to have a try at First Aid first is always a good idea.

Yeah, you have to love the oddity of being able to first aid then heal, but not heal then first aid

It is important to notice that even though the healing doesn't become permanent until the end, it does still heal them right away, so it still works as a patch in combat, though the mage is at a disadvantage while sustaining it (unless they have a focus they can toss it into). This can be really handy for getting a sam back on their feet or something mid combat, but won't do alot for Step as she's really just suffering a -2 penalty for it right now. The attackers aren't likely to keep shooting at someone who looks like they've been fully taken out already.
Dec 23 2010, 06:22 AM
G1G2 G3
Parked cars Car Parked cars
Parked cars Parked cars
Parked cars Parked cars
--- S L
| | R M
Dec 23 2010, 06:45 AM
Alex, a quick clarification please. You said 3 passes for Angel to reach her bike. Assuming you weren't including Step's 3rd pass, I make it she's been running for 2, will make it on her next pass and be able to interact with it the one after.
Is that what you were thinking?
Dec 23 2010, 07:00 AM
The above is a rough approximation of where everyone is (with 'E' representing the earth elemental). The box is the walled enclosure for the AC unit.
The only helpful cover would be the parked cars in the lot.
CT-2, P-1
G1 aiming at
FlashAutomatics 6 -
[2,4,3,3,4,2] = 0 hits
4P + 0 = 4P
G2 aiming at
FlashAutomatics 6 -
[5,4,5,2,2,4] = 2 hits
4P + 2 = 6P
G3 aiming at
AngelAutomatics 8 -
[3,6,4,4,4,2,2,6] = 2 hits
4P + 2 = 6P
Dec 23 2010, 07:01 AM
QUOTE (Zyerne @ Dec 23 2010, 12:45 AM)

Alex, a quick clarification please. You said 3 passes for Angel to reach her bike. Assuming you weren't including Step's 3rd pass, I make it she's been running for 2, will make it on her next pass and be able to interact with it the one after.
Is that what you were thinking?
Yes, that works with what I'm thinking. The map is definitely NOT to scale.
Dec 23 2010, 07:06 AM
In that case, full defense this IP, then... actually...
Let me see how any return fire goes before make the call on the second IP.
Full Dodge (8d6.hits(5)=3)If it's ok, I'll make a single post for Angel when we get to IP2.
Dec 23 2010, 01:44 PM
Flash: Turn #2, Pass #1REA(4)
[6,2,4,5] = 2 hits;
Attacker gets 0 net hitsAgility(4) + Automatics(4) + Spec: SMG(2) + SG(2) + Recoil(-2)
[3,3,5,2,3,5,2,3,6,6] = 4 hits
Long, narrow burst: DV10 + Net Hits
Dec 23 2010, 04:36 PM
Seeing that things are a little chaotic... maybe we could write a small identifier into the IC&OOC posts during combat, indicating the CT and IP this post belongs to (i.e. CT 2 / IP 1 / Init 13)? Would that help?
Dec 23 2010, 05:23 PM
Not a bad idea. We all clearly know where we are, and the time isn't changing much in combat. Perhaps for combat situations, we should replace the time/place stamp in the first line with combat round and initiative phase?
Dec 23 2010, 05:27 PM
Roll to Render First Aid
Logic 4, Med kit 5
-2 Conditions (Street) -2 Technomancer
Results:5 4 2 5 2
(reroll failures) 1 1 5
Edge used to reroll
Dec 23 2010, 05:38 PM
I have updated both my "in combat" posts with the appropriate info.
Dec 23 2010, 09:15 PM
Excellent ideas. Keep it up.
Dec 24 2010, 03:05 AM
Dec 24 2010, 04:04 AM
So CT#2, IP1, Init 10:
Ludo asks the spirit to use Concealment on all visible teammates, those being Step, Mitnick, Flash and Angel (I think Raven is now invisible? If he can see her, he'll also try to Conceal her too). He won't use Concealment on himself. The spirit will be possessing Ludo to accomplish this. So this IP, the spirit will possess Ludo. Next pass will have to be the Concealing.
When the spirit possesses Ludo, his new stats are:
S:11 A:7 R:7 B:11
C:5 I:5 L:5 W:5
Init:12 IP:2
So next pass, Ludo-spirit's new initiative order will be 12 +
6 hits =
18*edit* And this is the first time I've ever played a possession-mage, so if anything I do is incomplete/incorrect/just plain wrong, please say so
Dec 24 2010, 10:04 AM
Will those affected know they've been Concealed? Might affect Angel's plans if so.
On another note, I'm sure Christmas is going to affect us all but for my part I'm gonna be away 'til at least Tuesday. I'll have net access but unless someone else takes a laptop I'll be fighting a sick kid (mine) for a comp. We all know who's gonna win that one so I'll likely be a bit spotty for the next few days.
Dec 24 2010, 10:33 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Dec 24 2010, 05:04 AM)

*edit* And this is the first time I've ever played a possession-mage, so if anything I do is incomplete/incorrect/just plain wrong, please say so

Only thing I am wondering about is... isn't the spirit now in total control of the body? Or can you still give him commands?
Dec 24 2010, 10:33 AM
Merry Christmas!

Dec 24 2010, 05:29 PM
Merry Christmas to all!
Dec 25 2010, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Dec 24 2010, 06:33 PM)

Only thing I am wondering about is... isn't the spirit now in total control of the body? Or can you still give him commands?
The spirit is in total control, but Ludo is still there, as a "passenger". He can mentally communicate with the spirit, give commands, etc. The Street Magic book "suggests" letting the player control the character as normal, but it's sorta up to the GMs interpretation.
I'm hoping that with my spirit affinity for Earth Spirits, usually there won't be any altercations with the spirit going against Ludo's wishes or best interests. Other spirit types, maybe.
Dec 25 2010, 09:06 AM
Or, perhaps seeing a toxic waste dump affecting Good ol' Mama Earth ...
Please continue to assume that you are in control unless I say otherwise.
Dec 25 2010, 08:24 PM
Twas the day of Christmas and all through the land
Not a parent was sleeping, not a child was being bland
For presents were ripped open with squeals of glee
and kids were all asking, "What did Santa get me?"
The TV was filled with commercials and fanfare
for all of the new and extravagant ware
The house was loud and bustling and busy
and I sat quietly listening to music of beauty
In that moment I did remember
that Christmas isn't meant to make me fatter
nor to line my pockets with interesting loot
Not even to stuff myself with cake made of fruit
No, the reason we celebrate this season
is something of an old fashion notion
That in order for peace in this world to draw nigh
An exemplary and perfect Man had to die
But before death there must be birth
And in that the celebration has worth
To remember this - a story known world-round -
That a babe was born in Bethlehem town
And in THAT reason
we remember and celebrate this season.
Merry Christmas to all!
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